lUE NEWMARKET ERA MAY 5 1865 Wtw AdTrtlMMU- Caimreit W J CkMp Gedt R W4kr k So ApiM ISti liprM Tntla TIb Vtvatrket 4 I tMk bfBpnjmorlpi Era WBirktt FridajXay 6lh iSS9- Th MiM la our obitnirj ol fer M sb llMitrflVIjMTatal fer tb n f muIVT rwa abju iliMmM TU tlr iUpfokaklj OnrCconeotion With Toronto ItflMt iMicrisMvctnade maU OS UM ITTMI lMoTtQieM we af ft tbreKfa ovr wiib Terotto Tbe princ MHM bsTiDf jwt N ftiaM t rra to thti rabjeei fia TA MMMS lavted omriy eatb wbU w betiar art foHj raatad ia Maarliagtbat lb buiiMaa from tbU Ridini did not wapj tb onorl bm daja Tat aa da aAr da dr d It wMty Uagb aloag tb Pariima of ort Miht ba ten ftlled wtlh oar aaito witiMMaa ad jaron Tboat who ar fkrtaaftta u naTar to biT had buim of tbair owa bafora ha eoerta ia TorealA aad Mill Mora fertaaatal aesped tba hia of witsaaMi and jaraaea can bal litla approeiai lha iatanaiaabla edeooo- Maa ftad a0rB00a ezpeoae eonncMad with lititatioa ia Toroata Dvriag tba aaaiiaa jaM otar tba doekat wta fiUcd witb eaaaa raqairiag a wbola daf aad orca mora for eaeb rial Wara bia oar own affair and tba eaaaa atiatiaft ia oar midai wa mKbt and aboold kara to br iba KriTaea wilb nora pbitoaophj bat aa it ia Uioaa wbo ia batr rarioaa oapariliaa bara to attead tba aittiaga of tha is owa tra pat a Iht moat aarioi aad iaaoTaaioea b maaaaoftha aatioa of baaiaeaa ia tboaa eoarta witb wbiflh wa ara totaltj oaiataraatad thawiag bow tbia rjataio workt i maotioa oaaoaaa ofaooM iaportaooa fren tbia koality Began tha Wi araneo CoLin wbieb wa ar iaformad Iho wHnaaa faaa alooa amoualad eontdrat Ifntra thnnlMO WbiU in anothareaaa bre4 dowa bjr lb wnjr rrom aaotbor CooQijr tba witoa faaa antoentad in mora thaa 5p Ia fact lha avptnea of bping a OMO triad io Toronto to to graat aa to aariooaljr impada tba right of jawiea iba poor RMa acarealjr Oariag anntaat bia rigbta bj aorh aipanai maaaa Tbara ara but faw of aa bo hart oat arorj taw Io atraod aaeb ooufia ia aooM eapaeiljr aad ia doiag ao mtil roeoHaet that oot oety to tba iaeen voBMNiea of a Iwig abaaoco fmaa booia Io ba baroa bat alao a dirret tia ktM M tba jarora and witi if raeaiva a aan aaffieiant o e Madfal aspanaaa whila tba t aaira nothifg whatavar Froia aoararaatioat wa bara bad of lata with vary aajoftba NortbRidiag wa ara fkll aatiafiad tbat be people aa- aral ara at leitgtb fall aatltflad of the adraatacaa wbtob wodd aeeraa lbroatb a aaparatioa froaa ToMtato aad tba otbrr Rtdiafi Md oal baitale ia Boriafc atrasKl Md at oaoe ia tbia diraatioa A the wbAloaoM fear tbat wa aboald inear ia m doiag a grrater expeee Iban waald be aooatarbaUaaad by be adra taicea to be aeaared Of tbia however tbare ia ao daoftr We bare toaobad ovawbat already e the czpeaaa aoa- eeiad witb or praaint arraagataeat aad aball ia a fatara iaaoe go fartbar iaio tbe attar wbaa we will dearly deMoaatraie ba aavit jtbat apart fVeai tbe Rreat adraataga aad eoeTeairaoa of tbe tep we aboald aara aetoal aoaajr b eraetisg oaraaWea iate a Cooaty Tba oaaraat poiat of tbe Nortb Ridiag to Toroato ia diataat tpwarda f tweatj iWa tbara- froait aad it doaa tmm aaewbat aboard Ibat we iboald bare to paaa orer tbat twaatj Milaa of aa it ware forciga ter ritocy before laaebiag or obiaf aeat of baaiaeaa Had we a Cooaty Tows of ar ow tboaa wbo bad boaiMaa tbta aoold wftboot drire fro bcir boaaa to towa aad ratara tboae daj It were well alao fw aa to ra tbat wbila ao graat m ampaaae ft aayeadarad tht oar eoaaeotie witb Toroato Iba bardaa will aow fall far mn bearily apoa ma aiaoa Pad bn taaOy daaidad a araet itaalf iato a aepmU Coaaty Oitb- erto aba baa boraa im ahara of tba txpao af Taraato b bow Tort wiil bare aa da tbia ataae Sbaald tbe Riding de- aide tbat it weald ba to oar adraataga to IbUow tba asaapia of Pad ia poiat of aiaataiaaaa aad eaaaoay aew IbllewiBg ia Ifca Iwtalepaeftbeeatareoaatyweeld ba a It ofportaait for briagiag tbe at- ar be6a tba Lagialatara wbiob ooaid kardly tafaoa aa tba prtrilaga tbaa aoaar ad la MOtbar Coaaty aad apptiad for oo gtaaada af aa r Poraaaat ta aatiea tba Aaaaal Moat ing of tbe above Aeaoeiatiaa wee batd la tba HaO aa Pride ataaiag laat tafcdaaoay Ml rory Urga Mr Treat tba Praatdaol it ba abair Mr AUiander tbe Saeralary iftf iba MiMtaa bad baa raod ud eoaSnaod eeMH ibv Annaal Kapt wbieh I nf Mr Jackain aaeondd b r Kirk waa racalrad Soma litile Hiteoaa foHawrf aa h it of rnekiag e diraei afpaal vilUga b an Ad- to ihe poofh draaa or oiberwlae iwtain the InuUuli AMa and graaiar liberality Tba Report ea thn adopted Tbe mMiing tben proeaadad lan of office baarera for iha aneuing eer with lha lollowiag raiull Air R J ACK90II PrttiJmt J J PiaaaoN lai Viet T Kiax 9mH Vice dn A WiLLaoN jrMSacy TVroa CoMMimi Maaara O W I 8 RoiDiaa W M jr A J MflCaacKiMC LocKaao aad W PirrcaLa Mr P F lawm 1 M W DrtotT f Oa motion lha Praaidonl wa ri 4 to vacale the chair an ihe Pioitdaai IO Mr Tram for he effieiaoi aarvi ihachairCarried Moved by Mr E P Irwin aYr b Mr IKkard ihni a rote of ibaii ivon 10 ihoae Udiaa and rilMTHrn iifiadat lha varimia Re Uoioo duriag tha patt veer Crriad vota of Ihanka vaa ao gi Maxandor for hia faithful ear iiaeraiarjr and Traaaurar aod alio to tba othar retinnp oficera ihe maeiing thea adjnare A Kaetiog oftba nal electad aS ra and CAmmiliea will I held at ihi Railroad Hotel ibie Pridy arcQing I 8 oclock to mak arrangoseoia foi oldiag aaoibar Ra Union XditoriaJ Baaaary- A- Wewoald dirootpartwolar atlcn M lo Mr Bamaa advaniaaMMt 4 ham itT hi alhiKf IW aicaaa Ik tlmaa ba hai d icMdt ai prir which aaoat ha aaal Fnxn ika oAea of RuitM asd Re- iada ia tba Hooaa of Aaaoatbl wa aeaivad a oop of ibe Rapon of lha Salavt oo tha Caoadiao Gold Pialda lad Ibe baal rnaaoa of thair dcvalonn abal take aa earl oppofttoii i aataciMoa i We direct aiiaaiioa le Ihe advoniM ani from ibe Loadeo CMamorciat Coltogo A aohalanhip ia ibat Inathottoo for rale at ibia aAee aad aa mono ia an ojael wilb ihip faa be bad reaaooahle Tbe InattiDiMn wa aoderaiand aiaoda da Mtvvlly hib in tbe ealiatlion of ibe pae- pte l Londofl and iboae bo bare atiead- kv baao rrqiMaied u Cenaiiiae of tbe ta ibiivillaca daem i a lha prepoaad frae etM iMtirad lai werk I The Cwmiiiaa ara foi ibe lnhrofnin white iba aditrttoo of a ear apMiati i lha ladiaa aod lUair iMrdaaia haa itniad naeh to Ibe oomlbrt aod faapi af rarcflnt hart hMrd Hi CorrfBjionJtpnrp avnt Albert OmetpoadCBM- 7e JTrrtfVr iSWtay Lrttarr ilm iftif to oitm Shtf Agitation fo a Daiff Mail Monrr ALicitT Ma 1 Wabad beaatifaVweatbrr bare atari all laat wttk aad I aaawa ea it wat birawag del apprtctoiad b tbe famiog oiaail who laraed it Io good aeeoaat podiog ia their arrd Thr art bow r oal ia ibe bngbt of the aeaioa eow d it Witt probabi be two waaka bfoft tha aaijwil bare fiaitbtd aad be ready 0 eajo tbe faw kitara woaki tbat iatr- tea brtwrtta it and barrrtt Tbi atatoa ef real boegb laatiog oal 1 faw wteka aiaat ateeMarily be a plea- at eae to Ihe wtar ealtirator fvf tbe ecdi It to aot oalf raltortd of iba art aad btar tobor of tbe laore boa oioptha aad i tbaa raabWd ladtroia hiaaitcaioa tare bteeliffiag bie boe bet if be act tbe woaderfal eveat iaaog- oratad b iba fall of Ricbaioad bare beta oa tbe tapto ercrjibod attoH aatioaa ta gtt tbe atwr aad ea ail aighta whkk btbcbe to oal throe tttt a wrtk Poat OAee la litrrall eraaia b aa rtprctani crowd Oar rillagt aorrotaJ- aa it to b a tbickl aaiilad coatr i tol of aaftcirat iwAraoet to htTt a dati wi aad it ia pfaiag lo aar ba itaaito tkiak that wa era acvtral dav be biad NawRMrkrt aad olkar railroad vil- Iagt4 in giUiag the atwt Ia tbn ap of it to alaoat aa aardooablt aw o far bbtad Ibt liam aad Iba Alberttra atl tbe iadifait dei- I aad I aa coafideat will rmf Ibe 1 before oog arte if iba rarotattooite tbe cootiata m tbe eiua Wbri aal l bak af it I Tba Britiab ColaaWa aad Catiloraia otwa tbat I will aow get ia NawMrktl a fa n tflar it raapirv will ocitlly bt dajra ia oiag froai tbrre lo Moeni Albtrt Tb to aiort tbaa w eaa toltraie Wt wut to bear of etaia a a ibt bappea If iba PaciCe altfa ibebitaela if the aiaall rawoMt of tbe Soalbara Coarvdarac that to atifl laH boald diaaoire tola aaake and JaCtraoa Davto be eoaipelUd to eiebaage bto pre- drattol ebair for a Wabagtoo aearotd r alee wake iraeka far tba Maticaa ai- pira aad if Ibe people ef ffawaarkrt aad Aarora dicovtr plroUia apnaga before we do at Moaal Albtrl we do aot woot to be for1oibl b aa babiod tbe rait of Ibe world ia fcMwiag rt fomt peopto of Mtiaated aoi I dare aa will ouke reaarkmt we aaed lo be rer wl1 iltoad wilb a weaki aal aod bat a da or twa ia r aawi oat Mke ao pe itM diffrrfaci- lo a away back bert bi iht all bviaboi idta I4a ihtM tf lha do al baioag ta Ibe Mdaigbt ef lb Dark Agra cia ai laatt 6od ao raapaaa rooi lha cirihutioa of tho aiaataeatb ctB lar Wt of btyxea liall a go ahead adraaot witb raforia ia eirtbiBg aar Bolto aad petkpa la limit Iba wildaat atrateb of the iauaagiaa tioa will fall far abort efbe raalil Ibia aga of aaeuspM progrtsaoa ertr daparlattat tbtrt caa bt ao paa to look kack ao wa a prtM oftward kttptM pMt witb tba wbrel of progrta aloog itfaV great palbwi will bt diaappoiaied at tbe aad Bo wt are boood lo bore a rtoi dail Mil oat bel caa ba ralicd oa ha if aaeb aa aehitraaMat to poaaibto ao I ptraaae ia botbariag tbe aatbort will bare ibe dtimd lad We an rra lo ibia baoaae be oae we bari aar irragwtor ttd a paraoa wbo gala lara or paptra b it iboald poaara grral iaal of chriaiiaa forliiadt aad g loag pahaace I do aol m In aa aafibg mere aboal l t for wr all traal a hrgbiar da baa dawdod apM e Nawmrkat I f oCca If be Peat A data bia dal aad gnola a a dail ail all will bt wtll bat if bt data aol prtaiae bim et behalf of oor citisaoa Ibat tba wil iae aacb a babbab araaod bh tara lUi aMle of bto five tbooaead a aar ad raak of ffoa bt wtir pra for bta Wtl York ceaaliiatait t rajtct hia at lha lactiaa Bat I aoil tiop writiag 1 boatd raaeoibtf trta if I bad Iba pra if Williaa II Raotl or Gaorge A 8ato abich I aa aorr aa ia aol be caae lba Edilera waat to pa aoaatbiagatoa their papera btaidoa tbe letUra ft reapoadtala CorrwpOBdoaea from Vaw Maxtoo Tk JomnufXamMs CUfSanto Ft Commcil Crrnw ArkamaaM Aiaer CUmaitSml Fndniwt aad Miuerat Wtnlihkancltr nf Iht ravaltr and ild be Iboogbl raiher aO rra b ibt oaioiliaitd A wttkl alaf lint to ran fraa Kaoau C Mtoaoari It fraif h If ifotibe Pi eeftaaaini rtaea lown offit Dppa M liral lAO nilta nf liltathtdi I ihtir laal doztn Rancbta fonod in ly Tlfoa 15 to Afitr lit wt hart no vatttaiiAn tsrtpi r foar bamlrtd milta Tbe eel e lia ioof pvilt ia Baffalo chip oi lanarfif BaffaloandCaillt Thto good lira hot rtqniioa a liltle k Piom 150 le 250 mHtt ef the iorot ia in Ihe valle ef iht Atkanaaa Rivtr Tht Itr of Ibto rirtr ia vrr modd hoi rtllrra aro comptlltrf lo oat it for dtink- and oeokiitf pofpeata Afttr oroaaing ArkuataMf o m dracf Afitr Mating aa ialo im boid 1 hatda f abetp namberiog iMfia may be aetn fttdint ai intoMmalaecta from everf watering plaot Thtat btrda ma aeoitiiaM b ioaad 900 niloe from an Kaoeboa gaard- td h failbfel ahophonla Soeibaftbe d plain timber aa bt t etaret bet io a ftw to abaadaot bat to ordiaaril of m iaflarior lalii Having paaaai ovtr a diatanca of 00 ilte almoel wiihAoi inbabitanta wt oaat Fen Unio whieb to tbe great aililar ippi dtpM of Ibe aeotb woat Aa aeon ooonir aaaM a aoal pieiBrta4at ipoaraaco Baaiifal valltTa aiHl high ooniaia whote lopa are alaoal alwaa iverod wi h aaow a be aoea ovtr rttra m thto rtfita The otooda appear I real to iHa aidoa of tbtee iBeaDiainaaiid Hare aroma to etpraoa tapeib with ibe tar traveler Bei jrea aa aol be ploaM wilb ibi8ailo of traveliai wt have been going bakwarda Port Unioo like evti oibw Pert or Town ia New ifeiioe vtowtd frnm a litle dtotancr an aittnaivo brtok ard Tbe lb few tvotptiena tbrMtboi art ane aiory hih- bailt el oadrtod briek witb fli iihtboaaae aaltrial abd top- ported by heavrlimberartaiiflgooibetofia cf Ibe walla Tht road from Fort Uoioa Saala Fa la aoffioieail well waiorod i efodo ibmofh I in aboadi lia pa lowoa of 0 ef New Mestoo to very do- parts bat vor varied ew 0 io Ibe a I T he Rio Oraiido I haai of Iht aamia The viaaara aude eablt ef r Mfxteo baa e popoUtMS ef and ia tapabit of aaataioioa Rambtr fha Oold aod re voi itob Bm be pra lai M qaartt rock aad rO apialiliM4e pet boM M to wotk ibtm laeaaaifal lairta of Mtiitaoa loaoalf igooraai aod Tho PaoMo or village Indiana art half vilued bald ibe hftatoao rolioo aod illirale be aoil Tbt like ibo Meii ooiaral beaodariea The cattle ind Ibe ealiivaitd land anftaood Amarkao popalaiina oooiprMiag ba Eoropoao alan ar prineipall oogagod wHb bet little aaaaaa ba lOe praa to Mw brighter Tbe aajeni of ibo poo- pta are ifftwiranc loiolligeaoe and wMb la oooAood to bo few Igaanaoa aad pivti to lha inbeiiianoo of iht waaM atage of a politloal rtvolatioo the real Tlttra ia pibtO nm a Tttntury m tht troablee of be Nortb art wt joat btgiO TI JMfy yhet a it ia oot vet lo roniintaU ao ponri leratopd aabia Millieea of aUop art rotoed tvorv ar boi ibtro la no aathioaiT la operetUo for wtoL Tbt tooka art ailed whh gald ba tbe eepiii gatied Tbe etigiaa iobabiianto la beii ifooraooe have lived btrt ia poveit no keowing ibo rloh previtiooa G baa aadi WJ K A Secret Dieoovered n MdUbrkaywaurMre Sia I am net aoch oatd to wrilinc far Ihe preaa boi inaaaoeb aa I ihiok I nave diaraatr ihe aoctal ef Mr Kaiaoa hama eandidalnre laat eteclioa ar bfi pal hantra parbapa ea will aow ao lo tall of ii aa II ma be aaofol for folare rt rno FttrbM kntwa wbo ng hto icmtdtd in havioR b lirktt vtr adroitl i I time I bolievo neiih- iaioa renoing wiib bi gaattoaanU alliai at Iho aaintnrt tf a to b faraani a htota of nicht la aol Moodf How foratne laii gartiMan I ihaffhl ht kotw aboal aa moh I a eertain fal lawtr wt oatd It havt hara whi aoddtal lt wiibowi dje retard I Ihe fatlit or pitthorio poekataofhia a bard working mtn o i wheela and olearl da the diaioiereattdnai Sod help tbt village wbto ifalli profreat or prtvi bOt I B aa or a ita abom I hava titr aa ta wtai pabliab ii u yoo Yoara ke Ste Nac April 12 1665 P Yoo aaid aeme liae ago ihe Cogo- I bad laketi opllhto alroel baainatabei I anjrtbiag mtfe of it Are AniTileftbo Paranaa F Potirr April 30 I itrantahip Parartoo froa Liver- Pol 00 be SOtb rto Loadooitny oa tba patatd ibia poiot al 1130 a a oo tbt wa lo Qaobtc Har ad rt OOO da totar thaa tbeee of tbe Cii of oadoa at New York Livtaoot A pril 2 1 ta Loodoodtrr Tbe Loodoa aoratog Adrfrtittr aakra aUtroMal ha oo tbe fill of Kichaotd Napoltoa prnpoatd a Iraat bt- Iwtea Bagfaad Bad Praace agaiaat Uaittd io bt treat of aa altaeb oa C la Tha Leodoo Iivln avao t tipreaot bopra ftr be 8oaib ia be atcood act of I war wbiob it Baa ta a boat to to Bacbaaaa Haailtoa iCechiaa ae tat of Glasgow bare aapradad wii liabihltoa to tbe aaowt of 750000 I ei 000000 a oo ba COtb The atraabip Vgto from New York arrirtd at Crookfearta ai 630 a a aad Ibt Ci of Maaebtattr a 920 a 8at of ho I8tb Ma Tbe iaportaat aa ef ibe fall of Rich- lood aad tbe dttlractioo of Lata ara haa caoatd great tieittaral la ibt aarktt r Aatrieaa aacarittoa prtoea baviag a roag apwaid eadaac aad tviaeiag tba eat dtopoaitioa which asiala to b aericaa Goveraaea aad railwar atcari a ao aooa a ptaee aball be rrtablialwd TI Loodoa TSmft of ibo my rar oae moat hope bat If he Soaih aball be do loogor able to cooland wiib iia advaraary by ntoeoa of regular ar ibe llol it will accept ibe arb tratioa of war aod rotora ovoo to a bated politioal ooooeetioo rather than ahod blood to no porpooo bet i to impoeoible ae what deepareto raaIre ma be takaa b men uckder tbe infloanoo of each ihreota aa tbe Nortb baa eooiioDall oi lartd and of Beh lawa aa Cnograeo hae Par tbia roNooo b tbal ibo laodara Ibo ffadiiPNe may con- bring bo araggle n a eloeo if be roally believe thoir miliury power ood and Ibat bo Nortb ma meet hem aa eoiMaorora aboaid oaoot aa boo- earabla foe Ihe Dtily Yrwe regarda bo eonioat virtiioll clooad eo far aa arotiae io tbe lid aro coacoralad aod io tba rapid aelliog away of Loee army it aeoe ouode for hoping thai hero will bo tto iemp at raenlla warfare Tba OIoM oonaidere i probable bat M will reeeb the OMontaloa If at all th a mora baodfol of moo end thai aUboogh aoma tkaa aa alapaa befero all raamaaee to pat dowa et bo ood to De leoa agra Amnl af tha Olty af J be i9tb via Uaaaaatowa oo ibo 30tb arrived toda Tbe fall of Riobnood auaopoliMi al- teetion Efiaet partially raooived per iaed wilb thodeleatorLoou tpraaaata variubly oataatiopba It to loe lo Oraat tbat hia lailit abilitiea abtwld ba roaogaiaed Ho diid igbt it oat oa tbal Uao aad tbe reward m for- titade ia bio at laot Tba Wa alao pan a tribalo to Sber idaa aaa to Lea aad aa ragarda tba fa tare it aare tiaao akao oaa aMr tboprob loaa If Ibo Boath aow prove poworlaw aad daapoadiag ba work of I Nortb wQl ba eaaj Mt If wa bava aow arrivod at tbo oed Ml of a war bit ef tha ajiodtiea to jadge bow daoiaiva the ra at ia Tba Sior ooaaidera tbe RioMod oa- laatroohe aa tbe aod of the ilaralMiden rebellioa bat tbiolta Davia aod Lea will however atteoipt to oarry oo tbdr oarreer a few aootbi looger la tbe Hiaaiaaippi Proviacea Tbe JMfg TVegrapk ioya that it aeea aow beyoad banan probebilily that tbe CooMoraey oao ooaar aa iodtptii olotloo and roaoaroae bare beato di faao devotioo aod deaperale vahnr barilla warfare na proloj the aiaer iee of be Sootb ba oao aoarooly altor tbe detorBioatioo of be Federala Tba Aal aaa adnittiag tbe Tietodeo claimed by the Federala Ibt bt aboat to eoter iato tba real diSealtiee of their taak Tbo Gteb aad Standard are agaiaal ntppoaiag hat Ibt tod of ibt Coordtrat hai coat with Ibt fall of Rirbmood It la aUttd lhe GtodtlOMa Qiet will leare oeerl feor ailliooe atrliag aarplai albadiapol le be Frtoeb Ckaaber ef Daputiea ae amtadaKO lo lit addrra propoaii a paragraph oa Aatrieaa aflain faroartb lo bt Norib Gtgtat Iallotaa OMda ipeteb bigU talogiatic of he Nortbei caotr aod rajmciog that tbe proalarar waa araabed b befall of RichaMd Hi hoagkt he Aaaricaa oogkt ao to hart btto peaerd ortr io ailtoct m tk 9pteck froa Ibt Throat Io bia addrta M Ptllataa waa coaliaaally laltrrapltd b Sotlbtra ampatinaera ia the Chaaber lad wai I coapaltod to deaiat owtag It the aoite Tbt aawodonet rcctired wrafotr volea bel wi III rtjtctd aM proaiati ig froa vetog The addn fiaall voted talira aad preatnttd bt Eaptror wbo raaraod iboaka ia brtof tpttch I to aid tbo Eaporor goea le Algerto eo Ibe 2ilb Fieaeb oftctol daapeiebee repreeeet be Parieatioo of Haitoo aa coatpltte Traoqeillit wu aot agaia diatarbad Madrid aUbb Ibtre wtra raatera Pariaoo tbe 18h of raoewtd trooblra Ihe new Portegatat Mtoielry waa foraatd b ibr Maoato Beedieri Tbe Cyar wai daaprel ill Carioa Hale to tbe oew Uaited Slatea Cooaol Geotral AiriTij of the SootU Niw foftK May 2 Ip Sootia froa tbe 32od ria Qaeeoatowg o baa arrived Tbe atcamobip Aaia bad arrived i aad to Lord Oowloy Britiah Ambaaaador to Paria tbat Bngiaod aod F aooa aboald by toaty offanaive aod daftnaive make ooaaon oaaao and aaiat eaeb otbtr io tbe event of either ao attack oo either Canada or Mexioo Tbe Adveniatr da- the aeheaie bim troata eoqoiry abliog will be made iato of Parliameot iliU atatoment noat betakee for what it ia worth aa it ia aot r lo by aoy other jooroaL The belief io tbe atroggie being over ia be Soatb ocatiotua to atreogtb AtnerieaB aocaritiaa aod tvoa oottoa ara v botyMt and aetive io the great aotioipatioo of peaoa Tbe Armji and Kavj Oaatttt tbtoka it iapoaable tbat orgaoiaod raaiatMce Oao bo proioogod The riMaa thiaka Ibat aoteao the Sootb oooaoaiB lo eater tbo Uaioo tbe end to aa far dtf M aver bot u tbe North abowa evideooe ef liberdily aod aa alav ery ia already bidfattiooi aad vernog 00 ita floal dooaiitbe aaoMjoamal tbtoka roooottliatioa iaAMbi bat ooe what may Enclaad wil aiit tbe iaeoe wilb tbe atcady forbertooe of ntatrala t witb ao earreat wiab for ataady aod orer- ej Uoitadeo to Porta paUiabee r kulPio tbi Tiotoa pTiBg bia voraioa of tbo ftriog iate tbe Niagara aod SaoraaMolo at Liaboo abowiog ibat they were ootirel Uaaeleaa aod aooordiog high praiae to CoaoMdore Craven for bU forbearaooa At tba liae they wore betag ftred at the Portagoeeo Qovaroaoat b iaoaod ao order peraitliag ibetr departarc Tbe eilradiiioa oaaa of Wiodaor tbe faoltiog caabier ef tbo Mrrcaatflo Baok ef New Fork had beea bbre tbe Coart of Qoeeaa Beoob and waa poelpoood for Tbe Ctarwiloh ooaliaaed daageroaaly lalNiea Tbe Ciar paaaed tbroagb Pario en wte for Nioe aad bad a lo eoafarmeo witb Nmleoo Tbe opaoitb Senala ooatiootd be do te oo tbo ooodoet of he Miaiatry ia late diatarbeooe in Madrid Liforpool April 2S- Salco of Oottoa to day twoative tboooaad bake iooiodiag too Ibowod lo apooalalort aod iaportera Market baoyaat with aa advaooo of aad aotoe eeeee taore for Aaerioao Breaaffa qaiot aad ateady Frorio- ieao qoiol aad etoady Loodon April 22 Oooooh 9C 0 91 for aooao lUi 00 Vtra6H0 62 Krio iU 451 JOy Tbo Kiog of tbe Belgiana oa bia rO tara to Broaoala waaaeiiod witb iOaeoa American BeTolntien Ntw ToftK AprU 39Tbe FmU Waahiagtoo aaa tbat it ia at mated that SecMtv Staatoaa order will diamia froaa tbo amtaty aerrioo at loaal fifty Iboaaaod poraooa Tbe lateot adrioaaabow that good proo of oapiamo Jaff Davto and Uggage traia if aot hiaaalf oabtnoli St Lotm April 18 Roporia prorail that a foroa fton aiz to tweive thoao ud rebda oeoapoaiiig raaaaati of Jeff Thoapooaa aad Joe Sbelbya brigadea aro ot Pooaboaloa Arkaaoaa prowling lo iavado Miaaovi A Urge aaabar a people aro laaviag tho iothwe part of tbo State ia ootoaaqaoaoo Tbiao ragi- aeata have beea aoat dowa tho river Tho tfporta aro aadoabtodly oiaQaratad New Touc AprQ 29Tho IZaroWa Waahiagloa ipooial aayi Tbo poet baortaaa etutiaellae Bootba body ahowB tbat he bell did ooch bt bat atriking tbe aotoal odemo prodoood inoMdiate poraiau Tito of tbe aomoa ia tbat bo aost bava died a horrible the braio bdag aotiro asd ooae ooaplote ap to tbo vary moaaat ef d Nearly all tba partlea dimtly Uiplieat- od are aow lo ooatody Paioo tbo Seward aaoBado la a brotb or of tbo BL Albaoo raidar Thtre are aU brothert all lookleea aoddariog- Two wero witb Walkrt ia Niearagaa Edtria Boeib arrived here today aA fur bia brobera body Tbo roqaeat will not be grantod Nxw Toac April S9 Tbo CSrmawT ciaTa Waabingloo apoeial dcapatob aaya that tbe aorrender of Ooa Joboooa to Ooo SberBaa la regarded aa sarkiag be torainatioa of tba war It ia BOt apprehended ba any greatdifically will b eaooanitrod ia diaaraiog tbo reel of tbe iaoargeata Gen Oraat having virtaally oonelodod tbe war will ream o thia eity atd ap ply biaaalf to a redootioe of tbe mlllta hreea The initiatory inaaaaraa have boon al ready takeo for a large cortailDeot of rhTpoiiCT to be adoptad towarda Iba rebda io eivil lile who have not availed thomaelvea of Preaident Lloooloa amaeaty begioa to exoite ateelAB It ia probi kda that they may aeon find it too late t avail theaadvee of la providone LoDiariLLa April 89 Nioe bandrod rebala aarrtodand at Cosiberiasd Gap yaatorday aod ware paroled C April 38 TW ateaaer SuI tana froa New Orltaaa oa bt ertakig ef he 2lirbrrired a Vtckiiwub bei boitofa leAag badi Sbtreaaiatt Hag badI a aad 35 oflktra totl Fadtral boMi Caawbe aad Aaderaoevilto She arrived at Utapbto lait ftiag aad aftrr coaliag proceed aboat two a a Wbeo 7 ailtt op rbt nd laawdtoUl look fire aad the wBltra tdga Of 2106 aeoto ea boerd aot anwe tbaa 700 ired 500 ware rtacatd aod all iw ia Ibt boaHlal Two are Ihrtr btadrtd aaiajered or at tbo Soldtora Heaat LEXtnoToir Kr May 1 105 ofi- oeratiod 1000 meoof Morgaaaold odb id urreodored to Gtooral Hobooo at Moeat J Starling today 1200 rabela aarrtedtrea at otbor poiota to Bob Severd boodred deeertcra from tbe rebd era took tbe aaaeaty oath ao- Koataoky to aow of rebel troopa Catao April 30w Tbe ataaaar Miimttifpi fro New Orleeaa boa arriv- 8bt rtptrla tbat tbt rebtl raa TP16V paatd Ntw Orltaaa ia bread da at a raptd rata diaptojiag the Siara aad Strpta bat after paaiag boieltd tbt rebel fiag Wbta a faw aitoe above Fort St Philip bar caadaaaara got eat ef order aad aht waa dtatroad aad Wewa up Aa far aa kaowB aht had aflictad ao damage wve iltiBf be atograpb liae A portioa of her ci bed arrired at Ntw Orltaaa Tht ramiodttof ftr parta aakaowa Nbw Yoes Ma 3 Tbe Haralfa irrtapoodtot Ma JrlfaraoB Davia rtoMiatd ia DaavilU 6 da oadar be graattal atafiraat wailafitn btar froa I who waa tiptcltd lo reach thai place aod aaake Suaatoa iwrar hia hae ef dfoiee Tte twa of ibt aorreader caae broaghl m b acoata bt wai diibeiiertd I waa kapt aacrrt bewavar ai waa a gieot oiodea StocMowei aore bttwtto Paavilla aad Gretc btre aad fired a the Iraia Ibat earned Davto aad bto cabiaet away I Timet Waabiegtoo apeetol ay la the ftrlbtr program oi tbe prtUaii- mry eiaaaaliooa h to he eaaawaatiet oMpiracr arrata ore ceetiayji baiag Mdt aad tbaa far be boto aimb takea tola caalod will reach atarif 300 Tbt trtol of ibtM coaapirattra will bt caaaeo ed bowerer btfera a aihtar coaatoaioe id if apoa thto beari the aao fecta e broogkt oat tbat have beea diacloaod io he praliamor eiaaiaaliona he aog itede of be plot will aateaiab tba wbato coaotr The Worlda Waabiagtoa apeetol doapatcb aava t It ia Mtriloed tbot Mrtara Seward Staatoa aad Wdlta have iedicaltd a dt- bt relaved ef their raapeelive pert- fdioe M the lat of Jal Tbe two for- atr will probabi bt aoctttdtd b Mtaara C F Auae aM Preatoo Kiag aad tbe laltor by J W Foroe Nbw Teas Ma 9 Tba eteaiBor Gaidiag Sur arrived from New Urleaaa oa tba SOtb aad avaaiah 00 tbe 28ib Tbo dtoiroeieD of bo robe ram Wabb ie oDofirmed She paaod New OrleaiM nader be boev fire of ear war VBoade be Saokawanaa aoDdiag a 2A0 pooad abet throogb bor bowa Oal 000 veeael tbo HMlboeki Lieut CotB- raaoder Chorardo wee ra lo follow wbiob kept clooo apon the reok of tbe Wobb oolil Sa milea below bo oh Tbo robal ram aaw tbe eloopofw8r Ridioaood ready for eotiea aod amed x ho Wobba otBeere aad erew fired ber aeveral plaoee aod fiod ino tbo aiDpe Boaia frem the Hollboek boarded her ood oavad ooa maa abaadoood aaleep board T were niMbla to pot out be flantee from tbo ioflamatable cwiare of Ibo oargo aad fear ef tbe aiploaaon of bt MMmoo The Webb wee armod wib 8 gooa 1 32 poaader aod woe oomaanded b Ueutooenl C W Road foraterl of the oat of tbo Rod Rlvor 00 the 28rdt uoder a flag of rooo for the porpoaa of oegooiaiiag with Col Bpragae Cbiaf of Sttff of G Hopo for tbe aarreader of Gea Kirby Smith aad bto fereo Col SpragM laft Caro on bo gaaboat Laziagtoa tot ho parpoao ef meoitng tbo Gea Hdgoe at tba mooih of Red River lad ibora eaa ba little doobt bat Kirb Sadih baa earreode bto eatira lerea of agr ara tbaao prof fered by Geo Graat to Ooo Loa Tho Laiiogioo aod HodM woro at lae ecooaoto aacborad at tog Poiot a few ailea balow lha oMgtb Red Riv Tbo aerroodor ef be robot BooroUtry Mallory al Peooaaola to ooa fir Eight lOioao of fraaaba had a rived at New Orloaaa to pay oar troopo vao tU way Claibora Alabama haH bn ooropltd by our eevalrv under ianerel Liic aner a vietery over a regitnanl of rebeU oertb of Mouot Ptoaaeat tbe rebela loa ing 10 killed 14 woanded and 22 prlaoe- era 0r loee waa throe killed and Dine wouodod Five baodrad belee of coKoo wero oacoreid Tbo rebel Gen Cbaloaera to reported murdorod io Teau CaiBO MeyS A daepatch bee beee received from Cap Robert Lineola auiing lhat il to hto molbere requet lhat the Oak Ridge Ceoetary it Springfield bo he permeaeai borielplaoe of hto father Thto will be compltod wilb WASHtxcTon Ma 2j raocLAMaTton Whereaa il appAri from evideace ia Ihe Bereaa of Milhtar Jeatiae that lha alrocioaa aerder of the Ule Prtaideal Abrahaa Liacola aad the aiiaapttd aaeaweatioe of Hoa illtoa H Stward Secretar of Slalt dtad coocrrtad aad precared b aad be twrea Jafereoa Dana tote ef Ricbmeed Virgiata aad Jaeab Tboapeee Cltaeai C CU Btvtrl Taakar Gwa N Saadera Wt C Clrary aad elber rebeh aad traitora egaioat the Gorefoaaaat of be iMed Slatea barbeortd ia Caaada aow ibarefera to he aad lha jaeliee ae be doae 1 Aadraw Jekaata Preaidtatof ba Uaird Sara do oirr aad proapt for iba arrtat of the aaid peraoea or either of ibaa wilbia be lioila of be Uaited Slatea at hat tbt cm bt broit to trtol tbe foUowiag nwprda lOO000 for Iba arreat of Jafiaraoa DavMj W5 000 for tbo arreat of Ctoaaeat C Clay i S6000 for tbe arreal of iaceb Tboap tola ot Mtoaoari 35000 for tba t of George N Saadera 25000 for tbe arreat of BarTaekeri aod 10000 for be arreit it Willtoa Clear lale clerk ofCltoMot C Cto The Prevoat Marabd Gatral of he Uaited Sata i dimted pioa of Mid peraoea wilb aotice of Ibt re rewarda e be paaliabrd I 1 hereof 1 hare bereaeo head aad caeatd Ibt atil ef the Udud Slatea it bt aSied Dtat al W city of WariMBgtoo he aeaead da o Ma ta Iba aar of oar Lord oae htaaod eight haadrodaad aiilfire aad of tbe ladepta- dtoct of tbe Uailed Slatea of Aaaerica be eigbi4iath DREW JOHNSON B he Praaidear W HUNTER Acting Secrttar of Sdte Nw Yoss Ma 9 A WMhiagtoB deapetob lo ho Boelen eava Coaaiderabie iaeroef to moBfeeel emongnfiiliary men to know wbatoom- mande will bo iaoieded ia ho eipolition aaa to ahon to ae out frOTt here to eomplelo ibe demolifito of tbe rrballioa b bo oecopatioB of Ibiao U to thouglit probeble ihat eoae ol tho troopa aow maaid heavily about Wah igum aad Alesaadra will be emplcjed for ihto porpoeo Tho vea aa o tba diapoaa rrto ba regarded ae find After lie head aad heart which have beta depodt od in the era medical moieum ia ilia di bad boon removed the eorpoe wa placed io charge of two mea wbo afiar varieoe owvomoeta oaleulat o beik impertinent oorlodt dug a grave io t IhtU epolof glooad clooo to tw Poi hero for eooo yeero falooa Kirled Bootha body waa dt- podtod bore eod tbo eorth over il wa omoocbod aed oarefall ooddod niher gravet of laat iofamotw fdant ba ill eootinoo to kotpli undMorbed oiw til graee hae grown ao thickly that no oao will tvor tbo piece where the aeoaaioa oorpee waa interred from other namdeee grevee aroood It N T MayS Tho Riobaoed ffjk oftbe2Bd toot iteo tbal Mooeby took loavo of bto meo at Salem Faaqtier ooaaty tdliog tboaa lo diebaad and rotara boi that be waa boaad for Tazaa and did a waat tbacn to aooooipoBT him aa it might pot tbdr Aoold t oa tho WaMm Aa eitra of tbe Loedoa Prat laeaed aalarda moraiag givaa tba foOoa tag particelara of an aoctdaol that oeeor rd 00 Ibe Great Weatera rdlwa aboat df a aile waat of Prtoceloo al three clack 00 S OMratag From tbe iaforaatioa we received wt toaro Ibat a heavy cattle tram pwpa b two powerfel eegiae gdag aaat aod aigbt mod gorag waat caae i- mid tbat tha drii law tbe ail aail ceatog aad ebot off etaaa bee aakiog tbo aboek oaocb leoe dieaatroae thaa itoihewiae wooM hove beea ofeolKdoo tbo di firaaaa leaped off the eagaaa aad baa tecaped wib a fur k TW mail traia waa coapoeed of broe r feorpoaeeir cara oae of bach wa aloepiag car wUh baggage aad eiprtaa ir Alibotab tbe paaeoogera wore aacb ehekea aad a few braieod by bo e at 000 waa kiUiad oi fba eadto trda aafitrrtd ccaadar daoaga kaviag racdved tba fell abockof tbo paaatager traio The three aagiaia aad teadtra wrra badly aoMabed aad caltto cara wero Ihrowo 00 op of ooo of ht totoee tod ttodere Sieao twoat hood o7 cBttto aad aeveral boraaa were kRIed aad badi bart Tba wreok 00 tbe boo to npraeeaied aa vary extaadia tbe brekea cara eagiooe teaoara aad doad tk aaktag a aad pictare of raia Oa Ibe aceidaat bocomtog kaewa lo tbe Mlbocitioa immodate proporaliooa wore made or etoariag tba liae aad work- witb lacfcle aad lode woro forwarded I Bamittoo aod Loadoo atalioaa Tbo 4od aadl trato oaaa tbreart doa aboot 1 p m ealorda Soada Il to espocttd bet tbt Iraofc will bo ctoar- od b thto mordog aad Ibat 00 ieUrrap- tieo of be regalar trafto of tbo rood will paper Ibrowa tbe Wamo of Ibo aocidaot opoo Mr Brpoo atatioo aaaater Parto wbo it aap oegloetod to give tbe troctieoe le Iho driver of tbo eatUo ia to aboat aod dl bt ef wa Aa eoqeiry will be ioalitau York aad Pod fiBtm F April is im I The Hoa W B CwiJ Uot of tbe Ceamoo Pteae ynm aa Tho trid of tbe caae of Coeeitoe of fiiacee aad Oatooiaa claded at two oclock thto aftar aalliog ie a vardtot bdag reodaroTCZ plaioiff9100 Ceoooil for tbe plaintiff M C fwl 0 QC Mr a McMicbal aaj Botllbter for tbe defrodaeii tbtRI Caaeroo QC aod Mr D A Sl Thto waa ao aotroa oa a palto afl aoce brotgbt b he plaiatiff it rwl 2500 betes tbt aaoaa of ieaaaiMdl faded witb Ibr dafeodeeU 00 e gHi in Ibt Towmbip of WbitcbordL ilial Biill waa lolall doalra b fir h aoolh of Stptaaber toK I Tta ilf11 rraaLl alttriog lha cmVificalo tad oaa frem 4000 totffiOOO dlw eerlificaie bad brro aigal wo tralca Verdict for Ptoatiff 29fQ Aoetbar Fin at VUfaxs N Apri Tbo Woollen focior oftba HloeJk Simpooo waa deetro b fire laat X a twdvt oclock Tbt factory hS botn ooeopiod ir foor or fia oa Tbo loot will ooMoat to aboi There wea ao iaearaaoo Th doobt tbal ho firo woe tbo wart ofa Inaendtor MvaatB nbab T Collingwood of aee On Thurada laat wbOe a named Parker ee eroodogtbofira oe Mdill oa iho lOth eoaoaoiaif Notuwaaagi bdng ho eely nafiato had from bto propeny he wea Madiil aol a porlioa of bto famil ab forbid him goiog ibrsogb hie farm ae W arould aot allow i an bkm hut ipfeared 10 sko Bt fcotieo of rta frevo 00 hto oion whaa one of Mad famil cndeavorad o toop him aed Ha dill bieadf approoebod with hoiatoadlB of eiriking Parker wHb a attob whf Parhar anilcipaiod by making a hiolr l MediH thia bad Ibo fatd effect bo airtX ing him io tbo abdoeoea Thto li ap peara aeltlod tbe affair for Madiil h bto faai rot 0 tho beoao ew minuloe Ihe onfortoaaie ako a drink of waior wb imrotdiaol ftll dwe aad atpjrod in4Met wee bald beforo Mr Hewvoa and afltr a patieat iaa ef be coeo tbo jar roturaod lof moodao ogaiaet Parker wba arrteted end aoat to dl Tbo ippeor aol lo have beea aaiii or the bod waa eibumod eaordii aaobar inqoeot hdd bo roi of have oo ot board MM LtRooziiB Paiam leoraod yeeterdo ef a preoo Mr- UoMot doiith lhat bao aoebol iateraat A gaallBmaa ia diy qsiee iatiaeto with Ibe family vidtod Mra LieooTo ibiae an lad Mra LiaIo of her da to vwil Sarofa aod 1 teotioo of Mr Liooda ot 000 have aode tbo loor Sho aail lt epeakiftg of the Eoropoea loar a ftw Mfore tbt Praddeet add ia a vary aboald viail tbe Mra Liooeta added ibai aba otraagdff aboat bor baabaad Thai laid abo bad wavor bad aay fta oonatng bim Bat aow abo bad eealiBml that tbara 1 btaog over bim She did aol ke wo live till tba cloee of bfaV She bod doeo OTorytbiaw lo abako aC impreoaioa bat tho poom Thto eoavaratB wu add near aigbt before tbe Praaideaa daalL Iragieally thto proaeotia filM a aorrowi aatioa oaa WI T pabouae or G c of the Now Terfe eboe iba Geaoral Graota bo rtbti gooordad bto borne waa ia iba light afa macid Tho latter wiib bto aaea priooaora of war oe ibo 000 ooliood fortraif whole Sootb iboaM retors toiir gtoaeo aad loyal civil gw aaarywbero iniuied tba Northern Virgiato woold dill lUry low Tbo braakieg ha parole to death UnDad tftataa prefer to briof ikm ondor the diaabilrtiee aad poadttoa il tow dl tbot ooodao ba doao declaro be oSoora aad aaUtora of my aitbaagad aad from their paro A that tbo baooa ordiaary ottiMei eity ootberiiieo torae tborofere gramod l treepe do aot ia tbo eligbtoat roltova them frooi the Itohiut of Caopa iJf OZPOBP Laat ire tbroagb tbe greater port it earMbipa of Bteabetoa filaafardMl Ztra aad tbe ippaaraaoe of tbe M bighl graivmg to tbe Urmm part ol the coaau We boat to ear aeared bo aorfeaaad bet a togly diaappoiatad 00 viaitieg tba lowoabipe ovora thogroood wKbitaaMttoof lad to 00 loog ao to bo wtvtof brooBo Tbe aroMra ia Oxfad wbam wt coovtratd ra iftoita with TBr4 to tbo a Siratfird Bttam A SBUtrf JN DKrAOtr At d Bwaiag of tbe Ptnb Coootv ogator dimljeara waa made aa4 battordvta ba Sheriff afbai r Mr Mederwdl ia a rather He ha a the ao b him oa accoaot of oooroaidat itiagU 65a t aod wbea cdUd ap 00 i tbo troaaorar bo woa to do ao Ht hoa offirrtd i ito pomeat bat it i rll 7 II I weep alood aad drawiog a pboograpb hkaaaaa af Boob froM bar pockoi iba kimad toaarofd iaao A B dbarmom regret to toora tbat a firo e No 38 tb Ooa Tewaabip of 00 Frida eveoieg toot aboot aiaa p m wbtob a bara baleog Wm waa deetrend togdbv all iu aoateota Tbo fire to have ortoiaotod from a dopodted iherem a abo ume tbt fire We toara thoro waa aaraaoe oa tbo baitdiagi