AND NORTH YORK GENERAL INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER GIVK ME TUB UBKRTY TO KSOW TO UTTER 1ND TO ARGUE FREELY iCCORDWO TO CONSCIKNCEADOVfi ALL OTHER LIBERTY NO 12 NEWMARKET C W FRIDAy MAY 5 1865 Hr TEpMS 5150 IN ADVANCK SItitUeif Orctort John T Stokei CaftMl irs T BUhop A Sooi aiCKLATKRH ind StM A BoaUb lVlCTtRSeUr U ChtiefffC BlVlftlATt Moore BAttlTER ChfrT 5 IS9 North Kicbardson Dr Pyne piTiiciKKTr I rrW aay JAy Nt85 Intemtionikl IIFE AMUflANK SOCIETY OF lONOON CiriTAL SurHn KOBSRT M 8MITH fvurh Jtt J ItW lf4J JekD T Stoker CrtYn9lOXKRffUkle AWtitn io tf1 Hector h SalliTan ttnTitlASolieiton la CbAPeery TORONTO 0f ICE m OerrB EaUbcroft Dr BtotUy liHTICU Sarco aol ArfuW James McClnre WB XO17 COTVITAHCeAl td lit Ch TMK Sirwi AartratSih JVir John J lAndy John MeHab B RfllTCR AtlnM7 lleiter CV- eviyAe 04 fiuia Ocrctoc9 t Albert TavMhip IMS T H Tnee BARRlSTKRa4 AltornT Lw8lici Wtl V V B Joy BARBM HMriirMMrAeBU0l markvu RaMf KiITM ewelllp llCO t TOUAH LOCin ARtl8TERt4 Alrar kt Lav 8 r ChiT I T7cvr Ac OINLOP tTfttrr KAUUK iMtrjICim I Bq Petnoa COMVIBOXBR im ilia Qaaaa Raarb AcralferlliaPro- Tiaea tcMuraKaCuapaar OOeaaa Toac Hatthews Maclean paOUCB COJVMHSIOX UERCIlAKTf FRONT STREET TOEONTO ADVANCES marf on FUJUR ti84tV ttOiiSy nVrrKKQt otbr IT Araala Tar Brady rUwi Wl EnHhillt ao4 for KaaikiliM Uil Rataitf Caapaar Earid E SleLtan Co XoHtrtal rr MISSn ljr5 William iirin Sc co fgrtrardioj Genrral AfcuU S6 SI AirMt Jftrfi JTanfMi OEMTS for aala af WSaat FWr Sa0nai Dlrcctorf Jaokson I88CES OF KARRIACE LICENSES MAIN TUtrr RtVrMAIIBKT HALLEN AND WILLSON CIVIL ENGIKEEE8 Nawmarkat The Qneens Hotel Ula Ravara Hauaa XI O rj T IB T 1 1 Rfwinarket Xroa ronadry AllSS it mklsMMaadnlalabrnYro trfaarht FaK 0 60 IDIL NOBTH AMEEICAN HOTEL SOevcmArlco O r CHAS DUELSFORD PtorantroB anlTiH Davison House I IAINST NKWMARKET HE RuriWr rwfrifaWy tl wiik and paWir foall ka Blal a OF QUESTS I 11- ka naT rar hm Dr POBTEB Surgeon Sentisty All apratiaM la aarka1 af aanaiaa- 4rT MM akHlfal Tak iaaaflad la Iba Wai laaaaar and Ifamuitd to fe 9r Ckmfc Mai TmU FIIM Wlik rir CaM Tba kifkMl rnlrad aaa kaukaaatkat vaal flntclaaa arark aaad ap ihiTid L Rogers MD JUUtTM Hospital Kediofti CoUaft VY TictorU HediUege UC THYHICIAN SimiSEON kc MAI5 tTAttT HtWXAftKrr tka HaDrowt Hrrl 2aMrktJary7 IM4 Spencer Spenoer BABRlaTfiUS AND ATT0RNKT8 SOLICITORS toCkwemjr Oaavaywaara ca Adjaiaiartka lrtiiaa Can OAaa Maw ltapill IM4 Dr Marten PHrilClAN Satfaaa and Aarkf fAaaueiauar Um Koral CallaM afPkar- jLM4aaRa1aaai CaWftCAKXBT Jlaarha 3 IM4 JOHN COOK C I Dtamhari I9 Thomatt Albiniion i LI C N S E D A 11 C T 1 0 N K E n i FORIkDIWCnUtofTorkiJPnL JOHN DAVISON Ckarfra Moii KPwmarkM lUlK if- All irdm Promptly Attended Cr patina waalini dwelled 4cka Carrd rpiiy 7-7- t Ikv fica A twa iir rallx kaa b TUOMAS ATKINSON I I jlla pTarad y n IfaitMafkal Bi 176 Bib DtpMitory JtBLEaadTafUnastaraa bakad itja pricaa apal appJkatioa I Sraitk at iha Btkia DapMitary IwarkaiMarS61U CAiupbell Jc louni to R EOBT ADUNQTON IMO no CTB R IS MEDFCIiNK ofthe yariyaf raKrifc S H I L L I RiiTal I cra I lUftaadAa ipiad by 3tf- TlHna rriCR opfoaiia tM IUUaed Uolavj BT- K T I 8 T R Y I AHi 7 19M omcs Vocth Ammima B0UI Xffvwkst C W BRAiron OPMCEJi itaaaaMTill 4ar tka cWf r t J Uarea k 1 a iiaiaHai aa es Omaa At ika raatdaM Hi TWww aa M Alharv UaaeeaetiWeee ka eaeaeha Ct- Mtarla R It4te KaL Apul 7 InU THE KAOAS HOTEL BY JAMKS WOODCOCK UUMn 0 AAMS D D S 99 Atar rrMfaC ff ARTICULAR atiaatioKtivanta Srg and ran aapf ika pftffraalMi wllk Taath Gold VvlraaMd Apparaiti ad aad ika krai liaa fllDnr- ralTMk MMMMlaOalliWroi iM lUkbM whk OonaaMV Oaa Krawamaird tagivcaatiraaalUartian rallan Good MaaralTaMk Bricks cuid lime 300000 BRICKS la aMi Ka aatf a larfv q af a iJfaJ o JalySH to Cbarlea Duraod m EDWARD STEFHENSOIT l tl Mirriage Liecoscii gARR OfnCB Onario Hall TAnrcA Tkird Doof Martk f Kiag 8lrC rafaa 8aptaa 14 Bleyina ft Severs BARRWTER- AUaniaalU8olte4a ta Ckaiiaary 0rycn c OrnnO f Uugton Strttl Auron JOBM BRODie CarpfBter Jiiier OitmcU timothy St NEWMARKET C05TRACT8 lakaa Car dari rOarpatiiaraad Jartaf Wark Brec fail4taKdMktttetraa utf for th4 8 Bliada Been 4e fcc Skap TigifJUreat laUly a tapping Ppr I rwdi tlW NfeW iA OFFICE ROBERT ARNOLD P THIS Batalia Mv Bltad ap Ika Ulaat mj for Ika aawfort and araniMUla i lha Bar aad Lardar baiag wait aop Blank Account Booki JITRTRBCeiVCO a saw aapplj ai OSM XImMUI 1 Ladcara e Meaars Juris ft Edgsr BARHi2TER ATTOKNKTATLAW ia Ckaaar aad Baskrapf Omcaa Ra 19 Tarai DKbtr 9U THE CANAIN PUNCH I THE PICK An It1 ksMfwaa asraaiaad Mk iMkrf Taraa arary Jiawrday Bab criptial favaMaM Pvraalaia Vav Pk Tt JaiiW7 19 If tM CABS- Dr HACKETT HAVHO raiad I llM tka paelica f kU ptetmaiae aa onoalUaiwUaMa OwtaMBta IIMrkalfaii la Ika kaart aoat aarrad UBp Whick aank naWaal aaaa an eirlB Wilk Ika jnrala af ika rnlad Tkaagkl Md Ubata thara ara praff riK Ami ibai aafrMk ftffMi Bora Ky aopla faMai riaaaara ptaaaawkao prfa Wktla tka akUa U tidaa fv Aa Ika vapar alar kaocaaaraa OU lU kW brirki bafera a tkia aiipUd jay ad iroa tlana ilffrctim ia lia aama Oftaa taadr wraaiHiaz Whara ikair rrafrwra awaal ia kaathi Or aiarsal kMaiiaa bioaai Skrinaa kaataa tka aarik aarroaani Sarapk eknira yoar pralaa ara auaatfiaj Ib tka bad kayai Ika taab ITitfraitirp Tha White Hnnter OB THE PIONEERS DAUOnTKR A TALE OF njROBR LIFE t vottld ba itdpoaaibU for me to ie- h9 ilt fear and coaaternalioD that filled lha brU of tba vhUta a cl aa heir Irxiiaa fo wbco that atranx and fell tipoo tbeir caia ia ibc mMit f tb dmdful Molliet Tb vaniboop be battle ttj afld elaab of amt wer habd in ao ioMaot aod an avfal ai- Irac aotonl bat remained aobrokaa aa njatariooa beiojr knowo M th Wbiia Hantar raddaolj appcirvd io tbelr nidat H wort U mom droM r tb akioa of wild Aaiiaak aod bd lb 0 vbita but aa ootiato- u wbaa b nt appeared to Mar- t Teittb aad Uastab Wttnn ibt niKbt of tb ttonn bat 00 Un- arbola be aeemed taller aod tuora gcf- idiag aad bia TOMiboodad oroa eartblj 00 tba itill olt air loalaad 1 to b bald ia bia baad a tomabawk f bicn i ratnng io itiitu aa if about woodorfol ptotoetioo tboa Toocbufad vbaa the bad gireo op all bope Niib- or bd tb7 forgot to aak bloaaiOKa on tbe baad of tbe Wbito Hantar wbo bad ben tbe ioatroneat of Dita aiataie in thi tbeir boor of peril fcr ibej eoald not trni jet belicT that ba u aaoperoani- rar ajteot of tbe aplrit land Afer tbta datj aa perfonned tbty ooaoullod tofatbor aboot the bnt onorae to bo porao aod U waa fiaa raaolred for fear of ofotber attaek from iIm Io diaaa to oommooco tbeir booMvad joor nonevm killed eaw two or ibrte wero aererelj wooodM and bahog boand ap Ibcao aa well aa eireovataoeea vould ibt ooaoieDeod tbeir arch aoatbvard Tbej bovrrer Iral aetred the aar roanding forrat to aeo if thejr erwld find iheirftrance delirerer for the lonirtbe tinbat ialorreoed tbe toore lhoroob- Ir were tbejr oearineed that the White Haovr vaa booian But in tbta the veto entirely onaoeceaafgl for tbe ekacat aer ioj by tha BOonliKbt failed to raroa tho aligbieat ladieatioa of hta prMenoe And an diuppoinled at tbe malt bft oarrjsng with them the 1 hawk ibi bad harried Altawattab a oMCDenlo of tbe adreatora ibej nteooed their wearUowe joainej toward Ibo aetileownt Magfia now fnaod line o relate to ber rraeaera the ator of her mcetiag ith tbe ehieftaia in their own hooae and the manocr in wLieh be carried ker off vitb all nf which mj readcra are ae Qnainled 8bo further told thm that itb tbe exception of making ber walk ooder tbe eat Mark Weoton Bat u tine poaw by and aetltera began l poor into Nnrtb Tork Jamn Wanlwortl waa aniioaa to return and apead at leaai a portion of bia time in the load of hij kdoi tion Aa Mae woald noteooaooi tn ba amrated from her ftihr and ai Ifoward lblon waa all fond oThla old amaaeinent of bacUtt X waa fiaaUj re of perfeot manhood jaolred to pcrmaoenil renme to Tanad Marprtt Wenlwenb ailered AM witd land tboa aatiify all partiea Qnthoirre ery af joy and woW baa baUj ittm they foond hat Hannah Waatoi fatalieg to tiM Boor bad be aot bern jbad been oarrird for aome timeto one 0 Ilawarda anna and otoarlr ihoae yong men wbo bad aatied in co r will for tba tloM baa at laet ar riTtd waa the brief roplj Behold j for Howard Iifata and ibo WMta Han- tor art ooe And joat ai Iba worda fell from bia lipe he lore the muk froo hia faee and oaating aaide hla oatward dtoiralae of tbe aktnaof wild boaotHoward Leigbton all tbo boklth ud tor ela to hia breutM After tba firat eieileoioiit of tbe lerfkl rerelaton wva oter m Macgw lad tufieieatly rreoToied t tako a Mai toward ffrparrd 10 eiplein ki alraaxe oadoet aad aiao hit okjret in aaaaMag b dfgbt 0 of lha Wbiia Yoa kaow bo bega ddrriRc 3fr onh that at tiM lima of year fadara 1 1 B pa- 9 eaeape frmii the Indiai were then engacfd In clearing a farm for iheiDarre ia the forrnt Neither 3Iag gie or Howard eoutd ercr forget tbeii kiadneta when tbe dark elondn were aor roandiDg then and now io tbeir proa parity tber eoaatdered it t plti kfe 1 lelrad tbat tba lodiaa ell aa a duty to oiiabl rtvard than Avpendid mactoD waaioon aflarereeied 00 their own fana aod bera Mr bero and beruina paaed a happy life and aaiiiKM in each otbera toro nerer regral- lod tbat ibey had foraaken tbe ftMina tiona of Ihiladdpbia faabiooaMo Ufa And here belorad by all wbo kw then they lived to a grod old ase and bad tamed diSr I amoaf otbera tbat wliKh red aod b Ibei tha iDdiana bad traatad ber very kindly of ibe 1aliaa coaalry I had been o daripg bar ahott eapiivi and ibat At- iptJtiiaa of ikta kind at Iba lime nf yoai tawallab aa If aabamrd of bia Ireaoherj fatte aad rn retarauig to PkdadclpUa io all that time acrer ooeo came noar foftd that I waa loa lata to reader an ber Tbo Indiana alao bad not upeetaMiaM Tba frwad wbo gara iki od to ba paraaed by the while and ibial iaiclliKroc oa my retara alo tafiroivi folly aeoountod fur tbeir Dct io tiot iM bt jo irare roiag 10 guard J i ji I I load a tbreateniog attitude aa pooiab iba guilty be emd 0 of iba ltd n aad nia faoa why do yoa wbo ro ohildreo of ike aama father tboa uwetjo battlo array lo del tUa fair laadi in blood t Tbe Great Spirit of lb bappy banttag ia angry with yoa loryoa bare aot obeyed bio eommand lo lio in peace nd frieodabip Let tbe Indlaaa go the It waa not ao maeli- ibo worda J Irea aa It waa tbe ti wbieb they wefo delred thi d tbrir liaararo andmada tbaoi mecbaoieallf obey Slowly tba ladiait vbo wet aapertiiioai retired fhni oodfiiet aad tbe twering foraf tbe Wbilo Hunter af makiaga rtg gaaturo took bia daagbiera arm aod toroi with hearta OTerflowine gratlltida tbat tbey apmebed Ibei booaa that afierDooo aod their ihoogbta often reeorred to iboao ooenaa eoaeted there aiooa tbey lait met beaeatb ita aheliering roof Tbo door waa partly flpen and u tbey drew ntar tbey ibooicbt tbey heard a aoiae aa if aome peraon waa log about within Thioklng bow- tbat tbelr cop of dinger waa fall to oreritoing ibey puabed it open aod en 1 b tbe rnyalarioaa ipirit of ihe for aat- tba White Huoter Jameo Went orlb boldly adraniecd into the middli of tbe room aod oonfrooed him witboai iglo feeliog of aaprraliti tbeibitea ti o tba foreat 80 aalooiabod tbeoe foally brave at tfai appariiioo ibai Ibey did r for aome lima bat atood look eaeb other aitk eounteoauoea tbat ramlad ihair iosottboaigbta idiaoa wbo bad rttrtaied beyood tbo Srtlight aaw all Ibia aod aeaisg ai- tbe Wbita Uaotrc dioappear Irmr r the deairo to 0000 mora obtain poa ioo of bia oaptire returoed to Atu tah and areuriog tbe oooporatio ol Mvaral of 1 ia foUowen be mada a oadden ah ioto iba midai of iba white As tbey bad oot yet reooTetad from iba elta of visit of tbo apirit of tba war path tbey ware aotfapated toreaiM ibia aaddao onalaogbt aad it oaemd ar tbowgh aficr ail the ebiefUio woold aoo Mfolly fttrry off hia prita Nearer aal nearer bo earn to tbe ip I where Margarai stood with oaiotraieM trma raady to recatro br aod a wild ery ilready aacapcd tbo lipa of ber father as Attawaitabs eoaoteoaDoa ao blaooed witb terrvr bow gowod wit OBpb as ba roaebed farward lo grsap bar bt ara ba oould do it a tonabawk eatM wbtriiog ibrowgh tbe air from ao bad aod boDTiag itsaif U bis bo fall dod at bar fcac Tha raat of iba lodiaos aooiot Uadar fall aad baUeniif tbat it was by tba baod of ibo Wbita Hooter taroed aad flad taio tbo as Cast ao pOMibK faariog tbay toe oU bo pooiobad bt diaobeyia bio oom Aod tev tW Uttla partr of paooom gatbarad ofoood Jameo Hastwoitk aad bia daogbtar aad fcdlowiog tbeir 1 aasK dom o tbeir koaaa to 1 ibaaka io tlio OiTear of all food Ibr tba rer believed that ha wai but a bomao being aod ba w ifpoaaibleto poMirata the t inythig jva to lansiU anUf aboot two sontbs sow a atraoga idao seised too I tboogbt 1 weold aain 00a of my dia- gtsiaea aed carbape befora ravealiog my self I migbt M abio to reader yoo aome aaiaiaooo and make joa mora villiog to pardon my tong neglMt This plan wm 00 sooner forot tbaa I made arraoga meau lo oarry U oot Oe raaobiag Caa ada I eogagad a foom aod board witb oot of tbo lewar srttlors sod made bim promiso Dot to raraal toy aaocet to toy a aatil toy galaod Hte 1 paaaed Iba greater portioo of the time for I waa oarol to abow myself only afler dark or duriag tbe terrors of a tbaoder storm so t my sppoaraooe woold kove ibe impreaeiae tbat it waa aometbing so- pematoral I bappenad to bear boToro t hand of year intended vtait to tbe Indian myalery tbatlvimij and kaowiog Btiebingof Alt lesbrooded his moretDeota He aW bad attabs admiratioo for yoo I resolTcd to gt reasons for believing that he waslT yoa a timely wamiog tba ooiomas uf tba m again through they lived to a grod old ase and bad the pleainraofrtiag many a lime to Great 8iXit roaoied ter tbeir baaiiiif iMsht eyed ebildrro aod gramlhildren ad lo paoitb i guilty and raward the story that I hava aow ooadaded of good Beirgoaiarally ofaa adfraur- j the myatariooa White Hantar diapoaitioa wiONai la viail pJaei I 0 Now dear raadar my alory ia aodad Together bava wa wiinr atimng aenea io Ibe early history of North York tbat oeeurred over Iwothirda of a eenlary ago Togrtber bava wa wandefwd baek oa ibe awifi witkf of facoy to days tottg siaoafled aod oaogbl a glimpaa of tba danger and privaiiooaof tbe aary ael ilera and I hope tha review baa 001 bci entity onpleaaaat to yoo Seven waary boora have I toiled over my work in bopea ut reaaiving yoar approbation d lh enomroKOt Cd VoJ cnJ loul il f gtmiic j V l P l If Jly Ihe llmaar reroina had 6ntheded ibat tbe ehanga in your worldly proa ber narrative iba firt atraak of light oald cause a eorraeponding ebange in tba eaat revealed be faei that oiorningj ig Mine aa oyowialcadod eooinlaw I waa approaobinv aod tbe little party bail ai enoe replied tbat as proprrty of ahieh ad lo try aad gat tbo reai and refioab t had denty was oot mv ofcgeet io seek nani tbay ao maeb oaadad after iba I ing tba band of your asogbtcr thai 1 lighlaasoilement if pnaeiUe more anzioos lhao ever lo I do rtot bowaver porpnao lo foHow fulfil ihe eagagemeot tbam throuch this tiraaomo journry for My friend Hdicalod Ibis vie of tbe ithiogooiaaed to break tba dull uiooo- roattar aaaariog aM that Margarel tony Wantworth evea if she did not leva me Tbey ooold aot march ss radly as 1 would now gladly aoeept my band for ibe wbQ in puraait of tbe lndia forlaake of a fotaae and a bone Maggie au rely worn oot withbej Althoogb I rejeeted thU Idea as abeard alarm sod despair of lha Isat few d after my loeg soqaaintaooe yet tka per and it was not till tbo sflemooo of Int tioacity witb wbiob it was oooiled following day tbat ibvy eamo ia sight of I ith raiooors I bava ainaa lawo lo be eir boma falss rataad soma feara for 1 oanoet aall h tbey caova ttT iba tiimcoi iba i them deabta in my mM aid I at oooa little party aaparaled each ooa beiau aa j formed iba strange reaolotloo of trying Dua to batten home to rcliavs ika fetrs Magcia to sea if she woald frsaka yoo their frieoda ho a lima of oeed for iba loudsa of my Witb leaia atreamiag from bia eyei home I seed aearoeiy sw luat tbe r- iiee Weotwortb tbankad them for tba j fgU aaaworad my expeetatioos aad uatatkoa ao eharfatly readercd bai I inteooed tba eaxtday to bavaaxplainad Ott boneat and brava pioneers tbat tbey and aaked your forKiteniebad I ootbMa refaaad to iiaeo to hia etprass Ofwj Pbiiadelpbia thst f graliiode declaring tbey bad ooly very oigbi eo boaioeaa tbst Maaaded iona iheir duly Aad so wartnly bid atjr mmedista attaotioo Oa my retaro diig sll sdieu axoept Mr Wcaton be to tho etty foand that yoa bad gooa inpoasible for k Cnlanial American Revolution iNcruN April 27920am MarrGea Dis J lkt Bolk aad Harrald lad frow lb awaiop ra Si I ly Cel Oakei Tba bar Boeik I Kappabjoaack lorcv beb tbey took refage waa aad killed aad iiariolJ WasHiK for b I tbri K M PTAXTON ecrclary of Wsr roK April iTlM Star kai Ika foliowing parlieaiara of ibe cap- lara of Oootk To LieaivaatColoael Baker Special dateeiife of ibe War Deparimaat lo bia adiAiiabty Uaiaed daliofe force sad l tba I6tb New York Oacahy active par iwipatore rk Ika aeisaa of Iba crimaala iba aftaalry awaa a dabt of gratitada fir It aarau ibal a detaekmeat of iba 16tb New Vuk Catalry aaabrie akeat 29 ia Waa drspatobed r m ibia ily ea Viofcday eader ika diiciia wf Cal L I Bakrr daiecuve of tba War Pepailiaefil ia eonaiaad of L Doagb riy aeeompaaicd by oiM af Col Baker flfeera wb9 kilird Baoib aad apteraJ Uarretd one of bis secomplMs sUve Tbe caiairy after Icaviag bare leaded at nna Piaw ia Ike aat aad at naea iarted eat is partail f Uoetb aad Uar reid kafiaf prfioaJy aaccrtaiaed from a coloared maa Ibal lby kad etvd tba for MOO rroceadiag oa tawarda Bowliag Graae ime tbree mte from Tort Royal Lteal had aaed bia Wtib regard to my aecood sppas pobeny wbo wsa la cAmaaad of ooeasioos to savei doriog the eDofliei at tba ntnpniMt- j diaoa vensraoee and be wubed to uka 1 tbeir trail darii all tbat waary day sad j aamed Garrelt aad hrtt wall armed Ibia opportaoity of tbsaking him f r it was prepariog to asa my power for Mag- cavaliy ibea aarroaadd ibe bara With thoogbts like ibaee mnnlag throopb I gia resooa wbes I diMnvtred Ibat yor I MtaaoMd Boolb aad ilarttd ia aar bis miod Jamaa Weotwortb fearleaaly party bad amrod aod wu praparing forjgd ippreacbeid to aknoat where ha stood aod j to attack Fearfol tbat my power might Harrold wa iaclaed si firat to aeeedi iddreesed bim I tail I allowed yoa to oommeooa Ibe bat ib reqsaat bat Boolb arcytod bia rf tie end tbeo sppsarad joat io time to cowardice Booib Ibeo perrmplOily re- tid io voor favoar- I bava lit- 1 e aad ikey made preparo to say be added ouly to jo aMore yoQ daareat Maggia of my ooal order 10 laka Ike ceapiratera alire larable lovato tell yea ibat my beart I lawn galia lebaa doriog tboaal Harrald be appraaeWd ibc ipAcdbia wiUia Siraogo belog tbougb 1 baov pot bo yoa ara 1 have aevertbalasa a plea aot duty lo petfrvrm U is to return yoa i ving my life aod what isfar daar t tt of ay idolised daognter I ly alo add tbat I oow hope von will up tbta stranca mystery snd let me low to whom 1 am indebted for ibeae serrices so ibat my daoghier and I ean ever ramembct yoor aama witb grati ude JaaMa Wealwortb said tbe White 1 Honlrr ia a surtliog ekar aad faouliar Totea la it peasiMs yoa do oec koow me that yoa oaaooi peoetrata this flimay drngaita I Iboagbt yoa woald ai leaat bava reoogoised my Toioa loog sgo Yoa eay tbat I bare woo tba everiaatiog gmita of yoa aad yow daagbfr taay God graat tbat yoa bare spoksa tbe trath sod tbat it will not ba ebat wbaa I tbrow aside my oatward dra aod reveal to yoa vbo 1 am Tbs teaea of tbat Toioa tba straaga Kgbt tbat sboee io ibs deptba of tbae biaek issbiog eyes seemed to swakro nMiBorteo and teol tbtats to mind tbat baioaged to tbe peat aod Macgie alotoat breatblaasiy adraooad to ber fathers side to await tlw reraUtieit Tbat Toioa I I sboold know tl said Mr Weotwortb exdtedly It raealla a ibcaaaad tluogf to ny miod remaitied loeg nootba of sapaniioa aad t yoa if yOa oao oow pardoo my spparaat q bearilamcsaa aad raatora me to tba aamo a piaee io year aSBOtioos tbat 1 ooee ooeo- arm pied vgh tbat 1 koow oot wbat reply Margaret Ai aa ofier waa aboal pliag tbe ireea Weatarortb made to this aod if I did I HarreiUa wris Bojib ircd apon tke sboold basiuta before writlog it down rctaaed MMslika ibis 1 tbiuk ara tba exeln m Srgaat ef tke 16ik Nrw Y ork property of tbeir origioaturs aad ball u ktag Bootb la iba aeek from 00 aaered lo be opaaed to ibe gao of ef wkieb ba dwd ia aboal fov frieoda I may aay bowever thai ose boar later wbea ibey breathag bi sat be wu aakad bad valkad over to Mr- Weatoat every if he bad aaytbag to aay Wa W replied biog bad beea forjpvea and all fento trll my ibal 1 died for ceeo- except Ibe rememberaaea ef tboaa bappv days ia wkieb tbey l Harrold ad ibr body ef Boib were otbers love ooeoaeeiees ef tbe gamy isle Ulle P aia at 8 oclock laat ibat wore to feUow agbi aad rearked tka aavy yaid bere ai Bot bf tiog over a aiy already 1 1 eclock i eieroiag oa board tba loog A few weeks Uur aU tbooajiteamer Jalut S Jdet CapUia H Will eetllers wbo f tbr war party witb their wivee or aeara Modi at the boaas of Jamaa Waal worth to sas bis daagblar M aaited ia marriage to Hovard Leigbtea tbe WbUa U outer A fnr days Uur tbe ikow basey bride sad bridecroom aooom Mr Weatwort started for Tbe alatemeat beretCare ovde that Bowtb bad Hared eae U bn lega b falHag of bia barae proved te be cc Afler be wa ak 1 it waa dnceverad oaa cf ba Wga was Sadly iqymd tad ibat be waa eompel to waar aa old bee sad aa araicbca wbasb bs had wilb bimia tte bora B oth waa aot abnat i oalaek ia IbS itferainr and died aboat 7 odeck Bih bad apofl ka iea some bill ef eteteag btil only ia tmaery aolea ftppeara ikat Botb and HarreM left WaDgtnn logpiber oa Ibe oigbt ef tbe nardtr of PreMdeat Liacls aod paeHl IbroMb looardlewB Md cealalig tl k- tu t Swaa Ptat abicb tbay did aa abovk alalkd Tie maa le Beotbaad Ui AeeempMce hired Ihe boat of ia whk Ikey alreaaed tbe drer wa captared we okderalsod bet iflertvarda aaade bia eaaaae Hbrrold bsa bcsa lodged ik a aecofd ac Bawling Grves sear wiEch plaea Beeth wa iitled is a peat villsge of tbe eapitot of Cjfokaa ceeaty Va oa the read from RkMaead to yredattabaig 45 aoiltaeftbe farmer place aad ia aitvaled a brtile aad beallby rvgioa NtwGRLCANsAarit iCairTS7lb TtU reported tbat Geo Dick Taylor tl bia amy te Gaa Caoby tf farctWe tenaa are graaled Atber blookade raeaer baa rwo bto Gatidatoa tomewbat damaged by aar ges boalit Frira are eatrrlsined of tbe levee break wg froat of Algieia eppoaite New Or- lraa wbere there are asteofiee Gevera saaal paika Tbe river ia vary bigb- A lsre furce is at work aUesglbesiaf Ike Gija Caaby s Mebiii ivad Ihta momtag frotf Medtag tke reargaard ar deradjOMMty fe betas of eotloe te be kuraeJ aad il waa dooe deapila ibe pre Katatflle citiseaa I Nsw Toax April 98 GoV eonlieuea weak and lb aaeeiila- ifa Wing la dull atid be mmaitd hteflj eoiiDned to caatoia fbr bone por Ibaf pr ef a esvere aetloa iSe clr otke war pdocea an eipeo iun hat aoma nf Ihe gold balaocae aeni MB tie Unild Stales V Loaden during a wir for aappoaed groier esfety ill bilrAo buns sgaio snd a oonee 10 lbs preoaiamoD gold nr WiaDtpi aLl Wobiigton April 28 8 p m j fe Itx A fipairh fVom nn Grant dslsd al Raletgd 10 p m Apil aeyat JwlyiMua aiH rendered tbe fe ia ctMifDond ambraoog sU fratn bar to ilialmocbie lo General Sherman 00 basis agreed opdo teiweeo Geo Lee myaeU for lbs army of Nortbara Virgia- Sigaed IS M STANTON See of War Now Teas Aprl 38 The CommereUrk Waablajhon ape del sayk tbat the vaalts of Ihe Formers Back ia iebrBd bare beao o and tbe eoDieeta feuad aodlstarbed A cAbinat masOg toniay eoMidsred iniernilunl likely to ariae from ib eeoeplrscy whleb is allafod to ive eiiiDalve rwrniAeatioai Preeideet Jobneoa wae lewdly ibimid lodsy whils psssisg ibroagb tte diSar is body i ia said baa beeo plse- her h will iNver be seea by mortal eye agafe The apl eayea Pswasyl- tis daUgaiiM beaded by CooMnisskn- sr LewU called nn the Preeideat mak- lag tbe atoet radical adreas jet deliver- 1 Tldi Pretideot replied rrpeatifif a enaelstieti thst the Oonfndarate taed abewil be poWiad aod iba maaaae of speopb f Secretary Mwaxd aod bio aaa are d ing welU I CtciirfiATt April IS Al a pabHe maeiing at Daylon yaeler day it ypa reeolved itwt tbe body of BoMh beitskea to toidoeeaD awl thara ried ofrtciab Tknm W VueMt A 0 uis Aril Ulegram raoelwd by Ihe ouliiary suiboriiiM from New Madrid siya Ibs alaamer Sultsaa iritb SOOO pifoiel prisoaers exploded asd 1400 iiel wera lost I PimtijioT0 Vi AprU 99 lafirnetlo was re bew ible moraiag dial tbeCoaarBWeympelhS- rs ia Caaada ware preperipg fer aseihsr eidM ik frooiiee lowoe ol Ibis Siats Tbe Pedafal and Stale militia aulhoHitea oo th4 aleri aod are folly prepered repel aoy tovaeiea Owrds hsve t eiesmero ia Lake Cbamplaia aad troop bava been erdared I mere expoa fraotier towna nilh4 f tkia diy bate beeo oorti ad 0 taajifteaa fer any imaf HAaO 11 Ml b k wbea It SCAPetTH Times I loakeeperv hit aad if I ever amoaf tbe lailart bo kjaa kkaJc Baiiar duM fbrosgb frigbt ef Deakies Bifl FaMsy beatme baafcrspt PH eis 041 Meslgiaery abaqoalalated McUrdiaawayiikaw p Mat to Petry awoM ia berrert aad mwe to icHaiiMrm SismaL OTbre M at waeeiM 9 SdS ralifiawa of talMiiluia ia Ml of wb 88T era aad 14 184 wemoa IM MoUwaiaehe Madao SMS paMo IeoavriaeAw tbo abaee latkaaJ total