Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 28 Apr 1865, p. 2

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IHE NEWMARKliT ERA APRIL 28 1865 Bev AdvartiMDeaU- lV W Traat I f K epff suu ii dwioi Tnio Tim 77wmrket Mil Mil Mail Ttirrtk Mil Biraftrkt Apnl SStb 166- The kbrfoce of ihcdilor 4trW lh thi k TORONTO DIsrATClI Booth Captured and Shot I HABOLD ALSO CPTUBX IHJEK AND PEEL ASSIZER t ix FiBwiek Widunu in Torosto Toronjo April 27 18C5 Tb igrafb tbiiiFron anotvfe iht B6otb lb k4UtMtor of lyoecla erfikc in MarjteDJ bel in m ii bit cipe ftbof Herald bit ASptiee tikB aivr be bet bca bfovbt le WatbtDgioe aloo b ibc bilf of OAOib L- MaMlAoald ha bn oenmitud by tbe Police Coqrt nf thh Cii to Mai bb riS for btwcS of ihe nenmUty te fiiiinj ot tbe iteatncr ttDrgutH Collinirvwd for aa expeJiiioa agsio be toitcd SutM Tbe rrpnrt U canvot ia Ivn that araMopar oTlhe Ciiy Dnk doiring lake Ibe benefit of a apovdy Bankrapt Aet ha dteitnped for parte snknowp Botoe people are ertiet enotih lo aa there i e fsmale diffioIir in the aSaii 31r James Mnye bte Trranrer lle Towabip efSearbnM waa put hla dial Teeterday for embrtcleaent te fasda of that Masicipality and found pmilfy The Qrand Jury evne intA Court ye- ttday with true bill asaioit W L MaelalJ BinnMt Yan JaeoS Tbiain Canios C Tlay and W V Otaary fir brtiwh nf the neutralilf law U vUi be retnemberrd Clay wai ibe Trea- rT or the St Aibana boyi 8teaDera are baw fyice I Ct and Montreal al to tocbeeler and namilioa Sir Feaviek William ii h pMted tbe Military ehonl yealcrday ad made a apeerb to th erta Horth York A Society The Aixftaal Sprin5bow of the aboTe BitJA held at SfWRiarket oo lait and ennderinc the ciM- bitiofl m for etallione and ball only llneld the attcadaooo cf quite u oiaoy Tbe ibow of home waa eseellent and the enapetitioa in the general purpoee ea nTcr better For animala raised in tbe Coaoty North York may well feel Msi of Heart of Oak fir rabt ovMd by Mr laaao Marntt of N Guil Baabttry and Vouni Robin Hood eiDed by Mr Datid B Tbe fotk loig prtoioaia were awarded JtTMM or riouu Meeen Jamc Sil Frai and Mr I Suaw appoialod Secret The ucetiag wai tbrn addrraacd by Mmhu Grtbata Bond and Arftton aftar hieh the fulloviiig reeolatioa adnpteti Mnred by Mr Ahton- eeended by Mr nendTbt a quantity of the naks rii be aent U Irof Cinrr by a troat WOltllJ ft nlT latino and that tbia defray i1 nceMsry exprn- fur the Mme and aturt that a eommitte of two be ehoeen by thi RKftintf fur tbe parpnae of proec inc ilie Batoriai fiom tbe ground C tVored by Dr Hillary rcondel by lrtent party from Knnikitlen or IVnn- ylvania In inrct the land wltrre Irtro- leum t ujpiaitl t esitarril A of three eofiiiin Mcar lUlliday Ahton and B nd were an- pciateJ to froeare the Xlat aecoftd coniMing of Meaan W Hillary Serieborand Abton were ap pointed to proeore the aervtcM of tbe per on to tcrt the grvunda It w then otorad by M aeeondoI br lr UilUrytbat lee eoiaHni of Mewra Halliday and 0 iraJfui for th parpneo of proearinj uVcriptiona to defray tbe neceeaary ex peoaea of tlir ahore objcet Carried The Aurora Demoiitratloii iai and Aahloi the aitcodance at tl smtioc beU ia Aum ra in romaiemnrathvo of the death of tbe latA Preeideal nf the fniied Btati Abraham Lincola uaaTtHdably erowA out of lut weeka iaeue and faraiah by a curreepondeat prearat oa thtf oecaaio The Rer Mr nRnw addreeaiag tbi itifi taid Clim t Fri niJaWU DfoMkt iTnaa la price Thoaua P Boyatna Canadian Wallaee owflet ta Markbara 2nd prise laaae Marritt of Nonb Gwillimbory Heart of Oak Srd pnia Patrick Haareha of Hbit- aboreh Koyal Oeorj Omml PmrpnH orara lt priie Kobert Perria of Markham Old Coach tan 2ad price David Bor of Eaat iiiilabary Vnani Robia Heod Srd pnie William HiUuf laat Gwiilim- bqry Morjjaa BCIM Jcton Mraen Oeorpe Bf Rnbeit Culrerwell aad Gu Walker Parian lal pnte Cballen oward by Mr Irvintf 2nd prix LiMn owned by Mr T L Haaooek GraJUt prixe 8 Itaoo Sod prix Jatuea Coatee Grt JIM utuUr 2 yearg oJ lit priae North Sta owned by George rlayter 2odpiiaReubcn Pwwell TUe priaee barn been awarded the mevben of tbe eoelaty and frienda prn eeeded to tbe North Aawriean llotrl here t ratnptnoQa diaoer wu prepared and to wbieh anple juatioe wa done Oa iberevovaloftbeelothtbe Fi Clab diaeoation e Flax Caltqra took phea aad oeenpied tbe remainder of tbe afWrsooo Peraooi la whom tsedala vera awarded at the above ahow Uua tbetk oa aad afier Friday Moaey premium will be paid at tbe eloe f tbeaaaftn Toweabip Soeiety Treatorer aboeld raseaber t auke tbeir depoaita by tbe la efMay and tbe Direct on of tbe Voty Society ahoald aboreatesber thai tbeir return aoat be mad on or belre Monday next Peraooa eelhag Conaly 71ekt are likewbe raqoeatad retaraeby tbat data The OlL Bago at Aurora At a pnUie neatiag beld at Mr EU- Hotel Aarora on tbe Zlai fbr tbe porpoae of iaveeiigtting aad bear- iaf report aoaaereiex tba aappoad Oil dtfoovwrie ia thi aeigbborbood it wai preily faiiy daaooatrated that oil ia lo bi Ibgad iatbelooahty H Lv day noder ind impmaivo I We have b lundir re Tliia mibuMer natQe of a larye namb ita nf oar village aid tur lunity bnl the fael i i thai there hiji Treat Anthorof oar beiat V manded to Rejntee with tli rejoiee and weep with Ihem thi and therefore dn we hope that the aplrit prompting otjr aaemblin toclhi leae than a eprit ofehriatian Kympilhy that raeb a apirit oiiht to charaetenio nt on aaeh an oeeaMorvio peraon who rci4rd the dmiea laid down in the wod of God o be bindinp will feel dipoed to deny ind fiiroar part we eory not tbe feeiingt f the man who can aand with worao tbae iotcal indiffertne and not onW approvi the foul act lately prrpetratoi but r ofee in neh a dark and fiendiah deed exultation eimea from lhertV ind neither rcprcMnta the apirit of ehria- nnity or of enmraon humaoity Preju IS then that cliiitin ymptby hai I the iiher prvpred lo hope thai ympothy Thtre are two kindiof iMifiMllon there ia phyiieal oaslfif ind moral an J the one ijnt aa pitiable the other Toi weep with them tbat ccp wo mBl phaae moral linjjieit inl there I nothip degrading or hauil- aiins in the pnMatnn of it Jonathan Uarid the leroe of their a- one of fhom hai aiaii a wbola rarriemt of nppo lenta and the other killed the Ihiliatine f Gath botb wet Homer thai xcQi- te painter of nature ooNaiJer Ulyaaea aa txctllin all men iu wiMlocn yoi repre enta him aa weeping three time 2o lix linne and a presier than theae hed tera nf aympathy with them who were io di tmu Feelini la uae oftho notlcetdia itiona and ornaraeosofhumanity and puaiti ard eulrivatine thia dla- fellui and eoneidei beeility thi atroof toea have been eea to abed tear in IIm aireela of Waahinon in many plaeei nor b tV a mark of wnkaen In tbat great eonntry that at thi hoar flooda of tear ar faHini and whil tbey aeep and bow and pray we qnil oar prayer that God may Ofermle the eveat lor the aeoomplihment of a rorpo to oa lOMrn and anknowa- We regard tbe MKM t0aeicnt tojaaiify tbe irief f today and previoaa day Aa vidual In a very humble ape and i verf little infiurnea for weal o I be aaaMioated or eat down la enl woul l be a deed too dark for tbi iriatian ap of the World the 19th oaiipyia the p J Kraee for the imporuat puai he did ooeapy ta made the viotim of ai aaain it atampa en oar 19th cenQy 1 blot whieb the parity of future igea I aever fully ipe away aad it will prodaoe aboek Ibat will felt ntmoet extremity of tbe ohriatian Aad when tbe aad aewa reacbee I and ii prearnted to oar gracioua Qtieen be we all love eo well w ahoald take it aa a mark oCehrittian avmpathy if a let ter of eoodolenoe were addreed frmo our Sovereifra ho Lerelf la a widow to her day ia parat from from bar ormpaaioa and aeeda tbe favoar of tbi Uod who i tb baaband of Ibe widow aad tb father of tbe fatbeelea Alaal what ehaagee aalioaaliy and aoeially hort week eaa produee We hava dupoaitioa to eulxe tbe late Prvatdeat aor to do or ay anyibiag tbat wontd add to or ditaiaiab fron a tributa of reepeet to departed worth Whatever may be tbe varied optaioaa eoeeermng bia eoorae of proeedore oae tia will ataad forth prooiaMily ia all fature lime aad eternity ia That beba beeti tbe great iaatnimeot in gtriag adeatb blow t- uaa Urery oa Ibe Ataeriean Coat aad redoeing tbeai lo praetioe tbe tretb of iaapiralioa tbat Ood bath mad of one Uuod ail naiioaa of wan to dwell f of tba earth There are trait ia hi eharaetar a a cbriatiaa aad a etateamaa tbat eonead tbeueeli our admiratioQ aad reepeet- By pere- exalted lo tbat poeitioo M did not loee aight f the baad m Ood nor dd be allow other datiea bo aiattar how preanac to iaierfere with bi religion daiira That waa a etrikiag tavtaaea af iLii wbea not loegaM aa latarriew rM rrquectad witb bin oy a peraoa viaitiag mcnta liefore the pcron kneo wlen a aanati informed bin I 5 preciacly the Ireaidcnt woul le eneaceentand hearing a anani from an adjoiuins tmm aa if the Preai denta voice he waa informed that cmy roro fuur till five wa roadiac tle Scripture and Prayi any one diapoaed to ak what waa the m- ert of ifvsidenl LlicoLa power t we iliould point him A diapnrition never relitrona dutlea Aaachriatian reaident he bad very clea eepliona of the dreadful nature of the lapiiam of blood throosh whieb the ouniry waa paain durinR hi admfnia ration and yet aten tbia did not affeci lia unwarerinc course In lita lut ia iniiral addrcaa a dooument brief a i 0 reoord of the kind be fully recogni the auperintendinf powera of Almishty tkid and iu that be atatca that both tbe North and the South bare aafTrd the wuea due to aarery and thai the jadg moRta of the Lord are riehteooa altoaib cr and be alao atatca tbat Ihiwo judg mnta would be rightooo if even every drop of blood drawn with the laab ahoald be paid by another drawn by tbo aword With all Ilia exeelleocca and witb all hit rrliocB however be ia irone and whiU rx 1 L- J Ument hii sannnt but hope that bia mantle ahall fall upon hia aueon r aad that he and all in ofSoe ond B may be directed by divine wladm tbe prraent trjinc eircnniatanee anot aympathite wii predictiena thi ly be made relative to th Kverin of lia of frieadahip binJin Ingelher Great Biiiaia and AoMrica Itallier are iaelined to tbo impreaiion that tboae cbriatiaa aatioaa are lo tak the po fally referrvd to by John the be tb wine of the idat of th Dirii and prove In b ftphty aiiC4 Ajing in of lb earth of the preteh to tbe a Tbo Rev Mr SitplfT adtlaeMiag the aMVlin aaid h did not think it would be judiciooa lo detain them with a length- to hia own ftl j lo ihe oceaajoo required that he should make a few re- natk Ili isaiatloo hid been vtry b4y inee tbe rice He bad aoppoeed to apMar at tbat hi tie honoured aatt bf ila idolixad ch u beinc coniined to iu laal reating lace From Maine to the Paeifio ila mil were Iwwed with the aorrow of eat national bereavement It eharcb I thronged with opiorned tearful faeea hie drapery the cmblemi of ibe aatioaa jrTiof WaaJinpton ita oapitol city wa clothed in eackeloth ita pubKe building reota aad baaioeK 4c were all arioft the asroa aad token of aorrow n booodftd fatiiily ia found there htm rerffd head had been torn from by thn ruthle blow of the unprinei- inarnio We eatch the jre timent and partake of the gen He Mr SbepV dta- OfL 9ptifos A Tbe La- r baa infonaad that poaitira lodieatiMa iIm eiiataneaof pafalaaM hava trm dia verarf at Aororaia tha ooaat ef Totk an propartj of Mtaara Aaaa aw rnaa Oaa M The Ail ia qaiia near tka aar la wbM la ita aalnral ate aad Uban rraan ha roaiHi rrarMrrOMrrweBJrBianlhaa maljrartl it aad aBd it t eaatala M per eaat- ltxed world hvl bR pUcel Abraham Lincoln daring ihe four yeanofhiii incuujbaney aid aa he de- tibi hipreftt ability it wa Mmply impoaaible not lo rercctve that be wa Ihe rijrht maa in tbe ritthi plaee A diatinguUbcd Am divine Rcf Pr HbbarJ in an iddrra before Ihe Wcalcysn Conference leld in Quebec ia prinR bia caiimate of England a illuatrioua Sovereign dafcnbed that peraon a a mMel mcthcr aad a model Qaeeo- lie Mr Sheploy eouM rea hi estimate of the character of the late Mr Lt5C0U lieiter than by reproecqting him u a model man and a model Preaideat He regarded Vrei- lent LifCOtM a a repreaantatire man in the great queatton of Amef icao Slave y and in this reapeet hi eharaeter itaada out ia bold relief However ar dently be may hare deeired a peaoeable Mation of the National trouble or tbe if office be refoa- ntialavery policy order to reach that deaired poinl and ootild not be doabted that to tba anla- goaiam of tbe morbid pro slavery aaati- meal of the tfontb we ar to attribute Mr litcoLXa premature and trarieal end Ia eonclaaioa be Mr Sheey tended that aaeh mewtiag aa the prea did not aompromiae oar ehriatiaa duty oC loyalty to the Britlah Throne n expreeaion of aympathy with a be- d family waa ao diareapcct le ear houaebold 0 an expreaiioa of eon to with a aeiphbosring aatieo wu direpeet to our own eeaalry or tti eompromiae I dolei Sarely ao one eappoaed bat wbea tba Amcrioan of Nw York nd other plaeea depntehed t bplnad Af the eerdfol to the dtalreaiMl operativaa of Lincaabire and other dtslrieta that act wu otte of dialojalty to the Am in Goverament aad bow the mani- itioa of aympathy witb oar An- fellow ebriatiaa ia their terrible be- be Interpreted a aa act of dtaloyalty to the Britiih Qoveeameat he eouM not eepeciv There i a daly of liiyaliy ti oar oomtaoa hamanity which waa forcibly illoatrated by oui lord in ib parable of the Good Ssmari n aad ia tba Canaaeiiifa womaa and farther ia tbe Tiaioa of looter ia reUtioi Cornelia whiab finda expraaaioa ii eh an aemb1y a tbe preaeal aa whleh it were well lor a faithfully lo Newmarket CounoiL Tba above Co8iI tset oo Uoaday eveniog lat Preeeet Meaera Tmt Roadbou od Maradert Oa aiotioB Mr Treat wu ealled to tbe ebair Mia- ale of ptevioo loeeliag read aad eoa- firmed tba ColUalor ibcn praaald tbe naoM of Meaar Janea Allan and W H Bowtn u bi retiea On motioa tbey were aeeptad a aatiafaetory Mr Maredeo preaentad tbo frat report of tbe Fire aad Water Coamittea reoomwend iag tba ragafneai of Mr Cbiatler a aaralakar tbe eaKiaa Report adopted Oa aMioa of Mr Roadbooaa aaeoaded by Mr Maradea it wa rolvad te bold tbo Cotirt of Bevtaioa oa tbe 16ib of May the Clerk to give tba raquiaite aotiae Tbe Coooail thu adljoanitd Birthday Wa ar aatboriMd te atate that tbe Seaa of TaiDperanee of thb village iatead te aalabrata ibe Qaeao Btitbday by having a taamae aad Soiree ia tbe Meebaaiea Uall doriag tba aftemooo Tbe Ilall baa baea engaged hy Ihem for ibe whole day A now aad pieuing Miore la the dye feativitMa i that th9 pvrpoee riioit e free eeterlala In the 8abbalh ehildtan of the village in tbe eveaiag Twn dete- from ecb of the Sabbath flahoola invited to woet with the Temporaaec Committee at Mr KocH D Rooti reaideaod oa Monday evening next tbe lat proximo at 6 eelgok liook oi UiiU Bala Register Apflt Mr Nawma try Ibe Ihll Nawmaikal ha r Futnher viug from II at 10 oeiock a re Tboaaa At- Paniea having lhair aale billa printed C Board Ceurl Houaa Editoai Somtaary- Remerr tbe anqoal meeting of ehanimIoatJtela Ikia avaaief to tha at of iba Halt KvMjr riMiahar feal rvat ia tbe aoeoM af Uia laatitat aliaaki etnebpr ty- w ttaoiion loth aale of Fur- by Mr Davteaand which laay be examined ibia afteraoon by ioienJ log porcbaaar Mot of it ia new and rmbiaeea artielea ef ih lateai deaigna in iMBaefarnifhing AaMr Davi ia aboat removing freat the loeality as tha whole nuit be aoM it will aSord a favourabla ppAinoity to petaona ia want of Furbiture 0 make ptirehaa Oor Aorora coffaapondenia letter at week till not reaeh oa nntil loo late for inaeiiion The aobjact mailer ef it will eatcalyaoiwerforibiaweakaiaase We tie aotty it did not reoh oa ia time Vo enfreapoodeooe baa leaeb aa u yat bia wMk Hialofieoa baa famiahod na a teller Aurora pointing ool and adminiatar- ng a aevete catigaiion to a noted Sowhern lympaihifor ef Aarora but it ia rather peraonal for ptiblieatioo and making leo leh of the a htm aeiln aaeetl I Urnaof taly A Giiioee Gnide pabliahed by Mr Beoxii and laaoet at thia OlBoa baa ily been printed fur Ihe Village of nd LanJiag The nublie abeoldex t if lhay detii whioh ledo b rality A Bnaiana Guide Sbaron iblihed and printer hy ih aaW perilaa ill be iiaoed early ijfxi weak In which lenlion ia a tao direct ad Dpnd npen it laineaa man who advertiaa ate not afraid enter into oompeiition wiih iheir mer- lancixe and aueh honaeaare gaaarallf a beai at wbiob lo make parrbaaea We ake ibiaremarkfnHB practical experianee ianling over manj yeara ofoarefal ob- Cnrrfsjiflnknrf If mint Albart Correxpoadenoe t waa with feeling of regret tliat It aeamad teebof b for belief ibat ia thilb middle of e nineirenih eeninry in a land that that a deed tik thia ooald be perpetrated iibeai a caaae and that a man ooold be found to raiae bia hartU againai lb Mfe ef biatory will joaily call ibe Lib- ver bafalien their unhappy oeoatryj i nalten wai longer ier aad hearlrettding tban waa ever heard be font hu riven froe tbe kogth and breadih if ile land oaiiiag lon the vengeaaee ef ijeaiGed on ibe perpeiiatoia of tbte eel norder A aympwbisiDg woild lao who laa jaat loaioed te appreetal bia worib of eivfiixailon andwhan bi Dnaral dirce aball have been waited aoioaa Kinda of jf and ad tlM bala ol eiiy and mirth will be bung with eypreei do honor le tbe meaiory oi AAeticai Wbaimrew aad deapair Will againover- whelm the bearu ef tba oar millMoa ol blarka wbam bia deerea raiead fn tbi degredalioo ef alavery te tba niak of fcae eu tbey will tremble leat tbeir foand liberty boagbt at ibeaaefifieaefAf life Will be bet a ibdow aad death koell of amanoipatioo will b ed rem Linoelna tmalx Tbia b can aevr be Th fiat hu gone forth the galling y taiibly PW f laeil ferth ibeiteeiaeof emancipatioB tbat wu to peiferm grealeM aoeial revalatioA eoetOed ia worlda btatory aad ibia lae io Hm da aet boar el the Kepsblio when the Seetb- era leadere were atrayiageounlleaa am againat bia and nr ibreaia ef veageai reacbad bim from Iraitata nearly a nan reea and quit raalignaai ever Nartb Bel ba renuined firm tben i a and bwtwy anerriog ive hi 11 beaer aod f4ae good aad great beaer aodai hu Caoaila abown bar fiieiidabij ihaa baa prevod Ibe aaeeiiioB fa be made in Narthetn prioia tbal or great naitonal pulo beaia in ania wiib Meatbern iraaaon And ibna while w are bat doiag nqr doty ia alMWing 10 Ihe araild Iuai t fully appreeiate lb great Im it baa bwai lo tlncolna lMb we are alaedniag oh boiirfa wxiaading fiora Qtebeo te Deiro h a glorieoa oeuaa and whoae ad tration of poWie aBaiia will fill tba brigbeal io Ameriean HInary LONGIMANUS foreign k CnlBnial AniT4l of tha City ot Waahiogtoa The tnman alvaraahip City of Wubinr ion whieb left Uvarpool at aoon oa th I2ih and Qneenatown oe iba 19ib inal ai rived beretfrnifht Metbodme adVkea of Febroaiy 23 dea thetnoblea betaen ihe Government an rebel to rvpair wm granted I Ml en Ihe alip and tha work preeaei On the 13tb of February bowevar waitant wa lamed or anaat leeet alleged u i in Ibe lxiroudfl iha Briii allow Iha ahould ibeo taaoed rk rong police foroe the order carried out and to enforce irality Snbaeqoeniiy all peiaana who I illegally Joined tba crew were remov- from Ihe vaaael end Ih repair allowed ireeaed Tbe abip would be ordered lo re pert al the eailieai dale Coaaider i bad a I lb affai from Aliiva aay that a viiil tb Cmperor to ibsl cokny wu aliti cei Mderad probable aoKt A lelegaa from Rome uyt H ia eeied that ibe Coal De wi thartif be Withdraw from R an ll Fraooe oely b rvprHid by Secretary of Iagalio oaiil Ibe dfteallie ol Home ara aeltled rid tbae beretofoi Meboarn4 The French Chambei KhicoiMMilr jienV fceic d46oob MKoagerenergaticaily rpeliJ ibi lUted Ob tbe eveniag of lb 13th an aaMmbtag ia tbe elreet wu auddeal diaperaed by a volley of maaketry The troops fired right and left M Neva who wai going to the Caaiae wa kiRed Aaolber geotlemia who waa woaaded died ia a few ninetea iome other pervoi war killed aad fifteea woueded eon more or leae aerioatly There was i paoVoeatiea givea oa tbe part of Ibe peo pie Tbe cavair cbarg tbroogh tbe treta and eaed labre Livnroot Apeil 15 Oar hava been cloMd aioce tbe ISib foribe Good Friday holiday fbere baa baao p corn market aii tbe City of WaahiM aailed BreadituSt ara aed tVy except tour whieb ia heavy Proriifu qaiet aad ateady Palroliam firm at 2 Td for refiaed other rliele unebangod American BevolotioD umbek or lees FAKOLID AEICT rUNKRAL COkTKOI IN HXW 1 MACON CAFTTJBEDIl Sbarmas again Kovlag Nmw Yots April 31 Tbe peroliag of Leaarny wi plated en Ihe 13tb Tbe oflcial report owa Ibe moo 1 6 11 5139 pieei lUery 71 aUad of colore aad 15018 1100 wagg Frant and Ib r Bfralttt Pari correi peodeat ind ctaimad that Franca miaiiler ia Loadon bat atiict nQialtty and thi 1 atgnvd decUriag tbe Mexican Empti ge indicate a derire lor elapaiag aod tbal abdie bciogeem le He maiatained lhat tbe United iaie lad no ntereat in annexing MexieoTepo fiMmed the diaeppoiated portaal expectatioaa Hil recogoilioo by tbe Unitad State ad tbe eappart of the Pope aod Mexicaa eetgy Aa coofirna r lot tbe French Fiag remaiaTng a tieo of Uit refort it ia tatd tbat Mali Mexioo ailtao baa relraclad ibe rennacMtioa of hia a rajeotod family right le tb throae ef Aaatna erpoo April 12 mad before leaviag EBrepe Th nms Spaaiab Fort correapoadeat la Wheel heavy and lufedei Th Tirr iUr M boifvi 10 fly pubiiabe a Utter ft 03ullivantlale Amaiiraa Miniaier lo P legal eoDcWiiog the aflair of ibe Niagi td SaocamAnto 1 Llabon He refoieat tea ibt ibaa waa any backing down 10 part o Povtdgal aad aaaena ibat ll oveinmonl aell wih animpaachal iniiyand propriety tbioogho erate loan bad alightly The Tflaea aaya effo led tbat vaaaala t bad nol moob affect improvei white iba Caufad- loed nmng It n rpor- g from Pru if tbe b detei of Kiel The King had aummooad Marqeia ibePalac ArriTaJ of tbo Afrtoa- IStb Queenelowa oa tbe l6tb arrived hero at clock Ibia ereaiag witb 57 paaeeagera hi port aad 52 for Boatoa Har dam ar three dey later ibaa the Iready raeaived Tbe aewe of tbe fall of fUebmoad created iaieaaa excilemeat in Seglend arrived loo let te adtait of tbe paper gescnily comaatieg oe it ted a meal of Iba markets bad cloaed from tbe I3lh lo tbe 17th the effect rf tbe wa caeaol ba fall developed aald tbey opca TW Loadoa Psty Kem lay Ihtt a army of Virgiaia 0 log deaBcd ia- Kibia tbe pn tbe hope tba ceater Ibe citadel of Ibe Coafederaey bu beea ily beaiea bat aballered Tbe goeeraaHat ia ow vagraal aad fegiliva Ricbmoad wbei aya Tbera of Mobita 315 gui Fort bid TU Coofederate goBboati etcapcd ep the river bat Iby will be either captured er deatroyed- There were five wf Ihem four of fthicb were iroocUda Oor loae iaaboal 1100 Tb Coafederate loae ia kilid aad woandod ia aot teaa lhaa 2000 Tbe morwng papera ara utterly devoid lixadocartxiu arxt 07 tbk 1 PoroMac April 17 Tbe aoaoaaeemeai of ibe aaeaaaiaatioti of Mr Liocolo Mir- Seward aod lila aoa tbe utmoit aorroiT Every lo Ibink it tbe greatest ealami poaibly have happeeed t at thia time Sboalil tb aaiaaeiaa be lamed over te tbe army to be dealt with tbeir peoiabmeBt woeld be twdi aod aero aod auch aa te strike terror to tbe baart of any aympa Ibixar with treaaoa ia tbe Uaited State N Yots April 38 Tha Tribooe laaroa from a puieo- ger from Cbarlaetoii Ibet just ea thi diiim Tbe imbui Iryc rard Macon Tha rebela ei fueed to go out to meet them Tbe Auguata Cofijiffufoiiiiat of the 13th aaya Jeff Oevia has gooa eiihari Tbe Lake City Floride Columbian nouncM thai Governor Milton of Flonda haa commiiiad euiekle by abool- iog biraeelf witb a pistol Khosvilli April 24 ing the trophies of Qa neml Stoe expedition era 12 battle flaga and bannera and one old United fiag loond in tbe hotiea ef a loyal eilixQ ai SalUbo ry Tha famotu pe wber many unforlu- ite Jalon prieonera their lives ry waa burned lo lb groeod A few Uoled Staiee prieonor ware fUDd keletofie of tbeir former o Almost 11 of Ihem died on thair wey to ille They preferrad to die under the Stare aod StripM to being lel io Ibe loaihaoma hoapitala of Sallabury BuirrALo April 24 Seow r ou Satorday bight and ibis morning bul mailed immediately- Weather cold aad S of lOd Ploreoea 1 iH0 balaa of c MO 7 locooMtivee 43 paertgr ear i brougbl ia 2 500 liberated alavae WaaHiHCTon April 23 lafoeaaliea from the beadqaartereef th Army of tbe Potom I ibe 20lb a vra aet oa fir by gecete Tbal tbe Confederate foegbt wt thall ita eld lenaeiiy aad dan from Goldabero who UId Ibat Jobntleaa army wa comfhrlly demoralixed aiaee hearieg of Leas eerraeder aod tbat Joba- ito dared aot riak a battle Ue alee re ported tbat overtaro bad beee OMde for a aarraader Th 9th eetpe ar relieved tnm gaard- iag tba Seulbaide road aad ordarad to WaabiiOB Tbeir plM ia to ba takea by the 5ih eorpa Tbe 6lb and 3ad eeepa have aa yet re ceived ao order bat are boariy expected te be eeat o aoma prominent poet Wedoeday wu obaerved u a day of moaraiag la the army labor baiag aaapead- Niag wu lkad of ia aamp amoag regard to tbe terrible tra degy wbila all tbeir eyoipelby is with the bereaved family af tba deeeaaad WAsaixoTOit April 32 Praaideiii JebnMO bu removed hia qoarten frosi bia hotel to the raaidiooa baa baea brokea of the Hoo Samajpl iloop o B St who u wa bav odea beaa i Uf Hooper U aly with tb fanaral piop of lU Nortbr I 00 of tha Uu Premdent i tbe tba White Davi begaa ih war by deelarieg eoin be weold carrv it where food for tbe torch i x Ulnea to wailed Soaibern armiee ia popolatsd Hoae She ia mora oompoaed hewevar lilt bat Ib tumpt to bara Nw York 1 and b nndeddod whaiber to ratom to ttdiag ia aotbiog bal an excatoo wbil bis borrowed eepilol in fiaoMi aod deeamMd Tbe morning Afvertisgr aaya tb futbar circvmataoca ad coeecqaeocea of tbie heavy blow will be looked for with ixiety aa tbe eloaa of tba war or ioa of a rtew aad widespread onfliet of eakaewn daiatioa maf Sfrag from ibe aoefiict Other papers are eileat aa yet apoo tbe Tbe Loadoa Timet haa aa editorial re retting that the people of Melboere tbeald have dapTad ao mach aympathy With tbe crew of tbe Sheaaadoab who ware engaged ia Iba dealractioa of ahip enmBg apoB arrandi of petce to tbw Albaaa rald rtiitoi Tbe debate oa tbe lialtaa portioa of tbe addrea wa progreaaiag ia tiw cbambei M Thiers declared bitaaetf adverae tbe aaily ef Italy ia wbwb ba my tbara ia danger aad no aaliltly ta Frac Ua defetidcd Ibe ael Bi t aad favoar ed aa alliaeWwitb Aaatria Tba debate IIllBOta WAamiiOTOM 4pril 24 Praaideol Johneoo bv appointed Tharaday the35lh of May next le be obeervad wherever ia tba Unitad Stataa Iba flag of tba eoaotry may ba raepaeled a day of bumiliatioo end nouroiBg Ntw Tots April 24 Boaioeaa in tbia ty wa gaiMrally auapeoded oo tbe arrival of tha fooeral Broadway wu crammed by poople anxioaa to witaeea iba funeral car and tba aeoompanyiog The utrooat qaiat prevailed on tba route and the dee maeaea romainad unoaveted aa tba proeeaeioo alowly waod- ed iu way lo the Ciiy Hall Tha heerae whieb wu drawn by aii horaae on arriving In front ef tba City Hall wa rliad of tba cofBo by eight eoldiere who coavayoil it lo tba Gerar One tboaeaad eiogera aaog ful dirge aa It waa borne to ila raiiag plaeo Tba appaaraaeae of iba daad Pradnl bar no nirk of pja bat the eyaa ar Bookon tb fiwo aomawbat diaeolourad and aallow abeot tha lower part aid dark around tba eyaa and ebaaki nod Ih lip ofWr Tbe remaiaa will no again be etixw ed te view uaiil tbeir arrival ai SMng fiaid Immenee crowde numbering many thouaatide are in opportilly to view fo tb laal linia lite face of Aerfthain Ltneela Naw Yoax April Th PotCt Whing apacial eys JeCrnavla waa al iirlUireagh N C durin J tti eonfereoco beiwoan Shermaii Jobaatoo aod Hreckartdg Waa HxratrMKNT Waabington April 24 2 pi To Gen Dit A dwpetch from Sherman statee tbel WilauQ held Macon on the 20ih with Powell Cobb G W Smith end other prioers but ihy claimed the benefit of the ermiatiea and b llgrphd to m through the rebel line for order 1 afiwrd hirn thai he may draw of Macon and hold hie oommand for furlhor orderw unleea be bea raeeon lo believe tba rela ar changiog Ibe Mtatus Thie depertmani hu informatioQ tl the Praeideute murder waa organized Canada aod approved at Ricbmond One of Ibo aaaaaiina bow in pi lempted to kill Mr Seward if beliav- lo ba 00 ef the St Albao raider Sigaed E M STANTON See of War Naw Yoftc April 34 Lata Savanoab pepare aay lhal ths we of Leae eurrender paaead over Ihe telegrepb line at Mill O oo Wed leedey tb I3tb knd wu hiM by many ich ailroad btwo Maeon end Col- ae eut th am dy by our eav mg from Dalton aad goiog to- Hanry h m Meadvill Jun laal BotKb Ma on piMifJ with Itw diemund ring th f criptioo Ab Liricutn rrgretcrtn ihim handwil alofbl fritda 1 dilTwai occupied th imi Niw Yon April 2 TW spacia ay the reatrictiooe on A Richmond hava been reasevej Advlcee from RieUaond Governor Plerriont will probably iSe loyal legialatur by tbe let It ta believed tbat if Jobfiiloa ij tioeoopitional nrrender he caaaetii Several Confoderat oflean ra go Soath hava taken the oatb Tha following ia Genral dr aonouncing tb aai IlBAowAaTsaa HiUTAsr Tif Mteeiaairri In ib igh April 17 Special field Th General Cos la with pain and aor jet al the iblr ii city hi xccllanoy tba Pi Uoiiad Suiaa Abraham aaaaaainetad by one who utbaead motto of Virginia tth aaoM Seretery of Stale Mr Sew ng from a brokao arm eiabbcd by aBihr modrr i bou bal will aurvive aiKl bi ouodad it ia auppoaed fatally evd by pronB capable of ji other high officer war earn fnt Tbu U my dpairng of taaetlng I tool lr geooral doae ao4 lo iafer lhal tW ia uoiveraal I we that tb great maee of the C le armjr would aeor I but he belwvaitt legillm uancee of rwballiBg BgalBat i awibority Wa hav out arary hich this war hu aeeumed aid now be prepared for ll in lU ehapa ibal ef ataaaina a I bul woe UBio the people a ixpend tbeir wild paeeiorta i ault e here on 8 Liaeolo it wu propoaed to invite tbe General of Canada aod othi high oKciala of the priadpal Cndii CHATTAKOoaA Agril 24 Tba Cbattaaonga baa rebel awa efthe movamania of Gen Wilaon p to tb 30ih Wat Poiitt Columbae aod Griffin and it le believed Mecon have lallen inu Tbo Confederate General kllUd and 142 man oapiurad at Point bridgaa tba railroad dpol 1000 rabala ware eaplured in Colum la aad paroled Governor Browa of Gaorgia baa called out all th nuliti bicn tbe e of 10 aid 60 for ibe defence of tbe On the 19h inel a body ef reidar ire on ib Wi Point and Allante Railroad 40 milee eouth of Atlanta General Wilaon appeared to be bd By orderofMaj WTS L M DAYTON Maj aadA A epeial to tbe Tim Ingion April 35 aaya Sosae ho It ia alleged alion ol Sacraiary Saaj Yeaterday ii wu diter priaonar altemped lo take bia i by bulling he heed egai walla of hie prieon It a be bad baeten his baad almoet iota ly aod wu bleeding profusalrd wae prepared for bim paddd u and faatanad eocaraly upon hia hw hands secured ao ibM he farther injury ing lo Uw e tah ward probably lot Savi Tha rebel pepere give ao daiea Tba Atlanu paper kiMw of thou eaaainatlon of Linote but makano eon inia upon It Thoy denyjbe nrroder of Generel aaa army and uy thai it wa all right I tha 15th ioataal aod that Grant luet SUOO flMO in the kelll of Amelia Coart Hooee Wab DBraBTMRirr Wuhiogtoo April 34 1035 pm To Gen Dix A dpatcb haa jaei been racaivad by thi Dpartmaoi from Geo Grant dated Raleigh 9 a m April 34 Ha say reached here tbia morning aad dO livered to Oeneral Sherman ib reply to hie negoeiatiooa with Johneloe word waa Immediaialy aenl lo Johnaloo termi- neting the irtKa aod information tbi M STANTOV See of War Nkw Yobk April 35 It i aid tbe exehattge of 1000 Uni aoldiere at Dariea Ga whieb it la anp poaed has taken place by ibie t laeva acereely any more of ou the hawde of the rebels whil there elill tbe handeof tba Govemmeai 60u00 or 70000 rebel troope beaids tboae parolled audar tb lerma of Lee The Herald Wubington peii Mjre Preaideni Juhnaoa regarda it of tha ulmoet importane thai Secretary Seward enaina in tbe Cablnai Tha Tribunea Waeblogtoo apectal uye it ie tbe opinion of a well informed gentleman there lhat Jeff Devia will be able to reorganixe a force of about 40- 000 troop in Texaa with whieb he will move into Mxieo in th vnl ef being eeead by Union rmiee The Mexicsn UiniUr had a very lengthy aad it i said moet imporUBi Btviaw yth the Preaident to- day Gao Ortega bee bao enl for end ii I th way hare from St Loui ffii rival ia huriy expected a clrcum ataace imparling addiiioiM importapci tedeye audiaoca Tba Tribune uya Prom a ganti- an raeenily arrived from navaaoah we learn lhat urioaa bul oautioutly gvarded appreheaeiorie axiat there of en inearrec- lioa acaoBg tha alavae It ia aaid that large daposiu of arme have been fotiodi and tbat aevaral eagroe h or lbr ia bet ene dr tbo Aaoaasieattaa vw i rCUaagv Pml AprU 0 J Mr William J Hawk f wbe midea at N 255 Slal a ived a letter from bi 90 Uaiq ember ef La4ra Kvaaee ompasr who wra playiaf O laaia al Forda Ibeatr lagloa on lb aighi of the k He givn Bw act ia aaattiaatioB aad lb t I peraMtied le peblieb Iba t la fallows WAawijiuTOii J Tbia ia Ibe first opporta eyeaa tbB der Pridt ea Frid 1 I bav b ia caatedy i oa af ihe prieeipal i that aad allair beiac the oaly ee stage at the liise of tbe fatal 4 r Aa Traacbard 1 I Tbeeldhdyt jaat geae off lb Biage aad I ieg her exit apeeeb wbea tba sf I ivraed looked a a aeixa tba fiag ee ib ataff aad jaof i aUge He etipped wbea be siaga ImI got bia fwt ia i braadiabed a Urge keifs eajio Soelb aball be fre I tard tb direetioa 1 aloed aad 1 im a Joba Wiike Btb arda aw aad I ateiag tbe kail wu lb oe b wu afte ran Uga aad ap a figbt ef ra Ita eap eat ef a deer dr far ef tbe theatre Boweied rede oS Tbe above all occarrad ta tWi nter ef a miaale I kaow tbat tbe Prvfidear a iltboagb if 1 bad triad to lid have alabbed ma 1 am BOW aader eaa tb to appear u a witaqa wl d ifeaagbt All tbe above I hare awora tJ atey imagiae tbe exeitemeei ie Ibe wilb arias of U bo u be r tr eaa preaea In abMt fifteea miaatea alb irraaee Ibe Peaidewt wu id acre lb atr I wa n ilk dewa to tba pabe b clock a d aboat for e aa I aad Ibea 1 At halfpaa three 1 wae of Ita Pridot 1 boose where be was lyig t i eat befor Jdg Carter too and elber bigib eeleai 1 I aid ae aad wrat to 6 Salardsy I ga baa Tba people of Kini ej day voted npoo tha qtNe Dankina probibitory ball a aw in that city or igainst it s e of 243 t ty Booth tfa aaaa to ba married to dgbir rf Unild 8il Senator for Ne aikiie and idiog meinber ef publioen party She la ia gj vd refaeea lo balieeo iB

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