THE NEWMARKET ERA APRIL 14 1865 Vw ATrtiMatot- Trnl OMfl W 4 T iikr lo Jam PrMvt Khrii ol f W Jria iuMiTaul Train Time ICewtDkrkrt X aklBK af lim iit K arl Mr tram I pUc Ilar IH4 LotaI MiaJ II 59 am 646 ptn nt LanO Cljf iifiuiiiflrhri Fra MevBtrket Friday Apri 14th JATKSr FHOV TOROSTO I Tho Dclctes to England Toront A WlNPSlOUM IN TORONTO NEW POM OFFICK T ptn 13 IPCV MMra Crtir tnii Oalt miW in thr A yetetdj fr KnzUaJ It u an Mmt Rrown tnl Maedonalil will follow IB Iho CAtxi next ck The JjtaJfT igaom he fact hal Mr Srovo u atlHiber A nnt in favor of ke thcorr cf Nnrlh York aeparalioo is farcihrd bj a Miltnn paper At the rtcenl Aitcs for Hal- ton litnald a good deal tlic uoi a North York for popolationic ihfj had boi thrre eiril eia In try and no crim- inaU Jaryncn i cntwiant from lh onntry no attending lb iroint n in Toronto iil find that in- lead pf being able to tranact iheir boi nm and pet homo in a coopic of three daj be will probably b bcr that many There waa no liJiV- eoTirmtinr arnoR the of the loojr me fraiernity on I neadar lat Tle wire nt ready to prrerd witt their divcoMiit aad kd or j peoleil pajateul iwo afo wbrr Aeieat kker firl btan to draw apoa oar nkitK for np ftfinll lt4fe bat nici better limra i Caxals t lay Iiilrai of lit largr amoani nf Ainer tan Alrrr bow eir- rnlatiof in Ibn eoitiy hotld bare bad our owa rrxfinCMl Caneaey and Canadiaa Btk U lU wib gold i llaak laulia to ile lire proporii AmrMaa tulrer ia ib eoetitry S falf arprltrndte are mr moiiird iHtlila- Hi to itay tbt tb bl famirrk in tW IVovince ilb ralwable real eialp frne from liabililirt caonnt Abiain the daenwnl of tbrtr paper a anf rttrnl and errn or prrdace deairr have bem lamilrd ami cireinschbrd n tleir operatinn ilrore farmer tinl realtrd a miieh alle oiberM ould bat drvM fr ih pO dace oM ibrreby Inaiiinf ibeir abiiiy to pay Ike eoiMKr meicliaiit and iapctaae trade i ifiei aa a rnne4 OC and fi taarial eaibarramtat ba foltowrd at a aaiaral feauti Conflagration at Aurora- ImmesM Lou of Property U will be rroulleetcd thai aoaie lioie Tt Urva and inlaenlial petitioa we furaanled lo tite Poat Ofice Dcparlnent pra in for thii ehanfce and actlins forth the diaadtaniaea under which the buai- neaa publie labnrcl hf t old arran laent Tiii pctiiinnaa preaenUd throDfshcnr Ipper llonae Reprewntatire and lo which be received the folbwiajt PT Qitfllier 3ri Aril IKSI RefirTinf in mv latwr et la fhid V regrri in hno lo rkrnielA lire hct ihl our aiaier of Aurori h- met ith anoiher ditatiroua by fire ninre deiaeiivA thnn any that er pre ceded it ihia time however nn the nM previuua fia nirely aceoenal and erlirely ewioed fnw an aupKiut eirriniiarr It broho out be- ore twelte ucl rk on Friday ia in ih premise ownril and occtipieJ by M Tracy nvchaiit tailor u la pietl broMgh a d chimney and anneil by tbe stormy wind ihal previttled at ihr lime it dily oiMnunicatrd wiih the Ulackamiih thp Bj nnin on ihe North where the Aiinea were tyed in lbt di retin bui noiwiihataixlir g tho almoa Upr human rCToKa of Ihe fi emen an eilizens of h villigo gerrly the lamea coiiiiiued o fread Si the preiiie rerupied by Mr Akmarn naa Pirn tore Ware U om and Owell in Mr Harris Waichmiker Mr ilorne Prtnnir Office and dwelling and ihe Urgi Hail occupied by the Ma- 1111 Fraieinity were all conaumeil ncloding tnble4 and dker euuidipf in ti e r ar- To llioaa nrtuamed ilh j ihe Tillage we may a- y the Kii anl when Ilia lorIhp Chirf Voi g Siree from the Suddtery Shp sucl rstetfoxn to the llrick Ciitceol i Mr Mf waa at fil waatr her eoort in the Pnninee lleeallol eeery case on the drqwt but rornewa y ettrarrdmary ftrota ready he then watbdlen tninntra and 1 M la premira were adand had asaio cal rd the rt cue The pr Itha rogin cirmeiia net bien ai tiea not bcioj rcidy he truck it out and j apii eJerin olW Ik i nJ fifniSt H Jrw pW h- ft Soh ntioalion lo co on throoph the ilcvjnet in courall wrtiinniWrodyaMhe- B hae eitendd bef being aulingaiel Flfiunaely for bk of lie nIT the prtperty ieimtej with iho etcrp- liort of ihe lUckmiib Sttp br Mr Ilarii wai nra or lea i Thp Agflcfon f ihe li CmpaniM haa kindly furnihet 1 he fxtliiwing ligiire heh we preiirre re itrttr nr the Rurh allhough of reeeatly purhaed by tle Got- rfkeimg iSe lo cinM Black- ernment fr tha some ICOOit on fri h hop owned by Mr Iiarrr and wlb 0 erect a new Ioet Office fur the ccupad by Mr- M rditnidn inai jraice lrget prrioa rf ih loU rftald strike fffeei tf ihia will he to allow jnryTnen lo return buate a fw dayj this term DiriB4 the high windjwhich prerailed here ytrtefday the spU CbareS aitoaiH at the comer of Hay anil AdeUide Street was blown down mniilly deatioTimi the adOininc boild- ing o which it fii Noobdy hurt The prmie oppoaite the bulidinp htely oeeupted by the 6We pr The monetary Crisis- The rrat ttbjcl of pafamnt impor tance lo Iba people of ikit coanlry it b nig fally dicard tbreak ike preaa Tit that of dtfckce All pai re mcm to airt ia ibeir eamteeadalioi I ol ibe erameal of ibe daf for ibe anftt aad proNipt saaaer ia which ther appear to W grapphng wiO Ikit qtrftl on i bal ilb lbi admilud ibere i bowttrr cnatdrrabe of raiding the neceaary fnad to pay fr Iba cofcttrwctioB af ike woikt rrqair ed Of cnorw be Mioifrial policy aaaa arniocrd 11 aDdvratood tl be lo agaie borrnw rathe Loadoa Maiket one md- boa fdoiUfaaiKl iiktbi san added v tbe aBouat eoled by Ibe liriaS Hoim of Ceiaaa coatlract a b ftiiirMralioa a military mea and eagmeef deera ad- eiaba for be dcftare of llecnaalry Dat il atrka be polcy of tbe lorvrr- eat ta tli letpect i not ibe motl fes- aible and practical method t4 raivag tbe faada repaired If we brro oa Ibr Eaghb markat both ibe priaeipal aad in terest meat be repaid abroaJ iid from thr tiaM ibt fiial iaMalmcat of latrie beeoire dae a eealiaaal drain dt be made apoa oar lesoaree anlil ika ealire Now abowld oar Gvaiament Proriaeal aroataea t pny a Il werka proceed to Ibe ektrat f lb mi lion of dollara aad by act of Parliament make Ibcai legal aadrr we woud a ealyba raltered Iron a parpctaal dra MMi oar eevmrcea yt mt he balance of trade against at abrnwt bit oar bauki weald be raiered from tbe apprbeaina aader which Ibey at precat labor of 1 raaapr Ibeai or gold and wnald Mere fral doaat lo aea eairprie for can lag oa auaafiClarat or fr da- eeleptag Ibe reaoarcea of Ibe oeetry Al Ibt preteat liaie tMoa a a brHter eao gather tngeibar a few dollar ia proaitea e pay of say of oar Caaadiap Danks be wradi bia way In tbe iettilv- IMM ibal itavd ibam aid deaaaadi Ihe gniH Tbe rfect of ibit ba been largy redaee tbe operation of nar om etiiry iastilaiioa aad coatzibaia Trry coftwderably owada briagiag aboat Ibe pfeat fiaaacial fbloeaa ia tbe aieaey market thereby epppliag tba irada aod inJaalry of Ihe coeatry aad aeal o of oar beat baeMMn iaio the Uaakrapt Coert V nay taSk of Iibt law prices dtllaeaa of trade e aa mach aa mr plaarbat iba cbicf caata of ear hard liaea bat bees tbe isability of oar Oaaki helea eoni1ernble lia tmnd Mr Trary dwellinc vnlnnl TOor 0iiaurcd fr 4rtJ he lroincii Wm Atktnoa Fo Store and daalhng hiae aboat SOi Sock Mr lUrria wntch maker Ina e aiderabla from breakage tiy aeedy rrinal dec but n ii au- Tbo Batldiiif ooned liy Mr mea nx and oeoipled br Mr riih ihe Dnnmtr oflien and n n twrlling Fill eoaerod by inturanre insured in the Pminnalnn maienai and furniiura 440 The prem a with ihi Cabinet and Msooe Halt apiniug ere eonailere4 worih about eiSOO in irrd for 000 in ibe Poncini Mt- in c iaU furniture toe abmt 70 aad fully eoaered by KnglOl Umage about 1109 lha Iroti Mr G L Sleferiin alO atilTered but ta lninrei irt Ike fil anvK Too mach praie eannol be g- iho firemen end ciften generally for Ihr which ihav laboured trot the raging eeaent arvd had there bren a plentiful aiippy if waer the Corapanv erndd ha worked l- mach belter aiTaninge and tto doobl antwurtl iheAiniM much eiafMr Ibis biaatei ha mtde a torioa brea- h in ibv buai realike aspect of Aurora tnit aa ik Miildinga deatroyed were all woodel iMe mnl perhapa mnre Buliaiititl edifieea mar aplmJily take Ibetr plicea and tbu add lo tho geeeral appearence of the til Malt iulPBl ef Ueltana Lamtiag i Veur ebadi aetTait i MoMcs CW lee ihe forcoint wae pal in additional informiltkin bat reached us In rffeet that insraciioaa hsre been given haee tlie slteraiiuns sbore alodeJ to nimence on the firat of May next The puMir intereaied ehouM bear thia in mind To save disappointment the Poet Maa leneral ahould pive three or four weeka publie nolca of tbe eOteopUted Fire in Whitchurch We rrimrl o learn of the dealraction by fire of Ihe barn aheda and atablea be lonins In Mr J CoiTcs Jt No ihe rDocrrtlon of Whiichtirch Tho aeeident occurreil on the night of the na between Ibe hours of eleven and iwetvB oclock bat how ibe fire inated is nnt known Mr CniTta and family retired lo bed before len oclock and were awakened from rleep by Ihi of ihe burning baildings enlirtly loo late however lo stay ihe devastation of the devnarin element or sav Block iuplcmcnlB aod farming alenails tlie IMde Ibe Dam Siabica and Mr CoATca kiat three Horace one Cow and two Ileifer all his Pooliry Thrcaliing Machine Plow Fan ning Mill Cotter three acta of ilarneas ke Ilts lotal loaa ta eatimated st sboat tlSO Inared io Ibe Bearer Mstoal for 11000 Tremondoas Wind Storm M Ifirentl Over Ihia crgnoma a eery atncular ganiua on ae a ceriaiB ilrr hAih il ho wrole a bonk finda greaideal af faell wiih MMitethiiig aaid bv our Aarora eorraepondn I loihe Kaa I Bol aaliafied with pitching iaio I Bloreaaid correapntidenl h lakM ing at lha ednur of ihia journal arped by prejodieae apparently Inaia tie mail and Mimewbai eiicumacribed hia foggy ttoiiona Iika many anoth- uf abriut the aame menial calibre he eonaidera himtelf a mighty anart man Bad so ha ta in hia way but Aad aliU lha wamiee rrew That eae amalt be eoatalacd aa all b kMW CeaTfjrSBCii Oar eolemporary al arira lal werk pblubed a ynopi of of aa Act parporting to bare paead lai rettire to Conreyancing wfaieb la aid rtcrally received tbe Roval Bai forth tbal onnc but BafHat eipcnie Coaveysaciajr wiibnui firt haviog blaioed a cariifietle or licenHt frera tbe Iaw Society of Tertaln Oar cntem porary wa Ibaring Bater a nitiake lb claae lo wkcb lie alTudea were frnm Ibe Bill Respecting AHoinej ture paavioK Ihr Lagilatere Wbnehnrrti Cnuneil met r nrday navt the lh iniam ai 10 nVlork a m at tmiha lltel Sih Coo Cenrl of Reaiaion and for ibe Iranaaciieiil Patl tiwilEiml niy Cenneil will meei ly tho inaiant at lOeVork a m A a CcDM of Reiion sod fur oiher bui hy any pNipl motirn timea Bui iti erht t rapidy Bp- and in a few mie nftomha ib lloniiir CoiifiiUiary willorlveBiti ainwc h thina of ibe pal Tbe of ih Nurih will now lepud by ih plaui ipon ihcm duimg ih lai few yei Hi by aide with thai of las asii Warh LONCIMANUI Aurora Correapondenee- Ortnt Oofagratiem FatalUjf ntimuUnf VilhSfictmrtt a Catempnra- ry Rtmovif nf a respfettd rcfMnsl Avaeaa AhI Itih ItC A the majority nf yonr roiidra aie aware ley laai I enoimrneoj in the kiletion of etcpiinn of the Bl ckaaiih liMiiicnlarty aoreia euMrais Tiaty and ihai ih pregf of ili eillao will Cari llallarryBid Curii Lee eaefal cal rrjxiri iil ibe surrender ihia 1 theaaand pnaonera 14 piee ot artillery en oiid hi army to n 1 wiib caian aod a large number of n the lerna projKiaed by Ceii r waggons Owlaila will ba given ai apeedily 1 If the thing m prd I think Lea will aibl urreoder 8gaed Signed WAB DrraaTHRiT Weikingioo April 7 11 am To Oen Hit ThefoVowiog talegrspb announcing the victnry won yeafrday by Maj r Gan Sheridan over Lee arnty hae juat been received hy thia Daparioeiit Signed E M STAflTON Sac of War aille Station Gn trani 1 followiag from Oan Sheridan ABRAHAM LINCOLN CiT PoinT Va April 7 5 lion B M Sianton The folloMing further parltculars is jBst r Mved Corrf0ponknrt Xoont Albert Correipondeaee- Holing UnjJf SvjTr VoaMeZWe Bnmna hitrrtry Atwtcx SfjinTntirm ybrfon the f7orerfNeiir Afpnmt 7euory FaU vf Ritk- f ilM inwrihip bi lapped ilieir irra ami prepaatiooa rH aeelmg lnteil ef mnoioi Ibe rik of a ffoml year Tb iiiinl mi bteriban w Plvil aid ibmiclt Jifi I Iwla iot fc a- np atatn wa Il evpMl mif h of a I certaioly ht One Ihe meat fcarfol wind storiss pciienccd in hia acetion of conntry fbi miny ycira oecarrc during mot part of Welncaday list We bearoffami fen tea being blown down in all direeiions- and very mach dm9ie done lo slandinp liiibcr During the aflernoon part ol the chituncy of iho Steam Griat Mill this plare was blown off bat no other daipage done Mr Sykee was not quite forlaoBle the chimney of tbe furnsoc hia team Saw Mill waa blown and fell with a feafnl crsih apoi bail lias penetratin ihroash the roof id pilinc tVe JrU in the ccntre of ibr buiMios below We nave not heard ol tho eatimated loa Bcaidra tleae thr cHimniea of a nambcr of privtte reidcn- rrr blown innfencea destroyel lamber scaitcred alonz Ihe atreei and I lerjble amount of djmive done I na anibria imliraie a ibitti onei 0 do nft hesr rf tiy person hiving bal oiy or rliiaiMHi to make iii ma U11 injnreJ TU Iw tn lh i I- krl H ar liTe I cjiprrd in 11 dirtioii ml metrtiJtni seed ii8 f 1 ih hetiet I faimria ba d Vfoe Ulk M pinegbingi ini werk Liieraiy AMoeiation ia fetilng teog II rMl I hv M 4I nbi b t thai i ii b I Ninmciety An Important Cfaiango The Hon Mr Wtf McMA M L C for thia Division baa saceeeded we are happy 0 say ia making New market tbe termiooa of tbe Beaeerton Mail roate and arrangeiBeDta for tbe change are dow being made This ia a zreat booa both to tho baaioeBapablie of Newrearkat and tbe North aod Rastem portioB ef tbe Ridiog llitbcrln tbe r to a letter mailed al Newaatket fcr the aMming traia mail ecnld not be reee in eoarae of poet from eay offiee North till tbe next day at evening but by tbe oontemplaled change a rctnrn can be reeeived in aboot twelve boars As MM aa tbe mstl eootrartor complelM eiDeals it will be aeea by the fol lowing letter from the PoatOftM Depart ment and addreasad to Iloa Mr iMc MasTaB KejBarket will beoome tbe diatribatiag ofiee for Sbaroa Qoetae ville Nelad Kaswiek OaorgtBB aad other pointa North Thia ta a very portant ebanga and tba Iloooarable gen- 110160 wbo so kindly inlerealed biBMrif to aeeure it dcaerre the gratitado of lae ee tbaa largely bcseftted Ibera- by Separation of Peel from York We andmtand a meeiing of the Coun cil of the United Countiea of York and Poll will hr held at tba Cuari Hoose Toronlo on Tueedsy neit the 18lb iitt for ibe porpoae of eomptetinv tlie eepara- tion of tbe United Coantiea and foi foroainga Proviaional Ceaoeil for ibe Ju nior Conly In thia we tbisk oar Peel frieoda am setog with nndue baste In Jone aeit the regalar meeting of tbe Coaneil takea pticeBS per adjoamment- and thia speeial Reeting ia jiut 400 or 1500 additional expenM to the Coantiea without material ly facilitating the olgeet ia view Newmarket ConnolL April 10 1605- Coaretl met this evening All tbe members preeentihe Reeve in the eb ir Minuiea of prevtnat meeting read end confiroted Mr Traat frim th Knad and Bnige CMnmitiee reported that il wa neeeaaary to do aome duell ing on tha Town Line and asked leave lo on with lha work Leave graatad The Roove atAted thil hia atiealion had bo called to the faet that Rli Gck ham Kq hal faeed in a portinn ol Gorhim Street vary moeh toita injury na wall a the ifjiry 0 private pariiea reading along Ibe street Diflerent memrs of the CMineil avpreaeed ibem- aeUa lltai the roid mut be nned aed thai lhy bslieved it bad been improper ly fetireil in On mioii oi Mr Trent rade ikioegb ibe mdiuie thai II ha itnBieO BawipMMi a ibe fuorv Oenij Tvwii Tbia lerwi alaibrr an eipoeieH afier iheeieaiiwi of nam a all ih biil es sr can fl aleag ji wiib ilem awl the abuMi heaped apoc politieiaaa bihI pe i eparaiian fom Tavonto anl itien Yk wiih It Ibrea cileodil Rilint can U la plae aa firei amiMig tbe Ceunties Owr Canada s ihie in he condoel ef oe von I iho ability ef Canada le pay afft leaia are eiprea that ibe dopoiatiee rooaiaiinx a it deeeof ibre TNie anitoae RrtAimr Will enter into arrangemenl b the Impel MCoii by Mr Mtrden lefftrid tu Ibe Road aid Dndga Cammtie of Mr Trent seconded by r Maradenthe VilUga acoiinia were finally poad aa Audited aid ibe Council Peel Separation In speaking of tbe rote reeeatly gl Peel on tbe aeparatioa qaeatloa the Milton CkamfioH aays We eongrala tale Ihe Peelitea on getliwg free from tbe trammrla of he Ilooae of Ywk aad woakl ventare to bepe that It Btay be aa beneficial to tbem aa tbe separation from Wentwortb u to Ualton It will be reeoUeeted that Halton bad to eomplaia efinjofltioe froaa tbe City ef HamiUon aa York now doea from tta eoaoeeiioa with Toroolo At tbe late Aaatiea it Halton they bad bat tkret civil eaaea ob the doaqoet aad no prtaooera Tbi Sheriff preacnted tbe Jadge wiih a paii of white glovea Tbia ia diSrrent from a seige of two oe tbraa eeka at ooe Aa- Itiea ia Toronto aol negaei a Iraal a large poiion ot oer titiita iree- But ibia Obly bews aa ihal we boBll itd initeemleet tbe nefloeialioi have ine ftlleM eonfilenee- mea wbe wih not a lerifioe the ineri el ihah eeniiieenta at tbeeomman I af Dawn igSiieet Dor enter Uto iblatifoa litai t wonlil not be williBg to latify link in the first plare iwu miat wailil kaafl ben aaSrtvnl- aay Bi ami MaekoaM ee aM pot il fmir wrrr npcfaiy wby nel give Refuimer iKni lino rpraenielioH aad not leave ibe ii pieaaion on ibe Mltfidi af Ibe pMpU ibal III aa m eveiytbiag elae the lntiee wrr retting ihe liea aba Haw iby anw ihiMocbaig I know not tmlaae iby knowledge thai Garge Brown iaoqnal ability le ihiev Tueiea ihal m w atanl up aa betdly lor Upper Canadian ngbia il LmJon aa if barked by powetlal aopponera laibo Legialatare sfbiaeoentty ibe evertbrew ef ibe SMilHm Confaraey Il hsa been Ibe groai and meai onpardoo rabeliiea of wbieb we bav any ee 1 in biatery and aa iia avnwed atjvi Ibe eaiablimeat el a naiioeBliiy en tbe batB ef homan alavary ereiy adae eateof liberty and all pfofinebiiaiiBiM beaUl hail iia dawnfatl with aveiy drmoe tralioB ef joy aa a great iriompa ef rifUi anatjoelwe Tbe roibem leeilora bearoe- ebave shewa great altiliiy and if eoffagod ulaling of fl ABKAHAM LINCOLN piebibtliog tba I Bubkviilb Va April 7 To Abraham Linooln The filowing telegrams are reapeetful Inw ihHJiin Ibrontthbiaj ly forwarded for year inf- rntnmn f ahne Sfainai ibi ira aad my fSimed I tl IM irni o ni hia pfaicii aniipaihy ti tvM of my Bnawliie paprr H off aHno poi m nt wbil sratrful fnr my woifri t mnt dlinn tneve al bi bHtline iKeao In him illiteiale U8 GRANT liittitGen SscrnxD AtXT CM 730 pm Aprile To Major Grneral S Wehb Oar laat fight jat before dark at 5ail 1 not bo ek gare a two guns three fiitta MlvieM 10 ennaiderable aamber of priaoaers fnr lioodred waxooa seventy smbaianees with males aad borsni to aboot one ball the wagons aad ambnlaneee artawial GhAiJ There are somewbere between thirty 1 hnefxih hil thy lRiiflihl hail Mr Me N R K me in NewmaikM la Btnai lo lne Ha arepimla Rtlway 4ppnlnimri inona There di and fifky wagnns ia aildition abandoned not tha rtb and dmtroyed aong the roadowe battery Drpigti k Colonial Amorican BeTolution COUPLETE ROUTE OF THE SOUTHERN AMT Gen Lees Surrender OFFICIAL oisPATCnES Oferlnrca for Peace- New Yoa April 6 Tbe Jltrali cnrrrfOdeol pow the ta mayHa ol Jeff LBti itllwBnDd 8y Tha n ih ciiv wis rina ly cAolrmftated several day brlitre it Inok pIC bit ihe fiaal leeion wa ijoi arrived al eBKt Suadar aflv aora last wt-e- Le tvletrafbed to Davia tbal raat bad adored lee kold ng ef iba cy by hiw ipaaibe Thi llran wa rrad 10 e ehareba sad the dparlare o I cniieaed tkroaKh tae aigb Jtf Davia left at 8 pm fir DaRville and it ta UBlertlood Ibal tba GnearaoKal afchivea wrie tl Ibst place Bad Mitoa et fird by Gee Ewll end Weiiarl oa eMCiig Ibe davouieJ to tMMae ibe fiamea oee bird of tb eily a dotrnyd Amnng th btifd were Ibe War LWparimBi Po Ofke Tiea Drparlmroi aad three Brwapaper efiice e aad Iibiagb I izons forges and iimbera E have already reported o yoa Ibe explore of one gan two fiirs and some priaoneee and the fiet hat the road far and miteriaia of all kinds the toes are aerrna the road on ihe ap proach to the bride and will take some ne to clesr it The enetny is in poaition on the heights beyond with anility The bdze ia partially dealmyed and the appmieha oe the other side Boft bottom Ian I We eannot advance to morrow aame manner bi we have done As aoooat I iret my troops ap a little- we are eonaiderably mixed I mihl path a elamn dnwn tho ruid so deployii bat it is evident t eannot follow rapidly daring the nlgl t Signed A A nUMPHRBYS MaJ Gen Mt IlKAlQU4ltTIM April 6 to p V j To Lieutenant General Grant At daylihi this moriag I moved the dy- veond fifth anJ sixth srmy corpa alon the railroad in tbe direction of Amelia Coart lIooM Soon after moving reliable ioteUigence waa reerivfd ihst the ctvmv vtna morine owarda Pamitville Tv direedon ef be second and fifth enrpe was imtnediaitlj ehtneed fmn a Dorbly lo a norlh- waaterly direetion and tbe direeting enrpa tbe eeeond mo on DeltonviU the fifth heretofore ia ne eentre moving on be right of he aeannd and the aixh facing abMt and moving by the left flank taking poBition en the 1 of ibe aceond It waa anderalood tbe cavalry weald op erate e ibe extreme left aad tbe ebaagea were premptly made The eeoond ary eorpa aorm beeame engaged with Ihe enemy near Deltonrille driving bi n by tbe right eeroeB Diors ieBrf Creek la be Appomatox The b army Banks msde a lot aareh bat its poaltien MBauQuaaTKBa ABmea or THS IT S April Oih 4 30 p m To R M Stanlon General Ijon surandered ibn army ef Northern Virginia ihs afiernnon up- lerme proponed by myself The ncem psnving additional eorreapoBdeoee wi show the condittoas fully Signed U S GRANT Lieulffan April 0 1865 General I reeeived your note of thia mofning nn the pirkat line whlhor t had come to meet ym and ateerlain dAnte ty what terrna were embread in your propaliion of yeoterday wnb rsfe to lite suirender f thia army- requetl an initrvlew in itcordance with your letter of yeaterdiy forlUt purpoae Very revpeeifully your obedient ser- Signed inking U ApnlO 1905 To Gen R P Iee Commaading Co federate States Armie Y ur fxue of this date ia bat this men 1150 a m received In ct qoence of my having pasaed from the Kiehinoed and Lvochburg road to ho Farfflvilte and Lnchburg road I am el writing about four roilee west nf Wallers Chuich and will pah forwnrd lha front for the purpoee of metinff u Noiice en tu me on ihia road Very reapeetfully la s LteuiGee ArroKATTox CoiraT Houb April 0 I R R Len Commanding Con- aratn Satea Armiet eodsnee alth the aubatane ol Ynar MTraat S i N ARMSTRONG CewmmpMe CowtedM Nrw Yoas Apeil Tb Commerciars Washinwiea slaBtS uffirkut lima b is elepeed for resell Keloa Asbama end the miljM nuthnriltas have been expecting 0 f fall Jha C Breckrnridg wea knewa with GenernI Lo 00 Priday 1 bopea are siiiertined hsi he ba ba cnptured Pollsrrl who lek advantage eftban p of Mr Kichardaon baa been t iil in RtchmorK and was Cattle 1 bunder for treatuneble langMtg Caibo Aprt 9 New Orleqpa f the la are recaived Tb OiUans Tmej tay Ibtti moaitera Oaagc and Milwaukee wera Mobile flay wbiie 11 ipmpiiag lo ge a ranga of the ii They wre at msteritlly dsmtmi d can be aity raed tnd epaiaC Tb iieUn tlat ForteattrMyC breaking ap large aambtrs are dariid and gniag bme moatly revewIS deieiicd m oat iSar Ibp ireip at Mifgaanra btva km placed oa ateaabeal aud fesn ara Mtaw laBrd fnr ke aeteiy ef tbe feet dwit iea Hrrrea lt a large weckiag part wel tide of ibe dlernnatiAa to ttUrim lbs jtwaiwkers aad marderera ietyS that aeiin The flood on be Ctb iat tvstbad aoif kpaa 1 tbe Meapbia aad Cberll railroad bridge bw Calbefill ji fiafayete A loemoiv sad tbreet going westward we precieilaJed wit ral perseas were Idled h Nkw York April 11 Th CotumfTetaf t iimal aayi The Praaidaat makes no eeerot ofU dispniiioi o wait everything bal tka Union and Emaneipalion for tte parfai of restnrin tranqaility I 8ib tbe aurrmder of tbe ly nf Northern Virginia on the lot Rnllt 0 all the 10 ba ma in dopli he gtvan to an officer otficeraVid ne eair me copy dB gnaied by me the oher lo bo ralain Oil liy aiich iifReia aa yoa may detig nnte Thn officer n gi their iiidtvid usi parole nol to take nrms gBiat the GverrimBl of th- Unitrd Biaiea uatd rrojrly tichmged aod each empan or reximeiiiBl eiHitmaader agn s like p r le for the mec of their command The arma aiiiMery and puhlic irrvpen to be peeked and atark and luriw orer to the ofieeia appointed by me 1 receive lham Thia will oh emtteae ih aid ama of the offieera Hr tbalr private hoifwa or baggage Thia done each Tha State Depirtmeot baa 1 ernment will revoke tbe raaogaitioa t belligerent rights lo the toaMeraeyi ihe receipt of thePresideats proektmatii eloing tbe port aod deelariag tbe bl ade al aa aad HKnTO Apiil II leoid HAig of V inlay Ibe lOikiatCf officer snd iitalM au hn iheir parole and ihe law they may reai le Very reapifuly long a preveoted is itrikiag tbe cocaya eorpe i had peeeed The sixth army eorpa esme Bp with tha enemy sboat 4 sm and ia eonjane tion wiih the aeeooo oa its right aod Ihe eevalry on its left attacked aed roaied tha enemy eap4rig many prisooera among them Liealenant Oeaer Roetl and leneral Cartla Lea I tratwmil daapaiobca both from Gencrala Ilamphrcys snd Wrrghl which ia juaitee o be diatlngatabad oft cera and the gallant eoepa tbey eommsad I bfg may be aent In tba War bepartment for immediaie poblication It u tmpoa Tw I U ck IJr oJ ukn bot It U Ti rr pi d J fJ d BHr HI- I k iipotl of Ik btilli Ilk il idKM b1 tk Ik7 eppolioa met dertond le have been Tee dratge o bave eadvoerrd le reach Dia Va aad tbrre feitify sbJ make aa Th plan movemeat hare ftral sad Le n bow Bparclly ly- in fl in Lyoehberg A Tntrs drpatck dated RaeUle Ala24ib with ibe cnvslry cofeaia ol Tkomaa army ilef W lvB aay tbe foiee cMit ef three divninaa aad wa be jiaed by a leertb lit dti lit Mratgomery aad Uo- rebel deaertrra have delivered AB I Wabingtea Apnl 7 To Geo Dit Geeeml Slrnridan aitsekel and mated fee army epuring Generla Bwell Kertbaw Rutton Carte and many other general officers several thousand priann aumbar of eannon sn treets to force Lee to sarrender alt nt i left rtf hts army Dtnils will be givec m apeedily ee poMitle but Ibe telegraph ia woiking bedly S jMd with tba 6tb army eorpa will be moved by tbe left and Wnghl sad Hampbreya eontinae the direol parsoil as loog aa il promiaea taoeea Stgred GKO G MEADE MaoTGinerat TVAanrjtCTOsr April 7 Information baa been received bet that Frederieksbarg is filled with familiea from Richmond and bat all tbe eoaotry roind be former plsee swsrms itb rebel dcaertera en their way bom Brigadier General Barriager eomman- der of a divinna of General Lea eeval ry and sereral othi rbl offiears ef low- r gtade were broaght ber today aad eommitled lo the Oil Capitol The Navy Department has been i formed of the eeptare off Ibe eoaat of Florida of the liriiub aehooaeB Sort Msry and Ooaneaa Tbeir oargnea eoaatsie1 of abac ram eolon pcreaaawn ospe The Tcaaela were seat to Key West for adjodteation i loftrmttioB believed to b rdisbie Art L S lllo p a Waabitqctoa ibi aveniag that To Goo GranI ibe pirate wbo ran tb eaptared tsssiiI I have Ibe honor to report bat ih Harriet De Ford iaio ladiaa Creak Vir ly made a aand b the inlaraeetioD Kioia dettroycd tb veaBtl afkar romoriag Nkw Yots April 7 The Herald elainve 10 have informa tion ol Piaeideot Lneoifi having had a enferene with Judge Camphell and others in Rmhnaond by the advic and outnt of Dsvm fr peae iWatea the page ef biatery Tbe Sonihnm attacked tbra wiih iw diviainiie ef people tee bava shewn a aptrit net anwor the Otb amy orp aod routed themi thy ef the taee from which theyaptnng haixfa mly makiug For ioer long yara ibey have earrtml on a tbe cavalry war en a gicaniie aeal egeint e neopi j preaBiog wheee nembeia were ar timee ibeir ow end ibay have made lMf marebe wo idscdEira 1 with both I lodry articla of the b val Tb Prasideat is aoi expeetad to rtari to Waobiagtoa oatU tba middle of oext week orrteiAi wab obrabthbirr Waahiogtoo April 0 0 p To 0ft Dts Tbi defwtoMBt bos reiTJ Uu oS- WAB IlKPAaTMBkT W4biiglon Aprd 9 10 pm Mr Sewnrd hta ieued an order that slutn of 200 juna be ftrd at th heei qunrlera of every srm ed nsvy dapari 1 and at every pirai end sraeha in Uiied Ftnte nnd at the Military Acsdemy at Wei Point lion nf tba aorrender nf Gen R K Lae nnd tho army rf Noribern Vieginia n Lieut Genaral Grant Bid Ibe ermy ua der hi command llRaOQUARTBBa Astlf NoBTMCB VIBCIXIA April 0 To Lieai Gn U- S Graat eocDmaitd ing U 8 Army General I bave received yoer letter of tbie date comaiaiag lha lerma of eor reader of tbe Army Northern Virgi aa profKwd by yoa Aa they en aubstsntiatly ih aame ae ihoeeexpreeaed iB yoar lelier nf the 8th inatant II are accepted 1 will proceed to daaignati the proper ofRoers to carry be etipula effect Very reeptctfuliy yoar oSedient aer 8 goed R E LEB 9ptU te Uu fwaiag Perf WAttliJiOTON April IOl be tepart- iit are all coed loday aad ever body keeping bnhday Secretary Stanton expreaae tba npiniAB Ibal tiere will be ao mnre beaey fiykiiae xpeelad here that Johastoa will tarrerder Sperial depetcb were yealerday aeat 0 Gee Shermaa Mr Liaohi hee reteraed sed it eloaai- td wnb bi4 Cabiaal Tbaee it reava te bleve thai Jaff Davi s at Daavile oe aght Irt ing j ia Jhetn wiib Ihe arrkirvt nf ib le rvl Coveiamaat aad a brga aoweat GoLSiBtto N Cm April 6 Deserter and reegeea leprl tbe t lUbijtb and that lb earasy were throw leg tp w rkt ee be Tai Uiter al Rochr Iba cmy are baraiag ibe bri Igi s aa Ibit road aad carryiag off be ratla VasHdiOTOi April 10 Tbe Navy Oeftrtmeat elay reeeired be follow eg CoMMAMOAxr OrncB N Yabi Pesaeo Fla V MsrcbSO J Ilea- G- TTellost Sertlary el tbe JT t t Drigade Ge Aibntb eommsdg IM miUlary Di of West Fiends hi jt inform d aM that Majee Geo jle commaadiBc Ibe iSib srwy eor bd sset witb a decided teeceea beviag lapterrd oa tba i5ib ietl iba rtbel Ge ttyCaeiioa wbo ia merially weend lake 250 priaeeer seixed tw railrnad IrsMssi Everrvata lea miW above Pl ty Tee Cowwwastfinare io in Nw York boepiial al a enat of i25 OOt Iwo hundred and twenty I grants who aoaeally bW tber tr C W Lymnn B D 8 mtaier baa been aenisBoed to w f IlmftrinDQWBl ad to pay a i 000 having hew eoneleted at nati of frelant tranBeileb 0 aided t Iadlnanfia wbar km w popular aa a lawyer Bnd lii Jtf ialilr spdfally WheainRiak bave arranged aa ofViralat 7o ad nl SiSM Kh Acktm WliBtevar teay be Ibe fata of tbs ea iHtnal spiendinel it itorrtaies e tiat Bvry ii ViguKa d A Nsiieasl Bsak of tbe Uei Sisa obern kir in Hird S ate aAcka 4 rUI at Ibe rata rttablnbed i Tba Birrpte vlea of prnrty A rnyrd i Re m nd foita ep t54jll owog a ibe r fixrr rpr fsrsiwt of Ibe irnib fertbe reaH tr utvarably atghaed MHch btif ilea it WGulJve csamaaded t ba bepie ef R b8 bn lahr TlvMiaMn of bf Ih lal iM iiir and Ba for iKe eedta Fdrrat aad C- afrderala etck A PHMhoe of Oonf derate serge t tbr city kav bees perolaad the rhalrat a ok and woeedtd Tbe Choabrax Wieder Jatksee Hasrdt Grove beplaU fer tl rrtecipaJ Coafcdaraio heepMah are 1 aerommndalie of tbe M wnaMlrd IVae Beenmmndetiee about twenty r ur lbi4d iv bM which sccnmadBioe are IA by the OoMrreie anthorilioa Ponfederata prieeeer to lb ill of betweew eight t andred orowellHi have been racrired i Ih ally wilUa pnt fotty eight boara and ripM Libby PriaoB Nw VoBic April 10 Tb mm meat ofe aa arreader iBi4 created t geaia ewieoMl i Imprnmilu itBniitnB af p ivata ilwrlligaqeckly fnitewed wri fittad with psofte berl aiaging and dBB with Jay WM le day received dea fee fl pvery iit vii and bamWl crteniry ahowieg ib tbe saaa jey vaikd brnagboat lli land Waa DxpASTwaivT Wathiogion Aprtl li2tC pA Te Gan Ihs 1 h Rtplur nf Sell AlabM eporled to Majtr Gferal GeiMfi Thmna a Tho efendnr eltLMbbarg b IBcBlir rapied Signed B M 8 or it IlUATaviLta Alabama AptH 119 a To Go Tbonsa The rolowieg ie jual reeed I Colonel Hoover at SAmervUle- Men dirrily ihrowgh from flelHB poried thai laee faplured by OeSa a nn ihe tod met Frmsl and Radiy wilb Ibakc eonunabd were captured Oir men diaawmnted aitd cksrfad entBidirrteata and carried all bli They also report b captor ef II Signed RS- GRANQBIJ CEO IITHOyAA r MsjorGeMraL City Potst Va April U To ITon R M Stsntoa Saoy Lynchbarg aurendared yesWdafl Liaatcnani ef Qrifilaa oor altball olTa sooaiinc party General Grant has ordrrad Md brda of eavalry lo oeeapy tba H take ear nf poMi property STgned C A DAHA AmaUBtSaayrfM