Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 31 Mar 1865, p. 2

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THE NEWMARKET ERA MARCH 81 1865 Hew AdMrtiNmeBU- AOO IfaflH Wau4W Ttf Plltrtnck tJwA Co lMlMrvOr O Aaana T ib fUeW UklWttir rnn U StWK PdiMr Dr llacbMi Train Tint Vworkt rtin IBM Mil TbrMh Mil pU OB Moi fi Cf3ifiiiiinrlipt Era VtWBkrket Friday March 3ltt 186 LATSST FROJU TOtOXTO The St Albans Raiders TUEIft REFUSED Agnin RriuandcU on Olhrr Charjrti HARIOW ton or mon iohn a hacdonaio The Produce Trade MECHANICS INSTmrnE EXHfBinONI Tonoxto Mircb J9 fly iKeI te1frpb lo lb TorcBl Diilic ltt fjhl we kavc be inlellneoce of tb dftifton of Jd Snith on lb tirrfideriBg of ibe Si Albaot Riir It U tcrj tUborttr ted in rctiwiB ibt cM bt Mjri be Cadt ko r is ciitenc is lbi eciMtrj for tbeir isrrrndrr tbal is fael tbB BCit f prifoocrs were con milled btjoftd ibe of Mneicipil He I tnded I ckarft ofaiuiiU Ab A eroitd of tboui Tbe Leader cf iLi gran from Qjcbec v A MBcdoosid bid B froBi drowBiof btl arket lood brre tbil lb I6b lUgwDt will tike ibtir drfiBiiarB or UBDHllon OB ibf iib of Anl Tbe llecbBc iDiliUie KibbtiiOB i till cOBliBwd BDd it Vitird bf largf tiBBibert TbB rcetiplt will prorc it le boB glBBt Defence of Canada- Bjr reTerencB o he newt broaght b tbo Amerim ii will be obtBrtfd Ba im poriBoi dbB bet itkeo pitce id ibe Ilogt df CmfMnt en tb luljeel of CBotdito dareaee i tnd it will b Dotieed Wlb greii itiufxction by IruB CcOMlitn ihl tb ieadtn of boib premiretii ptriiea in ih ll ut onhti iBiiogly declared ibeir fiacd ddermina lloo lo defrod Canada with ail ibefowi ai ibo eonfioitix ol ibt Britiiii Gotrn IMDI tod eatioo Cpciai1y ara ibe ratnarka of Lord Palmcrtioo emphaiw and MBmituhtble but t ib tamo litoa bo alto affirmt aooiher aimott equal impnrtant fact th rolalioat botwaea ibe Briiiab and Aneriean Gororotnenl ofibo ool cordial tad anteabU ebkroc- lor BAd Ibo probabiliilrt of war atition ooi of prownl complicatiofit far remotn ll ia iroa tonto portiont of ibo Ameri Bo pfftt rotdy al limti I ptndor to tba eoemiet ol Rrilain and wboa lifi- blond aiitiorc depeodt aprn tli abili- tiao of tbair eoodueion lo Bwakea and ttRito ibo prjidkaor tbe dwoffcctod boMt Ijod and tlrorig of tbair future purpo4o towardt Erglaid bat the great na of tbo ibinkirg bialligent ponpl of tba AmaricaB Republic do nol tjrmpa- ibxa wilh ihii ditiIty of brtfgiirlism And we mgtt eonfeae boom portiont ol both tb Englitb and Canadion pro not froo from blamo in tbl connect by ranoing into tbo rppotito eitrcno iboa onwUiiogly BOYing the purpotea of thoBo wbo wooU rejle fo bring to pwi BB opoD fopiafB beiweoD tbo Rriiiah atd AnoricaB Dtlieoa Be17nion- Tba RoUoioa last Friday ereninXi der tbe antpicet of ibe Mechasiea lo tale wu rery aarcesafal Tbealtendi vu all tbat ooold be deaired lari aod erdtriy wbilo tbe eaUrUlaBtent vai aeary ty agreeable and nlufactorj jadagfron tbe bearty DtaBeriowbieb tbo tadioBoe taatiAed ibeir approbatioo of aaoh Toealiat and mder oa tbe oevaioi The Preatdeal Mr Tront oecspiod tbe tbe cbair bo after a few iatnSoetorj reaarka oaUad npoa tbe Glee CUb coo- eowaiatiog of Meam PbUlipt Johaaoo Wallw and Towoley to tisj Hole BriUBBia wbieb tbey did iih cooaid- trable tute aed eaaa aadwere lodly pplanded Then fwllowed a Try pealty daet OBtitlod All tbingB BeaQtifat and aaag wilb Ulliag eSeel by Uiaa Ilaatar simI Mlta Bealley Tbey ware losdly and doaarradly ebeered ob fro the pUtfora Tbe Pratideot tbea iatrodaoad Mr Danea of Kewatarket who read aa adnirtbU poelio aaleoiioo oatillod laleeaoa of the WaBt vritte OB Ibo otcaaoB of tbo laadia of tba tbo Allied ireopB at tbo Criatoa It W a pioaa of ooapooiiioa ooabiaing patrioUaa with natioaalily and vaa r- alrod vitb land applaaaa Mr Dariaa boib raada aad reaitaa aa if bo fait aad oaal wbat bo aaya asd tboa alwayi BoanaBdj tbo attostioa aad aaouaa tbo apprtioB of bti aadieaoe Tbea followed a oooplo of pioeet ol vaeal atio wilb piMO aeeoiBpasiaoat Mr IVrce Mpg with Mob effect 1 a Collate by Ibe Sea Mita Hunter play ig 10 ler bibil gracrfal iljle He loMflly eneorrd Mm Hurler tbeo gare Wilb IbiilliDg effect Tbe Rorrr a ong adairably aiUpIrd lo gire cnpe to her efctrntiog and atowcal f otee- Mag i witfa grrat rpirit tpd Wat deaerredlj cb i cored Miia Uretley playiag tbe piano accwpanmeal witb eete aad grate Mr of wat ibe Irodueed wbe retd Ibt acene of tbe tbootipg tnakb from riehwirk Papera wilb gocd effect aod great ciedil Tbr tadieoce letlificd Ibeir appiecialiflB bj Innd tpplaae Mr Edntand wti fISow ed hj ibe iec Ciub wbo asog I know UnkwilbDrbrffetaIO call foMh lood tad raplnrout eecore Tlea cm Mm Uentlrj I Hat loocbing ice mavcal eompoitioB eslillrd Ha Hoae She leng with mocb aad taale Bad wtt deteifrd ebeerrd Mih Hanler preMded at Ibr pitnn aod peiforscd bd escclleit aeeo- panlniBl 1hert it tomtlbng aboel 11e dffp yel tofl aod nelrdioHi Mrtmt of ihit air wbrn prepery tong that eciit lo late ftl bold of bc fetliagt of an aadi- cre trd rtet Ibe atlrnUoa Mr Duggant of llradford who wat asnrunced a one of iba readera nu Ihe necttion being untvoidnbly obtent by rrqiHtl Mr Dttiee recited Tolle addreaa to hia nativo moantaiot in cpiial atyle ind i looly chtrreH Then followed Alitt ruiifer in hat nobte nnd euUtir nag Mng The Red While and DIuo At iho cluto of oach rerte ahe wat loud ly cheered and at iia conclutroa tho au dience with an almnat united oic pealed forth their mnglod cheera and en- corea Mit Hunter baa a rich meldioaa voice and batii g tbo good liate to a I ci pioe q iite within ibe compnet of her vocalpoBrtkbe it wityi enabed I retire from ihatltge witbrco Mit Brntley played th piano aceompaBiaiDPnl l thit pieca with marked eflVct Mr Pierce fullowed in the song ontitled Do they think of me al nme Tbo wordt are very duching sod olculaed o awaken kindly ramembronceB Mr Pierce wat loudly sacorihi at tbo coaclutioB of the aong Mr- Bdmaadt teing again called upon by the ProBent road another scene fiom Pkwick giing an acoanl of the Crtckft Match It was wtl reoJ atid well roceitod by tbe audirne 1hei fnllowed Meetre Jobnton snd WaiU in Ihe Minns Gua at Soo Mr Philips playing ili piano accompaniment Mr Wellia aang the snphrano part well and wih giiod elTocl while the rich deep tons of the batso voice of Mr JoliBoit clearly dinorMriii bia iruiical dps biliiiet Neal io order cnma s rodmg by 3Ir J T Stokes ifSharnB Hit eeleciin wat alto from Pekwiek gitring an ac- cront of the eleeiioo of a Ileadls in n old eniniry parish Mr Stakes read deer and dilinct and thereby aecurt lbs altentioo cf ihs audienco Hitae- lectitfo wat woli roceiteJ especially at I btd c tf ho ptt Muoieil conet of tbia Til lage Ho reiir anid appUute By rrquetl Mls Beetley nng thi hsautiful aong stilitiad Her bnghi smile htoalt me tlill wiih much onte and grtce and waa loudly sncored rier toapporance wm lbs tignal foi After pastirg a vote of ihankato the Lidiet auj Gertilemen who had enter- taind the moolinf and alto to Mra Hot ter for kiiHlly andrheorfully lendin her piano for the ocewion Themgr g Gd Save tbe 0ieen and tha aatem blr ditpsiaod all highly ptraaod whh o eTeiirga entartaiamenl AnMher Be CnioB it to foMow by spociBl reqatt this night wesk Opeoin of Spring In fDOft parte of ibis Ridiaf from sll we can loam ftll wheat promita well A long tba fences ia aoiBe placea wbere the tnow drifted ta largo qoaotitiea it Buy bo partielly wialer kill bt as a whole tbo crop lookt better than for nany year peat Daritir tbe week we have etperi arced remarkably Biild aod tpringlika weather and wbile some of oar famic are boty mskiag aajar olbers ara pi priag for sctirs farca oporatioBs We bear of several who perpoae sboold the weather ooatioae favoarabe Btarlinj their plows tie besinoiDg of aett week TherB is very liuls froat in lbs groaad and rasB lookt grasa and freab Karly iodieations of aanroer bas caBsad a do cline in tbe pries of bay of from SI to 2 par toe aad a very good qaalily of Biixed TiiBOthy and dorer wat aold at i per Ion daring the week Many aarsoos aatieipate a still further declti bat tbia for the prcseol at lesst s iscliscd to doabt Peel Separation Elscwbere ia todays isaoe we giro tba restilt of tbo voiing in Poel on tba qaes- tiofl of separatioa from York Tbe Bramptofl Timet isjabilset at tbs resalt and not witboat raasoa for not only wUt Brsapofl ibercby bs raised to tbe t of a Towb bat tbe taspayen of tbal CoBBly wbalerar may bo tbstr rat falara will bava tbe biob raised for MBoidpal aad Oouoly porises sxpeoded siBongt then aad tbe people ba able lo Uaaaaet tbeir CosBly bnaioeaa pronptly at bono iastaad of trareUiag to tbo City ofToeoBto Tba TVnus says After to many yeait ef peraielenl op Chioa I Moatcipat odopendeoeo ht riibo Quom Covaty hat achieved the viatofy Traib aod Jaeiio have ai oafib prevailod aod we aro eaabled lo eengraiB itiB tba ralopayeit thai beooefoilb thoy itlpMseee lbs entire eootrel of the eal ravenae aad itt espMdKare Peltefed a tbey were tbe Sfjoti keBBie Aei ibe tclora of Peel iiae ptovr raiopti to ahaSylM il ith Ymk OnnoMevio e Couniy mof ihwonth e eppuiikin II eil iiii ich roull noi be xneheted by of phiuy w pefvertion ite Kery peiiy local inter- l Peel d bei goferneU The War W give iho following tiate nf the Market in Souib Carulina aa exbi ha fonrful state ef tha cotinlry and tbe devperate atrait to which ihe propi a rAugh by the devaaiatioQ andcalaniii if war There it ni great trarriiy of proviiont 70 I Floni iedraia iTony ft of the Sibi Bank el Swtb CtiolwM wfi pucbae 15 of C liate morev ard it ieaiie IU m Ctfiifcdetaie money io Uy al in g Tit for Tat Our Aurora fiend V in hit utoal ly tapiont aiyle while referring to a artcle which sppoored in ihe Era upoii he iocteise of Cwonty ripsntet in docendt lo prrtonal iaiff intieod of il feriag a tingle argumeut or proof in ojv position to any tiaicawnt we made Newmarket i ihe grrat bug bear wii him ll ie juti tBch a bvnbaatic produ iKn at would naturally be wrnien by coneeilfd puppy or igoornoi booby at fnllowi largely in ihe wtka of iho l tt prrcedod Ihe exttting j ily referred to to be etecrt ed At ff the vulgar eommuticvio I hich bs bat gen place it it tenett ice lut Pthaw arthfught lei ofr bis eiyJe bosef aould not U le man and bai we inclination to Itate no man in ihit Ctiniy ia m iea to ridcule ihan iha tame tpocin of the gOBa homo Newmarket ConnclL Tbe above CoBnctl net this even Proteat Metera Traot Rosdhoate a Maradca Oo motion Mr Trent i called 10 the chair Minotes read a confirmed An aeeonnl was preeeni from Cbarica Elvldie for repairing small cnptne C50 alao from Mr Bache si tbe day of Klection t300 of Mr Martdea aecnnded by repurt from tbe Fioan Oomaittee reeoamending the payowe of several accoons tcferred latt mWtin Report received and adopted Tbe Loai cil tbeo sdjoaroed Editorial Ssaaary- O W nndtnlinJ Mr Lcm of thii pUee bat rtetally porebaeed iM Qo r latt itaaa apwarda of eeriy kiatary ef tkW eeg jty 07 A BKeiiMff of tbe Iif ef Ibe Snriety lake plae lnorTOW Satarday le eeaidr ib efheWlaf a flprierHbow Tha Oitveteft o iht Towixhip Serialiea have bee hivlieilt meet With then wKh ttte view of amagkigrer beldiai eee enlAn tbnw A regaUr aeel Tork Parmert Chib la te W beW UBetn IbaCoert Haaaa Ttia aohJ Nrth r the Uenteiptl OmiaUn ef Terk and The peUie InlaretMil hi tke trira 41 Ceealira thaaU eeqaire of tbe Coekn ef thair rptetiva local MaawipeNtiae ai P Sal Rfflstar pafltjr April 4A le lakee ee t Ne 10 taibili Coaeff Owilii Ipury ih pcofTty ef Mr Cttta Hiee er ef Farai Sleek h HeMelMrfd ParaMare thai aiioeni 9 niaoUte ereii esee far Uay and Oaia wbkb wdi be eaidi Sale te eomneaee at It edosk aees Tbea Aikiaeta Auetionaer tJ- Part iee having iheirtals bills ptintad i ih will have iheir sslee Mired above ihteogb ibe ooIubos of ibis u IT The oJeolors of North Eastbnpe Perth on Moaday laet decided by a ijority of 60 to give Mr Duakiua Tenparsaea Bill a uiaI la tbal nuaici- paliiy ty A soil is ponding ia Now Fork brought sgainat a telogeapb octmpaay foi blender A m wat wrlua by the paiBtifle 2f the gil bill ia voioad buy inmodiatoly 100 000 Tbie waa aool te ibeir New York eorroepoadent who roAOived it without iho tf roadiog Tbo gnid bill ie vetoed bay imoMdiate ly tlOOOOO And ao th did bet drocpod aad tbe plafnulf ioet two housand dollars tor which iboy bnsg Hit sgalnsi lbs taUgrspb eoapaay Coriffijionlifnrf Aurora Corretpondenet- Aeaeti Uareb h HS Thoe of year wIm Ja read ibr Uimmer w fMlWehtetly thai cBoBAMD ie aiieily veoqeibad by ibe forcible tetraoiie aod irolblel T lefair eeriiieheon el Aurora le blati b im- and charaeterf I will eodeave nelly toanawei hitehtiget Iti I didaofeemmuiiicBle tbethroi ef the eiptfinc Hanier ami nltr l had been hld by ita auppoiier i llin niTin ofylie f e top- dinwe r nw Krii f iia fc iffirenoee nee m t eeoanlered br manv thai fiiet leewd necui n Iba arriTal of ibe Etiie mrttr nt ftelfd or Id yottr rtadert lo turpt tki memUre fke tire Cumpany 3j 1 will nw Bk Fuemeu to point eo as pain Coffiith ae ihai all elattet of teal era wbo rae iwopence for him or I my aodraiand by wbal ncht and Ij whai jailia be iiet iha following Ian getga ii ia peil and parcel of lh eai of hia lBM and falM ateediena attain t leg tod name oleer village Wbaihafi niib J Iba hh rlaairal talent poeed hy Fire- men I imply pretend lo civ ibe le rt ef ihe Era plain paiiienltrt of mtii weekly iranepuinii liere wiiboot ioirad oa pviMKalitivaer poiiuca My Firrman wntAac I have Ibii p ltr afhm lin piav- nt me wiiiinf irn fully wliai f ibi peitaiBinu le il f t noi eulAciM vhrrueuloey uncallad I rannei help if tba ekiu ef asme it iti anil if paie it at tbe breeib ol ihair ii lit- ih- inieirtie of Auiura will nol feol a ed by me Aiiy I thall n UaeihioepeaW topic ami nol eg egiQ le it uiileta clear ami tperifle cba iimet be ready lit aabiianliaie all I aai iIoub yeof lem be ill not reptj Anoiber on Friday recnon taf ai ihe boae ef Mr Jame Aikinenn Wellmftoo leiroing It and ibtioe adpiningoeea- piedbvMi UaihepiopijrUMr G I Both h- OMt were iiBred bill AM neaiiy til1iient te corer the laat The fiie waa cauaeU lhrooti a defedivt Monot Albart CoiretpondeBea- Sugar- Ittmt frtm fJtf Tonthipof Smtt LatrontefSearek fur lAe Freehootert MCXT Atacar March 9frh IK3 Fprinp has st lait arrivedSprii wiih lit balmy air and waroi toaay dy hat herald approaehiofr vetatioB bal ilso wiih its noddy rosda ateliiog md mabio tnrrenu that awcepe Ihe l ef the Keller iloae v Csnadiana ali ananimABtly rrwiat lie approeob after cndu ing tbad and ttorms oftbr cbosr leae wioler aiontbs Some of the farmen In tbie seotloB of eoantry tre ooietly prepering for tbe Is bonri of sceo time which will soon be here while others tbooRb few ia ber have tapped their irm and i r3cd in nakibit mtpe aagar Battery liltle aazar however ia made ber in ontuparison aitb tbe sormoadinK thipa for tbe eoantry arooad Moa bcri thotticb oontaining plenty of maple ie ao wiacb elevated that tha troea do bo yield the reqaitiie amoant ef eap Ii apiie of tbeae drawbeeks some few ftm en tapped asvoral baadrad trass and it is to hoped that their eaerjiy aad per aovtraaee will be rawarded by a da share of sacoeaa Aad at iha last twt seasoBa have both beee almeat failores in ths oamr utking bosiaeaa I tbiak w have roaaoa lo expect tbat this aaa son will al least be an iikprovemeat oa them It is however oertaia tbat Ibt Newmarket merobanu aecd atpret nc part f tbeir sapply from this oeighbnr bond for tbe amoant ttade evaa ander be moat favnnbb etreamataneea will He iotnftcient for Ineal eonaampiion Rot very little of even local intereat ii on jott nMr and tbia most bo my sxcQte for sending one or two liea ot news from tbe aeighboriag towosbip of Scot CoMplaints wars nsde in Ibe Era abort ttnie aoaboot aeveral robberies coi ci1ltod in or near Newmarket bat fro rnmoara that reeb aa friHi 8eott it aeet that Tilliears ara not ihemty saflerer for people in lbs mral disiriels Be al xpAeed te these midatgbt deprodailor the beavieat looser Hi visit a bam a abort tioM am that stood soma dnrtanoe frwBi tbe stable and i not Try fnrqoently tued be fond fait tBrpriaa that at least forty taabsts of wheat bad beea abatraetod froai tba graa ery A pefbably several days bad elap before be dweovered bia losa it was imp atible Ibr biai lo obtaJa any kaowle of tbe perpeiratora by fUlow in tbiir traoks He weatberafora com- pellad to make a merit of aeoasiily sBd eabmit te tba leas aritb the boat posaU graea Bat his kind frieads willing to tsraiBBts aa aoqaaiataDea that was proTtag if oot aBloally sdvaata gaoas at I spfieiently so oa tbair aide tbe qoestioo Tbsy tberafora paid bia or at least bis bara aBotber visit a few nigbtB after aad earried of twaaly bBbelB OMre of wheat bsaidaa large oaaBtitiaa ef oata and pnaa Tbiakiag tbis wss ratber too aseb Mr Baobem BSBiBted saveti or abt ef bis aetith brB raaolved to try tbe Ataeriasa aystea of saarehiag all tbie aarrodiaK Imsb aad baraa for tbe a pioparty- Wbetl or tbey weald bava alao applied tbe Lyaeb Law priaeip to tba robber or I eanaoi tdl nt t did ao bav opportaaity tbsy bad girea ap tbe bepe tt briagjag tbeae ftaaboetars lo tba peaiabaaat tbey BO riebly BMrilsd LOKGIMANUS Colonial Arrival of the Aaariaa Bthlp i la Suoibamptea on the ISib arrived to- igli The Eorapa arrived eat oa tba ISib and le Lafayetie oa ibe ISib Heose of Cummoea on the I3ib la of the Eicbeqeer atated Ike hitfinaneiBi tuiemeoi Inihi Ihe Ch ibal he WMid r Ap il 27 h 1 Fmg tiveit report en Cenadian dtfeocea H aclaimad any iateotioa lo Btiribae le lb Mietalt or lo Ibe people eeeraliy a apir itliT iowarda Eofland Via ahoel iMegard a certain prapaeal daring ihe feaca between Ibe Conlederaiea and It w undmiandiog e pcAportion Ei Ml Foaler believed that the fear ef hot loundletf aod pfbletied agaiut eipeaa M the itpfence o Canada Mr Catdwall ataured tha llonte tbi Nir relailofie wiih Amatiea ooniinaed per eeiy friendly bet the Government wa Mr Oiaraali ihnaght CaoaJa aboolJ b irvpeiy defrmvti Mr Lowe ttid the moti efTecioal eooraa B tba event ef Canada beeamini a batile d declare Canada pan of lb ti I ft IbT p in m lA tttLn why we abooidool ptac tt in a tiaie of itefnee md Pa on eoold net axcee wiili Mr Uwe- cf Gx wvn Kiiglsiid sod Amsi The feneral ebteqoiee of the Dal dofay Aoie pecformed ao Ibe tSib iest pomp at Pere U Cbaae lull amneaiy fur polMical olleneei Seoor Sella matebia R lanciat Tbe lotal dafieit i ezMOngo fanet Fcom ihia200GOOOOUf will bo iadocid fem tbe pcneoedt of dula rsilrw4ta Tbe Miaiitei wkt for a loan 4350000u0f Ten thootartd oonoea of gold arrired ia Roglaod fcaa Aatiralia The report ef ihe rebeildirfg efSimetio aki Fon wja ineerrecC Six JaraiMae amera feeod ia the straii f in part of Ibe eipeditioa to pan- PiiaoNagae Plear qaief and tiealy Wbeat fi aer and Id bifber for red Corn Arm and aoA deaciipiMwa 3d bibber Bal qaie and eteady Pwk eaer Latd quiei bt Arm al IO 61 Bunr fell am aatier Tallew heavy ai 40 4U Ar America- Sugar tieady CulTieBe aalee Pe lioleom aieady Gen Montbella had tent a deapatch t eveinmoiii reqneating ii net ll preinrai any diviwoa ef ihi rouM be impnibt gi Ibe F B Hame I oir pwblie order keepiag promaeBily before tbea tbe aab jet of Coafederaiieo Lke tbe approach f the ceaat aprieg it may be dalayed fr a time by eoaleadg eleewal h advrat t eevertbelva tare aad carta Already a sbaage ie workiag hi ibe of Ibe people of iba eeaalry Tbey 6d wbat tbey bata lott aad Ibey weal tee wbat Ibey have gauted aad il i ptAbable Ibal were ibe eleetioa oai apik toaerrow ibe iealt woald be whaidiSereat bat if ibe rrSectioa faw daya workt a cbaage ef fvelieg what aay wa expect wbea we bear the elect of par MHcidal pnty at botaet Mr Die- ia if t I Goi be witb be aay gl il Will tbe rest el of the Protiftce tbe river coMliet et peeiany cMHear t- ibt arraafvaent aa where la tbe aKBry to a ae froa t i biffe never grrea Air Aegha credt f ach abiily bejood tbeabiiity of Be awg anr at a wier except cl to waaafaclare lalebo m bat it be preveol oer debaBtoret froa lallwf tbe home aarkel dowa to 75 we tbaH Mkaowtaiga oar etiatta of bs abihiy to be Bi faali If rnoir sHBa cor really a pn aiae ciuxtb ef St Jol ef ber wKbfeei aefcbaMia ao Eagtaad aad kuowiaf tba atd of lb oeatry iib rafer New QrrKk to acce M any lemai aad wbea aeiaaliy gne or al a boniWa dicoait wbo lalkt of eoBiraetrpg railwayt aao wa adopt Ur Wilaota paa and taae crreabtrkt lo pay for ibem Try i eo Mr SVilaat TIn Goveraoieal ofGm Britaia at ev ia ibe tpeecb ef bei Mtjetly tba Qaeea bave made ap Ibei mioda le tbia Ubm aad it ia bM aarh i dhcbifal aaitsr to fly directly ia lbs faci of Ibe Imperial Govrraaieat bn it as foobab ait to Matgioe afler wa refae oi aegWl le coapty wiib Iba very reatoeabU deicB8 of Great Britaia ia aaitiog aadei BO Georral Govevaaeat for aaloal of fsaOva aad dsfcativs parpnae ibereby aid- tag ibe pareat stats ia preerviog oer lenily ihat ba is libely to troable bar aru aboat ear fatare well baiag or opea ber cofart to atd at ia oar werki of gen etal improveaeat T A ttroag eaovati tbroegboet Ibe coaalry vaa tiarud by tba ery we aball bare te pay for prelectiag Caoade aod coaatntctiaf ber defeacea bat tbey forget tbat ia protectiag Caaa we are proieeltBg oarMlvta Tbe fee that coald orerroa Caaada woald oTorraa New Braaawiek aad if aoa cooaty it worib aartbiaf it ia aarely wertb defraiefIt is jaal bks tbs cow ty of Qaeeas protealiag agaiatl lbs defea cea of 8l Juba We sbaH ot aRade at preBt le iba qaestiea al tautiea Ibal groat babble wbicb dae win ibortly paac tara btyood tba ridiealeaa idaa of bsariag jradly at IB aaoy tntaacpt la lofa Etica pav CO cenu dirrci taia- e year loodly drcUiniac agaiatt Ihit apotioa Nvitber thall we re- er at Iragib to the lalercoloaial Railroad hat cbenbed KheaM ol all who have ibe f ibit coaalry really wbieb if we aittshe nol wui tceMio err ia panic ia York lo eat the bitier frait I vexatioa for baviag oppnted a auUi ed a meatsre calcaUied above all olbart I ratte at froa oar lethargy ef coamer iai detpitMleBrr reviving every braocbof ade rabBKe tbr valae of oar property ive eaployaeat lo iboutandt and create large eienditBre of mBey in oer isidti bict Ibroegb Ibeir sclioo is bow far ia 0 ditlancs sod potaibly oa tacb advaa by aa overwbelaiag aajority Tbs Rev W L Tbornloa Pre of Ike WleyaB Cobfereocedwd tsddeair at bia retidcBce Anbrrkt toad Wi Hackney Dowet oa Saodar anroiog 5lb March aged M It wat hoped that bii rAeat vmt ta America bad leedad lo the ettabl abmeni ol bt ratber onfevblvd braltb bV of lata be bad taUiatd rvpeated aad nblgrd la reltiqaib many of bit peblie dulietetoecally dariag Ibe petl famigbt Oa avaiag bcwevvr be wa better tbae fir aeveral prvvioat dayt bavipg Walked we are laloravd by the Wnlefan Timei iatlesd of beieg wbeei ed from bit own rooa to ibe brpakfat rooa whea bating takewhit breakfai ebetifuly be bad retereed rate bfSAW rdoa and wbilt ssadiac witb bs haad AO Mrt rborntAn bnlr aipirvd Irim wbat belivrd to have bca a tetxare aI foat oa Ibe heart Mr Tborviaa wai born is VorkLiie profed baoelf Cbra irly age be rrmaieed tiP 189 ben be wat ap pnnied tA tie ediirbip ol lle MtiJtodif Bad at the latt Coafrtvnrt Mat ptaord by an overwbeliaiag majonlj of volet ia tbe Prevdit cbair ll n iBied a rrmarkaba tbal oal of a cna imaoat tacceMtoa of teveat Praiwleal f Cnafrrraee oely oae ftlber ded danai tb IScial year namely tbe Rcv Jobs Baicr tt btU a ctatary afO Yolcaaia Srvptiooa- Etna and Vsanvioa are botb io a stile of violeot eraptlen A letter froa Uss aina dated Feb S says Darini last few days a frmk trap lion of Mount Etna bas takso plaee It bring an extraordiaary speciacle and a pbenomeaon oaly repeated al long inur vala I weot to ue mosntsin at the fittt rcecipt of tbe aewt and atayed there two days Botaithaianding tbe axeratively bad weather The lava ia not abandaat al tie soarea aod Imiuediately dtvidts itaolf iato iwopriasipaj branebse Deilbo sre the two torrsots very wide Tbalwhioh I have seen and the larjicat was abont Ifieen mctrat bixb and of a width of two hoadred and flfly or three hondred me ttat It iteooa on the east aide of Kina and bardly rearhaa tbe bordert of the oellivated vine districts bat it has over whelmed two eelisxca and if il aootiaacs it will probablv destroy the villa of aod Piedaonte at leatt It ia likily lo take tbat direotioa for it is pupsibla te eaiabliah be law by which tbeae enormoas masaaa of red hot liqaid naitsr are gaided Tim other branch rnna down tbe aorthsra side and threat ens the villa of Linaaiiroaaa Thisii Ihe amaller torreot and ia alraady sab- divided iato aaveral raniiloatioa wbleh lead to take a oonrte iQ tbe diraetioa ef tbe anetUlivaied rocioa Tb law Anarieaa Tbe saeoesaor te Lord Lyoea ia tbia momeotoos post will ba Sir Prederek llraoe who st prsaant bolda the oAee of Minister at China bat bapFaa eppor tanefy to ba ia Bngtand 1 bare is a roasoo to dnnbt that la making tbis as leetion the Oorernaicnt bad ample regard for tba qaaliSeations neeaoaary for tbe ofice Sir Frederick Broea has greatly dtstiBggiaiisd himself by bis ooedaot of oar troabieaoma nsffOtiatioM with Ibe Ceart of Pskin and ibot ba will bave wry differsnt persons to deal wilh io Wsshingtofi yet a mse wbo bas bsea srgetie aeate end saeoaasfol ia one pi rill probably ba aaargaite aod rill OT Jba C Fremori was fined t29 by Jedite Uallin for not oftctatiag at Jsror York Tbe lownthip of Newcaatle bis rejected Mr Dunkina bill by iha fllow- lag vote Veaa 69 oaya 78 A Landaome feaale pickpocket joM arraslsd to New York bas beaa in tbe bosioeaa since sba was eletea yean Id aad bas realised 835000 A Boeton paper alaiea that thanks to Sec retary Sewards adroitncaa la tha Trent iffair England loat the only opportanily aba will ever have to bamble America a A eoa4e were aarried ia Uodoa C W oa Fnday the bnde being ever 80 TCBrs of age and ibe grooa 35- A ebirrvan wit the coaaeqaeaee Ib the Book of ItevelatiAai death bui in tbete daya be rides aa iroa boras- lbs locoaolive Tbe grast exbibiUoa ta Oablia is to be iosngarated by tbe Prince of Wales witb tbe same oerotBontal w if by tbe Qbmo beraalf It wu tboogbt in Paria at tbe latest date that peaea woald evantaally resolt in America froo the late eonfer ance in Hampton Roads BQu The Confederate Seaate bas paw ed a roaolatioa reoomendimc tbat rotalia lory Doararea for tbe daalb of Capt Beall ba earried oat Aa old tegar otaker iaformt Ibe Maioe Farmer that be alwaya tboveU away tbe taow froa Ibe treat before be lap ibem He oey that It makes a ery great dffrvooe ia ibe flow of tap Bk- Aiken ef Soolh Csroli na ooa of the weatthiaat and few lei men of Ihe Smte hat raeontly praaanled epch of hit 70 tlavat witb tbeir freedom and a fan 07 M Joeepb SlAvel bat beea ap- po aied laibr to H R H the Pnnee ol Walei and ii lolrecled to aeleci aowt pre of cloth of Cauadiia aaoafactact for the uae of tbe rrtae Tha London Star aays that in eonaeqoanea of te increaee of rereanc and ractiooa of expendiiara Mr Glad- atone will probably have a margin of from 3 0000 to 4000000 on wbiab U Briam Toaag is perfeetly aea tral InaraeeBtaeraoabeeaid Tbi North prays tbat tbetr iwordt nay srikee ioto Ibe bMrt ef every rebel aad I aay Amen I AndtbsSoatb praya that lbs Norib mar be eat down oa a tboosand hauls flddt snd egala 1 ssy amea I lisAPilirK0 A tsrge aeabar ef pertoat gatbrred areead ibe Qaebee jail Friday lai ia tbe rxpeetatioa of aewag be saeeeasfal thsr Bat tboogb Sir F Brara 1 been raeeatlyeaiployad io any peat neoBad odtb bia tMW Aee Le is not entiraly iaexperieaaed la Aaeriean af fair Hit first employment waa whea ettsebed io tba lata Lord Asbbartoni speeial mlarioa to Wasbioittoa ta 1642 and wbeti tba fantooa Aahbartoa treaty was negotiated- Sabaaqaeatlyfor ayi he was LicuisnanI Governor of Ni fooodlaad snd froa 1847 to 1855 be wu amptoys 1 io variooa parts in Soaih Ameriea Fonr year after tbia be waa wih bb brother Lord Eliia te Cbini snd bsa siara baas employd anltraly ii that eoaniry Oraat Piia ta Barlia- like ol which agaia oeearred ca WeUeadty a- lal ia the total deiractioa by fi e of tbr larg aad baftrfaoae boiding oa be corwri of Kiag aMi FooMlry slrvet keowa a Ibe Caaadiaa Block The fliawt wen firt dtcovcred aboat balfpat twelv aelock bertiiag onb ibroaib ib ibut lera of ibe eoroev ttore oceepied by Mr N Jeffrey cbemiat aad draggitL A atara wat at ooce giveibe Pvod natiai of tbe bellt ftlarlled oer vtUegcrt from ibrtr bedt Bad ia abt twenty aiaalet fro be tiBM ef lbs finS first braokiag oa the Fire bricade with ibeir eegiae ax hooka aad leddertsaad a large aaabvr of ciliciis wera g at tbe teeoe coaflagratiea wlb bad already gaiaed Ibe niatery of ibe whole soelb eaal aide of Ibe baildisg aod wu sfraadinf w learfal rapidiiy For a cnnaiderabla li fta ra wera earerlataed for Hofbaaa f Miare factory oa the oppoute coraer Foaadry street as well at for Iba tUbWt oalbaildiara aad aaaMroas frame leae meat la the rear ef Ib baroisg baiMmg Had tbeae eaagbt it is baid te any where Ibe diatcr aicbt bara eaded Bria TetegrtfJi ji- Thirty three eat of saeeatyfear Aclt psaaed dariag tbe MSaiea wera Aala e iBcorperaiioa or aaaadaaaU to Aab of iBcarpitratioa I5I00 abo Ttfeyritph to Globe from QoebM QotBCC March la Step ara beiog lakea by tba I Departowat lo relieve tbe thirty ci ies ef vetMlaen bow ea frealiar m by the lt of May They will be rep by twcoty one epeniet twelve ol rd froa Upper Caaada cai The deperlment of Grown Loadi heard froa Mr Fiixferald eafSfadi SB Ilk Maris Betwtea Spaaiab and Fraa Kivarabtnad foaodeicelleat laad f litabcred wib while aod raad pine aiZ lad beech T v be Uke Sb lera rectivrd bera fro t ia Eaflaad stale tbet i tot likely te direct Ibeir la Eagiaad all claaei are ployed aad the other aeloaies an ree pataagea lo eaigraata Tba I hBies by atesMn to Moalrealaad lec at cMBpared witb New YarM laethar eaae Of the aaigraatal lave arrivedat Portland tiaca lbs li JaaoAry 144 wra cabia and 14Ittf Of tbea 6 cabia and 220 leagers came to Caaada Ihe n proceeding chiefly to New Yerfc lew BreBKWick paper of the red lAday Attoreey Gveeral I Lot been defeated la Nertbeai Mity Mears Wiltilai Ha rand Sutta tbeStJoba Tei aja favor aedenlioB Mr G H Lane Cbf Clerk ifl Aviaciai Kiar tueceediaf thtH f KeotCie Tdeyr lvy wer aPoeliaaad I d hoi t af the Tb Quebec cerretpoi deal of tha American SeTolntiei B New Yoac Ma cb Vt A Wi ICO repondeet maket a tarieat ofi latioa for wbkh be vooebea ee- I rebel Coofederasy of a vey t aeiere He aaya the tetal a UMiilaiv rece of the rtbelt it aae tb fiurtt being brK ernlUiathe rebel war departaaal ibraary tbe 4tb Aaoag the wiiaetaet befeee Iba ef the Coafederacy wat Gea d It woald be badpy Rbannd u Ihe tr North Caro1iaa4bat oopa enoBf b te last tdl of the erite weW be i by aboeld be Ii woald dcpead apoa ciroaaa briber Ibey woald aOcceed Bf lelegat ily afur Ibe pioeed to Eoglaad pror gtiioe PocoTs Tba Resex RteorJ Wtod- r aaya Pur a wtek paet large unm ra of wild pigeona have baen ia tb wooda in this vicinity and aiaca the mild weather set in beve been flying oer the tAwn Witd gaest aod deekt have alo been flying narthwarda thee iwUesung tbe nesr approeeb of aprlng 1 The yield ef aaple soger aad etap aAUee is Ibe Nnnhera 8isle a 31 000 000 galloaa aaaoajjy Great reparatAaa are beiof mmle by tbe ferer tbe diffeieat parltof the Statea le artke naple tegar and aymp ea aa exteaMr cale the cooiaf vatoa At Ibe Welliatioa Spring AaaiM Geelpb An Wedeeaday laii Dr beld Saith wu eouvet4 a a cbarxa ol i etrcaiaireg ibe aasM H 4ta Iwa yearsad mx aMih t la the Proriacial Peaiiea ely free fr fnr feet lower ihtn for aaay It woald aeea Ihsl the recent svs ae oft ia awtlbag Ibe walert ef iha bty Leader T DaLXGATioN TO EKOtAiriTbe Moairoal Oateitt t WAaday aay that tb Itletl ruaoar fra Owbec ia lhat Mer Macdoaald Csrtier Browa aad Oaltbave been teleeled by their colleagaes ta pro cevd to Ioadon bt it ia ant yal cartaia that all of tbea will ge 0L SncoLAnoK Tbe Cbaibaa Planet atatea lhal at Btbell the rage f r oil laad baa aaaxiagly iacreated It baa beea aatifactorily proved lhat bI Ibroogb or peaintala oil beea foaad wherever capitalitii cboot to dig IV It especially the case with regard lathe dua Brerve Lauda wbicb are aew held at a htgh figare 07 Several of tba Parie jwoaU pak Bgatal Ihe extreaely ducoUeU tyle of d wbch Ibe tadia have ad p ed al tb CalU tbia aeaaoo ie the Feneb eapitat Wbat rvaaita al tbe prearat drol womaai dreta ays M E Teiier is tbe Swee ts so taatl lhat It it bardlr wortt lalkag Bbat are almvai sUired like the aai Vrs ia Souib Aowrica with aolbiag hat a necklace Aocioerr AT BaArroko March 29 ISS 11 sck espvf Iraia pbvia town and eleveaof tbe catite kdled Tbe tracb for iraSe abwl 13 oelk DA- ActSACAntaTTHaGainDTatraK Railway M ihe titiia ef the Aai Cert for ihe CAOaiy WafhagVa held Garlph oa Weaaeaday a htmtr neaed straage brnaht as arlien againal tb Graad Prank Railway for tbe deirnctiAi Usi saaaar of plaiaUf a bortea oa thi radway track al Rockwnod nod daaaii doee lo Iha pWiaiff wooda awl property br fi broegb aeghgaMe of ihe cwpany Tbit aetioa etet aoaaidarabt iaterFt aaaag tbe wtiea ncquaaated wtib tbi pieiattfraad ba iaiura A etileweal wa hewaver aoaa te yesterdsy before lk the tnal Ibe aoapaay payiaf 1000 aad ptaiatila Ceafbdaratlm Tale ta V SL Qoaaxo Marab S7 A talyaa to- aairadbera oa iHtarday fom Ffadane- tea N B stataa tbat tM alaatioa retarss were all ia aad tbat partlaa ia tbe aw ParlisBMNtt woald aUad S8 aati-CaaM- orates to 13 Ceafedanlaa Tba total ToUa poUad b tha Pioriaea al tU raoMt a Aiti Cfifcdvala r 1600 for onfediM ing a Tery ftvonrsbla fi iiie aentiment isoaoAtraA of Caaada drawa fraa I the t Ibey cei ll aampaign Hs ibinx policy ia to make pesee aa Iba d by Mr Supbea Ha ptna- abedyiBg obtt ba baa aaMi d wbar paad al tbe leierriaw Sad Appotal caiaaaMonera H Slatf coaatetiooera le CAnedt ea ad Ibe return of Iba Saiearea ss if ebedienee te iha eonttiialtAB sadl 8rd Eiecboa by tbe aa oamaonera of Cengreak eater Coagfea npoa eqoa Mr Siepha bvlierH tbi plaa are tbe apprAbaiioa ef North fulfil rNgia Fle Ahbama Mta4i and perhaps Boulb Caraliee aad V Cttr PoMT V Mateh s eagagtaaat betweee tbe eee a 9tb cerpe tbi aoraiag nrds rea fer the Qib eerpa ba make aad I the left of tba liaa ia froat f Fiiher The 3rd diviatoa Gea Seyai sdiag wat aeleated at the aaM Mean and aborly after aeea thai batik wa foraed nnd tbe order leaJ girea la a 4rt tiaa oor aea I eaaioa ef the ealire liaa of rifle piiy aeay nearly all tba eccapaaU 11 bsea aade pnaeeera Oar toMi in tba aiitr was tril Over 600 priauMrs weeo braa tbo resalt ef tbe aogagaaeat titil anetbnr fight teeb plaas at I a Baa ia wtneh tba s sad y vntaged Tbs sttack was aad J darti Over 400 pn feH ia bauda on tha grAOod asking in nllll Sd75 natAog whoa ara aaae ioti3ed eflkera Ibe highest iB beg celeael This does aM laeh isbel wtaaded ia boapalsl wheee a ir eeeaMeraWe Tbeae aaea atei hey patted alenf eoapleiety i lh tbair peetitea no dAabt aatic I larger Miy af raiVnt ihnn tba tM receiv ag fe aeaatiae pBi It is rep iud that tba rbrl Gea lAa waa aeea orgiog ba aea U II iiara awearwg at tbea tor Bdag wilb tba eactaantina al at I tbtagbt tbe aten wont ftr wbiah ba left aad was ant nban Il Nlk lUh M battery wat hdWd wbde Sgbtiaghia WM Afdered te aarreadar bal w bnllelt wtre foaad to bene esMP body He was s gsUaal sAcer ead teaaed by hn aen Col PentacoaC ef rbe lOOlb Fm ma waa aKo killed wbW gaMaat g biia aen in tha acflea rhia ff 0oapod aoally ef new BMa aa Bredit with baviBg feoght liba al Ge GftAfrr Pwatb ViwaJ Qaney Aratf p an eitrae vate letter wricea by Lieal at lo Si etd friaud aad I Eeevylinnf leaks la aalebB fevorsWe for a aposdy termisnlita wsr Tba peofU ef Ibe Seotb sM for it if Ibey eaa gel eleer ef lb 1 h it ba d to peedbt abat will heeat IheaIbe laaiaia Wbaibar tbafk flea tbs cpea ar nbilikB he will forcibly dipaea tbea aad4 antler in their ota lae Oae other will likely eeear if ear 8fii pniga be aa tweatlel a iaon la bepe it will be Tbe Riabwwd Smtimd of has baaa e At laat aaooaaU tbe easay bad paper aays tbarn iB a robal daaartse peevliaf iBedi ty Va plandaei tbe lababtaalK Tba orpaiittioo of oolevel Wf

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