Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 17 Mar 1865, p. 1

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VOL XIV NO 5 AND NORTH YORK GENERAL INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER CIVE MB THE LIOERTV TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE FREELY ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY NEWMAUKltT C W FRIDAY MARCH 17 1865 TERMS 150 IN ADVANCE- rulPl JIIOI 91 ijir tii John T Stokes AnnitTECTle tkira J 1 j T Bishop ft Son jRirKLyRJl8 PUtfrr nd I IIKJT A BonltboA ia Chaaei P ArVniirk I winaThtfrt9S 180 I B ifooro XiUeiiTin hV 0art RoiiarittutkT CaafteiS Dfla Tataata 1 North Richardson CVKVANCBR Atnt Ac aaiiMurr naafV Of- ProiapCt rtestftfa- I Dkfciori Dr McCallam nHYSlClANSurir Aroaehr 1 Raaietsc Masot AlbrtTaliip tf9 ifSl Esitilliinbarr I Aagatt ill 1CI 8loa H Hoble r Surgaon T H TOM A RRIRTrR BRd Atlornvjr al Lw Salie- K BMaavtal rowr Offlp Pot iRfT Dr Pyna PItVSICIBreaad tfet filly iaCttmt th pahtic iha hahaa la ae prmt an Onrlm St tttrihr WoIJn FaplaT may t whaoaWani iifSt IMS International R B Joy VRHRR MairJrarrr ilainSlXaw- SusntBS Olrrctors E Jaekson ISSCER OF HABRIACE LICEISES A Era 6lRraXwmarl r PHJH HALUN AND WIUSON GlVlt ENGINEERS ARCIIITKCTS xp Protiacial Lta4 Girrfyers Krwtnarkrt Jaa 9 IKCI Tho Queens Hotel Jvaatrr tClliCQ newmarkt Iron Foandry JASIES AIIA Wlaralurn lUaakp fa- lutimala Ihal p r xr- I narila caai 8ae Karat KHiUa Aaeli riTTif A- j T loaowofa Compapj Omertn omgr j c pjwa for tie fa 1aT 9 SI tC-H- Fch 0 TiO II Live for Sometbinf Lira for aBmalHnK I4W lak alat thra r ampkaj Lbnr b tlM ij lu ft 1 kaih maaT linUaa Aciiva ba ibto bik jra aaaj Bttar bkaaf la liy paikvar I Oaailr venU aad wrin aniiUi Wilk iKair ffdprlliac viWt A lb pIraMnt auakklaa hllath Rvar nit ih cnitral rank ladai Wlitaprf vatda at bnfa aad ramfert OiT and iky taward ikall b iicW Iky ai War ii Bkall Ika irsUful liglil ba tha Icaa lb ladiM workad for woold noi pijr bir t Mra nrand twlr out br lilU pen- iht I krpt you wnitini lor ihial I did Ml ihiak ho mpch ntfdd ii Tf poor n thitir Mfoinp Mid Mr Ksllr ittmtng to go whan Mr Brand vakw alopptd iir mldwaj Mrt Klljr Arc ifoo ii wm f 7hpiU raedrkad t lilil she aald laat I hrard from him vta bcfor ll tt rf I Yog liT children T Thcca and boy aaid Mr Kallr And TOO r At No 106 in assuhwce sodiety of london KOffjpir John T Stokei SlOJIKRfftrukJrt U laCaflaQaaBpcl M FRONT STEEET TOSONTO j rLOVR Aral far Rrtdiya riawinR Wei I P itlfTi Biiil Tuf rHnltklltcn Oil NOKTE AUEBICAN EOTIX CHAS BRELPFP rnopaiKTO ia ItMal kaa Uriy nndariroii IHIS Pin tkaCarlar4aa Bcl fai ifcet nan- potupa Mr Tark and PaalCtfatajaatrAfAIaj iaaaS HW lfl Cairpaay Hector St Sollivan Dtrid E MeLta it Co JJontrfttl I Omiai ax rnna in avd rmra ill lAHRtlTCna Dih 14 I860 lr45 llotalan r arriralaBd dirparturaorTraina 4air AmeTLawSeIicitoriD Chuicery T O U O N T O 0F1CR rBffSract WM ki Yr d Jadan iir la Tmaiil Pb 9 IMj4 IVilliani iivin Si Co irM ForwarJine Ifiifral i Davison House I Ifss sc St- Xitifit Sirtit MonlrfL Haidsara I MAIN ST NEWMARKET Oaor B tlQtebcroft Vilt yy 1trU Vaker Mam Sirl pwiaarkal Allor ra vma rnvirvurTH I ry Ia krcifaivti iib Dpirli I ij ACCOMODATION OF GUESTS Tboina AlkinOn caBfrtolla ha nTfr Dr Santiey n I v ftiraatrAalriaakar-tlMb- PllTHIPlAN 8irtan aad AcaofltMi LTCENftfcD A f C f I h E R i OflWaatttSiraal fool JOIIN DAVISON f r3 Chac IIT1 Newmarket Jtiw Ua If- i r r All irdnt Pmrnptly Attrndtd lo James UeCInrc cr paniutn a Vatowamod uotlosaoor- r a ib kaUcnlwr b apply- af Vnfk ad Pr ing a Arc I A THOMAS ATKINSON awmabai Bai 171 Halland Uadiac April t tC2 if- W Xoalef FM Allordetapramptt J JAS McCLUKE ApriiTlh I SwrliiiS eck Ciirrd Bibl Oepeaitory COXVBTAWCKItaail Laud a Camj nTBLEandTalawcBUeaa brhad ataaiaaiBthaMaaaaaBaaeb Oflcua D riflya prirea apna apptkalloa to R iA liaad i ih purmf sw1w il Hia had al iht nOir TrV 9 Hi la bn aline eaml viik tl lU Prrpar by W C I Kr arhHPap r rera SirM Iik May IHS5 John J Landy lrpUary Cauipbrll Sc lAiinf KOBT ABLIMUTON n 0 C T E R IS MKDICINE of tbr llnrity af RtiBlarh Manbrririir r Calirp nl SMrsTfin al Caftand AfHi Strrft yntmarkt M O John UcNab 4 RlllTKK Auaiwry itwltritor in Cbaa Riiliead Ilatal j Br PORTEB I Su Dentist W ILL U atlha RailrMl Ho if awirVaioi tloSl esieeih uiirkii Al I Geo B Hogaboom CLRRK Fnaiik rtip Caatl ia H R Ar NcwoMckat rcBpiacl by Mr TWa V C ADAMS D D S Smrgto JMatiU 99 Ataf tUrtil JTmI AltTlClLAR atlaatioBf irralA THE BAILBOAD TTQTrT Cltai HTwir iTiwr i li MWMAliIKT C I irnTainralirfiiipnraaio inallila I ranrbM BY JAMKS WUODCOCK f LU Uri forttfUiJ yuktUr ami lb brst Bftaa Kllitic I I Jinaral Taili t AnaptMalaaurWtrmailatrdrBi AMmtwdalVHi lar IrSTalara God Vatraaiaad attry parlann Ckitrg Mad TMtk Filled wll Pr SW TV W1 tr natMr Stabhaf and a sia Ommilmt t Sticks and Lime David L Rogers U D SUtTQt Eotpiul VadieI CoUe- y Victoria Medical College UC I PHYSICIAN SURGEON kc MAIT tTftirr fiKWMKKST OMBaiir Iba RaitrMl llMrl 7 Hrt4 Sponcer Spencer barristers and attorneys QOLlClTOKn iaCkaacaty fayaaerra Adjalaiac ika 1 OOea VatMti Saptl lfeC4 Dr Marto 1 PHTJiCUy BvrMB AaaialaU tba RnyaT My bvadaa Baftaixl Jtaaaa 30 t P V K laroc n Dt OmClVeTth Amfriean Eotl VvmukttCW BaAUCH OKlCKJI 4aaMrilU lar Iba ebarca al Dr JliUru vbo My b eaaMliad a aai OmeiL At ika raaidac f Mr tuwm Bear mmki AlhafL wkara cm fri tlvaa ptallaSM way ba caaad laONBAT WtOViaOAT ftRO PRIOAT I lrt af Quaaaa SrhAe ii TMK ftsnitTRT ornct MMVrUAILLZT C W Iftbuaa OalUr I which kravamaird lafivaaaliraiatiafactian ftm iht Car Tncanlo JalygH 60 lf2S if Charles Dnrand i BARIUSTKR and ATTOnNKY I OmcKCorrJdtUiJfad laa 8lrtHt kaaJforaaUao xTtiNaSw aplitraa tn ih rlllo i A CtinaalM Hill ai Matkl 300000 BBICSSi HIII ami Matkliam Panicalar allaaliva klao Vhiia and Had a larf qoaatilj af lr I fien la Dankrapiry laat hia yard ISAAC SlICKWOOn lyM Krwmarkft JVaj 19 liM j Tamnln ftrp t I E Burns BTIO ta iaforai Ua Ladiaa Ikat alia ia pre- parMl la I REMODDEl REPAIR FELT HATS C EDWAED STXPHEKSON rsU V Ismtr tf llarriisc Liceasej strekt Cbaomy Boiadaa PitU OrriCC OmUtrio IJafJ CAarcA Sfrett Tbid Door XorUi a Kin faroaio Sapiraitirr 14 IW4 Blovins ScTerf BARaiTKKM AtWniaalU8Ueilan ia Cfcaaerry CaavyaaMia At Ornn Corner of Yom mA HV- liaato Srmf Awrort NaraaberS Ul4 iftt Wrapping Paper TUST RECEIVED a I JSeta a KaaMJpwara attba NEW ERA OFPJCE robert arnold p Tuts ITalalU saw flitad ap ia tka Ulaal Biy a far ib aad afMmmotina ef gwrta I Iba Bar and Lardar kaiat aH Bap pliad Good SlaUxn axda Cartful ITotlUr ra Na9II64 tf39 J4Ux BBOOIC Carpenter ioioer CoRlraetr TIMOTHY ST NEWMARKET COTRACT8 takas lar aay daaeripli efOarpaaiaraad Jairar Wark Kraetia rttalldiaoaadatbarairactaraa um n rfaw Wral af Mr Tranit rraidaaca Messrs Jarris ft Edgar BARRITKS ATIORNEYA T LAW gOLICITORB ia Chaacary aad Baskrapf OrrKaa5a 19 Torasla Slnaal Tamata Dmbrlfi4 THE CAHADPTrirCH I THE PICK AK baaMMoa jaerel aad pah- liaked la Taraale arary Xeiardiy ftalw prranaaai Fraalaia 2tv- aarxal by Aaaaaar Huaaaao Addraaa Kdiwtr Pkli Taroata Jaaury H It Blpnk Account Books JDRTaCCClVED aa aapply at tbi OAaa Aiaa Mtaaiaaad Maaaaraadaai 8h waa gnna end iha family hflck l uppar i lha charm a ken PiPteidly lha ekildran went and Iht liuaband and war I Kiiiy raid Mr Brand tha woman A Dollar and a Quarter jia right y wrra broufht atjd ail TKir lifa and Tiie Norenbtr viod whiilted aroand do noi know how tiia poor oftab tbe Mraet eornra and whirled iba few aulTar bt I ramemLar goinjc hangry to dead Ieaia oA Ih abide iraea ll had a baJ miny a nibt fn ray fhiMhoed be- rich db tbal made tbe people hurry faiter kofne- the lo buy bied ward wUile lUa boiloned tbir I did not often maka any ooa wai warm orcreoala orer their ebire and tba Ilrnry aaid Mra Drand but yoo don bdioi drew Ibeir far tipoata cWely and know bow boiy I bare Wn lalily Ti Lid tieir sloted banoj in ibe warru on ibfCimnittea for preparie tla diiia of their duvny oiuSa Gaily i at Iba Soldiers Ilmpital lomnrrow an dreaaed little cbtldren ikipptd aloag ibeaUooe ihat for proeorins agbseripiiof hard aidewalki and ibesr tnany Toire lo tbe Orpbana Relief Koad and my bleoded peaaanily with tbe mormnr of dmnealic cares bcalJe and Ibea yoijrnow ibeatrecia Nijsbl waa drawia on apae what these people are aonieiimas tbey many warm cor boosea tbe ear- dnriTe ar rere drawn and tba was lit j Kiilyaaid Mr Brand in tbi woman wbile lari ins faces waited to greet tba eaae there ia ao impoatora bat that 1 home cviuing of ibeir father may be aore of ie Im goinjE tbera to- Mr Kraad wa on bia way bome with nijbt toaao rmrmyaclf 1 eannot tell a mil of aooiatbiag ia one band and a yc btw ciieTcd I aia tbai say oa rcat turkey in ibe other It waa be drfiaadrd een for a moinrnt cT aoa- I bsnkgiving H and Mr lanH was Iry lawfBly tbair by wy wife or any aae nna of ilioaa bo provided well for bta lof my lrmphM housiold Ila bia pace a ha J Irfnaid limiy 1 taid Mia Braid Iioma aad finally ran up ihe OfranJd 1 I nMaa lb wo d Kaly I and tofOed tbe lach- jiLoa it nHoda barb nJ 27ih trrel- J1ia parlor door open- fir crni a H wowld ba for errdtnd a fair oman with bMna relation lo direcird ny oblifa- a and alw fj papr lo be diboaercd welt tatd Mis Ursnd i kaow yno take jars ribt thnnk i neirr lbbt of it in his oeercoai and hsrf bung il on iia it ay flat if yos will go rf will tg au ihirocb wbils out cam Mary I Fire nwalra after Mr aad Mrt Braad Ofclbeir way lo lOSik alreel 1bay blue aa the aky and iofi glldi hnir ahadiug a lovely face came Sbs helped him difieallr Md sine lo tbe rear bnaaa Tba door aa Ofeamt by a dirly od woman batf dread with a ladered cap OTerber lock of Mly ray biir 1 1 yoa yl to Mnaaca tba itacea and ao it lbs rstlf aiop a bit OS eao take oiy caadle tbe poor creslsre ba liks Kite aad Charlie each wilb a glad of walcomo and a kia for paps Some body was praetiaitrg in th paHor bmj Mr Brand going in smiled and nodded to hta young niece Anns who waa at hol aitd whoas every looaeiit oc aapper bell raag and they all went down lo a isbis wbtch was aprsd aith bot muffioa niesly bniird aisnk sud ihs nst delicals apple Irinera froaed lb lha whiiMl of powdered lur Kery one eat down in lbs bipiat j up ihe ersty aiairs p aoo4 and auyper waa prfgrraifR plea over tbe damp dirty vmiio awarm- of ibe Mr jng paasagss to ths fourth fl Kr sod front Corns in said Mra Kellys vstee is reply to ihnir knock aad in they vesi On lha gbnst of s bed in lbs corner lay tbe ghoat sppareutly of s child knawing hungiy st a croat ihres years oM but wiih hit lilils facs wrin kird where it abould have been dimpled ihiii aiMl penr and drnwe by bonger out of ail childiah roonrneas aad bsauiy Two older girla were attUng rn iba flMr cloee lo s fir ihst sssmsd lo be joai mada and lhal vsa moat rsloctaat lo hum snd ihe aldaat child a girl of ten years psrbspK kniiiing by Ihe fireligbi Quasse March 0 Tbe fellowiag Bili ware rstd a ibir OiU ta ameod tb Act iacoTraliag tbe Cfper Canada o peraotu is cerlaia eaaea lo aow ikeir laod Hoe Mr Ooultoa aofed for aad ob- laiaed ao addiew for reisre of correapoa- denra briweea tbe Crows Lead DepaU- meat and aay peraon or prjon oo itie avbjecl of tbe aiplicjlioa of lbeSadaeona Miaisg CoaipaDy aAd olbera for ceitiia Bimng laad ia tbe Inwatbip of Stratford lln Mr CaMpbl Ted tbe aeeoad reading of bia Bill for ibe beller proec tioa iba fiberiet aad enler iate lengtky eiplsaslioaa eialioo cbeme oatil I hai Oeen Srt aab j areellara 8i hetngaaarcb nillei ts tbe paapla ed Th oty was ilielted furiHily be- Hos Mr Capbell and aeveral otbra ifira taking Msiin The aana pa presented a largr asaioer of petit ioa froRi per aaya there aie 3000 locoMiriirM ai d Ibe Romae Catbolies of Tpper Caasdi a jrara penned up at Charloiia It aata regard ID Separale Sebool Irgitlatioa IShannan will of courae deatrny thie Tbe parted for reeeiriag petiiiona for atick They were baaviiy laden I eileodcd Ibe 20ib Qutscc Map 0 To day Iloa Mr Caerbos preanlri aiaeieea pelitioes besrisg liileea bsndred i Qeb Mr Walkb inirodoced Bill o smcod t Miae law of Upper Caesds Tbe Coafedersiion debate wsi lbo re- Mr D r Jooes aetd tbere wira tome delailt of ibe reaolaties wbicb be eoatd approve bal be Ibosgbt ikat ihay Fmpar March 10 Sereral pelitioai were piearaled p-ay- Ibal H tbe event of Coafedrralioo i ksnie edecaiioflal rigbt o begavran pd lo tba Caihnltc miRonly of Uppei Canada a lo the Volealaal atiaorily of Lnwer IaMda Tbe foilowiag n1l were ietrndecrd By J A Macdosald to make prnvistaa for tbe eonviclina puaiahiaeal of per iled entieiig Har Majeilys svbjrcit td eil is fjreign aervice By Mr SooKTville lo amcod tbe law epeclag raw bHiea aad leather On Molioa of lbs lios J A Macdoo lid It was reaolted tbal from tbit dau ibe esd of tbe aevuos lUere would ditiiitcl aittisga of be His begmning at 3 pm and eading at 0 p m aad tbe allier begiramg al 730 p is ad edisg whS ll lIoae riiea and ibatpre- eeedrnee be giren loGnveranent bMaa Tbe ricbale oo Cvofrderatioo wat Ibeo reiird Mr Tacbereaa uid be bad lo aeparale froM bit frwoda ee iim ssd vole agiHl Ike reanlatics A new coeatitalH neeiary aad net akfd for by The Soulrtem eaprese cnmnan aaved ail ita vaiuablaa but ilie mails bsvi been loei every wlerit Freoidebl lisoolai Addao is felting aod ly tree are alatod i pamble frn ud Tbe atenae ia filled wih a lcne waa of people Tbe cere- Moatea will take place la ibe Srsats Cbasiber Tbe fillowing ia tbe Prek deals iaaignrii sddree Fallow CoBstryaenAt tbia aeeosd sppesrieg to uke Ibe ostb of lbs Presi- Tben ilslemvnl of a lo lie partbed reemed very fitting aad proper Now at tba tipirslMS of osr yera daring wbicb Mbti derlara OAK bave been conaianiy cilled forib oa very po nl sod pfaae sf Iba great eonle hich alill abcrbt Ibe aitentiio aad ea tro Ibe energies of Ibe aalinn liiila H aew eosid bo preentrd TV pr a of oer arnies opns winb all else cbirfly depend ia s well koowa o Ibe peblica lo myaelf snd it is I Irsat reaa bIy valifaelnry aol eneosragieg to al Wilb bib bope for tbe futsre so predie- people Ile wsainfafortraaappeall I Med lbs coeolry ad tkoagkt Cuafedfraiion Os Ibe esion cnrrepondia to tUs cheire brvsgbi sp I of tbe years agn all iboagbts were aaiiotsly ahnald lonk upon tbe acbeas as a wbole He coaaKtcred tbsrafore Ibst Ibe Adta ratios bad takes a prapsr cosrae vmg ibsprenosaqaeMion 1 deleal tW TacbeVacdVnarOovVrr I Mr Carlwrbt tbostbt it no oder t drradrd it smghl loavert iL WWW Ibnl in Ibe poait of affaira wbieb eial Torosm said Ibaf wben iasgsra addrea wat being dalivcred tbe eosntry tbe bos geafetnan boold 1 fm lb plca devnted aitosatber to tar- ve aoegbt aoM cWsge A b eoreioo af ih Itercolosl oal war iavurgnu secbaibbsldsolenedwiih iUiy U ibe ph ieal and eer tbe cly seekisj to de- nui bilker iber wa a Mb efased aowJr waraeeig i a we wa weie baing Hveateaad wiib reei proeiiy aad tbe Nindihg yirra bring ab- jrogstiofl lit rnald not believe tUt Ibe Anerieaat woalJ be n foolitb a lo abol k I ij Ti t tb AM nr lb Wr I fcl it 1 lb Il rf HI Il OI I frrj d ioeonveakeoce lo osr lrde ia ceat4jeiig wbeiber ibers ily for il aad wbeiber Ibe end to I aecsrrd wa one la wbieb we abosld re He wosid not inUlbe isletligesi of ibe Hooae by skiing wbeiber Ibe et atioi Riilb prtie deprreialfd oe of tbem weld suke war ralber tbaa let Ibe nalioa asrvxe aod tbe etber woald accept war ratber ibaa let il periab and One eigbib of Ibe pnptaii were eolosrvd slaves net di Inbnted gncially over lbs aaios bat localxvd iBtheoslbernpalofil Tbeae pecMiisr and poverfsl ly lbs mklcnsl beuefiia wbch ii beld ibibkb 0W rj7tanrbybi m IT fT I n-ii-r- W I b I Mr Harwood anpporUd Coolederalion r wiereM All kaew L- Fl bi b lodiblb J lb r Ib m- T bl 1 work f bf bJ f J rb ltib prKll rilnil Ibi i if01 Lkyl II bb II bd bicli f I ttbl noisl of view defils mighi ijg bnl tbeae wmld a 1 bira vole t0 woald end lite salos by war wbile jsgtinal tbe whole acbeote pOMibly be obaerved bat sa an isbabi of Briii4i North America be beartily 1 b deaied hlvi would be mcb gealer iSae e bed proved of ibe acheme Mr ur- p4 Ijiiji7irr7r lrnKi bb U i b 1 j fi a f u b fi 11 i tb loandalioe fer nalion a aew aaiiooaiiy on tbia ci ly jat Ibat psienly aboald bear Get oot of this ys beggar Suieand Mr Brand ha luld you ones lodsy lhal abe could not are 0u Ita engaged ae id Ii iinl bs alur lalleit her to eon e from her aupr laUe Ui aea tbe likes ol n net a beggir God kelp m and 1 are poor like me eod eani get ibeir Just duea from ib rkh I iui Dul a lieggar t Jf Mrs ilrsid ta si bsr euiiper Ill wail till ahe geta Ibrougli My pwr ciiilan havs had neither oioner ur aup ir today and very iiitle breakfast i ml loves tho lady The ihiti quivering tone reeolate in I eitireaiy reached be diutof Mra Kelly had told Ibe iruh Mro Brand needed not hue tad kindly glance to convince bar ihai hero waa want there Want even of a tbe group a lUrand n quariar Hmyihiiig Wi clii thoojb did cieaalinees msnile swcb birer posr ly Mr Brand spoke first loe ihe poor woman bad no seat to nflar bim and waa loo aurprised to apeak Mra Kelly yea are s aoldiere wife and whether he be living or dead I snd my Hfe owe him s debt sa ws do lo sry man who is holding a mudiat is the from ir day Tonwrmw yoor lit ailetice fell Mra Brenda fair face flaahed crimaon and a look of trouble came on the calm brow of her huhand G and see what ibe eoman meana Kilty I be aeid kindly If abe haa any bing due her 1st il be paid at oucs t hiMghl ou slwaya stleuded to ibaas ibiiiga yourself r have been so bosy latsly on Ibese said tbs lady aa abs left and prseentiy brought in lo ilie 6ie s tbs lighi s woman whom ifyou wtiloonaenl yoo ebail wvs lo mote comfortaUe apartmenla in one of my houes Mra Braid will gel you ily want ray own lady Teniy ptm of work and will see that you nia for iba aheeia I hemmed fitly paid fortheaprrna aU filly ceoia lor lbere were bappy bsarts in ibal bam- Misa Aooas handkerchisfa Iie noibiag nibt aod happier ones in to yrti mam but my cbiMreo are alar manaion on the avenM for tbe latter bad Uken a look into tbe deptba Sweh a despairing tone as there was roood them but efUo anearo ond Ibe womana face I such a wan worn kareed anew tba eaeing uf tbe 3k on ber ibin pinched face aucb a Mutsrs words The poor ye bare aad brooding issrls look in her bulJow jo ejea awcb a treiowlous working la ibe i ihin poor lisuds Mfougbt ner ber abawl aa aha stood t dmiog room Oh Mr braiKi too luay tu ie ber wbea yta her word ihia afternoon ibat yoa bad no change but would pny ber tomorrow hen JOB wondered why sbe mode svch fns aboat so small sum did yoo thiik aba looked like tht Did yoa ibtnb bo moch ihst dollsr and qssr- 1 lar nugbt be to ber tbougb il was so little 10 yor eyee t did yo ibiok bending lovtngly over your ebenb boy u be asnk to rew ia bis soft bod of thsi MbsroMiber wbueo childreo wiib gont COS sod grssl snbksa eyes full of dembpsin elaiog was si Ihe rate of 600 buebela per sorel ssd Ihey sold at 173 a t2 psr buohel Tbe pelUag e Denkias Temps ranoe Bill took pises in tbe townabin ol West Williams on Toeodsy ad Wedne day last aad 1 sa sorry to inform jo Ibat tba bill wu defeated by majority ol twenty SoMliiDALS Marcb 9tb 1865 Tbe polled cloaed with etevea majority agaiast Dsakwa Bdl m smmiau leoa abp been eiKeeded wbereas the Lwer adiSM had toal meh wkieb ibeybeld dear Ibe welera portioa of tbe Provisee ibiained Repreaeetalioa by Pepaalios Tbe Lower Caaadiaea bad bees foreee te ttrreader lU privilege of legtlaiiog 09 oMrriags and droroa te lbs Fedstol Gov Ur J B E Dories apokt ilcooaider able lenglb spicst ibe scbrme He beld Ibst tbs predosHoasce of tbe Eederal for- ersment would be dangeroes to Lower Canada Ha objected lo tbe appoiaimest of Jadgea aad Ibe ditMliowaacs of tbe legialaisres by Ibst asiliofily He object ed to tbe spfowled liiegtatalire Casocil aod Ibe sebdies paid to otber Provtace Tbe cooKaercial edvaatagea were peiiy or ebimeral aad migbt be obtained by oxaaa of treaty arroegemeat niibest polit ical eaioa If tba Reciprocity Treaty were te be repealed aad oor tates in created we sbMtd fiad a cbatge la the popular aealimest Tbey k tknl going to be separatrd from tbeii bMeda laibera of fsmtliea tkot ibey were aboat to be forced ieto tbe mihiary ser vice 1be aalecedeala of Ibese aefo ntnted cbsmpioea of relig on abd oaiioa aliiy were aayibing bot good Mr Poohot folowed spesktsg aitioo to tbs acbeme He read resolslioss poised at s pblic meetieg ia ooe of Ibe panabes of Temiaeeota againat Coofeder Mr Bigger foesd prieciploa ia tbe res- olslioaa wbicb were not is sccordaace wilb pledgea to Lis ceaalilseBtv sad be would vote agsiMt Ibe acbeme Tbe peo pie it bia cossty bsd bees led by tbe Gobt 10 believe tbet the latercelooiol Railway woeld not pey for tbe grease foe dcslliea la bta eoenly be did sot aieel aay ee wbo dd not recagsiM tbe rigkl of Ibe Legnlelers to bring ike mesvore Il was oiierly imposMble to ttevise a acbeme acceptable to every oe Il woM enlarge eor arose s give aeepe for btgLer sfpiraiiooa Mr Mcokey poke et co length in aTer o Ibe acbeme Sosw of lis delaila be dnepproved bet bebsved M ot of every one bondred sms m Upper Canada wete is famer of it Aa lo aa appeal to ibe peep ba hod conaolied h eoaalilaesiB 10 eb a doses nwelisg bad not found ibree men oppoaed te it snd Ibey bsd also declared as appeal lo tbe pe ua As to tbe Legtah live C be sgroad beotUly witb Ibe pripoaed change Tbe debsis eod ibe Boutesdjsarasd at tea mioote poat le ocloek cuonCiu Qoiosc Marcb tO Hen M SsoOers f Mtiiioa I prajiof ngnioel tbe poeeag of tbt CeoM tert ol Ike coat After reees Mr Sbealy ie coalrnving bia remarks aid be was aatiafied Ibe people of ibe cooelry is inakiag ibetr cboice belwees saoeistioe wtib tbe ITeiied Slate ssd cooneciios witb Biitaia si betees fc pebbrsstsw sod monarchy as bsiweca Bnliab Amerira for oercouatry and Coa- ada as a Slate of tbe AmerKsn Uaioa wbicb woold best advance ibe oaaierial prvaperily and fslsie clorcler of ibii Mr Sceble rend cilrsels from Lord Dorbema report to abew ihel ibel aAbte- mao p ia order le aettle Ibe sec- lioaal dflkslliea baiweea Upper aod Low er Casada a oaion of the Provineea of Drttiab North Ameries He believrd Ibe firit of Ibeas psasgea in Lrd Dsrbsma report waa embodied ie Ibe acbeme before Al ike cloae of Ibe debate tbe Hoese divided on lbs motion for Ike previen qBeatine wbicb wa adopted by Amorlcan Eevolatlon Now YotK March 10 Tbe lirarldi Wiocheaier eorroepoodont confirm ibe reported victory over Early by Sberidao aad aaya ibai Uefl Sheridan ha occopi ed Siaonlon On hie march op the val ley lo lhal point bo met witb bo matsrisl The report that Geo Early himaelf wssespiured by Oen Sbrriteoie aoi confiri by our deepatebea Confedemte prisoners report heavy Union force adeaneing from Esai Ten- ne on Lyocbburg of the captaro ol wbtcb place we beve eucoofiraod The ilmrhTt correepondeni from tbe Janes aaya there are eddiiional itidiea- liofta of Les tnteniioa lo abandon Rich mood Il i ell uitderalood tiat ibo re moval of govarnmoii elores baa been Large nombers of oops bsve reeeni If bees eeot it its persamed to Lyoeb- 7be Aogusis CofiKMMur of ibe 17lb nit asys that tbo Iftib snd 17ib cope with Sherman eommertdmg bed a batgage trsio tbrae milee bog Tbe Ifrihcorps became drunk and pillaged Cusiba burning the entire looghi of mam ureal Sberman ordered ibe pillagers sad bemers to be shot Tow or tbreo bundred eitxene lefi witb Ibe Yankees Most of tbe people isiiMining bad lo lies in hoia Tbeir IS dreadlol Sbermsn lefl 200 bond of boof esiilo for ibe sick snd woood and gava arms le ibe eiaoa toprotoattboasaolees from tbo Mgr Every ortwlo of sobsm ww carriM ibe goverameat chumed no rigbt 1 mors ibae le realrict Ibe IsrriiorMi cnlarge- sseel of it Nrilber party expected for 10 wr tbe mtgBiiaUe or tbe dnralioo obich tt baa already attained eetlber es ticipated that tbe cane of tbe cosflct ih cests even before ibe coafikt iladf ebeold cense Each lookeo for ao easier iriainpb end e reaalt lem f swntal nod satosadiag Ulb read tba same Dtbls sod prayed lo lbs mme God end eacb in vokes bis aid agkiat ibe olber It may aeem simaga Ibst eay men abeold dare te Jevt Goda eslance i ijedged Tbs prayere of both abeuld et be answered That ef nctiber bns been anawcred folly The Almigbty bee bis own potpoies Woe ante tbe teerU be- cseas of its ofsaee for it most needs be tbal ofcoces come bat we le tbal mne by ibM oCvnees wbtcb to Ibe frevideoco of God isaat needa come but wbicb boriog coetiened tbroogb ba appemCed tisse bo now Wills to remove and ibnt be gives te botb Nortb sad Seoik iim lcrribe war no tbe woe doe to ibea by wbam tbe eJance cosM abed we dweem tberris asy depsr- tors from tboas divios aitnbstes wbieb lbs believeri ia a living God alway crbe to bm Foodly do wa hope fw- veaily do we pey to bm tbst tbis aifbty aeewrge of wer assy speedily poo away Yo if God willa tbal it eeatmne astil nil ibe weaJib piled by tbe boedatMns 350 years of enreqaitted toil sbatl be sook aetil crery drop if boed drawn by Ibe lasb aball be p by snoiber witb tbe swcrd a was anid Ibree iboaiaod yenra ago ao stilt it msa be said ibnt tbo jodgemesla of be Lord are tme tod rinteoes altogctbcr Witb maKoe In wards none wiib cbirity fer all wilb firmneae io tbe right aa God gives oa to see tbe rigbt let sinve to Ibe work we are in i to bind ap Ibe halioi woend e care for bm wbo ball bsfO boms tbe bailie ssd for bts widow aod bis orpbass Is do sit wbieb mey ncbisve sod cberieb s joat ssd bating peace ameog onrssUesand wilb all nniioo DcSiiNe TaMPKKAMCt A Tbo Norfolk ilcungfr of laat week eeys t Below we give n stelemeol of ibe oo cily agnisei ibo Bill lo tbe Mooloipsi Uiee of ibe Coooiy of Norfolk Fer AfiiSMb Woodbonee IM Stl Towoesod 120 Rimcoe- 5 tt Wslsingham mojority agnioat M WindbaiB IT CoMKMTWvr Rim ToBAO0Ofl to refo that tbe town of Hadtey Mom raned 30 tons of tobacco lest year tad bave beea sold ibero witbio toe bs few day A ams io Eattbnmp- misod 4 400 posode of toboeco 00 two scree ef bod bat pear sod nnld i er 18 cents ibres V It eaiimaied bet tbe lbncco crop of EMtbunploo m worlb town Thi lioctrrrs Tbs Ciead BtfUm- iiso dsrtng its aburt Ids sboee geneed Tbe Locu ef tbe Bible ore tbe some boeo so deairoetire nodcr Ibo MM e pnsabnppsn m CUitonia

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