Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 10 Mar 1865, p. 3

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Mr Huniincdoo deprreaUd tb ufa- ler io which tht prajr of a Urg bod f prc4e had bcn rccciT Tb petitioB ai rcccivd ad ordrd b V nritilH M Krie Pjrion alto prmot V- cad a irat I roiiJi iBlrodMtd tk dbt To fe M C Ij Mr BOTJ lb th rcmm fter thievea Droi dbat be I pmeMdiBic Dd proccdii with BOtil dU- Cartwr wotilj ooj call apon a lajoriij of tb Hooae o aapport tb Mm igoroM that coum thy roxuiiitd loal rtKn hr prompt and iion nar hMf Thr auatHn tubmittcl m th r- fr th llmH li muat b I ihit ihta aa tha firti ehtek taiki hd rtcaited aiitc lh ubaiitird lo lh pablw ai the roriiwtion oflh preaant Go If w lookad back at tha po aua ill Juna laat it aa al MDf that th bad ar ia ia which wa aow finind lat MilJ ba bian Miion vuutd hiv br favor- imad bjr tha Unvarnmaata o Pruvincai But tine ibai rarnc hat brmi bald and ih of thai Confartfkce had rac a Uovi ofall Kti of ihoi iha fi tiftiarurnma atia pladg to bU tha iichnaflf Cunfaiaratioa a prfparad by ih Coufrica tu tlia Lti Wa hid go Mr IIloo oljfctad to the tl m of order Thrrc a alrradjr a lioii alao iha nciian and Approl of hi lar noiion opon tha ordera of th dT inpanal Uovarnmant eonvry i which wa diwoaej etrda and bicb not onlj bjr formal daaalcha fron u oov atandiog om to be reaatDd at Colonial OlSea lad tba raiult wai Ibat tbfj bad baaa id bom aoJ foot aa aotd fef ibta Mhoaa bebt tbajr biftd liom iatflfttlt Ibtj bad balrayrJ M IllWf ai tba aaa vh bad auda cbargi ibroafbmit tba aad brtadlb rt tba aad that tba Cndiaa atrriM brkea faith wiib Iba Ur IVaf aad abo bad eadeataitred ta iba of bi poar ta liar tba aama gad difwity of Ibat 9Mlrj aad he Mr J 8 Macdoa aM ta df bad the plaatara lb nraekia ot pkatara ber lad itraai lMblcrol kaaw Ibat W bad beat irjrclid aod drratad b bit aoatlilaeati Jtica had been loaf cein bit it bad COM at lat He Mr i MacdooM aa ala w fator of Coafadaralio tod ba deaird that faiih had baea fioUlad rrard to it bf tba Gafataaeat of bwb be a a meabar baJ Waa aDdt I caattadd Ibat Iba lloaM to bava aowa lafariMtiiN a lad alto itb regard ta tba m of a fedaratioa of iba Caaadai the proMf Mr Ur not bear di Mr Urown thoobi tha poiat wod if lb iber for Chaleasgtaa prarailod tha aeiioo of tba corrromeBl might be fortalld bj a privata member pvttinc a Botioo oa the paper aod allowiag go amoBf the order The fipaaker decided tba motioo t ha Impariat Patlamant by which iU ba had ni dooU u would ba apprutad aa 1 hd bean by tha UntarsAOfi tha raa thapoopa of England ganar- iHf All thit progrort haviag been niide ha ihtBght lhay might ba wall ail ifiad thai iba achenta hiiharlo had rreaiv nly ihia nna cback Tba obligntton hieb tha Cvaadian Gotammaat undjr illy agrrad to ailt ramainod in full ra abd they wau u all proper and lura of Cantda au aiirairio of opin fntoarabla to tha aehama al at Mrly If aa poaaibla They loab upon ii lorn then ajateted that Iha gareroraeot tboald lake ap tba drbateon tieir own daja Toaadajt and Friday ia the afteroooa and let iba baaineaa of tba llooaa prioeed o the otb dyi of tba waek- He oppoaed reaauiing the de bate io tha afleraoon mcmben were naeh occdpied wriiiojj lettera io and a difficult a tuetober to addreaa tcbanta ba etrrtrd out at a wLoa as that tba Iloaae on aveh an important aabjet j ixj oihrr IVofinca ahnuld haa an opper- h ctreanitlaneefl There was lumty of aayttig ihat aran tha irovmce why tba debate ahoold be bar i of Canada which praeaed be aub- riod Farliaaient in Sew Hrontwiek Jact ua hat not approved of iha eoold Bot Bieet till tba I8tb of March i cbama aa aaiiled by tha Coofafcnea but The ohjret waa 0 prevent ao etpreaaioa haa prnpounded a new achoin Une of pvblieorintoo cra reatoii for promptneu oa ina pan Mr T C Wllbrideuid be bad ra- f tha Canadian Logitlaiura m adopting aired a ooninjaDieatioB from a peraon I he reaolunont waa lo avHd Iha aacataa boldiac a rerj reaponeibia poitoa a adrM Ha belK I ol aay change bad Neva abd b Hoata that tbr via sot tba aliKhieei KJtpeet of tba aeheioe beiog erricd lla beli thera Tba Hooae raae at lix adoak withoat takia Mr Uankii lafederation laat eveaioK ba addrteaed OBtraat batwaan tha pro- and thoae of tba Toited tat Bniaofraft aoeial Quaaac March 0 obo end to iho oitiar H it wtn at hit projaet wat aboudonad d wht iiKira than anihin elaa had riod Unlith mariea or a iaaat Cmada iia chief enrapoaont par ihe aetinlin of Ktgtaid wat tla bv iha acbartta wa oSaiad a maaoa bj hicK iheaa wuuld eaa to I aiure of embarrtMinani and bo in fact i ooraof atrangili That folig per adad Kngaiid aud tha reaction the oud follow itadiaappoinimMil would b rary gal Ha calad theraf ra on boo nut la allow CmaJa ai ituh America to i ha vnniag Jfound tlay had gained by ahjiig tna of ffcMing mi ttua Vnolher feat a why iht matirr atoul daelt wiih priMiinly wat bwa Hvo Mr CampUII brought dowa ra oCbiowiii Btid Charavoii aed the foV Uvvar aud tha WbitbY laitwai i a b ne ol Hamilr Iha lai inna would r whan K- Tha gaaarai iHaiKiO would iba h a of Prianna aod Aayloi kadd of ooe apactai paraaa Tba following Billa aia read a a aad rafarrad To fa luor Sala Act- to ameo ibo il General Mi Ho Mr Abir Mr OUv Tbe Mill la prwetda fr tba obtainloj Coaiianiaa Hon Mr Bulia wa ibroagH tnMiaitiaa of ih Whoi raporiMl with aevaral antdfwaiiU waitng 0 Iha attiking out of ita OMd clauiaa Bakiiig it a Mia auiiuica Udl Tha aeidAtMil waa adoptee aod tb Bii raad a third lima aod paaeoJ Tha Houaa aaurMd at a few eaiaala iKalin v of Conliei dueatMoal pneitrgaa ba attasdad lotba Caiboiiea of Upper Caoada aa it propoaad to ba aitaodod ui iba Ifotatanta of Low- Tha fdlowiof Dtllt wra iba iotro- duead i Bv Dr Parkar To amend tha raUiaglthe preiiea of phyte aid aurKcry to Ipp Canada By Mr Cwwaa To alter tba limita cf tha ireorporntod vilUga of OeriiB j f Watoilixi J beordar of tha dey haing caliad for raawffiiM IM atljuuraad dabaia oa Coo fadaratMi Mr J 0 A Maedoaald aaid that ba labad to aay a law WMtta Tba Gov aromeat wwa awara that tb Houai wvold aatarally feel aaiwiw to laati whi couiaa iha Govaranant would par lua with rafraoca lo tbo raault ofth Ileeiioot iu New Buntwick Though a had oo oAtial infartMliua oa ItM aub- and wW n Mtiified to kip iba retolt cf ibaa alioae Might U aiitii the Ugwiaiur of New Bruua ick bad deeiatad iulf jai aa maitvi Af lact wa kitrw tba Iremair ai4 a ntHiv barof bit colleoguaa had beaa dafaatad and hat ao far tbara bad baaa a daclera- tUm of thnaa alecttotst agttiMt tba policy of Coofedoratiuo Other maliora doaU eiitered into iba cootmi bui cculd Mt balp regarding th raault au knowB Pt a check un ColadarAii 1 ho Canad an G varimati iMwr migltl aay ai onco dd d0 eooaidar t ha ratull of tbuaa aloeiiooa ia ny iBltared tlieir policy or their eouao tbia 4MikMk Cba Inotaad of fardiof It M i rtaawi oh tbey aboitld paipdned llMr a a tbifd tt imitadMio actio ommercial ralaiM nd tha Tiiiod S unaimmatioii of ui t ptMipoiid aod tliarvi oMfKHiad ealad of d laen ffvquaiilljr auiad lbi qsral vng 0t It ciiuhl ruma thnt had hoad ihi Ciaderalin aehama wuld ac a bean deall wiih by theta Prorinct t whole Thay could onl dagui Saw Bfunawick would pretaiit h y united action of thoM Pfovincoao aoiijct- Tha of drfat and Boglaod el if the country wat faa fro rmaxetm of deagaiag peraeat wl id raared to create tinfr btwc M Iwo tccliaaa Hrar hrar Mr A A Dorioe iboagbt il a obic ent mada by the AitaaeyGerral Wr Mt have lakea Iha Hoae by turprita Tha policy anBouaccd by ibe Gi I for Iba adMittinc aaoaaced to how that it wa pledgr aaa of Iba flre of tba Coafe4cratioi Imerkan iaflaewca aad rrad fc kfonidt to tbow thtt lbt wat tbe whch tbe Gaveramrat aoagbt to pat li Mr Holloa w atd ak ibe Maal balf of coliMcaa ib Mr Gelt aad Uat tba ttatrmeal of tbe Altatacy Gaarral wat slieit piioub- At 10 ttw tcbool law thai wuvU ba lejlit J S Macdnnald toppAifd ihat bo be liaperialGoveraiuitlabad bc tbit arr t waa oua wbieh ooutd n agarU r Tben ihari lich alao calUtl kl that waa lh wtwaau Caaad Tha act of the beiag prolraetad t It pfrct aad b I mada wtlb reiard U II j which lad beaa meatioaed- llv bad bre hold that mmOna cf ibe avarBaai j would ga ta with that tm aac aa lhe ntara al tba eartiot moawat t Ca railmmaat would ba catted lo gribar aad btva the aegraMtMue aid b after bh thai Ibe b moar gasllaiwB bad tba raahoa a i get tba wbala tbiag wat i I f iboGBeanalaM id f tba G ter mailt bo ha ato esllamB the and fr whiel iby aougbt tb rt of tbe Hooaa aad country Firat laaired itat ihir dbaia atKmU ba ht to a erd with all eonvoaiaol and that iha louoa abouid oe aooo Thao ao aooo aa tbu Addrtaa waa oarriad 1 O vorniwant inardad l vni f credit from iba Howaa and igtia parlainaiit on tba aarlmet da llauM Haitau W the ibat the Ciovarameat do aal mde Wag caucludad iba awti af CaalderloB UH tba aest meatmg Howt Rta Mr Browo Wa have tad ooi uf Iba ao pMal a ihef would ba Uifiuiabad buainaaa naai aaa ioa at tba bed roacbad ihia- rcaod ui BaglaaJ fiir ib purpooa of wacuatihg Bod arraagiog wih parial Goeai iiM of defence Iba Hwuea at an Hear haar Mr J S Mcdi li aapact tba qaea- tbe jower iroviacet Il teemed lo bim thai they bad ratirely departed from th folKy iBaouacad al the frmalo3 oflbeGavara aect lia la rJ tba decltraxwi of lb- reiaier ia tba oiber Hoata aad il wa ha Btraaittct that a larir aad a tcbvma tboald be prrparld- Well ihe larger ooe wa eaiireif a fadare aad abera ha otfe 1 Did tbe Goveca cBt iaead to force ll iccatura oo Ihe Lower Preocea whn lb peaple hod de tkarrd agaimti it t We hrf b tbaak- fal that w had eefed fmrn Mih a coo 11 thrir publw men wMd abaa ibair pioeijl oo which ihy wrn LAa ia Naw Bratwick aad ibe f of ibe kcheme la the Lower Pri bowed Ib danger ofallrmpliBf I fore Qatbec aad fnrmrd a acbei aiiBg all Ibe iriTiMCt bad eacaedvd aalbnly cmmiilrd to thea by tM propU barafiog tbe limtl repowd glecliag Ibe iaterratt f ordr a advi Mr Jab 8 MardaoaU tbagbi ll auld ibaok bm fr bavmg abi pitl atatrmoat that tbo acbeaie a a Dortoo b vlwiber the wmral wkau m Eaghmd would tbo acbamo upoo tba ImpermJ gavbti wiiWut tbo coocutrtoca af ibo Lawe Praemco ao aa lo apply k ta the fw Voemee af CaMdo If they wer oai a do ao there wauld ba oo dii oo ii ba loeal kgiaiuroaaa bad beea mtotioa d Jaba A Maodaaald w ad awfty Uie aa be hod brfare that aaeb iaM doabtWy bo takeo oa wore beat Raakia aod Gibbt approved of courae of tho Ga Dr Parker iboogbt Ibo Gamat rre aol corryiag out tboir pedgM aad Iha tho deit af I tbe irtampli rf Yankee iulerotia After recota Mr AISefB plated out that Iba 00i r eecala m tba world it toward ceaii tie aad argued therefrom tbat iba ai r be Proviocea UMald laka place J b- diScaliy of woikiog Iba aaioa readervd lecetaary tbBt tba cbaB thould bt offec td Mr Hepo Markaotie eoafTBialated tbe ca tbo de a aHoa loo to gooo rilb tbo acbeuM Hi ppral la tba people Ha bad cmtalted iia coottitoeat aad fouad Ihrm all avor of Iba tcbema He aeeapled ibe cheaw becaata of ila mooarchical aad Oriiitb aotara Ua coaUvded that tha haw of apporlioomeat of debt wa aanr ja lhaa aay other thai oould ba adopied II ooly point oo wbicb ha wa oppoted la Ibe icLema of CoofHiat wj cofKtilaiisu of the IjegtaahteCoao be waald vol flr tbe rvilatioo at a whole foe tba Mablly bim tafrly of ibo eoua iry Na eaemy ceald altack o lioo Norlh Though oar aoualry wa ow trip aa OAW eoootilBtod fct could baM breadth ia tba far W lookad for growth ta tba opeoiog u tba canak Ha baWead tbat Iha Ottawa eaoal woa oeteaarf fae the fu1 coa cal dvalopat ai wall aad froca Tbo Saroi Obaorvor auioa ihat Iha rivar at tbat point la now cUar ico and tbo Soraia ia BMkiDg bar agular itip ty Looding Peoeo Doawcrata tha otjeet of naw vii nd ia lo impraaa upoo tbo Rabol a tbo MIy of protraciing a bopeloae It whan by ubniaaiiB to tli ihcifiiiea of tbo Unitod Biataa thoy might Maia poacu co hoooraMo tefme A dm Itch to Tho N Y Daily Noa da lea ibia aod oaya Ibal bia buaiooai At W0it0v00 tba Miaaoart laat week ft aitBuU guversmeal ad to vignaa baavUy ladea with baooa wbiob they woro aoabk ta bold baak whila daaooodiag tba hill raa dowa pon tba ioa at foil apoad tbo ioa im mediately gave away and tha toama aaak oaly loaviag a few iubblaa aad a boio ia a to abow whera aboat k wortb of UaaU Saaa ptopartj had gooa NEWMARKET MARKETS Nawmaikot March 10 IMi BMayie Oau iR Pa TUa 7Sa PMk t a 00 freah le KuwIa pal pair 3Uo a 3 rlirya 7k a flKW iutitoua Uc TORONTO MARKETS Held a 0 87o per biMhei i 1 la 63 par boahal Paaa aakeO lor ai 70a to 75e ia irud opp op- Piovuilf- Boiler Pruab whoWale ir lb Igj 10 21 roiail f lb ICn la IBe I iut whoUealo pai lb lio la 16- Rcfia Wboleaata par doxaa 20 ta tUa tail pard san ISe Hdm Wbolaaale par lb llorotail w TRE SIs Selli Bninoiu Bai KawaMfkat rbU VALUABLE FARM FOB 8AXE I Tnr uWfiber iJan br aaW h fnnh Caat QwnerMf Ut Ha W ka the SutJ Cauaf WkiiJKtrrb Oontaining 60 Acres rotiN ooJ Tkriamf Ordtard OHba beat fnOt Trvva Whiwbcteb aud aileaiaH w MOSLEY Laad AKaai Autara wUttTKPHESS LODE AT THIS J H fMa irai rata CaiWr a4aNw UMbar Uibs i u I I a irad llteaa d I fJ xas de TRENT bua4iad ia tn WM Fab 99 IHO Two Farms for Sale hocuifta rftumy suuoo TneidtTfthe 4tb day of April Mat ai S acloak I ii iJ uirr iuTtoVs 15 Arrrs Itlore or Iess LarJ VVhluaale lliolo t3 perIb r hih Uar ihetMhaala ar ia buh BNGLISli CHEMICALS General Drugs and Medicines 0R bTrtlby gaiM nfna wbieh eaa be rewITMwdawalUaealtaatbey laav 4a- paaii ao ahlaiaiag whattbey aaed aad ab- reanablk price PURE COD LIVEH OIL lann for ale IN TIIK TOWNSHIl OF KING I Sirs Isaac dewibirr OrPEK8 h aWlbe SuUiw qa Ll Na va ia ilia Cvu uf iM 00 orwbkh Poriy Arrt ra aal aar rnKiValiira Ibrr ta Cauo llliBf iloai Prtmg Harr btabla TllOS DRWiBVHY Wecteni Atsuranoe Company Vkjiiifd If Alt Parliamtnt Capital 400000 HOME CFFtCE TOROSTO PrttUfmt Oaatn Mieaia Vinpiuiiknt War lloiBi SttfTrtm Baaaa llaiaaa rWMr Aiiao TJR baa here rfaly appntaled Arat ia Vvwwatbai ar iba aKie Ctu- mitd will idva parwmal aitaalhia ta par tiuaaeffTlinK laMiaHca li W CALDWELL I VrhM TKlKGItAPII 4brnliaiu Liiicotii RcKlected AND CHARLES DOAN A irtt O RJl Has now received bis entire Stock of Goods for tlio mi fliTj mwm fjies of 18645 LADIES DreaiGKfcU in Plain anl Checked Wincey Iiiwy Wooleeya Koicker hocier WiiKiy Mniuo Alpacaa Loira tiala Pld kc IN THE NEWEST COLORS Ala Plam aod Twtllwl FlaoneU m a roty ol Colore Flh Srh ami CnaJiaa TwMdt OMtkls Hllun BeATon SeaUkins Pilots ftc Togrlher with Udloe Clotha Foeteiy Hankei Hoiao Blaokela Corpalmg Droggei Hats Caps Fancy Goods laolsdinK Nuhwa Svuiag Hoaiery Clova fce AIo Ameriean fTtry aod Bieaonal CHiaoa SiripaH SttiiiiBr Canalian Haouela anJ Tolico Uap Macoado Orautid ail Cioahod S gr IV E A S I JAPAN k OOVONG Cut Chewing and Plqg Tobaccocs CorhTtfcAl Outmeal Cheese c 10 Bag Sapatior Java Cudeo at ooly SSe per lb ihe oima Rroated 90r 100 of American Salt Table Salt aim and Marhme OiU Coal Oil Naptba Wbiia Load aud Paini io Colota Oya Staff Shelf Hirdwarf Cnllcrjr CntitTf Glissirarc rl all gfloda oaoatly ket in a enel Siere Theaa Gooda wera Imported diruoi froM ileal Biiuin and Iba Uaiiid hy be aobarnber atd being puirhaeod oa tbo iBoi advaoiageoaa will bo aoid ai the LOWEST lIVINQ PRorn in InsptelioH Solicited Special Inducements to Cash Purchaseis au kiuds of Country Produce taken in Exchange for at Market Value cihis DOjijy Aiiioba Noveinber lOtb l6i 499 giod lequui TAYZaS- STAHD TO LET Ucbo 2loberiischcrts FINNON HADSIES Coiirhli Bed Berrhgji Oyslerr London A Bubu Porter Btd AU bjf k muUott or BettU QOOD Itroniy W PIETESLE Watch Clock Maker aMrbatfllarau Ballon foi ev lmo A superior eeortwetefWelch- 0 Clork mmI ewvlfy airava hmmL SDIESOy 8 QBirTa9w cut r IBWlft k J BEAB QUN SMIXH rfrt GiLLiir or nmm ivu sijf uTotK LOWEST TERVS FOft CA8U A LIBERAL OFFER Tke Lidi Craaerciil Ctllege The FM day of April next Ptwv TRERTS TEA A DHATI OLDEST COMMEUCIAL COLLEGE m Tue fracileal aawMfa by fraoekaa rrilttoff la taurbt eaantawharbbraaiMiefa rrf Claaa Ort4kta tie lea Law Parts etahip rpne aadalfaarf baea entered iaM Oo REMOVAli Furnilurt Wholesale Beliil- THRaabMrilrrii rvimainc ihaakafvlhr bilUno racalve W REMOVED TO 111 NEW PREMISES MILLARD BLOCK Iritct HTkVA A5 ComjutUw ParllrataT AHiia a ill ba paid to tba l0ler- jpr AIorlvrfernaearperly EM u BurccrruLLT aouctTBii JOEPII MILLARD For New and Cheap HOUSEHOIJ nyriiiiE of every d aha be Eall Parlor and Cooking STOVES AGRliiL IMPLEMENTS JHlTwins SSS9L NEWMARKkx JAKES NELSON WAGON CHRBUGB CUriKR d SLEtUll MAKRR Tiiuolbj Slrtel Newmirkel THR alirualbvr la pr paratl ta ezeeule all arri la bia liae af baauaae oa abmt a REVSOXABIE TERMS THE ONLY PLACE BEiTPtltESrANU CUBAHtST Teaa aod other Grooeriet KKVSUNAULt E LAWSONS JaXba W fi TAVLUll W C TAYLOR Veterinary 9urffro BR08 M iba aad uoMa ly w i aiii aiit ta tba Diseases of the Horse ot tu W Uu I 4 Bm IM it imM lyOuuawWoa aahiHu aatlaiy th Place t Bf tW j 4 u mwis arbe Xaa V latfS tj FOB SALE That ealuabla naafatiT ka aatba KrJM rJMM bahw Ibe W batf Ul a 9HU Iba Im Oaat o TavuaMp af wUbaot eira eaanra whirh b ra awll far ab Tirrf Claaa Ort4kta tie lea rhaal Drawlaf ami PBialiag a Telaabic alaa taabt omu hanrd eaa ba aOi la feirale Urn- cauuiaio fan paniaalaiaod- TOSSmZE JtMflMMS Nevnirlct Pictire Gtllery Hr FTTZFATBICE iew Dttlru il Pkategrapb 6oe Aod ia pieparad Afflbrotjpe Lettraffrph and Photo Work Best style of the Aft Pieia o Pnraia RoaateBOoei ide lakeo al Moderaia Chargoa Oatltrjf Oaer Mr iortoae Start Oppaailaihe Railroad HololNi g aa Teugauaai laialac 100 Aeres More or Leaa ilaw rMairad down tba baWaae a ba arad by faertflaga au wkieb a loH peeUeuJara apply lo Mr W WawarHr JalM J Laotfy OumaMrao ilaia Htraat NewM PakruytA MS TO CLBBttYSeiV I JOST raiNTCD kl a aaat aarf aooeiaa fam deooeUatiaa Apply 1 fbfaf7litW rabrwarr ft IHi Farm fm Sale POa aALllha9ah Satf af Let 11 ka tba 7ib Oaaol Seat OwtUiMburyeaa S Acrea Hre or Loe or Quad Lead wilb about A aad iha ta oka aa iwiMial waU eT Pa fatiber panteulara apply at tba AVu Fbrwf7ieM IMI mbarS 1863 FURNITUKE Craer ef HIU aad Mala fiCreels t SAMOEL loADHOOSE JA8raaaiaotly aa baada aaaeft FFKITITURE laelbdiBff Uee Maaaiaaiuiad aod ty 1MPIUTED CHAinS wiilab bawinaell Uw lar CASH Oft SHOttT CREDITt Aealliaraefaetraily aall lememte ke West ke Oadeneld COFFINS READY HADE rauarale FaruMwd an tbo aharfaat oattoa Ok Of wfcbrut Haaraa Sawvaiket rob4 IMi VIVE J A CALL tfSa The Queen losoraoee Ct- mE UFE ft ANKUmES Catal500p00Sterg OrnCCIaalltbe PriMHoaldltlaBBadTowM ia Karapeaa4i AaMriea HKAD OFFICE MONTREAL UatOOH E Il J Yorfo I Thomas Kat llr THoMaa Eq DToaaajacBCaii Baak Jfailww JtwVreo W SatborUad Y M D AJwiMtr UeBBct TomMo i SlorriB AmJii0rtAtmn GrMoBUaUBft Jobs- nWmaaalilad wttbouiaay reaeuueu ta 11 aaM ef famtaai earr aeaai Waaioraal ib nak aad wUT ba tm PMrd aa auioawarvd liMO bfaaabl ba ibr 0A taia itittPea I I Ci- GOOD jpwsr TiiC aobarrlW ln apeatulty ta aw aaaaralKalbaviai perb ihaftwd illr Iba baai area baiatvfare cairkdet by HEWMABKET Aadbara eafyad blaa U aapanaiaod tba MaafaeiarliMc dvpartrtM at la b aaw prefOiud boots SHOES OAITBRS kit Oa tbe abarteat ueliae aod 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