Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , January 20, 1865, p. 2

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THE NEWMARKET ERA JANUARY 20 1865 Sw ldmtlMBOt 04irrd WlHMJr TkOMM Mk TWrTKrf Tnia TlBfl Vtvaurket anj Wi f ift tMk tlM Mopday dK Cnl JoK CMk Hfuiiiiarlid rn VcvnarketVridAf JMy 20th 1869- SoQtb Ontario Tb fran w ciprmed CAVfU of wtek 0 ibal roul ceitxlmtims mtnki ft r7 witmtt b lik1 lo iaflatKa U malt of lb caatttl to Saalh Orurie Wm aer tkn rnlis td Mr G hti btM rWcltd and Mr F dcfcaird for lb rtmai iWrvfota lUa coaklitMacj patM iaio lujiib of lb cftMrTatiTca TrM Mr Gisu M rf pporlaJ fcy Rcforairra and win aol bt liW to tke at itrt eooni iU kite wpport b CoafcAen- tioa acbem- aft4 will not b eiaettjr Ibe kind of MRkbcr tba Ltader wealJ fair rcfrcteoi bat at Mr F a Boaiotlcd bj a Rcforn CoarcslioB bit dcfrat caooot ba raprdtJ ia tAf olbcr iifbl ibaa defeat of tb ptrlr It incli tt ibe iopertMt ktwa herer Ibat tl lbob a caadidala b aoniulcd bj coo- TeolioVt be aatt b eiberifite popoUr to aMCCfJ Tbo followiof ia Ibc retail at tN clote of tb poll OtS9 F Wbiiby Tow 250 130 Wbby Uett 174 18 WHiby Eaat 1S7 130 Ubawa 162 H9 Pickernf M 412 ib Dy Law read Moood and tbird u Mtaeed After ordering lh Treavorvr mea Miller ih nam of flftacn r mainteaaDM of John llasel peaper Ir tbe 2Sad da of Jam 1B5 ib Coanetl djoamrd vnti 20th day of Fabratry Mil then io at Keiiiely aa a BMrd of LiocDai aod for obr bneaa Whitchnroh Connoil The nMtnbera aloet of ih abovo Coaa- I fix Maara John Randall Philip Macklem Robort MeConniek Goorge nn aod Maiaon Jonea aot at Mr iirowt Hall Bogarl Town on MoiKlay the lOih iiwt at 12 eVioek noon and mad and Mbeerlbod to tho oocMaary cleratioea of office Tho Clark i W ajlina B then look tbe chair andeallod apoa tboinom- ra lo elect a R Movod by Mr Jonae and aecondedby Mr McCormick livat Jha Randall Caq be Reeve for tbo eorreet yaar Carried Moved by Mr Ilarrlton and aoeonded by Mr McCormick thai Philip Mock Bm be fopulyReva Carried The Reete and DoputyRae alort then nudo the aooaoanry deelaraiiotta of otfice end addreaoed iba Ceoaoil Oa motion ib Reave tbeo left tb bair oo hour Mtjorily for llr Gibba IM Kilg GtnociL Tba Srat Bectiaj of th abore Coateil fur 18 aa belj at Bloaa Hotal King Horn on MotKlay laat Tb ffltaeUcI vi Meaen 8 Maebell Wn Moatia A Webb Joel Phitlipa and AWx Tbompaoo baTifi nada ibe neoeaaray da- aUrationa took tbeir eatavbB the Clerk J Wood Efq called apon Ibea to alcct oaa of tbeouclToa u Roera Moved by Mr Thompaoa BeAedd by Mr Ntioite tbat Joel PbilUpa ba and ia baraby Seated Raeve Carri Morad by Mr Webb aeeoodad by Mr MaobaO tt Alex- Thoispaon ba aad baraby akctad Deputy ReavftCarriad Tba Raera aod Oapaty Reeve daet tbaa aada tba oeoeaary daoiaratloa af oftaa Mr Maebcil aerad f r leava to ii dnoe a ULaw io btaak to provide for O nioiioa of Mr Webb aoooodad bi Mr Mnoaia tbo CovoaU raaolfed itatl krts a eoamittaa of tbe whole ob tba By- Law oow raad Mr Maebdl ia tbe chair Ia ooamittaa tba Banea of Ira V aad Andrew Yale ware iaaertcd ta tbe By Law u Aodilom Tba foIlowiBX Aeooanta Coasaai iVeaa and PtUtiou wtta tbn praetntad aad raad m Fma Peter MeCnIli atkoa oT Chriatioa MoLaan a paaMr for 10 week SIS From Jamaa Rogara laapaetor 30 From tbe Bnitr of iee f2t2Se CoBSBoiaattoa from ilon J H Caisaron raqoeaiing tba amo awarded iba Eatata of tba lata Ha UeGilvtay ob aaoooat of laod taken for alao from tba Cfcrk of the Pcaaa mpadtng Jaron LiaU Fetiiton frota jTh Bowe Dr Laagataffand lCo4bra prayiag tba CoancU to jrat oat to pabUe laaier tba ofioca of Traaaarcr AaMMor Colkotor aad Liceoaa laapao- tor with tbe viaw lo radooa tba axpeadi tara of tba Towathip faoda On motion of Nr Webb aeeondod by Mr Maobell tba Coaoaii reaolvad itaafr iato a eommittaa of tba wbola oa tbe i riooa dovoBMBUproaaatad Mr Webb Ibii ahalr Coanuttaa loaa and rapartad ai fol- lowt lal I regard to tba patitio of J II Rowa aad atbara yoor aoanittaa tSitr aarsfoUr ioTaatgstia tbe mailer tbiak it wooM not ba adviaabta to grant tbe pesycr of aaid PettNberi 2ad Tonreoamittaa woald raaoameod tba payment of tba aeeoaata from tba Btntun oSea and loapaator 3rd Wilb r la ba Bill from Paar MeCallam yoar oommiuae maodad tba payotaot of 10 ia Uaa of aQ damanda np to data Tba Report waa adopd- Mr Mall Mored aeaondad by Mr TbomMoa tbat tba asm of aaaU ba refaaM ta Joba Laib Collaai ibat aaaoaat baviag bean dadnotad from latd baU by biaa Carried On motioo nf Mr Tboi ad Mr HaabaU tba aniboritad to pay 830 aa diraotad by tba award of tba arbitratora batwaen tba OMaail aod tba raproaantativea of tbe Safau of tba lau Haetor MaOilmy On motiM of Mr Wabb a By U waa iatradwad ia blank aad riM ta apfMSt Anwaofi and LioMaa Inapaator fat ba Mcraot yaar alao l dirM tba TwB4bip Ul0 IYiiioM for Aaaaaa want into Commit- taa of ba Wbata Iba aame Mr Tbrnn fon in tba abair Ta CoomHiea roaa aaJ tba abairaan nmttti IW BjUw m trntaiti bl lU- ia lit blub It MM of iwi7 br lk Sovlka DiiWo wl Itmm UnMW Cic It Kcnian Vi ndn fa Im Ml imm lii I ca nJ tw On ra auaoililiog tniuulaeof pravtoiu neeung wera raad and oottfirinad A commaiealin wai Teeaivad aad fd from iha Claik of the Peaca in ra- eraiee to ihe aalacling nf Jurure Alao Irom J T Siskea Bq in ra- erenca to the raappoiLiaatt of a Local Supariatandant of Coenmoo 8cbu for ihii Townabip AppUeioa wera cnad frum Jacob iriiaa T L Ileaenck and Ed Ray- aolda br tba offica of Aataar- Tha CooBcil iban eonaiderad a patiiloa iretaoled at a previoai meetirgfruro ihe illaga of SlouiTvilla praying for com nuiatton of Staioia Lbor The prayer at griDtad and a Bylaw paaaed to giva a aama cfret A Bylaw wHlbanaad appoinling ArtMlti Haight aod Samoel PaUaraon Aoditort Walker Uoyd letpacwr aod Edward Reynol a Aauaeor Subarqganily another Bj4aw waa in- Hueed aod paaved appointing Poccd- Rrapara FaneeVaweB aod Road Wa aball endeavor to giva I of Ur llnrriton vac on dad by Mr MeCormkk 0 per iiwth wa illowad for tba maislaaaacaofCvtharina IVinrt a paupar togathar wilb the turn f 15 for ci thing alao appoiniing a omcniiiea eonwatmg of Maatra Jhn Peieh W 0 Lloyd and Weldeu Play to the atprdHur of the aama lo ba paid on tba ordar of said ikon rf Mr JonMaacoodad by Mr McComtrV the Coooeil rreom- idad te ra appimtwant of J T Siekea Bm aa Local Supariaiaodani of Sehntila Tba CooRCil ihaa ajnomd tn mai ain Ml Saogalra all StnaffviUa en Iba ITib Fabuary satt at tea oclMk OeorgiDt Township Council Tbe arwiy eleclad Coancil of tbe above Municipality laet paraaaat ta Uw oa Meaday tba 16ih ieiL at 2 oaloek M at Sbfpparda Hotel Satin Pretaat Maar Ego Greer Treloar and Bretbenr flar takiag aad abenbiB la tba Mary daelaralioBi of quaSfieatioa al of office Ibe Cteik J Boyd Kt ttalad bet Ibeir 6itt daty wat tbe electioa of a Keere Mr Graer mofti aecoadrd by Mr BrrllierTbel Mr E be elected Reeve for Ibe enevtag yrar Carried Tlic Keere ibea made and tibaeribed lo the declaratiea of nfiee at laeb tfier tkh Ibe Ceaaeil formally proceeded wttb Mr Treloar movad teeoaded by Mr Greer Tbat J R SievvntM be ap elated Aadilor oa beball af tba Corpara ioa for tbe preset year Carried Tba Reeve by virtaa of bia oSce nam- td R G Hall Bq at tbe otber Aadilor Mr Treloer moved moated by Mr Bretboar Tbal Mr Joaepb Sbeppard and Mr Joba MeDonaM be appoioted reapact- lively 10 ba ofiee f Atteetor and Cellee- tar r tba year I85 Carried Tbe CoBl tbea oa ffotia of Mr Greer aeeaaded bf Mr Dratboer aiara- edtomael at Wiafieldt Hotel PeSw- law oa tbe Srd Salarday ef Febry at 10 oclock afli Kowmitfkit CoanoU Tba meaben of the above Coaa eil met at tbe Cevrt Hoaae oa Monday lait paraaaat lo Sutate aad after auk lag tbe aecataary declaratioat af qaalifiea joa befora Dr Beatlay J P tbe eterk alkd ibem to order aad deitred tbew 4 boeee a Reeve Mr Roadhoeta mbved aeeeadad br kir Treat ibel A Balibae b iag yearCarriad uaaaimoBfly Tbe Reeve elect tbei tary declaratina of oiea aad tbe Coancil proceeded to butiaeta Metera S A Marliag aad M W Bo- garl were re appoialad Aoditon aad tbe Reeve named tbe following Suadiag Comnitleee for tbe year R ako B W Treat S Roadboate aod tbe Reeve FiHAKCg Ai AiKUKKrrS Raad- boate J W Martdea aad tbe Reeve Ftai AND WATtaJ W Maradea D Satbeilaod and W Treat B Donald Saibertaad J W Martdea aad S Rotdboate Tbe CoaaciT tbeo adjoaraed lea BMile tbe aecr ZftBt Owillimbtiry Council t The Coooell olaet for thia TAwuahip vis Maeara Jamea Parnbam B Shut tlewortb Jeaae Doan Gaorga Holborn and WillaoB Raid met at tba Maneion Hooaa Sharon en Monday laat aad mada iba faeaaaary daclaratione TTa dark Mr J T Slokea than fok tba chair end eallad upon tba Couneillon lo alaci a Raava Moved by Mr Doan aecondad by MrShattlewortb that Jamaa Parnham B ba Reara CerriaJ Mr Parnbam nwvad aaeonded by Mr Doaa tbat B- Shaulawortb Baq ba DapntyRaava Carried The Reeve aod Dapny ihaa mada tbe neeaewry daclaraiion of office A comniunicatioo waa raeaivad and read from the lega of Yorkvilla ofler ing Dabaniwaaef tbat Mnoioipaljiy for aala Raporia from tba Licanaa npaetor end Colleetor br iba peat year were rwaived read and adopted The Clerk wea iottrrtd to aetify all peraene holding Tavern Lieanee ia tbie Townabip tbat if tbey wib to raaaw tbe to ma applieaiioo muet ba made by paii- maeiing of tbe Cwndl abi iolereetad that it le tba iaiatMioe of tia Coundl at iu naat mealing to a By law le adopt a cartaHi aorvey DB aaid Cofiraion order tbe ambority of iba Coenmiettaaer of Crown Leada reqaeetiBg ancb peraoea to govern i etvae aeeordjnfiy A By law Introda and paaaed apintiag Mr Abmham Doanee Aaaeator Sa Wm Simpeoa end Mr DevM Grabnnt Apditora and Mr Geo aaar Liaaad Inapactor Tba Coonoil then adjurnad lo meat again o the 3d Saturday lo Fabraary Holland Laniiing Council Ibe abore Coaacil met lo orpatse Ibe I6lb tf Jaaaary Tba CWtk Mt J Keaerdy took tbe chair Tbe member Meaera WiUtea Bacee- Tborae CbapaMa aad Beaten aitde tbei deelaratiaa of paljeaiioa aad of cfice and lovk tbeir aaati Moved by Mr Beeoa aa traded by Mr CbapaTIl R T Wdla n E be eppolBiad Reeve fer tbe eataiag year- arried Mr WilleM ba made bit daeUralioa Reeve and toek tba cir Tbe Rreve appoialad Wm J Sleaoe 0 tbe Aadilnrt toaadit the Meakipei Boaoit for 1865 David Elarby wai appaiated by iba Coatteil aa tbe otber Aa Jitor Tbe Clerk wu iBtlroeled to have tba accrwata cMBlig from tbe baadi of Ibe Aaditnrt peblitbed ia detail Aa arcoaqt preteated frAB U EVerby of 6b0 ftat laid ever till aeit m Coaacil tbea adjoaraed Meohaniet Institute We are glad to learn tbe commilte tbe above lattilele have at laat aacceeded ia obtaiaiag aaraae from a tl eaiber of geatUaMa to aferd Iba hope ibai for Ibe reoaiader ef Iba teatAo Lee lam will beaMiataiaed wilb a tolerable degree ot rejalarily Tbe Prcaideat Mr W TacNT ia to oceapy tbe tbiaeveaiag avkjeet Ibe Worlda Eibi bition of 1962 Aa Mr T win be abe to apeak from pertooal experieaee doabt aol Ibat tbe aeambty will be ia etUd aad profied by iaforaialioa be will be able to cemiaaateata Membara aad Ladieafree gentemea aoa memben wil be charged tee ceala adaiterioa We aadertiaad Mr L ofTaroa 10 ia eipacUd aet Frtoay eveaiag aad wilb oaa or wo reiaioat tbe comaMttee hnpe lo ouiotaia weekly mcettagi for tbe remainder of tbe teatoa Ticefa fer Ibe eoaraa amy be had fer 1 from nay of tbe oficert or membara af the maaag here aelbing ie wantiag bt proper agement on the part of fatnre Diraeton id OSaere bo aaly to ratain ita bl lo advanoa aa baa been ita wont in tinea pnat Financially tbd rapi abowa tba 8oei- aly receirad from membarahip tba anm of 8214 ha Covnty aod Oofamment Grant Ibe anm of 814 aalranaa faea 815M Making a total from all aoureea Inalnding a balanae 818950 oo band from previooa year of 8678i6e Tbe Diraetort axpeadad 865 at tbe Spring Pair 825620 a Iba Fall 8bow i Prisaj for aelliog tioketa 815 for print- iag 82375e Trenaarara aalary 8lO otber apenaea inelading 2185a for Dydaaoffleter ooat of lent band e 9 of 86586 Total aipaeded 8438B7ea aad leaving a bnUaaa In baodof81SV58 ete The ofioera elaeted fbr Iba eeanlng r are aa followa Mr P W PUyler Maxon Joaea Mei do TbotUojiStepTrecs D Meeera J R Browa 8 WiUia a Sottb Acknowledgomont Wa are deeply iadebted to tba vartofla Towaahip Clarka ibroogboi tbe Ifoeth Riding brongb wboae oonrtaay wa are labled to lay tbe prooadioga of tba firet eeiinga of the Conneila in ba reapae- ra Mnaiwpalbiaa befora ear vaadam la- day axoepl Aarora ia wbieb plaee wa deraund M Lbppar Etq baa bean ehoeen Beeva In aoma iBataooea wa been obligad to ahortao ba miaalM pf procaadiega forwtrdad bnt wa bave giveo all Ibe boaineaa raaaeed TI L Law il geetlamaa MamaBiealea tba fact lo be 8 Maryt Argut tba oar liUtort bave made a nit eitraordiaary emiavoe ia be Maai- pal Law for Hbile tbe Actgivea power grant lieeatea aad alao to paottb boee ho violate Ibecoedilioaa of tbeir lieeaaat et atraege to aay ao power it given to iH a ByLaw o paeiab ibote wbo tell tciOumi licnM4 Chap H aaatioa SM aad a few following tab aeeioaa apoo bich all tbe ByLawa ia tba varieat Ma icipaliliet wa are in tbe habit of atleadia re baaed aimply refera o lietnttd boBtea Tbera ia aa old Imperial Acl 14 Geo HI Cbep 88 however eilH ia iHb aectioa aad iare ferreJ te la teclioa 347 ef Cb 54 by bh peraoat veadiag liqa witboa a licanee auy be fiaed jtlO bat ia order In do to tbe ByLawt ofa maaicipality mmi iacArporate tbe claate here referred to Tbe omiteioiv pfovidieg for be peatab ant of partietf aaUiegwilboal lieaaae ia I vary tiagalar oaa aad tba CoeactI at ita preeeal abeald laka bring Iba BMlUr hefore tbe Legitlatare tbel ibe aacetaary amredaMaU be made a be preteal la Roitk GwUliBktrr O Tba Conneil eleet lor tbia Townalsip met en Monday laat at Warinera Hotel BeUviewrU Meanra Wm Henry D Draper O TomUnaen T Qlovat andiD Winaoby After anbaeribtag te tbe ii deelarationa tba Clerk Mr Geo Fry took tba cbair and eallad npon a mamban to eleet a Reara Moved b Mr TemCnaoa aaeond ed by Mr Olovcr hat Wa Henry Eeq be Reava Carriad aaaarr deelaration of ofiea waa tbaa made by Ibe Raera aleaC Tba Coat tbea appointed Mr J Bailey aa oaa of tbe Anditora and tbe Reave nased Mr Robert Priea aa tbe oibar On motion of Nr Draper raaoodad by Mr ToBlinaon a Blw waa iat nd paaaed apfating Mr Iinae Manritt maanor and Ixing bia aaUry at 30 AfW pamiag raaaintiena ardariag tba payeat of aeWal eMail aaeonnia be OQnail adjovmad lo Baal an at Blview oa tba 3fd Satwdaj it Febra- UJ NSl E1b Ar Tbe Aaaaal meetiflg of tbe abore Braach Ag- Seaiety wat held at NoWt oa Salarday latl- Ibe Preaideat WJliam Wella E4ta Iba ebair Ibe Secralary Mr Joerpb Sloket pretenled tbe Aaaaal Bepert Irom whiel we kara ibe iota mberabip of tbe yeai waa 175 Fiaaaeielty the Seeieir preatwroee bvia a balaaca ef 89135 beB 1965 with IV toUl receiptt danng tbe pett year laclad iag tbe tarn en hand from the previeai ear wat 40395 ceala Etpedd ia priaaa 8S50 ceala PrriaiH 675 ecatt eibar aipeata 185 eeea Ibe oScert elect fer tba eataieg year are at Jollowa- r Joba Perry PfrnJtnt Gft lrta Fiee PrtMnt DiniCToaa Weaara Jamaa Baby Joba Ireked J H flaw Wettt OliB Cbappel Maier Stepbeaaen Jebe Jabeaoa aad Tbea MedenK WUtehnroh Ag- Sodety Tba aaanal BaaUng of tba abora So- waa bdd at LaBOnriUa en Sator- day laat tU Praaidant Mr P Maek- ieea in tba eliair Saereta7 raad tba aannal report of Iba Diraaloa aeuing fertb tba tnaa U1 aondition of Iba Seaiety agatbar wilb aoBa general roBarka with rud tba ratieoa abowa baU dnring tba year ad aaoeindiH Iba feUoiring aUta- ant Narertbdaea yoer Dtraelen eo aider tba 8oeaty In qniU aa gni aoa I aa at anj fixaar pariod and bo- The anaeal meeiiog ef the Ni Tofk Agrienlioral Seeiety will br hekl at ibeCeail lleaae leerrew Satarday one eeknk p m Afiar tbe eanoal be naae ie laaaaetad Prof Becctaaa Bay be eipeeieJ te addieae iha Beeiing Tiia RoTAt Mr Airann WtLtaan tbe reepeeted Agani of iha Royal IiMamBca Ca lor ibie aaetien af ihe ooentry baa laid on ear table tbe Companye Aimanaa ft 1M5 a vary aeetly priniMl volome af peibaae a oanpte ef bafidrad pagea and eBoetIiD ed with eelored liihograpb riewe ef aeverai of ibeIr prlaeipal haiidinffein Briiaia aad Canada It alao centaina maeb el inteteei Canadiaoa giving the namee ef ibe inl in ihe eivil aerrtee of Goraro eat Ihe Cealomt Aet Tariff Beaka aed air Branohea lie An advartMemeni af tba appeara inear oolemne today naa facranaMr W L Baewi ibar af iwefiiy yaam esperieoee la plain ornamental Panmaaahip Painting wiag be parpoaee daliverlog a free leotnra m ihe Uonion Sabbath Sebael Room 00 SaieMiey avafMni nesi atptanalery e hla aimpla aad ptaia yet aplendid ayalam ef writinf Mapaiaie le tba ibiaMtieo of siaa or latireellan ia ibie eioaoclnfly iponaat braoeh af adBoatloa Unifermi ty IB height wiilib and alepe t proper a merabert of tbe elaae fer fetara leeiaree 81elliBld Tbe frienda of tbe SewBarkel S 8ebooU Ibe ebildran id many of the teahen a S1aigbRila I Tboraday laat Tbe Oonpany eon iaied of fcAaen aletgb loada and a rit bappy eompaay tbey made In tbe avan- ing tbe aommittea employed Mr L 0 tba parenta aad ebildran a treat I7 the exhibition of bia DiaaolvingViawa tagatber with many artielea of InlarfaC brongbt itb Ma from PaleaianiinW trativp of many p in both Iba old TealaBeal Berptnraa Tlia Han waa BUed Mr P P Paaraon 00 npied Iha ebair Dnriag be avaalag raeolatioa waa moved by Mr- Jaekaea aeeondod by Mr Kirk and adopted amid applanae ibaaking tfaM gentleman wbo kindly aided the party iSj allowing ftie ate of their borate and aleigba fer tba aoooBBodaiion of be children Firs A Fire broke ont la tbe raid deaoe of Mr J AnsoTT Sagta Siraat Wedaaaday laat Ihrot tbe atora pipe or flea of tbe abianey wa sndarsland Tba firaaaa wera apaa- dlly oa the apot and aaon aztiagniaM tba fira noit bowaver till eoBai3arable damage waa dona to tbo bniidiog Bala Baglitor Toeedar JaeaarT 94Mr Jeba Ileftdry tU No 25 la tbe Srd Ceoe Wkit- obab bee aa ezteaaive aale ef FaraSuvk ImptoiBWMa LeabaTi k Teiaa Tee aoorbt eradit M 6 Sale ieiea Terma Tee BootUt dit oa all aamaovrr 6 eemmenee at 10 eeloek M PatteraoB Aaetiewar Tbia Evening JaBBary 90 Atibe Ceart Hoeae Newaatkai ao Aaeiiea 5ate ef Boeta and Sbaea will lake Rtee remmatMing at 7 eeoBk r Herd Ae It ie ea an raaerved aale aod bargaiaa aay ba eipaeled Ten Salarday Jafl Aa lakea pleee ea Lot No IS ia Ibe ibird Con ef Nenb Gwimabary brlac tbe property ef ibe laleTbee Evane Baq eooeit of Steak ImpteflMnia Itc Terse f BWMbe credit en all aama ever Sft Sale ta lee notiead aa aOeva ibrUgh the eelamaa ef tbia paper Iditorisi 8vmBsr7- Aa neaeant ef tbe Mlaaienery Maeting held le wm ie KewiMrket ie anaveidaWy erawM ai ll will appear la ear eo g We nndertiaod tbe OraAaetieg i new Beard af 8ebee Traewea will N g Tba anaoal aaeliBgaf tbe Faraera Clnbr fer the afeatian ef eOeera bt tbe aa- aniaff year we are laqteeled le aaaeoaoa aid aa tba Sailrand HeleU en ai aenen araninf Jnnnary 21ai iagat7aolaok foreign k Colnninl American Bevolution that tbe dealraetion ef tbe Onlf by Sbermae almek a bknr to Lee aod IHrta at Rimond Tbe ro9i haa aeea a leiter from a eiti- b of Savaaaah which atataa ob tba an- tborily of aa ofteial of that road tbat it eeppliad Leee army ne to tbe time it broken with lliOO bead of eatlle per week tbo oallle eoaioe iVoa FloriJa aod Sontbara Alabama Lee wrote 0 tbe Prea of tba road tbal hia faatliBe mat bo enlarged or ba wonld be oUigad I fall beek with bia army from Virginia Mrer to bie baae of aniea Tbere ia Meon o believe fVm infbrmation in poaiaaaian of raaidenta of Saranaah tbat Lea baa not 90 daya anpplice ob band Ntw Y Jan 13 Tbe Irvfiff beaeadoab Valtay corretfoedeat awa- inn a ramear Ibel leneral Sbtraaa ia a aew aad very imperumt com mend Dataile of Iba Uai raid ef Colonel bnefi from Fol Barraacaa Florida Polarda Alabaiwa thow it lo have ca very teceefu1 TU rebelt attemrt- to cheek bia adraace bat ware badly alea and loti baavly Gee- Graage aa the 8ed wat within alao had oie Mobife Bay te Jaekaoa coaaty Ma aiarippi New Yoac Jan 13 Tbe Riebaioed pepera are grawog ire bold daily la da of Jaf Davtg aad ia lamaadiag Ihe appatBMat of Lea to tbe nprame fflemad tbe arar Tbe Bxnmintr of lb 9baajralt Jefl cesraa la latl ivbirHeg afed eraey to detlraclioa LXrkplft from the ladibaa ie elliapce with tbe lebela vid Sbarvveport Leaia- 13tb Deeember for peraiaaiea lee te provide for bair ae- Ua AniiAPOue Jee 10 Tbe flag of race boe New York from Akaa Laadi Ja rirar wilb pereled aoldiara d cibwae arrived bare tbia moraiag Tba Richmond Baminer of Taatday uyt Yankeea geebeala apwardt ef fifty ia imber are again VHtbia off WKsMagioo and wera faarday aaid e be aogagM ie lliog ba weede Bear Fof Fitber Br L Jan 14 Gov Fletebv ietued a proclamation today declnriog Miaaoari a Free State io aeciwdanee with be Emencipelioa OnfliMOOa paaaed by tba State Caveo WAeainoTQ Jan lA Tbe Republican in an aitre aaya at e private daafeteh from Ctf Point BOuaeea iba the Hoe Prenk P Hlair rr ratarnad to tKal pWea frnm Rveb- mood yeeierday morning aad itnma- dielely left in a aiaamer or Mr Rhtir ie expeeied to 1 me ibie aflanioon WAHiB0T0iaB liTbe fallowiag brl a and to am tba ladiana in tba n Tba toriri Waabagten tpaci ayt iwrad ia thai aily lba Peace a bad adfed permiaeiAn e I bet le reply bad r Ibem Tbe TVnaet apeeial ayt ia reported bel Mr BWir baa rataraed from Rwh- lend HiaKicbmond Whig ef tba 10th re 011 an inarvaw baaao tba com liaateaera of eicbnege bet doee aet kaow Ibe reaalL Niw Y Jea 14 The Utarift Savaaneb correapendeat wriliag oa tbe 3b rweaaata afaira in tba eily aa iaiel ad ancbaeged aad raitemtae tbe reperU of yeeterdey relative o aHvemeaU eaoag the eifisene ef Gaergie for rtaaiea Tba eorreipeadea aeya tbey aaad confirma ion NHy all tbe Iradera of Savaaaab bad takra tbe oatb of aflegtanee Great aalfering among tba peer atill conlinaed aad to n conaMkrabla degree amoeg he wealthy Oan Shermaaa eatire aray ia beiag clolbaAaad eaipped Tbe Tribmntt Trahiglon apeeial givea il aa Ibe opieiHi of aa old band af peace negotieieaa tbat a catealioa ef boa tilitiBa preiiaiaary ta feroal negntialiena wiB take pinee witbrn ten dnya Te row the iwnd of a new ae Ba fall heavily an iaff Darrt obatieacy It it aederalood tbel Ibe Praaidant bw declared ibatfSeBeor Fooa ia harmed by ba Coelbdmtra ba will brieg five af iba aeet datiegaitbed Ceefederele p onera in oer baada to grief Oar ear airy bave baee ordered a pefaea Footea oap- itaea Tbe IFerfdbat ieforaalion from Mal ice coafirmieg praviea reporia of by lee rvpablicaaa over tba inpa abael lo kare be eoenry ea accoM ef MatimiKaaa annifeo aeraing cbafcb property Tbe Ricbao oalinae reliag over Ueir feadera Tbey think Jel Dariaa ewrae rep aad aho make an o an Kirby 8aiib ia new dieeoverad a poeaea none of be aribalw ef a great General Hoodie fiilarea in Teaaitaea aad Georgia ia at nbaled U be diagaa of Ibe people af been Sutee for the Ceafederaey Ntne bat Lee and Jobnaton appear to give iafaelien Tba Iftartfi apeeial daapaleb froa Watbtagloa ayt Blatr hn aet reiamed te Waabincoa Ganera Siatoa pr raaebed Ricb Bond en Fiy Bocron Jan 15TbaHan Edward ErarMt dad ia thin city nt balfpnat 4 ealaek tbia a Bdward Everett died tUa aeming hntfpMt 4 ealeak at bia re of apepleiy Hit age waa 70 yeara and 9 menlba Mr EvaraU adJ hia fel- lowiiaaaa a Faaaeil HaM oMa laat in aid of aeedia prariaiaMO Savu nab aad dari Iba anernaan wia preeeal a tba aoart ii fana In nWa dn agaiaat be cily of Cberleaioa Oa T day h became a8ieed br a aei aold bnt neither bie frieada aor bimtelf d K arioaa Saturday eHnieg ba appeared nbee aa well aaaaealaad re tired to bed declining to tronble aay one to remnin with km Abeel 3 tbie Boraing hie boaHkeeptr ealerad bie rooB aad feaad him afeepiag nalarally i boar laner tbo ataraed by baaria baaty faHia tta room and foand bim tym on tbe Aoor brealbieg heavily A pby waa nramplly aamnMnM bal he- cbarcbee at tbe commeneeaMat of morn ng Mrviee aad ereatad a praloaad feei ng of udeeaa Shortly aJter aooa Ibe sbarch belle ef the cily aad enbarba were toBed WAaNiKoroM Jon 10 Tbe Rich mond Enquirer of Selerdny wye Fraaeie P Bfeir of Lincoladom ie elill ia hie cHy atopping at iha Spotte wood Hotel Nothing reliable haa yel tranepired in regard lo hie m Seraral maabera of tba Coofedeme Congraa and of tba Lagialaisre waited L- Li yaalarday nod r hie 1 I eiiy I bee jaei I iaeee4 dtfartmiirr or S Jan 14 1665 j Cantelar cftcera in lerritriet coaler mjeoet wHb the Ueited Slalea en ibeir northern aad north eattara froetto are hereby aetberited lo arraecy ta paym order Decern- 17 1804 tbtll remain ia force beer wg ia mind ttet the taw iriairea five dot lara aa a fee lor iotaiag a pamport wiweb imort ia payaVa iato tbe Uai ed Sutet Traatary aad in foraiga ealrta wih a eoBtalar fee of one dler in additioe The atialiag regalaliona by arbcb ateati were fordden lo giva peetpona la bareby reaeiaded far Iba period above laaad If aay peraoB tlMU have b wbo letemed with Mr Bfeir reporle 1 atmng pMce foaling among thn en sani of Ricbmond and even nmonc oAoffri of high grade He predicia Ihaitbeie ill be n- ceaealioo ef boetiiiltM wilbia iwo roontba aod n propoael fer paaen from tba rebel Governiaa COBatlM0MMlL CttUimtud from JInt fOfe aeitar ibai be bad coaeiillad the Conn ieeSoiiekarMr M C Cnenaron n gel of be filling and atill la la tba and ihet erbitmtion tharefbre oibt Del ta inka piece Tbe Warden alee eiplaioed iba aiapa be bad lakao with raCafanna to toMriMiiOQa givan by the council lo biaeelf aod Mr Bgo about having a bridM erected over BUek River He bad b a oorraependeoee ith tbe Warden of Oourio bl had K got aucb aeaerancaa aa lo that eonnty beaif a fair abara of tbo aipaoee a warmai bia gotag ee with tba work Tba raport of Maara Dannie dr Ooe- aage referrod to by tbeWerdeOa inn doeaaeni of great laotb Tba Mkiv- ftg a ibeir aalimate of aipaodiinra neeaeaary to tbe wholn worka in a Roadwaya 887 BridgM and eulverta 14000 Toll bouaea endgaiM 1000 4068 Divided tha- Ktngaion reed 15313 Dundee etieel 1878 Yongeetraet OM Lake ehora 2 Toll galea 1600 43 M8 The anntfal eoet of keeping np the worke tbey eeriaeta ni 8165 Md b Tbie CeaMH bout te dm n nateral dentb ibougbi It woeld be well for Mr oZ kafli 11 kia withdraw hie reeahrtiea praeeDand have it broagbt befc J new Coarwi whieb would vary abert naeambla There woold ba pfe The petitioea froa tba aunieipajiiiea f Celadon Cbingaacooay Brampton lod Sirraiavilte having boM raad Mr Herilay Reave of Chingaecoeay novad fer leeva to irjlrodwce n Bill to irovide fer taking a veia ef tba anniei- pal elaetora of tbe oauaty of Peal oa ibe qurauoo of aratioQ and tbe alect o a eoenty town Saeoctded Mr Wnlkar Da of Catedon and earrfed Hartley eeoonded by Mi dareOQ Dapoiy Reeve of Cbingoaeaoay ntorad that tbe by4aw be reed a etaoad forthwith tbe S6h role beteg pendad fbr tbal porpaae Carried ha June naeadnr Tbe people ef P oouid iiot iaare i oader aay aiaseee tmder two reera and if ihav ebould datar llM they weaM leava e tba praeent neoeeiea tbay eoaU net do ao fer ni any rali ae Mr Orua nid ib otjM ibia aaeMng waa the yieetien of aew tioa aad be iboogbt it mjal be adMt that bie laaolalioa had an imporiMt bear tbat ooeeiioo Mr Hid IW Cnixa M fc 11 of TW hd bMn dM ud b dM Ml Ih could go bofoKi iu H dd M deeire to throw anv ibmaala ia iba oTlbogMilManfroaFMl iorilr of tlM Hupn aul u liar oM lo aapnmw froa Terb ba we aiy Oo asd God bUa yon Bat a for tbie reeolatiea be tbagbt k wa aatiraty oat of pUea nt ihifmini ay Hartley eoaeidere that tbe reaal tien prepoaad aotbing bal what wa fair aad and be hnped tW aeabBa froa York would look oa it ia tbal ligiL Tiw Reeve of Seerhoro told tba CeBaal tbat if tbe peopla of Peel anw it B aaaa raia be weald nay Oo Iw bfi jeet aa well ay On m av wop for be bad really no y in ibe aauar at all Hear bear h iba poople of Peal trbo bad to Mr Maeeoo aad the people ef PM might go if tbey liked bet if tbwfcraea all tbe m that weald fellow eepw lien be tboarbl tbey wonid wmajo Mr OrabamS rantioa waatbea mt aed negatived Y Meeera Cbeyaa EaUaiea Graham Hanna Haaiaa Hartly deraoa Jfftry Parbar Slork fanaB and Walker IS N Meare Aehlon Bawaa Boil Browo Bgo Oorrnle Maiibb poll ehiuld be lakeb aeparaiioa and appoinlad ratamiogeft car and polling placee Tba blank for the day of polling waa fliled up wiih Taaadaytbe Slat March The Coatmiuee having rieen tbe re- rt WM received aod edited Mr Hertley moved thattha bylaw be id a third lime fortbwhh tbe 80ih rule being euepenJed He aeid that ba harged awre tbaa the legel ft aa tbey moved ha bacauae be oaderaiood tbere Hieeed tbe eiceat will b wae no otber bweioaae requiring a aeet- lia by the coal lo wboe ig of the Council l morrow paid aad aaeb rafayatael Seconded by Mr Walker 11 be reported te tbe DaarteeaL A I eonveraation then leek plaee asMll and tajoiad I to whether iba by law ahoald ba finally pMed before Mng aubahtad te the wheiMr it aboaM be eat- ratapaere beoi froa Wikning Federal Paaapotle le eater tbe Briiii Pi wii be preeaplly iataed by tba Deperl aMBl m appfieatioe ia aceordaace with tbe peaapoft ragtJatioea Bigaed W H SEWARD Foat Menaos Jaa 17 Te Hoe Gideon Welle Secretary of the Navy Tba AUoHtie TJrl FMberaad tbe werka Paiat are in oer pateaaeiae Tba ataealt wae aade by Iba army and lilora ea Saaday aad by 11 p a Iba rofka wera oara Loaaea heavy Lieat Preeloe aad Porter Ibe nery are kilted Oar eaptarae wera 73 aad abaet 3300 prieoeara Geaa Wbrting and Lnab rebate are iwaera aed w Tbe VamJefMi ie en ber way nertb with daa Twe 15 iecb gaaa barat aa tba aea WAeatiiaTeit Jam 17 To MajorOanaral Dit Ilia follewing nSdel deepatchee bave joet bean received at ihia drtaaat HaAoaiiAaTBna D 8 Foacaa Fadarel Point N C Jen 15 aM Fort Moaroa Jaa 17 To Brigadier General J A Rawline OaNcaAb 1 hara tbe honor to report that Fort Fiaber wa oarriad by aeeanli ihle aflemoon and evening by Generel Amaa diviaioa and iba ted Bri pol the let diviaioo af the 34th Amy tpa gallantly aided by a beualon of ment from iha Fadaral Fleet aad wa made at SSOp nu when tba firet bri gade Cuniae of Amaa diviaioa efect- led opoa tbe perapet bat fall of the 1 Tba bebavionr ef bmb oftoaia aod men wae moat admirable All the worke eouth of Fort Fteber are now ocpied by nor lrorpa We have net Ira tbaa i 200 priaon- ara inoludiog Oeeeral Whiting n Col La oemaaadani ef Ihe fort I regret a ay tbal nar loea ia eavera aapeeielly a olra I aa sot yet aila to fora any aatiiDaia of tbe Doaber of SigiMd A H TERRY Brerei MajorGan co the padition Nrar T Jan 17 Tba JXfraWi Waabiagtoa epeoial aye Blair aale bainaa nt Riobnaand lo raoovar a nuabar of important pri rata pnpara title daeda dMu lakao froa hia hooaa by tba rabala when aear WeaUagtoa Ha waa rerr kiadly ra- eeived and bad fmak aad free eoever- anion with Jeff Davie aad anmbare of othero bat ibay raanltad is ootbing daS Tba elory pobliabad by the Riebntoiid abM Davia Moding a latier aying ba waa wiOiog to racaiea Paaoa Cooaiariooara le Praaidant Ueeoln ia ail boab Tba ZVfiwma apealal alao Mya tbat no letter waa aent br Daria aad tbat be aada ae aigs af lowering iba rebel flag Bt Oararaor J of K tacky elker tbeogbt it ler to peaipoaa the aigKar 1 row aad otaanwhila get the epinlon of Iba CoBotiee Soiioitor Tbe Werden beiayap to on Ihe aabfaol aid be hed eip no pioiaa on of be bylaw ba sauM be dinot feMlere that the major ity of tbe ratapayera of Paei would rota for the aepexeiien Ae regorded the qeie aew pet te biia be tteerbt Ike geBtlewaa wbe broeghl ia a bilFef bm importaaea oeght to be e the node ef proceeHiag hey ware aat m piated tbey abaat be fore wbmittiag tbe aeaaare te the Coaav cil go to ibeee wbe aoeU tell Sea wbat ba doaa Hit own epiaioa waa tbat tbe BH abeald be fiaeHy paaeed before goiag le the peepfa It applied ofieera aad batr apptataaet weeU net be ralid aalea the ByLaw were MIy peeaed aad aealad with the aeal of tbe Car aa tbaa raad a tbird ae Oa the aaaeliea of the ftaal paaaga Mr Hardeyia raply le Mr Walkar id ba bad aabmitt tba ta a igai gralleBea irbetber the Ceeaetl ceeM iaart ia tba ByLaw Iba aaanea ef pbeaa froB whiab a aleaiiM tbeaM be bm m Oaaaty Tewe and bad hif iaforaad that eader tbe atatata Ibey bad ao eaeb power tbat it aeet be left to tba ralapayara me wbaterar pleaa tbay cboeaa M By Law wae tbea pataed r Hulley ac by Mr Stork d thai Iba Clark ba ieetraeted te bave tba paM a we daily aewapeper ie tbe Ceaely af York and oaa Mwapeper ia Ibe Ceaely of P ia aecordaare with tbe atetate 2tb Viclrria chap 37 aad alao lo bave three baedred copiM IB tbeet fora prnled for ditlriba- tiee Carried Tba Coaaeii Ibea adjeemed BATcnaAV Jan 14 Tba Cmiaeil re aaanaMe Ibie aore ing at balfpeai atoe iba Warden ia da Mr Ego wilb reraneeto the by law to approprwa moaey far the aeneirno lion of lba bridga of which ha bad givan noiica w day eod aid that ao farther raflectioo ha bed ootaida tbni li woold not be legal M a meeting onUed Ibr a epecial parpoea to iatroAiea a aMiaa about aocneibiag eka rafarenoe to Booey oaatlerL Mr Graham aoved that tba Coaadl meaeraltaa tba Lagielatora ae 10 amend ba law M tn anaUa Ibe eeaniT of Pool lie receive a fair aad eitabla pr Ilea of tba aaaoont eipacM in rba tiooofa Court Hoona and Gnol in Ibaaa Jniiad Coaniiea io tbo aveat nf PaaJ aparating froa the Cowety of York Seoonded by Mr Hacna Mr Orabaa aaid that nader tbe law aa it now aieod ba Coaatv ef Pael ia tba evaat of lie eepartling froa York eeald not raoaira hnek a attpaooa of tba lerge aaonnt iB oaopla bad eoatriboiad fer be araetioa of tba ooanty baildinga a ba avant oi aaparatioa tbe oouatr ef York would raaeiva be anira baaeu ef tbaa boikiagB asd it waa aiaarij aad iae that be ooaMy ef Peal a reoeiva aoaa a Mr J P WMor tboaM ba raaole- Mneaoa Parohaoa Randall UnraaT Thorne WheUr Senrbore Wbaiar Wbiteburaii and Webb15 Mr Tborne iiinaiti by Mr Webb agvnd Tbat da Clerk be aod i haB by iaatrweted to bare primed at ibe of Peel in large type tba followkf worda Tba great oana trby wa aboald aaparaM frea be eouaty ef Ter ia bat the Coaatlaa Ceaaoil agraad a perhaae tbe York Roade wUab wa rieUieg a raveone of 893800 par aa- noa ba oaa of fTliOO M twaa ty yean oredil aad aria oif Loe Loal Oarried Cani ed Mr Hartley raiead tbe of ar dor nbelber any ettraaaooe oaetier om beWieKed wiibihe bybiw Tba Warden ralad ilat tba waa parfiMlly in order Mr Hwy ani Mr Hanna againet tba raaohiiiea Being pat a tba rote ii waaawa OB the following diriaiea YnAeMeearaTllowaMIMv DaM Meabal Parabna Tbor ebh- N Meaara Bri Eablaloe Grabeat Hantoa Hartley Randall Walker- 6 Whaler Whitebarab aa IrEfs p IVtar On mntioa of P W a aoiatioe waa paeir praridiaf laJba- tin Co TbaCouopbao adioaiinad mmStu Qhht Vaws fN tbs V VM Daeambar- OOLX JH niS SaVAT3nWAB Tba bara Lata newa from tba Oabilibiwas aiaaa of a rary fkroarabfe taaor baa- boan f ia tba SeMleaeat aad It eoaa faaoh aaoaraaan tokava aa lioabt oftba aatbaatiaily U la Is tba olfoat that tba digging tloag tba rivar wart p anaipeeletiy rii TbS aioara at am oa Iba Nortb BViMb aboa aad beaw lUmaUtm bad deaa taatffcaMy vail davfsglfce Jili wb ef baa raaUsiag m bi a ekbleaa aad twaaly doQara pat dtf aHb lU roekar Aaeoag Ibea ayp at tba diigiap tbera ware few no did aataaaa pra wa aatiaiad etoa pcoeeaeta aad Ibe pnUMUty af aaUag batiAaa at ia r7 gmmMj alamad TbK esf raadera wiD abaena la bat a aoBtiaaatin of tbe favowraWa aaaaaata learirad froa tbaaa iigghy aa liaai Ibairdiaeowy Wa bare aoa af tbe praeioaa daat aat is ban Aaa liBO a liaa aad kaow tbat aaaa af ll forwarded le tbe Stela Hiat baa baa bigUy apokaa oC Tbat Ibaaa to ba ria aad pay Ibr bcMr I tbey bara ipt daa bar aMb doa aad M w 8raly bweeed ly eiwe tbaSatUaaaaat Ibat tbay aea prapariag legn tbitber nestyotf aad hair brtaaaai Bararii p baai aa Qodaratand atalad bar ilili go to ba Biaa ia tba ipriag end baa aoaa of tbe neeaaaarr ainiag ontitftoaStPaaL ItiswaiifoM that Iba diggingo wbiab o et to faroarabfy an boa vWob ba we endemaed baee alrandy wideda oat of whiA be ira bb aeabara Bade their tre doUar pa mf aiaeraofgnalaxpariaaa Ibe beta to Baob aors proit aaUw t tiaao m Boob oat of Ibia tko eoaaia Tbia leada lo Iha ra belief bat wbcaarar a bamgb of tba Biaa aaatiaBj le Bade win ia aaay ta at aztray laemlire aad tbat be Sw- obewaa wQl yat m a large bb pepalation In aalieipntion of osob n bara board bat aoBO Aai aiaare next year Yoaa R Caas Tba f ef tUa eaa wa oaderaaad wa afBa eraed froa laet Moadey Jill tbo 38rd ieeta tba raiaM Btaka ooonal for be j oormtiMI rk BJU isrt urm AM nil

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