Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 11 Mar 1864, p. 2

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THE NEWMARKET ERA MARCH II 1864 Haw AdrttUitMBt A Fw M Dajt V TirM rlh iaillintfiijr Miinciility ltCipt iihi Lipaculiuir l Mon- ry Abtinci Tcwmhip AceottoH Tiuhp nl Katl jwillimbory King Tomthlp Abtiiaci of Arcecoit Whiichuict TovnthiB Accouiii AckKvUMfnanl W Titni Arknoitttfnni SimpMKt li Rffiri AckQOIJmeitl k Rogart Ai lInpan It Uostii No- Lvi S Magii riin for Sla J lroRipofi iinpvT k llopad CftiJ of ThfikM Rocail Asbri A Unlrim Yfik Aj K Smiib Iil ct liii Ncomaikcl Diuoluiion of Co lailneltbir SimrtoD k Hogiii ah hichi again r sptnffi JicT Mr OutD Tnin Tlma Btwurkct A ehoff iiM ill ih arrival and dapar af irajM imv iiUc oo UooUaj la Oc- ubwOs IH WtTIVa SkMTI iDg lucli j Kiinnla aa ilia JrUatypt iid glbtn t Ttkioi b MaUowoy ol ih Fioaixial CommiM in for our lulhontv M vll aa Ih avern tmlioMiij or Ihoat hoM poailioD tnliil lhaa lo ervdtDC our eonMapofiit tliould b ib laal man 10 htrp abouc iha dithoHtVy of olhara until hit own txttdt ir waabod c of imputation rial upi bin b lh raa- flationa ol the Commiaiontr Tags B1 of ihst rrpotl atra thai Mftn atnouDling 10 JUj SJ eta vtiid tho firal did liiia briwrn t aiid 0 t iha Cen tra Road and thai ili aaid Wm Main tw tddad to aaid Ulaiaion Ynur cnnimiite alao reeommrnd tha Uraiiiiig of iha praara nr iha peiiliona il Wn Cina and uihra and Tboa Arnold and othvra apd hat iha ntraaiary ac Iran b lakao bi tha CouDCil lo carry ihM o Yovr Cummiilaa atao raeoftimand thai Cfrlifieaiaa ol tieanM granitd lo Da- rid Uiteliio Jamea Ksranagh Joho Culvprwall aid Sin Aridreara on lliair Mail Tnia lISjirM ai ftTa Uul tPaiwofrti at Aur rf war raekaa about III aboTc lioir SV aa piB t9 a a Br Hallaod LaaJ laalaa diffaraBM frn Cljf ra VBwkat Friday 11 U8L She Cobourg Commitdon NoiUuUadIng the tlrtam india- ItM ef lb LtaJer aad ita Coboorg Cor- raapoBdsDt tbe facta clieited daring Ihc iotitifaiioD islo tbe eoodoct aad nial- practiea of Mr krriff F elab- liabed kcood earil the arat neemii tber exitlFil fjr laeh a CuDmiaaioa a the CoTereaieiit ioitiloled and the pab- lioaiioB 04 taae portioo of U Tideoee clearly ronBtfae ehatfvi made hai ao dasbfoaadercd the Coalitiea organ that aiaea then it bai prcaerred a cinl Bark ed lilraec on tbcaffjir Wliilc the Coia- Buaaion wu prrcJia liorerer both be LtaW and ita correfpoadent vaxed wroth ye apke approvin- 5 aoiJ exm eneoonginilj of a few of ihe liwlcja ralblc cf Ccibourg wLoterioloai cnmptyii wiib Ilia law and Uy Lawa of account wet paid ID Aur419Cl j ih aeecind at paid oe ibo iSfb Hay IMS wmnxsd ihat bi iiy 1 asd ibat tbaaa two account art idm- Baikal iMiuiaa Mlwra Itw Aaauciaiioo tbia eteoing Sut jaet iba niaJ oukat iba mao No deybl iba UtaBdaDaa will N laiga Aniiiliai laaaiini aflbe Caoocil ef Noiih takaa placa at Plug MoaM on iba I2ib inatieiBMrow whea a cenferanra la lo laka pitea balwtan Iha iDainbaii of tba Conneil el laal jt and ha pieaani CounicMoa with Iba itw le aitanga ih finaoeial alfairt ef iha U paliijr We make no doubl frocq all we can har iha difneotiiaa wili ba iaiiafao- lieal AbdieatioD of tb Qaeea The Aora Station brinp lb rumor ad ioielligrnca of iba Qat abdieatioD In fator of tha Prince of Walaa wbo ia lo aacand ibe Tbrona ef England aa werdlhaYlt tiairueno parliculart are giteo oo circumaiaacfa ralaiad leading le the Mocluaioi do aolboriif titled upon wbicb tba runor ia baatd tiiopi the seouneenkest made Sone moalha ago a report to ibit etrea cSeci wat put hi ciicaltlion tnd poatibljr li otajr ba ibal iba aomuDCMieoi ia almply aa old aiery rarired Tba kaewledgi boweier thti Htr Mtjaaiy baa ratiated every eoireaty lo coma fortb frnm lb aeelinion tad rtiiremeil inie which the withdr upon ihe dealb of the laie Priice Contort deooRiintiod by uoiter tal conaoDi ai Albert the Good gira color of iruih to Ihe initlligance Neith or the mrriage of the Prioea of Wale or the birth of hi ton called har lo lay saido her aooibra lobet tod mingla aa of yore in ibe pubhc and priaala ttrain ol life and poaaiblj thii may ba Ih Ctuta ef ihe ratnour Board of School Tnuteet Board Bel on Moadty riag Uil AM tbe lecabert preMat Mr Jackaoa ie Ibe chair MBolat of lul atelieg read tad coa- firiaed Tba Cbairata laid before tba Board ae- eeualt frov Joke Dirry for ecliiag aad dosuatlratisni ihe ntlciuao tf- 1 aplilleg 20 eorJi of wood 10 J pointed on belalf of the Gortrnmenl to j Wtiberell repairing t il tliS j coodocl boBOslly and fcarlexly ihe inaea aad CiWf CMapaay 90ci- Ao bil ialion ealW forth the marked wniure 1 r rn- c- IT 1 II I uacker al ibe oEee of ibe itoard oft Ii 11 w bxecUcnpr wnenaJIrfaAinradeit o arciictioii Aao Iba Ayditora AbaUal J nation wbo waited on hico with view I f Aeeounta IQ excite liia tymptthy ioatead of aeclin On moiioa of Mr Siihilin tecoaded juatiee far ao ouUjpeJ eointnunily Ilif 1 Southard tlie aeeooata of Jolm We will gire a few intanca of the Bty Epre Company aad J J Wetb maoBer is wliich Mr Sheriff KoaTir did bit boiineu in order to allow the pablie to jadie firly whether or no Ihe UaTemiDcnt were joatified io diiuiifins him Wheaan rxecution wat plaecd io hit banda il wai extreisely diScaUlOftei a retara witboot eooipelling him by rule or alLaehment and when made il not uafraqneotly waa ao faUified at lo lead II were ordred to be pad Ol of Ntr Ireni aeronded by Mr Siutbaril Il wa ordered lliat ibe diinii Itepoil be pubtibcd la Ibe ra f- coriinj t law Oa Boiina ibe ebairasao tad Meiira Klride toil Mefrackea were appelated a eonnidra in adrrlie for and reeeire lenderi fr iO eorda wvod far lb ua of tbe Scboel Afler aome farlker realia batataaIk jodgmeol eredilor to inatilut legal pro i eaadingt Ooe Barrialer of Cobonrg u 41 GlrilUmboCT COOOCIL tiled that baring etimineJ his Coonte Coart docket from Jane 1857 to Xo March 5 1864 Ttober 1950 be found Ibat in tbati The ebof Conncil metibia diy All Courl alone be iwied io tnita eoine j tk membera preaeiit lb llaera io the eeddariog ibal period oHrleai oUaih aj ti tht Sheriff for not rr- laraieg execuiiona tod Airfjrro nta Sew if b Uartider bad lo proceed no leat ibtn furtjtix liaea ia a liltle OTcr two yean io order to obtain jnitice from Ihe Sheriff what moat have AUnsiee of liat meeting read and con firmed A Convnunictiio wm received and rtad Unm llenjarnin Duubam lendariiig for iba oSca ufTownahip Collaeiar Alao fromJat Aylward Eaq prtying ibat 00 titiuta tabor ba expended on tbe Road between Lola 20 and 31 un- 1 peiiiiOD of Juho Terry and oihart ba laid otar a ibia CostKil will require t turtey ofiha propotad dieergeiKe and public aetica uf isiendad tciioo muti alio be giran before lle prayar thereof ctD be grimed Commiltee roaa aad tha Council re- cairad and adopted iha report The Reeea than ieiroduced a Dy Ltw providing for ibe Commulaiioo of Slttule Ltbor ie QueeBivilla which wat patted ihruggh it varioua attget and dopted Moed by Mr Shulileworth aeconded by Mr Doan ihai Uatid Terry be placed la Roed Diviaioa No S Town Lioe South tnd ibat ota htif the Stat ute Cbor due frm bit farm In ihe Oih Coo b performed on the Town Lioa Souib tnd the niher balfoa the 9ih C aa fnrmerty Carried Motad by Mr SbuiiworthaeeeDdad Nr- Doan that the Abeiraei ef lownahip Areouaia be inatrled ihrta lime In the Newmtrkel Era teeording 10 law tnd ihe Clerk tlto gel 50 cpiaa of ih deiailed attieiDCBt prioted ia aheal forn Carritd fa tnotioa iba Clerk wat ale sn- alrucled lo procure 00 copiee of ihe nataea of Tuwnakip O0iert printed in aheet form and hae ibem potted tbrnughnut tha Towahip Mured by Ur Ilolboro tacondad by Mr Raid lhat pariiaa reaidmg oa Lnt No 32 in the Cih Cmceatinn be intlud ad in Koad Dxiaioo No 3 in the Conettaion and 10 work uttder Wm Greenwood over alao Jeramith PullnD Michael Duelo Jamet Howard AotMll Traritt and all pariiea reaidin en Lota 93 and M in tbe Oib Coa- i work in Road Uielaion No 4 in lb aaid Coneaeaton oiidar Robert Aiklneon ortraeer alWf Evan Lepperd and Ab ram Lappard lo wnrk under Thomaa lioweleil on ibe Towa Line Nnrih tSao Joeeph Founlnia artd John Ph lipi to work ID Road Uiriamo No 10 under John Aiirtaon Carried Moved bv Mr by Mr Reid lhat Joseph Irartaa be al- Inwed 10 perform one balf of hit aiatule Ithor in ihe 6ih Concaaaton uader ibt ajperviaion of tht orerteer of hie Diri ton Ctrried Up Raid movaJ teonded by Mr iroiorn tbat Ell John John aon be alow to perform lhair ttaiute labor on ihe aide reed ia the 0ih C between Lnle No jiBd23 under the operifiiendetM 01 15 h Matter oli Cnried I CnrrpBioniipnrf ntktBdiar tOt ViMrlW ra Dtaa Sia Your eeireependart aigning himMll Inqoirer aeaaa very anztoua lo know wbal lia become ef iba mac wtie adrocaled ralrenebmenl ae atrongfy at Ihe llogarl Towo naeiing Now Sir io order le aaiiafy him on ihia and eiber nameroua qoaaliona il will be neoeaatry le give a ynopeia ol ibe aoilea l ibe lata Coaaail io leferenoa le iheappoiuiiUBt and paymeoi of Townahip efficera In ibe fiiai pitce ibara were Iwo appli cant foi tba Aaeeeaerabip one ai a alaied pfiea lewerihao btt bad been aaatlly ptid The eihar llial of tba eld Aaaaeaor no pciee ntmei Ther were alao ihrae tpplicaiiia Car ibe Collectouhip all Ihree of ihan ganeially coniderd cumpeieoi mto The aeeuiiiy orobfeeiieotbl iwo of ihem al alted pfieea mncb lower Iban had been naoally paid Ihe oiber ibal e iha old Cellecier uu price aaned Tie Council in bsib iaatance Ihrew aaide ibe lower offer appainleJ Ibe oM ufficera and gave ibeia ine oUI ealait Tbe indignaiioai fell by agteai many ef Ibe ralepayera in ihe North pen ofiha Town hip whe beliered the Coonejl had aeeii- 5eed a principle whkh aboolJ have been Dphek anil were atabiubir a pteeedeni whiih in ibe eod weuM laJ lo ooiraplion and fariwiiiam in ihe appoinlmanlof Town- hip oltieeca led la tbe aaaeoibliag ef Ibe Uieai Raiieaehmeni Meeinat Dgail Town where ihe grau retrenebaeol te- Mlolioo WM peaeod Two ef the old Ceoaeillett wei preaaai al lhai meeting and mad Mrenaee ffjvia wiihoBi muah ahow ef reaaen or aigo- mem to rinJicel ihair ctoae asd in ih end their caM wat ee badly made oei ihni if a leaoloiiea had have been biooghi fowanl 10 cenaare Ihe aniun ol ihe son- ril il would havia been earned by a large mijoiiiy and llie only reaaoo why aocb a reaoloiion wat not paaaed waa bMaa ihreeof Ml Counriliaea were net praacni 10 daleid Ibemaalroa A few daya aliar ibia meeting ih Elec- lion look place al t1ufTviUe Ihe ed Cuonril Io e man declaied ihey acird coii- aieMilooily in Ihe mailer beltared ihey hk done ihi and would do Ibe aame aain if rliied rix ugt iheii favarilra iii tiiieepy Ihem liberally wiib Ihe people- mniry anil Ihereby poichaae ta mncti le- fliience aa puaaihle fii future eleeiiona The peope appeared aaiifiad wiih ihia and wiih one eiceplion Ih oM Coneil were cleeled Ant hre the nialtvr ahouM hare been tllotred lu real wiih Ihe aano- lioa i f iHe late payera and woulU hare liinuier nt been ovei Hie UHeoinlK iiiclet iho Koad Dirtion Car On motion ihe Clerk wta naruclfd tnj ha- i Ibe Aeaeeenr thai he will be C- annoua 10 Iiuirod 10 make hia return by ihe lai oj Townaliip maiwua fi youi paper Airil neat Inquirer wania to knon wheher there Oo motion tho Reeve tad the weie appointed a ComHlae to rtvi ecrlaia ly Ltwt andamaod iha tame 10 meel the requirement of lata ttatuiet lht Council then adjwrned lill ihe 8rd Saiurday in April nexl Ibea In mati at t Courl rf Revirion- Sftla BcifUr Mr Eatxizta DiaK Lit So 2 ii Ibe 3d Coa ol Kg Old Sorvey bet a aale of Slock TnplearuU be oa Tee day Mtrcb 1864 Tea laoaiht crtdil Aabloo it Mtebell Asclioaeeia Mr JaMit Coorta Lcl N SO in be 6ik Co of Norlli Cwjiliabary baa a aale ol Stock lapleaeal dta ea Wed aatday Marcb ISib IM4 Nia aoalb credit Jtaet Ktvtaagh Aaclioaeer V Paniee havina their aalw bill mint been any offeia 10 Ihe Tuwnthip offleea al reifoced tigore Thoiehaabeen no fixmal rSia ta jet lhal I am aware of whyt llectua peapleU not eare 10 bo olien tud ihey hare no Sope fur anylhing alao daiini ihe exialeneebl Cooneil Tar erh liie Depoly lerre wbo ha oie ao auorg lar ieirohmeL l Cooniy Counril oi beinclold Ihere leeud be policaliona for Ih Cletkahi al gay redocea pncea aad It wMild be uaeleie making aocb ap plieaiionaio tba preaent Ciel nlea ii oeuld be tbewo the preeeni Ck ad fail ed le do hia duly Wbeiherlhia i ccla Proriacial ParliamoDt- UOHLAIVK AHniBLT qlimc UtrtbT Tbe 8pakr took Ibi chair a Ikrti oclock Tbe fnllswiag billa were aavtrtlly ia trodaced aad rtad a firtl line lloe Mr Parriet Dill 10 aad lb Moatreal Corperatioa Acl llin M Delleau Bill le aBcad ibe ltw of lam aelioat ilea Mr CbrittiaOtll 10 relit pf aoai wbe raft fcoM wucicstioa mo- lirtt 0 ba twoca lioa Mr Blake Bill lo gml cartaia pewert la Bifr Mattel Ifira laHraace AtMcialioa Ilea Mr Hie OoaaM Bill lor ihe pro- tectioa of growitg Tiaber Hoa U Btrnt soved Ibt appoial Baal ef t lalect coaaitiee raepeeliag the celeainiifla of Iba waale laodt of lwer Caatda la cotaiat of lb Ilea Maaart Lelellier ProlxArflMad Foater Malbiol Ue La Territr aad Iba aeeer rnad Oa BOlien of lioa M Vidal lb peti lioia ptyirg for tbe eaiclawot of Ibe Tea- pertace Act of 18S3 wirt referred I a aaleclCoiBaitleeeonpoted of Ihe tlea leaerAikiBIhenollCkrUlie Saabera aad Iba laottf Tbe Cooacil tdjoaraad at in oalock LHiauTivc atautir Qctatc Mtrek 7 Tbt Speokf tatk lb chair il Ikree oclock Atloraey Gtacral MatDoaald preaaat ed tke report ef ibe eeaaillee appoiaied lo raeoaHMod a liti oflaeBbert to fbrn aetecl ittndiag cDCiinitlee M LafrtBaoaiaa laid 00 Ibe tlWe ibe report of the Board of Workt for 18S3 Atloraeyfaeral MtcPonald laid en tbe Ubie a relara lo as iddreaa forpapan rdtUve to tL diaaiaail by lb lale peat mailer gtaeral ef eerlaia pealBaaitrt ia eoaaly ef NottkeBberltnd M Bvtalerel aored Ibal tba Jolil eleelioB coaoiill btv Ittva e tdjoura lill Ibe Sill of March lo allow partit to bring forward eeedeec Ctrrted Ihe followieg billa wer eeverally iatro- duced and read a firal liita Mr Wrigbl Eaal York bill leiapoee a laa 00 doga tad lo frod for tke be 1 ler prectioa ef abtep ia Unper Caaada M PaqiMt kllleanead ibe auaicipa tnd reed en of Lower tatda M Seeffriea bill loaaead cbapler fl f coatolidaied lUlelea of Caaada peetirg membera of Ibe Legiilttarc i Mr Geffroa bill lo amod ebiplet 37 of eonaolidated attlutea of Lower Ca utda reapecting Ibe regialralioo ef till lo real estate Mr Vnk Ratt York bill lo tmeed Ike Btfoiripal act of Upper Ctetdt 10 Ibll It Iswntbipl dirided into warda alec lori Bay bare ea laaay rotet a beie are eosncillort lo be eltclcd Mr Abboti bill reapecliog general av erage Mr WaUk Bored for a relara con- pilrd from oScial relurna of Rrigade M lia bewiiig ao arerage atleDdaaee al diill of Ibe aenbert of varieua roLolrrr rompaniei in ihia Poviftce for aix ntoalbi eudieg 1I Frbrvary lati Carried M Cailirr la abwaee of Mr Gall ceoted an tddreaa fr til corrraponMeace lo the iranfer cf Ibe Profiaoal arcoud from lb Otak ef Upper Caaedi lo he Ueak of Monlretf logeiber wiUi t iKArii ef Ibe leraa on which a loan ef 1 lftOOOOO bea beee talely eflrieed froa Ibe Oavk oi Ueutreal Carried Mr CsBger moved lb tppoiataieol of a apecial coaniiiee to eoqire lato Ibe prtelictBilily ol contlractieg a akip cioal belweeo Georgiaa Uay etd be Uay of ta Counly Couoi I laavih peopi 10 jode Ibal tuer f ar many men end compeient oea too I coril Ueaeri Wabridge Rota f wbo wouM willing lo all Ihe Towoahip otHeee al redaced ligaree t hive every reaaon 10 believe aoJ oeuld name aeveral were I diapoeed lode to boi il weold be folly 10 give ntaaeei make pervooal ap- aliAAtionA la ft Caonflil vhflM wholtf oaJici Mt aetioBi vera kroogbt agiiut hia and nrdiala obUioed rteovereieeaaof feet 4eMtM Oiber iattaneea of ma wa tiee aad fraiJ wcra dearly eaiabliihedi at j yt he orgaa ef the CoaHtion coa- the Gevenaaot for prDteeting the eooaBBily from toeh leieitt and a proTca ef Ibe riotoea eeedoetef iboaewhe openly dnaoaitraie their lyapathy wiih thit aboDiaahle hltek atil It la one tatiafactioB to ksow however hat he MiBittry bo eeatfolliag the aSiiit of thit Proviaee had ha eoerage aod hos- mtf of porpoae to deaJ wiih Ibe caae ob ita nerita and by ditBiMine ihe bib who diagiteed the oSce he held Tisdieaied be eaate of lruh ead jutiee aa tU a injored eoaaBnity DlTiiion Coort Offioa We are glad lo la able to aaaoeiy Ibal the removil ol the 4lh Diviaioci Cogrt Clerkt ofice from Sbaroa to MavBBrkel hat b takeo place aod w ar aaihorlxed 10 eute thai for the ibe efiee will be loeeied ia ihe preoiieaa braMrty nceupied by Maaeri HiLLiif it WiLLteM OB Water Street djoiuaf Ur KcMatrca Iroa Ware boaaa Both ika Clerk and Bailiff ol ihia DiTiaioa are now reeadaait of thit plaoai and paniee doing boelaeae wiih t o by Mil are rcqsetted to diraet to Newwrtet Intued of dbamn Foe Of- flaaat herMofere JadgeBoTBdeearvea ertdil for aeerediag 10 the eipreeeed de in of aUrgesoaberofthoeeiatereeted fey de 10 eeltb ihe ofiee pera MWlf at thie plte With Ibe preeai bbeci of Um Court are belteva the lie lerga bav fall CMftdeM aad are fry eU ewiaiedi Tha Tablet Tnrned 11 weald bare bavtd had lb adoWry beea taraad eel ef atfee bfe tfeeU bakedb- y aad wBial of beeer ke beea bUv apeetd Umi i Jiwwt M Fiiaod firtiityyi doa ya think the gnpM iM apw j a liute t Be- boUaf ti th 4Miee reatily iMaMtb aa Iha OpfcaUiea atldMidy ra- Md lhallWHry lebedle ael dbtea m JTM Uakjmu ar iif MrdatrliMrMnrfiv md Mm their faaaBky Md MMMf M Am Mka wibar MntadoM of Mr CACTHta h Vt iffiiliirf ondStneel alao of J W Sosle end other praying for iha cooMiutaiion nl ataiute labor Tor foar yar ia Slouff- ville Ur Shallltworth pretaaled a petilioo from W Uainpris aad othera aed Tboa Araold aad othart oa road lati lera Mr Raid preeeoted a petiiteo from Caleb Brigge end othera for Certifieaie of Licariaa lor uvern 10 be graaied 10 John Culverwdl Mr Daea praeeaied a petition from John Terry aod olbare praying for the eeiabliehmanl of a cartaia porlioa of the Harrold Road where it patiee over pi vate property aod lhal the original road alloaaaee ba ooaveytd to taid privtie partiae ia lien of latid laktn Mr Holboro praaeoied a petitioa from R Saadaraoa ead otbera prayiag thti a CerliScata for licaaae be granied 10 Da vid Rlichie of Queeoavill Alto of Wai Ceae eod othera praying for ihe eiltaaioe of Koad Oiviaioa telweea Lule 20 aod SI 10 ihe 2od Coa The nul then weal into Com- autlee of the Whole oa a ByLew pro iding for the eppoiaiaeat of cartaia Toweehip offieert inirodtioad aad read a firal lime at a pravioua mining Mr Doaa ia iha ehtir IncoCTmlllae tho nemee were filled ia for Jveraeera of Highway rooad Keeper tad PeaaaViewera Wa hopa to be able lo theia aexl week CoiBfliitlee raee tad reported and the By Law waa reed e ihird lim tad pete ed- On moiioit the Beeve then left the chair for oa boor tcsaioa Cosneil reennwd ead fanhwiih reaalv- d Into Ceaamitiee of the Wbole oa aem naaleetiooa and patiiiooe preaeaied Mr Raid ia the chair Comaliiaa roee aod rrporiad at tol leve Wlih reprd to ha ceaauoteatloo from Jame Aylwaed year Ceariahi refer the Coatteil la tha aetioa ukea to iba foililoft frvn Wm Caaa aftdethera Io raferaoca lo iba coasivniMiioa frcM Baajamiii Daakaa yotir eooiidi lee taoMHMDd lhai bla lander le ealleei Ihe Uxe for MS be aeaepted With regard to the peiitiaaa of S W Haward aad othera fer aalting Bead Oivltiooe No 1 aad 3 to the Coa- Mlaa i alto of Joks Seal aad otkara hr antnamlnn io Qa jroar BOifitMa raooaMMtd IhU ihe preyer wfkegrweaed ihMBjrUvabe Med tr thai mrwemi Wkk rtwd 10 th poUlha of W Mhf riio Md otkaw ikojr raasMaad tha prayae batoaf b mwad la to ar wloonodthoUof Baod Diviiloa I to lb Ml Ca wMiward ea ih C- b Bigftr CotkborB Uunaford tad ike oiCer Ctrried Mr J S Vudoaald la tbieace ef Mr Gell aorcd M addrcta for vtrica- relaiDi at to Iba iade ofikeWallaad aad iCVii k Cnloniol ArrinI oftbCl9ofVw York Nw Toil Maieh 7 Tbe loata Meamahrp Ciiy ef N York wblcb lafi Liverpool al nooo on Ibe StihWa Qoeeoi iBwn en lb 29ib olt rried at 7 a n The jMrrafag etC eiiy attiele eeyt lhal the repoiu from Pari are tlill Bore poaitive ihii eooflJeniial aegooiatioat are progieaaing betweta Fianoe and Eagltnd fer a jeiai recojniiiea ef Ibe Coofederalet aad thti if Bniltnd Itfaiet Frtnce will tcl alone The e deelioei 10 roaeb or ibe reporta In ite llooae ef Cemmen Iilr Sy near Filegerald deneanced Ibe govern neni tar Hixing Laird IBM Heaatait- d Ibal Ibe action wtt ia eooiraveniioo ef Itw In moving for all eo en the aobjeei be aiid be abeald deptere wat Tiih Amil bal hoold mtbr 10 war iban that the lawa ef Eagltnd thoold be inftioged in conteqaenee ef ihtealt of for ia ambaaaedora Tbe AiloroeyeBeral defended the gev ernB explaiaed iheit legal aetiea od olaimtd for Ibe govemaeDl ihe merit of ctiog Irea a eoae ef jedioe aod bo olber aellre Several epetktea deaeoaced the ceoiaeef 1 gevetaaoBt aod cbarged ii wiib pnailltBimily i tnd eibert replied Finally Ihe molioo wt reiacied by a vei of 170 10 159 e majorily of 35 for Ibe gov- einmani wbkb waa received with wed bheeia Irora tbe aioiaeiial tide ol the Hei Ao iiBaente meellag held le Doblin to preteM atairat the ereetton ef the Albert memotiaT la College CanJenwaa broken ap by iioteoapraeoeding A deaperaia fight col pltoe bel iteabmg eetieoa AdJiiioaal ptnicoiaia ef ihePiaealan ra pulaetl Dupfwl are oofiiciing One ac- eoonl leek diaaaireo for Ibe Praeaiana bai Ih Pioaaian olBeial aoooBnt ate ib rene only tdmiliiag three killed aod two oonded Il ia taaeiled Ibal Eogtand baa propoMd a aooferenca on Ibe Daaieb qiiion span aotwbaM AaaUiaaBd Pruaait aaaeoted Tho TTaut rvgardt tbia aa bopelal for ei- ilemeat It waa aaetd Ibat the eaeiaa cmloe beiweeo Praoee and England waa ifc loog dottbifal Tbe apetor agreea le c- ofMial The follewing It a ayoopala of the aem 001 pet Siden on lb 33ad Tha tbip deairgyed by ibe Alabtmt wt ihe Jane OAeitI rlerBa ahow Ibal ItHiah expon I 1863 were ever 2COOOOO above lafrJ The Hamborg wiegram aoaoenoea thai Ihe Pruraiant baveevaaoued Jetltoil bet Barlii p Mia aay Ibal they leuited poa- eeeeion el Ktldiog wiih omrt net to ad vance bnyoAd ibal point Tht Geiaan aieboailyeagageddeeel- lahiBf Dannawek tl Oo lb 32iid Ih Pioaaiaoa uiABked the whole Oaniah iinea al Ooppel Th Dtnea were driven ia bol BoaJIy reoocapi- l then forater poairion cvMHtaciau LivtamoL Eeb34 a BreadalulTa and Floor doll and 6J lowar extra Siaie jUa CJ lotai wheal BnchtnueJ rrd weMvm 81 9J 10 9 Canadian mX 39a pr 480ba Beef medeiala damaud ai ittdy iaia pnik nnehantd Ariim of tb Von SooUan PoaTLATO larab 9 Tbe tletathip NuvtScoUan froa Liv pool on the and Loadoadeny on Ibe 26th nllimo ari ived at 730 am Affirt io Schleaw wer noehaa Lord PalseritoiKi aaaoancetr lhal ordert wer tent tl Ih Ctpt ef Qood Hop 10 relieve Ihe Iriraleer Tatcalooaa intemaiional law odt joatifjiag her d tcnlion lireadaloffa doll warda PreeiaioBij Tbe bullioB ia had ioereated 23i liamor taye il about to abdicate al and loadlsg dowa- etdy Bankvf Eosland DOO Queoa Victoria it IthtPrineeofWtlea lo ateesd ibe Tbroae of Ettnd a Kd- ward VIL Tbe NuvaSeotiaat swi it ose dty ter It it ttid hat Eoglaada propeeal for a ConfertBce waa made with the oonearreaee of Franee Tht London ZXuTy A ri deaoaae the dea of a Coorereaoe while aojott iavalioo ad bololMrT la 8dbUiif illoved at ibweace will bare iheiraalea Boticeil la oppeaed 10 relrfnehmwii- ml Ibat boik go on and draw Ihe OOOolaBioa ha the aa above ibreogh Ihe oolamn ef Ibi pepei cy iooaaneiiond al iba Eleciieaie tU tp Hr McCetkey BMreil lie ipoBtaiBtBi will eihr draw Eariaod far Ci pearancea bj a majiriiy enbe vMcrt ol of a Mle COMII e JOg lb dotraward roed and lead ditfiotal kf Ib Geveraaeal wat ooi- partiflv taall Md ia titw of ihit aad oibtr coaiiderBllaai Ibe iaportiac ef opeaiag ap Ibe vati NorlhWetl to cow- aaaieaiina ceaaere coaid hardly be oftr4tiiiaald- Meat of Ibe aeataret ia diatied tk tha Speech weold he Ibougkl eoaaead ihtaiiiiett to Ibe farefpbl coo- Ndtnliej of the Houae A ge Daok- krantcy Ltw wu cerUialy rtqairtd aad h Mped tooe lo let eae b operatioe He Irvalkd thai lla Legklalare darieg Ibe preaBl teiMoa woald be able wiib oal iajary le toy particular braacb ef ib- durtry tl pate Ibe aeaiaret aeceitary lo eqaalixe t aiaaal iacOBM with Ib tBaatl tipendiliire rv ihtl Ike GovtrnBeei aigbt aci tey teoftr be placed ia the hBBiliating pofitioa ef beiag dictated to by he eer of powerful corporaiioBt or the capiwlult of Loodoa The adaieit iraliva acu of the Cxoyeraafat daring iliae that bad ralorfeeed tiace laX leaiiea coald tot ail o give giaeral Mliafaciita For iaaiaace he regarded Iha arraifr oMalofthe Miaitlarof Fiaaace ia view of tbe lUte of Ihe aoaay OMrktt il Ea lead ta a eoai taccete Tbe freeh ceniract for aa Oecaa Mail Steaiukip Sarvict he looked epoa aott farortkle tIectiBg aa il did a ateiag to ibe Proriact of eo leiiB ibae 200000 Mr aaaaa Tbe aeltlyaeat of tbe Grand rraak Potlal aabtidyifa wkal wu beliefed le be eqaiUbla lerat wat oo la aatiabiiory fhe adjeataeot of tbe loeg peadiag diapet jwnnm i a by the Btlhe al lb iJlm gt J m IM y iMt vlLtaga Mrln Hii Ih tyilem of relreacbatnl aew gewg ea tbieb woald be foeod to be coaaiderabU ItogetLer faraithtd teaelaaive evideace that the edmiiiiirative aela of the Gor- ernmoni had beeaeharaoieciMd by vigor judgamenl aad ewDomy Aod Iho Caci tbit the de6eieney which vae eeiimeted at a million tod half of dolltra will be found 10 be under a million while the in come will exceed tbe eetlmtiad amoont by a convderable eum afforded a pla ig conlraat lo Ibe title of ihingi at Ihey were two yeara ago wheo a former Mioieler of Flnaacet eiiimtte of the exceeei of expeoditure over the income waaoiileetitoB aboot five million of dollar waa lurelv eomething 10 call lor eoniratulttioB ne bed bea from the 6ni an humble luponer olhe meo in power end it aflurded him more than or- diaary aatiefaeiion lofiod thai ihey btd oider eirwnyaoeaa of a paeuliarfy try ing character maneged to aeeompliah eo much ilia confidtrtceia them reimined unihaken and if tbe preaent Minitler of Finauee oho at no able fiatn ier hid no Mforior la Canada waa allowed luae In mature aod carry out bit pitnt ht wt ounSdeoi lhat be would reeiore iha finaaeae of ihe coantry to a htaitky con dition Holding iheae viewa il afforded him tha fraaiaet pleeenre 10 aeeoad Ihe Rcaolulion Neir YuKX 6RiebiB00d ptpenof the lai aiid 3od are recolred lih adaii lha Kilptlrick peaetned wilhin three miMe of Ibe city and relate how narrowly Gtn Lee eaea caplnra Getteral Wie alto hid a namw aacepe being at Iba raaldcnee of the rebel Seirt- tary of War froa wheooe he reaohcil tbe Forty miica of the Mobile aod Ohio city rtilruao wer deetroyed by Shcratn The Soalbcro roM w a alto dcalrayed from Neridian to Jaektoo Eigbl baadred atgea were ctrried off Tbo rebel eeeeaBla ef ihe beltW at OlDcetee Florid ahow lha lhare ferae einaiticd of elevto regieeolt of laraairy bar aali0M of cavalry aod hfca beu lerite of artillery Their loaa aae fiOC killed ted wounded flXTHJEfiMPH XeaaCost froa Siierlff Fcrtiies DellaqieMies- Bepertod tba Cibloot Bdltorlal Baeasiy- Ob eot firil page will be tond a re- pan of Ibe Ittt Moeliag of King Ceaoeil preeetdioga A rvgultr meetiag sf ibe Newmar- kl Ceooeil take plaoe 00 Monday even ing next Ir We refer oer reader lo Ibt Cerd ekaawledfiBf th payaaalaf elalaa from lbvartaa laaersae Cbapaala Heat ef ihee aeticeB wer iverlved ea Tbanday lau 1 te late ler iimle IM Friday We ar iadebisd le Hen Mr He- Maaraa and alao lo P Wcil Eaq M P P far a tepply vf parlitmemtry doee- mtnit aaoogat ihem a copy of iha poblic iBoonlt ef tbe paal year The next meeiing ef ibe FaiBera Clnb takaa place en ihe ibird Thertday evening of ibi awnlh al the Railroad Ke- 11 Nawaarket We hope la tee a large tliendtace ef Farmer nxl nteting Mb Da MoaaiTt Miaaoaer Faamn Tba May naabaroflhitexealleet peri odical bee boaa teeeaved and aa naeal ia ripleie being baaaiifelly IHaMrtied wHb well execBlod ceieeieJ faabioa plataa aad neaeteae d emt Tbe Mirror Ftabeo i decidedly the betl work ef the kind en ihe Continent- Il aty be had at iluoaaaent bevk alore TkintalfBmioJ Aritani Manfattmn ooniioaed t be Mgntariy reeivd and i among iha om valeabl ef our Caoailiaa MuOlblie Il it fillaU whb artlele efaa eaeaediogly iaieioMing chararlarbeih aaeabanieal and eiaolilbi Every aucbaniaand aapaaially taanbert nf Meehanioe IntlitBla tboBid eabtcribt fr ihl parledictl We rafec iba reedee le a brief ty ae ef ihe tpeach delieered by the Haa Mr MeMatraa while eeceading tha Ad- dreaa la tha Upper Hoaaa m reply le ibe apeeeb frea the Threaa It waa aaaveld tUy eriwded eat ad ear tael atoe The Hen gaatWaan elaarly aad areiMy point eat tha gratifying pe Mode by the peaeeat kfialMry lewatda bringiag tha aa- aaj expaadiiMO wiihia ear i A very aaaaattfal laaaiea vat bakl laat Friday avaalar ia reaaeatiea mUk ba Meabaaiee laetkata alwoea Ibraa aad tai boadiad jtftai Wf fnii Ibe mmtimi Tba ataa tagwaaaeaapiad wbb aaaltagibr dilee- tm gmltmm aad voeal aeie by aa AMitar aioa Clab IV B W eoeioo wbn ie anxiooa ta Mrikt a doaib blew 10 the feratlion ef a party laeevrable 10 letiencbmenU Bel tba germa ef aocb a party har beeB widely cailrl thiMb Iha Twnabip tnd faire taken deep reoi inconaeqaeneeof Ibe arbitrary action el ihe leie Council And alibosgb il may b aeveral year belore aoeb a party will have aoffieienlaiiangib lo lay dawo a plaiCarB f reirenehmeni prineipleeBud li men 10 reproeent Ibem bnt reel taanred anleaa Ihe preaeat sen modify Ibeir oaarao Ika lime will owae when Wbiiebaieb will ap- hold Ibe very principlaa ikat hate bono ao wenionly and Bqoaily aacrilleod by ihe old Ceoitcil And if Inqaiier will roK eaay lill ihen he will And ent who aome ef ihe awnjr earn ere that are williiig to beoome baiMaetiirt ef the Tewoahip ae far a eceaieey ia concc Bed aodMillMWell paid fer ihit aaivieaa RaraiscaauT WbilcbBrcb Marsh 7 1864 Nera Wa mnat eonfaoe we eannei enoeriiand iko l0ie ef eat eerreepondeni He aaya the geatlesea elecied ataied en- mialakably al the eleetioo Ibe eearte they weaU pnraee If reiaraed le reptaeeot iba Tewnabip and lhal wiih Ibe knoworige ef Ibeir intendad aetioo iha people eloetad Ibem by large majaritlM and then And faull beeanae Ibe Coeecil ae epoa Ih platform eloeled Of oaama oar eoloann are open to Ibe felldienaiea ef eetwi of latoraal bel we maal eea laking Ibe wbole aae epeo the abowing i oer eortaapoodoni hie trtiele ie raibar baky foe Ibe aimple reaeon thai ba aeie hiaaalf ep io eppeeittoo lo tba tdion ef a very large majetny ef Ihe rale payera Bvaidet bia private eeavefaalian wiib ih Depoly Hoeve hoa ao bearieg iet thai gntlsaa aay have eaatidered oer eor- leepevdeat jibing bia ia view efihe aaioa jou Itkon by ibe rtiepayera in aUeiiag hia afiet aakiag ki open decltmiian a le the eoetae he ehaeld parane and hit BBaweta may bare been reterned aeeer dingly t bnt a be wo ealy eoo awmber ear eerroepondaat ebeold have earriad hi applieelieo le Ihe Coooail Were we a raaidentef Iha Townahip ef Wbllehatek vra are fiee le adBil we abeald rafttd it alaoal aa ealaaKy to ibe Meoiciptliiy 19 tat the preenni Cleik aad TreMoni msr d We hewevar give oat eerreepeodeat eredii ier heaeiiy ef parpeea t bat wa tee M inet I CI word from eel inclibod le the enmien that otbert ibteoi bia aia orgiagllteir peaaliei viowe ah or jeaieat awirte Il ia net all geld Ibal glHlan 1 MUbrr it evary omb qaaltf ed by edoaaiita er aalare to diteba eOaieo iha ardaoaa deUee ef Mou- cipal tflelaU Iba ptaeaa petiiiea of of- flirt la neigh bndM Tbwathip tfhiili bat to paloaMa oo aviMaaaf tki fM Io bu itBUS IVt lMibip kaa I U ftaaoi br o ora t bt aeatt far TMI SoMtBUs IVt ell I I foat taid otua SpartM aia vonal Ibat lb ia iapoM a powliy thoMVbe woiiiQo bolvMa Mtnfi belweee Lafcn llaroo aad Onlarit ro Ltkt Suacot ttid coaailtoe 0 aoatitt e Mttara Ctaeroa MtedoaiM Toroao Bell Rgtf II McKeilar Wright York Fernaoa SiflKoeJckoa CoekVvrj tul U e k ey U Ptqeet Bovtd aa addraaa or car- r betweea D Beaabiee lar- geoo le the Uoalttal jail aed Iba Gov- araiaeel relttiag lo aedical eoaferit CtrriH Mr tlorrit moved tke tppoiataeat of e loeel coBatce a coaaider tad report 4ietke oeteral featBradtpiiUo for MtUaatal rrtoarcet tad cxleat of he lerritery lyitg belweta ibe Ottawa River tad tbe orgita Bayttd ea Iba aertbem there of Ltke ileron Alio aa lo Ike betl attnt of epeeiag ep ted developieg aaid trtilory either ie ceaaectiee wiib etiabageoleaixaliuafeeda er by the etltb- litbtwel ef other eralral reoda leid coa- iMiteate eeaaial ef Heetra Monit Skat- ly Jackaoa Uclatyre Mackeesie Laa blee MeCookey Abboit Joaea Norib Leedi Bell Reatcll Ceoger Foley and Carried AllnwyGeoertl Oorioa Tbe a poialpa ef aelee coBaliiae la aaaii be Skrr to aakiag proper trreap aeola far dnbetioe atd ditpoaal ef buii- waei lofere ha Heat to ceaiia of Al- tereeya Gaoerai MacDeatU tad Dotioa Htttrt Tarett riicr Browo D kio and Itorrii Ceitied Mr Brewa aertd be appolatarBt ef itiect coaaitiee le eoqraie end repeei at 10 the beat aodt of preaidiog for lettracl- lag of bbad pertaoe aad deaf lauie ia ikii Pretieca 0 coaaiat ef Urtara A A Denoa Mtwal Tat Parher Bobiaitb Oewaaed Ibe aover Carried Mr Urowe acted Ihe ap of a aelaci coaaiitea to conai Ibe aaocr e which tbe ceeaet wt receally Ukea tod bt beel aede ef taenriog riWtr McurMy aad eeapUUettt ie ibt retartt ecaiiof Mtttrt Gall MeO Tbe oedtr for refirrri Mr Dotkiat leapertace bill e Coaaiitt of lU Wbele wot 4iaabirpd aad he biU wh rtCtrrtd o a talaet coaaitiee The Ueate adjooraed al tii ecloek Uami or tiik Lovta PaoniKv To day Hea Mr TiNay laid belore the Heoaa tha ao ef a detpatck reoaaeed by Iha Oerater of hie Prariaea reel ba Adeiaialrelei of iha GoTtraaaat of Neva roteMdiaf ipfaialatal ef a Mat dlMiieo fro Me Braatwiefe Mora 8eola Priaca Bdard Ii lo eoottr apaa iba peopeiaiy af aeitiig the Ibraa Praaiaaaa aadar oaa fltiwnatoi ka delepiiea a take pitao afldr tbroe P ibaii kara okea litbiiN ioa oa tbt w N 9 Xftiiw tdd Prvaeia or will bring bar o a etUt ia whieb ih awt oooe more eboooe be waeo hiniKaioa aod war Tbe Jfona A baali Ibo amller ia tanilar tpirit I atck tba TVaaetfor wrttiog op he ebwo Tbe Fm re- matkt thai the oeoaeot of teveni PowetB 0 the Coofereoee it jet woieg aad ao- la iht of Deeaarii The Secrtltrv of tbt Daoith Legation al Copenhagen ha left hat eby The Sweieh ABboteadof at Copeaba gta bad beee ranoUed a bit owe reqdtit Ordert have beoo Utood a Attiitw hai afler Iba tweaty tetoad dty of Mtreh all portoot of eithet tas tbove ha e of fovrleea ye n oa Itariag eir booie be oa ptio of paoi Ceir booie be prnvidtd with a pattporl oiwaeau 8piiihcftb Hoa Wm XflMAstor- Hoa Mr MeMtaiartaid hat bt boo aover ef the addrett bed to fully tkee p ted diaceaaed Ibe dJereel lopici le ibe Speech ibt lillle reaeiaed bat to ei prete i gaaenl urat ha oporobatiea ihe lUeolatieaat a whole itieaadeebl leae ettiaCactory lo Ike Heaee aa i would fee lb Ika ceatlry 10 kaew htl tu had boaaiaktafoe aarryiogoM Ibt Attoflaal aeaiioa for Ih ergaaiaalioa of iba ailitie of lb Prerieea aod to hr at bio know ledge etieaded hit aeatara bed beee ftrerably raceived aad waa likoly to be prodeatiee ef Ibedetiredead Uoder Ibit Aef the GoeereBCnl weaU be iaa pea ioa to call oei at ahert aetiee a larp aad eleciive ferca aod whalarer diStrtace of opiaioa Ibere aighl be le regard to pn- kliea tbeeU ciretatUacoi aaforltBtlely repair iW oelive lertieco of Iko Miliia be wumnoeed Ihe oaee orCtotdt of tU partita woald be foaad aeliag logeiber at 0B BtB ia padiof feclb bo tferU ae ry to aaialaia tad perpelatte the le ceawl of Mtttrt Gall MeOnK cotMcMa wkith to bopily ttitlri b Utgtfia Ptraall UcGee A- MotkeOii iweea bii Proriaaa aad the aighiy ein Siapeoo A Dafreeae aod ho am efwbioh wt forotedt part ead ef wkick t aa ed ee proad o helaag It woald aba ba gratifyiag to iba ceaolry to kaew that he atleaboa ol Uit Eaeelloo bad beea diraeed e tba Treaty ef Beciproeity betweea Bet Mtjealy tad ibe Gewnamat of tbe niid Slain Tbe adrtalant ol ibe Traaty oOtaada were graoibM bey people M Waetlltd itjtaaoa weramol wtre ae ell ea eaa ild Tbt Iba Uailad SlalM wart Uiwely by k aad i woe 0 be hopiS hot both tbe eooiraoiiag paniet araatd tea il 10 be Ur ibaireelaal Wemiioaeeiioee tbe Treaty io force fer on igiifclti Tbe oeUea lakaa by tb Oiiiubmi io ra apeateflbeNertbWeollMiilaiy wm a atolboribtdireatieo Md woaM be Ikyaaiiiof Oaada gMenfly M gnM atiiMliaa It woo a Ibat Ibo of 0od li tl tb B BaeroftMeviliM Hka laaballa Day Irt lb kfedenle TeweaUp oa tw iei u t oaryiM tb wtCa ef Jela Beotfav- H yteia- lo XatI Owinsbory ew tbe Tib OiirieeB at daogktar of M t Belb Oa Ibe 9nd bM alOteeeland Ohio Ike beieadirlAer Ur Chtftry Orvy MaJf reere Dnoenaed waa alatariaJaw M M RielardSrffteyofibtoplaea feh ftdbcHi3cheris Acknowlffmcat T Vaa IfcMaeiia Af aitvl e to aek boiiiMa Ilk maai l al ih hi Irv fot wliieb yeo Newmcrk UiA ldfnchpteaaad wCleh ayeWmJk- aeahil tyfteOlto WM TBEWf tM4 tw4f FOS ALAROK FARIf MARt Tyamteld la bal by Oatehaio Ftepattidolen ia- oajr of N- A GAMBLE rngLMtrchlO 1884 lf4 dftrd of Thankf XaiMai avkliltM TTaOM4BaK rOOHKm Tteaeare TN D tCr Gi leaeka v Wge wiib Ikankt ih preivpl aail atWaeui aaaner la whieh ea paMnyelalet aider r Bey JiaJJMtliri votAMilrHa ler oeea ioMd by fire whlrb iek nlaoe ar hoeee aa the M at Februtrr IW Signed W TRENT Card Tl TeTne R Caatnaa Rl- hg bereb tlianha ibe poapa ihrewfb yen Ur daa th aeeaeloa nf tke TamV Dvennc- ev Met Yeai bio TH Jfrehll tact r4firri7 UUoap WEB8T8B Otf Aoknowl Te Mr Atrats Wituoa Afeat tfl Baa W at in vour efllee for aIIaar a Malaed al iko tVitti thaaki fer thai a bee lo reisala Teorade SIMPSiffliBOGABI- Kewaarket Warek twi4 fa dran f oorelal Acknowlcd awata To B ff Caiawatt Jgnlw W4 U Aa- ITe lakatbelibeM ftbaiklw Ike rvtMnptpayaeete relalat roar IK far damagMat elaU teea omlBf efthe IBlk efPel mr YeasAe SIMPS JtBOGAir Kewnarkel March t pet lw4 Farm for Sale 17ACBE8 0FLABSpr BBIKOpartofLriKe II lelbeTthl ef tUM OwllliBbory wdha eMai renaing water p It Tkti lele rbta eae aril aj aaeatw d vnafBMrvllle Taain a too Aavn aaddM tbtvo aeaoal lai FartMfeer w ap IB tbe andaaalcBad eo WL hi Ihe Ceo of EtM Jahary oral fiaeOe 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