Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 26 Feb 1864, p. 2

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FEBRUARY- 2C m lew AdrertiMBesU B Ltw u uevcr rc priM il rviiiiint io full fcR IB j lirtaf 1 bcDc u pctrMll lgI ihil I at ta rl k far u th ru ioMat and Beaniof ihcKof in conecrMii Tbe Muj gcDiIenta fnat whoa e hTt KwittJ itw onfoisg patllcaUn 10 tlile tint iht Lav o vlueh llod4 lul week tjt lb ndottioa of menilxr pt u ialredaMd telclj iib ho new o ikflgeac lb to oa ibe mUtj nl iaatiDce In proof y K lUmif hit tb fl Ihil ia coiaoiiltM ihe wai BiOTcJ lo Lc fiHcO ilb Tirioni auieunU raBjiii from 13 ccni to 950 KrOicm amounhi lUke aUurd and ri- Uiculoai and ihst ID fsrt he wbote af- fdir Wat Ircalci aa a burlaeaiid mock- cry id wrai 0 re at tba liM Of bUofooareavtaot awara bal it ia rattxr af7tbitar County Cess- eil aboaMao aooa follew ia tb bad ex- aofja act b a faeiioaa Irgialatarc and vaata iKe lisM paid Car b lb rata-paj- aa Bat a prcaaa aa lb pciaeiil all work and ao pi makea Jack a 4a1l bo the Coual Cuaacil oaat hare beir laro h ia aho aneried tbat oae eblef reaiOD Clrariflf SalrWm R1eRUer aToii NtMice TboBiat WayTng fliitmi Whitkvy i Arlmlnirnl A llinlerMD CdiJ ufThanka J F Meub Bvbv Ki StMR I II Fletcher Niioa Win Trni Si BieiT K Simrwi To liem II roncii m Tcfal AvknDwWcrmini WiD Tito 14Jhn MNjb I Ktmilv HpWm hipA Hnirn ItiLichM ay jjpilfuiinalipt iLta Swaarkat f riiay 7b 88th 18M Arrival of tbe HlbtrnUm r tinp the preaa to annnaaoe Ifaa a Tirdaf the IlibCTataa at rortUad e 4tj The feiloaiAt b ha Boat iateitai- ID part of bar new i The fotf aadentaoda Ibal tba KiIiib tiotcraBcat bat pmpe an araaiie lo tlie bltierata oambaaiaof eraeaalioa If 9ehletwis with Ibe exetplioa if tb laad of Alton bv be Iaoea Tfaitfta poeilioD it backed b friM Roatiaaad aad i pot fwwtH m a the Tfcaaareft aaUry waa ibat jy Ibc actim of lc CooDty Coua- eil a rer aisoonl of Aor cosnee- rd with oar Giol will b Icrtencd at ibit oSccr will ampt ba to draca ehcqae fur kaifjearl pajmeMt io favor of Ibe iiar 10 a coofrrroce for flnal arttleiuritL OpBlo of Fftrliament Un ExecHeaea 8peb at lb opea aag af tb Hoom Utt hridajr ia a doea- t rtplcia a a batiacaa propraranj j j aadexUiUta a tnkog eonlrat to ih Loaeporlei diacootioa oa th qer aiaaeclea alate popcrt utawl on like in- I lion and beoca lli Keneral paUic wera uecaiioDt tor jear pBl It aaotata at i r Ti r ool made awarc of luo facia lot we will be ooterred br refrmoe to oor Far- j did not isb lo be naderatood ID our ar- Jiancnlaii beadios la another cu licle hit week neither do we now fetor natbiOK aiulisiaeot or capable of beioit i i r ciorUtanl or uctttiTc aalaij bciog ivitcd or turard loio aortbiDE lo tail l paid ihe Coanly Treatoiaror aay otber the partitaa or peeUar and iryioj cir- MuDitifti Sctr wbat we favor ianoi eumtlaaect of paru iiBeT bnl it a I pit in adcnujte turn to ifeor emeirefj elriishlftirward and open dfclanlion of t-i- V aod ccmnicMurjte wilb tbe reapootibili- wbal has been and what Ibe Minitlrj porpoae will to do ledred at a whole the 5pech i oalealalcd lo iaiprca llii pablie tuiryl with the cnrr leal aod oaeii7 of lb men now eootrcllin Ibe affiirt of ittlr aod laual lend Ir1jr Ki Irenlhcn titu in the country Tlie allusion lie of Ibe lri aodaalaMaf tbadsUB ihej are called poo lo diaebarga aioeb Willi rtarlt ikeecflaBatiMa ibr paiU We BOW wiah lo call attee- iiQ to a Crw dianget ia ar talcaa which we dcrai iaiprtaol aal domaadioft ihe early action of tb Ooaaty Oouacil I c iiiroiilj jaloriiied tad now aiaba Ibe tislcment OD lie avihorily of more than TrcAiy ai a promineat topic cicirly oiii cct Ihit lie Uotemircnl lial ocl Icwl OM Conaeilior mea who bare acted the uhl of ihia loipoftant mailer and al- u n r pfcscnl and former yeart a on lb Ki- tbooib ai a dcrendeBcj cl Hreit nriliin n a i- i If U iiiianc Ceoituilicc that tbey are called Oanaili eannolacl fvC bertelf with reird i apon to tanctioB the payiBcot or aeeeanti therelo vet it if clear he queation baa been broQjhl before the tloree Aothoti tie and be Tiewt of tbe Xinixry no dasbl eoaamonlcaled to Ibt Biiliah Uia- itlrr at Waibiogtoo Tbe Spcecb abo iatilet alleatioa to tb nrjeaaily of fgrlher Icitlatiou o itu- proee oar inland eoaiDianicaticia wilb tbe rrw to iDcreaae aod finliiite ooi J u 1 iilrac at Oaartee SBa who pat coDmeint inlereatt and by ihe enp i v i r It J I tbcBj aod an order it forlhwilh drawn UrseoicDl of aur oanalt more fully dcrcl- i I upon lb Trotuccr fjr tbe amooal who op the retwifetf the cooBlrv- i Lt law u coioikIW M boDor Ihcae Tb allattOD to Ibe rut and aBCCa- 1 J u drafia I thnc aeeouoU are aeol before bn- aFler uid aoeoaBla aca paid I OTcr wbicb they eaaaal poaaibly exereite toy coBlrul Kor ioitaoea be Gaoler waoti fory ar pair of aboat or any Dumber of yardt of bcddioft flaead b aakea a rciutiliDa to tb Sherif who order Mm la procur it Tbeta aecoaot are lien broogbt befor tba Ma J 1 drafia and ibea oa the ouelioe of the ied tract lyios lo be northaeaU aod lb t v J 1 Cooneil lhe aeeouoU are aeol befor intiiaadon hal corrwpoDdeoe with ha Finiaec Craittee lopaaabuttUi Imperial OoTernmenl baa bees optoed wilb lb new to dtenuiB tbe Geopb- ial Boaadariea ia that dirtetioa dearly ahawt Ibat tb praaaat joToraaiaal bat detarailead boldly to grappt with tbia pat qaeatioa aad w nak aa doabt b realt will be to aolr a probleia pr nant with great iotareil tBd rery ini- iote1y eaaaeelad wilb b falara of ibii Canada of onra Calling tb altantioa of Iarlixaval to tb aaacaaily of fBrtb leptlalion with rerd lo lb Elcelioa lawa lo Baak- rapt and laioUeal Debiora to tba Ad- Coniiiiittee poaerloB to eorreat any aboa ariaio from flTrrebatK aeedleaa cipeoditore nr coUotioo belweea paNba aer and taodar Tbia it aa veil of im- Bcaa nafnilade and wbs we all tb pablie that a eertain Depaly Clark af lb Teace ia aSee aot wore iban two or thra year aeo aetaally made a abai for a pack atrde lhy aas fona aoB aJignt idea ofllie way the Qaarler patt aeeaBDti aad call apea ibe ralepayer o pay Ihe ahot In order to corroet thi eril to wnae extcat Mr 1i5 the Kecre of aat GwiiWuibory uioed tome two year a tbatibfrOaaty Aoeoaou be printed id wliieh Jamu JdclALirx Jr Eaq wat eboo fureaitn be fuUowing tci- dicl at rarDcd ni lb tlcaael Klixa Ann Wain- ighl camaio ba jMih by tlajllluliob and eapMnie brvughl on by iniampeiai hablla i artJ lh Jmy cantal loo Mionil ripieta ibaic ceuaui upunlbea lknd bo at at which aiuuli ib ineaoa of inioii- oaliOQ lo piaaona gvihy lacb paioicioot habile aa diuoktiieM Oar correapoadeat iaforiDi at that aaleaa be had bceo ao ryecilaeea be eiMld Dol bare betierei ikpotliIlhet a bamao being woald bar bcea alowcdlo lake ap br retidcno eoajoiatiy with tier liotbaod ra oeb a luitertble borel and oarry oa aoeb a ooarao of life aa tlx do- oaatcd is suealion did io Ibe tillae of Irffcrlaw moal of wlioao itihabilaait are wall iateolioDcd at kaa aocoatideiod S lb artl pablie Fire- A Cr irok ol it tk drifiag tbed r Mr W IVeBl MiltSiml oa 6altr- day aortiag tal bat owiag lo ib tear- city uf water aad Ike aalar ef Ib build ing befor tlw cBgiM aoald be broagbl I ptay aad Iba pragrctt f tb Qr alayed ike baiMiag 4agai4ar lk 4a woodabeo aad lb Cilebea Miacbed lo bit dwelheg were all eoaiuiacd Tbe tariag af Ibr dwelliag bowetrr lihoiib ih wetl cad wat eeatideiably dtBagrd it a tUndiog proof of Ibe eaergy aad well duacled ef- fetla of Ib Fit Uiigad ad ciiaM gcacrall At oa tin il wai Ibooghl lb aijsicg piaaiMt oeeapird by Mra Btylry ai a pral teb aad by Mr J- F Jaektoa eeshj net ba aaead b by iliia liBC ha fer carryiag walar a tbe eagiaet froie ba Ttriou wll and eilret a tb locality gol forBd aad lb OaBei wera he tpccdily aabdaed Where all liboored ta wail aad UHhMf it waaU be oet of f lac ia at 0 Bah diaiacieaa i but w ciDBOi help allwKag ta tba brate oaaaer ia wlieh iile a aaaber bdiei dialiagabed ibeBaeleea Oa Ibia aa aa pretiaae occtiioat Whde aap wer raa- airg hlber aad ibiikrr aad aakiag wby ibit aod tbtt wu aot do lb ada weal I wotb 4d Ml aa upl wrthy ef all prtitc Mr Traaia Iom ia aatiaaled at aboat 900 bl it coeered by iataraaea Tbe engia of lb 6r it aakaowa- Daiiag ike day aa iaqaeat wat Veld befor Cer atr Raatty tad wbil ib resoiir eircalat- d abroail tbai it leBi eaatad by aba wu dipreed aed lb faet aliaiud ih oo light or fire wat ated by Mr Treat at family darii Ihe ateaiag or aigkt before 10 tb praaia ia wbicb tb tr wat firii ditcorefci aotbiag faribtr wat md aaa- ifei Tba oaly aanaiaabl toliia u that ai Nr Treat bad a ef goada Uored ia Ibe diitiagtbed reB0ed there tiaee Ihe Bra ia kit tlor oa UaiB Stmt ob ih Tkuradty BOraiag preriaot tOB part or paiiliia etdeareariag loeaaarit a rob bery or eoeer eaa bad fired lb preaitet lerpetely or hy aceideal Tbea rtear- ring Sre wbeiber by aeeideat ar oiker- wue bowerer tboild Bake oar pople rrry gatided ia fatar aa bat aaothar ealaoy auy act hctaU lbilta VViia legaid la lb 6 aa b Tbra day Boraiag pramat by rafaaae la av adftrtitiag caiaMt it wiB ba ta tb Weaaera laaaraaee C bat Mtlld wilb Mr Udrtoe Tb alber latw are ia proeet of adjaalBeal if aal alieday eetlleH eacept iodeed il b iSat of Mr liovLT- cc elaia Tb Caapaay ia hkh be a loaaied tkew a ditfoeitMa to reaoar layt I aa fia piat bat we laaiaa le lb cad ihty will avtlaia Ibc bigh repalttioa heretefer tllaiBed hy Ihe itb tb gral qaMtaa apaa wi Wy- ialatina fur yan bat bo daaaadad arbila tba aUotioa to Iba tataeBieal Baa sar ia whieb tb laaaaM af tb eaoatrj hare baaa aaaaged cxbtbiu th ary ial tad faiibfalaeaa ia abicb tby ban Bppliad tbanuelrca ta retreaebBeat aod tbe jadieioat adaiaiitntioo of ear pabUa abira Wa bop tbay auy b tatUiaad la mtrj Cirwtrd la aBpltioa lha work bty barate bcMly aad fraakly anaoao- ed at Ibe prapaase af ihataieg Sea- aioa ThaCoontiM Connoil jmuDvsim TO THK McaicirAii uw UQCiaiD BeliaogltalaayieoBiaeadtbl lo ad- wit aa error rather Ibaa aaek o jaiitfy wroag aat wa tak Ihi opportasily to correct a itatesaat aada laat weak ia eaid I Ib Oaaaty Caaaail Siaca aar SMi ata we bara uo with il a aaabar of tbd Bearea aed Dpalt with npztl lo thairaetiaa aa lb BtIu fa tb radactSo f py to Caaa Coaaci- Bon aaS tad vara BUkJbtBad aa a or two of lha paiaU taaabad i ia tartiili wpaiiiUjr is lhalpMia Ub waatatad thay iMkJtgtmUfV Vieaaaarfatileylaaadfreai IhaCo ail Boea tb tb Itw allowap Oar ra- Btffcf aar baaad apea th faflowiai 4laap of Ih C StMata Cap lUai TVCeaarll ef try TnwiOlj OaoaaiUaa Bia at VaaaprdMB TUa eiaoM ia WTdaar aad ao lU aUa w M Oaaaail tak 1100 tad BOtat wa baaad oar tiairtw aad abuaD aaMgh laa bat aa aa laan vntwy to Ih fiaiji af lha Coai4 aid Bt le Dm law pMirflM Cou CoMI bnla rfiaBaawatwa fhiirwaibM MMdra aad bn- aiM totiw that ajVte fa that afUeeattol6 1 kf kMt tM Taaa llM aBadadM Vate ll tiaak law a Bylav wai td f laimlui leOaaaty CoaaaU ia daUanur diMaad tM pW jf Janica iorailty aad Mea WUiaB Foratcr Wilkaa CitfO and Ibaaal Ir- wia were appointed aCaBsilM lo tak ebarg of ihe aante On Biitia of Nr Maablea taooadoa ky Ur Itanitoo ba Obrk aa i led to obtain a legal oniaioe cd Maltb C- CaBcroo Ktq with raeard to th AA MBoat ef UortMM oa Kea Batai Oa Boiioa of Mr JiaeklaB 000 ded by lUr UarritdO tbat lb Clerk b aa- iborixed lo keep th iaturaoea oa lb Newakarkct t3ua MiB aiire by raaal ur olharwiac Carried Tb CouBOil Ibeo iijatirDed 0 moel Siin at Brewt Uotel Uoari Towa oa larday Ibe 23rd day of JVptil aa a Coort of Beviaoa of Aarattnoal and Ap- Xing Township Coansil Tb tboT Ceancll BCt at Mr 0 Bloagba Hotel Kio IXon oa Saiarday Utt All Ibe Dembcn preatat Ih Re A Webb aq- ia th ebair Mioate ofaat Bliag taad aad ooft- Anaed The Baeee lba latd that igtdl lo intiraotiont be htd proeared tb p- paralioB of a bill io rcfereaoe to tlM torrey of tbe Toaatbip abicb woald ba Itid before tbea ia aeooidaao wilb be Dlie pablithtd and if approrad cooid be fcrwarded at oace 0 tba loea ber wxb lit view of gellinK it patted bit Scatna Il wa beaded Aa A1 to eoolfa ieiiia Sid Head ta tbe Towotbip of liog aal a for ibe detMBg of tbe iiiaiu ef tbe tarn tnd of the abtr Boad AUowaoeca aad liaea aad to aablub a Raad Allowaaee ibioajth the Coa along aad aooa lha boaadaiy of taid Toaaabip Mr TaoBpaoa Bond aeeaadad by Mr Phillip ibat tbe Coancil do now rooiTC ilaelf ioM a Board of Lieeot laapecion Carried Qa Bodoa Mr Phillip wu dMaa Chairmaa of tba Board Mr Saelaar preaeatod petilloa froa Mr Jtfrey aad nanberofoUiera pray iag bt Iba rodaetioa of the brio Tar era Liecaa to Nr Jaaa Millar Petiiioat aad Boeda tbea preaaat- ed ia laror of lioaaaea tab graat lo Maaat J 8 Hula JaaeaMiUer W Roa Maaria Qaitli Catbariaa Braaaer David UoLid Jae Bailer Franeia Uoaan titmt Bloe Joarph Mander- toD Wu- N7 llaWBaa Itaao Dennit MiadCaaterly Jaaiea Butby Waller Bell Tbaaaa Ouald aad Georjo U Lawraae A petiiioB wa al preaeated fron Qaorg llagbc E tad M olbert Myiag tbat oaly two nooaea be tieaad la lb rillag of BrowaTiU Mr Pbilape ia preeeotiog ibia pethioD aaid at aapteteaiaUea of tb Ward be aad il aiaaodiosly diSeult dcicr niie what 10 do It wa coaj fey ih oMM iaialligeai aod reapaeubl of ibo commcoiiy inoocd h if a awr raipeciabia peiiiiua could be gouaa up for any purpAi in th Couttiy Uu lb orttar band ao pariiculw cum- lilaial waa sad ur ai lKih agaioal aoy uoa of lha bouaa heMiufur licenaed laid Ib pMilioot ia lur of til thota bout r equtlly irell iignd tnd bugely by lb tery nifo wbu bod tgud lb peiilioa in faor of only Iwu feoiuoa Taking all that ihioga iaw ooatiderBiitn aiid from hia koowladge of lb iucaily wbieb sigbl prhap o HMB taunt prejudie hiat b would raibar bit colleeguca ia lb Cuorkcil af wr giving lb eoailar du cooiidratioo would de Ib Mr Thootpaoa bought iba paiiiieoet hould faava deaigaaled what boaa lhy did aot wiah Ijoatad- Uadar all ib eiroamotaaae b felied ihey bad bar lar Iwaot all thra ho aad tbao If tba partie did aot properly eonduct theea lb paofit eouU ooaplain to ih llaaltraad lu Ihem puaiahfd Mr PbiliiM thought tb Coaocil tbeuld Mr in Bind lb groaadt upoa wbieb ih poiiuon waa bo ibal hoM laernt were a ruitlul aourc 9f ril to lb larjc aaiabcn of the qaectioBable iteoa ia iba aa word amlitftneitt aad aet dowa ue groM aaioaat By raftrrios a old artaalaa too w Bnd lb Coaaeil bare ptiliOBd th Xgibtar for power lo corroet the abatet bat ao aeltoa bat beta taken by oar lawmakera Tbe Coaaty C bawerer ahoatd aot atop wl aapty ptitioeiog Tbey tboaid hate bad a Bill prepand promiBx for the oorreolioo of tleae aviU aad flaead in tb baadt of kbc oa Coaaty Maa- ber U carry tbroagh iba Legiabtar aad Ihao by ealiatiag the eooparatioe of tbe other Kepreaeaiatirta ia both Haaaaa from lb Uailad Coaatiaa w Baka ao doabt a Baar eoald ba eartiad that woald fofo Dpat7 CUrka af tb Po aad aihtr faaviiaaariea to paiebata naiarta to pky with al their owa ehaiga TbBjgilfl wbQe apaaiiag of tba Cleft of lb ree oea w at raaiaded of aaotbei aallir whieb we gita apaa tbe aalbarity of not tbaa oeo laaabar of tbe naaa Coaaillae Dariag tb paM yMr aad wa preaaB it bu beaa Ih ume a aaay jaan pMrioadv ihatoA ear Bade oat tbraa aopi of ba Jary Lin Ibr the Coaatl fer wbbh w ar taxd bra tiM aad 1170 0ly wa efhaaaia wabtUofaaianair ad by Uw bat th 8iriea ordaiad th payaaat ofthraa aad tbaCaaatb C eil aaa aaly raad U orer aad paa it by with a thrag f t ahaaldaia W da aot wiAittobaaadMataod that tba Clerk of tb Pttea ebafgd fer ofma tbea liiti aay aaea thaa bw aUeaa bal ilii aoaiit riflaa latUakaf ptjfM I60 to 1170 fer tha wmk af a walklWoaB b parfocBad by aay aepy- iiaebrfciahboM Beadeiharabea d afoopylag lb wbablial aad Iba bw abM to aoMadad aa la oMala iba aaey For iataata oa Jwy Lbi poiupaara 4000 aaM aow it b wn kaowa Ibat 800 J w waald be asple fet the year fer oar aant aod heaa tha awa SBM mmm ha la be vriltaa orer aad anr igiia aad m bat to ftr fer H fer nw gaoo ThM ihu i Mlw ta Vm tb Aadiion aMu apptar Aaliha akb la thie Mt Sght aa lU MlHi DMthfrom XBtompmaet Aa laqaMmMdaa tha ITih iMt at WiaoiuLoa PCirlaw Tavap of Oaotaa baOr Jou Bora e Oorawr aa Ibe body af Bull A Wamwaton aged 67 bafem aa latriSgnit f paaiaaoa each oceaMaaa the aad fora aa aeeardiagty if ibey de tbe bir ibeg coaaead iboB if tbey do aoi coa- deaa aad we Atll de to wilboal Ibt Jigkletl fatear ocafltclio So far w aderttaad ibcr it ao dificeUy with Ibt Qateaa Royal er he Wetlera aad wt bope 10 be aWe le iacloda Ibe 2iterpel dc LeadoB asd Meloal WUtehnroli Conneil Tbe aboTo CooBOil Bet at Mr George Senmiibe Hotel oa Ihe 20h iaataaL Mesbert all preaeat B Whebr tq- ia Ihe cbtir Miaai of Iwl maetisg read aad eoa traad CoBBaaioalioa wart recarad aad raad froa Mem Pattertoa i BeatlT lo lb fol tbat tb rab io Ih e of th Qacea T tb Morthora B B Coapaay ba ealargad aad laid or to tb May ateaL Abo GtOB Oeorn Clabi dWriag 10 h tliiwd froa tiM oAc of Orertear of HirtwM M b wa aboat cameriag fMn tb iNTiaba to wbicb be had bMa appoiatad aad raqaeiliaa lhal Walker Lloyd ihooU b appMled la bb plaea A petiUaa Aata Car WUBa aad twaiytw albar wat rtedfad fflag far aa afaropciatloa of Boaay 1 ifa hill 1 Lot Ho 17 1 th 7lh Ooaaaaaaa Tbb pattiioa wu bid orer aaifl tb ap- prMriaiiaaa fer tb jar aia aada PMilieo dy aa ware aba pra- eaUd ia fitor oaaitac Tama 11- to Mwwi WiStB Brow Qaatf SauBilh Abiaadw SaaoHr Jaaea Cooper Fradarbk 8aitb aad JM FUi- lipa aeeeepaabd with th aaawaf pat- tba ibeimraliaa Oa Botioa ef Mr MaeU aawadad k Mr EaadalL Ih Ooaad itaidid la lha lanaat tf Mr 0m CiaUaL aad apt Walkar 1 ia hta plaa Oa Botioa ef Mr MeOorsbfc waoad d by Mr Baadall thbt tba prm f tb rarioaa p fbr Lbtaaee ba graalad aad th taiatka oflmd p C M Oa Miaa Mr llMttaoa mmM I9 Mr Miakb that aai b ba vuM tamidi tha aapfart f jDalMa Flu a paq mi that M jriillawr7SMi Ada QrahaB aadDkvW XMardM ba a aM luaa laaipNd Am fer bw faaa- Bt with paw ta draw apB thaTMaar fiir tb tBoaat GarM Oa Botfoo ef Mr lead momM Mr MaCoraibk the aaa ofaa dot- Itf pat wk a fer ih MPt M Saiaker praatoitd an acaovoi from Ur la DwoBbpf lor le laoniht keep of Jaba lltMlwoad Ala of 1840 coutlahlaa f iu lb eat o apiirahaodiBg aad impriaonaaat of a dMltaroar laaMle paapor rUR ItU 00 tb ithl ta appli- 4al Crua Mr Jaeeb Iowail or he tgaaMtbadUaerr Mooay drild by lb TMutrbiai Ih laad oArd ia ooarity wat aot aaaeaed auBoieeily ia eoasly wiib ba etaw Do aclioa wa lakaa Mr Mtoball prnid patilien from Jaotea Butby tnd a nuiober ol oibr bo- telkteprt praying fur a redaclioo ul laea Iieeaaa 00 looiiott lha Cnenal reedlved itio a Cooiarluee of Ih Wbola a potiltoo aod eainaiwtol Mr ftilie4ii the choir l be CoBwiii took up lb eommtfai- caiioa frsm Mr Powall aud daiild a Maiad bo Wib rftrBr te b pliioa 10 lowor ibo lieao ou lararo lb Comniil deidd 10 lb aialttr over till axi caoMiog moiiiy bowavir appaar lb be fa fetor of ledoalaf The aeii aaiicr lafctn up were the aeakuniif feta by Mr Die 1b CaiaaiinBt roeonaModod tba taaia 10 b pid f WbH diteuang th aaooaol for tH krepof Joim Haalowoad Mr Doonlt taU il aay oo woold now lak bta off hit haodth Mr 0 would allow lb pary lakiog hia 00 aootba hoard An coual froa Uetora Paturton b Htrriaoa law xpee antooBU 10 910 wt reeBBadd to b ptld Wiih rgard 10 a of Ooo- Hughe aad oAor ih Ceewiiwe ra- aorerTMoed Aer du dlibrlieti thai lb prar ta aot graaiad a iba poli iloMrtbad Bo apiBd tb pankular bout uSey did aoi datlro lieaatad Tba Cooiiiiliia iha ra and tb ehtlriaae reporiad aa abof Coasoil rcitd ad adopd lb fpart Moved by Mr Smbr tae by MrThuapoatbaitbeauaof410 ba re faaded lo Mr Oowldlahaapar from Ib aotoant paid a lieaoa ky biia ten yr aa bie bouta wte oalr kept apaa hf biai Dine ntoaibaamird Mr Hwoipeaa praeaatad lb Aadl- lort Kapon ef TowMfaip Aata Modby Uc Thoiapaoa laeeadtd bv Mr Sinabar ibat lb Inapaetor for 1968 b paid Ib aa of 8 for aiua aertlcei aa per bill radrCarria Tba Aadili llfartef lb TrMir rt AcenwiM fer tba yr aadiag 91ar Dee 1S69 waa ibao prDiad asd read Moved ky Mr Maebell eaeondfd by Mr Thn and Artoattf Thai ih Auditor Rpert now prtntd and raod b and ih aamaia htraby edoptaH And ih Clerk a hereby tuihoriavd and required li praied 100 oopiea in hand Bill firin of aaio report hit atrliMI oppetunity- Carried Oa morion oTMr rbiSpt a ByLow wt iatrodurad ia blank for iha por- poe ef ppoiuing a aaaator fur llir Nnrthtro Diviaion o tht Townehip Is place of Alfred Sieveot he htnng re- ftnad lo I r aud read a Brtt IHS Council in conmlil lhroo Mr Philip in lha chair Coamillt tot aod rpo1d th By- Law aa aoxDilad by inaenlng in lie bank Ihe naat of Jaraoa Lawtenca for Aawwter Tha UyLtw wtt tbea rJ a third time end tpiod lite petiiioa of th Eieniort of the Itte Juho Smieer atking Ibe Cnoneil te li lb Mi of tb tiid John Sml- aar and David JeSVey froa further r apofiaibiliiy rvapeoiing ih bead aird iiilo by aaid pnniva along wilh th Itia Treurr of thia eurporalioa wee ro- oaivad aad rad- On nwlioa tb pi iioa w Iild0Tr uaiil aexi neaiitg of Ibe CoonciL On moiioo of Mr Philpt tba Caoaeil ihn ralvd iolo Coremitlea of ihe Whvle oa the blTI and peiiiiooa ukbig be Lgialwre o paee ao Aet for eab- liahmg the eid llo ia lb Tawatbip of King Im fee Couocil in Co ami Me kfr Macball io 1 chair 3 Towniiilp Cotu0lOor8in- Tb oed idBS of thbCaancil fa h year 184 tak plto oa iloodty th IStb laot al WladBld Bowl PAr Uw aaabia all prtaaat Miaattaof lb feroer BMcUng bavtag ba r aad tb Clark UU befaath Coaaail lha BoaaeitJ report it h AadHor fa t yaarlaatpaat Mr Orr pr for TaTera Liaeatn fiOB JobaUeNpriara Jaae WiaBeid and Tboat Wrigfal 0- ooapaaied by tb oamca of lb reqaiut naaikerof rtlopatio taebOa re ooaandiog tbe eppUcanta a fit andproper pertoet to be eotraated with a Lieetit Ur Treloar preaeatod etailar applisa- lioaa from U II Rich aod Ira Feoloa Mr Orer prtaeoled a Beaorial from Oeecge dabataa abowiag Ibat the peealiv aitaatie bi Saw Mill ani ih oooaaioBal ate of a port too of oa of tb ttaau a bid dowa in UMpUioflb viUag of Pcffirbw yet tbat taeb oat fid aot iatarfeia with pablio ooaTenieaea Ha ibertfota prayed tba Ooaaeil tor aa- tboiiiy lo aa taeb ttrceC as baratofore to loBg at b did Dot infring apo Ib DtM ritfbu of any Tb prayer of tbe Meawtial waa Teooamndd to b pant ad I7 Bobart obnMooEtu aodaixtecB other ratqpayer of tbe viilag of Peffer law Ur RMdeM aeaoaM Mr tJraer Bovcd ibe ooaearreeoe of tbe Cooocil ia Aadiiara Bpert rCarriad Mr Biddell aacoaded Mr Treloar awfd that lb aaa of twd ddbra giaaied toward proridiag Cedar fer raaiioa of gaard oo aaeb aid Ibe aabaaktaaot a tba Egypt BUI aad tbat Q Paric b aaaadarfoDM te oipaid t aaae Carrbd Tbe tereral ppUaia fer Tavara Lioanaa baiag feand ia aeoardaaea with tb resaiieaiata af bw war rdfd la b maUd Mr Orr aeaoaJad bf Mr lUdML Borad hat tb prayer of tba Maoaria of Mr Jobaaaa la of taeb a aaMra at to prelad Iba peaibililf graati it 0 lb aaiaat prayad for aenhla bi Coaatil aia ef efiaiai that taaa action b attmmrj aa aata ptokibil foapibb eoattnaad f ta taw Ibaralora ba U rtaolved That Ih of obalrae- lloB ia fatar ba Wt to th duiM of tb Overteer of Iliithwaf of tbe diviuon ia whieb aaeb etreet a ntaatad aalil otberwiaa aeted apoa by tbia Coaaeil Mr Ttdoar io aiBeodiaet aotad thai the pelilioD of OeorK Joboton aad other 1 Uid oa tbe labia for fartbai COtiNderalioe loeC Tb original aoiiao wa tbea pal aod carticd Tea Ueaat Drrtboar Grer aad Hidden NayaMr Trdoar Mr Treloer aeeooded by Mr Biddall BOved That the Clerk be iaatratd hi Botify all PoBod Keepvn Ibal ba aei made ibeir return ia eonfuAaity with the Bylaw of Ihe Towathip for Ibe year 1663 lodo to lortbwitb or they wiB be proedd againai atba Carried vc A Bylaw wat Hen iBtrodeoed and paiaed appeiatinie Uwothip OIBcert for the year 1S64 afteqabieb the Coancil on Botioo of Ur TialiMi adjoaraed to meet al Pcntoaa Rvel Satloo oa tbe Itl iiatarday ia Apr at lOodluA lavom aaoaio ax aa iioaaaao a arou than aupport tba paitieo bal tba faet thai aKMl 11 tha nam 00 tbe pelilioa ware Idaod oa oae or tba other of tha lavrta keepare patitioiB fer lieaoe ned it iofoaaiMe utay whM aua dw pa- litiMirdird to ba drppd Ill it thao rportd upoa fee beat ef tb wiow pplicaiii Ur Webb aKid aecundal hy Mr Maehall tbat lb paliliOB atMl botkdt ol tba bmal kap0 aHaticad abov t- oepi Wa Boa aad Geo U Laaraoea ba aeeepied e eaUafaoorir Mr Webb eaid Ur Boat praraiaae war aoi rady a yi tod a Ueaear eoald aot ba granted antil a raport wa racaivad from the laipa ihat ha h oomplkd with the bw WUb regard to Ur lawreaea be wovU be ia favor ot graaiiac bia a tiaaaaa piovidad ba aei- ilad up for latt yar m abo paid down Ibr tbw bol Dot olharwba Mr Tbompaoa aaid prbpa Mr- Lwraae wbo waa now prD eoald giv aoiaa iafurmatjoa la bit intaaiina a mord lbl leave ba graaud lo Mr Lawranoa for thai parpeea Oerrtad Mr LawraDca Mid at tba eoouDeaea- aMOl af lati year ba wa aot ia a poai lion i pay weaoaa ba aaald not aaov aMod moaey an what wia do biai Wt ba bad clarM a good paper aa wa b lb Tawatbip M EiB m aaearHy TU wa a proof b bd 00 daatra 10 da fraad ib Maaielpoliiy H bad barn a laM loar aea ba waat lata iba haial and Iba bad lataawd bb iora Afur ptrt eflba yaar waa ptd ba wi hraogbi ap aad Baad aad hwaa up la that tloM ba aatieidarad il all al- tledi H waa aal prepared toaay la pay all ihMwaa akad bat It waabaawa a aooa aabera abaai the tabb that ra- eaoily a bgaay bad baaa Wi bba bat ba aaaU aoi reana apaa II aatfl aaxi aoaik Wbaa abiaiaad ba iaiaadad ta py ad ap Mr Thaafiia haagbl la jgraat a U oaaae la Mr lawraaa pravioa la iba aid aeara baiaf pK ba aaniaf a TbaaaaMfeoofMBteg Mr Uw M tha Oibar eaaaa fer waaaat tSd mailag aed la T arfglMl artea af fiM taaiTbatKrSaaaaJ Mr raao wai ibM pat aad oantad TbapaHbaalMrOaKihMaad ttita fraaaBifeaabam waa aaila WaeillbefeA the BrAf MrPbiC aedeeikdbewMea hrijbat tb mS liar wae thai eadar iha Uraaat- tiaaaaa ihajracnUaat maitb prnyar ibaraaf Tba Board ibta adjeai d aad Coaa- Mr WI I iba ebair aod pobtioDe tliing M lb prapaatd Trotaartrafihi Tawatbip yoar Com- oiiiiee iac ibat tb pMiiioa sow rd be edopiad aad thai iba Raava b ad b brby dlraeiad 10 tigs iha taa fortbwiib aad ottaah lb C Sal tbereio aad dke CUrk b brby aathor- id aad raqairad to forward tb aid p thiant tad bill lo I P Welb E M P P Quabee at kb eartbit apparta ay Upon iba aMtaa fer ibe adept too af he raeolalioa th follewiag diviiioa took Yaa Maara Mehn aad Pbilip- Ntyt Mater Tbooipaoa aad ar Tb K vela wiib be yaaa rateluilAa adapMd Taa Coaaal ibaa adyeerped la Mat agaia ea Iba 4ih ef Marab aaai al Maa- deneat llotal Uoydtawa Baad TtaIntUtate Wa ettad la aotic bat Prid tbe able batm oa lha Aaarieaa War dd erd bafera tb abm laatiUU by Mr J Bocm af Toiesla H rariawad tb Ut rth BrbeBwa tnm U ri aalag tbe aaaaatthatiaaaKiy ef tllaidritorihaSMIbt SUlta taMiidi aad aagaiag Sbwy a th grau of tba feaifal ttrog saw baiag waged ia tbe aaigbboariag Bepab- 6a Hb leoiarin war well r by Ih bifi asdbao aaaaabid aa lha eaaa- aiaa Latt Friday ai wa bad ajMlw l with readbip arhibiting tha baaatta af ntiillfiaii by Mr P SaAW The ea- faMtoea wara aapitai aad taok well with lha aadjamMi Alihao th sit wtt eoU tha aaiaMbly waa laiga laaHy iaai the iatareet fed ia Ihaaaleat asd tba Uk awfaatias is wblah ih iMtsrw fehdd ly tbftlBsAflhIs itlMfc Tbi aaaUaf aa ata B baa Mhraa4Ba4Isiaa MMn8A Ilaffia i lay T X Rartaa AIl 8M 9r lUMk7 BawaM B Ba km asd athataan p abila aw 6fesseaa waataad as UmsmHw iiTTTh hata bfcdiy MiwalifiTlg Mih Iba wfeiaal p t af tba Wa ba aa 4aS bsa U rata a giasd s ad Mhr assMt la m tba BaD a dad wbh iaiwarf iWtiin Cb ta ba lakM at eUt adaffwbai Mr John ArkMy ol L N 8 in lh SAtlCoofNvnb UwnlimbsrT bat a 1 uo ibatSib sf Macb iftxl ef Siosk Ira- pltBoma Tol Fatailar Ita Twelve ooeih eiedii iaaefb SbeppanJ Aeei tlOIW Mr HrAbilllpt Le Ne IB in tha Coo of Wbiieboreh hu a aal of Sieok ImplWDtata Iu 00 lha liib el Much Eigbi aioaiht crtdit Tboaat Atkinaaa Awciianeor PanikaviDf Ibeir aal bill prinltd al iku aSe will bav their aal BOIteeil a above Ibimb tbe eoleanw ef Ihi pape frtt U bow Iba daaaadoaowaaabaiaTyry great Coder ether eircamataaoae w eboaid be psUbbed it wilhost bwli lifa yea ata aatirdy wroag la yoar aoaohuioa aad abaald yoar le PP woald fall ia a eoa to aliwiab year poailioa Itb true oar aelaaMi at opa for fall aad free diteaaiion bat aot fa paaoaal altaet 10 gtaiifjr ptiala biiag 9 Bdltnritl SoBBSiy- Mr MaUaara aoaaaaa a Clear iag Sale laday irhiob wiU be eeatioeed la two caeaiha SeaibaiaaeatadtMeeai ea all eob panhttet evar 1 New i lb liaaB boy ify veolieeara IJIJT ta ekaalt ty- The aeaviet Oaaaaveea elaaled Jack Keb aad abea ihrea lhaataaf tax iaoaly spaual wiiaeaaaabytMagiag hia aoM ia ble ewa aaU deciag ibe eeeaiag pre vieaa to lb day flxed fat bi iaeaiae WepaMubaaaaeeeatefit iaaaebetal Oar repatt ef ibe ba aiat e tb Fono Cleb ba bea eaaMably atawdad aot ef Ibb base Wa elal aodaaroer lewlve il aext week Tbeaeb Jeal dlaaaaaj bed fafereaea Biblbai aetbed ef reeietiag laad iapefetad by wheal gtowlag Wa era iadeMod m iba HawerabU Mr MeMattaa M L Cfei Maibadfer a aapply ef Pailiaatatary pepare boa Iba al Gate taawau abate JPWaut Kaq M PP fataaepyellba oaola- aavad la aaa aaa iba lb Ibfeaa aad ether deaaeeaia CorrfgponitfDfe 2b Cbt CdMr MaattM Daaa Bta PoiBil aa biaagb tba aal eaae efyar valaabi joaraal w aak l aaiaaif nHt lajniMaf le tb af Ibb MaaSpaiiiy Wu ba f tb gvaat laiwatkaint bob wba s aeatiaia day atibafieat lXp aTlbaflSaMMMMfiSa 1I ae sa Oafaaial to 225 awlhaMM M Maea aay 1 tbea aMiad ar aar ef htea eAaae at a w fcaea t If ee ba at tbea ami t It a aettaiair bM tba paMa tbeaM kaaw wb WW kt btsa Ban ibo cilluit aKOvr IwJitKlOaU 0 eullfBHVoly aiiaaaVlawfeialu ibeteatwea ef ui eibaaeaMty Meu wbaaill de It fr e aaeb lata t rf out aie ihey aM aac iilMiag Itie iuMBU of iM Tvwneblp t llaoolftMiMUi7iai wba eopipaa- Iba Bogitkawa aeetliv bav iaaail ihair avMaelbi auch laoataa will It net bwoaiaiiMeaiiaiohai betb ibe ceMleiien and tba ateetioi aaelt toeaewhat eltaaMeiAct At you Mr lilar aroex peeled I knew every iblof yoa eaa m dab aaawa- Ibe few qeaaa I bepa Mr- if none uf boaa aaaay aaa hava wppllai ber will bee no tiaie InJoluto- Aa laeoby ib pocad- iogeaf iheCOTuiy CoeocH tjr Deputy waol ticong for rtireechiDaul there b cartaialy oao du no leat bate Voe koow Siif cbattawn ia e jawel tnt 4ba Coas- eiliett el tbi rmtntbip will no dvobl bii Iheir oeotiiaiey and aaBifett tbeir aiueariy by effvctrnt a reireeebseni iu hi nauicipaliiy and than Sir hD bay aeain naal with the attaabM wia- Jem oflba County thT can triemphanily pvial lulbe aavtug eiacleU by leiitiicb- nvui in ihit Tuwotbip at ao indioaiivo ef wbal Bay bWdeaefatboafMgaia laaviask WhUebereb Pab Htb 1664 tra SUD At liawatefe oa ib tib ia Mia Brfioaty taivinyebikl ef eba W and Eiisabatb Hugba eged eia yM aUvao Boniba aad eioaday Tbe fiivgning it geoetaUy all bal i deBtJ ietraliBg io lb daeeeteef eee of taab leabr yaaraj bot ihia it to axeapiioa Miaarra waa uo ef earlha BMtataly ohiMrwa prepee- eeaiog ia appearaooe aCaeiieM aad geolle ia dapeuliea tbt evtt aaTialad tbe adaiolien of til taw ber Caie- fal oaly at etben tba af peeve a perfeei atraofera aaltUboaaa i aM Ihit Iranqiil or ptavidaol paealidliy ef aiiad ooeliaoed lolheWI 8aN hot Mabel weep abe ezieodaii ber haosi wip ihe laat fieai h Mabart faea avyiog Mai pbat deol ery bi try and go w alaepi aoB 1 wtJI bald yoar heed ia aioe s and to ea- turo ber bel all wat light tba added Mt wltea BO oa b aeer I toy ay pvay en le tb LetO Sh efien aa oi dealb wba ajsying bvalih and el Ih poailisa oaea baodtaboeld baia wbn dy ing andara aoy tiao betrayed th mat ear ef bo ba aoeay ibna abeving ibai ein wbieb w tbe Ming o deeih bad ebiaioad ao tab ia bet beait Thu taraly ehlld ef wbota a vlau misbi b wiiii wa lee pate fee iha wotU SetriairoatiM aitaekad bar from wbieb tbe bad bai paitiaUy aeveiad wbaafaaici fever evweed aad abaagiaa Miaarraa e aoot ber away A fwbaaabr dtparlaaa b loU br fbiber ah woald aeee die aad aakad Iu ae aeveml af bat fuaadt tbat ahe BigU bid them goad bye A Baaoiaot omb- peay aaoaaoe io ibat ebaabw ptivi- ied bayead ibeeMaaea walk of Vino- ea tifa o wbaa iba aweet aoteeoftba clfingrbikl Miaiad wurde lhal aagala da Ilshllebaar Cveiyeii p waa d draeaadtty ncmt aod io aeoenlt of bulb eaotka aod eoeoecaieat tha iovhad all la moat bar ia Uaaveo A ilaeing acene diaw naer aa expieiB ef celeailal radiaoea botaaJeoovi her face and gax inf iniaatty opwaidaboetalainiad I eee JvMia wilb the angela He ta beUini eel Hia ana le take Be heao 9be Ibaa oaMv ao awaally badaaft geedbya aod elaapfog ber baada apea hat Saaily beaviof buaom aad wiih a Boat baati wiunlaa taile liagwing opoo ber Hpb MialrA rxchnged ihectaee fer aajta- fading aiown- May llrveth Idoofibe liebiauaa aad Bay my lal and Ba iita iter jcaaene H iaatu b M daail O Ms I a llvavaa aba aow a ttvrapb Mvet a b taaradMerbeabyeanWy ee K mal banaaa ritaifaa T W haiy aliiid an aee abtea T hjr bjiioaa Uce watl aaa aa aaca Ial eriaiiriaeaa bva H a blad ibae ta it blal tbare cr abaravd by aofbt tbia wotU aeotoia- 0 ad aball tbj beuvr panisa he H a wbn aapreMlyevarrvbtw E naedad walaaaw araw te Diae 9 o aMit a Iby liia away O race Wa tbv ba nint ap 0 ae beam rfHavwatreotae Bat lay Of Mhaaaaaedalafled wtibibecap Oeaiheaaaadlbaeaaa tiaela favr- B riaht vateaa aola bee ware giraa T UUloa a ahapae of Ibe fbd ipBm X aeh wTibb Ibe ftle af baarto BtowaatlDv rab96ibleBI yLB PflRiwiiail Wfitagy la a preelaow bale Ilk J tap Ibaia ir ihoi la paOfailtbail liglil aad ibal eivil eaSBitiaraaf Aatxbaad Praaala Mt I laaae ib adfelabiiaiKA af la Peehia ifSeblaawigaBdUalaieiB V II b aaaetiad Ibal Ifapelees b MT re eolved thaa trer to lake aa MHve pea ia Ibe Daaiab qoeathaItai leaaa tba ddBaal 1 liaaie Eogtaod i The Franeb Cerae LagitUiff it piew edlillthodihApiiL Iba iialiaaeleaMeeaaia Ittar ef tba awdeiata perty The reeigoieA ieias miniMtt win reaaae ibeir penMie Tbe iollawing it a eawsety ef tbe OBW tool aal ty Ike tteamtblp Tiigiaia whieB tab ea he 3od iaaeol Il waaaiaiedibatlbe Pwlegeaaegeaera Bent bad aeeta aiaam fcigata froa Uabaa V Ibe aieH deatinl ef ib Aaiiea Mlaiaiac la wtlcb ibe Coafedarai prira l u laa AXOTM The appeal in Ihe Aleztndra rat ttaadt foclh IStketFiOiaary It uttMad ibat abfaelMoe wiU a tatea a Ibe Crewaa procaedinga Tbe Euiitb CablabeU Bailp eaaaeS ralMy li ba aiwiM r VailladMt ptesaraliHy 1 ao Ibt 4h iaat Tbe Leoifaa M Aataaaitawe ihraalaolagiB ton bel e Iba Ibe Uevmaa Puwen peletaoaalBrStbteewlM X Wilb Ibo Uleaoea ft dieaataba 0iatk bet voly 10 eis e aeietiai loaraaua lor the parfersupb af aSftinf aeai ThPMtmibtffaigUad aw Vaor boood la fetaiab aailll at Fcssas oil RumI weaM BM Ma Eaaiaad 1 iaaliba 6eaik it wt aatanad ibu The Cmperer Nopeleea bad teeei addreeafbe Cerpa Legtafeiif aod ia ra- ply d wall 00 iba aaeaaaiiy ef aiottiaiBg alllrta geeeraawal Uaww Pab3 TbaSaeafag Birmli baa racaiead be follewiag tpiaileia gma RtvBueeaa Fab NBO p M Aboat too wooaded BMa arrived ban Ibb awtniag fiom the aaaieg af Mia raaterdcr Tb aao were rtpiib root liaataedBualiy laiieaiad Thaw aad raiB tai ia The LenJea fitfapiaf OaMU tan thai Ihe w io Dvoaaik ba Cill a b iea af oat epeaiwoa wilb Iha Sana ladfk Brat vtaeal Jaalaed aader lha balb bitae ia ibe Praaaiaa haik Mfabe tlM Mamel 10 Leadoo al Ll I4 Vhw pen tba bt ba lp Tb Bal 1 Iba ditpoMi Iba Daaitb floeatcaiani ii iaMid wiU baaateia aqsal la Ibt Mivaa f iTatv aaa atwt 1 Piu Fab S Tba f ibtt rewiag eabliabae aJa lb SSW Ibal tba lialiao geeet bad pMmnai aaiatiaruBealiabfbgWaMedby Ae ui aaa Paaebkn I eaairavsaibaaf thtf f iteaeftSf I Ibe pe of Ibia aaeaiag aaoew lha Aaaiiia b aaktag taeadaaaia es Miaeie mil Tba warai tbariiiarbui al aad Aaotber CfeoftdUa Losit 8tww- WBBCf OF TUB BOHBUIAttl PaaTLARD Feb 23 Tbe Bjihaii Capi Borkad alraek as AIMV Bock bat at eWefc JMA loat 19 aabi aad IM eieefage pbts- ger AM tb oabis pstteawrt va poted to be nr Nam reached fartlaad alf BMrff lag boat wee mat ef iwidlriily IfA M el yrt rata aed- j By a bier datpafeli list allllb st paweagr were wve4ei protaBy mora ibaa Ifror liliiHrtSIWi lett V p8rtfeBdBibla ft Wablp Bhaa fel erpoolata as AHs BA eaiatde e Cipa BiiiatiailL liat anbi Her imtf ward lb tbare aad haisak i babr ad 4alf wba gkjUi iWallil b br aeliide Bjebdig taf ttsre a be is bkpi Beet Her brUg b waiar aad tb aist 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Casaaaa All Ibal a aaattal wtlaBaydewm sadtabi ho eaaatboed bp Palieest aad paMfe epiaioa Tba Leadae Tlat rattaitlae ia arga Mat aaioM Saward elaiaa eeaai Faglaadla the AbbaaS liliilllii Il erbeiber BWart b n earwa bet refeeae te tatpa biaef a diga w b a 4 fa PrtbadB faCbbaM t fa trad fer Biatdbsd TMta Vaft Th pTMBWOOd BBu HIilBlne taatMaiMfeMM is Ibfc Wdfca Oraaswaeda kteadr aad inaliii part lanMa tiralbaliaa baagfeg biBtalf wilh s islNi3n5F ha aaU wlills 9ks lMlMa Ihi Iba staait datiMdHliaBV i baa c rMfSKSl ofibeg MMiaa Tbe Bferafiy BtnJd aM lb yiiiaswsi wiBaahipafer Oaapaik n PaaaSa4SariMibLad liMiU agaiattWartaba lfiFtaM Ifeiby aad Mr as Laag aodfirOladtMae aad C b jnparad I nesatlk aiaeta Lad Baeaell Oaaaa tbippiBgaiCepasbegaaea ihaiid iiits faaaBaJift4dsi1 ba daaibaMds aba waafeiU e prcparaiiasasda fbafe tb fe9ftf to ifepp

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