Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 19 Feb 1864, p. 2

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1 THE NEftMAIlKET ERA FEBKDARY 1ft 1804- AdmuaMMau Th CMi Tiro 5iApen li nntrl nr SloVn- ranrinn Ci 1IABJ4II Mnk BM IO MnneC Sl A rMln4ne UnJ SftV r Coffin O Fil NvJV PTi Iliri firir C SUnnir Iew ArT W Rn Cud ThiiikiSiniron ft Riigiit Tird rf TJIDW TIMI AeknBldfnini E Spcnror Eatlih A MJro AakoovMittfivni A Trmlo Tin Rcwmwket AvRa riixp i ii lar tnuk W f ILJ Ktnia oliT M TrmI KTi oia K I th tinf oitf rf illy lo licit lknlTriffitfpfnntamfrm niknr v4n iKtir iiKlaTt tt iKa il IMM m ibvm In iliteWf IL dttllil ly 1 nnl ihia tnnd rtMetioR 7 And did not Itie Ilnnntl intlemta Mkign leient wIt eli detiri- Vtt Kwry mOBibITCTy laptiil Bd fir DID ill t MMd h did Bit lr wir Birmopory Ml i- t mor 1 In TtnefioK dmbc peiil de- tim mt hid aroB hi dear tad inrimkt j pitroQ and friend Mr M wmi In forget Ihit tW Bill wi intend- I fd te appl W UrP Cnd and nnt Ino feeiilly to tke Tovanhp nf Mann Tikinji lli foanlrj oTr it i rtaioaiUe 10 aappnar ltirt r plraly tB omb pyiog Mioiliar fmaifionf in Mr l bal of lh npttili trknol if ftitirt Mr M hor did ni HT in h w lh poUlUtI pro- fliTillM nf Bnir and CWka ihrooBliOOl Ih ProTince all h kww abirt rlitttd and he dflMttiinH if paaiW I tn forrtet Ibcoi lailrad tlrtfrc of yff 51 I I fy i riilrr reerilinc or reelin h Indiana- Cot ilfiBinorlift tin rati boveTCr Mr MoNUart il Ix able to iwrtlTe pnlillealij thia felf linsbtof Mr apeeial plead rr and that lb Baaaart ibia acatioii Vill leeMD Ur allLoujrb it iboald nnJi Moso boisft ollitfed W aeleel aome alW ripnat Mall Ur PuMacn Aiia ma rfka Mal It n U mhti9 liet 5n m Oyt ti ir IuimI VewMkrtat Pridaf Pek Itth FaeU Stronger thiin FieUoa W referred ar ck le an atiack rc- eeally aiade opoo tba Reprtaealatira of io ibe Cooai1 Midlaod DiriiioBby tbe Barriedraao Board and IB ifrata lUadiof to il e raa lul rvpeit what velbcaataledllial Ibe cliare fgauil 00 ICtmCllBMIt if alike sofoafldeJ natralliful and ooj ebariUblei aod e dall ao rroeord lo r rubli and maipal alio rtj Not 10 iroalle or raaJeij hoBld be mna ilh I cBdeoariog to oera a rJoelion io tba lib loo lenfitb anf tret from llie r- jtal pnblie iil not pretend t denj j j feaanrer aalary cnurlaiBed tba oig- nir IVOO froai ha aaUij nf ia old aad efieieni oSeer lirther Joatlj nr BOt U a mailer of opinion bat lake Io tben- cUea perhtp fuor or fire bondred de Urn more than lha alatala eoaatilotia ihri a rorporatioD allfl Tbia to cnnnmj viib a TenKaiea BeaidM al the praaant licBa abmt Ihraa waaka U e eapied vilh the lntr aaation vbile bairr tbe leatlavflnj nf lha Warden az- Warden and other lhal vaa lha pJ redoeed 10 16 el or ii per diem Cba wbole labor eotd ba tranaaetsd a mi iherehy afftlinjf takiof the preeeat al- lovaneeof 93 per diem aa nor data a inf of perhapa IMH or 9600 more- we maintain jadging fmm their riloa in lha natter and appliiK U tliria ihe aisa nile br vbieh we jMg nnr member of IarliameBl they er not aiaeere Ib Iheir dewra lor relreneb- Bienl Tbe aoaeeailjt ballyinjiof aomaef he Reerea from Peel when lha liytaw boe referrrd to waa befnre Ibe Cooail- iee ciearlj erioecd the hollnwaafa of their prelenaioBa aod appareati ea lirjinnd eiril that heir retreoehing pria- cipir were baaed in telfithnea We howcTer wiah il to ba diitioetl undrralooJ that oil who oted for tba ra- JuetinB of he Treaaorera aaUry ara not rcponaibla fijr ibe defeat of Mr BoCLT- Diia Uy law radaeiBg Coaaeillon pay On ibe eoBlrary aereral meBiber vare irs to priaeiple and their action wa ad- air bMasae thejr aeled cooaialeBtljand wt bate reaaOB lu helieieeanKienliowly bul whelher jBiiicioutly U ainpl a matter of opinioa Somelinea lou maa are larelj infigeneed by eeriaia leadera and perhapa ihij waa Ibe eate oa tba occaiioB rcfxred to and thereby vera unwillintT eompromiaed It haa bccB publicly romored on be atreeta of Toroa- 0 tiaca bowerer that oae oT the laadini tflpd tem be poblie elil no adft 1 no data of praetinl good u be niberedT Bat Jhii wnirm at oik ft Oa ilh rrd l Ita f 1 ant of Mr- OaW bj Manlrral reeaind Ibia hiadaMM d9U fhw lha ProelM and whM nd to la lha IrM Bapa Uw Umi Baumo Bbothim Co diaatow all twalleetiea of avar tb pay aBttbmef andlnlbairiaKarbaarlBK dale JaBsaryTtb 18M iW ay m Mr Gait waa etramely preriaa ia all bia buiaeaa iDlttan with o a biTO bo donbl had aay arrantmBl beaa aaao- tioBcd by oa oiild ban beeB ndaeed lovriti How Mr OaiT ean ra- lim himaalf from tbe aiMBf iaUa poakioa ibU dUaTowal plaee bin ia wa ara at a lc to ooBoaiee Certaialy il do no credit to him a a nao let aloae a MIn liter of tba Crown aotraatad witb lha naDaneet of tba fanda of tha eonatry Wa bara not paea thii weak to enter Into delallt or gtra laflfcttaztraeUfroo iba Report ba aball taka oaoHion le do e a opportunity oSnr It elaariy abowf bewarer Ibat the wbola yitm Bnaaeial- ly want ehaBnc Tba Auditor baa no power to ebeek tba extnTacanoa or da- plieity of tha Head of a Dapartmaat aud dar no aeaB ramuBitrala Tba ia roltaa aad if tba raaall of be Piaaaea Coaaaiaaiee obI aceara mah a ebaBi aa will rcaedy euatiagerila ibe oosBlry eaa wall afford t pay all it will eat Another Dimtroos Fire Lorn O 919000 ticle la Ibe jrfrrtv we may olrrrr naeh ie lho- apiriBi to Ibe poallinn Ibat after an iotrodgclaiy partpaph rr- of rfpraeniie of the people bol ibe iatiag 10 Iba fact that lie Xew Hill pro j ayaleai toaelime praetired of retieacb- poatd by Uonorable Nr McMatra ig oa the ooe hand and lariahly eipcod- Isakea Iba CletLanf Diriiioo Courta ineli- pole to bold aeata ia Maoieipal Csneil aad iB IW iceoud tlaliBp that a ctrlaio Mr R D BrrT frierly a rraideul of Torsato now reaidinp is M aroaa of beeoaiDf a Coaneltl IBK wiih Ihe other eibibila the aettona nf men ia not the moet faTBorable liht lfrtha world eteilly where they Krk tn apply nne rule to theinaeltaa aad W4i di nppite tn thoiw orer whoa tliey cx- 0 ilitt j ere a Utile brief Bdlhorily TowBibip bat bad beca repealcdly d 1 Apaia la order to tbe oefI and fealcd by Mr MManra a DiriaioacW mBpmeil nf ngr Maawpa Coarl CUrk In that locality and lauK Inatilniiooa it ia abwlalely neeeaaary to oflhiieircoBtnaetbeifjaaiirtir- eooipetent earefal aad jodieioo at a reaaOB wl r Uic Hoaiialle Mr Mc PBipal oecea MtTwiBlrodaoed bia Bill ihjt inj ia oar County and local Corpora- aamBch aa Mr UaiTT iBppwivd Uoo j ona Ut aaeh laen eaanot WoVuined Mr McMiT al bit lciio and Mr wilbnal adeiaile reBioneralinn The McM did Bol thia meaae waa in- trodaaed aim1y lo a fnal niplny swdratc men it a redortd feeling anJ al be aae liy- ry aj incoawo- polilieil auppoiler Ij areoinj tn uin neni The rlliD extract from lh- arliclo io Ue Adtinee elcarlj eitjibila ilif Ulter prt nf ibe charge Tli iliifiuliy If HefMimg tueh a man t McManu in lait ennieai ran be raciif imagiond ant M Itian 13 dwibi hi iMiBxl Itiai mi l oeh iil in hi wa 1 liaa bat aiatll liatiF uf Municra bnun He lieer a mn nf elereneA atthmh nf a kifid mre liklf ro tuinelii iIkh U tte con Uiioi i shil UTing Sa an enereiK- aupiler -ih- liOtnMile f r Ifr lliJIa I Dmp ii he e ili ii il thai ipiii ttie gll o llM allUuio a H Hi l Tiainn CUi Aci aiivirl no amtJrd o thai no rleik en tmit ri tiinnil nf fire or other offiee nl il thia nan iofiai Mr McMani lom hi CUrkatiip ot JrrJi iba peopU Uooe al hw eiT m ii uunl A ilaabia ofrjei wooM eflie hj the paaaiBif of ihia oiawe Th lairoiu- er woolJ la Ihe ailMnion ef knowing bat ba had aieek ra etfteita blow ai polilieal appaneni anil lial al aam ilna focwarJel lha tiewa nl an Winrr ingaf wboaaaexicra lad aonter o laie 10 ba paid lor lenaaa and BBnytBC eonteaeat Dpon inraptiiy or pite ample remoneratioB aod baa lha work well perforiDedT From or cxpericnee aod obaerraltaB ia the paat we bare bo heailaney io coainjc 10 the eoneiuaioB that enapetent and well ptid men will proore moat coadnciee lo Ibe psblk weal Tlieao rrfleetiona bare been forced up on ua while eontiderini- the rcecnl aclioo nf oar Coanties 0ncil nntbe qoealioB nfaalarie For year the CouBly Traai- nrer hat been in he receipt for him- tef and Aaaiatant of a lalary of 9180 and upward aome year t bigb aa 13000 briat paid but ibia year with mora work fnt the labor of hi depart- laefil ia yearly inrreaieg with the de relopaaal of Ib Coualiea and wichool ataigniaf ny partieaUr reaaoa for aueh alinn wilhoat eren ppntalinft a Cma- Riillce 10 make eniiiry wiib rejrafd Io tba anrnant of labor performed and re- poneibifity ananid chiefly Ihe rww Thia hwbai mart prnp-irj- aijled ol Coaneil lake it npea Ibem- fvblie legilatioa far nembar ofnefCan linilinc hiaaell iurtebteJ m a nolneal ally paya bia bill wiib an Ael m Pailiameni paaanl M itaa axpanta f iba Praeinca anil taelaied b iolnda4 n praariva Mr pmriljt of cUctiom Now wa eenluia lo arm ihat i nore atupid or nealted for attaek waa oarer Bade upea aay aaabee of tha LegiaUliee Council tbaa iha en eootaiaed ia be fortiBg eztnat Tbe Uaeea lit taadar U laply Ibl Iba diaqualiieaii aad diftaatiaaiBt of Dicinoa Court Oetka in gnanl and Mr McMahv ia partiaaUx waa tba apaaial and oaly olyeti f tba now of tba KB Out what are Iba beta Mr M In aoeini tba aaoood rtadiag ebaarred Tbe mtai elyeft like oteRtnw waa to Iraa- far lo a mw Beard aenpriaad ef fire ef tbe prinelpal ofteial petJaeen In eaeb CMiy ia Uppar CaMtda tha palronage new diapanaad axeluaealjr iij ba Count CtTt Jsdgaa and be aaaigwcd a a cogent raaaoe for tbl cbaajie that it wax teo Iroa Ibat aooM of tbeee Jndpta had nude ippoiotsenta which eoold bard fail to eaje aerioM irruSaiiiea for ba wia piapared to pwJwUaeea of tba Mb pnrabM aad traaafer froa ooe iaewabent e anotbar of ofioca- jnal like any otbar article ef ncrebaadita Clerk aad Bailira bad been appoiatcd wbo ware aaar raUtirca ef aoaa of tbea Jogaa wbe afUrwarda ceiupired to ahaat tba bonaatoinditor by rapratantiag tba lo ba nait to wwtblMi tbao baying op ibe tiais at a iaisa diaeonat after tba atooey bad baa made by pee- eaaa Tbitwaaaa crflofnonBall Bf sitad aad MrlcUAtrik Bill wa ilwipil lo eerraet iv Bnt to all ibo viae and wbelaww peapeaad ebaafaaia tba la oor Banie eetewperaiy docn oot raa allade ae fall wratb and rigbt- eeaa Udlgnaiiee I ba tbal Air pairoa friaad Mr MeMAn wont tea tba Coaadl Cbaabar ain ibat be ftneit bat dnt lo biaMtf asd eaa dinorer Mtbiiv bat ferodin of aril in tba WMan Bat la eaaliaaa witb raprd to Clarka aad Bailifi ef Diriaioa Caart aad tba MMaa Mr M igaad ftr Iba diaqaaliiatliea we wiOgiea labia aa reported lo baea ban da Urand vbaa noriag tbe Bill to a aenoad WaiK MBe lfhl addaeoaibai aaaiae ef wnay totSaMaa wab thaaa aMaaala bai ne abiiMi bad baaaalMed Bbew bat a ebaaga waa raqairw iMoa waa also Bade la Cbike m Iktwaa Ceaite baiK aabaia elCaaaK a tba aolrea lo determine the T reaaurera remu- neralion anijic of whom we rrnlure lo aaerrt woald find ilexeerdinly difiealt lo erca aeear foretie o the Urft aaonal Ibe Treaeaivr ia required lo gire for Ibe faithful ditcharfce uf dtlly ind proper aecoanltog for the Urie amount of bob- ey annually pdaaing throb bi baud Now ia tiew ef ihi aclioe lilber Ibe aaBbet eempeeiofc oar Cosoly Conacil is year gone by eonnrilled a nal egre- pioua not to y eolpable error ia allow ioc tlU aUrie fortrerly paid or ibc prwewt Coaneil hare done a ftam wrooe 10 Mr H 0 old fiilbfbl aod tried errant by the redaelioa of hi aalray to 91600 It it true the geaeral pablte hare lillle or bo coneeplloa of the Iiifariona daiie of be County Tr- arwr f Ibe diSeallle allendiBg the keeping detailed aocouBt wilh the nri- out Maaicipaliliea or of tha extcat of work oceMioaed by the nonretidcnt land uacMtDcnla tea for tixcf Aa and hence eta fora bat ae iadefiaiie idea lo the eoopeaBalion be tboold reeeiM bnt ibey eaa ealy nndertiand be po- eilion w bar anuaed aboTe tIx that two Bucb eslirety baa been heretofbre paid or eUe tbe CooBcil for SC4 bare doaa the County Trcteurer a Injni- Uea Tbia UM nut nceemriiy free itjelf oa erery blnklag nind but wban lo tbi ia added Ihe irfieciien thai during Iboae yean la whkb fr RewNii raeaired Ibe bibber talai aoise of the Boet eeoaosted aod jndieioi Ceoneil- lor iKxteeeroceopiedeaaiaia Ibttebam ber were Besbera aad fr Iheir po aiilon bad aapla eppartanltiaa afiodpnjc of ibe natare datiaa and labor ef tba Coasty Treatarer Ibe eontietion aean lo faror tba idea at ibe preaaaplion ottarally doea thai tba CosDcil lor 38M were rt batty in tbeir coneloMon and thoolS Ibtir aetioa lead Mr Bow- AaD lo renigo il Btfht ba feand la tbe end Ibat tbey were rarriaa away by a Um BOtioB of aeonoiny Bat apart tbe qaantaoa wbatber Ian Traaaarar wu oar or audeipaid bwaMftrt BOW wib paitieulary to Undo lo tba wtioa ef tbe Council wtib iird lo ibopafBaatof tboaaalvea If tbe great prinoipia of edoaomj o iboroigbW iBptagnatod tbeir idaaa of Banwiptf eaeereewik it deaa aeea atranga la aa ad maal ao aaam atmnfta 10 araryaaa wbe laSoa bo troablo lo ex- aoian ibaaaalioa bj it waa ba lb7 to aaeertBoaioatlr la oowwl- tan ef tbi wbola wWa tie jaaa and aaya eoald not ba neordod Mr Bocusaa Briaw teoriding for ndnaiag Ibatr pva pa C 10 tbo praaaat tiMa Caniy CMnaiera wiibont Ibafaianl re ofeowaiaantakn Malt par dita aad Bilet At ftiir lattdtawt to Ibe Ceaa- atl Cbtabar Mr Aa be Imo 11 h oa ibis peht et aeeldeb i th aet nifiocDt idot tbtl by earryiog Ibe qoet- lion it faror of rediietion tbe pieaeol io- cunbent would retire in diapuat and hereby era t a Tnoaoey be fondly hoped could ie Ue3 If hit Iraeher If tbia wat true in one eaat qntalioa natn rally trim were tliia aay ptrallel cuea Were elben netnat by like aioiatcr reaaon We would fain bepe no tucb ua worthy nntire iaflseaced aay netubcr compoaiBg lbhitbly reapeetable and intellipeBt Coaneil of lbee ITaited OouBliet bat ralher Ihat Ibe actiea araee frvm the eonrietioo Ihat loo mneb bad been heretofore paid aad Ibey tboogbt il wjoe lo redoee it But lhee remtrke eannol apply lo ihow who roled lo bark the Bylaw to rxae their own pay after Totiny for re- irenchneat io the aalary of Treanrer They are perfielly eoeeeioo lo lake more baa 91 per diea I eeolrary lo law and they may dapead npoa il Ibe Batter haa prea riae to ao liluefeeliBKlbrougb- ooi the whole County tome letdinf men btriag f00e to far aa lo tay tbal aaleaa action waa taken la Jaaa tbey weald aubaeribe lo fyle a bill ia Cbaueery lo quaab tbe etiating Bylaw aod oeatpal the rfaadio of tbe aanant beie improperly eslraetcd frea tbemketaof Ibe uspayara ankonniibw il ta tidd io all lo tooM ibonaaada of doUan Tberu tie mea wbo like no bailer fua tban apead two or Uiree weeka ia Toronto at 9i per dien bul boaieeta bcb eannol afford be delay asd benee ere neotMa- rily drirea lo tlw nttily ef deelieiag a lake toy part ia ear nuaieipal tfftlra Sot oaly doea ibit lead to a Iom Io be county but to the loealily ia wUeb tbe reside by dcpririag tbe pabiie ef tbeir aenieea That line it tmtUd no ee pretend lo deny Thla Ibea ia aa eril tad if aa eifl il oncbt to be reae died Second Report of the iaa ciftl CoruBiwioQa Our elegrapb report lait waek aa nouneed Ihat the teeond Keport of tbe naaneial tad DeperlBtalal CoaaiaaiOB aa iHued oa Tburaday aad aentioaad a few of ibe iieou lo wbicb it referred Aaa natierofrafereoeeiteoBtainaBorii of interetl bal at an expoaitioa of tbo manner in wbicb tbe bnaioata ef tbe oounlry waa eoBdocled by Ibe Coelilion il exhibit an aaoual of exlraTaga not lotty fraud tlaaiaerediUe Tbe report dealt Urply witb tbe eontiaoeiee of the Ttrioot departBtala aad open to public Rate tbe rklea tyalaa prataS- iaj il alto treat upon Ibe lale Prorip- cial oenaoi itt nareliibieBeta u a work of refertoee and the Urge taa II eoat tbe country to Itke il beieg no lett Ibaa 915St86 aad nore lo pay Witb re heard 10 the eeutiefftat aeeoant frea tba eridcBoe addaced tbe Coaaltaionen r port it iaereaaed ineladiogaalariaafroB 9155329 ia I62 lo 9536208 la IB03 while Ibe tgstgale io tbeae tea year beiBK BO leaa ibaa 93920 24fi lu eon- nrelion with tbeae ileaa we find asolber of marked tigaifioaeoe il it Ihi tbe coa linfttnl aoeoual io 12 laoaBled to 9S3I20S wbilt laat year aader tbe tuperialendeoee of a Bcfom Oorem Beat it waa ladneed lo 94M379 be- ia a aaeiBj of 971829 TooehiDg tbe ttanner in wbicb tbe teed grain loaoa for farBere ia boib Upper and Lower CAnada were aaaaged lb report tbow tbat wblla La Coanlla ia Ibe Wettem Proeinee bava nlway paid the iaUraat panotaaOy aad ra deemed Iheir Lebealaraa at nutadty in Lower Cantdt wttb tbe ezeeptioo of Oa BOl n nn eoanly appenru to bare rendered eoaplete aeeoaatB and tbe report adda wbetber tbe aaoaeyu war boneedy espeadod ia tb parebaae of aeed or oot wbetber tbe dittribatiea is oath Of aaod really took plnoe ar Bat ter eoooam log wbi io orwMfiba wattoer bo ieei t Tbo report in tbia ooancwiiea oaataimbly rtfleeta npoa tbo Coahtioa Pwt 6eetlary by obaarriag Tbo l wbieb rwna tbro lb wbok aSUr to baa bean amnlttoad in by lb Pro- fineial SeeralAiyi oCe indM aft at orc Th Tf Strriea below Qaebaa eoat tboflat7 or ibs baaaltef Hr Bur oae of Ibf big saoktri ti lb Prariaifal Pap imrd bssdrad tbowsad del aetodditbs remark Ibsadtaa- gi 0 lb tmia ef Ito 8t Lswteaoa ef aTag Bvioa ullr Ctiaal maatf- aaai raBaist aa at tbe baais ao epea Caa itbpeilbl tb Ihoonadt of Mns Nr Bait bai Aoolbardieattrou firt hat eeeuned in oar eitlege reeullihg in lha partial de- etractioe of iboee elegant brtekboildinga on Mia Sireei kmwj a the Commtr- topihr wilb tny qaanlity of eioetema cial Block owned by A BooLTtta were terted without ttint io Ibtbateaeiil E Th iViK one o by tome penon who happ 4 aaey of Bote aatore ed lo dieeottr t eoleme of txioke bauiog enjoyed iheatelTCt in Ttriout pltyt from tbe eecond roey of ibe More oeeu- for upward of en bour Bemeod Mr were eaJTfag tb ride a oosauKoa of Udict end bwied tbaanelmt at ibe ehapal- tbrt by tbd tlBf H nturs- ed the Itblaa er aaply wit ro- ftbBent M lo wbiib tb wblt at- aeably lo tbo Duaber pariHpa ef IfiO tealad tbeaaelraa WfthypUttbtrp- tited by tb ride asd br air rigbt beartily did tb enjoy Ih good Iblap ao ab prorided sad Ml bdbre ibaB Thiap of tb MUrtaioBaat orer Mr CuiTTDR Wna wu oalled to tbe ehtir wbo aide toae Tory tpprepriale and limety reinarht Quite a nnato of tbe tebelan tbeadelirered addreaaea dia logue aud tpeeobft were alto ntde by Mr P- P PsanMii Mr JAWn II ted a lady Friend Mra E W Tbapetkiegwaiexeellealtnd wdl esloolaled le eneoorag tbeae labor- Bg fer the boneCl of tbe rtaiag g tion while tbt tuoeeetfel maaser io wbieb Ibe dialoguta aad didaetie pleoea were recited rrficeled great credit aol euly oa Iboee baeioc dirtolioo of tbe tf- fair bnt oa tbe oMMitn tbemeeire Nolbiag ocenrred frea beginning lo eed- iat to Btr be bappiocaa aad hilarity of tba ocOation Congratienal 8 Sohool A leaparty asd eoeial gtlberieg in conrveciira witb tbe abort Sebool took plaee on Wedoeaday ereuing latt in tbe Meohtaiea Hall- BefraabaenU were terred abonl terea oeloek to tbe children BUmberiog perbape betweea eighty and ninely aod aflarwtrdt to tbe tdalu aearly at atay sore Tee tad ooffee pied by Meetra Siwrtox if liooAtr bui by ihl lime Ihe Are htgined tuS eioal headway le preelode lb poeaibilily of eowring the room lo ditoover th pre- ette raueer tJlow iadiaidual effort to do anything lowardttlaying tit progrete Uetb engine were apoedilr oo ibe tpol bal ibo inteote ooU ihe ibarmiOHier tiaitding below stio Iwd ot iroeied the worke of be large engtno Ibti oa ibe Crat oeilon of the toeiion puoip ibe wtier eongealed io tbe ralrea ibot ronderiog It aeeleea unld bot water oould be pr eared io auScleui qvaoiiiy lo boat be worba ocmpylag porhapo tweoly mia- alee oe bair aa bMr Tbae delay gate euffieieoi liaae or tbe deeoerlng eleeneot 10 naab audi progrtat at upreelede ibo potaikalUy of aaeing ihe aperiaeBl io bicb Ibo fir origiatlad Kagino No 2 bowoeer waa ioataaditltly got in a dad good atrTioa by to ar keep- lag tbe fire a to pretaei any eery large relime of flam boratiag ouiaiAt be bricb wallt of ibe bailding in which tbo fire origiaaied iinlU No 1 eoold be brought Into aetioo iharehy preetniiog 11 fretw coaioMiuooiiBg wiib Ihe tdjnio log butUion frvB the oMtUe and af- ferdiog eaBdenl nne bir ibe raiaoetl of Boat pert of Ib good in ibe naio part ef lb toee Shortly after bia I a dia6Trd tbat tbe fire wat eOBBnnieadng along iba raftera to be aUen eeeoMed by Mr Tsanr and allboaib eoaaiderablc dan- ac waa deae yai tbe well direeted efforlt ef tbe fire drtneot itx progriaa in Ibat direction wat cbeek sot bew- eeer until Hr Tam btd reaeeed tJI or nearly all bit gooda Mr Spidh loo wbo cocnpied a portion ef be nreai- tte or Mr xstKT atora aa a tailoring tnlaMiahnieBt aneeeeded wa belioTe is reaaortng bia aow aaebioe aod Ibe greater pertioo of bia atoek Meanwhile il waa feared tbe fire wonld tpread aontbward le Iba tlora eeenpied by Mr- A Haoossson wbe el once re- Bored hi eotir atoek bal fertanetaly Ibe AaBt war tptedil aftar ao tobdatid by ibaaaeoBafitl workinfof tbe Engioea asd tbe Uber of tbe eiiiren aa to pr rent aweb destge beiog deae ia tbatdi- reelioB Of eonre all BatI b aware tbat erery one of Ibee Ba wboee geodt were r- BOred win be bea auffirera by daaage aad brtafcagea wbile tbe buildiog were terioly ijar by lb Urg inaatitiea ef water ibrowa upon tbcB aooin tbea by tbe engioea aa a nteeatary preeantion agalnol t fiaatea tpeeading- We beta ttdaaraored lo eteerttia tbe leetct at aearaa peatiklefrop Ibt tuSer- era Ibesaelret aad hare rvceleed the rolttwiag Mr Boaltbeat loe oa boild- aga 500 iotvad or oot baildieg Itlally dealtoyad the etbar badly ejored Mettn aptee Began le ca titeek aeer 9800V iwiared or 911- 00093000 ia Ibt Eoytl t 5000 ia ibe Lirtrpool aad ijoadoo tad 9 000 io Iba Wealara Tbeir Mock wta retrfally daaeged by reaettL Mr Trealt leaa oa alack cerfred by iaaertece it ibe Beyal tad Larerp aad Loedoa Hit alaek era a rary badly iojered by re onl Mr tlaartoe leatiiiaa 91100 la 91 eeetred by ietaraeca lie bowerer will be able le repea b lore today Tha Brigide a well a ciliseat wiib b few eseapiiaat labearad wiib will i aot fergoltiiH a latg naaber ef ladiet wbo betdleet of Iba iaieata cold did eairserdiaary ure ice ia oanyiag waler tad attatlitf io ibe reaioeal ef good frea ibe tior poUiog le blaab IbM who a 0 a foiBer oceaiaae coald aiaod by aad leek on witb appareet eaeoaotr uad aea ih pror af Iheir ne aaenfiaad Wataee ealy reoa ibM week lo add ibe ka b aoppeaad to kare ongiatled frMt a aleee iaud ia iba taeead tlary f Mtaaare tfiapaoa k Begarlt Mere bat ia bat aaaaar Ibey eaaa tall at arerylbaag waa parfeatly iM aad taeort at 9 eeleck Ibe ereot before ea tlttag ibaitora BAKKts tbea ealled tbe Baetiug to order and gare out a byao aod with Mra MSLlla prudding St oa Melodeon tbe ehildren tang eery tweedy two or bree Stbbelb School Olete after wbieb Mr MAtLiiic ooeoped abMl tweoly aingtet ia pretenliag a nonber of totoe to tbe sBtmUy by tbe aid of a MtLaslem pleating the Utile blkt wonderfeOy- Tbe eartaio al tba float of tba tlage wat tbea reaorod aud preatoted before tbe audieoee quhea laigu fir Ire illaainaUd wilh ouaros wax etndlea aod lodco witb giftt froa tbe Managers of tbe to tbe aebolet enmeing boek- Btrkt netily aad daliotlely iawroagb witb needlework toy ealdulinee twcel metla iA Ae It t about half aa hoar to dibuie tbeee prixaa aftar wbieb a few brief remarka were Bede a tba aighlwatftr tihaaeed asdtbo aaeet iag eeparatod Tba ereaing vat rm pleataatly tpeat aad we Bake do doubt will loog b reaeabered by Ib nuDitty ef tbeee preeenl- Bal Bagiftar Mr Wb Ciaac bat ai ateaaiee tradliealeof Slack laiplefoeoia Heeaa- boM Foraiiete fto eo iM No 103 Yeage Waal Mie oo Tbsradar Ihe Ub innanl TeoBoolhe aateeerr- d aale a the preprieior la iie op farn- B ia Ibia aeeiieo o eeoairy Mle al 10 Veloek a m Byrrreniaglooer adrtctiaitf eotoaoe il will beeeea Ml BeTatsat belieilor fee reedet baa a aala o arB lead ei Ibe 7ib proxiao lo lake plaee al Iba Rail read Koul Newaaiket Tba arm eea aiaiaoliOO Acea beinjt eoapeaed oflbe fenh Half el Lol Nn f ia Iba Std Con of Nonb iwUliBbo Sale le lake leoe tl ooea g Partiaabaeini Iheir aale bill ptioltd tl ibiaolSce will bar Ibelr ealee Mlicad ta abere ibnagb lha eoleaae of ibit papnr frtt Bdlurial Snuury- Ragalar Beeiing ef ibe Newaatkel Coeneil next Maodayafeoiag wbao ilia etpeelod lha Report ef ilw Aodiiora will be pteeeaied aod eiber gral beai irtaaaeied Older leiia eoreeaa Um people of Aaiaej will have teebalain lwiib a libecal ad renhiog pasreqage tbie i the lib of soy caeinry peperesd wltbeBi wbieb Ibey eaaa le be pappeflii T Baaais ExaMinas Thie la iba li II at a a peper ietaad al Banie la Ib UbeiBl hlwpK Bamo bow lbreklypnpei Tbe SfMt tf tk if at n Ctattrettir ead Oreag etgan iki liiiiMiriiliiliini now tbo Bm- oetaer ea effaa ef tb liberal BaleeBtie Il I ebMi Ibe tit of tbo Era ie priaied en oey type and Btkee a good eppearneeo Wbee tbe paHy will eigereoely sMttiB il aa iby etry raaeh a oemtl lo tonitael Ih aany aiarepreaeatattoo o iodetlAoeely eireoleled by ibelioppoeew- ISoeh a paper aa Ibe xdaifaereeait like ly le pre will Ttry Bocb eoniribeie to tireogihen ibe patly Is eaae of Parlltaeo- lary eonlaata by leading le oaily o tollon aad ooliy of poipoea By refaoetaoirdeiilelogeot omna it will be aeen thai Dr O Feao baa ilecided to derole bilf eteleairely to lha ersMiee el bia prefeaaiea aad aty bo ennaolia on regular alated day daring eaeb wiwk To all who piefer f Eelae tie tya of iieaineni eet eiben we aty lie Dr Fean wboexpeiieie in Pul- meiiy and Chronio Dneaaee it ry gteal- Ii will ba reeolleeied ibti In ibe wloier of I9S7S the ediiof of ihla joemal bail ao e- eeediBly Ceaied eliaek of palmantry aosptioD to eeete indeed Ibei aany nMdieal gonileatn and Bare inlisaie frieiiiie gtte op all bopee of reeereiy bol hjr lb earerol tiieaiioo tod ekill ef D Potp we were reliateilto far ta haman agency waa eoncernad fiowi lha difflceliy under which we ibeo tabered end beee been in ibe eajeynMnl of ordinary good henllb eeer ainee le eteBSeadiag Dr Feao heaeere we epeefe Irea etperieoc OTbe Britiab Noob Aaetican Al- aaoao aod Anneal fteeord or IM boeod ia cletb lathe liile of a new book ediiedby Jaws Xiiar M A B C L and prialad eod pebliabed by Mr Jeao Ler Ill Iniended e a htedbeokoftiitieai tad geaeral inlor- Slaliaa relalnut le iha Biiiiab Norib Aawi- cao Coleolet Beelde ihe aaoel ealedar hr ISMi 11 oeatala eatefally prpatd iMe ofdM MWpeper aod poiiedieat publUb- ediatbe eatieet Preeieoea alto ef the MililiaBaektRtllwaya gdoeatiooal la iletleilataeef Iba Clergy efdibreat DeaoMlaaliooa Peelal Rlalleae TarM ReenoeendlBpertlw Il aleeoeeiaiae eheit ObMeofT nelleea ef perteae of aele ittnttitil dertng lb part two yeaie end a teaatrynf ibeoeean ef ieieteei daring 196 end 189 The work it well weatby efu etleeaiea aale and welretl Ibe pot litbtr Will meet wilh teOelMn eoeeemge- eel le ioaoro lip ftuar eooliaoalien It la noelly prifted oo geed papeeead ae a auiieiieal reCerd it a etry ealeabU work WAtrioTo Keb 18 Titer h ao oeblanl ditpneiiion on the part of Coo ret 10 mot eoibority to Seertttry Oisaa ib anil the fHralat g4d in tbe Treeton- Ilia frienai oissrt tbti ib Mehxt si Cwdoai umo halwon now aod Jer Itl will b Morw tbaa enfieiooi 10 Bot Ih ep dMMpdt tbat wM be al ilMt ifaM sad ibi a jedlekM Ida ofovia OM half of iho mooo OOfr ofgoidMwiatha reatary will Pl isb lolb paoalttlea ia fold Oihr howTr IStar ibal tbi foHlflak tbM willbeees dlwairoat aieet ooogr A lanis Istbatk MsolToc A loeitl alrtateinat sad tlri rid ia eanetioa witk Ih Yosg 8tt PriMtd Ortbedas Sabbath Sdteol took flae Satardsy last Tb 4rn aad tahw f w sboal oa oalo at Iba Bea Eoass aad th btiatn ia lb aiiglitntfcniil tamd ol wbblheir ber aad 4lbt lo gji Ihtai s lida They p don Toaga 8tr to Aven thM to Bgitowa by wsy r atdbad 8tn to Mr OelHa oraMi tbaaa ly way of tb Tva Um thmgjkMomtaAs lo lha Maniat B siiiviag htltM ihM sad te Wh tb ahiUni nd oitoa aiwv taa Poto Fb li A tpcIldaistcbto tb BcntU aay Motby hae been daahiog upon aad tklrMitblog whb oor piekeu near Mea- awsa Ibia ellerBoea andaaiog but eaealry ferfo baa geoo out la poroolt of bia tltd loey briog the Major in oo a tlrelebor li i reported thai two or three of oor plekeie were hilled It ie lgnifitnl ibet ihe Mtb Miaeietlppl regi- BMl from whloh der1eraeae relieeed to Althana regimeoi ihi Cftold no longer hrlroeled on pioket A eqaad ol ClMfedemta aoldieie wore etked yotier- dey while boiog eaenrled by a ggrd ner Army Hdqrtre if they wer eapiur- ed s ibo ratly wae No we deeerted end there are iileiily more no Ibe ulher id of lha RapHan wbi wuld do the eamo thing 1 iboy could nrpiga Coleniol Mr BocBaaan M P P fer Haa ilieo in a leiiet to the Mayer ef ihat eMy nyt on bi arrival al Qaebee be ioteoda Baking it kaowa ibti be inteod leeignin biteeal ie Parliaeteni when ihe Haait- wo Debt Bill ia dipeeed ol Tbe Meoireal pepera ameooeee ibo tbt diffleeliy abeel ibe cotieai l ef ibal oily refeaiBg le lake Upper CeMdt- aa Note baa been arranged and en a aieo Bade roBoeiBg ibe eeBpiaieta ef tba Upper Canada Pom wilh legtrd lbre Tbceegb a pnvaie cetreapeedaeee we were led iaioan errei lael week by aiaiing a now lilaJ had beao gteoied W Cetuweeo A oow triol wae rteerf a Wadaeeday Imi and ie aew ally eeiiei peted Ibe eeoelet will eoCtr he eawuB penalty ef Ibe law By referonoe lo oec adverliaiogeot- enna It will ho eoea Meeere SiaMew A BooaaT baeo RoOpooed lo tbe preBieet arseily oeeepiod by Ml Haatoa eppo eiie Ihe Kaihetri Heael Mr T nor will oooiiowa iahieoMpleoeefboaioeetiCeai- Beeia tleebXtbObOlMang oel helLg eo iBjerod at to paeeeut e te eoetp A Ttetliag luoo boat two io ibiee leek plaee al QetooeeiUe oo Saiardey lort between n boy hone owned by Mr Kta aex aodagreyewaed by Mr Wiimom ofNerth OwilllBbory Il waa waa by Ibe beywhbeoteaydiaoaliy Tbo aod Nenh Gwilliabaiy Aaooal Baaaa are lootBeeffea Ibe loe atjaekteo Paioi 00 tb let preiiBo Panieolara ara aa bybilla bag 10 diteel auooiita I tba edteHbaBenl frea Dr BaMtaT ef tbo Euiaptoa Attareooe Beeieiy Th gaaraate depattBaal f Ihl Aaaaeialtta la a new battre la lUt eaaatiy aad beiM lb oootaaby ef prieal torolio far tm- plijtti lit ospltol It saply esOeieai M iwpij oeefidooo while o life At iiiittn CoBpaay it Ara I aeer ttooy eihar eBpaaie oow hoftr the pabU Ta AMtsa Bannaa Tbi ta the tiiie efsanrpapviteadat Aaaera by Mr MATniBWk la at Ibo Bft bat tami the otari aaeaai oTreoTiog aoner of aeel etaotiy papatt lapaUlk lhn aelnn defistl oa wo ospoMod te Bed II bat o baeeoeory rta tiieo iTwiH snaigs iitatf oa lbs id Bofmaad a eaeb w toil H as SB ally sod eowikr U Amerleaa Barolntteib Naw Yoaz Psb IS Th Ttaet Hiltoe Head teller tttltt hat be Geo- ferrate blockade ruooerMaab off Charlae- lee bod a eargoefitoa platdo aod oibat Betel fer Ibe eeeotrMtioe ef ima flidt ted carried feer goet TW Obofrdemlte hart eaoble le reBore uy ef Ibe cargo it ceeaeqoeoce of be hoary fi ef ear gee Arefi fie Setsaaab tlale thai Oeaeregtrda headquarltr rawed Ibere ra ttlicipeliee ef te tittck- Tbe Coo- federtle bad 190 lerpedoetto fleet down Ibe Straaaab rirtr Eight boadrtd Iroeptara qeartared r city Geor- gin regiaenta hate already Buiinied i eoetqeeeotaa el abort toMlito Two kioektde reooert tre el Saraneeh wailiog te ep lo pete oer goo beelt Tbe kiter he a rprt ital irenp ld h ladcd eo Jaaae ltlad aear Cbaileeiea io Ibe rear of Ibo Qeefederal btllcrlja Ibe Riohaiad popart ef lb 9lb ro- ceited eeoMio tb foUewieg s C Feb B II eoe renewed ihetr tre ee ibe city toti teeing A fiAb Boer Bed ilt sppearaaoe le dey lie eoeay ar eegaged io Bannliig tetfral gone at Vageer b oa tb cbaoiaal V 199 I egpleded lal arrea e MnakMoaiba tbep ottoditg ait p MaatTWM Teoe Feb 6 Re- peeta frnB ILeeA l p teal tbe ga rHa aa9t froB ell pex ef wbwh tm are 790 caoto aad toarciiy of Sa- Tbt Biibniitd Snmiiur tsyt hot the aetbentie boat lekM arnaaMot le grurooi aa aotaaipoted riweg of Yankee oe Belle Itlaed Tb taa papr atg rigtd calerce Beet ef Ihe eeoteriritealtw Tbe fertet al Bicbatod ore c by Gee Kitey 3 Hoed it tigad 4 ib ro bl anay f Tiaeiwa TI t tray ef lb Pali dnicbtti all qaa aeiwit raaer ef fiagbl Eieeeo deerttr eaae iolo 00 Bate yottiirdty oraiog Tht hod tees tba taoaeiy proolali ond coat U tab tba aoib ef sOagiaoc tbe BtHd i Weabagten diepnitb r port Oat Ge Mead w ia tB ood rtnait eoBaeod of lb tray lody Gnide nrrieod tbia aft raoa tod ltd 00 Ibe eeteieg Irtao Son Batch I rebeeed F ib a- aodof Ibe cttsby depot SI St IiMit ad ordered 10 repm leGefGfllMei ThaMaar Ediaburg sad Aasriea Bled to day ler Earp whh iactUL BAUmoM FhU TbOjSMilbeni lUaBosaiag peblishetib felMag tbiptis MMg rah wbieb Ml OMadB Mr dotoa Tbarsday nigbt fcr Wbo nad ataraqdinu jota wa ooptarud b asaiay tt lbWBar Kaai dspt aboet tighlaBMMStofRsrMif Th Iraia ws ibwKttoosM the rsbtlt sad a asabtr tf sroMd a Mrsd Ih sr Th pSMafgan aaoag whoa i Ibaa vii gnali iiartaiiliiii s or hta aaUod io Iht ihspo of SteopwAwd giseelaeto oih or wsUbta dltatad ri Aa sseqal- fBlaliibrthir6htty ed by aao af Iho awon ho iwat to ina tiaia yesUt- doy aoa tbMth agptgsl taoaat awwtf laua frea Iho ptasagtn trto aol I ifcaa 0006 etoira ef tfcs itay waa ain I OoadaelerPWy wbo hod eham e trsla Ua asto was asstpslad ta baad ofsra bak fct fdtOO of te Owpssy Conntles CooaoU- WfOtNtOAT 10 rw Ceeocil Btl lb Wardea ia ibe tbair- CAO coMMrrras The Coooeil weal iele Coaoaillee of Ihe Whole ee tbe report of ihe special Cowaitlee oo Ibe oaieleeeBee ortb pit eeer of he gtel- Tbe follewieg b tb- UPOBT Tbe SoWtl Coaoiitte aptied by ibt rnrtri to eoefer wiib a Coaailee ap peieted by tbe Coeeeil ef ibe eiiy of To roelo 1 reference te tbo keei ted leoaace of coealiee priaOMrt ctBiaillee 10 the eit gaol retpesKeJIy reperU the reeeli oflbtir wreral eoofereocet with atid Coallro Tbel your CoaoHlla beee had three erete t wilb tbe aid Coa Bailee ewopotod of Mettn BeeoellSitr tag aod Daekey walk irboa tbe whole nbtect wtt ery aioolely diaooaetd tfir wbicb tb followitg bead ef tgreeaeoi wtra aotaoBy le s 1 Tho CerpoHiioe oflbe Uated Cooo- tiet of York sod Pod to pay Ibo Corpera- lita ol Ibo city of Terootoiho eea of 30 eeouper dty lor eeab prittaor lid I Ibt eity gl ihtUaitd CMaiaaa tech smtgeaeat o be ia leree lor the eeriod of Ito yeera BHber poHy to Iba arratitseot witbiH arrsogiatrt al ibe ad ol Ibil tera lo giteooeyedraelieeto lbo otter perty a Tbe eiiy COrporaboa t btet til ibe kifrt t bacbea taUaa olotba koifoa orktasd all other aeeablo feroiiore oew io Ihe gteW beleagiog to tb Coanbot aee ooo owept lro aeedeioodt em aad ttoeepipet aod all oibor irea work t bol 10 Ibo oToai of iho diyCerpMtiM rtqeiring all or soy ef Ibo aroo bidrsfc tioeeeorireowofmibeoiiy lo bar BOM St ealsatieo S Tbo orif CerpMstioa ktn ib la boot of eeoalr prloH waibo b dedeeliea ead he eoeferaoe ef eeooty prieteort I od froa te ey aad bo 10 bo olotied by te aty rao free ef eberp to Iho coeolieo tbe peraeeti to be aade by the eoootie por- totob le te Idrefeiof tefaa to be haU- yeorly Tbt report area odepled Ibe CoaMl I rote ood reported Tba Cteotd loeoired sod odopted tb report iA a ar ooMQoi TBOiraw Alter te eeeood reodiog the CoooeU ro toleed iltelf tale CoBBiiiee ef ibe Wb 00 Ibe Oai iotrtliirt by Mr Bell e Ibe report of Ibo Bod of Bdaoaiaew Mr Boaeaaa ia te ehab Tb BaB w adapted- wMb eenaia aaeodaeata Ibe Coaaliieo reo ood ro- period oecordiagly TbeCoooed re ood adopted te report rATMBirr or MtiiBts or oooitcn- Tbo Bin iatrodeeod by MoetlbN wilb relartoea te tbe poyaoel of aeabere of te Ooeaoil waa read a aecaod tlB sad Iba Coooeil retoleed rttoH iele Ceaaiiiee el teWbelerMCbefoetotbeebetr MrJP WboeWtoad ifN waa te oMeei of te aaerer te adreeele the bo peyBtei tt ai ef Be tebe twee of Ihe CeoectI csd be got Ibreb wiibM eee weak- bt would be lo nay baa eaea eapeoooo Mr Hartley BMted ilal the Coaaal- I riw whte te W cUaet noder daauaB Tbt aMtiea mt onrwarda witeaawa aad trly oir P WOeeler road el Wl eep- M Cooeobdated SltleiM e Upper Ceaa AH tklH Iswfattydeoo ooder fotBOf iMtiBoaW at ooali ttopt toy aader iHiieh hat beean or tntbia ooo yrtr afier ibe paiiitg of te Act aty be ado te toljeel td pro at Itw or ao eqeity Mr Booltee soatoaded tet te Bf Law wat Hle sad te eelt tbaoM be iresiod wiib mtiiy To oooina bi epiBla ba raad cisaa 2C7 aa ftg C4 tobdaudSlkM 1o VOad of orary WwatBpssd eay as jy By Law rr payiag aaabaatl lb C hrtelrainadsoooie Coooeil ot s rslo atdiiiiillBt oaodoMsr tad tfty osal diaJ Mr Bsrtlw eafad tel te Coaaiitoi rlM witbdrawa Dr Borryass toid b wa lad t biB Ibal te IL a a iOegel He WW ooo oriboe who blod a roeoir iacproprpayrrprprwtk bolifte Ceil iabasd vilhBirpr ttf oeoooay wudt wAsf to Adaiw tboir pay bo weoM go for il Mr Borftee bM bo ooold aot iad a Mr llowUadt atiia bi4gpt lOH- Mr J P Whtder wtbdtw te linn Mr Babbte arared be Ibe Uteb ia te Hill boiMod op wrbMeaiyfireeeoli Mr Perobaa anted tbal H bd Med of with Iwtirtf fire oeoH Lett Mr Harllep aeod tet il be filled wBbiwo dtMersaad ttrotytretat Mr Parakaa amdtei te Coaait toe oow tiib42af4M The CtaaHite r whhout roportihc Mr J P TlWIee aoved tbel ibo Werdeo leara Ibe ek tBI two oeloek CsHed AFTEBNOON SBSSIOM Mr Iltaaa aafced leare lo lolrodoeea By iaw to repeel ByLew No 70 Tbe By Iw ant rctd for a tnt tad tecoed tlioe after wbieb the C aoliedilaelfletea Coaailleeeflbe Wbel oe toad Bill Mr Ewbletoo ht Ibe ekoir Tbe BrLew wt edopied Tbo Cea loillee rote aad reported oecordhgly Tbe Couacil raiified Ibo Atme ef te ToeHoiiiee of tbe iVbot by wbicb te pey of bt Sorgeee eftegaelwaatlvpped aod te appeiaiBttt of tet oCeer aoatn- ed Tbe BeUw wot read a third tee aad b law KtPrsa or coDarHootB Mr Hteaaa ietredeoed a Bdl le appoiet keeper nf the Ceartlloote Tar Bill artt read for a fini aadatceod lime wbee Ibe Coeeeil rewdred llelf iele a Coaailtre ef ike WbelOrMr Heolea ie Ibe ebeir Ike Dill waa adopled ia Coaaitlot sp pnia Micbeel Rfto tt keepee ef the CoarlTlee tl t aaltry of 900 per ao- oafli The Comailtee roee tad reported The Coencil raiifitd the action of tin Ceaailtee Mr Doelibeeaired iholjbe Wtrdeo be rqutd o ttltod tbe naeliog of te Nnrlbere Railway C St three oclock e qeiieee of Mierial iotoreat le tbeae Uaaled Coowlaee ate likely to b breoxl t ep Cerried- Mr Sgn aeeed ihtl Ibo Warden Icsra the cbair oolii 7 eVIxk Csrried EVENING SBSaiON Tbe Coencil aet at 7 oeloek is te ereaiog raiimHo coHMiTTtB Mr Crawford prttealed tb report of tbe 8ltedi Coaiaill eo Praotiog wtM rocoaaeoded tbe priolisg of te tttooto ot tbt Coooeil Tbe Coooeil reeled ilttif Mo s Coa aritte of the Wbete oa te report Mr Deee ie choir la lb CoaaHtoo of te Whet te port WI adopiedtbe Coaaatiee rotoned Ibe Ceeocil rsilM te oelibo of te Coi ai giB or Taa eou Mr J P- WbtlerptMd lb r- pert f Ibt Special CoMnko sppelstod to cMfer wilb te Ceoiaitloe of th City Ceeacn with reprd to te at Of te CoeHHoute li CooMilioo rold Hstlf loto a Ceaaiilee ef te Wbole oo te rapt Mr J4ffryis te ehoir Tbe report eta forth tbel tb laa Catoi BaUtet kodegroHapeomjliocUoa ef Ibo CoonHoa 01 SkiOO aabasaai fer fir yeort to te 0 TofOoM itber pttfiy w to wiibdrsw- to rfw Payacatby teV half yeaaiy Tbe ai el to lake eCat arbeo teirlt 00 yert nelioe I bo tatde roaoeedrroatecooolfpA Mr Tyrrea tboeM tetttr M BodbegbeniitoT BidflirBtoeo Coaaitm hod oBotet AA elaota aakiog te ByUtr wbieb ho w U to easaT lapl aad if asy aaa oeoM ihow bia oasb a slooe bo wooM wittditwhitblll Mr Ibniey Iboogbt tbi dioeaaea wtt jot waalitg tl sad Bpia aored tet te Coaaiitoa tita Ll Nr J P Whalr aro tet te CoaaWa rit rart pnftoto ood iik lasTO lo til ICBM Mr Booltea stid b paaltstoi agiiair Ibit MMiaa of te Ceaarttoa lie oawtetd tek te BrU iBtfA Ho wst wrpattd la m MbgbmiirBp aad f te Bal iaitopreasatMg Mt Hawtoad aorod that te CMa lea WW riea mttk Mi atb to go at to itsaB a rato Ho i lhail68A thoadd baeo beat te loitar Mr J P Whtelsr sted tfsaraao ooUgaio Ibe C te Oifl ek tlSatopiwMrtela fcii Ibe deibo a te loraMora aati VibBw Coatf Coooeil oleao Ho assafaali to tU morlwboM ha is i Ihoi te asMy of te CMilF aooU ibejBdi bait 0 good hdBm leodbd tet te root 1 te wouM B Ibsa py foe te i ioatothr Couatj aty MrnrtHllbaiilbrtbaCtet edtWlirCrrfwwitbTtfhrda tebogaio Uemof Off ooat waoKUlo la a Uiaratl Bol if iboy aos P tha baate io tbo oky efepiwato tettw fiili v ririatiov Mr J P WbsalBRMir te Oaact Ilea aod Isod wa pat ap atatota mL aaerrow it woeM Btiag Mr Bgo oBftoaddtel te la ibydoBOdrt a tosA M U for coot i a Air Mr MBttgrM Mr Bgo dM aot4biBfc it to b jptea- to oati te Mo of Aa lato wo arwik ia te iM alna ihwaHiM rf oodlarty wiibteaoaitftMaf tei Mr J PiWhoritTtoMal Ma imi toraotdhyteffwatetoteCBi rooiMtlibt 8oaailM Mte saaaat r was Iqip te1b HsrlhySMthilMtoeH te Ol Ooaail as a te Mr Pwabaa Ih ilal eoell pay aQoast i x mi AAr eom waw weosdoptod ifto aaik Ibo- Coaeea aeoeptod te rvarti4te CaaiMoaiduiMtewteoa Tis AMiaaitawr v Hi VaBaa p tbasoaiialaoaaiiMo olraA tatohaj of Ibo Cooaty 8olilMr M Mid with te attoatttoal ptoa of Mr M C C WM ia4 ls 10 til sc iwofc Mr Htrllbp toMltwaddbcwW lo IH te BiU ote af te tea ia te otoir mT te qtaklla ilratodtotsl lQais sf tefte ioo of te CeStio Sliltor ihtiaiiifaaM rMh jrtH d IMiiilb la BoW lha taifa atoi fc te Ceaalaet fa mA Baot ooryaadasikCMtMilklkmi

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