Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 5 Feb 1864, p. 2

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AwiMn RUIMMI Ts Tiriniil kFWla- R I Hot lrio- Talrftiirifa FhinnlrcK- Knlriii Finnnii llai icAilMldrii Fo SalWV hinliiiia SP Auri4M nNll In lr Str Suilitt mrt JVii R Wahn ilhyU MMpoiuilC4RTtbLAOjl Inpy ympsrtiiin g u du wiihl MeerrOc in rdihiinj lb Tisinrf j lirlifijam ici rnrrni and knonTII Bnc1ir rr jfn iHtr tb iltAii llnir ilii drftrnlp Mtiiiiiirnoa of iheir mndrtt nil asin nf tbeir SclOetwtl and ohnl naiijro 111 ihit retjifci lrrch iha Iwi lirrn ill th pait M afa- um Ihrir powar and igihofiiy Tralfi time Bewntrket pflWin lm7l rP- lar ift- tnwk paf oh jat tabrrC IM3 Mtit Trin P J-llr- An aovTM nW m Paatatfcn at Aua or Tfid iMk auai 14 mlaam eilTtran ion tlr six If- drM cfa liniU Minitirrf fw- nilhn n evldtnoe ot iabrtnt is Ili AdninulralinB m llter Uiii ibt coonir eotftSy fjaipitUte ilh audi actios on tha part of any parlifntar conaiilDCflcj Seaierl f GoTcraMnt in ii irMtril TiKOw aiiaw Iha djs ef Cnnpaelitn botaaflcrnl like ntertr PoliLicf tlQPe do Drt tlvai gorcrn thr prln io Upper Caaad aoiBtilaPneic in relin Tor lha rpYeelire eindidatf beftfe then More frTqeottT maiteif nf local iBlemt and arelionol jMlaaaia Itrfte 4r inlothMeannMU nd for ouclil that haa jrt r9Qfired majr hare boan tlia eaaa ittSDatti LaaiU lliialao tiateJ on oodaabltd aolhoriljr Ibal loita a hrj oambef of kid Tola har been out for tha aoeeeavfal eandidale Mr bat Kbellier aBcient t nnaeat bin remaist o be leated At all etenta il irill pnbably ftrm tb nf a ParliaiMalar anoity Dot BolniikaUadiaa dfat of tba lulKeGUeol Weifnatday n find Solicitor OefienI and Botiharadiag III MIoving aneounreoMnt ipnn ihajh dHVellon it Meaart McOn and M a pnTAia lalagran fion F iL irhelraema and reonomieal QMttO After glriri Iha plaatin in mannrr io which Ihe alfiira of ihe eoan- Jiriuinarlift Era M wkt Fridir Feb 0th 164 uUga of Good Gofflrn mt Irv hare been adnlniiterod hare pood reaanni for believinp will brio to ihe Miniirr lha anpport of aita a nnisber 1io were heralofbre arrayed vilh Ihe op- poailion a Itie 0ernatot iriU be able to enont nomerieall tIaTanMber of tofporlers that when rhe Rome roae Tbia njaj be amall eonaolalioa to the Coalilioniali but afforda no little cratifi- ealion Io the frieodi of irnnd gOTersaeni Farman Ciab Ai lha mealing a lh Norih York Farmer Club brld ai tha Court og r SiMrJjr ataaini laat lha oomoiiilae appo nled 10 dafl llyIma and RuUa n1 order lr Ihe glvernment of tho anma preaeiilad ihoir KeporL MrllueocK ra Ihe chair The rrpnri read and iko Club wrni inio c mmiiiae of the whela on the IO fill tip cedain blaaka rItiiii Io lime uf reealiDg le Mr IkontiDai in Ike chair CMiimiiiee rnae nnd he chairman re- lorlad ll ltLaa and lUlea of Order aa amendod- Kpol rrceied and adnplad Ity there DyLawa it ianflrmad ihal ny perauB becoming n member of ibr Ag of Nltih Vurk aad aigoieg Ihe roi linuiioii buok ba baoniMa a nrrrber of iha Clob other peraona noi memSera of anid Soeialf can become nbortori iho ptymeiil of 0ta pei annum andaigning lha eonaiiioiKm book Ilia iimea ofmeelng waraalk fixed lo bo beld oo Ihe firat nnJ ihirj Thuradaj I tht nonilia itl DreemUer JauBarr telxoary ar d UarcJtenJ ibo firi Thura day III erch month during he reoiaiixter r iho jear Mr llcicocx lepiried ihal ajreeabty 11 loaKuciuui Mr Cokiiiie and himaell ha1 called iiHe lha of ihe Cluh forioerly in eiisience wbo aiiiie regard lo lha 1ilirry ihii wbai bKika He had liad been placed io the Mecharnu IilJlue Ltbrary Mr atated ibai ha in com panj wiih ilia Preaadent and olh- er larm art of iha Managing Commiliee r ibt Intiiiui had aasiniooJ iho Libra ry of ika liaiiiui with iha eiav lo aacer Uiii whni hxka bad bean 4uiiaMd by Ihe Secraiary of the tilJ Karnwra Club and fundi tulirnee alf or neatfy atl be- iDg foiuinea of the Agriculturiai piper iiu buuk of lha cbaracier or ealuo dee- cribed by naeahart of lb old Club ware eer given to lha InaiHuU wkoaalibrarj IM Apn hi irtfMfiofie l bs Pieaadem wa deputized 0 make further anijuiry aad iba Club aHjogrned InUreating to tho Ladles Tb year I8S ia what la larmed by our Almanao maker iiiaeexula or Leap Vear Uora ibaa iwe eaaluriaa age a tiaiuory law wa eoeeied la England Amac KiiiAiDMd T DAacrMcOitetu- J complialy cbaagiog ihe kneiDB aacU other Whl pleiaia ih kipgdom of loa aa 0 il wra the Bimaiile k and altboajth wa do not now baer a lalligaDce that fjr the Aril ilme in mny lha rareauB fvr IdCn rxernfj lie eadawilei while tba andiluraa nro kh rffr lha alinnlai tho lafrgram aayt vjaly graiifylrg ii la lo learn iho pfaeloua lo Jantiary ihe Pinnnce Mjnii ler reinilied rrrvnxe 00 0011 to pay in full tha inereat due ai ih enm mencemeot of ihe ear on the rrin eial debl i frlher thai ho Ina le nailird in reduction nf iSr Proaineial indabtednaaa in Meaira Oaring k iljnn Oti rtxeriut Thia la a eery much beiirr tiae of alTaira than whan ench year the dabi inatel he Ing decraaaed hid largely to Te Incrrna ad in order lo rrrel Ike ordinary Iiahi Ilea Forilier lrn ihe pleaaing fin ftiardebeniurei fallinc Hue in Canaiia to the amoont of OUfI hare been prompily redeemrd In ibe alao we diieoier lha dilTrrencr beiweta Ihe Hon Mr GakT end ihe preeeot Finnneo Miniwar Won Mr lloLTon Uudrr s Ilaform Giiiern- nieniand with n careful and judicioiM mSB tvrennage the Knanret of the coun Iry a roaull ha len aiiamed thx M ALT otter raocbad If the Opoeiiiori preaa voad retail laea alandet ceeae mbefihatreing eery rei and furniah lliair readera with Imlo aholraom iruh like ibl couisinel Iti the fregoDy aairacl 1 wooM be much mure lo iheir oreilil and beiir for the enuniry There h no ainbgMi nboiit ihe aaa- oMbi no ml fipl cnnciiln of itg tree it a a aimple fncr but full of im- pailapoa to aiery rreud of the Irueince lodjcaimg the earueitneaa to wrh Mtna hate appMed themaelra 10 the talk of bingng the expenilure within ibe ravrniie The Election in South Leeds Tbe rrajH of tlic clectioa in South Leedf a aie ftco lo eonlaaa iituile am- traiy lo ear eipeeUiiont bui wbile thi te troa it alao aSurda eridenoe of ihe flckleneii of poblic aeatioienl and low cajilj ibe clcclvra may be ihSaroccd by dtaiKniB dcoBgniso aoJ political Iriek- aian yea mora il illuwratci the raadi- aaaa with which ear poblie men and OBldba leader are witling to uetifiee jreatiuf polilicai action aoj ptcfeaaioa iBiiply gratify a iujajitiaiy or real pewiah griaiauce r BlCRAItXI the haa beeo beatco by aniajartty tf bol look at tba ooaupoaitiuo cf tbe oumb aaliuu fcraad te aecace bit oiariliruw Tke aobtaee a larg aaeber of Oikasaoiea and Roaaii Calholiea To aostiiue tba Orange and Grceo ia oppo- iiiiaa to tba Solieitoe Ocoeral iba Coa- lilioaaaUaacaed la ba aoeaeioiu Boold prebaUj aaoara bi dcfeaL Maebiocry a at oaoa aet ia notios to coaianiiDatc ta aKily alliaoeo aad bC ibe aa- liniifcnl Tlr oa tba day of Noiaina- lioa tba liiOB tod Laoib sit be aeeo aabat Cm Moatml aoo ererj op jpHtmaitf M bf hit biltcr iaecelirea at h4 varj put and deaeaaced tb ery nut bow b aeta takes aneet aoutal bo saUer wW aa aafltiyf or party to bua aoapar- 4iflibb panoarigriaTaBcaaT Htwi ik Wa aopplaatadr Aad did ha aowdcr himaclT qualified to ba a CaUaat whalLtr otben did cr Mtf Batvbat bare been tbe Map of thi pngea of politiaiast af- 10 Jab A ted appealed lo Iriebaaa to pfwU SoL OeMral bad the Utter r- pUed by U taosa poaiiloo occa ped i IhnHataa by Mr NcOu aad daBBe4 tkaOavbIa Sboflo the Boa- kII VraadI tb brata Ltad Joh ib iloalr Md Oraod Traak aebeeaa eaa bur bt iaa- thaodariba WbcaMoiagaad Maaiasaa aaaUMtt aaaaittbeao- uafjifhB of ao obel iba k sppcebaBd daoser t fid vbao iiotfcad tha ftiM praiae r liMliBiil Jnn latrYorfclUadtMd Ooaliite orsaa e aaital Aa aoBalaaioa thai thcaa Wbaaa m Uadisx trta ilb tba opea apoataey alsBt fm Bcfom lo tho eslrtca of Jwii A MACtMAb 4 OivAiU da- ooaela eoa- Ift iHt Btforoten tkiMntaCiheMGaMrfDtfioaib laoiAl i aatlvkMU ilUIbfeM HiMttry b tha Coaliiloo roBi bl Iho viih if lbtr le Iho alriraagh much about womaoa rigbta coneen liona at aome lea or iwelea yaara ego yaibeliaiig many ladiet era ioi awaiai rf ibair ctaanared rigbta and prli- l gaa during Leap Yvr wa will the law aa pabHahod tai tOM an Ar toe eaar rapaaM b tha PailrsAioiit or Great Biiiaiu Treallof ol eoanablp kre and mairiiDoay iba eiaiM aia AlbeMt M new baeoaia a pane e ike ConiBoa le iu aagaie lo o aavul le layiiewa ulil laievlMao bfc xiileyei iLiilMiaHmjM llya liax lUeatH pririkaa4lMKlhlireU nn tioueib of taAiiig ieee anlo Ibe wbiebtbeyiaty ilealtiilier bf woMiea loelea a aiilo ibea aataaeih proper anJ lauieovrf aomao wtU M aMlilw le tba beocii elaaay who iWiba fa aay wiae icMi bar piiala wub aligbl ei coutaoM- Hra ibM ia iba cfeartotBd righM of tediea danng Lep Yav iW atsfor iwData cbckao beanad bachalort b ibeeo ebariarad rifhif maka trrmblo iipiiiilfj BfbOB fM raataabcr ihai any allfbluf BflBBWly lib yr pan diaNUt 7a froa Iba bBoaftl oftler gy It U boepi la do iba oieintog whea yobr Ud bu ooaa gaailj eeieg aad aboAI iha ifinaMMua ba peppod diraei ye oi axpraaa yew gfaatBrpHaaat tba BBtapwed da aatiamarn of jraar acqiaaip aad hidlp robr Iba laiia apuiuar u Paa 0 getflaet mmmi poaaiMoBialjWl M 7a bae- an with moderniion bearing in mind ailremity nf the Irtw and aererity of th penally irmt ihey will be at eonaiji eraie ae the nature of lha eircumelvija ill permit and ditcounlenanclng lha common and rular mode of the pui year Id alnpamenla ba abandoned alio- gtther Beml to attiiva4 ihe 30th QlCrBO the headt of de part metilt ol GoTemaeot ofieltlly notified dteenployee ihat Ibeteal ofOottrBmeltl WBBid be r to Ottawa sett Oeto bcr and fur them lo make their arrlae- oMoU aad folaea itfiiti lannrilinjly Tba daeided aalioa lakaa by tba Niaitlt in IhitTcapeet fcrBtaatrikiaK eBtntl to Ihe yean of diHydeltylnj of J A and CARTiUi tad faw re tnlted w ooderataad ia decidiag the OtUwa mea lo eopport Ike llinittfy the eonieg aaaaioB Of ooaraa tba latter la bal raiBOBr and nutbatakea for what It ta worth bat circuoittait render ilt tiuibfolneaa eery probe bla Sone of Temperance ronutnt lo wjeornmeni oaetlng of ihoe fiendly lo tlie orgaaiMlion of e Diviaku of tba j of T waa hold la Ihe U S 8 Room oa the SOth olt On molfnn Mr J W Maraden ciMed 10 lha rhair Mr Jamet Buma appnielaJ Sacrattry and Ur Sbepptrd Treaeurer Mr Sbeppard ibe oommliiae ap pointed to errrepond with iha Crertd Scribe thnoi the old Dithlon reported that taid Dieleion had toeoelruek off the liK mnre ihan two year ago Mr itngeie irom iba eommlllae ep- poimed to lovk afier the prnperiy for merly owned hy ihe old tKiaIonrpnr ed ihai wilh ihe eieepiion of a couple uf labW dealroel et Ihe fire a little mirr ihtD one year ago all the aBptrMoe waa in exitlrne but ihal Mr Celdwell bad a claim upon H Cr whal wta owing him On motin of Mr RMra aeconded by Mr Webater ihe meallog doeldtd to form a new Diviaii n Mored bjr Mr Hoitert aeccaded by Mr Yvatman that Ihe iniliatioa fea be filed at l00 tod qoarterly doea ai 25el Carried Quite a Urn aacaber preeent then paid fT00 eaA lo lha Treatarer who waa ioalracled to proeare Ihe aeceaaar regalia Ac for a new Diviaioo After aipning the ebtiler and fflliajt op ihe Itanka with the ntaie of Newmar ket Diflaioa No 105 a eoomlliee wta truck lo Qike ihe neeiar7 arrance- leenla for tbe orgaoisalloo of the Oliia- aion A role of lhanki was then tendered ihe chalrnias fnr hie able and eOeieal conjoct in Ibe chair and tbe aeelinir broke op lo again aieemble On the call uf he eommitle VtbeBjlir airbwigMbery Aia re tbelirtB MkpeBt nf Uia JidJaiolt4hTlMn We MaJa sla 6or alClTlat of aery 54 I 6er aleak aile wlihiha Majyl4 W drlfd aad nentlit lnia pi Vebe diced aiJallebHala lb aileertiaeiAent from Mr ReeReera Ii aiock rl fainpera ia naeiapfflptaleUkl Lig maniafKiiuod nrnlei hie ova taper iaion lee make no loubl porchteera will t eU aeuaAel jilwbMee juiialea Ihey may aelael inf hit Wyeh JtOBsry it now paal hat eon parwlrely faw wheee rahteHplleoa cmbbm wfth Ihe belettla et the year ba paid Haitnt imde aria iae u apeldiMdeilat be ealKg aeaajna nf farlk Iinl oor aiptura viti neToMrily he arjely WieeaeJ we fteieftre bepe or ft erOt pay op praBipitr AT The rgulM qoaitael ww io eeaeeeiua wiih lia W M Cbexli ea tbe Kewaiarkri aud dreali wUI bbM la tbe Chapel Prpe Street ertt Sabbalh ITe lodenaaod bw Ree Mr CarUler Ike Lleyriiewa CltaiiwiU eSelaia eaibe eeea Afterpnaabiai Ike tiearaaMM wtUbe alciaUit at The Perth Demooitration A pabli dieerr wti glrefl tall Me- Faaiaiit Ei- M P P fer Perth by h oiileeota ra FnJay Uai Il wta alieodid by al the leading sea of Ibe le foris Parly ia iba Covaiy aad wat sp a oiaik of apprortl of tbe cearie ptr- d by tbeir rrpreteauliee is aappeitiug lie prcieot Uiautiy Tbe reiull of tbi deaoaalcBliaa bal loo plaaalf for Ibe Coalilneiela taaadi Ibe pohrittl dralk II to Ibe apiriag bepea nd faiert proapeela ef ibe acted geellemaa former y irpcraeotiog Ibe coaalitaeacy Mr T MDili beBce ibe alleapt lo belilile tbt aair by Ibe Leadrri cerreapoedeal but wbea we aay ibat oter 300parlok ol Iba dieaer tad tkal by ibe time apeaking eeoaieeaed eeiae 4M etaeaMatt to di baaqar to Ibe aras and Ibe Gaeetameal oiae coneeplioB nay ba fortaadeflbe great ealbeiitaa ef It people Tbe peakieg oa the eeettioa wtt efeMleBi lad we BMke ao doabl ibe cauaa ef Re om wfll be eoaaiderably atreagtMd by tkit daaeaairatioa Salo BoftiUr Mr IVb MaLior ef Sharen baa a ere- Jt aale uf aleck Impecsema fce on Wed- neaday Belt he Iwb inac I M P Ttaao Aoeiieorer Sale al It sleek By eiiioe ef a Laadlerde werraMa Mr i Kaeaaaav AeeiaaeM aoll ibe geadj nd ehaitela at Lawia aoaaiTr ea Moo- Febraaiy Sib at 1 nelock Tba eLal fa rmbraee Blackamiiba loola beiiaebokl fainilvte Paia ba iag their eale bile piioleil at thie I Ace will bate iheH aUa oeiieoil aa abwee laniegb ba aataaae ihit paper ree Hrfilw Caaaeil eaKli wieipal eke ttlB day aTaaiat wbeo MaBielpat tfcatia let tbe yaaf will b eppoiead aal olbar fea etal bBiinaaalitaaeaierf Seeeral roiifltanieaiaenei on eariooa aoljecKa bate been lereieed viibin tbe paal two weak loai of tben wob hate appeated ere ibia bad tba aolbera fur aiabwd Ibeir aaaaa i wtBtlng thie npcM aaiy iiileraiaiien we aiw relaeiaalljraeiB- peNedieenlf to ibe dead lailec fyle The leaeea bt a aiilel obaereanee el ihe tale a knowledgaof who tbo aaihw ouai be apparent 0 eeery eM We daeaM a laca pMiaa of aa paea Ibia week lo ih preaiedtege cf Ibe Coentie reoneil Tbe boaiireea bat body ihle yrar ia eery important and we mabe no deebt ertll be road with inler- et We erpecr In e eboit lima to ba tbte to lay aone facta eoasecfed with iba aua aer la wbicb tbe latepafertefibeee Ceon- liea hate 10 pay for deinK botiaaee ta Te rasie Ibal wilt taieai caaay Bal paaceit 11 b regard to tba mailer Or Bewritr oeal ifapcriotendeai f Sobaela for ibia Ifonlripaliiy delirered an tdBiirabIa leciace in Ihe fall laal Fi day ereniBg asd wa aie aniy aorry le be eempelleJ to add ibe alttDdence wei Dei what we aniicipaied ot what Ihe impac- ttnee ol Cetamen Schovi ediioaiiee really demand Had ii beaa a nevtleg ae eae genileraaa leneiked en tbe eeraelen call ed I deetde whether a real et Iwe la ibe elet wee lo be treied A lle edeeaiioa el our youih the room woold ptehebly hare been treadeJ Stich a leclotett ibtl de- lirerel on Fiiday etruirg laal la aoioeo equalled i tbe Hall Tbia etening we la liate C McFuoia bf Tetoo- tv Sulitci IfiM Thia lenilrnaa ap peared bafoie e Newneiktl audience iwe yeeia ego and waa wall rpceireL Coloiiiiil By ta altetliaeeBl la anolber eofaota U wiB be eeea ibet apW r Mr ffatTxoa waeBbt Hew aad Cel itlea say be aaee ailhetaace afMrWw jtMaetaa Tbe ociiaaaaivn vfiba fewaaaiket Dirwion Ceuji will half at ifta Coan Hoaae oO Iba lb of Marsh praXhoeaBd the Taat day af aatlee ill ba lea daja piarieeaie Ibat dale mt I aacMBt A Miaiiaaiy aeelkg raaeaBp baU ia the Vi leyM Obwrtb bytaMe we palaiii Oeaifa r kUe Cerakia laatatd aCMIa Caau Movaa aeeaa t Iba My aaeaeMalag whbMlaaMaW r iBOOMaMioB wiU lb CaarepMeaat Cbaiab al tUa pbfee wU baMHaa Meaf reala BMiabe Ctepel fciKbed aveac Ftaa tlae aOM e tbe geaahatea aMMead an I era aba aa deabt at aa bi er ruimSmS mBtm4BtttfaB a atiiait let aMifdaf eievkga ta JMaebba ieallXewtBBifeef11 wiB bf reeeOeeM wbb wbal AteetlMy ttera yeea ta ibia- pItM ae AnwyW 8eatheadprtaa awMiaaa ITSr MM ftrttaf Pbktia a AliTBl of tha Ciiy of Vaw TorlL New Vuai Jan B- The Ciiyf Mew Ysik haa airited The Dar iab qeeatiuo leiBaiseJ oBcbaog- ed Ilie Aiinnry Renetal appeal in tbe AU XitJr caae Nurnetcua eircala cf ItaTiaat I Patia hat herii nad PiOTtioiis aiill adranririf Ftoot havy Wheat decluiin Id in id Curn ileclitiaJ U isiird 30a 6d foik llimrr tarjae liroaol uiicbaiigrd juai inaciite Fngliah fiindt rimainrd wiibeol tbe alfgbteat alinaiiurk Dircoon demand ae- iiraid applieaiiina al ih Bank yeMti- Jay weie ratber mere uarmereoe Tba Lawdoo TVaee aaje on ibn Daaiah aide tbe laal reaolta haa been lakau and buuld any lieiman tegioeoi ailtaiee be- Midlhe iHiilbeiq bwfndaie sf ihe Federal tetiitoif Deonuk ia taaofted lo etler oa war wiib aU her ertetity Il it qntie lime mat the iwo gieat OetiBan powwta deolareil iheir foiura evatae with roet paeiaKin Tlua aacaiAlacy aUlet- eooU do ue miue ihtr could uoi taio Ihe teppierd uccupaliB 11 lluleietB lalo mi lataewo ui OeerBaik witbeat akl laotalheir powetfal aeppoiiera bul aa 10 wliai ate ine teal inleaiiona ol Aeaiiia aad fruaaia Europe it aiill la Ibe daifc Baaorane Jan 12 Tba Federal CaiB- iBiaaioaere attUed bate loday Tbay aie belieted M bata eeae la Ileal apan ihe iBaller el Iba eii tillagae on tbe aenil el be Bider elatined by lltdeteiaa bet aol yei eracealed by tbe Daoae HiMieao Jan 13 Adeiree receifed bete ftetii Cepeohagetr ef Meada katia Ibat ibete aia grael Bepat cl ibe piaeetta- lion ef peBea Loaaoo JBB 14- tba Pa tia CaaMifiOioaai aeye ibal tbe teeepaioA gieea ui tiermauy lo tba pa eeoforanoaaa Iba Sohkf gHolatein ueiiioa iii paoff iia impoe- aibtliiy Tbe propoeen aedialion vlllen cooBter ooia otjeciiuo Ibtb lha aoofer- esee A daaira relaiiea W lha new rtaaeb loan ia piibliahed bgbi clerfyaiaa e lieleteio bata ed ooaa aiMiaea lo the Fedttal Diet fer itr rwAtiiiiioo efibe Duke e Aagaaipbbaig Yiaaaa 14 Il it Oat Count ReebWg bae adtfreeet aena lo all Ibe OenatA fHalae maaally re tte FaOeTBl Diarto aHielly beawa llie liailaaf Ha ee it oaad ibaea liaaiie a 4ba qaaaiiaB af tbe ipataiaa Iba Cwcblae Aaatti atad PiiMaia will ba eoopalled lo aailla tbe qaeeiian ibeaiaaleet Tlie Ortof era hu b ea bNaibt I alaaciioo let r3000U Ututuau Fiday Ju lS- BraaileiuffFlearnMniiMlai a daaUaa td 6J per battel Wheal beaty a tlealiB ed id lu W pMaaaikr war red Cora decliaiai tailed- 9da ma t rtapocWfjf de tW Mif flfVaMlklnr tribeHdtofarCeaaty If what wa bear be decliaiag Anina of tiAmmludaa- New Yuai Jto If TbaCaaaid Maa Mp AatalttbiebtailrilieLtee peel al lUO ea tbe Iftataeal ef lb- Wtb aa4 laaB QaaaaataaiB ae iba ITkb Jaaaeiy artlesd hara ibia aiaia IbeawewtOewaia tee Seetbamp- lae laak ei aeraral heavy tiegeg Urge calibre br Ctiml aaa Tlw CotetBaeat uteeiiBlipfi iat iba aMdf Iba CoBfadafaia prMaiaa Ba peaafead ta piaeia abnais Ocitle ai Sbaaraaae gaibf of ptm aa gimt afdsiy aad lialaMAad ibaaeBnilijr law Tbe fatBaiii U dtiiiwiial m HaaaaaM ptIaeiBB alaodatc Mr SjrKrsriSiK tba tsagiaUBia Bsti beaad trtt tt epaMtiagbiBKkitta4 OaaUb a WliitoB kapi iba aatp lag BkraiBf JBBafa dt aMMMdiBMoat pAruM af b paa- eiboMyr Tbo Sm ia air IlM with xiaBiBattadaoov OpbbaWab apaaabaa Iff IM Miraod HM rtM IO Bkra TS prtmit lawiit ThV ffiBeSaovbrifij fttbitlty ia copflim i Aoaitia aaIKaaaa hat jided Man lha miiiittyaHWiion rNblaavlg la apiiienWlWFederakdiea The MltfyiagiteraaarBtekan ftaai wM Iba pom DailnrrMM iiidor ateala wiMi wtdab k CaUBjJan Jne ira fro Wr tqeaSSa i hia deioHaiaad ibai prepataian abotl be r made fea pleebig the aitDpppea ILar 1 fobliac emiataleri an Vionnt fnJerlin haee beawiaeiffleied to maka praparaiiena 10 lha nettrnmtiit relMrelotbe ituead ed nnniiaon ol Schleawl CteMHaaiR Jaa l6Anoag ihe bllti aubmiixxl aihaRI4gi onfo bir iniMOociieB 1 QMstrk at itiaf ik uiaftn kunMTri i ihal ilo Ulctk do aotiiy bia wn a iBotetBal la el of that effect Can ied oirwa acotdoJIty i-A1eH- tqaifMaCMoblO IBU f waa BontttaM to t iked b ilb I jaiy on lha EnsMah ayatem Ktat Jan 16 Duka Fraderiek raeait ed a dmiaiioffef HUiainalargyinf t lay The Dinea tie terefled boaily eni rf lioi Older lor tbe etacaailm of IbeMalla been teeokad lMt in breaking ep the iee en the Sehee n bebea J ft LaaBtrt KOi ihw baeiaee e of A- T k Lo waahrd otet- beatil fiom the Aoeltalittlaa and iltown noiKiihiandinf Ibe Vmorl tfloiti ef a tolenieer beala crew to aate UiA ntir Bne fc tapert btaadtlelfdall aiil piicea hately acpporled Amrtlof tha Amirioa- Niw Yoatc Feb 3The ateamer dtur Biemen afa 2loalbaBitoaAh Jannaiy ua ariited The beak dfeeof Boalee waa barberl aieee Tbaerewwena eated Sba aa from N Voik with a general cargo atetltet in epaeta baa beeo pnt by Ike Bank ef England te Ftaaee Tbe deaaod for ducoani en Loodun wa heaay Cooaela SO le MJ Cr seury The rebat loan waa S4 le 44 Ketdae Mf aOe A pnjeo fM Ihe belter reeaUtiun nf lh Rtmagna will he aebtaiild lo ibe Powrii wbe rigned the Itraty of Patii Tbe Feiieh Admittl llatnlin eaa dea Trn milina frxnca were wilhdtawi fom tbe Bank vf Kraare- iTatT Tho Dirllo hid been aaicad fer pablHn iiig jatibaMia addteai anneaBciug ibr- oimaiioo of a caomiilea Is ptaaeta Italian aaion Btlia jostnala aaaetl ibal Deflsstk ia ready lo patticipale in ronferesee propeaai by ptetided Franca will Prfnee Chaita leateeBerttaae iba Q9ih lih hit alaff Thiiiy lo Aoatatd Pioaatan iinnpahad beendeapbtchM lo Hutatein Uaeoter who would ctaaa ihe Jbe wiibooi balling Aotiii liaepe M tilaaw vera far watilrl on tba VOb byapecial iainaaatiy- 1000 aea each fa Brtlla iaaaaeited lhat Ihe Aoatrian Lowei Hoaae lefaaea ihe 10000000 rredk de maoded by ihe Oaeernmeet ita eipeo- cea ol lhat oecerkailen el Li freacaaaaeitaibai Piaatiaend Aaa aa fital eel will be le ott ha Piiace or Aotlrahlitg 10 qoil llolaleiB Tbe Saiiea aa engaged breekirg ip ihi iee il the Seblei The Welmr Zeiirreg eeye if ihe tmili llaiea had fvreaeen thai ihe great Peveo ileoded 10 apbotd ibe Lendea irraiy so drr all eireuaiaiancae tliey would bare toted lor oeeepaiaea at Ihe eolael Ihn aaya Deonaik ea not coispy4ih Aultia and Piueaiatalii- naium What happcna depeoda enetinl lahiiea in Kninpeaiil Getmaay In ea f war ihetman aitniea rrQeite fiiei rerka le elli the neeeaeary eiteugih Ity ihcii lb Danih army will be laigtii ihan etet and r wih woiba aUa te huld in diet k an anamy iwiee a aitong IiVcatiK L- Caiieo maikela liapaeted nd I t Iu I lowrt Whaat 21 to lewvr Kifiur da I Coto bik at 30 te SU in adtane Uioua iAtiioT Wbial Idja lew Thealmoai iiaaoliaie renm ef iba Baak if twiflaod ralo leS per coal ta laekfO lur he Aoalian force ia Scbletwig will hardly niiiabet 20000 Tlie IliuetMul Walrt waa ae far ad tancrd ihal in roibtr balltiina were iaeB d Tbenfaal Pitee waa qetie well American Bevolatioa- NawYoRKsJaa 30 Tha llvaUt ariB of thn Iuuxnae apaeial despatch aay that a Coiilederal eapltio oftbe Q h Vltgiuia ctftlryhat come iuto uiar line- to lake the oaib of allegUiKa Ua hod abinnid ib Cuofadarata tardea be aeaa ha waaaioced il wh uaelaaa ta buld utti any longer asd iba foilhei eaitiaoce wuuld roault in driula ig tha South Numeroo ittaeriDB frtwn ihe Con federaia amy cecoaraga ih belief thai the limaU Ml firdiatatil ebaa ihrro will La a lutaj diertfptioo of Lret antiy A tquednn of lha 4lh PtBttBel cavalry hat rtiursed froiB a aiaeena ful aiiiibo 10 Aldia and Middlabaig A laanery waa dcalrojrd whiah had fur Biabtd kiaibar to lha CuBfedaraiae A Coafaderua ptrof gtierdlaa waapara ad who abaodoaad ibair boraaa aad lOuk rafaga io b foraat olgbt boraaa ware oaplarad 1 Tito New York TTaae gitot tha fu- losing apaeUl WAaKDoTo Jao 29Ii b r ported Ibal tbaaiekBaaaof Vico FrUatii ia OoMgt ia rripd ia aS bmI cirolaa aa bitud lu aoear ao o rapuira aiili PreaiUeei Oaiit tad iba lUebaoad adwtniaratioa aad all pitUie eiwdiau of ibB robalitaa Tbo aaabar of CociCrfocata pbaar IB OBT baoda ia oSdMly aMad bi 9 OMt et aaJ baiwaeD 43 009 aud aDltalatl aaoa AU ibo Cuofadanaa pna aaarBafar iatboaapMl aBlhbaJakoB to puiBI Luukoul to aaarru WiwBvroif Jmj- ffiff deepafeh to Hia TVwaaatatoa tbai trwei- tsatby InfaraMlSma ea hrWB baa fu olabad akewt a000 Maawotr boe gkiia A VtrghtlBB jaet ftom Bakotly wa aia lhat CoaCtdania daaonaro Bra ooauDgJa fa ttrga Bviabat abd ulag Iho oA 0b aeaafonp ef tbaai btb aeot loiba ftoWia oBwelOBaad Bnatb ar la aaoM to lellear Fira MayleBdaredeeeeiera fraai ibe CeoMoraiaa baeo arrivad bot aad ta kB ibo eaih of tllogluoa Tbay i praaaatad that Baariy all tba Mai era ib Leaa amy woulf do llbowlea il BMored of laaiatil oocor daoeo vHh tba VftMuin m eJanadob nrt Coloffib bJ tr lha Nertti All rttiela the eittioa bid beta eo- K aA ialo lha ileaaoi agroasd ee iBTBir tadwbiali Mr lltti eyiihiaaalfr tnemlwblte dnatroytd FTrTHaria fired oa oerrtateU bui atruck Boaa ei 1bqi A leller fraci UlilAnIUad dated p itt loit reporlt aolbiag ef aaaietl ie- Iftetl Tba theniac ef Cbarlealsa U aoaiiB ar4 nhl aad day at talertalt of a ttiuila Cbarloton it IadaaHy craJiblieg uoJtr tbe ieceaaasl boinbtrdtaeel Wauiyoto Jaa 34 Atpcbl dt paicb 10 ibe TnKitky lhat hatracHem will be eeette Uab- 0 tht Prrai- aBl 10 apM4ioa mp an eeciion for GuraVaer of Ibe Sltie ef Ar- kanaat oa Ibe CTili day ef Mtrch Afler ibt rlfctMa ibe lioteraer tt i aadetbloed l ctH a ceotealiaa in raeite ibe Sltle convlilaioti ao at l tbolith alaeerf So poraon will be owd le veta wbo dorv Bot tike ibe oith praetribtd by lha Preti- deal ia bia preclalioa Geo Plfaaaa- r sfthe eiralr be itiaad aa etdif la Ibe o Ibal ae eieaaa wUI ba baretrter icrplel Ur karprla BT caplvra imder Ibe plea Ibtl ibe raaaey in oer uiifiria tt 04 pert wiU ba aHawed lo aifmaob w Ibiii ri8 abnl eoid ihrir charlclrr a- crrtaind OSerra aarptited will be rt eoohaeadrd for ditiaiaaal aad ptiralea br liirdbyenerl Biirlial abeold Ibey prott eapcoMOle l3JBhddrlrievlfoaraifern foetd n Iba act of aaktfg war agaial Our fotctt ae oidatttd b abet on Ibe p il Adrarta Itoaa Ibe araiy tepoil ibjl a laall body el wiarearjiry whtha paUollMg atMleofour tidetla watv aliatkrd b aa aakBowa ruree whj weaadeJ foar oer aea ead eaetpeJ Batitiaealt IB Aikaatu bate rapidly in cieataii I hrre repmeata ef lllOO bmb eatbar in taieee tad tve oihrrt am filia ap Tballaiae UatidilM lo otjijrd lo ItB aaabar of 100I Tbrea atliJUn coapaaaea are belog raiatd lTb4Maoaa hta Ihe ataaraae a keat a gtBlltaea jai freoi K wbe baageao to Wtatag- loa looiaiaBralt wiib lb lacrtrraieai that llie rrbel aaibttttiH are Ukiag titpa 10 piopotp lolha Fedrral Ooteraiaeal lu lay dawa ibrlr arai pnrrdrih na Prea idrBit aiBbeaiy precUaalleu ba aileadeo to Ibcir leadtre rp- IhOteitfuJaa 83 A aaacialta iba fliifiw datri Ciafiaaati todMaayt ikBt it ia ttkMf laBPiiBiiad that UaaenI BewelBaa hea beaa aaaigairi le Iba ew- aaadaf ika JVpartMBl Hnaaari Geaant Sebetaid Im bMa Ordered to pMlto kaaralGraat who wiU oro- taMfwBliiils oaeaapd ia BaslTeo- dMaataboaya Ca Ekia a alaf oCccr fro Kat OB Tiidr a vaalr ap briq iafenaa ftab ikat La kbea raiaCwead ilb Ma m aab BdeaaafBc oa KaoieiSa patkiBi Graaar faraaa b laroii It MaiikbagbdtM aari atwy tejb back to esiraaebeaau M iCaoiiilla It u raforlad Itat JabHart CoimUet doooeli CgatlbMj fnm Jink feg r Atronoiif Tha CoBBCtl went ioto Cominitlaa nf iho WboWoa a ByUw appoiBtiBg Aodi ton Mr Jrnf ia tba aMr The CoiBBtill roae aafl tba BUI paiiiil a fBaad aed tbfnl raading aad appoii4ed Metara BoacU and 0- h e Andiioia for the jMrat a aaUi ol 60 each Tbe WardeB BOalBated Mr Oasbla Mr Ifarilejr oppoeed lha aoaiaatioa Mr Moeeeo eaacrted lhat tba neu ben of the Iooacil bad no ril loobjrtt lo ihe notuinalian fioo tho Mlir Bnlcaa ihey kaew of aooelbing wbicb woold reo der bit aomiaee oafil forofiee Mr Jrahamaeid Mr OaBUevaat retidetil of another maaicipality Mr Mauen did st ibink ihat the fjct that Mr Gaabk bad the njiaforlOBe lo lite in Turonta ww aar reaaoa why he thoalil-ba- o tx Mr WbtUr taid ibtl out of aoottay 10 Ibe ebair they oait to pas the fly Uir He did bo tbnk il a diognee to bo a reaidnt of Ibo olty of ToroBU The ByUv u reoeirM aad tdoptad TM OAOL Tha raad tbo fidloaia aoai aoBioailoB fcitT Toioirro Jaay STih I8M f 8it1Wa tbe baooaf- Co iafora jam that tbo Ooaoail of tbo OarporaUM ct tbe Cfly oTToroiite baa oapotad Ai StafUac aiib CasBaflaea Diakay Bta- alt Obairaa ol tba Otif Baard of Oaol loapoaiata to ooafervM a Ooaa- niiiee of tbe CoBotiea CqitooiJ fcr lha parpoto of eellltBg am tbO BaiOBiit tobe paid te tba Cii by aa Oonatho fb tbe luaialeBiBca aad aappeat of Cooaty pria- oaeta al tba oev nol aad to atoartaiB aaavbat UrM Oaaaliia Oaa will tell tba aUp to 4ba ty in iba eeanl af ibo OoraraMaBt tba b gaai laaa Iba ally I bava iba baoar to bo Sir Yoar obtdUai aamat UaiM CeaMio Torfc aad PaaL NOtldt or MOttM I I Dr BarfTtiMia rbto aotiaa that ba will 00 loort Boeo ibat Jsba Etaaiek ba appoiatod bj tb CoaMBtooaNaAtbe Mr J P WiaeijMi oMloaUat ho trfr oa taapj ta idtbd iato CoattBittoo of ibt lo lakMW ooettdcratiea iba irop of cMtiog aid to Ibo aevBrat WaMMl IMedaa A rioaltwal SoaUtifi ia Ibo Oantlia Br Walkar gkra aotiaa that ba trill oa la aorraa ataea Cat laaoo ta latradoaa a Bill lo oaalm ByIaaw a UI of Iba lavBablDefOaMoa ulatifo to lb aaU Sssaw prroe eoto t ibeaaaolBtataai e So- bckCWaltka U ahr Ika i aalkurtHaiir iha fWfMa gj lag to daat aOM a artaay MBta with rtaat to koap aad al laaaBOB of tbe CoaBlj p ia Ibal City O tha aaa af tb CovkKooaa tbo City aad aU atiaw oaaeaotad ravlL Tba CiMaii Ibaa aovaad utA i day at ta oaloak MttMAT Febcaarj lal 4Mii Tba Coaaaft mi jmimitr al to oWter2e3Uwefcslh ia tba abair TtoOaak thaa Nai lha ef tha Ual aaatiig vbiab ata dUy t adL Dr Baojwla covadaaeaoMbf Mo Qfahaa 1 That Ma Xmi jlliilw ataf aa br lha iaaarpaiaiad tIU of 7oik Tfllai bo aalhowwdt ihia OMaaa to aoetiaaa K laty aad aaHaaliaa of a ThmiMo Piktf aribMor of taxM lbaliatBoorpotttdeSiof Bna Ha bo athapq by lillaOaiMil to iiniadeolUetiMfib eopaid M for aaid eilla Ihe Hftordaaoo will lha prorl lidatod BlalaHa of Upaar Mdiirm aadlM d aotiiv bitflo that effcct- OanU ao aadcd b Ur That Meaar Hanka Booltbee anV ihOBotwhoB Saloel CoiaaiUoa todrafl a ip ocrtara tmOBdiDeata to tbo naasgoaent of tbo Jodieary he iba Cit of To roata tad ibe United CoaatieCar rM ifr ITtaaa teeoaded by Mt Vtoee That Mattinlvit asd bo added loiha apmated by ibU CoBoeUto eooferwiihlbaConniitieo tppoiBbd by tbo OitfHoaaail with re- feraaoe lo ibo keepiag aad aaiBloieiw of Coaaly tfitooan in tbo Oily Oaol as Dlber oaitert aonneeled ibetowilb After loae diacateloo the rcaololIoB WM Vat rYeat U aair JO hy Bifina ChtiraaaofHiaSttnAfi CooiBiiiUaoA Roadaaad Bridge broiiijht op ibrlkt report Tie aaoBT Tba Slaading CoBnUha ca BcasaA Brdgea to aboa aat referred Iba pat lioo of lauoO Oordon and otitete prayiec that a torrey bo made of part oif tbe 8ih line of Ihe lewoahip of and the letioa of aaia lino taocrlaioeu bg leave lo report to Ulevt That it hat beeo made te appetr to 5 nor Commiitoeby ihe petlioB ef laaae I Qordoa aad olbett ihti pett of Ibe ellU oonoeatioa Maa in ihe towntbip ol ifaal Owilliabory ftopi lot a iotber lit- leea lo the noribem Iowa line hat aol been IJ oot in tbo oridotl aorre of eaii v or if it Mt tbora tt ao feel or mueuincnt kn by which aaid road can be traocd end lhat it u deainbU thai a aarray of taiij road ahoold be ntadoaod ibe looaiion ttocrtaiued Yoor Coaailtao woold thertfore R- aoiBuiend ihtt a petition from ibU Coon eil which ibay beravjib ipbalt be pra- aentcd lo Uit Ezenenejp tha Oonrner Oeniertl pnylng ihit a tarrtyer ba pp pointed to aairejt the aforeaaid road aad pUee uonoBMat theraoa and tbereb aet at real thadupolca atd iaooBTeaieM which ariae the wall of knowing where tbo rood ia qaaalioa iaor obooUl be The Coooail went loto Coanitloa of Uto Whole 00 the report Mr Boll ia the abair Tha report aa then adopted ad tha CoaaUitM roea aad npo IH I tba 0 aacil tba aioti tateo by Coa- miiiM Tbo C caoaired aod admled tbe report aad iba pdtltioa to Kia B pv Vaa raad fvf ihe flrtt acooad ind third luata and tbo aaal of the Corporalba ab- taehed thanlo Moara TotK aaonrar orrioa Boaltbeo pudaaiiaj ibo report of tho CoaiMioaeie appoiajedfo f Itaiittr OA Korth zort nWa until UIKMrdeF eb8trr irai re aad vara Inmdj Ibniie rai aHO ilcCniira iaaltf To ToroBioTe taa atpokT Tbi CoaatarioBer report fbttiwa Oa esterlng apfto tbo dotico of tbe iraatofided to tbeiai the dial BMlter biohrroeired ibelr altebtion I oenjooo- lioo witli tbe lUerca aod Depol RMrea of the Bidiog of York wm lha a looting of a tile for tbo oSee After kIt log the aatier doa e para aooot iiaportaoca teemed le tbo jad alal of yoor CmBiulttiaaera aod dint eoidjaiort to attaeh U lo af Ibo ailca odcred fur obouaU mo at tba eiireaie traiMi thonNga of Newaar- kl i tbo other the rita ob aUoh tbo boijd- in ia oo arcelaiL Tho fomtar mbC fern by Ita oaaet Mr Loaat aa a gift falle tbm haodred aad Uky doUaca ia eaah vu JeaaBded for tho other Toat CoaaiaiMart daaatha lafcib wUab tho faaUdiag i oroia4 aa bM a elevated titaatioo ia tba oeotro afiho vil laga byiirtboaeataitabloaadadn tageoo ailBatioe bal hcritalad tomy therefor the aaa aatioB4d bilsaaoiMi iag tbiitba obooabTbataiiaa ta loll l la aiMod Aawaliea to7 twolaotf red dtdUn ef lha mb J oar CoathtialaaaM voali pay lha r adap rUaafwnahaUtobanry Ur Wd poinlmni uMai tbip- v- reiiiiecaV tehoot tort aa4fidKraacbot eoeiioaal fJoeltlf ajftS pSlag thai Mr Jiaee McUutre aol rayotawd m Cooei 9upribtaede9l of Tproow Tova efrfp y I Air iofflhjmifofteiiea ihal ho vT on to ntorrowtmte for ihe appoiotaie uf a ttlcct eoniiniile lodrnfl a o Iho Legitaiura praying i eortaii atiendmenla lo the Jurv Leas Mr Pnrahm otnioo ibetbo en Friday neat loove ihtl lb Ceaaaal do refolte ilaolf into e Coamilioe of thai VVhol for tho pupoeo taf laHw thai tavinaiiMe of ll M2Ma toooha ronl OloiirflothB aSataaof ihfl MJ- lolioit A leier waa tadlfraaL Mr Blaia Ward Ntx 5 Toronto towpahljrefc Ing upnn the coim of Iho Boata4f i Tnriinio in aiieinirtlag lo bava Mr Aa McUuire etaoifdflMh peeiiioa of Lcal TbeXCuiwn iten adliafiH day bl ieiuclifc j tba OaMJty Ai0AL UAJUiunov orntitJa The annoal eMiqlaatia of iba daif oiQie plpaUof Setoel fcr tbo i Deaf aad Donbtad tho BHad Mokf la the Toapenaoa Hilt Braak liat nijthl where a laga and l aodirnoe alteoded to aitaoaa aod inieniljueaoreifaaataa naie pontob of M fctloa eraiktaraa papila of Ibe tobeol oeoariad ainti aa pUifora and preaaaud la ihA aaat lidy itiiie a icapeciabio opaeatBaaa Mr MoOann la opening ibawaaatftip aaked ilo kla4algaaeilha aaatlac wbtla baofftM a Cwpraaiiat raaMlf bifora ba aoaaaaoad lha fsaaiaaitiM He retud lhat it bad baaa iodbakrlaaif Iv cireoUted Dol oaty ta rbla eii IM i laroitghoaUbe PreviBOo ftat hobaikiia dUtoiaed frooi to y by Iho tato SapertntaBdcat of Ibo ooaaiUto of lha Society for tbe lo af tha MT tad Daab Bad BMad TbiartHM falao I ate partieeUk Wbaa by tbe Uu to aaaiiaaa ib aervieea as Head Matter ha 4aaU de to OB ver aaaa yaaada ihM proaipied ihOoMaiiMea toVra aalhal raaolatiao lalilth iHiii Mi ihililiikMM t iber peoaaUiy liabiliV HrHaOaaf lUtM Btaid load amUaaa that tw woili carry oa iho tahew la a Mtl aMiak naoucr withoai iborddClho aaaal ga oraoMBlgraal lal hhoakaaMtiA iloBt or ortUotioba ao ihaa alavM fSr tbo boaH aod odaoaUiik af f deaf aatca bj Cooalj CoeieU year aad by m eicBt lOBMat all ai en aaleriea loai ped after Bait aaaoMf aUe to redaM tbil I Lftolaiof lha lataf Uigo B aajuor uf boaraera aa to his lo el ihb lodimlab Ho dcd a aaat apaaeh by iutiait Ihit 7 gomaaMal oBtd parobaatOOadMj good laod Iho ooel per pafillitMlliw aaeanltotTOoeeh yoar HaaoMaa the eIiiBiaf TdmtoiijpTa Ua a boaao krga oaa aad b i deaf aatao aod bU paila lat aest ouBaar Ibo otaaiaatiee whidt liiBpail ym of a very ieifnaUag ahata tied aaah wapalhy fcf Ihd KU B on anaiaad UnWbay afiM ala jaiu mm Oaao Viaablia Cat aadUA advaatogoa to tha oaaa aad tha M wta aeeordiagljr 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