Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 11 Dec 1863, p. 2

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jm NEWMAjaCET ERA DKC II 1868 w AdmtiMBicBth SkliV Tfi1 T Hukmrh Krul NotiiiiJ Jill Muur to K krm ft k i WI I PI- lii cl Nnntti Iil of ti riAiiiiiri H4 n lO An1 Shn B pitffi Tl Lirriv A NnrlCrkUnitE C Ctnrtwll CbiiMiBM CliMi IIMIJixwv Tria Ti Vairkt A of iini 10 i Kod r irain lAjhIilriC MM U Ol IT ku IC3 Kstne Uil Tfi nm tr ratf7r int mat rfrk tW II n VIS tl hoir v r m fir ffltafiH 4hffrD Er DUrkt FrKtr Dc lltb IS83- Small ConiolAtioo jfair ihfvpr liiluo vhcrv Ili7 BO i elne poliiil Ittrpiiode and butSM oric- lios Atf 1 hgh hop eoltruiatd prcriunn ij u tctiios ibir btiac ici out id It eolJ ilikdti of OjJfWoo r- pran to hart ixllj diuiitBgvJ tbctr inn- ul optics lit w aik B dsuM ibe l 00 ih- bkt jl la Uuf IxfoM ioj u Trawrj BoBehM ill b MlBt r tpd mall ia yrwtiotl good o oouslrj Musltlf Bletiu The liB rspldl dfiBK P wlifn th vfo to wboai Utru MaoijrMrat ot Mackipal Tria Corportlioo will l rodr tn accfiBtit of heir W4rJhip d liB lli peopl lt0i f r- noorec npoB lb aetioni of Il paiJ d ijpiB malr a aJcolion ofma lo Iraouet Mooidpal loanm fr th toroing jaf Ip to iik prcaenl time i pOMlion to ajjr ulio will or wlio will not ha tBdidlo in any lb Mn5eipali- lii in iHe niJiif l BMl cllioo bt wliocTcf tlfj aw tlifi poplt iHoiM rf- mciuUT Ilnl iJ from llCif own li iiiuriin wlicli lUrjr will aeowurity frcl Jocp J i impor- UTit fjoolion wilh Kard lo lle porthaa of lie Yurk Riid ly lie otily wilt liato lo b doridcd ij tlia RetTM and loctcd erxi Jaaaiij The One of lie Cailiion ov Iia Pvlntjpt ky njimf poUiilicd al London suited aKa car rptaarkf in re fcreaet lo Mr lIoiroxK Kinineiai Po tj a eoape of wki a sa an eviJenct I IXjuiiea of Mr enlie wist of eonSdrnee to h I ilcctor ilraald m initreel tteir Coaaeil- AdiaiallrlioB ai a whil- aad llie Ki- 1 Ijn u lo let as roio fdreqaiTOO BatM Miniiler in parliealar lie urs liun ob iKf pntsl I ia aartly t liopcful iin xjcli a Will rcfNrtnre In Nowmrket we are liiijhatfua fdijl i the NcwmirUl 1 not aware of any nuclin of loeUateel Km a journil pnbihpd in llptml Ixd f hLely lo give ri to diriaion 6r giuloa Yaokre Clear ntiiiini NurIi Yoil Jf it i more lltn prolabla Itial KoulI delarc its wjnl of c nfijnec in new men will be Klceled MrOiM- Mr IliitTOSn viiey Wliilr the nv liat reiBOvcJ from the viilafre and Mfpf npporlod AnticBMArDONtLn or two olker cneaiben ofilte preoeat k Co lie wii prrpirod l while jh Qgnfii liare already tlprcuod a deter- erery kin endar i-r- ry act a nAloMi miniiion Bileaa eiftoiDilaBWi artae of and wiice nfprninily of ertry JauLle- ijry 8ti nnwiinurant nol lo aoak ani afier an appmticeiljip f I rcvlcctinn We WieTt we ara corraet in letcral vcara fJlowinj meh a eoafw lie I iahreTer lhal llie people jnmlly appijM ineipible nw of Bnderlandin irc bn iiliiSJ with lie aetioa of the hla a JOB atliil appotin any tiovem meni ai a whek inald raite liii Tlice by wiy of etati m or tdvi to the piicy of llie oTcrvcr o1 any deparVnenl of stale He liad Ilia ariiec Trotblc in lliel iiaatl and even affceii lo njuieeal Ike propeei llial earUia jouraala liilhetl aapporlia the Miniitry are litvly lo fol- l in the waVe of ihe Oppoaitioo On the prioeipl we lappone of itnaH farorr Ibaakfully reeeivcd aad lare onc in to Cioncil darinj lle pil yejr It i tree aonie improTcmeala etatceipUled baTe nnt bn wmpleted Ibera cin boworer be two opiniona Lai a Ijf atnoQBl of judlciuBi and ncccuiry work ba beM lfufiBed doring lle yeir tad of to per- luaoeni a eliarader u lo prore of praoti- el adrtntafN to tho illage tit yowf We want otir Fire Bride placed on t nprc eSeient fjolin a cinaidmble of nTf apparalui i wioted atid we alo T- poniB lie Irtca to draa eaoaolat on from m alirBi Uc1 lioted ia aoBse eoo the ladependerl rniri of iral pnuiion and of nfcieat power ted priol llcii farnriu li j mbe really ocfol in cine ofCre aodharios a slron lirc wilhil Hal- ucoJin- in tlii and milinj 03ie neeei low olhcra to ejy ihffiHelve wc are in fa teaw rry lo dilur our ec-tempo- ratya koaree of eonlation bat leal throoli oTeiiyoBDeH Le ahoald a fa ifj- riJowilkiiij Ucther witU tlie open inap of Tiaolhy alreet fumi tlie bik of neit jer cjwratiooa Maeh mote work can be rone howerer ind wilb forget biataelf as to eojjmuaieile to o bttur ailiafaeton to alt concerned Oppontion aecreti we be l auuie liia lluianoT iatrnlOB to adriae lliaKi- eelleaey to retnore Mr- liolTot and saia tPow Mr otit lo become Ironn- eial Fiaancief or even to aak tie Ire- itir to lrenllien bit Ad pioiilralio ly teaderfa the oSoe of Solieilie fieaeral 18 tbe Repreatalie of London We tbO bowerer eoatinse lo dtaeuw will ealisaati eandoir and ralionality tle ra- rioai qwtlioM of iaieretl before Itie asBlry t orv of tetuia tHa Oppoti- tloo prlatt trt total ainniten lo And wbilt Ibt Goferameat eoatinse lo refonn boaei aadtlrire lo reliere the eoBQlry fnw tbe OBibarTataiBf legaeiea lef oa ly Oabtiu i Co we iball deea it a daly lo Rader then an iadrpeadeot and koa- orabit atppert OfeoBrte Ibera i jaat now tlaU ia Ihe politiaal world and for want of tosie IklaK mt Ik Oppamiioo priala art drawing lary apoa tbeir iBtpatlioB iaditlgtay vtlbaat ample ia Imd doelaaalioa of tke preaeat Gorerasient kaeawa tbey bae done ibat tod to eare fally taaatoBag has 1 rtadm Wbat ba ken dneky bos tiy way of ivirtDeli- ioji in pabTw espewara tad bging order at ol be okaolia tUM ia wbiA Mialt- Itra tm Mr rtapaetira DeptrlBcola Ia the Craw Ludi tad Board of Worka OSota btBdroda of anMttkd difcoltiet hartbota amagt ibe Bagaiiade tod ntlaro tf wbidi tba r pvblit hate MaaMcpiMt of wbiU tbo aspcatat ia tko tariow dtpartwoatt bavt boea UrBely nrlulod wilbowt iaparrins tLeir Hlaa ej A atvlt ia ibt aaaMlacpaadHnre baa koaa tCaettd at foUowt okarly erino- las Iko tartaalataa vilb vkieb be tseo Mw ia pewar ba tpfiGod ibtaualrea to ttt aak of lataotal niforwi Wo Rl lake tbo tmraa girta niatitt 0 caob Departaaat and ben ij dA tbn egtftier uecrtaa bo to- ProeiaoialSaBrrlUjt OBoo- 9RM Ptotiaeul B ST44 Crmni Uit I8S84 Pablie Worka 6K Atty Oa WMLTT dOO OoMnl ft 7tS9 Hmtam DepaxtBCet 18993 49300 Moot ffMi ibb tt SfOiaetMM I Ika BaiM of Afritaltera ted wa tiiT a total antal atiiag ia Jbaaa braadtao of exBMdUva atoM St t 1 MM bmdnd a4 Man UaatoltMBt tTO an amy of Um vkdak taa tbo poiitm dan aot giiaaay bt ia otdtc bodiKte flw tt- lljdt tint hoy aMrVftetel iyly for llM imiAieyei kaagan tbt ku Coafilioa laalatd of iriag Um OotmMM endi tttkbf ptotbtaiby haiMMtt rb asulty tbta iavopr nodtw twittrfrm totoey iNt wmj WMtlr Md OTa U pcAiW Ite MM iBidir c itnU M 4i OpfatOioa MaU wly I9 MM nMi lUjilr n mmu ior um ailmi L elcciia bn l niaii Han ly iu atwuij fwd- ofantipitliy and difforin widely io wniimeal TIio Amended Uanlcipal Lav Ii nppoan ihe Act of 14 Sswion anenHirg tle Mgnieipil Iaw ind which we publitHod in full llireo wtokt tgo iix not npfy to TownaUpa dlrded into Htrdt ti wo wara lad In btliteo bal ralher to Townetiipe nai rfrrWi wlapo aimply oleeloral diiiont bto beon creaiej for lit caoenienea of voiBf In order lo be clearly undetuo w may obere ihit tiedinj to ihe Cin- aolidtlad Sialotat of tapper Canada any Townihip not dirided into Warda may be dirld in two or more EIntaral Disuaom forpirpmca of voting rltly Thui Wltlchureb fir iaalinoa oouU htta two pIing plaeot oao ti Rngin roon tod another at StoufTcilla or elaewbero if iho Codneil ahould patt t ny Ltw li llial rfTeel i and ibt new ct pfO lael Soetion pmvidot lhai whora a Townahip it thua diriJod ial Rleetoral Diviaiena Iho aiecora aMI awetaUt en tbo laal Mooday but ent in Utevmbor lo raako their nwiMiioDt i and eoeb tloctor wnold httr lb pf ltil of iiog for fiat eouMtHort jinl tbo ttnM ai nw ia hit Ekeioral Diii4oa la oar rtatrkt prteiowriy eo hit amended 011 wo look it wbtra a Tova ahip oat dieidod iaio Wada iboao Warda fonaed aa many Ktootoral Diri iont and in ihla eitw wo obr by oar axehangea iit tteertl mtmbtrt of th Ielalirt ia Tarinoa parla of tht rroineo coneorrtd inbot be qatatioo bat beB rafaritd 10 lr goa- iomontBd from iho fart i elapte SrsCap 54 of iht Cnilidtied Bu- Blot oeidorOjt mtkea a dittiDCiioD bt- ivtoo Coetonl niritimM tnd Watdt wm art Iralintd lo tho opintoa tkry n rbt If tluabo a eorroel MDdoriai f tho lav King Towotliip will m bo I kald aoinlBartoft at adroniiod bot will tiaiplf boM aa oUelioa atd ao- le iholr MMta oeeb Ward ratpoetlvo Ir at beraloC Of eoiM tba Coan- ell motii on ifco I9h iiMt PrUty hoe ibo oltor will bo fully toalilalcd d doebt aono octiaii itkw Tbo orror Vto oeeMlaiMd freoi feoadiBg Eloetoral D vhb Wafda aad eoCMtraieg Ibt ooa to omb iba Mbor By tbia M Aai Tawm thfpa M dMdtd iM Wrdt say bovt U iba odtaDtagaaof Varda aad M tba am lia M ba takjaaitd to lb diaad- iiniagot trWag from lal JtoleiMiot tad U roaiiy a boftar aoMaro iban a at Am aoielptod rb Wa rogf leloare a fir broka oi la tba Maebii Sbop of Mr Am Pu Lot No 14 tbo rear ik bo itt Ooa ol Kig om tba tod iM Md boTor aay i e be ravArod at uiaUy ioaoawed Itgwber lib bb weUeaa oed e HiMtoiiift iliroiigii ti fni dfrei ihe amte pipe Tilt loltl 1000 rieeiJrt Ilia Ill- B iew Muchinoan arlult M- at haa kaen manufjfluring r lomt lire aa alao burneJ We are glad o P le be at work i aauil in Ihe count of a week or to t new UiilJing hiing tieeo ereoled alnce ihe fire and now in t forward tiaia of complelion SoddoB Death We are eallod open Ibii week lo an- rroBBOe Ibf audJen death ef Mr Joairn KoM Ooly Utt Tlioroday be relortied from a canTsuing loar ltirooh the Towniliip of King in eooBeclioB wilh lliii oSee Poring tbe fure part of lal eek he appeared lo lake a term cold bal DOlbin of to aerioai a Balaie at lo note any alarm After making bit ro- larot o hit offieo ob Tbattday ht pro ceeded 0 tbe rejideneeof Mr CaawroKP iih Con of Wliiiekarcb where he Btioed ill be died on Salarday aoming An inqacil wi beld in tbe rrenini bo- fore Coroner rriit tnd ha folowingjo- ry Mettn Ltinkr PearaoB foretatn Jotlioa Willaon Cbtrlet WiddiSeld Jai Siller Kliabt DiUmin Ileaty Ileoty Tbompaoo P 1 Criwfurd M Landy Atkr Staler Daniel tloUiflgt- hetd tnd Jamet MeBrien ilea he following ptrticulan art odJacrd em- brtclng til the faCU wc trt io powoiion of M CltAxrroBti bein twom taid had known deeeated probably aix yeati lie ooetaiontlly had coldt bal WM gonertlly healtliy During ihe ptt aamnirr lio Ltd to ttek of eliolera toor- bst tecDBipiaicd with Tomiiing Tbi oioroinp tiier Mr CeAwrokD left he hoote 10 tBd o lila work vitoi heard deeeaaed cosgkinK and intkiiqr a dim ab pia to kit rooo decetaed Wat ntkio tB efuri o pel off lit bed WilatM Iragkt ho had tone kisd of fit lie btd not boen oot of bed til he Deraiag WiaeM became alanned tnd teD oat of her ehildreB to Nr Widdi- fieiJt Both Mr tnd Mn Widdifield came ap oooe Deeeated wtt tlotoai dead wboa bey arrired Ht diad tl- DOat witboal a ttris- Yoaterday be eoBplaiaed of iUiMa and at niitbt oe 0 b look a eoaplt of pilU He tiid doriog the CTcnln Iio tkoophl bit liaie wai trt ia tbia world Had ofloo ketrd bloi make tweof timilaresprtaMOBt befuts Asncit5 Wittnirixin wu he cezl wiiBCttetlltd Wti U for by Itti wit nm tod trrHed tbo roiaolea beforo Dine oclock hij Dorninc TLoohl the iaw deeeaed nore hia head t liide after fbe trrired tot btlirrcd he did not Ireallfe tflcr the raw liin lie wat in bod lie appeared ijuiio dead after tlir uinlion of the heid abore dorcnted Dr UiMTIKT aa next rxamined He gare a miuatt detcriplioa of deeeai eda tine in t detaltry Liod of wty tn lhal I n jsrr molJ fully UBdentand liin lit bad eztmlned be body emfolty tsd wta priatiie Ikcie wat not Iba alisliteal nark oi i iolenee He had knnwn deoeaa ej fur aaoy yeain Ilia health lately liad LecQ criiicil having Lad iiU no- atitutioB eRidcralIe impilrel There WM 00 jBoalidn I at Lo labored under iBBch debility Hit ryilcm appcara to litTO fafTod aeoe tercre aliocka from TariaottltkCkaefilloeit Wilnex llinlr reiT Utllt tafied en thia recition rn feaUed ta be hyattv wa f Irin it to a aUodttill- IltwitdeiduyorlpopiB- Kia tbirt decaxod died fron attural cu- Io lliit epiaioB bt CorOBtr tiiJ Le fally ooncnntd Tho Jary wera lLo eldieted fur t aliort litDO wkea tkey handed io the ful- lowiag tordict Vv ilici cttpantalUi a iat ki llie etm cf L draih of JKtra iJrr harinc aiftniift tha bd7 and lizard Itii trldanre afdarait harp u Ar brat eao afderatiM afirl arart at lb BslBota com aluaua lu k died Inm aaiaial ca HiWBftAet Btavrolent 6odty Again tbe teaooo ipproatbct wbca Ike poor asd needy roqoirtikttBtUitaco and eoDmiiaerition of the kiod tnd bent leot VTe bare no por fund io Ihe Cor potuioa oQi of wbieh to tcliett iim pratt- iog wtoli of iba iBdifceat tsd btlplata tad benee llitt eltta of tba oooiBiBBily trt entirety dependant opoa tlicebarllyof Ibt boBttokotly ditpoted Thia baa gir- aa rtae to be aboTt tocietj lodit tforda at pleaamre to giro pobUeily lo Iko fiil- lewlog report ef lut yoart opcrtlitBa TIow tetsy botrlt bora b Mdo I tlow DOeb boman taffsrlsj bat oL Utated by the kiad oflect aad lyspatby tf Ibo latdict ia oonMOtion witb ibe tboro AMoabtba I Bt tarpyig tbe wiBlt of Iko patt wii ml b yrotex atod tad if ttt looitty b to eontinei oba wtfol tbo beaeroleBt oratl rteow Iboir doettioea II ioeotoaoegbaisply f eipreta aleao Ikilb vitfcMt WMkali dead and tyiapatby witboat ootfooi will atttd tbo bongry o bed aa parlwa aad ospote tbo Ibtaly eUd to tbe hoWaoaeyaf ibowoatbtr Tboello- iag it tbo rrpertef hat yoara opoi Sfrt f A VmenXuft e kt ifn Dariai iko pat yoar bii 9olr ikraak Iho libonlitT f bo tiifwot Nowmaifcoii bat tfdd rolttf lo t jirtiattr HBbof efwody ibtaKdaJ IbayMryi tiaot la ltf7iho iteolpr tvei Cib enMS CoMoffCloibioi IM feHnibawatlpi wara Cat CaaitCCiatUef tOTdC Foa ibo ibnet dtitntoi i weald ap- MortW ibo BtnoMloal S a lira loaiitbhig coodlihmj bot tetb It nbttbo Mot tCpntOflt owing to bo ftlllag t o atowaaaltraf hofpaawtit ilftribaftworiaai yBrbo ayspa- ibitw tf Ibo MbUa bttacMMOid aatb aad oloiMai o tbo wawi d Wy watt it la be fly Ik jif IfifSSjdSilSrS ibota wM aw piwetlfwlteWIe ao- iUaMd fta be BilaWiwWwabf aaar1aaraiMRMakilVk Kttreni tataaaanabt eaaa tMOd I aad aaltttHi t a taayi iftaotitbcalltibaafipaiM iiteftt4rw IF fiing il halt 10 tM eiKlottd dMllba eoralog winier Aitr pMMn deaixna of knewiu Ih narntt of iho lOolnia ean bo iammd bt oalUng npon Mtt blrCrtebaibJoey and Trrtnifef Iht Nowmvkol Btdwt Snrltiy VCo hopt bit tppoal 0 tlioivipalhy tad ebtrity tf theeoroteflt wmko re- ponded lo lo took toaail aa toebiblo tht LadieteoBBcolod witb be Xafetioa to ooetiooa io bw work of ae Itkoqr ofloM Board Sefaool TnuUei Board Be lat Moeday ereaiBg All proMDt bot Mr Stihorltod MlnoUt of prtiiou aicoling rctd tod confirmed tflcr which t imtQ aceoonl from Meatrt J k 11 Inria wu ptettB- led Moved by Mr BbiaoLtrt teooaded by Mr wotbard that ba aooooot of Mm J H Irwio ko paidCtrtioda Mottd by Ur Tiaot aoooadod by Mr Sodlhard Ibtl kt Botrd parokaat a Bail weihiog ot leta ibaa 200 Ibt froa tbe Troy Ball Cotapaay for tba sat of be School Tbii retolotioB wtt diteotted lor tost line and fioally left orer till toaorrow oTtBiag Ihea lo be aiade ihe firtt order of baiiactt Tbe Board iken tdjoaned t II Salarday ereBlag oezt Editani Semaary- Wliiiehoreh Cooneil ltldt ita laai oieelmg lor tht cntnl yiar at HalliBiraa on Ibt lih iati ler iha Irtaatetiun el gen era baaioeaa The biiU ler Rtl Uwilllmbnry Municipal Elefiin are prioled- li will btLheld in Ihe KUlmpliUn Hall Fharen na Monday iha4b o J4oaaiylbo lime fixed ly lw llit etperted Paciiameni will aa- emble rooie limt in iht latier part ol Jaoaaiy next Tartlea reqnitlng piie Of local billa ahonlJ gira neliee throngl iht iotttU anit local papi al eneo Tle pioprieiy anJ nertaaiiy ef ibe Ceaneil ponhaaitig a Vilitve Soil ef aufHeient aift and ttna tt bo tvtry wty adapied aa tn tiann in ctae of fit la now being pirliy generally diacoaaed If Ihe rate paytra deaire telien lo be itkefi they ikoolii ntkt Ibe fact koowa to iHe eor- ptratiea Clr The QiieenTi1le UniMt ibblh SHiool piirpoee Iolding their AnBiroratfj on Kew Yeara Day Relreahmenlt will be itieeii al one aVIk p m tfor whiek apeeehe will be dllenrl and Dialngtiei leeiled by ihe arliolara Air rflleieoi ehnii ia alto tnnonneed imaaepaitin lb po eeedinga Tiekela C4ia ebil lreB lOta Ifoor aporting fnla wani an ez- cellail pair ef rkalerami eapecially i the LaiJiea warn lo obiait all ihe neceaiary oai fit aeo wbii can te had ai the aigi at ihe Dig T Canialrr y refatring ia our ail TMtiaiiig celomna Skater eto enly eom- bme flaanre and romfoit villi Ibe e4icie ly aeeuiing Ihe light kiod ol ptiaplietnalia A meelingoB behalf ol ih Fieneti Canadian Miaaionaijr iieiy sill be leU in Ibt Cogrtiional Cbnieh Boiafvi Soeei hii Fiiday earDing when lle Re Itraat agani ef ibe and oiber genilrmen are ezpeeieil le rielir- er addreaeea Al ihe rloe e ihe reeeiieg 4 rolleelion will laken np tn aid o ihe Stiaien Fund Chair lo bt laVen tl 7 acloek We are ittaled toataie lhal Mr MeMcaaiT futmady to Agent of lh tiiah Tenpeianee ltague will gire a lioft oo Ihe aDle ef Teapennee m Iho Meohaniea Htll on Tetaday erta- ing nexi tad froia ibo ehaiteler ftf Ibe eeotiemyf aa a Leetwtti w hart ne tBdieeoavill bt bighlr edified 10 bo taken tl elgki eetaek ptompi Admiaaion 10 eenia children aoder lea yetra lee Ret Mr kurauxw Laotaitt bt- lort the Meebtnire lotiiltte Ibit Otn- Ing Btljtol The Eeeelteftiwllaar Fnn Iht wellknown ability of tbo Lo leret end the faTOorable teoepiitn herete- oie tccoided tbia gentleman harv ww e- peel to aeo a full boon Mr Lawia lee- loie Itai FfiJay ertaing wta to aioelleBt ejie full or Ibeofhl aad adminbly oolcn- Itled 10 alimoltit lo ptracftrlag peneoal eltfil Tkoe far Ike InaliUle proai lo boateeeoet Webaet pleaanro io diraoliag at tention lo Ihe advectiaemeal fron Mr rttar 10 be iMnd in anoiber eolama while the general pablie will ne doabi fM aayapaihy ee oreoaal ef ibe kae be baa eoMaiaad by boiag twito boraed eat ia tat ytor ihoy will be gitri M kew bo ia tftie liMe bwinoet Ho baa now ale Ihe preaitet roeently tocapied by Mr Rtaneatea BeekaoRer tad ia egaia pat- pa d la Al all ardere eoiraala M bin witb atataati dartbility bm dttpaleb- Girt blta a ell To Sitraao Ta ibe leetrt ef Att Meeieielte wbe praeiieoee Mr un wb prfrllege 10 ot aaiborfaKl a flitelbai aalaaa ibo pra of MM- iog Ibt too ia inaaMilaaod bo IH be eoaipollod fei bit owe ptMeeilee ti petbibU frta oMoting bit pie BittatUiiepr bora aad tber oai baiidiegt ate baiti olaao o tbo waiar boMo tba MMtaiiyof tbia waraaoft fl tababepatfibilhifciareieeBrfrm far ftr ba goiila Mai ww haea bore lrtaet WoadiagoribtMeftbo at o ba ItMrrflbo riak dvee a mat for BeartKi or no leiatma lo be eeen but tny rate Madam DeM tknald lek well le bei lemela er Ihe ptim ill palB loaneiber 1 We htTo pIttaDte lo aeeeoDcing ibai t TetHtny incennteiioo iih aad cm till btnefii of bt Union i tfihia plMo will bo bell in Ibo Mechta- iet Hall en Iho ertaing of be S3cd laal It i ripecled Bert Mrrara Shepley 6ena Belt Stetge Bbktr tad Lii 111 baproteniteaddreetiboaataai bir Foribtiptrtieoltrtwillbeaoaoooe td by BJIa io a few dtyt ty- Kiag Cooicil meeia a Stocent Hotel KingLom en tkt Jfth ital Tlit Rttre wiitoa b wii roltitaee it ibo eaoamciiea pot aptB Ibt tiCtBded Maw- cipal law Ibat ii wtt gtBtrti7 onder- atood wfatB Ibe Dill wta aoder ceoaidvra- iloo that it applied lo Towtrahipedifided Into IVfida to ta le give eaeh eleelet Ibo ptiiiege ef eeiing for fire Coeocilletti bel ta Ihe erideotly makee a dia- linriloQ betweeo Waida ard CloclertI Di- eiaiona ihe eleelieoter Kiog Ibb year will bt by Werda aa gawal 41 Iko next mtel- tif ibe By Law ptatiding for holding a Nomination wUI ba repealed Lot at hope a unbar tmtnilmeal will bo made ntxf ftaaion ae aa lo allow tbe oleeioVt le hare t aaiet In Iht cbooeing of til the mombert of ka Cosnril ThIa woold do away whh lacal j aleaiiee belweeB Waida abool ihe Oiaieioo ef Townahip meeeyt and wake Ihe membeca o ihe Corporation eel an intrieaj in every pan et Iht Townabip- k poljniol ArrlTtl of tbe OetnbU T Jilin NA De 5 Tli teamabip Columbia ftm UalwtyealhtMib of Nee iiirrd lice tl 6 eeiotk thia Stiudty reninj Her dleeaO tbceo dayalaiar Tlo qeoaiien of a toogreta rt- nainetl onchanfd Tbt Alettodrit oatt wat tiill ptagioat- iat The Lnndnn ioraiag Iatt atyt ilm noiraib whtettr in lh reported rtif- aaiim of Frl BcttttI tt Miaiator ofForeiga tffra It waa leperlad al Mediid lhal t Ametiftan abipa wilh aimtfer Ibe Sea Do- lainge iatgtaie hedNbeen 4etlfeyed by a eMti off haltltad TbeCeratn aad PIUaatiaa bad a ihrattening look The Poliab iteorgtBle oopiiaotd to be aery teilre In tbeIr tireggle fct liberty tad indxpendence The Litndoa Uonttng Patt eeya Eog- itd will ne giro to bor adberooo to t GninpetB Congrm Theie waa an opwttd lendteoy ia Ibt Cotinn mtrkel Th Lnndati Uartf lol aaftoooeet hat Ihe Kiglib ieinfflent i aboa h 10 ileeline giring ileadheienc ixlie ConciM li aaya ihai Ihr piiipnM of lha Empernt ia iegtled arnh itniifalinn lioi meaaa prvpaael ar ioi oenidlel a rllecinal The nnilen Sptctalor annoanret on litaliale aulUoiiy ibil lil Rofaell wil e iflirceJ from Ira In Ihe Kiiih Calinri and lhal Cal Claiendon will be hia aoereaaor No Mtier Rngliah jninai ronfima ihe arnnrmenl ol Iba Th UtraU i Ibe only jotim i wbeh nwioea ii lepeil and aaya ii ctnnoi face it la any leliaUo anerco Til Clveriimenl liaa treideJ 10 tep ihe Pempiooo lh Clje Ilt ewnera a edge lha ah n ilil fnm Ik- nnme- Tinrharl hip rajiilarljr fitd Ool en iW Clyde The arnhntiiira wereaet aaliafiel with hi aiatemant tnl had a nnbMi moeieleleae lo Ibe lo pteaeot h eacape ciaopcie ceaoiaii The Pniia ilrtoii DiJoailJe aaya hii fifieea olihe iweniy wweca ifieiiedie bfl piueai al llM Eurepeau Cungeui hare io lo lh inHioee T1j0 Mtsi fty 1 Fifneh RoTeinment in reply le Ihe application af for a ptof af tbe Coagreaa liaa leplled ihl wnbeal inlrertabitif apoe lie premgaileeaol ihe Caegreaa II weald M impeaeiMa er Ihe Cmpetoa Napeleao lo lay down lha prelmieariea i but wlian ihe repliee o all ibe power were received Ibe ifWMaadbaarinab bboat ibe eagr KflM of iba oawta aad Uadtoi DoHaaeai Ibe groat loadti ia fMbtoabla alia ha ia Naw York it oiwe qaotod tt aMMHiji bal tba baa reooMly boot aaiiMly oalipaad by ana al leaiiof oat HowMibaliedtM Me adadwieg dam Mala Swet iba ftbii 4ay a dia- aatared iba a qeaaiaie diy gaadt ad etiaatla taXg iiiiid by aaa erSAltireebiwaUee eiilw Bttaaad by ana af Bah wlliat Baaeii vldeaUt anjapiac iibel aathfiMlaa iiatailaa tba waa pndaaiag aa Cioreter wtuld iben liaaten le give all tbt axpaBaiion in hia power 0 Potrit pcbliabee a eiaiemeel eoder ratetve ibai tba Eapetet wHhoal wtehing 0 draw op a ptogtammo lor Ibo Coegieaa hae expnwwJ tbe opiBton lhai it aba ba abiafly eeeopiod witb eonaidtriog tl lieeeafPtanJandeflbe aeiBoa daebtoa ef Moaw of VMiee and vf ihe raletaia to be ituioJoced iuto ibe ptincipallilet ef Ko- istoit The Paria rofTeapoodent of Ibe lmoo ITairt tMBna that IM balitrtrt ia ibo Cto ereat arew fewer every dey The fiMwb ror UgitUdif bat booo enttgodveiyfyiog ibopewtttef ll at otenboft i waatoiatved thai M FeaUe OaaBoUl titiemael woold bt nrotaaled wbtn tbo vtriSetlioo wia Soiahea Aotlee warlike pttpuatlaBaarepogtoae Iftg io Deomtrk 11000 ealdleto bto boen called ott tsd tlx warvottolt tn bting diitd eot- TbePoltak laill laaka Ihraal Bla hio aneau io Wanaw ware oa aieioat Loadaa No 34 Tho argoeai la tho eaoo ef ibe AtozaiMliia la eoDoledod Tbo coon will ttka lie lecoaeidof ha odg- mtot Livcansi iiaiKCTa LiTorp Nee 39 Tbo laaikel tinoe the tailing ef ibe bealia ia Arm te Ul biodeofkiaadiioft Pioeititat qoML Beef qsM Fork iaaoiiea Reooa qelet asd tutoiij Laid firmer aad fiJ bber Stgar eolireai piioee etill advanoiag CoCte ee tatoa Foimliam tatady Hewe Nee jqtsB 1 saa FcentcDro B ThaiMaain Irracfc bM errMadfroaiVtdlorlatad Portland wdtb BIN 000 Rfwm tba fir- otor place aad MlbOOO tnm tba tai ir Sbangbtl delta arete tbe- Wib Oct Cold wiMber bad et la A ponioa of Bargaofaee awign oOetn bad d jba n raatbiag abeegbai oadtr ibfralaAnef ibraiga k li reportad tbet Oa Uaaaelf wWidlio raters bet ee Madtiad by ibe rabala Tbara arte a doaMTai yepert ikal tU tabaltbedklWU There M greet aseMieeat Oeia AeietW Mfder bed btaa oaaMittad lerei TOc Itter baa teatertd lo jCtetlcta tod will probtbly go ibac In Moalcre A poriioB ortha Prowh wrrtMrcbttg 00 San Kmia roloai wbilt elbtf bodtat oold Ofapy Ovaaatio aad Mortlia HrtM It taid 0 be proparior for lal tloianafald Bgaiaal Iba cotattit Jatrea Tbt aoaooata gaatrallylbroth Fieatb toarrat look kkt e gradaal bmliiog ep of tbt Mtsctopaatofrtsatace AaMriean lUnntloa- Ciiccii4Tf Doe Tbe GaxttU bat ha fvllwing Cmiieeet Dee 4 Ertrythiag it qoiot along ibo entire line Oitr ettosiiiot is tht laie bttile wore 4 600 Wa etplarod B490 pri- tonere And 40 gunt Tht Commerfial bu roeoirod Ibe fvl- Jowln Ctnambane Gap Doc d Gon Pjator hot drietn tht tntmy from Clinch Kittr tnd it in portuii of him Tht eboek oor toreoa baworor roeeivtd yoMordty will doabtlata to- ctira Iht rotretl of Otn lwgareet AnArra Nor 2SaDraggt btad- qeonora art at Ellnggold Tho enemy oeonM ditpottd lo patb whti ibty btrt gtined anorgaiieaiiy The baitlo will bo ratomod in a day or iwo beiween Rintgnld and Dthoo- Tbt tnemr raieta what Ibty regb for Many iStld and igfmociiU aflotn are arriving wotiodod Groat foart aro entwiaiaod Ibr tbo laftiyefGon Ijongvirett Tbiriy tbovaaad nf ibo aaemy era ad- vtneing inwtrda Knosrillo There ia n gbigoingaa dbKiagtion lat week Whoel wtt ordaraf ibara Firing it htardtt LoodoA MLC Ptc 2 Diteoaragifr t- coetla are given ef dewlioaa ta Friactt army Goa Baakt wiibOOO Iraapshaetp lored Rroanarille Ila did Bat captafa over ho balet of aotloa- r Tbo Htiicaa perilia bu pro- toeartd tpieat Jatragiad fba Preaeb hoU llalamKa Iba i At diB- ealiy of trade eB bo Bio Gra radtoaEM Itltranourtd that 8linla Wtllot and BItir will reiira fram tbe Caktooi In feel Walloe plaoa baa bean e lo Griaaa of Iowa aad lafaeed TboettiMiatafTibaaoeraUryjaf tbe Traatery coll for tba MUadng taaM lha prtoent fitetl yeariAreir and Nary 7O00OB000 of wbMil4t- 000 000 ia Cur bo Kaey Ciiil 1i iodita expoatttdit10ftOOOMO Aninmteaa Iraod on tbe taofara- RMn ammiming a 46000 bea been dltcovorad Tbe porpairBir b Cop Wm Stoddard ati1iiiaaer a Atei- aikdria ibe fnod bat bata in tba r- eeipi and deliry of hnfht tbo Army nf the ioloao The Pratideoi lodty waa praaeeud iih t magnifieeni gold wtteb by ht ldet in charge of Ibe 9tBitary ftlr io Chicegi The ptmdent ado a miu bit acknowlodgiiiont CiiTrwo D 7 ftnaral Shtrmane enaalry trnead at KoolvHIo on Ike evening of the Srd Ixtngauoell rMd Iho riagnfl lha night III the4h ntrmaTingTawarAe Dai eia Ma MrKratmwn Milraad lo fUeb mnnd and aoulh from Drittol Loag atreei relreaia no llie nnrlh and eouih bank rf ibo llolaioa river etlora ctvelry it f illowing Oft Iho toaib and Sliertiian oi ihe mrlh aide General Gieni haa aptartd einee Iho irtr brgiu 4iT eannoo and 90000 pritonere FoTMoto Dee 6 Tht Rioh mrind SrnMnrf of lite tii aeye ihtl Cen Hragg hot undoubiodly been re lieved of tlio direetioa of Ihe ay ivnw Northern Georgia aad Hardee ie 10 commaad Rxtcirrtvt MKtio WtuixeTex Dec 7 Uelitbia ittfOrmaUoa havieg been raeairad Ihti iha ineorgtai foraa it raifeaing from Eaat TaaBiaeaa andar circumttaeeee rendtrltg It probebit Ibat ha Ualoa army eaaiieiberaafkar btditlodgtd from tbatvioiperkui poai- tion and ottpaoHng ih m bai ef lugb iwriuja eiaeiBa Jri M all loyal pta do oa ree of Ua ipr ermation aatooiblo b bair df werttiiped fended epeelatWNga aad grtidato Almighty tjed Ibr iUt grati advancasiaoi of tba uatioaal eaaae Sigead A UNCOLN WaeMaereir Dee 7 Tbe bUo- lag waa the eoM hr g la Ibe Hoaea today Wbola aemktr ef eoiat ISl aaeaatary te ebMee ftt Colfax 101 i Co tt I Kiagi 4 Mal- baay lOSJtobUak 8Deihea IS Clair3 i V Tho Clark darad Colfti daly aod Itplly tiaotbd QMIefbrrOaMi ciiattawoofla im 7 iatyraat it nlirai iu tbra tbe Gap iaie Vtr ewelry arepareew Ha wiB taareeiy be abid to make gtad bit aaaapb wrbigf aMUrial W thb ba haa SSean Me ttarti Wishiorox Dae- 8BaMe gtaeAiy crtdlv bet maceeiM era ia eaiatt Ibat Cea haaepuepa bete apooietadM Ibt aray af Iba PetaaMC IIiKrtMNlWeeireyd Wtrrta wtreriaany ttadaM ibaatM otdtdaliead ia aetba ap- New Voax bM B tl Bftlii JbifMararbaa w raft tbUBadaela I btriy a dsU it latda w 1 be itlrr- realed afrclalert ef your tela ia ttt gmtertbta RoataForea I iteoktyoa le tppraacb Ibeae grart wiib ibt aatie ibtagMTalBeaa ofttettaaiea fiat iag year dieeaaitoa friti thai trbity ticb mart iattead af adnteiag Itgialt iioaeed witbeeabakta rtlitaca aa tba Diriae power wbatb gtre riatory ta Iboat wbo ermed Ibaa Uoioa and eat gira erea grtaltr ticitry le tbeae wbo art atekiag le tara it fia deilraedoi froaKbt btod ef Iba jiertcKa aad trailer I iafakt yoa alao te rtMCMbar that taerad iraib Ibti ItWalery rtrlBtt Ibtl Ibty wbo cite aoi a rigbttooMOit tball periah fro ibt etrlb lukiagyoa witb a greaifel beirt Car tbe diititgtiihtd iHrfc of yoor coofi deaee tad reprd aad eppealiag le yoa all for that tapport tad ftrWraatt by tbe aid of wbiab aleae I taa ktpt le aaceoed Ita now rtady to itkt ib oath ot oSce ted eater epeo Ibt dalitt yoa hare aatiga ed ae CmetsAn Dee 7 The BMaaaga of Governor Brtnletl of KcalBcky it pab- litked ikii aomlBg lit reprcacBtt llw lataeitl oondltlofl of tba State at aati fettory tnd argei Ibt aoMpltit orgaalu- ion or Diliia for boae defenee from geerillta and robbara tod addt I it t teorea ef rrBifiMtIoa tbat tbt patriot- im of tbe peopit bat net tbe cSbrtt to Sm a aaiMtot force tb tbt Seld far aad that we tfe now ora taaara and battrrgaardtd baa ataeytfaaeaiaet tbe rebtllioa Ia a abort tiate aader ta arrangtiaant made wUb bt Soarataiy of War tbt Ibanagb orgaeitatiea ef Ibt aartIed tad TolaalMr Bilitia for oar do- rbnee will be oosalr and ateeti will agaia brighten be damte boata m oer hordtr pema Ha tdedgte tba oetlra aerriee o M dtfaaee or he GoTtrvoient Ktoloekyt peal lion ia reference to fed- en relaiootlt Itry ditewted bot no atw poaHioa ii tane It it eonocdtd Ibat negro altrery it net cateatial M tbt bft of tbe 6t or nt bBl that tba llnioB ia aod tbnt ia ajatap ia tdraice in Kaoteoky NewYoMDec- 8Tbt Riefcaoad fktg ef Iba 3 d itOt laltt eet af aboot ia Ibt Mnritg plaiaaaarr witb oo other aetire er tknegbt Ihea ta td ratca ibe poblit iairraM wa weald agaie rtapactfelly aaggett 10 ba Pret Ibt tdraaiaga af iinaalraniag bi aabiwi aad talSag le bia aldlba rery aWatl ifc itOttla ataeaatry We bare a dt- ranoMet ef State that bat aat been able for tatHy tlnaytan le eateblitb re- bliaaa witb aay oibar Stale a iraaaety depanaeat ibat bet failed to keep Ht ttMco fiea reaaiag le rtia a war drpartBaat iaiba kaada ofa cbitf wbett rtiet aad eoene ef Mb baa beea portly tad fteiBirly cMa a aary diperlatat witbeat aery a pe1 o9ee dtparlaaewt lib a rery tbaakhag tyalaa af aaBt deparlatat ft jatilee rxaat ibe bari aan al eacb depart aaot wpentaly ibwt tto iraat of a aore aatierly baad todtbeeefcadpoweiaofibttr ebMt la eabiaet aa if coaacda are ertrbeW fnl lo aapply ibt of wiiddia tbe ooaaliyectilt Wt tre gelliag lo deep water tad a feeRag cf dread i abakla Iba ataft af iw peepla 1hero ia aelb- eg III PceaidtM eta da ibai will la r bibm Ibtir bteitt aad Utaaftla Ibria eoa4io io aa oCicriaa fte bw letbe calif 10 bit tide at bit daily adr tibial of Ibe wiaeat roeti tad anal ei- KrMacrd owa it Pw wbr regtrdleaa 4f may hare bea tbeir foraor plial aMncittioaa Tbt liati ia prn- filieia the earaieal aad Iba p aaxly expeetaat Per Ua ewa con Iiawitctfpt8ly far eatefclatio bad fata faaaita wellaa ooaeeoeata oflbt awely nreefatoea aad rligeal eondilina af Ike toot we rarataly prtat ibit rocaa oeapliea RHoxTtLLC Dae B titgoof KooiriUa it raited aad Lowrkel witb hi araf it la faU fa- trtowarda Viiaia ft tirtailly lar utd jaatafdv j lb adtaaea gairaoronr taiafiNae la eader O Sbaiaaa wta Tbe oeaaydariag Ibe patt fM btyt ea ea aaiie ibea ef latdH ilopoiii ibedtgawliww Ibeeo BBtQ early tbia aaraiag wbm a ta t oet by Qw fijaa lbdrerheeapty 1 fe deaet ware brea la wW faeewiea ef dw gj whertah Pfwbo waewwi tlthelaie Ataiiof kiiliag bmmzn Yorb In the lowiabiper Itichmead MSSiberjedeliei and toniano baMaaiod oa iW 7ih DtcaabwtHbk edaiiremepnilty fta law na lerdty mowing within iho gaol wHk Tho mordtr wetoM nf ibo moat an owotebartoieraederoaltd an inia oa Ibe wbole ditn to wbjsb h web lilaee Tbi leadiag Fraliek bed cwMraattd a daap pataiaa lor Ibo deeeaaed girl who wm tbo elda dtaybier of Uarato Yorke bnaar r tiding in Ihe Mate nelihbMrteed wfA tbo Bwrderert ftmily bl tbo dM aal recipreette the fooliog tad aararal dwa rtfuoed hit oSirt of mtrriega Oa Iba eeonittg of Sondty Ihe 3eib JatMk SB aabelh lef her bouee tnd iml lo tba raideeee of her oaelt Dtoiel York is company with iwo yoong ekildraa wbe htdtpeni iht dty witb ban 8ba r aabiod el bar SMa lill tao erfarta when tbe loft bf beiatif lor boata eal that wat tbe latt lioMtba wttMoeaSt NoaaxiatywatM for bor Mftiy Ml Noaday afWraboo wbeo bor attbtr aaat lo flaniertboeoo to aakeeaqairy aod roeeivtd iafemtaiioa ibM tbe biri left for borne ihe preeio DigbU OrM alarm wataiKlMdie Ibe oAlt of bar puoeia by Alt istigaeea bad bdr f fttbar and oihara m oooe le nBbs t itercb far be eriaiag gi bote morderad body wat aboMy aRer ward diaettrarad ia a taldoa tbe na t leadiag to her partatif dwtWag ABMOglba ptnpUwbo Aiehtd te tar ho body whoa l had been aoatayed t the boute waa rouog Fraliek wbo wm heroetd ibea bleied at by aad of Ibe J perteat praaaai aetbaiag Ibe prtbM aerdtrer- Filiek btariag Mi ra ttrk aad aleo ibrMt agaiaai hb Bbb imaedialaly weal eww Oa tM M fowiog momiag teeaiai f of 4e daeaaMd girl weat to prltoaer bMe andtakaaUa to aeeMaaaay iheaile the bottte 10 aae tbo body wUofc Ki M ta Ihe way FVailak cf bia ow iioapoioitd oat ibe taeae of bt mnitr aadeoaieTaaarin eal eetae aaa Bnaed ba enMpiifaa ibaT be lb giilty pifgea After tmiiagji ne rettaiiiad oaltido wbd lie taredaBdWBa alWwaidl nmaiag tway emalM IbMi I leg ii pa be ukaa aad iaenNd- JDarliha a Ibe loUowing day iMat i praotoM a FrMck boaw whiae diiin IWad toMo Btielte ef iaaiiend glrCi Alotbieg iteieet wBb Uae ml XiiinbeSiTarl MSeiittfii Zaebtriab Pi aail a Bi e oaea eaaieie le aboro after aloc Md ae wle waa foand goihy erfartiMtfid w dte Ojiing hit nU Md efttiwtbla W wreka of hie taieHiaarialiakli ed a wmidtrfdl MObreew at ta bii tiloa tiid etoaily deaiad Utgen nil miniairaiiOM M bbiiidi Bar MrtieijkyiMea Wgeer ir bxea wraagbr li4iMf fMSPMIIle feenagt aidtleeHei felly coaAeata MiMir faBif aardar bat dM te be laMihihp rinlatad the pthca iOf bit rioUob Be atodtotbo Jwead giailiBM tfjM with Ibe fate laiMtlwi bii tba girl thai be babi af btlll bbd not eeiprod bC aiad tbe oppoaiiiCBgflMlo Mtoe ocii ba eomtb aad OMaartimd ormMoa Wm by Ibo jilanjaied wbe feMaMlb lU MiTlib Moaiiai wti Wi aaroaierba- MteeO K by tbe HbaadkMrae wtib gwidtfalaMtl H aMi atSSS waaeaiaii iabUla Meihal4Mapa dlkbreaa ttSwUf eiiSiuii Mha I leM Md Maabll ibepiMieMeriddHieiaMM pta lui OM elal MyiBM ef dark laal eight iaaWiw Ibtir rear- 1 aeHebalA tbi Mefite te ibi atSfc aaaitbe tl Ib were Itld we te U ttle a abort diNaaee teak oTlbe iZk vMitMbBoMad 4e ftwraat tbeIr KBee SmkaaMl t tbe Lent abaahaUbaA afti Ibe aaieH liMady iapaiaail wdiley iBiti itBreraaea ead eetaaetita ef Kaat tee am eoarfdaad at 4aaly ibedMaeal aeMtaef lUeeea- MfAitratwi piaB Thi Meteey Cli ibb ali laoeired banM- by Itbtri froa tn iBtit of Jbe aeet I rte etieoe 4tbi itaaaa Cbiaflibi Tba Traawy Drpertaaat laTatili fagtapbat te OiBnir Btraty te tbw vaitaait cellar a paMt ef Iba pbratat at befoya tbedwegi rtatkadkia a lela tta wal rtetleed ibat ba badadMii fetiledftedWtm ea tbat b Suit Dtwrtatai tab ear aaly- laapily MaaafBSSSaS iraf aad flea Jibaaaa a etmd permetatcaaaud Ibe i M CiscimiAVi Daa8 TbeClMMvrthatJalied HMMtlteaariLgiaaMk caef he tbi fettotrlag old Vifrie1agirfMiraaeafbNed flrawbiMedWe MelMltta of Mkt filled Witt dedhHtfiddblia liwaite SwcatSM et ibe ilem te Bdfii irvy -t- e ateeeiedati tbat iba SI90 Hbd y frab CkattMaagj wieM iiad fcbbBeXia dVeolp dMl Ulke aet it by VaAana 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