Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 9 Oct 1863, p. 2

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THE NEWMAKKET ERA OCTOBER 9 I8H3 Bev Adrtrllwi rtnt iMUi TIk ANtV Tli ir 1 Ml iw- Simpi il Baciil Fll r Wiiiiet Cla lti tUMkr Ktrvhl Niw ATriy- llr inriAl liktorftikr Co J McSUy CaiJ k S MiMiniy SEoiv K II Scikjib 0rrA lliiilMwn Nrir ltiviUH VVbber Milliiifrf Magui fir Nlln Il ol liiftiNrmtik Iit oJ Itk Anu NuMOTrt C J Milk fcCo hop1A i R9rT iTljf 31ru ra Kewmvktt Fn4tr- Oet Otb IMS Th Insisfll Land Job Oar Simfw folemporarjr iho Ppirii of Ihc Air hit mtdf a ilupiil tifurl to fm Tihd Fcrputift frcm iKc friiam tllacin to him lirab hit In- nitfil LjiiJ Job Ws uj iltpiJ mote on tccminl of th mintr thtfl Ibt sutler of llic JefrnM u the Idfa U pmt pd hid il bcn properly worked oul In verj wilr rcDlillinit Ibe tbimelc job the GluOf T4 tandry let- lere of pUia 7 ooi u clearly leltin forlh the pare piincipU eiaatlnK thla iminacalile palrinl Il it imelboe let- Un ihow Ihc Tntar isnoraoee of the nitn u veil a5 hi4 cirrap rapacU il it lo illcjklrilo he latter lhal the letiira were publitheJ ial oar friead Ihe pirii tluinli off eeimplelfly from the gritfiirt of lliC coarse doe ool even eica the pilent fid of ihe bar n ol aale of ilie IStriDl but treata the reTelationt which trtnpiml tbrooh the as if cofttipin merely an attaeii on the RTi iinur f n A Wnl ould aaj Oii ruJc unlotlorcd man We tdiilll aa fully di the Sirit nf thr Ay ihe UpV iif riilifr educjiion or i- lire refineiiicnt if fHlnon the pari of it pr-trj- lul da iiiil w that i af- fjrd a dC ns fr dijihonelr Vc niot viniily eoRinesd the article of iho hincr lo Ihe tdmir cr of Kihfalilin b5h f The men of Caoili iiih our oilempoiary look nilb xid- on hi oincr Inaided bj ta in Enltad td Seotland a banjard lock io k verd to ibov Ihe peodoea of Ihe farioaiid ibt qaaliftealtoai ofi Cirocr that mD ethlbitiaft a eow or two a boll beiler or a ealfor two u tbe ee may be ta taaka ap ib namber and the aame wllb rafnnl U tbcep do matter whether Bt for tb market al prev ent or Boi some qoit vilbia tba mean- inf inleoded We maka Ibeaa raoirka to that thera aball ba ao isialake aboal eaterinf Ol eoatae tbe nle of the 80- eietT that Ihe asiatia tre tho Ikxii it properiir of tha athibitor will be rigidljt aaforeed d is cat of eeaplaint on Ibij bead poilir ind uaniaUkable proof will be rofiiifTd For Fiae Arta Rooli Seeda he a lar lent oea haadred feet loex and tii- I feel broad haa beta aeeared by the Directon lo whieb ao ealranoe fee of irn eenta wiD be ehared eacepi for aiem bcra bo will be free Tbia fee il esao- led is order lo eortr etptnaea The poblie ahonld bear ia niad thai parlka deairooa sf eompclia reaidiog wilbia eit nilea of Kewmarket matt make their ralriea prerioai to the day of tbow Aa iba eibibitioa it to ba eoalin- aed Ofly oaa daj Ihia roU wu deemed pictaaary to aaaUe juliM to ba dosa in judfrisK and to preteat eoafutioo Tbe booki art now opea mm abora intimated aiajr ba made pemnalU at the Ani ofiee or ay letter addreaaed lo the Secretary at Newiatrket The Soeiet nombera tome Iwo haadred membera and an areraj of fira ealriea from eaeh would make a tbouaaaj the neenait thenfore of ihoee raaidinx a greater dit- tanc lhan ethl mile of inleadioi 10 compete bein early on the groaad mait be apparent to all Tbe Beoka will be clrMed It ten oclock and Ihe Jvdsea will enter upon their dulira al elaeen a m Tbe rulr in Ihi rcrpcet will bate to be eaforccd atrtetljf in order to cloac ap Ihe exhibition by a toaMaable boar la tb af- tcrnooD Wa hare thrown oat thene peneral hint in order that aotbinc usj oecarto mar tbe taeceaa of the exhibiiioa xir eaute for complaiata aflerwardt Io eaae an ezhibilor ia ahoaioK aa ar tide or aaimal contrary lo Ihc mice ofthe aad we may hope lha neoeloa formed of aCnlelaM Criokot Clab ai a 8i inall talioa of tha Villajte That wa baee oui- tcrial for ao azeellent clab ia oeatioo aad we beliere ihe aati bed iteb at 11 iL I SociclT we hope Ihe Bailer will ba r thetilJeJ trippifit of wealth cdueation I I V J 1 ported lo th Ireaid 1 or SeereUry al Bml lri t iliOB njjhdhe cnjovfvl Ihe opfiriaiiii of liia oom- oace and thoa tare farther troable Siolar Death- perra i e a few more InnisSl lolt CO Drnwri and John A Macdonald would have been etcn aa little children in An ioiueal watheld by Coroaer WlL- his hand In hiri he ibat U Plain 1 00 Thuradiy oflaat week at Pefsi Tom would hue been wiiboal a j Comen Eaat Gwillinjbary on riev of riral al the prcaenl dij the body of a lad named SOLOJOI Bows- ow we are not ridcaUn7 the leadin LT- It appear that tba deecaied bad articW of our oeitibor but Ihit il literal- j fallen dead ioiaediately after onhltefaiof ly vhal he aavt In jTOod aooth ihe article j hit boraN from the plow Aa there it ao itraacl cnnrcired and fanaily pal j no rvaaoa for aoapeetinj beartdiaeaae tbe together that we arc led 0 belicTe it Coroner called opoa Dr HaCKiTT to musl be from ihe pen of the Patriol perform a poa mcrltm liauelf Should llia pruxe true itwosld I The inqaetl wu tbaa adjoaraed till aolrc many difficuUiii lospcated lo otr neitday when after ibe moat earefol ax- miod on peruin the defence Il ill attioalion of erety pirt of the body Dr hugely difficult to beliere that iny otherj HcKin ooold Snd no caaae auSeient naa ennld hsrc ao written onenl Plain I lo aeeOBQt for dealb Ir BasuaT aad Tom bol by ao oieaut bard lo barej aaotber iLcdical gealleota aUo aaaialed perfocl failh in bi having written il bioj Dr H lad eorroborited the CTI acjf In fact the internil evidieoee ia deace of the latler Tbaoaly ooaeloiioa farour of thii tic it almost coaclurite eonieraently tbat eoald be drawn waa Feme of the ideia for icwiinee are ao that tbe deeeaaed died from tona aertoot aprcially bL We would ial tbe apj ihoek ao opiaioa vbieh wu BMat preeialioa of hiuaelf in point than tbe likely perfeotly eorreet nne thtao of tiday will do more tnwarda briagiaK II into aeiion thaa aaythinj that baa oeeot- red daring Ibe paat two yeatv Grand Entertalnmant On tbe eranin of Taeaday aext al lha doae of tbe exhibition of tbe Coeaty Show a graod ealertainmant will ba gir en in tba Meehaniea Hall by the Chrialy MioaireU aaiatod by a aomber of Ama teur Speakera whe hare enaftad U delir ar neitaboaa aad give rcadiaga 00 Ibe oa eanoa Tba neeeaa atlaadiag Ihli Mia tirel Troapa heretofore and the general fa- iror ia which they bare hitherto beeo ro- Mired we faci perfelly are ia aafieieat nf itaclf by way of eoomendalioa lo ia- nra 1 pd hoaae bat when tba object v lakea into aeeoant we mike ao doobi tbe beaerolcot will pra tbem a banper Miny ira the anhappy objcela of charity aboat BK wbo at tbi aeaioo of lha year need be ootamitaeratioa of thoaa ia cir- camttaoeea ta reliere heir aeoeaaitie The entertaiaoMat to begiren on Taet- day ereaing next will preoeal ta Oppar- taaity of doing tbii and at the 11010 time aford ao hoor or Iwo wa may hope aad tnuti of pleainre and pmfii to all wbo attead See Bilia and Irogranme 7ktl AandMtHroaora laqoMt Oa Satarda areoiaf litl Coroaer Gctaii M D of Aurora held in ie- qaeil ea tww of be body of a liKte girl laed Mait Caiana aged betweee Iwn and tbrae fear aod yeangxt cbiW ef Ur Wm Carairs of tha 3rd Coa nf King wh bad lott wiib a tad aod alal accideal bal looraiif Il appear tbe cbild wa payiei near ber fatberS bour aad uaobertrd bad oee to look laiaa well Bear by ia wfairb so lump bad bea fitrdaayel Tbe httle oae baTingMi- lially reiaoted tb board coveriac a qoarr bole leading ialA tbe wrll mml bare loi her balance aad allea in Sbe wt aoi for aelrlf an bivr wbea ea ihr iell bpieg ararcbed tbe wat tnwai qvitp dead iyiaf 00 ber face ia ihe few incbr r water al ibe bottom Sbe fell 4 hrl Ibal brMg Ike depib of Ibe veil aad Hit bare been uiianiiy kdled Tbe fact ef iba ae were lad brfnce an ia rllighl jery oa atceaf wbea I frrdarl wa fetaraed la aceordaaee wilb tb particelait abnT Kr- Ttai mil flaaeMy aecideal tbnuM be a wirmag to erery pareol te re ibai o weia or waier barrel ere attewrd in emaia opea where cbildrea are io tW babil cf playiof ietorift Coio Speakiag of ibe Mrdieal Departaieal t1 VKloria Callega Ibe leader of Frvfa law bat Iba follswiag Tbe iatradaceri leelara ef ibe wialer aeaaioa waa dcKtered la oigbt ia Ike tbcatra el Ibe College Yorkfille by Profetaor Geikie Tbe lioo Dr Rulpb Priaeipal of tbe Col- lege prewded aod tba aefeial Beabert of tbe Faealiy oeeepkd ali oa tbe plat fora Dr Grikie ifeke for abevt aa boar 00 Mcilieioe io aaoent liiart aad Ibe xpertltl lea reaMcled wiib ila praeliee la coacladiag bi ialeretliag leetare he fthnrled lae ladeat la dilifeoce a4 ramealneai 0 Ibrir ildiet ad Ibe atoid- aca of all aril bab- aad practice He idea of boaealy that i boacot ae the world goea nothing mora Tbeoe are bit own word aol oon Morooeer the writer of the article altoded o b crer he ia doca out aeem to reoogoixe toy eril ia tba morality of the LaadJob holdi il we tuppoae boneat aa the world goco bat we differ far froio oar eoCein- porar in oar ertimalion of tbii Iranaae tien It il pretty apparrnt in Hoaeal Tooji oan letter lhal he bartered bii TOte for Ihc cootideralion of birini the price of bia laad reduccd from l440eta per acre lo t3 and we can only rerd ancb a tranaaction it mot degrtdinply eorropl Ibe more npecially when done by a nan who liea no npportuaity of blowing hit own trusipet with lite mott blatant eititm We woald alronily adrite oar cilea- porary lo make Plain Honeat Tom pot ia bii inaoIcQt Iraah over bit owa oignalnre Ibe next lime Wc take it for granted that the pcpidc of inieoe are not fooU erea Iboib repreaealed by tbia rnde nnleltered man and to write aurb a defcaoe to toch a ehape woald aeem to iadioale bat a low eaiimale of ibeir ei- The Tall Show Already wa hare indieationt that the fertheomiaR Fall fhew of ihe North York Agricalloral Society will be a lao- eaaa Up to the limo we write although early in the week iaiie a large oombcr ofeorioa haro been made aaScient lo aogar well for the final mall The ar rangemeaU ofthe Dirccton aod Haai- iag Commillee are moat complclo aad eU ealeolaled to earare laliafaetion to euapelilora while the remoral of what ware eoaaidered arbitrary realrtetloaa by aooie loeh a eotapcHin partiea lo ibow aboep with aot awre tbaa tbe oarraat yaara grjwth of wool opoo Ibon ilao mkiag it neeeiaary to hiro trtielra of aoabalBre aiade aiooa tha laat cxhibi- va ny the reiooral of tlieaa re- alrioUoaa will bate ihe taodeoay to lary ioercaae tbe eatriaa io iodo do- partaeata It ia Iboogbt loo the Taloabb prita ofctod by Iba TlDago of NawaVrfcot will Mi ooly iaeraaaa ooapolittoa io tk Rid- tag bst wiil iadoeo olben 0 ooom froa a dutaaea Froa all wa bb a bia brotben bare died ia a litsilar mia ar Tbo Jary biTiag retired for a few siautaa gave Ibeir fotetatn Mr W PoWRftl a rerdict to tbe followieg effect Thai tha deeeated Solomon Bowa- LT came to hit death from a abock lo bia acrrOBi lyatem pecaiiar lo Mveral oeo ben of bb fataily The New Begiatrj Oiee Thia boildia reeeolly creeled by tbe Ceanty ia tbia pUee ia beaotifully and centrally loetlod 00 Main Street and ia aa orBimeol to the Tillage It waa do- aigaed by Mr J T Stoku Architect of Sharon and tbe nuoa work bailt by Maoirt Dunop aad Sox It itfirepraf Ibrooghool and we kesilala not lo lay ia Ibe beat pieee of work Nortb of To rontobeing alike ereditable to the Rid ing and lha bailden and will be ready for oeeupation in a few daya We ire al ao glad lu learn Ibit aolwithtUndiag Ibe tbbalauiial aad eotily aatore of ibe boilding tha Coamiaaionen will bare rqnita a baadaomo aum to return to the Cooaly of Ibe amooni appropialed Aa aoiie aa tba oftea beeomea oeeopied and wa bare leifore we ahill theo ao- liee the boildiog and ippvtenaacea more It leagtb Cricket Match Ia aoMrdaaoe with tbe inlimatioo we fftie io oar last iaaae an exeeadioicly in lereatiBg al Criekel waa played be- Iwoeo ibo BaeSelora aod Beotdicta of Newturkei 00 Friday aftervooa Wiek- atr were pitobed at iwelre oloek aod from tbat lima till qnite dotk the ganM waa contealod eren tbaa the itompe had to be drawa Oa ibia oeeaaion he Elar- eot were fall oa either aide aad ftoa be geocra appearaaea wo bolwro we uo oor- reet io aaying tbo B had the obaacoi decidedly ia tbeir faror Tbe eondoot a boib aide Ibrooghoattbe oo tiro play wai of Ibe oiaat oordial aad frioadly eharMtar ootbinK oneatriog la giro riae to Ibo aliglilaal diioiiiafaniinii Io bo oeeaia- both elobo joiaed by a naaber of frieoda diaed al be RaUrood Tbe bofero tboai wia iadaed id- itablo 0 Ibe ProprioM of that eotabliA oMol aad wa relitkad with a aart by tbo boacrr orioketen- Mr B C Cam 07 Mr Jamm Mixok 01 diy bia loteetiea of af Ibo Port Trade Weoodwiiaad be perpoaea boyiof Bare ettrowrely tbi year aad oftra catb aa Ibo tint fan IBM fvr ooy fMBtiiy of a aarkoiablo ir tele fy- Mr BasMrokD baa aow eopitl ed tbe Krpoin to tbe Nortb Aarieaa Holei baTiof C aalargad ba di aiag roes Im oew flaera wSere Meded a poWad Md paialod it tbroofboat Tbia Hotel i aiiaated t ibe ceoire of be bMiaeaa par of tbe place aad ceffaMa fer Ibe traralling pablic Mr Jeaira MiktAao baa Oe re moeed lo bia new preBiaea reeooly OToa I ea Mate Siroei aod kaewa aa Ito Mil- lard BloeK nerlaf ibe SeBBOf be baa bMO BaaBliHiBiBgUrgelylhaa aaabliog bim 10 be prepared bribe all Irle wiib ao moMaaa aaeo af boaaobold feroijoto Hie ahow roan wall wotb aa ioapaeiina speaking afibe Millard Bloek teaiod B that jil ffwr iBonibt age ihe Oral bum oliheae ry oedilabU baiMinft waa laiti in which no I lliao 191000 bricl were oeed beaidea Ihe aieoe work ia ibe oondaiioa Tha block le an eroaaoai te tba fillage ty A eomapoodeot aigning blaaair An Obeereer fatgM lo aeod bia With regard la bit we Bey any ibw the diflirretwe Iviirpvn ih peaiiieoaf Holland Landing and Aoora wiih regard to Iba lagaliiy ol Ibe alaima of ibaaa teepee lire laeoieipalilie i aimply ibie aioee ibe twaer m age waa eerpenled and before iba latier Wame ao a atalote baa beeo poeaed enabliagaeeeiling oerperoiioiia 10 lectlly eitim a pan of any eeaoMM fend tHihandaiiheiiraaAfaeparaiioa KollaMi Lanliiig eeolJ noi eunpel aa atbiiraiiao Aurora ean The County rooneii my paaaByLawt iaewporaiiag tillat bei eannoi leaiate lera and eondsioaa Cnrrfsponilratf 17 Wa aM n b dMiMitt i ikw r M Tpwal tor Tb of Mr Oerr For Iht AVwaaorkcf Cra A UMOaiAI Crary day aeme circle it broken bt death aoma iarvlBliip aanilereU aeme family r anj ibe lirinf hare lha aaif aaiinfae ion of gaiting ap tbe memeniow af lb dead Tbeir Mka enl Bn Ways Iiow plarail aaaof mrmnrya abeiea Ireea- oraa Thi faulia il wileMl ibef erb1 any are all furiln and Ibe beeaiaa 1 hir characlef form a aalty pleaaing autyiei of ilKHighl aad rimreiaalimi Thna il la in Ih caae nf iho new lanenixl tliaa Abba H BaoBf The yvMintfeai if ih famry he waa ibepit com f and mni panien efber parrnia ao1 levioval leafee a vaeanry that ean oeaor be liM ooImb in ii can be ibai Heia waa ainenily an improeiog etiar Her mannera wre oeile aiM win ling her baartdeniiedly anaelSahaBdaf feeiiouate her raind an oaeeaiiaonly ae- iive and aapifrng one waa Tbewgbifat aftl nelitaiire and re iLero wat a playfBlMiaa nf otanoer a peeulitf wiiineaoaiid riveeit ul ibooibt lhal lent a raro ebam le bat einervailoe But tbe wbele waa eloaely eeileiJ by a retninn Jwpnailioo and a loer dilitade 8ucb waa bar ooceaainixc nalora that diaeaao had taken 8 wa halil nf her ayeiea betire ber ienda were awair of be danger Thee the beal raedieal kitl wat obtained bol all io rain Ami in ihe Kcaeiiful Aoinao like eiie ef ila Iairi flAiwora abe feded and fell Her genile iialoie aenecb inoTapaiby wiib all ibai nakea life ilear did aol aaml to ibe pfoa Ct af death witbnei an eBail boi ibe of waa braraly and aoreaaefellr maite wai waraSy applaaded Tbd aadieM wat brga lacladiag a Uw ladirt br aBaberBftldala already earoOed fir Hei ore b rea br roM tbat be boni 11 be Urgr da P 1 L iMi kar Tnar were aat 10 aiaia in nag bit tbaa aay ober pratiea aeaaioa atOaBOfMw Mr W H WauAoK Io No IS Sad Ceo ef Eaat twillnhbary ba a aale oa Ibe ISib iaat of Faroi ioek lapla mealt be Jakm KavaraM Abc- tiooet r Mr W H rHuiM Let No 70 Cea of Whitcbarck ba a aaW rf laflcmentt k oa Ihe I6lb iatl Jahm GoRMltT Aaciiooaer Mr Wa Listd La No 39 ia Ike 6th Coa ef Kiag be aa eiteaiite ule af Slock Iapleeal tic oa Ibe I6ib ioat S UtcHILl ABClioaecr ICr Panie ban ale bill prialcd ai thi oSce will bare ibeir ulaa aoliced a ibofe throogb tbe coluaat of tbe En ft Accidents Oo Fridiy laat JoDfi CoBoa littio BOO of Eaat Owilliabary met with a frightful aeeidcnt It appearv hat hia hired man 00k dowa tba gaa o abool a black Mjnirrel wiib Oo goiag out of tba door be baaBereaagbt agaioat aoiiebiBt and- tbe ooaleou of tbe gan patocd tbroogb the kdaam Dr Hae- inr wu iBaodiataly ical for aad foood il neecaary lo ampalaU it oxt day abora tba elbow Tbe boy iadoiag exaiidiogly wall Tbia abonld be a waraiag to olhen to beeareful We alao loara that a boy workiag oa William Wttao11 fara ob Qoeee St waa tbnwa froa bia horva aod both boaea in bit ara brukeo Dr Rackitt wia oalled te who Hrcaaod tbe froctare Rditorikl Suatay Oo Sooday oesl a aew Priaitiee Melhodial Cbertb wlU be dedinlad al BatUa iiw irbiukareh ty Eaat Ceitliaibuiy Tuwnabip Shew ake place leiaere Saiorday el ibar- ei III Wbiiebujoh ibe Sbow will be bekl 01 Sieafftilleoa i I5ib al King ai Katilaby mi ihe Mh iaaaanl Mr Jan Foaroa of Whiiebeaeh boa left oa a baakel of a aew kioH ef pgia- ia ef geed aite aod eory exeetlenl qaaliiy Aaaa arlielefrt Ibe laMe ibey arodaieided- ly prrCarable to aay we bad lac aaay a day Tbe boar ibe eppeerasco of the t4iaBeii Apple aod aay be aeao a asbibaiiaa aaxi Taaidiy at ibo bew Dr Botlxt it BOW abewiag an iaaoneo aaaek of geede aeleoied wiib wTOat oaro from Ibo oriariBot aarkeia la a aaaber of aeriea will be aado foribM oooopiod iLo okair aad Mr A Oaoda aod Drog Depoiiaecu triaa Uaae a k i BotTLTBat tha eiaMhair After A be haa aaJo large addiiiaae le hit oaoal liered ber Tbof Jtod aaad eeooleoo or aay eiproeainn of arrow waa 00 aaooyaaeo if bor Bet now there woa petaiiiM a aiufal nrvgjle lib Ibe pewer efdaikoeas Aod ftieolt gtibereiaiOBB 10 adaioitlar werdaaf bepa and rorofon Unitail asd boliaaing prayer aa odVrad en her bebaif aad Ibe lttei aaf- lerer eoaaetided to ibe aaa of ibe Oinae rearher And tba eielmy waa gained Giadoally bet qnlto eoloioly ibe aleod waa wiihdawaaad tbe TeapWK beaaaea tiqfiihinl roe Tbe Centerier leek wflbe ihioi of Unl and abowed Ibea oaie ber Hei Bind waa enabled 10 belioee rbe pro ieoa pioni and ber baan i rrjowe in lhal Word wbicb aaanai paaa away Ooe pratniae in particalat aba to p aaoy iimee wiib eieeJ eaphaaia each liaae and inrieaaed aoilaioo tiaoaed ara Ibey wbe bare oat eeeoi aed yel bare be- tieted Her eicktaea tnm tbi liae era aa air e ebeetfelaeee To ibo laei nnmeoi bar mind waa onctooded Wiih werila of gentle ad iionliieo aad lender faewrll lelM toted naee abo awaet ly fell aaloBp And are bate ibe eonaoCa- lion af kaowing Ibtl bet Iatl beoie were aheered by ibo ligbl ef i wbaeeraya lone ran pteroe ibe lbadew ef Dealb And now est eoila friond baa gono ta aak loiarei lo Ibo aooabino af tbe lore ol God The art fee le llaa frare we ae loagar be bid tea lor Iraad t lefb palba ef ibe warU by Iky aide Bat Iba wWearaiaaf mm iraaaraad aao Cald ibar Aed bifcoen mar beae alaea ibe Sarlea balb dkd Toep Jaaa IMX a tba Coapaay All baak fa ibair cOar Irn waro axpreMly prebibilad froa bo coaiM partaoia io aoy aoaaarcial or aooofealB aadtrlahiag aaido froa ibair feookiac baiiaia MraMtGoh aad HcDoogall Offoaed Iba Bill Mr Gall aared a iwo aoatba boil wMek waa earriod Yras I Nay aS Tha Nay ware MoarB Aob Big gar BotwallCoaereCkbra Cawaa VV Fergaaoa Irriae Joekaaa ieoet Macbltaao MaCookey lIcKellar oaa Poirefl W Koaa Scawbsrd 8tai- tno J S Swih SeaertAa WaKbrMge WeH Wbite Woa aod Aa rigM Tb follawiag Billa woro reod 0 bird Satlrra of Cbiiily of Oltaw To iocorpnrala Ibo Geraao Beaaroieai iieiy at Qoabec To acnrparale Ibo Bey M Qoalo and fli Lawrraae 8eeaeei C Toiaeorporaa Ibe Uoiool8i Joiepb eflbartiUt To aaeod bo Aat locorporaliag the Jacoea Carlier Baak To eoaSrro ceilaio arraogeaeatf be tweea tbe Towo nf Prtrrbore aad Ibo letaeet of Ibe Port lope Uoday aod liearertoa Kailwiy Tbo follbaiog Bdh woro road a aceed lioM To cooliooo aad asooil the Act iacor ponliof bo Graod Dittiioa of lha See ef Tompenoca Caoadi Wnl- To iacorporaie ibo Toroolo Ctob Mr Taao aared lor a rtlara bow ing iIh oaaet of iba aew Jottieea of ibo Prace io be lul caaowaiae loMwd lur Lower Caaada Iba ooan hft af eaoac by left af w Ally Geo Macdoaald oxprvaaed bR illfagaea la feroib liM IM ef aaaea lafi Il bet objected lo bia aaktog B coaplri laiero ol Ibe rtaiooi Boppoaa a tw wat dropped bteaoo a oBo had brcnaa a dioabard waa il HeMrabte Ibat that reaa- i boeld botaaia part ef tba poblie record of Ibe ceoelry a rraoia a aligaa for r ti a M ckaldrea aod deiceodaot Oibrn ere dropped breaoM Ibry cneld an rad nr wnle lie Iboogai aocb a rrlera baeldoaly ba graalad with refaroeee te indirtdnal caet hare a dilMW grieraeet aa allraed Mr Joko A Micdnaald ef be cierlly of alnkwf a waa froa Ibe aagiv- iracr wbaa oaca tw it oalrM for loiar ry atriBt caaw He rafaried 10 ibr diitiaciioa ef raabiie Eagtead A pra aaai iltnro lo raioB bn taily lo Ibe raok of Ibe yeoawary tka yeoaaaa aabieB a 10 rorae bia faeiily lo a plaeo aaoog Ibe rBimrcby Ibe baoiree aortilioo raa la grt aetooi li oobiliiy bet wbei a yaaua nace brcaar a qaro be bad at leiard a raak from wbiek rierpi for di liMt OMnedect br cnehl ant Be dierlar d Bad bia ana trt hxa la the BOieral xder f tbien wnald b 0 11 Ilk bi faiUrr le ikxcoealry a r laBle wab oa greal edocaliUip uwgbl be i no iL Cnaeneaaoa of ik Peace aed after ba waa eoco oo iba lii he destrd ilwi Beraly becao bie edoce iiae defteieat abiiai aod baaihenw bould ba brought aa bM abd4ra by d aitaiag kna Ibe Gntereaieel aa aol war Ball d a ditanaiog a wasilroie ael be bed bera gwiy nf auutlbieg wrnii al irr bw appnolMal Dr Paiker Mid Ibe rrava Inr aooy ol tbe diaaiMl waa lu be fxiod n Ibe lact bal aa aaay bad appoialaeBt lo Ihr ugiairacy bad beea oada by Mr Jehu A MacJaUBUaGirfraiaeot Mr A- A Dinoo aaid Ibo Bglib yla ofoMgialtacy dilared ta ta May rraprch nera tbat Mr Jiba rraaaisg wa ait apilicabU He Bwrtrd Ibai la I lecral mm ef Jmb nwoaa ef be Peoe nr Lower Caeda ore caie bad beea akea 10 appuaal oaly Bteo aod la loare off oeoe fer pnhtea reatoaa tbaa erer betora Nat abre tei era left of a aay oaa jedot dilrel lo Mnalraal oalt ckr iwo becaoao tby bod aol lad noobecaaaa bo wa ooleraaa far teUiobtt bao 0 iaaoral characWra aod brief by the wagei el larqmly U ba anrer iwod o bra ao- lioo bo aijl prpi Mto tba rra aooa It wooid ba Mcerarf 10 oiaifo for ibr retooral of aoaa of bia fnrada After fortber dianadoa Ibf aotioo as igreed lo Tbo llooaoaoaraed at a pearler ta baworor Ibat io aoatiooiog the beoi lot of Cotllb aad Sbaap it waa inUadod to fAt la fiitAaiaiila ooly TbU it Biitaln Tbt idea wai agrt t ibow roaora of Iba olotb ibo woal loyal tooota ware girra Tbra Mfewod a ovaber of TelaBteertowlaaodraipeMai Alkb- r a T7 idoHMl moiag ww ifoat eopplyreaieriag tbaa repleio aad wbiob bo U wiling low for caab M p Saa bia adeaniaeaeat ia aaatbar patiof Uday paper I aad whoa rioHiag Navaukol giro bia a MlU ProTinclal ParliaaieBt LroiBLATirt euDirciL Qcaaac Oct 9 Tbo Speakrr took tbo cbait at 3 actook Fra btlU woro read a Ibird tiao Bad potaod Tbe Aci raapectiag caiiaai aad the collecliao of deiiea wa rood a 6ra aed r o paMd ibreogb Coaailoe o be Wbete reported road a bird bae aad paead Fear priraU Billa froa iba AaaeaUy ore theo rtad a Cra tiae aad lao Uboib adjtaraed ueiauTirB AMMKr QotBM Ool ft Tbo Spaatir toak tba cbair at 1 oetact Mr Wbilo aoeod Ibo Mrd roadiaf of a B to I aaad tbo Act iatorawaii ibo Peel Geoerol Uaoalaolartlf C Mr Oali called tbo aiiootwa of tka Fiaaaeo lltaatar to ikis Bill llW Tha okJt WM N oaaUa tbt Btak of Uppor C i dMp afooriaia nrioa Wa property t oow bold ia Pool to tbi acbaato C Miaf ito akana ia et I ad tiacM Woaipf a ntfiga Calonid Anlvml if tka laaMifc Ctrl Rtec Oal S Tbo Moaabip Saxoaae fma Soeibaaplee ao be tied oH need uff ibia wiul M aeeo le day Tbe Cuy vf aeltiaere Bod Jata bod ar ritedeiti Tbe Leadoa Tian wya thai b ale el Cbailaun ia einaelly deoided ila fall aa a oMina ef ilae Tbe TVatoa Mr ibai Mr Maaon aaol lo Earl Ruell ea tiaadoy a ooiilioo tba He ba beeo introoMd by ibe Kiebaewd Gveetaaai a witbdrifw frda Snglaod Mr MawMi pweti le le Perie La oeya ibei a Federal aaoaa aorrello bad anieed w Biwai fraa Madeira hatiog baao aoat whb oaobar federal aereMM in porooit af be Fkwid Tbe Fbeida laeeoa Breei eatbe Mid oeapleie- ly repaired anJ prooooda iaaaiiiioly lO aw ibe aaoond ooieoue wbiob ie ai Li- hen aod 10 aitafk bar beliirw abo oaa be loioed by tbo 000 al Broil wbiab ia topeir IBf it fmet ayi ihat ibo Federal oorrei leo Kearaage will be itoaioJ M Baoet be Florida- Bmb belbgofoau will oejey ba am adraaiagaa Tbe Cefedre loan waa ijoaled ai 39 w SOdicnenl Oil tbe 8b ef Ociobor Napalaoo will ro- raiee ibe Meiieia depaiaiioe ea iia rolora fiua Tntie Tbo aeaotlal dop aays tboi Eaiand haaeeietod iMo an oagogwaem 10 eekoowlodge be yeaaaat MMiooa ie eTBrneot a aaea aa Maiailliaa aoaamaaa 10 tbo depoiBiiee bw fioal aaoopia Englaod add Fraaeo WUiboaaoorod be olfiiiial renreoeaiaiti Eniland baa p tea ad M aea oeory aeeo Ivr be rBBltsalioe of a toao oe ary M plaaa MeSiee ia a pOMoa 10 olil baraMieaiisae abaaal La Fraaa Mja ihai if iba ibioo Poirora aebeaoaaaen eewaaaiaaeie a Baaa It w bo of o diffaroal ebanater a Ibr rdioaif oow tao la diiliBitki langadge oeira aoaibir aoaa Tbo Porie joaraale oaoaidor tba iaaoi a Ibo JiaaCaarofiboMiafe aaaaraaluB laaiaaoaai 10 o aoal rarogaiiita aa b Al Fiaaktail tbo Podtnl Di appaiaiad aoaainoo opoa tbo Hebaia aoaaiiiin wbo MpOfMO io U af Ibe redoral eleeo liaa boMg oarriod oat TWooaaiiWOM bo akiag pAaoaaaa by tbo Tbo Ktaiaa Caparor ia opooob bod paoauaod la laai a arialiafw Boeoa i a oabaaa aiih lar- iik aiU ba ifriiff rpvtted alatienad Ibo JDatD aioo ai Fnlaod Ttw Caar rocareod ibo Xiat of Otoeka al 9 Petarabwrt oa iha SH No tooio loaoo a glroa 10 aarai oAoon MiM Tla Roelata wera drfaated ea tbo Mb at Laieaare8Bad at Majaiia oa the tftb The tatabaa H a gfooi aaoy iahaMiawa of Lowaeivi Tla Rooalaat bod ptoodetod aoeoral la Waraw ocoaAas A Capoakatea deaaawb afa aa tbe Brai xep lewardt pleeii Ibo aray en a ar Ivniiui ibe war aiekrfer baa order iho recawoial iMia lobe ailed ilp W ibo war alteaaib by 0er Iw Arrttal if tka tClataM Naw YaE Oal Tte aaaabip CVpotoadaa froa Lirerpnol 3Srd and Qnaiewu Mih arrired W day The willMHawalef Maaea ie reaSttsed The naaao aay if be CentxlMala ore oirnlel wiib Eiland f liyiiic o beep in ibe ritfha H ia awiy Inr il but ibe Waa m Ihelta wbite Ihe ali lo be BrHih O-rr- emment will ba groai ood tbo ftanaa witi hate ooihina M apeoi A cawiM oaeliatBi laa adopiwl ra- aaloiHna Jaieutg iba IM war wat ahap- nt itaolf iow aao far ibo drtaiBn el laray JrBeaa Ibo bwMioc ef wai hi ar Ibe CeefMieraaee aod afatiting Ibe O fm deiaietag beeo balb Tho Tlaaa oiiy arifafa aaorae tbe Oie- emoieBI aaelna aaof lee fat fw aanppMt bipbeldiof lor beh wblU BBoi lienaefararaafrmly aeipUed aod aya rbe onorao baara la aorb roaoaaMoMO a beeiewa of FedenI palilLileaa n froaea ayt W Federal eoreero Xmrmtg u Broal wHI rMoiao preowoly oiler reonoo o bM aaourded a Iho rtorida Eaobeeaaolorilleoieyikeaae iigbia and mlaaotaaao fbe er9a al rranktbrr aiiarte that tho Arebdeke Mesiailian boa Bnolly aacr Ibo Meiiaan u all riaka aol porile area reoaeioag bia ligbia Mat proraialire oailet be Aoatiiao erawo Tbe Patia l erra ef ibo Morafog aaaefta Ibai Ibe Wabafiia Jxreru- aMi aeaateil Joatai h aroa aid aa- Tbe Pario MaaAcar poMlabed aa ad- daaa uf AogMI I5ib by Poliah Na lioaal Ooeer e Piiooo binariaby which baa otraoily eppeoted lo Ibe Enf lh j loroal Tbo eeeoi emoiod a aoaiien aiiit caaaed a fell oa be baaraa Maay j rBgord II o a rinoai laa eflho Pelaoaa bOilltvaiA Reaia eeoiiaoa erarlico ptMaiaiioa faaapTBrra Rioliaidioa llpeneo fe Co WakaBid Naab k Co aad aboit tap 0 r doll ood win tocher leeBti wbrai iiiietend piioea badly BaiBtaiaed ed waeersT wftaU wbileka w B Sd per oooibL Cera oaioi aad laadieg ibwo ward Mtted Me W Aaerleu Bvdtttloii fdpaief tattr tnrti WAiaitTili t I Ki pria- 00 ra wbo not hero te day deoitre Ibat A P Hill aiill cmaaaada iba Rwb atad i wiib abeol 80 aoo oad lhal Lnolroo rvafnroad Bragg Ibroo arba MCO wiib aSUOO lOea armtdfOf We are eeabled OfOO lb hew oolborily e ay tbo on draft fer 00000 laea oor aey leribwr drafi eiber Ibaa ibo oaa lai drrrdaad anw to profreto ia coalaa- piared by ibe Oureraoaat CiiiciiiAti Ofcf 4 A paaiol de- irrkthr Ctmmmimi dated Ckatio nog SOik B 80 aai aeai hie lha rvaya W eiadr aag nl eco broagbl O aeor f4frnea woeerf rd Wbite ta tbt eaoay boo iy bid antkaog lo at bet oerw book fto ro- rl leaitrt ibra rery kiodly r wieg brir legnl that tbry ceeld al prendr Witer fiMid Iby refill la penal ibr aodnr ef wnaivia or J td oSr I be raaircd I be earay botda K of oor a pnvarr f war fir aMibaWacra raiomed lo Ibo robel lioaa ilh ibr aaa rabela b fall M- le nor laed Both arava art bay fwl faag Ibe picket are itbia a aioooa Ibrow of roth abrr ClVOIfBATt Oct 3 Tbt oiaf Ooa adrico froa UMtaanags ap le lt Il wa oaliaslad at btod 9lrln Ibel Iba loa ia Ibo btnle nf Cbkbaaaga wa aa killed IJlOO wiaa rdUiOO prHeaeraSSOOitntal I8900 Il B Ibe npaioa Ibat if tbo rgb wief bod beW itt owo iba raril weeU karr beeo a daeiMrt riolory Ibe ae cae efOeaertl Tboiooa oa tbt WA Waa aocb grroior ibaa baa book praatolad ie aay pobltaod oc af ibt bank I rooted Ia awpo aod a ia I poatiioe to poraoo Ibo tooay aod wtold boia deoo n bod ool Ibt ngM wlap beea dMorgaoitad- Mo torpna fa fall a iSa aray tbat ibo aoeay did aol rtniai iblaak TkarfaMB kokotod to b S000 Oar aray a a taporb igblag a ooapact io orgaorMlioa wall aoppb ed wiik pwrioaa m MMoaiiioo aod fall of COoMwoe IW HtrmWi aaatioo BoHiaAro oor rapaadeet ba oaw froa tbo 8alk Ibai JakaaloaV aray ia Nertbora Gbomh oaaber 19500V oaa aafadag Uh MOOO wHb M batter r of andlory La oroo taiaoot m 63 MO ofaalry ISiTOO oarafay oad 39 xaaa aefat Eelle ara bo beea aat I- Jobaxno wbab wooid rodoeo Looa ay loSOOOO lko rebel rtpoat to rogate CbatUowiga ood Kooifilo Md iodti all Iaoateat tad Ibaa taad batk to Lao all nt Loogartat capo wiib 50000 tddi iioiMi avo lar a aaeraaaat oa Waebag too T eorrtpOo4rot ayi 1 rebel aihiaty eeoaol cnapaed of Jef Dar rreerafa Loa Jobaataa aad Beaoregard bald at Rwbanad a Ibt laUa pan el Aagoal agroad te ara aH tbo afaeaa ia Ibr Seob iaaadalely etpaetBg tberaby le add 40000 BOO to Ibtir tray al ftr tad m aaoy aaro a year b C Oct i Part af Ibt crow of Ibt CoaiyMf baro arnrtd abo reprtaeet Iba toa of hfa at tbt boiana ol kal tloMor at M H D Gelly f Koapor coaaly UiO boa aaaeaaeed btoMtlf a caad dau la rapreaaatatiro 00 te rooanraf IMO pfatlana Tiifcborg daiot ol Ika tM ay Ibai iboTnoteiptdilaa boaeiplodod- Tko raikOBd fraa Vakakari la ack- aofataborokoHi- No Boroaoalfraa Vwkakaif will ba ado rery aoaa Urctral Lagaa ba labea aiBwal af ibaaiyBadclOBtdtaplocat efbrnaia Tbara ia great waal ol fal far tbo traeap al yickibarg Geoerai Oraet rode oal for ibo rat ae oa iba tSib Proaweat cwitaw of Jf ibdo atpprt toaaited In Btabear ciiy rlWillanrt fcrlbtr wl wbifa Mber Bore onrtb M ca Operate fWe Brrroo wb b baea aller Tayfar aa ibt Red Hrrer Ora Baaka H I aoii lakee Ibo ftrU io prraoa- Praoklia a a L loaiii Ibe eorpo fSoa- Herroat bwdqaanert oa Ibt Atebafafaya Frvkt Moitaoa 0 4 RiebBoad apera U lb 3rd aal ara recairtd IVy toalafa tbo Mlowiai ia addiiiaa tal bM baoa ulrgrapked- ClIAaUaToil Oct 1 Oa Ibe 0b all ibo aoeay trod SOO roeodtr rairoi a dtyol falrrrola IS aaotea allrfafly tt aed Jd wa oad boKery Biapkioe ned eiga wdy No ooaaoHie or doBOgo of ia parlaoeo aa ear iHa Very btoty inng ia gniof aa boivaee Ibe boMlr bolioriee bie leMolef Ibe jnag le dty hat bera beorier ba fnr errral week Tbe raeay bo b aleodtr pnarO al the row af Aoaetri frwr bra balierio no Uorria Idaed be yaad Wagner lli tre wa ebvly a Waaler bat be abn belled Port Johaie Jar belleriet aad Pari Mealirio rw widr bruk Bad alrody Int All qaiel I agbt CbaitwB oraiea were aldl cnafrooii acb olberat fat accooai Ot Ckoflaaoo gt Boa era to il fa aid bt oeiabl ibiea Itorttofroolnf Ibt loWB tad il aho roporM Itel Bragg ta fwtifyieg Mia- Mnoory Ride Nnr Took Oct 7 Tbo atoaowt aft baa amrad froa larooa Arrieal traa Matwaore wilb dla l Ibe UM aabe 00 Boaaa of tbo Fraack Bo of Ibol plaaa Otil wv a Hod Peru PfaNo dalot ara tf Sepftakai 3fi rbt iranp aro beiog reonred la 8aa DlMiago oa a beeo of opetatmo A fawyer of Sea Diaiagn aod tw Calbda priet bare brea broogbi llaeaaa aad iacaroarBlod a Mwo CaU at prianaert ef war Staata Aaaa baa aoaa StMM iroopa bei 00 araa two aleaovn waro abool laariag Bora aa fa Sao PiBia wrib prorwiooo aad aitdfary WAaaniOTOB Oet- C A band ef gaorillti aodor tbo faBoo White ef Loadoo OMaty aade a raid laot aijcbi iaia Laagtoy aix ailat abort OoBiaMowa drirtag ia Iba iafcaii ibty bad on pfaatt of artUltay NBwToaKOM A tpadal to bo OraU dated Naab- nifa M OoL atta thai tbataoay l4ty dtatrayod tbo laiyo bridito waib of Mar- roaaboca Tbey benad e portioe aad oat tbo otbW All qalet al Maiftattbot oaigbt LoouTiiu Oal 6 Tbr Jfwiafba receir a apoeal KaainUr wbab latiioadirtd oauraly rohabla trkfak ay Ibai B ida befa tba oaaatri auob a KonriMo 10 Cahnaa aa ikr iliowaata tiea aad iko Woalera aad Ailoaia radroa od woa oaly iwaaly fie Mewlaal frea K tbe jooo Ilea af Weatrra aad Allaata aai Raoa rodrooda oad Beat KongeiMo aa far aa Ureeaiifa oa ite Boat TeaoOBaa Railwoy He pawawrt all Ibt peaa ate NtHib Cornbaa H rigbl wk le ciBiaaonilie bUaaral Retaraa aad baa paaHieo all Ibai cald da deMred Ha tray w a Ibe btU ol btOlUl aad ifdntoi ah ktre beta rtcar Matlora woro anaa Oa aaapai vara Iba llik aod IM aorpt at Gaa BmaH Mim M woro orll iiBr drawlag to a I ba wtalaa tidt of Ibo ltio Vwttor fra Jailafc Ta Teor Oki acoaer Reanetr tea Hataoo tbr SVib ar nit a oeletb B ker aa baro Br PbBayi daloa el Ibe SNk of tfepleebar Tba reboHina tbaeo till raa tad a faciaawag taadtra waaibiot Mrrbin aw Mb laCrHlO Cba rabek atlB toariaat aW Pkt- le ood tkuiiliag daly oaaartat Biatli ga Tbt Bpaaitrdt wttt dll la Itive aaad faeit aad thai ibNMbtotp tlw Sm Lara fbrT lalaeb btd baoa BBWad iwae ttiooaiiifoMydUr wkfafc Ila oMj wee bata d lha reVfa Cal Gappa 9J ff bad aoetooded a raackaglka ort by a bi Way ihroagb lha rabafa a oi flaaa waa oboadeaad by Iba tipiawtda tut Perl aa Plalle beta Iba BiHBtrdl adl ntlnlio 0 orao orca Tbroo boittlfaei baro bfaa teat la St iMoMgo 10 rtiafbtta Ooa fl abi a aar oa La Vagt Tbe gaabeol oerirod at Ha raoa oa Iba Sib Ina Kef Wool Bbo reporta ibai tba otalail Tfay look iaio Ky Weal oa Ibe tSih lbs nbal atraaer Umdd Wilb M befat of OMlea Agtwiafaa atwftbol coapooy wiib a aa af two adbaaa Ibr blakadt rao aag wao 00 beard Tba BmUd woe Ike ftial reael of taBjaiy RAIbWAT EMIatliCMiXT CAa Ur Magaye po Irr laf ibo Oreo Wr4era Radway ka B aod gear In Ibr Bleo IV pBooat be ba OaWs ird Il ia tiaieo it frflSOOO a MO 00 Mr MafaMOMB tbe aaaMor 1 altn iapbcatad a Ibo afiir Ha wo breogbl before Ibo Poiito Magiairolo a llaadtoa ckargtd wilb IBbfl 9 000 After a etaMaliea Ibe difaadaal ackooefadgad bn iadablodoi la 10 Ibo Caa iioay aad aled ibat 1 100 of the taoeel dee lo iba Ceapaay wo giraa In Magaro ia dnebatgo lickeU aid MOO 10 oak aad thai bt coald oat olear If aeaoaot for tbo bafaoceoa be wat fro- eeatty abort io bi caab accooai Hr laiMiaHtlod lor iml bat wt after waiadaittad ta bad biawlf la 93 000 aad two aoratiea ie fl OOO racb 8uim w MAartAn Tbo Uaino Siau CMMitlee of Uaryfaod bat iaaaed aa addreaa la Ibo poapit a wbieb Ibey dicUra Iboir ceatialiawlkal alop aheald bo iaBodiauly lakeo lo abM farery at tbaoartal patAfa ptned aal paibfawMbibtbcatiaiaraiofiba rboy ay Sioco iba poopfa kat Ikai Ibe lobiiBBtt of tfarerj ii atroadp goat aod that oaly tbo abefalaa baa bMa JtA e are of Ibo ofiaaea IkM Iba wiMar tb akefatoa i Iba ba 1 br far rkt troo ia eflbo Blpto aad Ibe Mboa Ifiha Pbii Jeraraaael ie 001 iaUrfarad Mb by faraiga poaera wiM probably aootlarory t Tbt Pgiiab faa for Ibt Bieat wall fatkaaMaaaaat aaaaala la 4l MO Mr br Ikt aeaipio fa 10 bt UHo I Ora Trak agaM at 1 Mr 8MaaUia rak aaaM at Ufib aadrr itoHM if IOW tkaady Toa Tbaabdhalkfii aer oa Salaiilay lai A aoooaaai loOacA rral earigBnr ikeii bt faadwkb iifaadi a7 AtraograiMiMbab nWagow la arret a waiM Martbd Lard Cly O Tbt QnraraaiH I Mr Ollare Clerk af tki Cooaif Atiaroty ofBatit A CamaHai roa tMUOiai rnarr fa ibe Kiogtleo WfaO wM pridoce e aea fa tbt Bo bJ Wkilby 00 Ibe 43d ef Olt u ta roaad Iba EUeo eora m S tiioat aty oibrr boo 1ti a2 a teoda Inr 500 TbotobtTideataiailhWfarf the Oortio wbiA ibiw teS Cboee aod olbtr priM 11 fricadly Cbitft ptrtia to AaB2 Bortioa of Mtoitoalia Ilhri iwotifa Mtvaacalatt b Gtagj7 iLy lilt CtaeaAa I lowMaoia tod K- W tupaagalatt b AociMar on rai Oau RAiLWATTbt aigbt atMMia erday aonSag whiba Am U aa WaabaM Stalioa taa ialaai47 fa Irmia aati oaaaw Iba mSfak of tbo track aad brtakiag etiiU art alto killiag ttmi Nooo of Ibo potttegeaa wort hW -1- It Hia BioHfaoay Iba beeo pfao ta Blbl ananieiaaata rix t Goaia M D Cnraoera cooaly ef BIgio tara ol Mtdiagt bomalori her of Itoaritta 3 8 Mci Toroale tt bo Nottrfat PiUh Mr8aaatt Mealgi raaalb wMfa ao dert aieea wa tfa falliag btarily oo pfaca aod wbrrwta lie n kiwnra rafay raatlNfelf BY TElE6lri 7 Tbe OprMhin FmUhi Qurne Ort Bi Tbt MiaittryoaiaaB labataki oa Galit waat efccaMaaa Mttn v nod all aaaaar af tare of a role leal oigMMd jleraaeol alirr Goreroiaeot rra aad no erory diriaiea Oa hitL Iba rote Kued 9f agaiaaLB j akiry A to of Mtiftlia h thty coooo Jadooo a Ibe GnreraBaal oralrylogia a bay wll be atal botaa wilbtAl Vliefalry lo yitid la Ibeth Tbtra faao traibb Hat Ibt Preatar atlaapMd law aay aadaa ioiooaaaatar iba I lao Opfttitioajoanali 1 lOot omial raloUMaritll Tba HaMa will fnkOtf riiM MTow waab OeaoralToa odoro NaH aal Mia afata a taattaAit Lraa Tbo patty 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