Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 28 Aug 1863, p. 2

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THE NEWMARKET ERA AUGUST 28 18fi3 Hew AdTertiiaacDU 1 Pr il rl J VI J -L- o for A ll li i i i Cljf JtlnuiiiQriifi f la Seirmiktt 7ridt7 Aoi 28tb 1S63 Now apd Then I For uiilluliin impuJnc nil foil ff froiitm- u In ihc MoUrite Poliiiciiiu If lie jiar oT Jli icinrd lie rffirltof cmr prcPil mm villagp mid ocicd mnro like IlnJIiintt riilirt II i iruc lirx arcm lirirty rqutllr t lix ihin iiiliin cIm can tniK Jividrd in ih Elcniiei n cinifinriton of r not pqiiiii Willi Irom itiiLiiig llm 1 nufiir rfrffil In iSfi intulhiig icful cliiin bul ith Miiitirv- Ai Ih Slun prgtue vitiicnnMi Ilixfihrr untccnunltbl ihpy ml be likIy in gin rMler ihtn bcok iifTunil ImrojrrJ rsral otntincD- looM in iirrrih Tl Tird vols iikcn kl irm ilnntivl alonf ime e ih ptinci- niuti lixr ilics n la Cnriicr Ci him ptl xrrtii nf ilis viilsgd Ths nulkori- n Miicn 111 iJri of retumi lion of pnv- nri ry oitrly nml pmparly ciii3re4 fr by ibfii 0 111 fircBt llouM Inj lhi wai carrying Ihc jka a lilll to ilofj Iho kfliiif 0 uptf Cinidii ii o far and muni a warrant for kia arcai Mfnrg Cin lliil poinl ami ba u y Ibn iram waa riiiikntjly diiplnvrri at lo mike rrady fnr inKJiig nnil i roojy tarn hkelT llni Ih Inlt mm will rTn W v wore afiar liim acrled pmM ifi any ciah cinalrtiion iJ 1 ii hiMiiplf in th am 1 he con- aliiiri niiniiiallv oul of nlj innleiml ill bo rviLVlra hnw n iIk- liy f If fmnay IxfMie 1 haa clrl naWfa m lurn drifrn beoui- 111 Vjlliinirnl ini- i ihe rini uf ilie duni nl0 juinpJ nboiirj OppciiKn ihM hiiU Iti prni Mm hj Newmnrkil found inC Lc unvUle l lld pca if Ciiililiin CBlinrl mhl bo iind illi Ilf ll Alfnntfr Cimlll nnrt Hggig ear liM iliay procwdfd bul wfl lro mnbadio Arrl I hrii foUovfd ft tny hfut ifVMnnrh roril cf ti Thf rnwdy kn- f lifO dor lhr rflii n n vuo riimjr iliit if Ip coniablf at fail aa ihcv ap par CiiSifn will in l l ui iif olili Din man ngrmnl of 1ir BlTiri by Juhii A Mac- duiitilil nriiher will ha lulfraln n Min iiry fiitnifj uiilfr iba aniiffa of Mr aniibfli Wben wa tllrl nnllm ibnl ilii I I gntlfnirn har long lid m Ih aai riiika in piiy wnrlare- are r liiftainie iirije in pohiira nrd rrr from ihc aiiie iliin it la nni optniii 11 tlio pro Uriil auppirlor IriorniinfJ in eiucu njttiitulo Mr Wviii mii tli ilici tor icncrjl fur tlio The rcjull Ki he iti clicL i JO J Itio ofTice h hoU in io Illinit bo in- v i ml Vol CTcr in llicn tli ipiiii m pro hu elnicreJ buJly fiir the appninliucni of hij meccMT n if ihtf file of the oognlrv i- ri KJ upin uch action Wi taken firlhiili A a pcciucn wi- clip the folliwin fiini iho of IJ ttniy ll vvi- ieit Iwireir aafe that Mr WilSiiIsi bi It t- S Uiii I Uli IWr mnie lliii a wiek n i hi t nsM ri- atold n ijuira w li ii i ihf i flic ill ro- maim oriu Why it i il ai ai ili pai licolarjromfni wjipn fb- Siji Il lrtrii innl aW oihr irnpnruri inii ilfwntu iba itifi nl Ivi ail- IjlifJy in COQO V lrir Catiiiifi ibi i TfprpaeiieJ by nrintvif iii ile Mmir anil 1ppff C ty ilie amilei iiiimtH orCral- For mrc ihin a iho nfiioe ia- beQ Tacant VIlal a foarfu thin it i 1 the intoroetji of TppiT Canaiii Knii mc rificoJ n 1 Ut m llio foe of thu slalo cnl M lMtTL is raakin rn his con atituTisniI atnooilrucnt i charr iiinat the rfOMnt Miiiitrj Ihil Ioir Caoaili i fCol OltTi 1 tc ly at Ihj bcl ami liiii f Ifrf iiiiii prnached when on nf ihn taller lap lied Mr Itnugh under ih ear viih hi taoii and lellMj him Ha aa than speedily hTid culFf miiched back lo tlie acne iif hia drprmaiiKna ai Aurnra aiiii handeni over In ihr Magiilrale who find him ai h deered and wa may cull to ijiviia thiit ihii i annh f Ihe axwciua Jhrk thai Mr t amp beli wliM be Ihe nnmmul fremier Macdiiald iKxeia lh real ower Ai 11 Sirolte he lio would be inly clay in Ihehandof tliet clever xiiiera In thorl ihe Mmialry wiM irobilily ciiiiinue o gin alrangth aa ihe irrrmpreiirv nf ihe Oppoailiun li form fi tiiivarnmeiit beromea mora end mute ipareiit each week of ihe riion dixlpf hope lacight III raaorirble leMoo for Getting Played Out Iedeemer of hen Ilrprd minkiiil in nider ihe mori prncice bi deceplioii he q from the w J he inftlruiiierit ol hu bphei m all agea dti to li e n latc eupitojily lllow0 hi of appear- haeaojjtit irieltes into ike gOd all I li come le rnl uer lhegcb fial llicy rely art nol h T7 S hirreDcy ft SpecuUtioD Th Nw York Eatress of fry lale hai he fcillnwing rmirkv on Unit Currency pution in VS letr ih piclur ii nri ofrJrtn U hnt wiil ihv do rhep if FJrra NatK1 Oinkt ftra r tha coUhU v whil I titne rivjil tAl6 Hanki i reidilv poef to ntkh ih led glibh o alockholdera According lo Ihe Iruiiieni aoa u Congreaa Ihe ight In iaue wiU Le m propoiiioii to the paJ up capiut bul grrenbck deposit and nut apecie II allowed aa the baiia of paper iaauea Ike itautt ia there ia noihiiig reallyeub etaniial Thie leada lo epecuhtion r gular t llai iv lic viiinn couM alb liis oCco to bo vipml for abiul two yean ahili- Itrir iioiiitiec iiimiii J S i froiu lo Trajv here arj thorc o irainuice eltemplin lo pici hi lent ml iia a gacea ifsicie ai large lo enable ihiO Iperifneed Kxchargo isaikere pull ihe footin- miiliout slco Ifi rjncy ofi he more enTy lo aeconipUfh ihe dinbol j iree and purchaa or diapoee of ausek nearly lwi yin ivi nl jroal dvtrimvnl in gnacf ihrir maiirr Someimeaj eewidiiH to cireumaiances while ihi lo the pujii in tlic of I however ll ee ngenn a I low iheirieol i ulaupeeiitpg end unfurlunate ace duped lhoc shlin ihcni iTi Moikralc I H leile r of iheir jlHgfiniii and 0 hzyest eva iticiao ariiv iticv hi lii albtf their I hul epoe iherr ir iheiriue chnr Io apecalaiion in atocka in all aeier It ite trld Such ii iKe eae J- rr the um i mny Wiih lie Schnilierg fdiicr lai eek l ion mak fur in hii rtjily lo an eriicle m the a po- r lodeH If e iniitnliB ini o iho tk reioot Ke comcncncM n will Anv boh h brnit And Jvringrn ihigrHxjLMtiinei nhcn hoU of very many h j inJoe menofCJodiUughi wHI off rJ ffyll B tunrv und lhturn k bn wfor ho wfiie rnatiy ifrtccndi 10 hia true etemeni nnd cella ell ihe nnughiy namo 10 le fluid in hi choice tceitjulary One lai hnwerer muil ilrike the moat ciiunl feider 1ir doei m l pielrnd 10 even juaiify hia fur y llicy oppononu al lcit lime lo nuVo a cnn- eidorjlo and jjJiei n hloclion I Why ihe teryj jrnal ffiii which wc take ihe ebore tunc acluilly Jirndul the Coali lion in Ihe and drnouncej Ihe eoiiitjinclc tlul njcccd Mr IoR- l0S Uinj ilin m unwnrtliy the rijihl of ftarchiw Vn l nn bceaujc firaoolh Ihc ciOiec of Ikilor tieccral has been tacanl a coofilo of wccl tiica lo rai a boo and cry against ihc prcienl ior men Suli i the character of root MoJeralc knd racb tin political puril f the Jay It inci3ticncT New CombinatioDS- Tb Orpiition rthinf on llic appa- rtBl arcn Jiii n f ouiuUrs lltccn the two ucliot io tle Kuuio art klrcady liW on the probaLilily if ihdr Uinr to cirry an tdrerae ti le the Miuislry The coorac ihey etidonily de rnlicil o patinc is Kolin lo attain iLvir ohjict fa QBforlaailcly loo often rewirtcJ lo in Ihi eoantry nainvly tint nf a Jelerniinoi ih fielioua pofilion havin- fi r its ile- aired csd liiDply the atlainnienl of piver Bj iu adcocaK in their deapcrile clatcb tig or be rvin of office nu tlouli of the of ihcir comraon country Kcma to tay heir bind no matter were iheir cA fbrU l3 rcsjll in plunginR u frr iJccf tiuD al present in ho iliuh of debt and mbarraMnicat Xo rhcr lc any atep hoew rqinooi bo liken han Carlier and fricnj ratnain longer in the bare and eomfortlej waitin- rnom ofihe oppositioo 8oeb ii Iheir Ijnuajc Iong aliliclcd to tbrusliog aith mcaaordeas fik into the flcfbpola f olial weaUb a lillle kbeuaencc baa vbetled ihir appititea lo neb a derev that like he Klarred leer- dient Iby eoald riart even lo eriiLc for iu gralificaiiuQ fur it i a ciituc kad Bolijbt one 0 endeavour lo tlay ten fur a motiuol he clTurl liilerl tte now tnaliri4 lo enlA on i new and wiae cojrw cfeconoiny and nlrcnehnieni Wii the policy poraucJ by he Jaedan- tldCarlier Gorernment coe ba ant Iriesd of hii fonnlry wouM care lo ee ngainl oven palliate hia miiiiutiira eneni ihia village but cnienli lirrfef wiih cnarte ribaldry foreign nogeber lo the origmnl ciue of diipue and ihe aimple deiial of ever being found wrii a bill k in hia hal ouriiigite Kinga Diiiaion pllitica cam paign Ii reply 11 thia we have jnt to ell Ihe fl ppant man we hate iho auiti iniv if a man in Kichiin nd IM- whole wurd even the ilijrg nol iueiin i man wbi enlribuei largely lo wrm hn inio ha preaeni pr llrl wo were rorrect ard if hi itaiament ii nol uflieiciilty plain will ihe whole fneia mud and ull tVe kn iw the man wilh whom we are iJealing like a book eaieeielly from bte Vorkville eiperienre lo the pieaeni lime and he mual not Ihink ihol 06 thing like can rr tiiinia about ioffiiiin we hold in aocietv Will acreen bim Trorn the caiii gallon be draervM lie cofcludea by a ing o were eon vieied before Parliamenl wiih fitibing Tliia ia a grnta unirulh and we are pre pared to prTO thai ilie cllomberg tor apreaaed hirriCli a being perfectly eonicioiii that the e of ihi paper w belief io ihe maiier an I ihn tro on the tery occation when the reiu loiion rrfirrcd to aa loat wit pttfed Iul hia nlliiiiiii lo matter ao fully dm cuted ii Ile lime now paeaed i aimpi o dritw ofT ibe dicuMicin in another dt rociin 11 ii eU humbug r nd ittendec to deceive Public Holiday is Toronto bbaeved by Ih peo peci paynenta the enorrrwuf uea of pnper mnney axon in be large 1y inereaaed if ihe uf he IVearury la not cnreful in the iiiuea be mnde lo the new liiika the abaenee of otject of tegtmaie trade hiebje Tnrg 10 the war the abundance of mnn ey the lo rntca uf inerral and a mul iiplicity rf oiber rfoon fully nceuoii or the ciniel beiwren the Hull and lltfira the innde and ngtiide cliiiiea IVfl long however the Crash miil and leka will be linughl down lo thir preper level aid erhap fer belu Monliy bat of Tor ifi actcd on e trow not Wlpleo Toruito ierernllv e a puil Mio rouiia ipringins then trim Apply er nfliiiMneta were clonl an I ilio ioj thii cat 0 Ibe late carrcr of ihttc arc find tbo balancc fearfully giioat Iheni Their cihl years of Id miniilialion did not tend to he malcriil idTtDGuaent of Uie lakrrau of he eono- trj Oo ibccontfsry we find that undir tter gnidanea weeolcrol on a acaann a teeg oae we far of grrat diSeaUy aod of mneh daogtr o ourwell beioK WiiV OOt entering loto a tninute diecoaiofl of Iba act and poliej of the Maedonald and Artier Adminilration it will aufficr or pirpoo here louy lhal ty bat poli ej we bare incurred a load of dclt beyond sr ability lo nianape even while laboriog M we row are onder a load of Laxaflon oonBODi for a conntry like ibia 1 tax- aljaa wbich ia fearfully cramping the eo- ergfc of Ibe trade and ealcrpriec of be eeoelry Nor ia the cooluci of ilieae gentleinen le Oppcaition eucb aa lo wnrrent the be lief hat iliey baee aen the error of ibeir Vy are far from deny ing ib ttleol potaaeaed by Metira Mardnnald Certier and Cial bul that lelent waa Ovl BMd blor fir our bea tdtaotage Milber do hey now abow a diapoaiiion do ao They bave a yel brought orvard no attteamanlikt plio of policy es wbiek 10 groutd ibeir efllirt lo return W power but bat aiisply coLlied ifceeseh with wekiug i Bbxrai 3 ike a iounif f ihe clirnp irij ad lint day the tarda left the mrlropi l airing In enking on h Northern iljil Glcie asyi IJelween nine hniJed and ihwia nd peraona left by lie Northern Ueil way Kjcuriion r V M Tayhr coiducior yealerdav trrriiirg fr Col lingwood and OriUla The train war compoard of eighteen cara and coupU of incomitirea 11 aomn niituiMer lani4ing the awilchinin HI Aurora peii ed Ihe aitich nt the irsui cema alung and both loc inoie and two cora mi off Ihe track catnine a dalay of abnui two hooi Mr Mcljriih Superinleii dent wai on Ih train and lelgrephed Il laitia north iil eojdi ol Aurora ind he aojn hail plenty if aiialnee a the place 1 he track waa moved ahoui iwi feet tho allowing ihe eariagea 10 paaa aid another eiigne having been procured the ram proceeded on it way reaching Coliingwcnvl ei fur oclock in ihe aflernoon 1 hree hundred paaen gera went by li e aieamer Emi May to Oriria and danced going and return isg to Ihe atrina of ihe Sbarnn band The tram lefi Cullingwn on ii return al ail oclock in ihe evening end cMched Hell Iwirl ai nine when Ihe Drilliaet euraioniaia look iheir eeaia and all arrived eafely in Toronto a few miautee aflei iwoira oclock at night Among 0 many ii ia no atrange lial here ahouU b a few bani caeea Oe of thie clan during lb j lima of ibe deUjr Aurora atlaiitrnlofthroiigh Ihe A Word witii tho British Whig tijc Kington ifUf t ipoeiftl teleprtm from tomo Miniitcriil journal in tpprr Canada oia be fol lowing eomroenti Th tbnv Ttflrtm or RiiHeiin ftp para in ihi ofil i moitinf ani louMti in Ifki cffioia ib Ptovite ei tn ihal rap tbr orsan ol ihi cny It comt om om oc cMiiecie1 wnh ih Covrfrmrni fveiAllf ihM jiii papal ant i orip 4J ih TUxrapKie kioria for ii 41 a woulJ b Iui4iihii lo ih La4it oi jilier conatalrvr komiral now ihn p fir iUa Dvleiifl f Sox ih OiriiBFii Tiy rmartaltf i ih anJ it oiilikf y tbal an ifig9 mHrtifr 4 lit Cibtiii sAuiil tfa la ih nral epiii Th of 4nlinf lor9 ililjr Tlagfam u n ibA rati ih Munlrral Teleiaph Cornpany weold cbatf ihd jutrijioenir fntil aniiQrt lo n iuViuA J ilitr a jrt rMbUpvi ac ihiR of rnma iniiril kiiil may ha hrn Jur by fim0r thro lhr Minuin iliooh fl ih puhi pui neter raiatfii iha himtuj cry of Kr- irencbfiiriM lo a ervtlioua poopl I bi Ufi 0 Ihe HrowiiDvncn MMiiaiiy III tfo ihta 11 of itiin on t laffA a hamly ho Ilut aufOa iiurp04iani t iha lliie of Ambly iratiurn IUll Mripyi paij orlrpl Tciah Cunpaiiy fo ih iiae 1 almol Daily Uulcira Tho Of balletin to vbleh our cotcmporarj refcn appeared in ibe he wcvk pre vi 00a o Cbe opcaln of The aoj no oaa uaare bim we aIo fur cvry Udorani we ever rccivt from Qlcbce If paid fur by any uieni bcr oT he Uovcrauefll all wo 0 Bay i in lltil eia hey were paid for wicc over le adojid however bat be CAaTtCh MvcimNALn Adininiatratinn dill du leniple lo ake poblie fuada t pay fr dipicliia lo ho CjilitinB Prc fjr raya be doubllcaa aooxtbins of more limited kind may have been done by former Miniilricf Noae knew heac lxu Ihin Jotiii A M orvaa in KiQgaen and be sow faaeiea beeaoae Ibe preaa iappottia Iho pret Govero mcnt rcetive apeeiai Iclegrami daily or weekly from bo Seat of Uovernmeat it ia done at be pub e expeDao Tiioehare tbal it baa been left to Iba prceenl Minielrr to do thit aM of bio on a laro aeala meaninp Ibe rurwardinof deapalebea 0 be Miaiale- rial Preaa be pabtie expeoae ia wbolljr wiihoot foondalioD purely ima ginary and wa are only anrpriaed that a joaroaliat like lb edilor of tbe ITAi did not aiake bicaeelf aoiiuiald with tbe facia of ibe aaae befr sakiag ebargea ao onworlliy of bim eapeeially whea by eaqairy at tbe telegraph oSw be laighl have learned tbe tnitb of tbe laatler feat Ibe wiahiog to eave ibc nceeiHr expenaeof tbeaa apeeial lei grama while at tbe aaae lima nol deair- iag 0 k ibe pablie know tbe rue lUia of ibe caae haa limply laken hia method 0 acMaot 0 bla reader for ha Bon-ap- pearasee oflate inlcUiRCnee therein pla- eioc be eelerpriee of bii eoletnporarie in a falae lighl and atfording bim aa oppor- loniiy to bate a fiinx at Ibe OoreraDenl By all oaDt webope aome independeDl eisbcr will Rnilify ibe HAija deaire and QOve for the relura of all aoaice paid tho TeleRrapb Company for be car- riape of tbece almoal Daily Balletlna Solbing woold ahnw icora fully be en- lerpriae and independence of he Gri Prcea aa compared with be late Coalition oriaDi Thi Bribery Charge Nearly the whole time of Tiseeday waa oeeapiru hy be llooae in dieeoarieg a ehar broanbl apairl the fiovcmment of bavini aoajfbl lo bribe the Graad Trank to aopport ihcm at Ihe lait elee- lion Of Courtc il waa originated by Mr KKBaiEB an oppoocnl of ibe Miniatry and PreeiJcnl of tho Catiadian Uoard d vaa pabliiilied fint in the Montreal Gltfllt an avowed aepportcr ofCABTixR k Co with the view to inflnenee the lIoe while diacawing Mr SlcutTlr amcndiMnt to ibe Addreea bnt we pub liah Mr ilrnTOsi able reply under tbe Parliamentary head The 6ofc alao bai a ve poinud article abowlnt the abeord il theeharpe from which we lake llie following eilracl The object of ihe Orand Trunk au Iboritiee waa evidenily from Mr Bryil tet elepvam leid by Mr Holion o force a aelitemcnl of the aabeidy uealion before the eteciinn and in Ibat hey fail cd They bad the acala fr Montreal in iheir eraap but they eoald not indace Ihe Minixry to decide ao impottant pub lic qocatiiin by the ihreat of dcprivinj thein of three aopiiorlera They reTenpsi ibeiBaelvca by worlin agaiaal the Mioia try ia Moatreal and Kintaton and other pltCM where they bad intlacnee and now bey are rying to drive from oSee ilie men who reaicd llieir demanda and lo Iring back the old K who were prepared 10 give ihem all hey asked under he ibin cover of an aibilralion We fancy lba ibcy will find heniarlvea mlalakcn in the effa of thciv blow The enpnccr will be heiKleil with hia own iieard The fjcl tlial the tanc Trunk Company ia bitlerly oppoacd 0 he iovcrDuien ia priftuj fiifie evidence the irircrnment baa done lU duly lo he Irniince o lie mailer now under dicuaion the Provi cial Treaiory haa mffvrcd no wton Ol no Iranaaction bciwceri llie Trunk and the Carlier- Mncdonald Govcrnmenl can that be aid Their intcicourae eon aialcd of vxorlitanl demands on ihe part of tlc Company and ahaiiefil eomplian eea by tbe Goveinnient Tbe aole error of which ntenibeia pf the preaeot Gov men were eoitiy waa cenveraing with Mr Jamea Ferrier in a room io wbleb no diaiatereaied witneaaca were preaeot 11 ia an error thai will nol oecsr again we venlDro lo aay od when i it knnwr in Knclaiid tbat Ihe Prcaidint of Ihe Company entrapped Miniier inio hi room in order 10 iiarMe bcir eovcitjlion ami aflerwarda pubhah il to auil hi party and pertonal objecia we fancy that be will not remain Prcaidcol loag Newmarket Conncil Tha above Council mot on Monday evening lail All the member preaent th Reeve Bialtbec Kq io ibi chair After readiti aad confirming the Min oten a eommaniealiun waa received and read fiom ihc 10 the Board of School Truleen aakin Ibe Cooacil to lev and eollcl tlOOO fur Coiouion ifcbooi porpoea AUo from Thoaaa Gibaon arking the privilege to baild a abanty 00 an anoeea pied atnel Aecoanta were pveacoteil from Mr Costtable Webater alao from Mr Geo While Moved by Mr Jaekaoo aoeonded by Mr Iloadbooee ibal the letter from Ihe Board of School Tnutae and alao he aoeoonta from Mr Wcbeter and Mr White be referred 0 he Fioaoc Com mitlec Carried Moved by Mr Gamble aoeonded by Mr Uaraden that tbe conimunieation from Ibomaa Gibaon be referred lo the Koad and Bridge Committee- Carried Mr ackaon from Ibc apceaal commit tee to whom waa referred Ihe Pelition of l Ki and CC olhera pray iag for a lMkUp aubuiiUed a report aelting forth ibe conimiitce concurred with the Petitioaeri lhal a LockIp waa need cd that tocbaa one aa would aaawer ibe purpoac coataiaiiiing threo aparlmenia and buiil of limber uouli be erected al a coal not exceeding tl000 and reeom mending a ooofvrenee with the Finance Coiuoiilleo lo aacerlain wbelbev aulHcieot faoda would be al the diapoaalof tbe Cor poration after meeting olber appropria- iona already nado lo mM ka eio of emliniz kueh a Loek Cii a ia eontem- plated Moved by Mr Gamble aeeooded by Mr Maraden lhal Ib report of he Loeklip CmnBitlce be received and that they have leavo to ail again and be reqoeated lo have tbe eoofereuoo referred to aa lo finance and repurt ihereoa alao aa lo ailCarncd Mr GaiLUe from he Fire aad Water CommilM reported be bai agaia leaaed the laad oa whieh ha Engine Uoaae aland fur a period of fuar year al tbe rale heretofore paid The report waa adopted Tbv Council then adjoorncd till Mon day evening next Board of TruMaa Board met oa Monday evening lail Present Meaara Maraden ebairoan Kbineharl ioulhard Tcotand Jaekaon Mitialea of pnvioaa alia read aad eunfinued Afief reading two or three ooaiBaaiea tioaa apon wbieh ao aelioo waa takes it waa Meed by Mr Treat aaeeedad by Ur Rbiiiaharl That Mr Southard be raqaaafr edao fsratah tbe Sebool Booaii wbere ear wilb aotlea blin for lha ia- dowa 1 alao bave lb wiadowa tapaired wher the glaa ia brokea Carried Movedy Mr Treat aceouded bf Mr Bhiaabart Tbal tba Teaebar be notUed tbal from aad after Ibia dala all glaaa brokea by Ibe aebolara moal be paid for b tbe paraoa breaking tbe aaae Car ried Morad b Mr Trent aeoooded bj Mr Soqtbwd Tkai tbe ScctaUrj b retjoaat- ed 10 aak the Village Coancil to raiae the aom oft 1 000 for Kbool porpoaea fur ibe corrent year The Uoaid Ihea adjoaroed till Than- day evening TpcRaDAT Kro Aog 28 Punoaal lo adjonramenl tbe Board met thie evening Preaeat Meaara Manden SoQlbard Treat Rbioebart and Jaekeoo After reading aad oonfirroiag mieuiei Ibe Board proofed lo diaeaia aabjeet metier of Mr Alexander eonnoniea- bon for nearly two hoan The ebangc propoaed contoaiplated the employment f another teacher or monitor more proper ly apeaking and hence Involved loereaaed cxpenaea 0 be met only by inereaatd lax- lion But ia view of lae neceaaily of making Ihe aebool eSdeal the Board on motion of Mr Treat aecoadcd by Mr Rhincharl decided to try a third teacher till Janaa aboald the number ia Ihe achool conliaue lo warrant iL Tho lioird deeided hereafter 0 cbarge nonrceideata aad overaged pupila ihc aam of 7Se per montb a aam acareely equal iho average eoat of reeidcnta Adjourned tiJi abo 2nd inal SAiuaoAT Kvo 2nd inal Board met thia evening Preaent Meaara Maraden Sulbcrlaod Trent and Jackron Moved by Mr Trent aecondod by Mr Sulheiland That Ibe ehairtoau Iw in airueted to get the main room and two liibbiea properly whilewajbcd al a low a figure aahe can- Carried Moved by Mr SutberUnd aeoonded bv Mr Trent Thai tbe north wing of ihe Sohool llooae be placed al tbe aervice of the Uoard of Puuio Inalraelion on ibe 2th and lotlant Carried The Board thee adjourned The Speaker of the Assembly Tbe mantiev in which the Oovemmenl were aaaailed by ibe Oppoaiiioa la Parlis- nicn for lapporliag Mr WAiLmtirix a Speaker of tlie Aaaembly ia freah in he minda of our reader Hewaacharacler ixed aa he he vilca pirtitta and groeacat bijiot in Ihe liouae hia loo by the very men who auppotlcd aad elected Sia II RV during he day of ho Coa- lillon It ia herefore with plcJMjre we note a change in be aenlimentaof thoic who denounced Mr WALLBBIIKir ao bit terly QJebeo Correspondent of he Coalition organ at Toroolo ihsi wiica Tlia murh piaiael loi hi manlmeaa and tnpiiiliir ih giving lh leciion i cherifutty ece wuh all ihe encomiuna Ibal ao paij liiin and wtul ever he may havx Jons in lheij iliianne acl nt inlepeiiilcnctf bo I m4iiliil miilbe ireiigtiixrl aa lliai if an buiil and iiiipa Editorial 6iimma7 special meeting vl Ihe Connei lakra place neat Mooday evening fur tlir tranatton ul jiira bnaineaa CCr Se ihe Bdvertiaei- eiit in niioiher column annoaoeia till reeprnin at Auri r 1 t Mi Giiaiia Kloit 1 It it wlih ciiucli plenure wo call iK tiiruiion of oor rrailn lu llie ehei aup ptj or A rr Kau Fiuiia at Caaaatt Hainu ia- Diorr We are iidrbleJ lo Iho member Tor HriU Verk J P WitLa lUi lor eapin priimrnttiy of intcritL Alai lu Uie CUrtb ol KuuliM nod Aicirda fur Mioiliai favoa tC King Mutiiipl Cnuneil tneen at tnuirrow SaianI whee TrtjM lera cli I Sertion aSoiiJ tialta tfiir ai- pleatii4ii fr lh- Ouuiit to ralict I1HI a7Mn R II itTti Ilia ur llonk for a brauttfat bcquaL ooipoaed irnia f the Aral Aatera ar d other aofiaala we Kara aen io hw veetioh of e aiitry We Ar jadebieJ t yn riaaa for a laaH ef very eaellvat eaoahmaloaa Parent and guardian deairooa gf eeaJieg ihajr rhidrii la a peitaia aettoo wnuM ei well 1 call al Ilia aaeon Mill eeiiieiel by Mr BaVLv and Ila Maa llaeawT Their achool eaaimeaeeil ifie aiildtoa teem hn week aal baretefare hai been eBarkably tnnraaafijl W are retiaeied o rare ihni Db RaitaAT Oa Kicirrr ai berv oa VVvdaaiOay ItV aad foucd that hf WM alovly rvforariMf fre aallfhiagiViroka Tha Iecor ihief ha will be abU to raauru pwiiea ra 6e Woe ihf aixth ef nj noiiH la Ua rraaMire ih baAiaaa will ba earrird on by Dr KAvaar Sea adartiBao ffT- We aotiee by Ibe Kaaitkillea Ifvlaad Z that Ike Hev Mr Tovre ao wall aaJ favoarably kiwiwa ia preached a Ike greet KlllyKevlia Camp Uaal lag ea iba 9Bh ell Abaa two ikeeaaaU paeple wera paarol Wa alea aatiee IlialUv Mr fiuBoi ef Caaada priaehad tkaaaaa Jay 07 I rur votica a couple of weeka pmnsmsBBBawt 6411 be bioguM oul i onaa own bom withoQt ihe loonvefiiencca aiienlinji the u nf Ihe large pip orffin Amoof iho lcnptoiTf nia whuh tho Cbioei Or tafl ia aeirptieiS iho promiMint Iho Auiomiiie which ocablM ibo perfufiner o prndoeo iih perfect eej every verieiy of lifb ami ahede fom ui alffioa iniedible reurinurioa foil ehoroa atfonjly memMinjt ibai oS a Ittge pipe orcan Aa fitrinff iraitmooitl 10 Ih elOoUancMa of ha iniraBPOit lb naOM of oeef one hen1rfi rif the i9oel on moot oriantata ecuJ illaga ihe Biek ReiUIInK oppoilae ba lUii nal Uotil wa fata k m liairif end i y Ur Psca It aLoeld H4ra beee MrWm Cona Wa ragft lha rrror bgi U vaa al btlenilona 00 parr Mr Cooa bafing elJfl Aor ai iPbUoa heralo w cbearfuMy maa iba om Tbe MttfiKipal Cooeeil of Aarora drra wall al U baoda of he citisn rh hate aidovalkH aate ef of iba prinaipaJ traaia ard gtooralij beaviiftJ iW Thry oajt hewaver bow lhal Ibay bat iedUlam aad aatbey beva neiradlarp etia frrt iba Towaabipe oVhilhareb aad Kio aa Uir pxvporiiea of 1 CVrgr Ueaarre which wit aywaarUjr li Uiaa oa irriallj bo Btaler wbrtber applied 0 ceLook or le gteer pepoM wa ay iber eobt aow to accera good Fife Eegiaa aad eeiabliib aa ffitfiaet fire Company m aa to b pfrpffd Ift eflae oftaleg viaaii4 by lb caUniiy efirc It eea bo paiehae4 sow wiihael iMling tlU loea wbareaa if Ufl UU Uia praa aooreeaaf reveona tfo exbaselaJ il mifbibaeaoaldered bonleoaowe n oieetioa wii el t Miaoa 1 H Caiiatf Oadam ll 19 erj eelden ibai aro are able to d leet pnble aiiaPiiOQ lo mgaical iaairafneoi hat eouiAiJi ae mMy elemeata U pomIarify M ibo above oaiied Peraona inUieaieii lO imlranMOla ofaeaUiDoH looea wjll bo glaJ 10 ioaro 11 lUe Meloiioeu oo loogtr the eoly inaiferQeii of ift kind wiibin ibeii reaeh but lhal they eau new obtain one wbKh for itt eapebilitiaa ef power and ex- prrMioniuttly entiilaa il le a place anoeg eanaieat iaaiioiaenta hereloCora aoeeeopiaJ aad by tba balp of wbicb irva argaii maeie he iwty have been itiven to their tupporr pronotinein ihem the beat in tht world Cor mniical reader and oihera nieretal aierefeireil to the advailioment ol Meaari Maaon A Hanlin m another colomn Cnrrfsponiifnff tT W wUh aoiUmtrtJ inti w ir riprnHblr or v pOalrnu Or S Hon tar on Fnlmoawx Con- aampuoa 7b Iu KliXt cflSt Veeelrl Are In my laai letter I conclued ray rbervattun on Ihe ilireaaea of tbe Voac Ikroat and Hnnekint TVAee and I now cumu to apeak on iJmoaary Coiuan- ion thai diead malady which Ibaae aflee- iiont invariably end tu when nol propeil lated Coiiaumpiion it the meal Caial dieeaae in the tons iatalogne of bodily alflicttooa aai hence ariola ituia tirongly lo the phyai- m thin any other In thi and inleed a oogninea lyig m ihe mpernfe loite ll cauaea Ihe deaih of neuyrlA nl oui The deep inteiet anu gieai tmpor- lance ol evrilimf wtiich piuTiiaea lo mm- nte tie Idiagea el hia acourge cannoi ba ovecetimid Ttie weekly billa el mnneliiy poml to u the tuiiling tct lhal If Iliiiae wtiu bave paaaed the aije vf youth lully one ptioii 111 eeiy thiee we meet in Iie gieal lliuiiuslifaiei ol bumeaa and pleaauie la under ihe ban of th leiiible diaeaae and iletiitie to fttl a Mcnlice lo i unteaa eaveil ihrvugh Itm ailopiion o tome meihwlof ileatmnu muie ucveaful Iban itai ualiy emplujrd Id Ihia and tuU iiient le teit 1 thai I eX- plain eveiyibitig wiich il la nieaaaiy fvi rhtf piibliv Itt kiijw tegtdiig iho nature ul Ilk Jieae Ihe Cfiluea whicti produce it 1ie ayrnonia by winch iia tfpiiailt ma IM kiiuvii tha aeveiil slafet and furm ii 1 iimre ihu age cleira and callinga inof pieliel ton and latty ihxaptn- ipre of piiciice w Inch if adipud intirae al faiihliilly uluwed out will lead lu lit ucreetiit treaimpnl Cunagmpiinii la ctuacd by Inbeielea in the lun Kit a lim tiino ihia lerm con- trai applied tidiaciimiiaieiy tu 4tl ilieaaa if bcuie naluie anended b waiting or emaciaiuii of lha tody They wiie ailed oMKumjtiuni bitagia the bnty luwty inumrl awey When tbe atudy ol ptlioir4l anninythal la lo aay tli iinofomy oftht urgjna la diecoae brcaire tf KMei II WAe 01111 dicviveed thai aeif ine Inn a mlH fieqienlly caue uf Waliii than all other clirwih a COiiLiiieJ anl benco ftom Ihi riitiump Ki it llie Lun aiiiarte e atieniiun anl in cinree uHime eaine imilKle teiui i puliDunaiy diteaH e VVhin thrrefviH I ute Ihe leiin Cuniuinriufi I wih ine leaitai lo remm e iliai I mean not only a iteaaeuf the unc buiapaftiruljrkinJcdiejf ch4r tciiMZd by llie pieaeuce bl u6rrcf i hiir tubaiinea TafKrclit are liitia fiimelar biiea le IMii- in lliii tiliMil 1ltey aii inuI fie- I luaie I beneaih itie muoiii mam h iif-iit- bii thy aio al ile inte ir ihu arce tud n ilie fiee aui L1 uf llie inigiua minbrane IVhei liev are Immel on lha moi0 nembaie bovii 1 U iif ihr a kiini 1 nz lror III ihi long f JToiii aa hj t irMpr ugft wuvii uiat ji i of fkt Ujrtd Wlawpr pirpi b Jrtt a lm0M o re air o iho air ralb Will proJoeo ihn Sl oid Is la oolhig mnra fhaa uAiroJ with ho eetQenia nf h9 iimoa m hicb il w MArke ibo olTvi of e ca rafth io ia ihftienoo oo ibe Uin heap laJil yoo lhal catarrh la a ebtorc inflamAa loo of Iho fnoroua membrana hixng bp ftoeo Tho accretion wbMb fuim lo tbr pnatofier nara fall down into the throai an1 rabidly eileml ihe irriieiion lo ihapii Iranoo of ihe win lpip Once ha reach vi Ibia poini avfry hhl in ih wealboff everr eipoaora le Jot inerow e irriialion and oarfivt il drwninlolh lyni prokluiof ilighi Aoafeneii anj in io Ih lobra cagiinj ih riion f a afirJc bluiab raacoua Voij ihory lhal a catarrh proJofoe iha rutatmu hich Ihia mucua l4ipfnIa Te pipe and bronchial in whirh il foin ar ih k6lbieutfb vhuh ibo looca terpiao 1 au flacery for ihe removal of iho ear ton Irom Ihe bltiol Do you auppa on obairurl Ihoao iibo and el nvi Jimm uh Ihe atr drawn rbfnugh ilipm al earh piralion t Thi aiirkvi mocoii nd ony ut iirocsaihem hni ofien romplatelv aeala iijr I btoiifhial lube of cenidf rable atz And f yoo diminioli iho air received inU t lifavoMa yoti eaoao a poriior 9f ihe rti reiaain in iho btooij Tlie nompcii ih i I hul ufT fro r a oNiler of aUCella th i iapilafiea of ihoiocclla Iwcoma offi1 iih mpecfecily lecatbMitPil bloaxl aMu are i 4ble lo bume tuitreuUM Km I oaiuri very rndijjajl and may bear Mh Qa for lon lim but or Uier a daprMit of caiboo lak pUco in ihe otrrutod Mr n J frnfli lhal moment ihe ectae h ebangeU fiom a implooaiarh or lnchl1l le lha ffiol faral irifa known lo our race la ihe otJruciion loiha au ttjb mu wlMh caJa ilio formaium cf iib i- and hf nie ii i ihi I aay lhal oidi tu twrelea are a lully formed iTta patnt b- raining of bia daBr byon I ihn en dence o the preena of ihe alcky mucou pioiluced by hacking K up fium iime te imo My ntxt Iftier will be on ib Smploiru f Yoor ohodifnt pfvtnr ROBKRT IIUeVTER M D Pbicun fir Pulmonary Lieaea Bayteri Torunio 8i Bay r og ISTiS nr ind Irai ii I pjtiMd ottT ifitm Tu n iif milLi ieil lo a cieiimun JMJ and aie kowi uiUmo by nmo of miiiitry tuUrdn 1M 111 Iig UK InlM ili-lorb- 4rMro 10 tno s 1 All wo odMi4iily tiriil A itui tli breiiii4 u hofloneJ nL pitiap thJv i a Jieilion lo bavk Mickaf ho itiiuai fniNrotly bt beuiH hco Ml ibe piiKil haa no w4iD ing of whal la akintf plaeo w ibe lonja 2ioriid Stage TI9 miliary ubroloa in create in ii bv the aeereimn o fraab pat Hftoa lUtrwn tKf tfomiimo lonma by ihe Idfwal Btid alao undri a ohanfo in colnr Hiey were m ha raiupdrrRf ry aie nnw ad becum in yffov If we cul ihrovh 4 pMirof linu whivh fiiWrclea iu ibe N PIIT WO iT ll aickUa hare anJ mare mkh ha lk y iike iiulo Uunpa ol cherae Yu l an tpiuraia lliv anJ lhay brrak bvivreen Ibe liieia jo like biio al otJ I bcMo In toteiala i ibo aoceml vary fiiMQ a pa la a fubert but il la iu common lo Uid U aiil Uiaie a lu totcle ol much larger hm If ihero are a tfieaigmany lubrcie Hero wllbea00i laal ol hilooaa of breath enJ atirae loe ol fleh Tnrele cauao ahoiioeaa ol res hy c ilie airiuh ami celt of ihi piA d ibi lufig in whif h thov are au 4pd Hfre mjy alao te Oiua afiaiitg fium iho iiiita iMn ihf poauco Tbrd Sigrt Uavins reached the aiaj of dioao may leataia uuurary Wr wki monibs or er yoarti avaiing a aafflcieni escttio eauno lo eer ly ll on to ihir ibaiti Oi later a frtsk oUd pruJuora iufimmolioQ lo ibo ervootiMg iutfea aad ibo iubrrlo break down forming an iilcrijua tXMtUio m of Ibe wah of ih airiubea and Kid by hnitnd IuIkkU pooreJ into ho Umochiai luhoa and CMikel Op ppinfid Aa all ha lutieiclo are iwt fiimel al ih aame iime but in IDp aA etfArof Ja fto leko pUo all ei Ibo aame limo Alter ibo A luk ii rCko a atom cauMi by ibe alotfto lion ajid breaking down a pari of kho lang haa p4d otf oofieideiablo irnpfavemanl lakoe plaeo io tho ayidptoma ami b iia nam naturally ibmka ho i Gl aoon a 4nd np uf labevlae aofiet and amrfhr part nf Ung brfcaka doti Th AUt ekVo aufieniMff follow ly lom porary an3entnieM bwiy bui derBina ibe etreagv ol ibo ayiom Min aa avfiening eVaborrle lekea placr wo havf ail ibo woriUympoma Oil AiV ftttr evedle tacrruM cowfi pna4 po lo ef and afrai la a tjtrl p0 In Ihe iong Nindmpion Mot coiipiderable pvilioii of onv liiog deaUoyetr and uualty iho oi e offtcifd Semeiimea eerotal iliaoKti eeviiw eiiai h aamo lon boi ii i mtre common fo Ihe inlerveiiiMg iiMue o bom obhiertre mod Iho aeveral amall cavuief ib OQil aJ forfn ooe lerge eieavaimo i havo told yon thai tfiiaonBptioa la aaiM eJ hy i6irrrj Nui whai i ihe eaoM of Uibnrclfa tl la teiiry lhal lhi qaealMo ahnuld boarwed bviwfoyoo oai uiideraand bow ii la lbt other awl appamitiy iriKmg Oiaeaar can proJ inia Oread malaJy In firiBer leilera I pointed OUI ihe danger of ofglocting Ca larcb Tbuei antl aou lod yoQ Ibal ibeao are ibo ciommon eaaee Coaaumptioo 1 abookJ bavo aaiJ he ivere iho rommuti eauao of lufwrvlea and ih beieloa are ilio eauee of Conaamplion Urd9 art cauftd by iwiferftct dtcrom etU fTfetioraUpm t of wbii lakoa libo Kru aagv of alh takea pi Tnk eeme and h ioicrrapifgi eaodtnj aa to aak it iiopoMbL B Mr Kotlon tn be heard M v Maodoaald waa then ia Maeiwj B Mr liollna aaw him tner tbe aai lion and atpiowd to hiro the diinatino ba lett abool tbe G interference woald gotiat n Be icit atwQl tbe Gru Ti7i BCe Mr m I Mr Ferriev wboljH g with him about the Mr Holtoti WBJ nol preaenl a tbaU lerview bM be believed it aniely to he eompliini he fjr Jo bad made about be Grand Trwak taj fctence with thai election and ibit JI Ferrier diacltime1 any krowUdgrfJ and 4id if ii had aken place be e tale cncrgelic utcaiuica In prcienl iiiV currcnce and lhi Mr MaedoaaldwU L woiiM be gUd if he could aie IKirioi and IIoUod anj laliify baeifce there would be no laeh interfrttaa b Ihc future He belirvcl hii u bBL ohjtcl in brinjin Mr Ferrier ta bhi Mr Doriiin and hintaelf VVbea th Icrvicw lnk place tba uaia part ciinvcraaliun related lo Ibe eoeplealka pir ilellool hid lo make of iaterfeteaai by the rand Trunk Ileoaly dti ed their inlcrlcreaci be nerrmi diairrd tlieir aid He wanted lfaa keep Ibeir hand off inJ allow lUif ployeej to Tele ai lliey pleated Hf Forricr did aak him tbcul ibe palali idv and got Ihaatue aarwer ihatl lijvrrnmcnt enuQ nol take il sp the eliction Mr Ferrier it eeqidl5 lo Mr Urydgea and llltptt Mr Irydea anawtr to Mr Maedo who had gone tu Cornwall Tbia aMW i to Mr Ilryd wa diahoneatly lapp cl in llio curntpondcnec pablitbad ia ririi It wa ai follawa Ptay4 nut iu any wjy interfere in Iba Maalnri Vett clcvliun We have bceobaMk ged by promitea loo Icing and Ifaa 3Jiirliaiiifntani Provincial Farllnmont lEOIalATIVX AaatkSLT Moxciw Jlih Kuf lf1 The Speaker look tbe chair al three oclock On mnliin of Hon Sir N H Billco a return wai nrderct to bo ntde of ihe eorrcintlcncc wliieli lu taken plico be tween Ihe tovernuieut asd Mr Iithlard and Mr Wbileher oa ihe tubjeci of the recent diffieol iea al Mtnitoulin laland Mr 8cyfflour inlrtdueel a bill in limit tba area of lownid villaea On nioiinn of llbii Ir lixanler a aeleel cuuimltlce waa appuinted to lake nto further coniidcration tbe luhjecl of ioougralion On uiniion nf Hon MrMhnthc Pro- leala on llilU of Kxabiiige Bill wat read aaecond lima Tbe llooae than adjoDmrd LtntgLATIVE C- CXCIL MohoaT 21lh Aug t6l The Ppcukcr ooL llic cji r al three oclock Uclurc tha order of the day were call cd Hon Mr timwn called th atieniiog of the eovcrnioent lo a correipondenc ppeariivg in he Monlretl fierenf hal morning from which Ihe inference wna Irawn eilitorially in llie aiine jinrnal thai crrlain ttieniUre of llie I riivvrnmonl lud offered u piy thu Guvcrniiictil Sll per mile per annum for ptjl acrtie nn condition of receiving he tupporl of the oiiipiny during lha reoenl cleeliona Ilnn tir Ilnllon tJtd ho war ihc maOer wa brought befWe ihe nosa thu iving biuiaelf and hia enlkagnn n op portunity of aUling the nlmte traneactioo lie proceeded lu make a atalemnit ol of which the following i ihe mihtanee lie beggcd Il remark io the firtl plaoe that the cnrrepoQdeae did ool atteaipt to bear ou the original ckargeof the Ai- itlle that he and bit colleaguca offered tba Grand Trank lo Klllu tbe poatal aal aidy on leriut cxlravaginl and injuriout 10 the eoualry aa au induc lo the Company lo uaa ila powerful iidaeaeo favor of Ibe Govarament at tho aleeliml Tho charge implied In the eorrrapMdccC8 that the GuverniDenl agreed tuyal6I aoon as the eleelimia were ovei the pramiM which it was alleged Ibey bad in the couraa of negoualiont apread over lomc yoara Pravtoa to 1868 the Govetniiicnl paid tbe Grand Trunk SllO per nita for puualiiattieea Iothatyar on a report of Mr iiidnejr Sniib the n- tnuneraiKm wat rcdueed lo 970 Sjubae quenily on aecnant of oompUinta by tbe company of inidcqatey of reinunerution tho ilie GuvcrnBiealrafcrrtd tho mailer aibilralio Tho preaent Government act tho arbilnlion aaida aa lllegil and broBgbl in a bill with he view of ealab- liabtng a legal mediod ofaadliogqucwlient of diaBQie Tbia bill wat viewed wilh grea ditfavor by ba aappertcra of ihe Goreromant aooicof wbos however gave lha Govcrament lo aaderaland thai if they would withdraw tbe bill and aetlle martee he w iwylee f f rinoicnt inui undvrtland that I tcttleineel apa itlKrl of terms aa would will tilily ua If the Oovcrni tie with ut al ciinlracl fir ih ditiug he aclll aiitfaeiirr la M what baa pMll are pvepandla m- 0 per aile iMk a lyear from a Mi aienl back fraa Aa date of Smilba report I be perfectly neutral in tbt elaartaa h Mufltreal Weal but I will not iate lake to do more Ihan be Qculnd Mr Ferrer in Irnxiiitiing ba abaaa l f J S Maidonald added If jo aeitlo the alove on or before Friday 1 will fulfil he promiae I gave yav ifll niLht J Fcrrivr TbopreaiMVM prumito of neutrality all lhat tba Ow crninint ctrr aked Tb raadt it h tl g f Mera Brydgaa aed Icriiir ciud loud cheeri fruui 3I ftterial ilde Mr Hollon ibea ceedcd to aay hal he taw Mr djy ur Iwu after teceiving Ibia aaoiMit caiiuo and told him emphaiicallf ikM fr llc fee fiiiIc of tbe Grand Trart Kiilwayand 2Ueata in ParliaacBtJlB Would nt induce hiia ilr Illloa4li coitiply wilh hc Icruit prupntad bj mt ilrydgea or dpir one iila fiom b fiiun ha had lakcn From UaalliMba hnl ii further coiiimuaiealion wilh i oil ihu fubjict Duiing ihe clclioaaa threat inplied in Mr Urydget liilniitt waa fully carried out That a ec Carlier and lloee were nnw aaa bora fur Montreal duo entirely I ectbTi itfthe irainl Trunk carryiat Ml ihia ihreii Tha Grand Trank p1oyeacien fnllowed him Ur HaiMi lo Chaleaugua aifd ricd to dafbal here but were unaoeetaaful AAar al elieiinnt were over the qoealkm af ttl poijl lubaily we taken up by tba iKnt end alliiu4h tliey had HI ol II eompliTu nf lio ioterferaaMiv Ihc lirinil Trunk ofliei ilaal lhe he I Mr Ililion did not allow tMlfH alTct bia jiidgiucni or prevent biai imf what waa juai by innoccotabanlMUOTli Knland At the aamo tiaa llollQ aaid lo tbo PrvoMT aiJfe rgnncr wbal had poaaad a Ivmim to reprewat tba frunk t dealing with Iba OoMa ilienl waa eomaiBaioaiad t Mft trydgew who after bu raiar A exatnlM oat of ilw Eminent gesilaaM Mr lier Mdu of tbo llonaa abaiad wk I Ihe cxpanae of tha OnaATtnkaMltf hiaa lr IlohoB aad aaid Ibvi lhal Iba Company had inWrfmd hia al the elima wrra ottady fjundalinB bul balailol loaooviolill of tho Compaoya Bcalralily ea then appaded lo hie aaid ha rcg railed ibal W wM aalitfy him that ba bad oM inManai btoaaa As eoaraa bow ponaad W ward bin might lead 10 wriMiW wqdeneca lo himelfperMalty hia wilhdrawa from tba aarvio Company ia ibia aounry do baaaid ha voaldaaaapiMr BiyiO c diKlaimer and not ara it aa a jeelioa lo mealing him ea iba iBMaw ai furmtrly Iialr Elaltee waBlW lo ebargo tlmt Mr brydfa wbafw failed o gal from ba OoTCraaaal Icrnit bo deaiied aboal lha paatd iOw dy entered inn a eoufiraej itt lemen on ha oppoaile atda to aaeuaation Bpoe Ibe Govaraatatk BooonBdKee notioB waa aodar aioo io order lo damaga biail aad to btaak meat of tbo quealion i and io Ibal eoa- neclion tl60 waa menUoned aa he maxi- mam bu whioli waa to include lErealer tcrvjeea ihaa were formerly readored via tide erriea aad aal of mail eondacior Wbea aakad to eulcrlhoGoveranieBttbe poailion of ihit malior wtt explained lo biu Mr Iloltoo and ha aaid lo Ibe At- loraey General thai until the eleclioBa were over deciding whether ibey bad lb eoofidenoa el tba cnualry or not Ihey wera ia ibe poailioa of a Proviaional Uo- erBmenl and could not enter oa a diacua ioa of Ihia or any other ituporlant quea- tion of nublio policy The new meubcra of tbe UoTemmenl wera ivorn into office 00 tba 16tb of May He left for Moo- iraal that evening On Mooday tba 15th Mr Brydgea eame to bi Mr Holtont private oftee aad wat very urgenl lhal tbe troverameol ahould Uko ap ibu quea- li a of ihe Pualal Ssubaidy lie explain ed lo Ur Urydgci ibal ihe Uuvernmenl eosld Bot aa then tiloalad oonatilalioo ally deal wilh tho qaaaliuo till aOer tbe leaeral election Tbo conretMlioo dur ing iba whub inlerviaw waa eunfined lo Ibal oaa poiul He mel Mr Brydgea again caauallv al ibe Club tome daya af- UrwarJa Mr Brydgcsagarn introduced Ihe aobjcel and be Mr Uollon gave him Ibe aame aatwer but aa bo bad evi- deaoa al the lime bat ihe Grand Trunk wat oaing i inDuence againal tba Guv- erameot be remonttratad wilh Mr Bryd gea on tha aubject Ua bolb oooaaioat Sir Brydg- a aoDghl him nol ba Mr Brydgea On the lal June ibe day of Ihe nuninatioa many alrangera from tbe Wealera Diriaios wbom be and hia frieodt rewgaixed m emoycaa of tba Oraad I LlSllbATIVB COCMK jn QviBxc Aa tSI Tba lack Ike cbairalSaaliM Hub Mr Mlora ivtr a M alter lie conflitfltiaa af Ika La CUMll u Mr lltr iaitedtcad a laliiig o bor foraaf iaortaa it per Caaada alao a BB la aia enta ainj recl piaviainaa nlia tw bltb HxeM f Cttlaseal llo Mr Cbiaii akd far et aalMiia in reference Io Iba corralpaadaaM in llie Moolreal OatrUt cbargwg jH liivernmcnl with taakiai a aatrwfl tu the iracd Tronk Jariag lb lion Mr lllair tve explaaalioaa vlanMlly idenlrral with tbee il L membrrtiB Ilw AKbly U Mr Ferrter tpeke britJy ing Ibe iraih of all b bd aMtUd OareHe j Ju motion ef Ilea Mr CartlalJ uiaiaary of eooviclieaa aJer Iba Bp- Iw IJtll of Upp ereid Im Tba llnitM Ibea LtCitLATIV atadt wa read IjiMwatd afiUiur jf AH- ebair al after tk lailbtf wat le Ika Tla SpeiVer lokl oclock and tba If buaiuov prncreded Jtitltoa of ilw m Mr Nulmtn preaetMd P aiKatMr 8 inp Mr Sjliau ria a petilia a euval Mr Wribl Oilaa Tba n- liwaed at aMO k

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