Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 21 Aug 1863, p. 1

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NORTH YORK GENERAL INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER CIVE MK THE LinERTV TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE FREELY ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL OTHER LJBERTY NEWM C W FRT11jLVUI T Stokos Dr HcCallum I ItraurCK Albert fi V L Jobn G Dayis shop S 11 161 al i ln AiilC I iimii iiuimiii ne ct line wj no iiU mother to of lUftl cuu 4e to n iiiUrr OB tb f modcttf I Pvr Srvnutrkei Thil Etrlb U Ifot oor Eom ProTlncUl Puliamest C Hortimeri PHYSICIAN 9irull tnj Arrouihilf COlUT AfTtSK 10 j A frhQppWjf Lr CItvmi- 1 Omcc t iSp pMMBt Comer rl Typ I f At I uilUrhaM Mrrii NrwuArkal C W orLaulia i if pU roo dooro IticC R Jjmes COMMEECIAL HOTEL Jackson 0Lr H1KB of MABnitGK LICEBS IIY HKNKY CKOXON Tiurr scwMAiiKiT LAyjPiHt i InANIiiMHT l ti i f lieallbJlAooa dt ta etrlb f elianff hfif alvAM lairily tniJ neatly itUrcd tnd W3r liK citliM Willi a KMC lhlwi fr lcjol ricliiicM of cTure or cJor LWULATlVf Acntr From ilie moment of hin ifoi QctBlC Ang 11 urillic Jetouil Minteir to lii cbilJ Iw- 1 AfUr oar repnrt l u pabliah lait otiiini niollier a ocll ai ritliir Scirc- k he Hoaie diiijol on the moiioD njUi tiliij to Ikvithu llic Icichcr oflii Y Aul Btll Lmirk Blaf ri antl ilic riull wu llial llio BurjAa Uovn Drove BarvcU Caron wciil r cn btvoml ohfr of liii ic in Cjrlrilil ClumlKn CooKcr Coapal UifiiiiK while hi iliyical jtem wu Cowsn Diekon A A- Dorion Bri IJof- I ll e Richardson Ho I ifi it1 H Noblr M D PllVllU aal Arcmchcor J oil 1 ifs Ncw Taiiuritij Ksiabiishrnefli r w lrt L0 lOl IM M1CI ued elrih4 rC s AdC A T ZE T Jut tth t cHi rin V u Li i I V y vKlilTKK 1 lt lU N Jo T H loM H Bull Pyno tcT- tliiipmi by Specal Act of B Joy BAUrKU IIrr i- 1 II r Kt1 N irkri Nif HULHH LOIAT nMlMHTKi cl 1 I- I- LV rUllT BHIE Ben Peamn i ll- ijii Cr A A 1 for JMis H WILLSON aui ir T TJ ifTI IMi ilo clh dipUrS Icchai A J J Jiilln lie tiim ilil Ill Mh- 1 DrB HACKETT SAM5A7 1 PMVMCINS MiUiKDNs it Allnt 3 of eilitciii li wl iliit hi fjihcr Furliy OaKnon 0offrion Hullon I III lipcJ or dcsircj a pufcninJcJ Houilt llowUnd Hoot nuslinsdon I itliuli vjulcJ jciuili fto from llio if of Joly labrtchTif Laloic D A Me- I ct not lirin apnri from it like Donald John MaeUoaala J S MacPon- 1 1 aiitii cJiyiyfo- il i a Aii iiopa Mi I I tir Liii tLirnin to hi fjllirr leConliey McDjuaU McFariane Mc- aiih chcir Jiii j 111- ixiJVLiicDtiipiiiloa an J incnii i rfTFF in iclnijre ffcRellar 1 wartu lieirlcd and vcndiu opcii and Xuom Nolnan Iaqael Parkr ierault Coaliot Kniillard llibrd Walter nbroptlj teraiinated withoot be of lie oaual aupplia for sarryifiK oa fa tOTernmcat 1 have beD obliged to Boder- lake the reaponaibiUlT of aatbarisisK vancc out of the eablie ebcit to dfraj eortainindiapenaabteebar ScalrqicnU boea tirictljr lioiiled to the aaaToidabk roiuirerDeaU of the pablie terriee s- dr tbeao eireomtance I eafideolly re ly opoo your rtadiocii to aeelion lb 8a-tiay-gji8h-hM-fetg-tbss- well al to praride for tlie aeraawry es- pBac of tbe tioiuiuaeat for the eurreat year IlonotnUe Gmllemfn and Ctnllanen ill iliii hon- frjiil yet not o cmljr iiiipoicd lii lut uiliiiiS ofkn rcudcr llicir po- S l n t if Ir Ici Mil rT street Tmjcihyrrt UKANTIl OrFJCK n M f l9i9l NonS Oillii fj of r Kcoft II tiM au Aitoeh r r IVrl HAUEN AND WILLSON CIVr ENGINEEES AHCH1TKCTS io ProTioeial Land Samyers 1 TUw litil I Aie vfiii ciiiinrr l M II 39 one of llio loveliest diyi in rin wlin Auriljc proposed lij bia n Il viil Tliry were to ai l return b railway aa lie rual were iiiwer oar ff jj riius aad uriltic did lili ihii catih ll Ie to ip a new carria Ii had I UiO jiil buill firiiiin Tlic lund un- oitliiiJidwwaTklC- nuinbrr of inliiujlc fricnda triVcKn al Ttr llicr a A Tele liul lt unJ n vxeuriioa train Af carrlju oJ frotii clic K l ftSort Juj braftlh KrAft KrVASt bM I tbu derp vlr MS t UMiTOy iM I rnntional i SjChTY OF LOfiDO K CiiUMIwloS- MKIICIINT- FRONT STEZET TORONTO iivNis yuirii iiois iii ri iii STEPHEN WEBSTER Sasb niiodfi Doors MoldloKS Win low Iranrs tic etc i nnsrll MILK lt MASTS NUVVMVKKKT C W lliil II I rJ fliKll 1 ilni hnti il O Itnrri f ri I- pjninj iKrre wlltiin ha Kmii Ryiual 8alhrrd icub A M uiith J Shuier Soiith Suuieriilte iiirloG SlTian Thibaodeaa Tbompion T C Wllbridtfe Weill While Wood and nio Wribl GC N Abbott Alteyn Archtaibaall Beaubicn Bell Uuaeell BIIeruM Btanebcl Hroaueau Cameron Carlinj Carlicr Ciuchon Chapaia Coracillcr Currier Daoual DRacherTilt- Dcnia Joaepb Dufieane Dnntio Diiiuelle Kfanlarel Thoioai Kerawn VHliiBi llio pint of aurtini Keriuann Gall llarw Iiinaoo Ak wj ilirn UUil in Irvine JankaonJuDM Knijhl Laaftrria till oirri I Jivin wrc licVcil 10 Iclliuiiilicr J A McDonald Mclee I p-i- frill liipin 0111 at any I MorriH IHalloran Iinjonneiull Ilipf iitirj ilic itaiii jn i tujUn Iuupire Iowvl Iloliliille ii ijiy ll Iitj lrjcliiii eiiilirjcoJ J I Kim J Syltealer Iti Slunly muiy hiiti inI Sicoile Simfiaon Street TaiebirB liill way btlnrccn ijri and Vertillc4 TurCillo Walb Webb Wiljoo A clonic iimki- wj porcfivvd enicrin iic anl Alonii Wright 58 win liif but n nnc tlnmlit nf sny Mr lbrirlij9 wa then inlnvJuecJ iljiiv r fr V yd riilwij irii i-llin- w i- by lltc uj iht aud atcoadcr and lut tb iiiiniy ll incrcicd mnucnlarily and Cluir He flunked Ihe llouncpir llie ll- Iirrik cr i f tiro i- lizard luniur tunfrripl on him and di all that in him liy fulfil ijr v 1 le rei koriiiw 1 n- 1 Toa ttii ilife nvehU Iie fWA GoJ n 0 1 T9U W nX 9 AO Irrji l ti vf 4fl aul oil l4i lcir A 4V K iki namphttil rnig So bv4 le i le tiakiUj II3 1c iiotin on riidlr the liiiiir to do all that in him liy fulfi and on be iiiiarabl lUillitulIy firmly and iapailially bo da t inKinaj Ilal ihcir lic of iho lih poailion T iolcJ lmd Wacdi Sullivan Sullivan n BanlUen and Attorceys at Law Messrs Whil Hotel Queen B Spik fnij B tintcbcrofXi AURORA rrrpriftor if or rifN oirk No v market Iron Fouadry Kctar nr lly ru kvi of 6u J fur hr SiriU hfiUT U iL vonh P Forwarding fc JciuTal Agcnls s McClure it hcATea liAtru lhir birtU tU 4Ud k anil C ha u Grx Arxi vorii nf ktnln Jo dtclioinr i T Uase SlKB and Carriage Paliur iTeCTI jas MrCIKi- iN fONii mTTsvn ABsarance litrralurr FATHERS DEVOTIOK I ACcOCCilr d lorrOBod Utx niKNIM PMNT SHOP Iriata ffti A Trae Tale of Puuiao Lift JIAMSV M I I U Q- L AW W TUACUAS McH nUAY ll tL TORONTO ATrOHNhl harrT iiVBncr M will bi J n MAllOn Uftf TuUif Cl B SCwMtRKKT msm K b Qlih IS63 t Mtri Iliil iniTc 1 nut only by ih I Cjli Mil iki- hill by aciU4l biiflin ri II ly t ijc utilii ll inijll ll jiil ihc diwn un- K Tiu wiMjw nu vo lliviii Il hrjlh bjt lj altiriljl Ii tjirilu I ill 111 hiil lljfT ULii Ijrc ib lr lint dcilli The Uuute adjourned at a quarter paal nine LliWUATlVr- OOVSCIL Qucbce Au H Hi Eidliney the Onmnor OinTil at lIircG ictck proceeded in stale to he li hare bevti lFnalaie Iounril Chamber and haTifig Uktin hi acl Jpn iho Tbmnr illji uf his ann a cliir- rJ lli Kictllcney hat hu choiec y i t lii9youne Lislatire Couneil had fallen upoo bim m in the niool fran- i l thrir Speaker iiMnncr f raneois was Ili KxccJieoey tben oomoaaded be lliPMi not unly by alteiidjiicn of the LepaUtirs Aiaembly micfiil ircl bul by hi The member of lhal body entered Itic fiilirr wis conciu pn-ccdi- Ly iheir Itip Hin L i bliiuj ilial daih Waltbrid whoinrurmed Il Kieolloncy tl it the cliiee of be AvniMr bad fall- Lii upriii him u be thrir and irajtd fur ibo mecibcra hereof the a mMaerMt and manafaetarea 1 rri 1 iii fnni fiihl hcTi uritij 10 1 ncir tie wiudoan from gulTClioii and olben boM j faces hjd been rorchcd by ho conac of harnini wo AiirilUc and his son eacaped wiih life fur fr Kraocoi Ilu timther bad she I brn alive wuld not liav known bim I Tii6 flP yfllitiuui iJIit wiM obt uidaa ly burned Kor a year he lay jof- no eye looking upon the por svvc ibi of hia nurse and pbysi- n I liii who bad dvvai hiiiiMI iiidnAirtiiiiAiAW7iOTfeKr Irrceoviribiy blind yel feel- nlT wJlJlIJjhL ws inlroiueed iuto At llio ajte of ihiilynine Trancoia dc urillae as kfi a widuwer lie aa a bo vtifL uf aji a Diaii may be lupiioacd 0- bir aa Uiiii acldoui luourn wih he tair toretiead bJackeiico Oir riurej distorted 00 neer ahoold hri 11 rye aave tbeae rett span tbe poor fc vl III cl r khi yilf PlnkJHij bTi tu rceoTcr ainnirlb Aurillac Jld tl Gmltnut of Aa Ltyit- I bare called yon mher at this on- usual eeason boMOM I deaited ai looo iiTirwnYffWri fnp your adcice and aMiaunen in reiereoec lo he public affair oCthe Pnrinee Al- ihouith the period of tho year at wbleh you are now aMembled ia one hat rta- your olher aroeadoaf ia order to pre at tenlion to Toor PariiainentarT dude I al laud feil l jaa A Wallace llDUESii he ke l u llw buildinf fil niueW Kin f Sdcrv Wrapping Paper Il irA7 ar skwh J A t oT ooocOn a 1 r hadrceThsnesl lid left hlu and upon which her 1 L u jcvrs hae pasol sinee tbenba ILT llKiFIVri inl Ilpply torn J 3 i lUm Jiimd-sllli- EW KKA Ott ICl- Irrh 1 1 ex Edward C- Campbell soncTTuTT Mbr3 Commercial Hotel MILL STUKIJl NCWMARKKT vea lOutca iiicir laai bcauiifilllKiy se4rcclyelililycirf it dcvuied parent o waicl OTcr hi the only child D- Aunllic u l bcn oMlJ Franc i knows llial bn ff j married youD- I Ic wa in hi Wull alrllo homr lo ulber eyta and i twUs and anlil bo was cntcrin bi li alone wiih his father tliiriy lirst jtar he saw no one who bvU AunJac nerer saffr bim to bave a lo ll- 11 1 his alLciioiis When lie nur ly muncnt nKks h Hii Kxeellency was ple3ed lo de liver bu fullowing 81EECH UonnuTnlJ GmltnK n fA TtUlalii perauaded Ibli JFAfi Wiii tjdMlruiiy opere with M at the pret time ia eooaidering BCh legiilabreropMl ii tbe eiicCDcica o tb public aernce taa iil prort of wbleh ia the la Ia waa interrupted Dy toe ouoiuooo wiiT anin be submitted lo yoar aotiee to heeiistinj Mintia law whijh requitee eiicnsiueniSenfn lAftiaM UfbtfJifift in a condition of efieieney Tbe lart inereaae wbleh baa ooenim in tbe Vol uneer Koroc and the olTere of aertiec which I coodnue to reeeire fioni aew cmupanics ate jf isg proofs of the BiUie hc can paitMic teal which aniiiiaiei the abole ly ill rtifcicurt iiV ttcrrTTnflAlTKTt itlajijiwwuuUhajcbelicjc rpHE iii wr iw ism Lvoral ftiUTD lucUelo would ll e chcu irtirriM L iNiami TTiTrTCyK- ih uftlylli Is- iito ic3 jlj d 11 JSW Soliri- iiriMTiriTT IIIIim iNJ iMJ Briftkai Tbomns AlkinaoD uniiii LICK N tit D A iCT lONK E R i f oiy in Jllendunce F oU VbIM ot Yark 4ftJ 1l f Mudrtftlr anl x mM Cb o buaaaas addraa ie ihr udfi ktl May ieC3 taar MaKrr ulA ApiiUlh IBI3 Nawuiarksi l PRpPUIETOR iniMWTrrB i iji fiTiii I K w il al K hr7 and prioK only ordinary ad- U- The ccbne f the outer wfldcOBe Awiiatioo and tbe manileai aiairo oi t him inhiaaoliinde aoflened and sub- Ithe youth of the conntry to perfw tbeai- beauly himwaasueliaaiheworldaouiciimeaoTerldued and if he err lonra lo uiinxle selve in the nao of i are Mliriaet looks 8ho waa a awe I aaiablo woman ain in lis ecnc be reir i- nererei- eviden hal he people of Canada are naat hor firat yoath but rich in ceode prtel He breithe no ihahda no prepared o lohout to aoT poaal aacn- but a hundred inie- eh day he fiec which ean rttnably be deniarided rT h bis r tle n order o for biulrfor tuul ah KlfaaeriScia deeouon waateacpon Almost nine years paaaod avay ina sec dreaju Ilis buoac one of he bs ever falij hoi aboold ciwt an eter TSWWWKWOT Ual MlLITAar Expi The tniliiiaif pairiiiam 1 trust lo your wisdooi etfnw fr H6l fur iSOOO Tolanirtra 1 m jj rrtoor direction lo he eieellenl V 111 wwcn loeiuoca eiss- itii by whicb iba people are aoinmea lb relalion which il exediure beara u lj ineoae and reMsreea Voa will not fail to concur ih ne in the ezprcaa- ion of regret that for aoiaa yean pi the pablie expenditure hai cxeeeded the an nual ineoBo and I eanaol doubt that you will agrco wiib Bie ibat Iho time ha arriTcJ when a treauooa effort abnuld be do 0 aTcil tbe coDlioaaace of his de ficiency 1 bare reedred a deapateh from the of Btala for the Cobniee en eloolneoopieaofaeorTeipcadeaea betveea her Mjeyi Coiernment and tbe agent of ihe Adaaiie Pacific Trauil and Telegraph Cotopaoy in reference lo a proposif made by that Coiuny for tbe ralablisbaienl of a elephio and pottal roiumunicatinn between Lake Snpcrior and New WeatmlniXer in Britiaii Co lumbia Tbo inipurtanee of inch a in- eeedlng lo be Irivtb North iueiieaD Pruiincca both in eoinniercial aad In a ilitary point of yiesr induce no lo con mend tbe lueet to yoor ecuiilderalioa Coeiri of the eorreapoedeacce baU be aitefoojBejagoreh4 tbe ealeblishment ofaueh eoinnaaiealion on eroia adraatagcns to the Proyince be obniiKed to you it will rtceiye e9C0Q ajrment at yoar hand I cannot refrain irom cengnlnlaltafr u at this season ef lie year upon the rojMct which everywhere preyaila of an bundant hiryrt I sincerely tnut bat ilie proaperiiy with which It appear like ly Proridene will thia year bM be ricullural clasaea may prod ace a oorre- mana In conxDendins to yoar eirefal alien lion the poblia affairt of be Proylnoe I depend upon year teal and ability to pro mote wbatyer nay eoadoc to ita fatare Ifare and I bombly invoke tbe Divine bleuiiig upon yuur deliberatiotu that they may entered opon i i an nnaelSah iir impartial apiril and Bay end to he nereane of unaniioity prosperity and ooa- lcnmen hroBRhoOt be land then retired and be Speaker called tbe lIoBie to order Hon Mr FergniaoaBlair BteradBro forma for leaf to islrodoee a Bill rual- ing to Coiaaoa Seho Carried Uen Mr FergaaoaBlair aiao nored Wm Ih nf t Hn a Comiaittee on PriTitage Ic e aad adjourn al plcaaare Ilici Jih ffia Throne takea into oowdentioa oe Tueaday next Carried The lloote tbea adjoimieJ wauLATivi AimiBLr pBabea Aay U The Speaker look tb chair kl tkrM oeloek liioftly after bieh Iba II waaeaanoaed loatleed Bit Baaalleitey i4fbeLgjijJalijeCo8BglCbag n r fi Mriv KsfwKt if Bill fn foma lo proride for Ibo ad- ttsaui ippoiaicd as Jw from the Tbroae which waa read aiaA iii FrtAeii b ibe Citrk kt iHe ubto Tbe Dtoal fonaal motioai propoeed at the eonnseMemeat of a new rarliameet wrru then propoeed and areed to Un iBolioo of Hon J S MacDoaald ifwaiaeread topoetpoae tbe eonldvrtion of ike Btieeeb oalil Monday H Urowa eare ttoliee era mo- 159 la rcieard lo the eiialenoe of greal difiguUies-ja-ihe-gojwiaxAl-ftf- Iry vbteh vera yearly beeomiag MTe aad appointlnx a aateel oooiDillee to en- qalie aad report apoa the beat aaaaa of rcaedyin i erila referred lo Tb with lood ehrera tea 0 iooire into tbe proraii ol tbe 01 lawa buiMin l i mif Coldmal Km Isdiu Atravltlai row Me Si PaH Prui lleneoe iaall eaeileseat TkbaA nooa a Genaia aaiaed Juliai EaMry waa brooght to loin wooaded and aiat Aodi tbe toe of blool He reported i1 h WMgnnainTfi r Oeraan family knied Weidwileh atlBCt foor mllei north abea ibe ladiao Md- denly oiade Iheir ippeiraaee twolnd iato the boaae ands he luraed at Ibe r- oae acic fi om the bird iwalbro la sBOQlder lie rn towrd a Biinh- bour bonae wa picM ap aad brewM to lawn by a lois belBiag Ie a Cijr DtiDcd arokey bo ted at Ik titt alarm rcpOTiin the Wiidewite aU ourdertd Instantly ill anaed and ia teans rvpaiiedattMaletbatpot Here a homblo aecpe pMseated ibi floor was oirrred laith ihod aad lt be cealre lay the bsabaaa tad albif Charlea Wtiiewileh proaooa W0MI wicli wih Lla wife bendin onr Ua exclaiuiin in uosl pileoua tot doil kill ui Il liok aooie time begsTisw her frieads were at haad ti shot ibroBtih Ihe face her araVokaa and aome of bar Iceth knocked oo Bar huabaad waa thol tlirooi the ihi ai4 ahoalder aad elbow joiDi and ia aaMag intensely Tley were broBgbt 10 WVB at once and plaM andcr tka salt f Of MoNight The maa nrti thai b wael tote door lo see wUai tbo dng wera at when a very Urj Indian aad tn iiualler onea shot Mm down in lb doap way at he aam ime ahooliog bla vMi lha window as abe waa pattiag Ibe r children u stair W ti gnal pracocu of uiind be kept ealUnc Ml shoot them making a nat BM il lhoujh be bad meb la ibelotM aad llM ladiiot beeotoBZ alarmed atada tC the eloak tor ihinK to put aad IMS diaapptatod in tlie woods All tb ills BOOB tl fire bate been rrftag Ibe Big 0 tbe Mvlheail aad ma oal on lha prairiea to tbe ei aa if bnM or ala verebaruiug ThiaklBC Ihia migbt be a aignal for an aitaek oa qim ooe a few of tup4Tcd to tba fiNi 1M Ibe bill to tbe wet of tbe Ion aal it in fighliaK arder aad 1 aba had the Metbodiat Cbnreh io 0 oaain etikt throw Bp aa eailbaork aroaad it 07 A laaa waa heM la dealk aad ibrowa iaio Iba rirar at Nev yack Setorday aigbt foe aayis that tba taads era ia b lai rie eabl to h kiMg 1 A prospeeu bai bee iawid al Ihe Iindoe Paper Makiitf Cenpaay a ial bOOCO i aharei for Miai paper from soiae of be cheaper Itailafc BBder earlaia paieal preteeai t3- Tba RickiBoad WAig at alM say- Tba evaeaalioa af liatoe Mi laftia lha haada e the Fadanll Iba roibac atoci ei laa m Ormaaat Jeekaea Great Nertben ika M iippi aat Bliaaitsippi road Tba aolire pewet aleaa taillll uiatti 0 t Caaa a oaaa aamed Mr Ippae4 kft HlWia by Iba Nortfetrs Kailny jaelarday cbaU aboat twelve maalto la T to for adite Befaea sbe had baaa San tat tK tamirt liW iiiiie- died Il bad beea lofariag tm i rV la ISM tbara were 1 tewnr miebuKi sold ia Aaahca m iBo aanaal aaviag to Ibe Ueited Ste ia ttfiMtftfelalt lad bM predated bjf maaoal viark Oioairric SwixaLa at a Waaaa 11000 OaTAIKB VH A FaaMM Daarr Abol two vMlt aaoa laalloukiBg lady caJlin baraiif Ufa K Weat claiming lo reaida lo SaodMkn Ohio went o Chlcsn and iMtodaMB neMit id Jl SCTpt property She was arwwn a Boaaac 1 eliilble loa and Urgained for lhaaa Ihavaliia oflOOOO A lawfor B Raed ot ihe firm of kooi Eaa dl Read wev employed 0 aianlDa iba aW airacii ot liia brfura lha aale waa aav Tha Mf xMTtiBa uniforms irrel eoata aecoulreatenta am- Jiuiujtnl of the rtlalioos belween debt- eiaillhihbixsadtesemimbbehaqenieilaibaiaeiiill LAwisoLJcrToirn D Urur p il i L I c TOROTO elak ftrkrr jCjAJjWa Iva latopraueo mn now anrnnaa ihStrtBSnSffW IrftH TTWI 10 b introdartd At taolof by i raoonibl an wall known peraO Faf ilapuroe Nr Iteao aeenpAiaM Ttml Cuiupanya cftca wbwa reMnUa tirawil U Ol-e- nr TWK CMf nil a I ai iiw nil ii i 1 l IrtJ tf-J- iO Bible Dapoiltory ttab A i And fcr the Utile Fran every one ihoBKhl bin 100 haKUo Such Wu- eorrpdei ritiag froo Oiuw say lildrun they uid never fulfilled m fvrve lo In rtveriaoi Ul WJgMpi n ueaiu V jii janbr of liiada Tbe r of 01 real prupett io Lpperaad Lower Canada end aoaerrning petaoU for ia- Ihe eneouraivaiefli OiagncoKare wmauJ olaia your aKaadoa addrfor Monday twxt lor a n3ncti i iemiklUa 2Clt Uay H I pUlB aM asi pcioaiiw ht jJe 1 sbom aaylUbmldnj w iimajjiiWi I wannrrmjrr jj Tbe eatiiBatea for the eorraet year ier Prliment Iitl ioB for the retnrn 01 any wrreapooucnc nfgi rhich may hate tan pUoe in referent qneauoi pgjiTnrm u 1 A nodea of a an or tlrtiM for Monday iwxi for any ctrr- 1 of ilm ll na oean men mj IB pww lo rwcv ufk u Ibe noiuoa of tbe fopod xtHgno- receipt for UOO W 1 L21 or Mara irum ran iiMrilHtaii oM wb

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