Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 7 Aug 1863, p. 1

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AND NORTH YORK GENERAL INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER kive me the liberty to know to utfer and to augue freely according to conscience above all other liberty fouu O Dsnriv darkfAi bite t Kiimci MoubI AlbrL Toiriivl Affnt Coot IVf ozoy IF W ZHW ti I K1 liaillitiilin Ut oeifUuAr wtr Tiu d lhi M ehitf ycr li lk Ail lcmnTwTTiiTi577nncraI Ii A i Utirhftm C W E JackMB nfMMPTtfTAT TTflTXT 0 w muY AUGUST 7 m WHOTE NO m- drnili bMn Cftilftd o oau ih I know iBnt 1h I lloodt hive inwn on your Mul ind ihrealco lo oxrwfielm Hui fif nal iha bil yjWTiv e reriiiar of ilvor He ie proving you tu I fti mtSp Uta n earlhljr remiin were giMn to repow c careinriieiog jt wt B of farming hm ooityd with yW S6V5ACCBS7 Ofnrui BY HKNRY CKtXON nm 1HMB awmiw r III CIiiM I ir Officr iti iiiT tnJ AJ- J i son Ac- iiffi o- j rl nV Ew I iM I I- Saf I lun nirr TIEFperoiiMhTIlv hcfn lToroc j tr fttlrj anil rlUrU lC tlir ACcorii- inutUuii kirlf X H I liiliiiig 1J fjrrf liollc Hiri I 4u sifi l isrn If H NoMf M D PHVICIX J AfCiittiCut ahi w MC vPiJ T H Ince p Mui- i ii ij Ail i tw soSici- I 1 ir 111 fl u 1 1 Nit iviMllc if Ai- I N II M I 1 I tuil t r ni- v ll ollf II rf I ilTi W K 1 l H B Joy Biiif nrir r II 1 R r K ir uutil ni I I il iiKurr 1- 1 trJfl IVaUAD LOINT OF MABRUCi LlcewSBSi MAIS BTnCCrsKWJARKST whrch Ij Kr KwmrWl Kkllfi Ul IM bjr gcolle blcMkiop lWr WottlJ VB lom iraib1if 111 our bUod sikJ wrkk diikttir iij Ltinf Mfi drwv frMv u otil brl el Jj tD nircy T emed o Uiieo BtiQife1y hii ihitiQ c utinupd I kitow my Jftrbrothr bow droad fully your heari liM been rifeo To 11 cw lailuriDg Ldtablistioieal MiCrirKtnt C9tnit TsJ S BX Z K B I knew Ihe neui itory JAIHS H WILLSON r 15 ClTllVi don riih dlth l Jj u Oil va I 137 Ni ikB HACEETT BAMSAT U NCWMAIK tr lf Hiciirt HMidfrXf Pfftpftotrl Lr Ufti4Ti TimrOiTauftt HHANCI OFFICK T Hetf Nirih OwiDim ibc charge i f Ir Il6cu I T U-i- Zi tUWl Wiu1our ofnnhKd Jar lioera It Ilck colijuuu of tfftin LilV hath a crewirf T iih liiiuT A break of vo A Ihr clrka auj wtlla Ihv hlcM legtlk knov Ll tt lOAih iblo our U ulrr lir Aui tfiih live frnn Qifiirp Clfrh fMb UiAl alill urvitf St itl iif UuoliJ oirid Soar iif ram uf cbl ajam Wo hkT ti Ifar rtur jmlga u A jadgr er lelkw ibou litfrattttr We only Know Wtat we btve Lived ir rhaMfhit r Mthain 8t iv n hti VDtil If I- nMiiawnrarnTTuirrTiTTc I MM MKIl T lillll l icj iji- 1 Benj Pearson irMMISlUKK ci Veh Il jsxinfir A r gxfofilVi- CVroti ofiipany kl Act Bf Cipi4l0a ii r 0 I ill 11 lulijl ir12 HAUEN AND WILISON CIVIL ENGINEEBS KCIHTECTS Matthews Maclean IliiUn i 0vMiiX virutiiANTs TrRAiCTsjrBTiTrriijmB ATgtA FrMiBClal Laid Snmyorsi NCnMtHKCT C W Viiikrt a ip61 ifj STEPHEN WEBSTEB Ml r of JjasbIlodsMoorsdlMilBj OF LONOOV 1 II Ajf illVVSTIS tnil- m rinlK COhSrHof MILL ir HMILASSTS BY T JktTIIUR We only knmr whal wo bare j Menv yeera ngu ws were tlruck ly lliiij rrmark mndo by a wriier of coae uUcr vaion At lliii lime we but periietly 1 loaning cumpiiuon T ir to iiiaoy yaariii iiidrd lerriljto alllCUoii liui 1 kiiuw ihnl your litarl ill find coneolilion in ihe iut ijict ri iia iho gtcrray Jor dsn end i ao on iho ohir aido lUr UoLuiftUinff baad at rl I- lliiuliri- 2f ct lija itiofblf Krrat J bji ur Coiiiiig iti iunlii I ti let it link ijprji like a lionlmg liilin into your A iVw yeart niid your work wit be dann A Tow yeara more ofla bir ciij loilinjoiir Maiera vineyard and yuu Ii will le calind liomo a LIrticd mcMiiig ia in aloie fur ynu bere wav 110 reaonee V 1 et si firi wiih hii eyet upon ihe floor hia brow knil and hia lia com priaicl I pamrd 10 reflecl mo ment and hen bgaii agiin I know bWed lhia and Bid he face faraT 1 hoM who w0re IcokinK fti mm eaw bi I liciirminz I i a oocE of t ihoQAaod in fhm nj Ok It cm whaae ihey had bora her aflf ibe on her founding coffin And in all ihn lime DO 0 hia loii hi crop it would niin kiui iopelely j ami of pood judimeul eQsfaakiil plant and trndi forty aere poin he haa meana to aUrt with B OM teniured 10 apeak 10 him of thruuh iho hoeing with a linrM hor worth lea per otnt inlensL ei4 0flo offer word of conoli- 1 tad ntrtr mine hand hof It i oiual eoon tornwl oTif man bul 1 mockery of hiewoe The firet oighl ihel P pueed alone efier the grafohitd receifed iu leii- ifiLLsbuliiL wiul lUinj U 1MB U u MFa u op to I oTcr il wiih I uiaic lurrow with hcfrimt trvili out ao as to run odi ido nf ilic row uio a ipan of horcs 1 h WrTBWTSfB8ryKJlyTffi5 1 f plied W in a quick oiee and riaing a he akp he irode froin tlie roim ishutiirg the door after him he iot the young prtaehfr fairly aglinii uiiti uionitliirenl Iur full nricca mihulra wu heard tbe ui ihi we knew a greet deal which hed not been acquired by acual experience i ihat by viriue of he imeginative faculty 1 nf Ihe mind we could fully realize ihe I alnlea through wliich nany had paaeedj iioiH itlstaiiOiog we hod not fell itt oufj omi heart ihe actuni tuirennf In priof apprl aeenictl al full tiiuiiiphaiit Hut ITEW5 nr ciWve and fir the nhule of ial lime 1 fa feeling deeply hurt en wondering at the atrarige apirii die pUed by Iiia brother He waa about riiiDgtu reiie when he heard V oeaetidiiig the In a moment after TBTirtTMfa Jllill r M 1 r ir 1- 1 1 ivi I 15 Messrs SuUiTftn SulliTan N I L uii XI l illin- Krrt- x i ui ttirw alvv J rki t iUiiuMi tc r iUMo A I Barristen and roft Mlr II M 11 a 1- V AUornev at Iaw i 4 was iilteu ill pocuc pvirailurea moi lij nriitia tkiil than ufeaact Irulh l c- lure lliat il u uio thing lu Inmgine n certain ei of circuiiiitaiicii and Jol 111 ilieiii 01 1 110 Diiulhir thing to rucuuii ler ilie circuniiai rr themieltra n illuitrniiui uf what ii hre i I lu in lhj -LUlAKijxgli- 10 liiJ 9u ho eiiciidcd liii liaod and aaid iiilui L I Wl k fttd II ujr itf kuietinca I01 Jcop 11 evfii yiiiiily The day may ciie when ynu will undeiisiid me ttjuui 1 jiny lleaien in ineicy lu pnrc u Ila1 kiiowlevga U iiit aoy i wondering lie ClulJ tiit comprehcnl fully ihe The Queens Hotel r I r TTCTTCmwvRtflmnseeRi KKlurea 01 lncn are 1 laJ ap k iBt ilin II IMi AURORA 37 ri O IN T T I U 13 T TiiMi liICK 113 iripr ifS ii I Williniii iviii Sc Co Newmarket lion Fouodiy TAMr triT to ruliim lliiski h- llie msi takrn frarn life A iifiicher iiamfsj H a quiet anJ meriKi turn ul t the iiiisfuilune t luee liia uhoin lio had lved fur th teuty five eara Nu iiiie Uut hiiiieli iiew the grrattjraa of tlie hiai for tio cue knew 0 well the hcl that had growi cold in daih Sbe IitJ been 10 Imn a prd WW AW W Aacnii tiaaally reivtnKl ikUinLr of I baed for ak ffOTW ilrongly in W of rallier tuined hie eara ilhaii camo t nn with nn iniellirible ind hfitl 1 I lo Willi nitliiiig tu ntiy on iiaca of pnrlly l ecauaa hf diJ no w il tu eiwo liii Iruthera weak- jieia And piriiy 111 cuntctjuonce of a cor tan jiii tliniiig iiilu hia miiid wliich gate liiiii 10 xea ihil he haj been per- Impa too forward and wordy in hia ef wOTmTmgmreSwoSTWWem heart Year piaaed But D never loet a ririd recollection of the acene between older end aomelhing of tbe erdor el pra5raiW5craBS87i7wS5Kn5STtfi manhoud receded he aaw more end more nigiit ceo aver lorgel 11 1 wae apetii in humblo tearful priyer for atrengih t bear hia aHliCtion Muniing found him sleeping calmly ftnd with a ecnile upon liii laee Uo wa dreaming of Heaven E Ie aaw llie departed one in the midal of en angelic eonipsny end ehe beekneed hiii away Bul when the fiiioo faded and he awoka to Ihe d eonecioomeaa of hii bereetemeot hii alricken heart euuk trembling and faint in hia boeom 0l D knew in whixn ha liad truiteJ and he looked up and received alrengtb The dey following waa th Sabbath He had aa appointmeni lo preach end he kept ll In the faithful diecharge of hia duty be knew would come auiuln- ing power and be walked on lo ilie path tbt wae befora him without peua- yyCH ng or turoing ts the rigot or to tbe tali Ilut ah how lonely and deeotala he felt avail timeb Erery where ha mated the old familiar loing face erery where he liatenrd for Ihe voiee ibal had gruwn silent every wher he wailed fur Ihn uittering hand thai had been to quick elf knew the loea ha Lad atiataioed fir none knew or could know what the ab- eeot one had been to him Weeka and montha went by and tlie old miintier ibought ha never mitted an appoiiitment nor linger when duty call liitened more rapidly bia form droop viry neat ami ctcjr ot weeds Lut iiimt of lliciu arc very foul x Corn here ai at the Eait la enciiic 0 cunletid with of the aauo charactcr an with Ui anil in adJitioa aonic far more fjniiidjlili Wild gccac ajnJLill innro priirie chtckcni wild turkeys bear Ac ufen make aad haroc with it U it first eomca op I tiare heard a Diio aiy that Ihe pecM will olto dmiroy crea in a aingle fiold in one Tiiht They also take nlT large aanlilici froui the abocks and alanding corn I taw a iuan couiu in this moriiitii ftois liia field ith fivi occ hivinj killed Kvcn be fore breakfast Another lotd me that lie had rory hard work last tall lo ilrirc Ibe ineM from a wheat field of eighty acres nawamounteroohufjCjjnjn iQ utinK ti Wr9 U M fDr tiM m i eood roads pood aoclely rdlgioM Ic- and tbe prmlencv of M Jaco would nit me better to toDaW w VwCTyrari Ti iwis 1 sL fsn I irly by hit olj frieoda Une day t young preacher whohml lirard of bit bereaveniani but who hil not met hiffl aince the painful event hap r IKned to be paaaing through the town where D was alstioned Ilecallxd him as a lhift of courae tnd tooK noirao beur to clear them oat A oore Riarkoman I think in ipriog aod fall could make a good buiincNi in iboot inp pem duckt crane and cbickeaa fut tbvir feathers alone But to retaro 0 the fsreiiap It aee to be a tcttled thing with fanncm than corn tnd the Snt cmp aUo bette than tuccccdinp onea 1 am lurnrited at ths tuiall quaniity per acre produced on an averain Baa luanipenicnt ia al tbe bollom of it 1 think not teed enouzli oon and not pood at lliat e Irrlo anJ pnnirrd is wa add rctull an Kaalea man they are to hia bappiaeat capcuiallj ifpatt prime of lire at he eaa not hop them fully developed ia bU day enrmBSemnuBrnur duly tu refer to the aftlictiva dpenit- iiin and improve il to Ihe apiriiual edi- iistion sud comfort uf hit aged brother His reference to ihs tutject wu ery ueli after the aljle thai had been adopi j 1 by I himtelf uo Ihe ocraslpo wr avu iiviticed red it brought lo the ht ir a moat recolleciion of hat cir cuiTotanca Jhe worda of the wsllmaaalni Xnii Tiion iiiwcvirfW funning unp tut fjrniini It saWriliiiate to ejitlc rnisinp and protinp or ta ap pcndiire lo them The sctllcojeali ikirl the timber Und bocdrrinp upon tbe prairie which to a lar etlent it no- eneloaed and affbrda a prand raape for lock of all dec This peculiar- Sniper p7eacSerrTlTarBowerSBnaecuHTnfnfn5n5uF5I3rrtSS7 appreciation of hia alale of miitd Jtrnxl ia all Ibo eapcmfe tbey will be tulject to hanhly on iha feelinp uf D In ciit one mans wage aa herdaoiiD staad of bringing cumfort they frMieOj through two tnioiDen Tbut you ace iiln fiiibSUg wWMuibviittauwirKijVy Ul iWkniy lUdriibl mind Had not over atd ovar agalo tug mwth on eattJe Ihat are IB Ihe ripht ape manner and by language that nudr- Ii is eiud ihcy will it twenty ihoui- inp to a preat eiteni at the principal UuintM of thfno who can commiad the means tu do il I is alu very profitabli to tho jadicinut buyer netting hiiu eiphty pet cent andofVrn more oa a paiiturjpe ur herding I kniiw parties who are now patheriop ojit herd of two tnd threyear o4d tlMrt ib- tvndio to herd thit tod lha comiop nd have ihciu kept thrtwgli hrtMch rolr otfign k dldmal ArriTAl of the Amertoa New YotK AagvaiX rb aitamrhi Amariea rMn 8aadi atDMou iUadeliiBo rf tlnita Ill Canada foa fiottaa aniitd t Queaoaiowsen tba I9ih Tbj ilaela im New Yalr ariltai M Iba I7ih 1 th l of Latda tba D a KI iili ablubrng a tip oaoal Ihm LaM Kria tS be Ottawa liitr lit naaiai gala ihiMgb Canada intltad of tba DahM Lar Gieoville rtfrattad thai tba CM diana bad od pievnU auffijiaut aiUkia k in ea of war aud eaid tbal II 1 ada efl Jbtivaly wiiboat Iba Caaadiaaa ed Ifomana raaolatioo ia ftraw af PMM waaarithdrawa 1ba Tfawt oily arliela aayt itet Mm tnieiiean naw waa teeaivad withaaRiHa ppui at nani al iba nimii awing tv Lnt elieai of all mapaMa M ifTrriiir7TAfw tiT in CvnlBltlinf Kliak wMsaa i M pemaiaraly yiaUiag la tba iMMHpiMnw ler ConMarala racogattiw Tht Calwar cauliteti bit lK a 1M waa appiavwJ la Iba CaamaM Otioaj will ba a pen of depaitorti raaadt lienre o IboM wlio ilemaod Iba ll PibIiealiaaJ ibt Koaatan iwptlaaaitf tky tbe tepliea ara beiegeiaalriM byltolfeM Iowvit wbieb poailivaly inlaMMMWS on 111 iBoana of aeltliag tba qawUte Wl aitaly TtM Paiit jMinalt eoetidM tb ItMibft loply aosailatiieiorr Tne Naiim taft ih iBlaallww af Piewh CabiiMt laaaiJioi tba will ba Diada known ibia ihiaa 4n ItaBtaa t7o IijforHnrdiDS c Geieral Agenls JC AifAiii Slr4t Yrk atd Prll ATS ff of Vbt riwr p 0 JjAtJi tif tr OChaM uf iruein4i tird aad Dovacii ymkfin j riiKl after the freed apirii htd gone home during wbich it seemed lo limi aa if the chorda that bound them togethor would nolijnIoot thetMelvft But W knaw is wh rCLIRK WM HALU I ha htd iruaiad and avMi ihw iMira NBor hia cheeka blaaa MTJ Ial6iaxi3x3eifea5totwnrwn- the litnd by which he bad baeo ebutan- ed Life Co tlaeif in aiich ao abrupt aod aitrtlin mao nug IIU jj I iuii R RAMSAY M IV Jem for Bl ta DO prparH 1 wliicb br may b fatorvd d iiol atJfauUeoua lielIt3914j V iTltnAS McMrRnY LTfdKNKV AT lAVV ininmieiici IP Q U Kari IxIlK irrrim inrfry Jv O0C4 Newmarket f 1863 I J It Mmton aiimiinyaaiiwVTW7- IX WAifJi jyr of the aiater at whoae houte ha tojauiii d toon oltcr his ariival Aa well aa could ba exoected wu Yuu have beard of hit lota T No r Sisier eiclaimed tht young preactier Yet Shx wnt buried only three daya ago Ah me It it a ltd Inaslo nillllAllT gXTTTnarjiw IMari Mr UcUa dcreiM hTe a jfni nJ rruaiiv norimect of benrt eches fur bi Sitter W dead And at ibe fgilC Dirrvt TSonSrTSooBr I lL A Connnfircial HowL XON fWfenartmia tot Ibe Opaft t Law Belici lUST RKCKIVEH J 3ciaaKni iwariU at ll NEW ERA OFFICE iOLICITUR Sc MKWMAIIKET t W rriii Vrwnitrket Ja Ul InCJ lf4 ftcldiiijr at ha did ao mutt go a ORte and f TioiCoi Id Best ilovi IjojiK of irllacDS Htrtn LEND flinVTT CTwrTrT for In meiit on I Faima McMVRfHV Stwmarl W S TRACH VV- Yea do teo ijm relurred tho lady andaay what you can in the way ol comfort You majObe aura he iieedt It VcwwvLjep talk 10 him at you The prracher lull of kinl inientiont called upon hii ainirled brother He found him engaged in writing t he looked up lini rliCUilii liilii bniiliLi wjimi yooBg man tod iniarmpmig biai in ihi- 1 auppotcl A tuan with a Urge lot ol ed in the end Not long after V t painful be- retvemenl D took to himself a wife wtra born to them goodly toaa and dtughtert and ihey grew up tnd gather ed around like ploaitnl oliie branchai ihen ta ihev anamed one afer auotber ful guarditiM and tupporttrt of their youth lo sinnd once more tlone At if UJiiebiUK beavily Sa im ctch uther for uiulual tup port A few ytara more ond the wifa of t began to decliue For a iime the drooiJ lui tctrcoly hajjicr bua bind awakened wan a ireniuiig tear lo lha dnngrr lint was hovenng over hit head ere itie sominoiit fur livr deiorture CAso Dying in the aweel hope of a i blead iniinurlalilf Mrs D tender thrown I OTTO deeper thade Cj wwjypu tobrieiy tnd croaa ooJ bear it io patiaut bopa a iiuk Ibe Toilrd CauiiVM or York aad reel MILL STREET NEWMARKET aiTr Uolvratr SjT OfSXIXaXa OriUtt Tronfity MUnHtd to rpHE auUtriTligtloiiUimtUhiffienda arj l tk- uodivicd lo ih eeart ef trmTtft THOMAS AlKlNnN aad hctvio meht afairaUane pMaMfat V gj croaa ooJ tear i lo patiaut topa that h thoughtlul aye aa a ocaamier atpeel Brother W taid beln a tona f tympaiby gratping hand with Arlltt lcr3 John Cook fe tkine ffRJavItai hM Liqilon 4 toTrfiU llotlItT ditrays la affeadaace Sawmarkel May 7 IW TIS ffr ih tauevr A JTTXfT Al raica q rNl realiaM properly KHZnOXZ lad to tea you broilitr D returned iK- oiher in a alight quirariDg I7 tba htod of hit tpiriiual brmbtr And I am both gltd and aorry aaid 0 Glad 10 mael toOi grieved at hMrt for tba daap afflicuoo you bave To paiicirt tlio riM i aur Aad it 10 tv Though nearly tiny yttrt hftd la their burdei uku him U wtt atill iaierial office wiian the haavieat blow be had yet received fell ujon him For a lima ha tiaggered under the cocicuasion Bdt be irutieo nut io human ttitngtb There wat a fmvte in which ha taid arint ul Divine luvu re ihruao aruuirf tustain hirii CAST MAtlKtT tttVaai Tn n OA VO EJII Village el mftil vkAiiii Mav IS J IttOPRIETOR ila trial knu tferad Ihrni J SMITH MrtS ran c o t who aa law far yeare i tanaoin None bul ha can bave any fnailT I llllwnWiS fmnfe Jir lo the Iv iign ami work out fr ua ATTORN IY T LAW Ui KtWUAKKKT far moreexcead nut tell uou that 111 thi whtcl it or A lIt kl Uv 10 i3 Ut ll 1 1 m Uii 1 ii Of iiarioJ ih ftMTja I Bible ufpmXCTj Chaa MaylittaUg BtoJlK ft I -vv- 11 jp ltrid foiaal- Apt J 1 srw o-rc- ll 11 youfiJouTwaCm be haard io woiJi uf eoinfuri The eyat of lamained can Ha did no spek nor eieii thow jr li my broiier continual 1 1 ksMW ik LitttrDai vf ibj cup you TlfcrH conijivture arid iiitrn a 9111 au to P gtv t ihedoiih veiled face of her k had I ix- 1 in M- a last lucJl and I ltJ ir iirehetd with hit lip feeling u he di s m il tniyter fcpttii Kattia admht lha tii inpalllliiii kM njaaia tba armietia Tba aapfaiM af Iba iaaurteclion it te aaoapt ihe prta ef a eBefctawITS Iowert who tienail Iba Saal aei a Vmm IO patiieipaia In Ihe eanfciaoew aaall fhw I I I Ill I II ll liii tiasstii aBViiuiik 1 a yiiiU ybbuwydnuTp Boiian tBllilaiy ntllaia aiw iAa tbem lalo iT 2toniiirfnCmtTi2iy6TQx yMng I and poea lo bis ficldt t bandl oal bit llaoftaptltid at my 0uh Very wall npiied prencker er houta when 1 wta t boy i W loat bitwifa Tbey had lived together for twtntyfiva yeara and da ring all thtt lima there htd been no die cord betweea them I felt deeply fo corn whiob b ia rboeka or Mandiag and ihrowt it to then over t proaBd t iiopn laie wnti in cattle Ulbart have two Iota feediBg tl letaale daya in both the boga couiinjt around after tbe ettJe Uao bog it ai lowed for each ttcvr to du the pleaaine 80 1 want ABd mad tu llstei tnli rid about kcopinp Uiem TBBBooRSBtoSmelnnuToym uo ii rdt of contolalioD tkeohimBha WffmucfnSBRSB rr7riTyODiKTTWromsy5ersTOE7tisftmiTra7rHT7pmP7Kiyr up wiih tht wordt Yoadoat know an i DOW mtBagtrd it It I thmkcd far mon- thing tbuut il 1 and lefi the room And prufittblc Tliu euw it rarvly milk ex tiiy young brother ba waa right 1 i cept fur the purpoea of ireltinp a liiltr didnt know any thing about it I milk for table nte or lo prvTent duotir idjiojnorarhtrajaijhenhocairiauthleiotkojlK embtrrttting paute tnd ha young I whole whieh it of rare occurrence a preacher ehtnged the lubjeet the eowa pivc but little owinp I think vNe only briow whtt we htve livMi to wrnii tntnactnLnt when youn I The cilf when a year old is aov voxtl Wit ilnllr the eow ilnrae ate bred much more prStAlf iW w i sj t I iiiipht b made a viry pooj toainett Shp tre the uoal proniitinp brcediap 1 sluek lure 1 think wiib judiciuut man I Vc make ft few short extncU from buol aaauaUy y e Wesutra futaing- A oorrttpoBdlBt of the Veie Engl imicr litt been joarMylap Watt letter ezlrtvagaal but tbe flurca ahearipg ill tell the by fiiBply teeiog tbe Utile Ihe lUilroidi aflowt yoB to view in paaaiop ont ii hie ccnlt to one dollar Cfly ccota pet SuScient bowerer may be kathervd tulb Toplbeae UBUi Bowooal aoui coorincc a New KogUod maa that he ia I parttiveiy ootluuglo wiater tbam on It do all thiiirt differently The ap Iwventy lire ceote eh At aoon at t raneoof thehoaaea aad oat-luildin- Ap tbey pel Ihcir wi M p Tiie inauiret ia 9aefhia iBg iht baadrad RaaM ed Dear Sobatiaw and 600 at dali It pMpooad Tht Rattlant wen hatita tbrlaa aa ISih aiHl Aiet en the IB b Livaipml retioa markirl nioar vithM alvasctf uf I an til daaeiiptieMaad Hiealnifr fl n Flalr tIaaJV rt its 57 tvioat aortAl I Ketf Hfaatalt SoiiihiiiK 31 ig9 M Wbila Wlaftt aiij ubein lUt la lit UiB jlmi ilU 1 tik 3 1 in n ei wuta St i 9 6J IlmI buoyant Paak baa Itacun ttcady Ltid very doll Sagal U LniiD MtMcr MaaitT Cana M lo lui liiitiry U y advaaoad kt ibe eceurrrnce of ta tleclioa la Ataea tba ca4iie4v6thie T t liti curred ia tba Wati wkleb tltii tl aa illvrtiina Tbe IlaMimgt atVe lellt u that Mr Itpioaaa baa awl na went ihit change bcoimea mora mark- Jtyt ya ejaviEaw yss th il iriiprovinp antil yoa reach tbe Waboth MM cjoo aou a any LaPaba jo iliu Ta aiC one pUd lo iLirif rolera lU elttrM for SuO Jtaa of liaor wbicb wol4 M 1 la aacl Mry aye1 IS glaxei per miaata for tea kwfl letJy driuh b wiMb eo aal ptaibr ba drali out frettt aay balf deiaa ban kK t tit rMej tl Ihe tana Ikaa IN IHI TfT lyr ra ill k ef etcb aaa pratasK QJO pra driakirg eier t gll- a af I q io f Ibe coarciTMC I a I qiy aaf fab tiTOHEliBCa MC r Ait MM U IU aiiv favoteJJoeility aaywbcre eaituftba fur pnrfuct I eat ap one eatoo at iaa oatlay of teraaly uvaMuta ur a prD- My trrivtl htee t very opportaaeU horrt Bd tweaty pc for thtt it made up itteltare 1 thiafc Ih pruflt aipt1 U greaUy if of the moat tffiootl ebirie- 1 tagated by keepiag bfeab aa4 I better tbriter for thm Tbere fiTffe age do a by lb acli ribt tea w af aaiatiavet cenitfted ia il ta ita adat pltliug of liie ntaa nf Vtr It lUC tbe ottti eoftrid abi tAr JatI Ik woadea tatHlt da ia waa ftrti t a MaditartaMU I

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