LxJ I kX 111 THE NEWMARKET ERA JUNE 12 1863 Nc Advfrtiitmeati r f- VV-I- Win irf 1 1 11 l II I n N l 1 i irf I 1 t ii rn V v 1 X I I 11 1 1 1 li n- Niml II iiii upTi 111 Iliat ihc i ir iifiKiiiarkfl Sewiraikn Friday Jone 12th 1883 The NOMINATION JAS P WKLLS KSy THE IKOILKS tlKUrK IX siimiri jnvu nihiliik A IOM I NKXlKCTKILV wnut 1 1jl Uirir aiUrrioi Ii9 oppxneni Mr Jirt bcloncd Io thai pari b jos IXtrjvjaricc iruiuru bad bv- coMii ijivitxrd Io ihil parly wbo had I rUtil ciur finincct iiilv the fiiilinj liirso4fit lljf hifiir h IrcUiinlim ibairatoiiicnl Of tour he Ulitcri i0 ind mil rf ile KUm rs f in Uvor ol tacri- vii V Ij V liciiv iiinciple for any hiile tiitiia- N Tth v Lrd 1 Ncwrkc Uii lis ij nrMiinaie 3 HH I coulil U cuKailid irilhciul de- aenlaiire for llie AMeniblv 13 he public lerxicf he bvlieted The Hintuii were erceltJ in ffonl of 1 ebfoluirlf nrceeniv make lhal Ihe Mhnif IhllanJ a 2 nelock 7 lhe5herilTitlli Popalybo Candi i bn vanai I tsj li ihe eld Compact I tv dikiUir morra ami ivani tiinic no doubl rniy of Xht Ktbcr with olLcr acnlUd da wvll rccollcctcJ ihe th h Jlcr Wrii i IUfd at the Dur- rf TbeShrrTtlcn urn Oit Mufi irfiidiluK- Hear Iirr TUi uXi itil lu wilted lie nlluJcJ i M 11 li- waj fjlcuUli d lCiu jul iliriu liTciiry pj111 ihi- nj Icnal lit liri ly iiicrrml and iiiul Ip i iImIh ir pii ilil r ln teita III I 111 hi ll I a jcjri riUtitry liL Cun iljJii a 1 bl c r IhuI eilily niilliMir and Mill irtiiUiuUlini fortHd Ihetnnrlu IliV tt I M McMiier th iiii U r II Ilat Ihc men lio durfivl w him would beconi in J uf poncr wcrv j pMilmii nnd nefB ihir ciuulry xithoui fidrnec and uicrr- rfoiunffaiiori fitJ ihereby lat the unlit t U intrusted itb the nanae- Uii oniinnllv mid 10 ibem With M nl if ur linanco IfrriurncJ lhe Ley t Sipirie Schal iueslinn IuprCI1IJC oflhii KidinK ATi- I he i cgnririi cf ite betrliige but no dtiult of It Ihe aoald always edioraU hoold be be elected h woOld cerffully aiidgprt njeh uaiiirr f retrench- ernidfr ii end jne il hie gfUi4d Mien- nu a iuli tcml to btiiiK the elpen j linn erJ acl according 10 hit Jud Jiiure revenue of Ihe IroTinpc j Mr Jnriihn eaid he ii ting 10 ini rcMiAc ilc couniry from ihe htary a hin for hipiJelf tie then Miij 10 which ii 19 tiw auljetlfd ij ln ol ihe puWic iniiiuiion and Ih ct KJ nni fact hwcMr Io wliich be j hmidiiiK oenea the agrifultorai eid 11 ihx humlier of mrtnlei uf ihi he reept It and fiilit of ike fli- eiNiKp ArmMk sou III be rctuced Io I bu I not ulheniiic Kicepl on Ibe liie in- mo i ulj luii hiin I j Mililie llcory Mr Jri lhady on onl iho wniihl b pniijcrerr cilinii Ufore the coWry bat iii rnjirciim fui in ii iheir rrjjre- tloerly identified nilh tYf Compacl Ierly I lorii iij iilnrn ol If Ill the public I ihcvlKlor cf Nurlb Vnrk Kould nol derc i nil that tlir memSeri of ilf j Io Irunl liim Cheen No men K ilniiir Il uncil anndian cinanalin frum ibat party cnold be aaaocniiona viih wbieh he bed been roiiipcietlie fublic diiiicra hr hid iftiiitd ibe comiany Iia hid kepi c and illuirl lu the rite end prrigfeia of Ihp Irixinciel Ag Scieiy end ihe imfHTlint pan he plajeO in mi orgaoiu tiiili lie nlio made ihe ditclnejr lhal hfi Irvii g lu oblnin a priiels bill Io rclurncd lere He aow profeiiii to b friendly to the prcKnt goremoicat bal bif parly rrr ibe cotjnlry tre Jenountirt theiB Bi wclM than iho Carlier-Mtedon- aid Coalilin A Klame hnweTcr al lbs tsalerid uf Ibe preacnl AdiuiaiairaliuB will abow a rail preponderance io faroor of Upper Caaada orer ibtl of Iba Mae donddCartier Ooreroaent laiteadof Cariier and Caachon two of tbe noet iolenl iBil prejudiced of ibe extreoie Krcecb faity of Lover Caoadt we bee the liberal and inielliieat OorioB iiilh ITollon aaJ anliojdoB biith repieaen- ulirea of iSe Uiiliab Part In Lower Caoidi Theee Bien bate rrer been in facr acMrdiai tii tome mcaiarf of juaiicr Yism thcai weniilii hope fur jid from nra like Cartkr and Cauehon we iriihl elpect nothiaj Ilir bear lorecr be Mr B Riht here well aay lliat iho chief dilScitllirt teseatap Tpcd fir ihe cvtcr to noiiii Keprixiil thorn in 1 Km tiniiM Ki ihca war iiiH pfcirfl I KI n 1 fii proper perwn So ilrpreniil llii UiJin- Jamil hn ceonded Ihe noainaiion Jn H RoiItg then prapd UuTi Jarvm K ominatioii waa pccoodvd by Dr arli Thii T Iv Mr AflTo 5fcondcd bv Mr roK ibiri noniiiialrd 1 tlriiLk Kii Mr Mclinit kom U Uh UiiiLI V rtp- Iiiitili r rT fonipiMiv Uil 0 rambling were hii re mnika ihM 11 waa with dilBcully ih lops could follow hiin or iraee any connrciion beiween hi peeeh and hia pooiiton na n candidaie fur ih rcpreacn tiilion of ihe Itid ng A D Ek then came forward 1j rnldrrwe ibe elrclora aix afier a few iniroiluciory remirka in which he urxin 1 I aid he Imd been uiieapeciedly prnpoed I licjr Ir aaUoeJrnIa were I leenfred upon ihe atacueioii of ih ri 11 Ua but tbe clielnra ini of ineei iH uch ueicy rl pctwun them He Ir waa j B e aa 11 call forth repeatr 1 ilauJu III liur Cliiinuin ihe Hwproiily fnm li rleclora a ileaiidi Irrty N lierin 11 bad reculul od riiemely uiplaanl 10 be eintinue Io Unrficial lo ile intertli the tarmera c Canada 0r hcjr lie had lliui esprefacd hl lie J111 n they oceurrerf to him jiiil al h aa 90 Well knowfl be would not fuilbor 1rfpij apon their lioe at prefiil But if relorned lo Iarliaoient he waM liy al ll limo lo act and pur- II ail lviCl and eoosieieul courat iChrein Ir jAkViaiKen atepped forward to d great I diraa ihe elciiit aid eomnieiKad b j Well had aacd him inueh ncorpnraie an Accideiiial luauranc iheiuaeNca 10 he lleforio Iarty in carry- ioj on the loveraaicnl of ib couniry slUfaclorily aroe frotuthe uo mpuloui way in wbi ibe party itilb aliom Mr Jaivia i c mnccled bate alwayt bid for ihe aaaUlanre of a Lower Caaadiao Biajorily In ihia deaperale for oficc all regard fur oar intenaia had been rtckleaaly cut aside No aonner had a fair and lesiiioiate anderl landin been arrived al whereby lpper Canadian inlereata mihl be protected iban we Sni Ihc Icadcra of Mr Janiaa prly i eady lo i all Icnlba in underxUmj us eith the luwcr Cansdiaafi The result of ibis ii ilacH I Uriia san of Mi J 1 ltlllil VcinJed Ly k g I i iht JuiN Ttisr K ilen niiiinalid eadmg qoeaiKiie belora Ilie cwintry- Tll T tillie neptrMiiIaiivn and wrh regnid Thii rndcl thi- UI rf injil tr and fiiai CM ef ll c oiitry b endot the Stiirlll rjlliJ ujori Ir WV an ihi- Well eniiinniif He iheii fint crntcujn ij dlior ihi- Krclo- Mr kril ioniin tVmani was rccvued wilhchccri Hi c 11111 rnoi d Ls- inz he apartd bfiie thin i rin- diJjl- for their ufFrai- to liriit their in Ijtlrimenl Thi wo n lono he oulil ifior hut a le lil re- ecivci Iho uoanimtj nomlnaliiii of the licfTtii tVnniiti ii pl ci-nile- liirn wlih inisl oC whotti In- hl Uin on lenin f inlinncy fur rir an I m wlmin he 1j1 ercry ccntidonpc lr hal fii ii hi duly Id cmie luwjrd inrrsi Thi- rtfinibiiiiita ofa repme nltuf he waj ciLply H-iini- Morooli niot ihi Chanel r arj hiile rdicloJ uivn H e iiioi Ihi iiidiTii- 1J l T I 1 hr ln he lo nun 1- jt ties 11 uch n fi a il iaie Kulcrt llll wia artd al f lr ILirtmana turi c f Ihe eoiiihan wlioui a more hornrabfe inii rthy man never repreaeoled la rd lhal h appenrcd belora ihtm in resK nte ll iiiiiiion pmentrd tu hun lr iJaM ego U iih reapaci 10 Mr aieecb w belirred n w the bnii al eairraiin of hia amiiiiDl II- admired him macliniiJ b need he wnuli3 ftiick 10 whaiha suid tui as hia lei ilioiuii hal ihuugni pror 10 prefer he ajipeaird befoio Ibein 1 heie wai a lime when he cinjld speak tjy Ihe hour and inany of h Istdiiif men ol boih psr had al hiiii duwn aa 1 tniil cuiKiIrnt grumbler j bul of lae veara lie find gruwn as ruvtv aa an 10 un barrel bul i had been his prutii lu become iijiirais aiih iiiual ol Ihe lead ig polriieims of Ihe dn and ha bad eci sCui coiialaii fur t aara IB aiter ince doiiig III siiiinga of ihoLegiali lure and priMbly wuul I contmn ib be hlhar iheeUcmra of Nonh York re lumed hun or iiol but he had Man cnaiiera carried lbougb the lloue inthi tuency he filt lo shrink fniti n ahameful xrvannar VV hen ihe Ca h lii le nixbt tiuih the plory ind lustr- iheM men Lid fKi I rn the Hidin lie js a jUiri prncTiojl man irii alllihi le bad oeier bn a eal fxiliiiciJii vpl dorifiz ilc pin il year he had worUd and ted hi infln- cnf- fr ih litfoni Iarly liut dufin- Ii ibis liuic liv- never ciieriv d he was 1 inj irw than hii ijutv jnl n ler i pireO 10 ill j ai priiion l- lodiy lie eoiilJ ae arounl I who had caowij gray worlia lr iht Parly and whca suah arn at tlic eamu 10 bim afler bis nnaunaiion and urevl its aeceplincc he felt ii lo U hi5 duly to obey the call Hear bear lr Wella afier ihea general reniarls Ihen cabled alleation to the Adlren he bad iuwed and the prin4ipl- x muncii- aied In thai addreaa he saVI in biii owu way he tried lo ahuw them I is riews en ihe ijufhiinn now Inline the foanuy and on which the KicToia of lii anj etcrycrhtr crmalilutrcy in ihc TrfwintB were rnwcillcd upon Io prih Bnunc an ojiuiin and rcndr a ttrdici Tbe jUtatinn Hopmentalion Mnoduiiald Go ng ihir acliemaa menl werA pree hiough Iarlia ineui III 10J he lolj iheiii thev wouin he iiriiiie and lumble iliey did liogiier 11 alo cauiioiied Juhi aidhelij whooi he wm on teriru ol iiiiiinay ilial he inusl chiiige hu course r Ilia g woulf fail and auch has bn Ihe ejlt- A new AdiniiMsira ii in lia sii len furnied nod lhat II en ro bv ihis appeol lu the people lo ae- Clis iha cOhfiJeace 01 Ihe couniry Mr Jaoia iheii went la e thai aa bherif ol ihia CiUiity he had eaermsed power fur and iwaniy yaara and nn mai say lie hM uaJ ihai power arbi trarity tut had nlieniimea as many ciiuli irthly dne much 10 relieve ibe 1itl ail aulTeniig of ibcse eomimlied 1- hia and oiiajiliiiiea cunliibutad to ieliBe iba aniieiy olonjioua fnends J111V14 then drisileii hia eonMctiou wiih Ihe Iurliom Meeiing lo which Mr cNa had fttloded lie alleutfed thai ineiihg aa a lsce Officer knowing hers would be difficulty The qesiioii if jiulniig II Ihe chairman would leti accordin lo Iupuljiion he had no 1 Ch of ihe psruea Mr doubt they wer all ajreed upon iloyd and Ir Ualdwin ware nominaied embraced a principle 0 correct and just d he pui the moiion but ha was uia in iUelf ti to make il seircvideni True I deride on ihe ahuw of han II aonie and men Wrr- cf ihe called un ihe meeting 10 dide pinion thai should the principle be con- eed it wotild fail lo fivo in Ippcr Caaida our just rihta would fjil i no alicr our conatilutional rrlatmns wiih ihe Liwer Province as in make it proluciire af rauch real praclici tood lut whether this would be ihc case or not he almuld feel it hii duly to endeavor if poaibe to obUin il bclietin aa he did that coni- BOtl and erjoal jualic jlikc dcniandd il capecijlly aa ii would aclia lhal problem the Irovisee waa now 10 uy ii wnrk sat Til ibe hannoaioua workin oftlie Lejislalire Inion of Lppar and Lower Canada If aaid he it would aol do us the good we aniicipale why doea Lower Caaada to ilrtnouily oppose il He eoBoidered il a priaciple justice demand eJ and erety lawfal means ahould be employed ta obtain it Scarcelr a man aoald bo found wbo bad iven any alten- lioti lo polilica but Waa thoroiiphly coa- TiBoed lhat aOioe constiiulional chae nuit take placc Thit w neviiable IroBS tbe wy oalare aflbc preaem relj- lioa ol Ihingi and sooner than auboiit to the frot iajualice lo which Upper Caaada had been tabjeeied in ihe paai he wjold tapporl a Dlajolution nf ibe preatnl Lejislaiire Uaim Cheers Tbe Bcxt qBeelioB 10 wbih he allurfrd JB bta Addreie wu in ttfereace lo Sr arale ScihooU Thia like ihe preetdiag aae waa alao af deep inicrMt to ihe people of Upper Canada Ilewonid Bay hccTer to rtie ooleel thai he waa pre pared lo accord lo Ben the aarue politi Ihe iiiijiriiv apiearcb lur fkli Liod Ilie iiHiineut he annotinced ihe raaulla inaii in from of tbe aaid ll wai a d ii Thia waa Ihe lhaiik lie got fnr aaiiing lo organize iKe meei ing aliercaiKin than lOok place id the Haldwin paity moved off 10 oganize aniihar iiieemg fie cAlled oiii ihem nol 10 do lhal aa two eeta of roailuimne would be paiaed buf More iiihing nuid be deteriniiied upon Ih urn were ligiiiing end near him mai pcked up a alune la throw ai aooihe whxm h knocked down and wiik ihe eid of ihote aiouod Mm liied to preearve the pMoe Tha whole mailer waa alarward truughl before a Pailiameonry Cotniuii lee and he waa Iwnourably acuiiied nf doing anything mora ihao hUduiy H then referred 10 ihe iha coun iry aid perfeclly agreed wRh Mr Walla lhal our hfiaocaa had been managed in a inoei raacAlly imnner The apendi luie at Oiawa were groe yiba end be fore ih kuildiKga were eooipleied ihea- BBnds of tillare would have l be Mpead d- lixjeed ha waa nf tbe opinioo lby never would be coniplaieJ The enuniry waa eery mneh diaaaiia6d wth llie lireaeni blnmn between Upper and Lower IaDada and ihra would uliiaaialy laad la a diaoluilun If ihay do noi giye ua KepeeeiiiaiioD by populflioa ima would iM itMTiiebie I hn what sea wouH the buihliDgabe With regard lo retretMh- meni Juhn Baieee vuuld alwsya inake the leaioia of ibe Legiilatua laM Ibiny cal aad social rigblBbeclaioied for bimaeif that he may diaw bia full Hear bear fa ihia coantry eonipoaed 17 Iheie wae travelling eipeo of as isaBT relioaa dinominaiianr eon- allowed frem fofonto eewoaa in faToui of Separate School eotild Bot be Biada to 00a anlcaa the pnaapta be Mnoeded to Bllandlbia Bold atp tba foBBdalioB lo our nobta ayatsB af NatjoBal geboola Uaae ka- Aad ai be did not waoCloaai oodar folaa eolert he waqU aaj ibe niurki would apply wiih equai forea wiih resird to tbe Uoirertily Qi It Ihe proaeal loalilBtion baa nwra ibaa 0 amtte eoduwBMBi ibe aarplu fqitda ould Da dUpoaed of 10 poblio adTaBia ilbout beiag deroled to aeelariaB par- aa 1 a ward e waa loully oppoaed Saatariie luj beia eadowed ljube lor inlM vbila 11 oaily eoet The eipeneee n ibe Legialeile Aaaambly IMi amouDlad ta WiTMt foe iha er lo the aatvalee or Ihe auai of upward of 8e800l vae aeked He tboaghi ihat retreaehaeBt ahoeld begi viib iha raraeBtMim uf Ihe peopi BBd wbD ha aaad dm fTSvOOi war paid I ilaabp of wagaa to lb oembera of iba Lcialatira AseeoiWy and 49 000 to lite ID men bera of ibe LegWalie Coundl baeidae ih milage under ibe pUelf indimmtuB II waa high iine to inquire if iheee aa 14 were m laelii inrlrmilHei taUriaa- fublie fadf aad ibould tret op- tia Lia would mo arriT afifigoniim 10 a He and poaition more eipcci illy wrin il neceary 10 cnnfuie and cnrrBiliri him On ihia Mcasion how ever he wna able to euliArin any aaaer ion he might mnkn by reference to Mr Urvia hiniself prom hia own mouih hould ha be condamned He Mr J had endeavoured lo defend hmaelf for hia orjuilifiable conduct al ihe Diarham Mseiing many yrara aince but what ltd he say t by thai na SheritT and wih Ihe high iuiy of preaereing ihe eara n his liniida hia frat at on aeek ng n ailay Ihe eieiied feelioga of ihe rnwd waa knoeklig a man down Dieers Nor waa thie a soli ary act the iriiifi1e waa largely earned nul II a Mr It a friend Jmhua Wilenn who nw eid oa iheplailorm had heen knoeked town three iimea Hear Sear Tiih him ihe aaiem waa a womplele sucesa He weanl in e poait- ion 10 hreak ihe peace for aome lime ferwatle Hear hear BAd cheera 1hia iia Mr Jarviaa wev of keeping he peae It waaaairong aid alfeclual emedy btii perhapa scarcely auiied lo ha preaeni age laughter Wnh fejpjd ti Mr Welle Mr Jarvia ihmuthly encloreM boih ihe man and Ilia pilinca Nay he aeema to refiard hnih him and baa poliical empeera wiih Iha htelieai afliilon This waa aaiie aciory ihn faeoBrabte npinlon of an pfKineni la very vafiralile I his con ftiruencv wanted K rapreaentaiive who waa aoorid on the great ihtical iueetiofia nf iha day Thnae tmw moving ihe couniry waniedona in whom Ihe people enuld place vnbouttded cerfideeee one well arquainied wiih the bearing and endeticv of paai lagialalion one able l discover the righl paihatni with Iniegrhy 10 ntnw il clooely Let ua look onw 11 the men hefira ua eeeking our auf- fragee Lei ua cinider and carefullv weigh iheir proKahle future by iheir paal acia and awoviaiiooa aa welt aa by Ihei preaeni plamin Mr Wells la a man if undoubied candour and veracity who canklv leta uf boih here and in hia nddreva whai hia tiaws are and the h will puraue aa our repreeenia lie make nn uncenain sound hut freely and elearly enunciaies eBd adiierea lo principlea and viewa dear to ihe Reformers of ihn Hiding and Ihia in angiiag wuh B moderatim and laireeee which even hia opponent i forced 10 ed- mire Her Ilui liow ia il with Mr Jarvia Why on one of he leadirg queeliona ana one nf rvrt vita impori anee the School qiieatiinhe this old aaieeman Ihie man engaged in and acquaiited wiih the couniry ad its poll lice for hilf a century oaye be knows little or nothing but will 00 anre fuiure oeeaeion give il hia unbtaaederceider aimn and ihen act thereon aa Ke ilink Seal f Hear hear BBd laoghier Bui ihia style of pnlnieal knowledge and pr feeaion will laarcaly auli ua imiv Hia iinbanard viewe may lead him to con rluaJona diamatrically eppoeed 10 the and opiniona of ihia conetiiueBcy Hear hear We want a man who nor only knowa bi wilt A what ha anye- noi a man who hoe paaeed hie lifetime wiihoul making himself acquBinied wjih Ibe wanta and wishea of his cnsntry It ia nol too much lo say Ikat il ia realty culpable io a man of Mr Jarria age lo be ijomt 00 a like Ibia Tba other great maiten of ialcreal be loBcb nnl al all We may anppaee like the School Bealion he knows bntlitlleabool ibeo Mr Jartia talka lootfly abooi re- irencbBienl bot be staada cloeely idea tified with tbe party who incnn ibc balk of oar eBsnBooa Protiaeial debt Aad aa b iBaCasea of bta ova idea of nlrenebaient io ha Irnift ant rambling apaech aa to what be woold aocoisplisb if oar repnjaaiaiite bedereloped iha Biag aikDt idea of plaetag an EoSeld Bile iB tbe bandeof erery yoaog aaa in tba aosnliy thereby inearriag a im liability of aay about tS 000000 Hear beer Tbe IVriDee canoot stand tbm wild apeeBlatiee eahaotea of Ur and bia frienda who bo aeek to coBlnl llta daiiaiei of lllia eoonlry Ha wiabea lo Bake entylhing aobaerrievt lo bia Mlliiia tbeoriee and ia prepared 10 plaaga at frah ailliona in debt to aeeoisplisfa hia aatf Wbat ia the doty of a eoB aiilaaoey Kke Ibia in eeteetlng a rcpre- aaatatiireT aae that he ia peeftKilr reliable a naa who ia boo eat and with wellknown abaiaeter far aoMuinl inug- rily of parpeae Then aee if he ia a man be 111 be aneapiabU i ihe people asd poaaaaaiBg aafleieai iatalliiKsea asd a- biliiy to ItW tk laperUat datie daeotriiw apoo hia r by Bo meaoa auaiat hb HUdard He dM Boi craa kea hU ow aiad m Ihe leading foeatiootbifbivtWaotatiy Md ihoMvhtfbrMglillia bar ko right wall that lhay are obIt gtrloc mMa an tmhia t tha BiOBg Nr Jirwia ia 1 anr Ifcal ha oamot aaka a reapaelaUa ra agaiaat a aaa Kka Ur Wdla Under ibM rimnmatennaa It ia OBfiiir aed rer sswiaa to eatar oa a hnpaiaaa eoolaat Hear bear and ebaar Sboold Mr Jartia aflar the ahtw of baoda it vonld b a graaafnl amply rinceil in Iho Tal accumulation of dibl the CarlierMal donald Vdminislialinn Mr Boullbee coi eluded by aiyin that be hoped Mr Jarvii would follow Ilia example and rcliie ia tat oar of Mr Wclla Cbeera tAPTtis AHJiaraoso fnllowei in which he staled be had no- idea if be- io a Candidate today and fearin they niiyhl elect bitn whlher he wetild or no he would relieve their minda by uy i ng he did nol intend to seek iheir afffrages He ihcB paid a tritule lo Mr Wells clianc- ler abitilT aad bonnly and atatcd he had aclcu with hioi io Township and Couuly Councils aod always found him candid and aprihi With rerd lo He- prraenlalion by Popalatioa Mr Vell had BOl been aa ciplicil aa he eould triih and would be giad In hare bim antiaali- fiedly pledj hioiaetf lo tapporl ibe jirin- ciplo 00 all occaiiona without retsail to thia or thai piTernmeot The Caplain then got considerably eiciled over the Viljilaoee Committee afid dennuncd all Cooresliona ia general sad the late one in paaticular We presume be had vivid rvlleciions of the ConTeoliea that oui- leneralied him in the late Midland eon teal Kd1 He then alluded lo the re marks of Mr JaririB lo the eSircl llial farniera were OBly fit to attend lo aricul- tare and went on lo aay ibjt ihu idea lhal that genlleman wiabed to ronvcy waa that men like hia wbo bad Imic and meati eoald give more allenlion lo ita duiica ibaB a farmer He nexi referred lo Ihe North Weal aad oonaidered Ihe addiliOD of that Territory 10 Canada would elevate thia eountry lo a prood po sition atBoog the nationa of loe earth Tbe Captain then made aoaio alluaiotis lo the eonaoet of oor late tuenibcr but ae ibal geatlemaa ia uow removed from the poUlical arena we refralB from giving bia remarkt After aooie farlher general re marka with reaped lu the John Sandfirld and John A Macdonld cVeriinicnla lie retired Rl fa tor ofSheiiffJjrvia TiiomaS Ttbox Esf followed He was nul going lo be a eaiididaie but wu before ibcui to support Ihe choicc of liie ConveolioB He cooaidered itRy had made a very judieiotia choice aod bad doubt but Mr Wclla woald be triumph- atiily elected He thoBgbl ban they bad eighty millions of a pttbRa debt apon ibcBi Ibe people had aa fntereelin abid ing ffles who woald eosomite isalead of aapporl ioiaBcd eipeadilore In Mr WeJla they had a man wbo voald go for economy aod retrencbmeot The Inl gealletaaB that apoke always aappnrld the party who bad taken railliooa of dol lars 10 buy fsrma for Lower Canada o Upper Canada we have to baild oor jails and court boasea by direct taxation bal ihia eipenae eomea oulofthe public cbest for Lower Caeada He then referred lo tbe advantagea of the Reciprocity Treaty aod oooeludixl b urging Ibe faroaera of North Verk to give Mr Wells their oo- dial support ia favur of wbom be Ibea re tired Tbe Sniiin then took a show of hands aad tba people beiog almoel nnaa- itsouaforMr Well the Coaliiioa eaa- didaW eoatrary to the expectatloB of Bearly everybody demanded a poll Tbe electors have therefore got tbia little trouble to gratify the lillla Party Spirit of a few who kaow they are only aelling their candidate and aakia themaelvw appear ridiculooa by their obatinaey agaiaat coatmoB deoesey Ll the ele lor Bot be eaagbl nappiag Tbs hope lo steal a maieh thnragb ibe sapraenaa ofliefortsCTa Everysiaa wbevalaeatba frtaebiae abonld be at his poat oc Mon day noreiag Vote early aad vote far Jam a PsAMoit WgLLa tars more than our rrvpoue atid yrl ibia iotepeadenl politician Ibis lade- pendent catidiJale hke CjiaTicn and Joll V MACDiKaLD would largrly in- crrue Ibal indebtedaesi nuuld nollipfy our culoini laislioai aimply lo gralify a fale seaae of miliary prde and by kosli or by crook eresle efice for bilf starved aad needy sdvealflrers wbo would fain fslleB St ibe pvblic crib Tbe volunltei neveowol so aueeeiafully iaaagaraled na iler ihe MaCDoSALO lovero meat Ibey dishke as Ibey clearly see by ibia laeaia a sytism of defeace nay be tsaiotaiaed wiiheul Ibeeasrtaous etpeadi- lure Ihsse UMlepeadeol oea wouli laake Mr Jaavia was obliged lo eonfesa hia iDlimasy wiib Ihe meabersof ibe CaRTiaa MaedoxALD Coalilioe He was obliged lo eoafeaa be alod ideotified wiib ibat Pally be always voled wiib Ihita vold for ibeiu asd yet with Ibe very aame biealb lie lbniin is boodwink Ihe elec Icia of North Yoik by apeakieg approving ly ef ibe iuielhgeaee ibihlf and baiacitr of Ike laen who aowbolil ibe raws of power Tliis i ell claplrap lo deceive Ihe hoiml yeooiaory of this eeasiiiueacy The very isea Mr Jaavis alaodt ideeli ied wiib aad wbo wbilewathcvl hit dsiepu able coaducl aa a Peace OlEcer al ibe UuiUam Meeting oa YoogeSlreel where he pople bad auemblvd aimply lo giae an hoaest eapretaioa lo Iheir saoliaeat wilb regsrd lo Ibe aaeoer io wbich Ihe Coapacl Paiy had aiiagoveraed Ibe affairs of ibe Prsviace ihese very laeii dariog lb Un years endiog le 162 la- creaaed the eipendilere of ll Proiiuee froia U3C9 10 I0 2l8t3 aod frsn Ibe ear Idok lo IStiC iBcluiite approprialed osl of tbe peClic thesi wlih- oit the aulboriiy of Parllamenl fhi3 916 Wiib ibeae facta befoie ihe wple bov can the lovers of econutaical govpro- oiest aapporl Mr Jaavla or ibe Patty wiib which lie alands ideolilied f To do ia simply lo sgaia loaugarale Ibe reigs of csrrupliia aod exliaragaace bervtofore cbaraclenaing Ibe Caahiioti Adminiaira lioa ovei wbein Ihe coaalry la debt- largely iacreate ibe coat of peceaaary com- nodiliea lo every class of ibe eoonioaiiy drive emigraals frots onr aborts aed fiaally ead to oatioaal bjokruptcy Lei us aelice aoolber idea Mr JakVit developed He irsnis lo get aa Act Baad for aema faoeoa pocaa iaaersace company We Ibeugbl it siagglar a man like ibia indepervJeat caadidale at hi age hfe should aeek lo become a rvpre- seaislite io Ibe popular braoeb of Ihe Legislsiure bel ia ibis sdiaisMOB we diMovar the lecrel He evidently bat aa ale to gitnii llieM enliy sever note wilboBl aa ulterior chjel but lr Jaaia bad aol Ihe oil 19 keep b moiivee allogellier coDCeakil Uia ad tiioalely connecied and aiioiilj ilrnlfid with tbe raKT1I MACOOAU Cnruplieaili Ibrongh wbote Baljdiaioia nation and ei1favajance the cojolry ha hern burdeaed wllb an aliaosl iiillerble pubhedabl SusBge 0iiaiiBey Ther il BO pleamj anoie laen bgl lbn deler- miaed not to be aalifipd 111 only have lo take Ibe olher llriBelira aod qaielly ubnil ft Ibe friends of Retieocbiarai and hsarsl goveraiaeat be early at lb polls OB Meadsy nornng aod by tinir volet aaark ibeir eaaualibd disapptobtiioa ef Ibe iDsa who coalroHed Ihe affairs of ibia cooutry ftoa 18 te lB63 by viag Ibeir suffrages lo Ibe retideal and hooe farmer J P WtLU and relsraiog Ihr ei lo look alter bis Sitilditig Sciey sod oiWr apeealavBt Public MeetiDE I North Gwilllmbury LxixMors yEKUSG Fon Vf WELLS A meeliag of the Kloclon of North Uwilliiabury wu held on Tuesday even- in at Matlindxlss Hall and was largely Itcndcd Dr MoxTCullcr WBS called to the chair wbo in a few brief reiaarka iotro- ducnJ the Peoples Caadidilc Ir Wells lo the tscetiag Mr Welu ihca Bddreasj them o tbe variout qlesliona of public inlcreal eepeeiiilly on Iboae lo wbich bebas alluded io hia addreaa lo ibo electora He waa followed by krchibatd Riddle Kii Keeve ofGvorina Ululibee Ueevc of Newniwkcl Mr Jackion Mr Holborn Mr Wm McMaater Jr nod 1 Kaq The mevliu WIS a porfcrt aucccui aouju sixty or ihly uf ihv ycouiaary of Ibal Tuivnabip bcin picaent At the dote of ihe specche it was moved by Mr Ptaor aeooodd by M MtNX Ihat thia meeiing endones the political views sel forth by Mr Welu mi pledges itaelf lo give bim a bearly upporl in the preaeni coBteat Carried uuaniiuoaaly aaiid much applause vole of thanks wu then tcadirred the chairman and afler giving three choers for the Queun and three for Air WcLLa the meeliag adjoiffned We have been aaiured by men who nndeietand perfectly the fctrling of the Tuwatbip Iho tolo will be nearly unaaimoaa tbe Peoplea choice 1 KL 7 for the reiurii lu fxarrr c nen whne poliiical Bia of uirrnpuon bribery nul matadmiiiivtrsiiou hivehada foiriuli deinorahtmg eltCl ill evsry depariniam ol Stap and brought ih- ciontry l ihel very verge nf llaiikrupicy while lo suppovl Mr WtLta la lo uphold Ihe linneai and eonaiiulonal edminislraiion o of our alTiira to seeure economy and relrenehmeni and ihe enacimeni ofiT wholaome lews auiied 10 the gemua j hui the freedom end liberlv we eniy anderl r7ZZ the mild end gmal rule of KiflaiuJa Queen Voe aiily and vole for Well the peoploa ZditorialSnaiia- Iii Iorniiyau brvD V M ioaxaa aitilniaeje tir ot Wlllpiej lonal Chueb Vewsikai ai moioingaodeveaiBj at it tho ZzSherif fl Address OiTtratff aalNi rounding cuunnt puipoae havinjsp Sala day lomomw A nonWr ef fcy apoiu sie adveiiixl fu wbick piitaaajj be swailal lu tiirf eompatiiars tJ T n plus of Levas eeigW bav tbe faooar n ackaewledfe the raepi boifiw TowDtliip Kma Mka V- a- Meetia at QdeensTiUe MR JARVIS NOWUERE too C0DCBkil Wllb lilt conanon wiib Facts for the Xlaoton t The Coapect Parly are aeskiog asder every possible garb 0 apis aecsra a feehag ia iba CBaalry aad freai the apeeebe aade by Wtiaa boraroU Jaavn al ibe Neaiaalioa be ev deally fsaciea ike iaiqeitiea of former liaea praaliwd by tkaa are eitkar fergeltea or fergitsB by ika iadepeedeat aad hhsnl elacters ef Upper Caaada Mr JaKvii e Ibe fUfera Caodidate Mr WtLLa fer bis beseafy- bia iaiegriiy bia ability j bet iboafbt farwen abeald eeoAae Ibeir altaalies la farai while each BMs ei h WiiUAii Oonraao Jaavia atieaded to ihe politic asd et- peaded the reveaae of be eoaaty Bat what tay tbe Clecioe el Neeib York 1 Hen ia a aa froa Toraata ka says ka eoaea owl ia oppoaitaoa ta tba aa aebeted Irea ear aiditba elaiaj lo be a iada- peadsBlcaadidaie W claaaa lo beee iba aeaeaaary ksearlsdga asd abitily 10 raprs- aaol iksa eoaMluaney aad yd as Ur BodltmS broabt boa to bia oa Sllar day ba adailted bii igtaiMaa of iba aeal qaeea ef pablle isiarsal asd siaply daNlepad tba big ides Ihsi if aleeled ba tuoald be ia latoar lazia Ike CBtMiry lo partkaaa aa Eatfld Rifi for fJuiIiliDg Sricieties and awiadheg conceras of Ibal charade 10 make nooey al Ihp sipease ef Ibe public all prore bia aaluial ieedniiea Tbe eleclera Ibeie fore ahould be eaulious bow ibey Irest tucb men Oa Ibe olber baad in Ibe peraoa of Mr W w have a geaIscasB osl iS wilb bogus trtoMCiogs a man adiailied by Mr Jaavu aed Cspl AnMTSORC ol lerling iolegtilypoaaeaaing a praclical lura of otiud a mao directly ideatified Wllb Ibe people eed wbsae lolereala snai be ie perfect aceei wilb ibese Be aew seeks 10 ceptuat A laraer sorangl bi growa ap with oar grewib wiib aa ioli osaie acquaiBlaBca wnb ibe views and feeliega of Ihe people Not lo lelara asch an ee over bn eppoaeal by au over wbeliaiag oujiriiy wob be a alaadiat djagraee to the faraiag coiamuuity of eld Netib York Tbe Becle s mutt aol be deesived by ha cry thai ao daager Bved be appra beaded A good eaeae is aomelieea leal Ibfoegb iSa aapiaeseas of ila frieods Let tbe eleelors be early al ibe polls ea Mob- dey aorBieg aad adaiaislar aecb a crnak- lag defeat 10 ibe Coapacl ceadidaia as will leacb tbeia a leaaea far all lime le PoUlBg PUoB In North Tork erary yevsg aaa is tba PiVTiaca Utre ael ud ba iriU go rea Cm JUding vith trt aaBaaily spttdisf BillioM af dol- iTiif Teapetaeee Hall Ketlleby tfikaldkatrok Brews HalJ Dogarl Towa Eait Gwafiiaiiwrr Towi Hall Sharon Nertk Gieitiimhtiry Moores Hall TstrglM- Al Ibe School Heate oe Ike aaie lead leading froa ciutlea to Peferla tbe asttal piece Jftvmsktt Mecbaaies Hall laal Jaeearya polliag place B- ZiiuiiingAt McCtaes all Tbe Pollieg coaaenee ea Meoday aad will be eeeiieaed ike aeil day Let Ibe aleclor be early al tbe Polla aad vale for Wella Ue aol be deceived by Ibe lepert ibat Mr JiRVia bat reaigaed After deoreadiBg a pell there is ae pro viaiea aade ia Ibe law ler letigaiag Tbe cry it aade te deceive Ibe velers Polltleal Contortlona Wbea ibe Eefbra Party ia IbU Ridiag teleciad k sea of ila aoiJ ia ihe partot ef Iba lata Jetml HaRTMaa tba Coater mites beratad ikitr oppeaaata fer diaaaid- lag aaoataidtr af isfloaaca TU Be- fatmtt Bctt cbosa n otitder wbe apeely raae U a saat a Iba Cakiael Tbe Cealitieaaata lhaa niatd tba ery sgaiaal Iba fr to doisg aad ibosgbl it a absaa fer a lUdiif like ibia set le 6ad a baae mb yeaao lale aa hit all wbe aeteciisga Refraaestaiir for Iba Uidtasd Dinsaos deaoaad Raferaar geserally asd Ctnr Oriia ia partacalar fur aapporl sf abeT all other a Toreete aas la tba praaasl easteal a raaidaal ia selected sad se tb sdvoeal af a raaadesl Bsdidtfa it year lara raaad aad play uolber lasa Nay aora tbsy area go te Tooto Ibeaaaleaa asd brisg oat a Me held a isscling at Queens- ville on Wedoeedsy lut at ooe oclock Tho Btlendahce bonaidetiag the lifrie of day wu very good The Reeve J PRKIIAIf Earj ocea- pieJ the chair who in a few terae remark puinlcd out many of ihe of which Upper Canada oompluna aa eta ein from tbe CartierMaedooald Govem- luenl He also paid a tribula to the honor ability aad integrity of Mr Weila believiag him li be a aian wbo woald never aaerifide principle for czpa- diency Mn WcLUtbe addreaaad the meat- tog at oooaiderable length Smiaf bia strDm adherence to the great iuee tioBB of iaereaaed Kepmeotalion for Up per Caaada bia eppoeilion lo Ibc aecta- riaa grants aad thegrowin aceeaaily for aiJIl further relrenehmeni to Ihst our ei- pondilare milil be broaght within oar revenae He alto referred to ibe diSeal- liei atlendia the workiaz of the prrsenl legialilion naioa botweca pper sad Low er Canad4i aod fiacreaacd Kcpreaenta- liun oould not ba obtained he would go for t Dioolution of that Union pjr asd simple Ms Jackson wu next ealted upoo who entered largely into ibe extravagatil expenditare oharaclerixiBg Ibe lale Cat lierMaedonald GoveramenI and froai Ihe Report of ibe Pinatieiai ConBtissioB jtM iaened exhibitiag tbe jobbery aad cwmpiioa of tbe mes wbe now eaek to gaia obtain the rein of power ataoeisl- ing Mr Jsrvis aa beiBg strongly ideoli- M wiUi Cariier Maedoaald i Co A vote pledging BBBBimoa lopporl wu llies paaaedi ia favor of Mr Wella and Ibe meeliag aepantod of the lealiiiao whieh hM Iimi plarad uif lianla Una dav raiieauoic ma la cooa waid aa a CanfUlaia lo nptrtrnt ih Jlarih Rdoif o Yrk Il tSe nxi Irrvineial 1 feel mveh aalijeiiTo 10 hatl ig llia honor CniwTwd vpou ma by oif old iraad vhu ha v boowi laa JK a fwrnJ if lime aa a peblic avnait Bid wilh tt cnir rvqupai tibaull I ho fefimJ ikp lUaMuiailva of iheKivlh Rikai of Ter I Irral that al Hie oi ol nv term f trre ball Bjr mj eHibtMil upfigJt aud prudani raucl eiilllr1 la tla psirl aud aalaau 1f ini cotiauloaifta aod aiafiioriarv Some thirty namrt afmr a weeka hard ciivAaamg Waa ubiitined lo a Keqoiaiiioii 10 tho Cariierlacdoiiald Candidate of ihis ridinn which he haa publialie 111 Ihe Yoik Kondi journal and lowhicn ha makes ih abovi reply Thia ia all llie addrea ihe old poliliciao of ibiriy yaare alandmg deigiia lo publish N allualon it inide lu his o1iiiral views oa Ih RepreeniAiiou Srhvjl lleirench mant Miliiin Nurlh Weal Reciprocity or other leading quelione of iniereai He lelka abvul having been Xaoteis for r long lime ea a jmblic aervani but think the leeet aaid by him of h put tbe belter for hia eue Next Mnndsv and Tuetday ih Eleciora of North Yoik will lake ihe eon9il uul of him ng IhK aiiial pMy en Ibe ISib iaal A number of ren peOef bave kea acuftfr W thf ocrai hf flf tW Uai dial New Csnoeiim Coefareve tee CaswtiL wu elected f j and Iha Kev B C Setvebr Conference Tbe Seaaioa woe keU a Owen SoiiiJ Ttie fiieoda 111 connection wjibt Aiheain Ueyfceei Koil toP holJingaiea pnyia lo- Saliirljy Tbe rroedi teroiel lowsrda buildiog a mm lluuae ui Ihe ibbaih Sebosl Hr WUs at Sharon A large oweting of Ibe good folks af Sharon aad neighborhood assembled at iba Uall aitacbed to the VlaBtioB Hams in that village on Wedsstday eveniag lul 10 hear Mr Well Tbe mectiog orgsniiad by ealliog he Bectc to Ihe chair who briery elated the object ot the neetiag aad thea Belled apon the geatleraaB iheT had met to bear Mr W ihea addtencd Ihe aaeem- by for about three quariers of aa boar setting forth bis views on laadiog ijaea- lioaa and poiatiag oat tba iaiquilib pnetioed by the CartierMaidoaald Ai- miniairatioB He alao thowed very clear ly Mr Jtrvla conaectioa wVb that parly and altboBib profetacdly aa Ibd peadent Caadldaie be was virtaally John A Maekonaldi fira supporter and adberant Ur BoCLTSlt followed in 00 of bia ttlliag fpeaebea argoDeaUtive aad eea- viseing Nr Jacuoh vb dcx called apon wha gate toioa few facta and Sgsrea with reud lo the uanaer io which Ihe fioaa- eea of the ooantry had be saaed that if tba people waoted a oosliaBauoo of aacb tbian thev should aalecl Mr Jarvii at if en the oooiraiy ibcy de- ttred economy and ictreaebaent they abMld iomrt Mr Wella A raaolaiioa waa then movad by Mr W Doao weooded by Mr Joha Reid aad adoptad alwt QaaniiEovaly pledgiag aamrt 10 Mr WelU Vcias nf Ihaaka wer than tendered Mcmt Boaltbee asd Jeakaoo for Ibeir attaadanee and adfatsing thea alto 10 the ebairaas aad tha iDaeti Tha Sbaioa thai Jm Doaa Leader the pieyed a Boobaraf lively isBea visdiag ap ilb God Sara tbe Qoeas Altiy Ibar it wms aapUal ateei Tot Sarlj Oader asy cireaaitascat it i alp beat lo tbU early aa l givaa toae and eaerfr te tba Party Tte eoataal ia tbia Ridisg ssd tkreigkgK Ibe eenairy at the praeent lias abet be dsaidad upon the bread tsaHa betweea iba OaaU aad iu 1ft support MrJatVi ia to eeat Alas in iafour oi ioas A Maeeoxabo Oait oasof Ibe real cdd Ceajl lUapdi Co aod thereby axpraaa the daeira Immense Peaoe Keetin In ibe aftemoD and eveoiog of tb 3rd inal CRy tfidaaand people frotn all parta of ihc Northern Federal ialc aa- atDbled ia Conventiun at New YorL and after nimerooa apecchn adopted a1- ooataeeeood dcclaralioo of independence Of coarse Iho meeting waa composed ehicSy of oea opposed polilioally lo the icalteiBCB now coatrolling the Govcra- aieat Ilesolationa were adopted ia fa vor of eautog a Convenlioa of men froa the NoilCnd Souih lo fix the battj of Paaee Tbe Near York Aeira of Ibe next motaia after Ihe meeting that wriici Thaak Ood thai ihe peapa bava amVao Tkaak 0I tbal a tna i Um of peaea ba ftmi lorth lit tka wvrU wUeb aoaoeBTbsw ambliiar will dot ta miaialia er latarant aaer Ovar STly iLwaaad riilsana sf ihu Huie la aaleiri CuoeUfe usenkll havp pildbai liya 1i utiiM aad ibeir aaeml baaor tnai mev nllotB tha ayrlrti ol a ergMKaiiuu whah aall liM be dnwltaO kUl Ilia aUif auall b wkiebdaan kiea Ika lacdawdlkaweonilt aliall have ba aearred aVae fivfl whU lie CauatTV it peenar eatlUOrabUa1- r r Xr JaxTia 4brijidi Ifr Jiavisy handbill ansoaaced aevaral meeiinga ia varioua parte of the Riding 1 bnt ap to Wodoeaday boob wba we last beard from bim be had boea anabh to get a balfdaien lather al ay one place At Valler Mlllt eearaely a mas appsared lo grft hioi On Waeaday Mr Wella made it a point to attend a meetiag ealWd by Mr Jarvis al Mnorca Hotel botaaveaeoa pie of Mr Uella ftienda who happened lo been iheir way lu Newmarket not aa elcctor wu vilbio bearing No one bnl a oompael nan woald bav had the faee le Ml Ibis lo ibe ininbla of a poll ander oreeest oiraaostasM Tb game waa a aeaperaie ose bot il ia no played OBl The elccton beircvermiui Bot Im eaugbt napptng O A mxiiiig uf M Wiiie lis aiJ upporeia n ihi village will bM al ihtf Ntfihi AnirriLan Huiel ea Salary evenirg naai Chan lo be lake n vcJock We hop all wbe eaa Mkat convenieni loaiieod will mate iiaftass be pieaeoi A auciat uuiiao I eaabrB ill children and fii sf tbe tui Meihudial aoil Congiegviioeal Se wll behalj m Mi leeajs a llie villai on iaieedayae The chiMwi wrill OMmbfe si ib Vai Sctiuol ilouta al 11 oclock aad Mitka prooeaaioii 10 Ihe gieeod cy- We iwg lu direct iheeiieeiMaf laaJeia lu Ibe advaniMOMci BaeoeMa Coiireii in aUnfibeBaiMleg Fnlrit Haul N Tb eBllaiaM pomiaes lo bu veiy laieaeaiin aad g si iiig and at lb etjecl ia a fnmud one we bvpe le aee a laia The laleni aecarcd andmaate aellahl the uecaaaon we an aatlrad win geiher iu advaace of etdioaiy na here O We undaiattbl Iba HeekA Uk Company cf hia village ara aatkl rangemmia yi beUliaga Pie aal uiday weea in U Roatta Garetli ng Ibe village Tba eeiviaaeefM toil Uaiid will be aeeured ierlba An lovitaiion le Ibe ciiixaae le jait tbak ordiaily eiiendad We abaoid hkaMM llie fieNio motie a Biigada aUr appear in udiltusi- a geBalaa aai happy teueiea Presentation Tba ladiM in eonnectioa with iba Prcsbyteriae Chareh of this Village pmeaied Ibtir Pastor Reverend J001 BaowK wtlh a loperb Pal aaa mark of reepeat aad aligbt aeknovfedg iBcat ef the bigh appreciation in wbicb ihey held him for bia Botiriog aaal aad faiibfalaeat ia the Miaistry Tba Bev gentlemaB aoeepted tbe gift with aany thanka aad ileKverd a shart bat eailabl addrea Tbe occaaiob was one of pecu liar iaureal eabibttisg u it did in no unoislakeable nanaer Ibe de fedag ot sympathy asd eoscord between pastor aad people Newmarket OoanoiL The abot tJautwil ast at lb Ceart Hstc ea Moaday eveaiag laal Oar arewdad pse prcvsala at girisg a de lailej reperl Aeceaata were praalad faib epector for lakio ceaaas af f I Bolaferd fer Leaber freaa Ueaefs Tav- or for Luaber sad frea J CbsHa for werk and liatber Ilefarred la Fisaaee Cooiaitlca Pepet piesrated froa lb Ceaniiie 0 Kite sad Water and Reed rad Bridge aed read Fieally adopled Tbe Fire s Water Cnaailiee reported la farei of raiaieg Ibe Hook sad lder Hoase a fete iacbts aed tsfieg a door ef inch beardiTbe Road aed Dndg Cotamiilee rfporwTie avor ef eMaisg aad grading OakSlel By law adepled apfoiaiag Mr Caerge DelkWBit Pouad keeper i a reaoluiioo paated orde Chtk 10 write parties ia lernlsd lo epea Tiaolby Stmt Baal Alea te R B Cespaay to aaka seeca- Mry crotaisg Afur psaaaef a draft for MO Is he at- peaded ea Roeda tbe Coatteil adjosraed Rcmiij The Boainalioa 4bt this eeatT todcea in MateaUb Tilhga oa Tuaaday Foot Casdidaias wers noaia- atad Mr Robert Uell Dr Rohart Has- lr Honcrtbla Jobn SuSald Haedonald aad Mr W F PovaH t Baiy Bovdyiaa aad aeiaa ptaraaiad Iba two last aaaad gaatlaaea obtataing a fair baariag Tm abow of kasda vaa foiiad to ba near s lie batweaa Dr Haater sd Mr BhI aod tba eoataal will prob- abtr t s keaa os la 161 Mr Balit aajwij ovar Dr Bwir wwoaljr uro Goi Keaer to whoa basfitdMtl amajim we ate ever diapnead le and il aSetJt ua pleaeaceja eea aueodiag out MawialMir Eaq A wbota ha higtMatpitne awMed la W ly- a pid medal ae bi kloCfia Laagoacaa Tba kiri eJveaiienal wu laid under S A Maauaa K oTibe Nawinaikel Oraaaaf Cp I ia wiib pleaauca tea atlM Kaiikby Oivien S of t igblh anaivaraaiy en lli SOlb luabl bauiilit glove aljeiniag the viBtfll onging IB Alatar Wtfia kM fieieni Ihe publio le kitaw Ikat1l3a Soiree ia is rnntiaai inn wiih KekMrH viaioA o beaaeurwiuf all aada Itaaa beiog mad calenUted wtt tha happioeea and bituuf a tkit L The eelebraiad Oiaw Mr W of Hamilies IWilbt apukit bv beaa eaa1 aioA Plica a aaal forfip k AnlvU af tha New YetcnaSTlM iea tfvHO Liverpanl aa daMMCa Qwaeirttuwn io lb 9ta ai Ibia alieinoeo UardaiaeaM iwdirtl let A pablio mealing waa MbakiMlfl aiipool on Ihe 8rd iaaa ppf MM memory uf SheaaareU ieeijiM Tha abip Dei eaa Piiaeaaad fom New Yaka for Sbaatbai tbtl Terk Irem BeelM oa baa 7a Ibe Nye s wbaiavi bad ksea Ibe AlebsaM DiptMsaiie lelaiieae bM aod Hratil had beMi SttibtB C Mr Ksbwak bad gteaa Bitl weeki aieve iu Peiliaaeal tbai vpea negociaiiaoa witb ibeettap Ibe leeegoMiouef tba Ci ifslliail Lotd Muaiagoe will VflV LAtTa LeisaiaSesdey MeytVC r eSkUl baaia yaa 9H and ill ilemaad lo tbe Pari Oeane yaatatda were quoted al 9f SSe A Cabinel ruaaeii S bal The beard vt iraM letarM aealbefApB 1 1 e9TU00 et aboat two mure iban Aptil leal yaar menihaol the p ibel 394SO000 aearty lb milliuQ raoie Ibts m i ISS-i- uvaarebl aMgrta LrTBireoL May SO I leady Rieliaidae 8p a Ca hya k Co aadlKkeWd IJe liert tear dall ba steady w live and qMeiieoa baialy waaiarn itfd ititUi lad i to 9aUi wbiia Wejera sWI while sMibera lOs tile qiei an i unehaaged aid SfcW Jls urta cawwMu ienol Maylfth MaMJ Maly fiavi Weel India ilb aaaily iad bia and steady aieedy The land anb aaaily alata t aeree Fedaiw tataalf ihea lyiaf ia ihstbarbasr qeadreoel Wilkheeei roaciBg Sc Tbsai iba nan in tbaW ada ihai St Tbaa i m WeeAMetit wa ja afl auai lya baiat