Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 30 Jan 1863, p. 2

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HE NEWMAHKRT EUA JANUAUY 30 1S03 Mew AdrertKeatBU Kntri RrnofiT Vil I litil fir S M-Muiiy- i riup7 llii I N II- r Vion Titi Nur J 1 J hi WcihcW H Child J Nonrr lMin 11 uti Civ- Winn Voik Hiii lltire- JJ riroii Tria Time Ilwiiirket II l- rirliilrl t ni pii Ill ii T fonnrr n MtiI l llibll 2 111 Movimi 111 K pre Trail RIS im ll Itaiti to 63U m lviNo Noarii laTrin Otl tir lvies Tram fiHtr menibcrji or by llictu Auuiunl u i Udr Icclkj9il t lla icv fi l kim cUTl ttffr initil W- j Th7 IiiiilIicwl I ih llial lj ciinftiiiu- it I ir i f 1- Pi Il I vylail till ihfj- M 1 mi I il tiipr I I ill nij 11 Il III III 111 K Now f ih stimr rtmC b- Inir nhf Iftfi 1ii Iviiliij liiiil iiiiTriilitfi Nhro CtniiJtr r IAtiiinrrlirj rrpirrnUti n tflifil llirrby lIlfnoiHi- lull lir of t ff 11 rlclCKi of liiicliunv irnprilf blinin t ilfll 14 fiijrntlf ilir oT lli ml 1 nuf liii t iillt 1 wliPn ill I IT H lli- fiMl IJ cll til ll ir 1 i in i lin- lfrti Tlii pil lix alliwo I t Vitc nliii wrc rif tilvJ j fJilnr in Vn l liail tin vCfclary iiivili clir al itiriiilcr or nn iitii n n 111 tuimn wiTi mplii ffi l Ami il to batl til- lill w 1 lP riilv 11 Mlend III i- i nr MViiing tnK tll sW eppiiiited cbiirinin Mr Jnilion then imiucl and reid T lini time ilie lieetiM lly lnw of hicti ir hill ftiwh n lie Iln Re ii- ir llv liiw fur Ihx iintnni fccfiain iiiinf ntceitAry MunieipaMt Ilm iiincil lhn eHj luriid Council Tlic rulliwini i ummiry ilii- rriMclin of jh newly ilrcUd c iiiiMir ilr niiiMil Inn- olUiiiisl criifleaCv l iruwii In Miiviil I t Mr Welili Ilonded ly Mr Pbiliir- fir Tlit tlio Inspector f la CCII i licroby rouiri il u inpcrllbc rU I ii rn Ac Ac nil I iiifxriii tli inii I rcb f year tint Ucli appUcili n on tlo Ipb ni It I Miv iUr lf I liiiii- riillii and ttiin lonVip llirrcnr ho llic prionl must Uc iiiide n fccotided lij Utiiicn willi futEciuol cijijl break ip Ihc uil J tck I- I plpo in ihe world ere there uch fine M are reited tjr the Indian of Vnncnarerind io Doplaoe better mark et Iban Vietoria Ami the fiicUitio for Uio growth aftd of tttrt kind ff- ricultor ptodoeo art qowtj temptinf Land U to be had Pt the Vin oof Jiws ilrenirehalfi lifetime to clear ihe firm before enjaying tbe tight of brod jcrcs without itaops or itonen m Cnili In all the proposed etciflnl irc thiiiiundi pf aerea of prairie with hiTc and there forct of nine eedar od iwriivf lo fcoee and butid witb The 1 I SupJ iif Tljf lifiuiiiarkftiLra aurrr I nnrnl f pv I full iToU illlicult HG n Kul ilio wrtuM tin- firm ni higl rrirJ lo rhnlt Ultc I fDrriii k ColanialiSirsr Nw 25 AniTsloftheStitait Tb tftmer Drttibqa f Oik ha ariMl Nt- oim Jio 27 I Tb Bahami Hfraid ef h Tbe tmr Sjjonia irrited here t j nMBeet h arrilal ol U Briiitk ine oclork lo da Mc bring 1 MnMr Ctlttrairain Dera iplon tair In lb Hill fl fron llaaria anjiiy ri ll wt rusourtil tliii Napoleon bail re- fcnii highly ertdilabU togft newed bit propoul of jnol oiedialion loeoaownder of lk iaiiift Aneriea lpolie nrdirt o tik Adal 5 Te Irdin OUenrr lUt no lueb wVen am wbotrer fawJ td oTr hat brp tniile H I ngland lo Htrmiula wbte It will bt Tilt liinpTor diiinclly nitunateJ lo further nrdjri from Eoftaad Mr Dajlin ii refoal lo mliiml anr iroj Iln Urituli akp Vutii ek pntitiun for llir leltltcnciii of lit Amcfi and abtif ipccie froB Mobil for Ett cao disfve Und The Timo tblnk ili o ty to The tletmert Aeaa CkiM p fill the dipl ill be firiLe Kedeielliid unrcd at Niau fa ii ilinnltr ileir and ilrcNr- j jfibbly In ra tb bloektdt thil itiija Oeaeral SoDDary ilil Till IIluv an I lullia aJtancrd liberal ifclioii ct 111 Ruv PIT- Wesloyan Missions Tho AnnUl Miiiiir Mefii 10 k fpfftCariiiB oatJ hTe Wn flifTr or l ive bcrn lh had iC rinbraceJ jcAcfaHy aJniiUoi bu Xewmrkt Fridy- Juij 30tb j hf cbjct kI by he Timet il i tlic jinlljil ijihiniif ArlJ of opeiiMfl And what UTcmO Nrh iri4 morfbrn firte o jfrebt j ilkcrt hIu Kinl no ham ThrllJy ainiuitef itmi tii Sil lo ftnr hrtaifc nc Jjrf ac luntiil ti t llitU- rrllin it- iit ririi in lor Viivi t ill 01 1- con one of iti fnKibrri to ak f an trucimn 1 tl nit- IUl if Mm rni Mi on Ih lWih OCOOJ t I tiinVrl in th glt ihrj 11 al- ll- o jnuto t licV t- llii ImHi nt ih lji Juitgn I Crown Hr lining tu JlriT li- iiL leptiurilc wnrl it i iutc n as Ml IUa actipied the olhir parly and ijulifrd ttini- fir wlftin ihr nfd li if anithr i t rl Iluiiniiil Siiif ciiril bj M 1J- had no polilicsl afimiy J foiirlfd and j jiiio in tl- illilm- ami iKo irl i Ml Ri-atl- 1 mnitrrf lie Lpji j d Uir fn jfmlfman llry air driijc il iiiJteaJ cl ll C irii 1 t j r- j feting Iolrvenrarobliceliii4iin dilyati bo chui n in ijcli M ujiclal e iNtd ro flie firiBiton of ih I ihc Uliie a Inr a riiM iiil m r ol 111 SabUlh Sthoi1 Cnmmiltr a ihe ectioneenne centir of Cinttfniion CommiUe will late plaee ih the paitj od im one now da r ipielir eveiiiif immeliately af ih Lcire hit a t political ciabiialioa in lU leili We hop bI who can mak il eonTttiiem ipetttii- ll ki ioie good letr ce ill enJeaouf lo be pieaeni i j iiipned lo ei- O A icvilar mteiing of ih Boafil olje any fncliB ami Ce faM llil i Si livl Truiee takea place on Mundij no pari of ibe coriopnndinee f cr mn eeiinj neii at ihe Ruined Hoiel doe il appiar ihit that Comritlle a t lien a Ctiaiiroan S- Tieir iiiI be conuled ii an etilcnrr Ihil il wi O Mliial Comiiiiiteea ill te appoinlei fur rfrdrd br alt cniicerred irnid if wa tcai leinaideied riidirit lo ue t lo ft liil CT- AieJaTmeeiijoflhrommiiieejof hfficoHy- Tl ttr Pid efiio Mecnic In be held aceordinjly and many of ii ri wn reii Monday eenii Ai manei mder the uppfied fjtor of leteral leadmf rin leiatle impuiicice ll u bflbioujihl up men were inJuctd lo broine candidates for ducustioii iiij lecimii a u to t Lope1 it olliioale i bjict bemj 1 crraie I uficienl pertocal mleretl lo lead lo aciioa I oiiit c lhee Tiy Rien bow iel they were ld in iW mailer for on each uc- reeJioj bllI as ihf one aflr lli cber i were strurk ulT tliey iiad a nlil to anliei pale an iicreaed number of toles for llimfltes llie leqnrl bowerer cleailj lirnted Ihiy era ttfjclher at tnd ihal promisea were teaddy biikcn Where wt tlnd fault wilb 1L0 i he did nol qiahfy ln wei Mr IWilTtla apiheil in tle firsi n mm will fcmTiencn ai in olne k I iiai Ur 1 fiafijsi in ihn oual hour p had no cbjfclion lo ite tlie omce pro tided Ibe CoeniniUee or Ihe ptilf i Willing or if no alronf cbjelioa wa urrd aikinl hiwt lhre would nol bare be- B Ihe slihiesl d lEully because then riumHTi The CivrL liok ibechai uidnlorii lo order lvdby Ir TlicmpKnodcd Lv Mr Ihiii and if That I Iv decld lucw- rf the Mum Cl wr iiiIiil I l ilii- ciiIiHil uiiii ed until Tuliv mil llu- inl lj niiiJ I iimr y h v M Cliirli in liis Ilicr Iield on Itijrilay evenitu uf laI lit 11 opened wiili ihe juil irl itnrciea nfier khh Mr J I Maanuf was callel r le clnir i Ile on Ihe li m ipriirni uniil reiuriel tlM he I conferre l ipoke f Il etthniile Mis ill iil Iitiiin i f tll- llrl Kin- llir ihi- year 1 sij I d Mr Viis lliio ml-ciilK- Un as i iry liiarilrn of iffico aJ iUei le lok tl clitir Mivi lbv lr Tli Mr riiillljv and eieTlat Albctl Webb K- I- ini i hcnby elcetcd Ivputy IU-ii- 11 ilir MuiiicipU Jofjorjlioii Il ill riwiisbip of Kinv fnrlhr cjr ImiM Mr Wlb llien ubacril the mcjry l ibraliin uf rfTKo aa Plut lice Till- lollowiij Hiiiioiia re ihiii ic sriird loopli Uildwiii and olhem rcla- liv l tlic ertiinif iic- lti tp- airo iber al laskcy rrciilcij Ij lcf ani read l ill ill ljif 3 Itlirr Tivin- cU tl tilc Hie me art t-i- itillili lle aidi tjid 1 cnnctKii lii ii tin- tuwiiliipdf Kill lto11- J vd b- Mr Weill iiid read Iro label ik and tlots ftaiiiL tiliy im- l Il unilc Ibe wrt linhwi id Inle clitld WM- nut i d I t iiil iilj- JiUliilTbrur r l-iTri-pei- I nn ITViv l led t ye iliud The crabapple prom lid lu Ctnetally ir rouad tur suinucr dajB Bic not Ki rpprctsive and all our nilil uto at leasl cool indeed Dceewilatioj s tood tbick pair of blanktU in tummer Tree fioui tbc nurKTie nften lcor the first nd from need have borBe IB Ibeir t inr Ihe soiercien iidepeiidenre of each The IlrraJJf tVahnpofl deiuU State leare each veifetilj untramnielled slates that inforiBatioA bai beea rcenW 10 lrin it own cnnnMions for tie fulur ibal the riae io ibe MisMssippi lu ihrough ihe casal culhy CetBtht ill UMC1 ibcii nrij-nirne- WiLti rii 1 If rk CorrfCjioiiJiriirr arden strawberries tre larire thry rc Aij Il me ajTsin ny ihatselial rc waiil is ripUii With money braina nd etpciiincc in ihe buinfse the Iurni- r If VaiiciuTerii IUnd may lauh al nor cnty any scricultural cm I the wiirld J- I- ICarril- I iiiuiiiiv Onr Lte CiiBciL Letter rota British Colamhi JV He yirult rl VH TI Hiv VI Uoi 21 Oi lU the To W cf iKt ynrmtrtrl Sii Al th iai meetinjt of ihR Coun cil 1 was aomewhl aurpi ied al th ela- ment made ly Iho ik that tha Nie Council want out of otfiea in debt ifitead irancf nf ll- O of uf a balance in hatd i i trne tie debi ul dilTfrnl IViii 0 ll Itge beineen SI1 and 90 lui ciiiiidj ill iiniiv rcicf ll i eiiv If ma of ihe Its Coontil appeared ai iin Sow mid Ihi ii i lid llia lc MCU g ilastinga made a Keal paraJa of on the Fin whii riin- ihe Uiit of managed the jiisnces and lriii iM en ail jidi are turncdj ed ihai lirgt tyiluKe lo ih but I Tl 1U iif lie ry niembvf wnl be piean R J S aI sttle t5J PWMI oiiui has ben Eq Beeeeof Seal erlerleil Waidan f lie- Ciiied Coiiulee ine iliat haa t in Km piriiC lart i eiehete ef Irunn C- This i iha ihiTfc occupied Ihe poti e tejwiil piliiheii iincil pioteedinjt fii The reguiai irecn Willi lti a IliuI Will ba hn yiiriei aeieic Sewmarkei anl J initie WM Ciurch Tiwn on jnrjav and ibjt public aerrice Dii Sun to- F been r4 rl- With g KJ f ii4f wv Krr Bini rj nijhily rlnjiod in Chufh ol Ihi eM The hoo t ftrce anl Um htff fl uid C ot Horn a Th h vr fhf tl I nn npprprfcie nnTli rev Ma Fe aker whii Ml n noaihle llfel iowifili ilr tii iM hftt llie I IV- 1 T mns J iiliiin Misim laidCii im rf h vear airunn in tbe npEejiI lo ah TiOflllO Th- 11eii inc iiresenl ilirmrlves rait 1 r iiirreil liiera on ihepftlofihe frielliifihriiili Hie Oferaiiun of li e fm adaii Itrr ejiend fiim the Al I ih I Spr nier iheii rife h K Iti- Mr larv nd lie- Mr Th- remark ferel er- iiiiiid aiii liiiin in 1- ciriniii f ih- Iei rilierUion ilic mill tb anri mf ilie Kfe nam The II Ill- fii If a inrm nneol ciinli efcrred I i r ni ill- reoii Mi 5 liin ijiliaer ni Ihe unll cl il iiidi are turoid I woium iu nieel I rlH ino hundred and Tlicro arc thcieforc very fw n ti be iHTii arid fill ihc aceoiii- 1 Nil 7i til SI t- and sd in tbv Ut pmimcnta of ueb riponiliililie elnali- 1 e lie ion of Km In biil clion Nu lutiiiL iuitc a ileiii m aiciely eitb ou 111 Irivviled by ibc lave and rcjd I jre c iiro iiiiinnn lcr Il wa Iriiinl W Uivd Klilu llijd and I nallv iuitc inlereitin wlien ihc Waller Sinii Truslecs nt kIvxiI Kfiinii arrived t- n litc Ibc eajcrneM of i tjuamon foi the jiepaer lo jcl 111 atid olhcrs rajin the council Kme cjf our cjiididilc for malrimonial bia Ii all Ill to lid schiil eection the west inof nbn ftc anioo 10 inpect lite hiifnl I U -Nli- To 9 fit Sl and fiir frrilit aciil from Knjland lor nar SJ firmerly a portion of union hool i epecial benefit The authoiilica Tcrj vciinn Nil 2 wilb Kiiij and Whitcburch- 1 properly confined tlioo dangerous dainiel liini I hy the Hecve anl read I meand nil in liirrjtk unliUiiiia- Krorii tjcorse Treadold snd olboti lioni crc aelocled for ihcoi by the loi- n ihe council lo render pecuniary i mixfiti n octcly Tbc building in which tebji of lh Momcipaliiyi ben i fC heie eeiii Tl Clark of ihe ai Council etplaiiiel ihat Ihey cal- nlated ihia baljne in the pteomp inn that Pirn war to p bis license ahieli it eeema b b nol don and 1 rnppoa b is eorrcl a il il out of tbe llirrpae prii reliel I Mf Th vidua OiiricB id nud Ilocnlcd by j Ilev tnL up tbeir temporary abode wa Ihe old iiiiiiii barracke tcroM Jame This beiBgtba cae aa a ratepajer I want to koow are not ihs late CoonrilmAn peiionally responsible for llie amnnnt ol PeteMiia lietoae iBuoey I Alsi I would like 10 know wbaiheriha KiKeesd ba nitda B final dispoaiiioB of the Fite Klif Fuoilf And whsl Boiounl lia hii Iccted and in hl wy eaid amotini fvithe Tie bill iif aniuel witicr lo lbr uv ojpositc llic town In undjy fid- Lrcaliir Relief Fund h been diol upposiU Ibe city Coanty CodbcU MB VMtlLIB ELtcTie vaioiv rfeutSeOWa The newly elected inmWf of ih a priiliJii rl afTair mIiicIi mijibt enable ander nintual cofaprouiixs B bw Ui- imri lo br lorioed Hut ttiiulJ aaia com- pflc the whde of Ihein Tie Metroiiolitau Ksilway is opeoed jtCf At Ihe ninn- rif ili fltire Ctiaffl bir Ihe lrnjrffir a it ilie coedilioo of taice would he ll rriin ifiln- Amer ican war had in 1 drln i ril one of Ihe most iity Council of iit ll6iid CoBDIiM fruitful sijrcs of iir loiliilry A public of York end Pael ibbi yetttrday al i rant will be akJ fir ih eittin ojiera oclock iii 1hif chantbrr ia lb Com lies I hue i send befond oje The following CDemtiwn ww Ihe Allaniic ntliee mji ied by iniceie jiBpatbf but Ibr C miritirne powers nol IhmVni It ailnssbe ret I i arl in ihe colUi Ill me I am nijle t j p- pne In II more PKi ljbe opiiorluiuly an ffr of iieiJiji 01 Iti- t bjicl f bid as lo top lire effjsijn nt ol nd auil prevent ibe etIiaosTion rf America wiie fjturc siiiiol be u ti wilb itidifTecrnce ITA IT- aceepled the preidenry n C nn nillee of Aclioo iin to hOen ntor to bis rc comile narlialdi hi nfle new floin lU Ikstiie iloi cnmrl and l elres aim Kepoil ifiraliri 1 lais enfil ihat aii id a niri suit lie tetir Bid neti I ifn- K illl lf IOT llic bull i brilM- lilt llie Ilh concession 1 of a new ihiir landiti- tbc fence ariund c Kii tbe lol on sihicli the Iniildio- stjndn was mod by Mr Tbonuon and reid coniplcli It surroijiidcd by irnwd rd men iiilion of Mr Tlinnsti Mr Ar from iwn leinin- tjiiisl the pickele MeVrtbuc wa heard before tbe ojdinj ilir ili ihe iiiiel urd bokioi Ibe I e lo ieaj ifiigiois liv III ihr j I lie nj Me ll ir p t iv oereo by laal iatrlays u- ZilU Ilsi a new eolurieer Company Iia tit igsii7l at Kir- SwofT To he Cuprn I DC K- ttirj Ii jj riian S lii Ve alsi obvrre thai Tab M lBtTaoo tr I ciJIled an Am c Ie Cotuier Ir ih rNiC il Sraeoe ice CHrsiaj The ilerfer a- ili- lii of Ianea- shne relief fjri I rj irr ve nntice llial tba Diefriri of ij IiBnee f aiselIin ffSnOij Aialai- meilifih Ierror nfih- J in In- s-nanr- Cnnpary On wer nnani- f Mr AIm W may t f j str m b- orpe plliiionnf ih cenle fntii in fi in h O- n makiri aiancemni i o t V Whieh w eet afr iu week In 1 The rimra males US of this eilfiel hsr lelesphie dipaich fiom iho acai while speakinj of le promise made 0 JieeiBeni eeetj Tliursa night befoi- I There is no use efniToealin- nboot the C j lo prea 11 heniino1 ai lean lu niatter subjuenl cnrrcupondence and ol lUrlismani jQleruent action olh prore what was ll would tate drefilei Ofl Oilier beide thai taken On tins p Timel ajiia loulads bii leaJec sij W in 111 iiereiw hIbelx Knnltae ard J r w ITct lhai M hoiili b BsiIiar In ibis extract the irrilef displays iino- rjiee of the wlinlc lrinJCllon sihetber wilful or iniender we srt nol prepjred to ay bul from Kntinienta adraneed in some parts of the prceioos docurnenl be- fnre o we are inclined to the belief it i vVful s a proof if this we have sim ply lo instance llie fdlowinc eilret frooi the same articic F h ll fnti us 10 ilefirid ihrrmrurl tho prfi lectioti lUltirifi x i ch Sire h in the saiifr ri ilie nsei Alth- 1 of 111- M iihg snd subsriiiiiin wnj likii u 11 fihoitt 1- Tbe uaiil ihrks uerr thn rtel to ihe Isdy Coriclors rf lsl ycnr find mvl b I Mi1irn nnd Mis nihi Bp-iiii- Booibee f yeir A ihs lis lo itip 1 Siir- Ver lie rhnir ln- i hiirnisn Ilio nieeiiiij thru srpirated uncil reepwiMi ChiiMiii kICin an firm and inditit ifrnn tin Ii0iiin of Mr Wilb a ly Ij i Iriduced lo rie3l tbc byLw fir llie I ojie fori of liccosinj liois and lavrn- i- and read a hrsl liuie In iuiii f Mr Webb the bylaw wis then rejd a n I and third lime and pjrd llii iiUtion of Mr ebb a b liw wi Inlnduecd lo rejulalr lie liCeiiMi- i- bops and Uvris and ibvr urx- iiicrein nienliuned and reaij a brl tune Morcd br ilr Ibillifs ciiided by l r Tnoiiis and nir7 That tbe council do n lre itlf into B conniitlee of tbc wi on ibe bylaw just read- 1 Council in couniilte Mr bL in ibe cliiir Comuiitlee mv and the ebair- man rcpirUd ihe liy law wilh cvit1 aitKndinenls and was Ibcn read a Kcnl and ihird lime and pae Di mnlioi i f Mr Wtbb a byUw was inlrodueed to alter feriiin sHiool sccd n- as follow ij by deUiebiu- frnm Lniim ahojl No 2 uoion with Kin and on ti tl till r led ly T of ba biie in paii and down I e ymin la w uly f- fll o ihai HiB Bctmn f ihe Pol Meeiinj may b eBiiiJ out A lilile lal- ifjctioi on th pomla will b geble 10 itie eiiuiier and otli la Vour iifoticnic Edward Mumoo rMUt W A ItfKAy Cmriiri nhrhilj Ridd rTk Guaifmbury iJriptr rMtff I Gwillimbury StsiJobii PtrabMs ree9 Jase li4n J I Wtiu rMia AliMn VVebh depuiy ilatUtan W B Buttan rT T l3omaD depuiy Scarbaroiihn P Whatltr rt tbriB- bn Craw lord depoty I U AmoW pt i W 1 Ciok deputy tCutiurcA Gdward WhteUrntit Jihri RBndafl deputv Yuk W Tyrrell reT BtrlJiol- otneiv Hull dpuiy YvkvUf Chirli narrrmtB rMTt AVirn irief Alrd Bouiib- rMs Jhtlhtnd landing It T Wiltok Uitn r Alrim W Hiiioa imr i Jshk nuiiiiE llie lotetcsts 01 1 iriiice j I I onre depiilT- Crerlor-Tbm- RihbbII rteft BWiTZraLsn Rihnn Alien deputy Tte Vral Aseinby opened oft lire Chinguaiouiy R Utlj rmtr IIih Witlijt 11 into tliepailicu iBmilion dtpiHy Iar cf Amcifjn affi r- Ihe Ireiident el- JViXstO tftorgn Blain rt L preij ih hope that tU Lt on would b i Chevn rfeputv- able I inmtiiB lis vutly wiihjut forejB Voro Gore Themit GrtlitiB iiitertei liii reeve CBtcc Christopher rT K 11 lrd iml lefjs III- r wn iitrieri W- Oannlnghom rterB The piierial Orlu loerclisnis oppose Mr Wella erconded by Mr HNl ibe crision of 111- I III an Islands mived thai Mr W Tyrrtll bt tticlid spiif I a euneut of Mntiteriat 1 The deuni of MX ciiaf eiir Cz a complains In I ist lio million ptr I Doikber if troops wiihoiit re- blim lnic I r mt prn iiir ih- Ileoth caiididalBre of Arelidnke Mjjimr 111 niiij llie lutercsts of instead rif sirp lpauib iViiiee runile r of if imtrni ribl T Innojlir llc 1 rrii Vinl Z Ih- appfoBchinj S Tii will iieu aJJn sed palronat- appears to wan The Braiiford Timet Ttie ajr jvjroil acted as peneral Biwtlipiec tnd apoViter fr Mr J Iy 1 bin I indeplanding We ncrer pretended lhal Mr BoilT- akmj I 8tt had superior eUiit to oihert Ik neter aaid so liiiiisctf neither dnet Mr WllAOM nor any body cl say eicepl Ihe Uridford fabricator bul what wc J taj that to xHk to ftl rid nf a dilera- 1 iUnr on Meieo ma bj casting the responsibility of this j 1 eoi jl fjll of m GAjitri at Ihclate election for Mid- 1 irrespnn- mg uhiob many pr land and ts now considered the nrgan 1 1 Mr Fm y in Suth imeoe It I preaentins a wrry picture lo an inlelliKent lesn frenerallyiuppoeod tobeedilcd by t comnonityone that flcecr cto raolt in KeSirmer tUhouph the journal ittcif pro- J fet to be Conterralire and from ita 1 have no desire to enter at present j- last iwMre more than mvinecd il is i tnerils of tbe lubject farther or nil 1 capable of being just almott tnylliin even disclose whsl we know wilh tiard Ieeve A lii hate nol I Prof Saisters ExpsrimeDts IM1 Iriil eveniig itie metnors nnd friende of the Merliaiica liislilule en joyed t rich Ireil while lisieiiig o Vo Nnrmal Schonj Toronto llis subjct was Chemiryij the mia- lerlv rrMnner in wriieS he eliminaied its mysieriet furrnbed eniicjiio side nee Wliitcliurcb ibe wetl hauca of lul ihat hit knowede iif the science was not TH Tit 1 81 6- and isl in ibe Cr merely toperficial Unreal anl prici cnl I 0oa of Oils lownship and unitiiij 1oaeang he lai py fsCuUy tio cf be ing nbl 10 comnifhiral iiiieligihl and with gal doenry of speiseh wbnteverhe miy hiee 10 nlTer on hissutjeci much graiiricilion ists csprestej by ihn audi nee hile the iianierius eipnments mnde illotraiie of ih- ihnee adstnc- ed were perfeclly snecessful tnd gne tieral alifacnor It is tl b- hopert M r Panpsier w ill sfT 1 I os A iii her lec ture bfurt 111 setejn eloart This evenioR we are lo laT e Mr riircn connn Miiil nlo- Kiild doca a bive an clallihcd ordi r In a siiecifiil nrc Ibiri lure Nni that I1 s nci i dai- 1 a felt II I iljc bul tbil wliicb I- ilire and ibc to wnli cm 1 i1li wllboul eii the mirjiilv in ihe eoiiiinunitv 17 1863 ATIOn Vil Tea Tu KJtlori Dtaa Sit tJ riftha Sibhath bled on Miiii3 Ihe memlosuf ih adit cass connee Wilh ihe abov S Siil tsmllnai biimi copy of ihe cliptlles MiJ D m karmg been requeteil 10 occupy aft roM ctcuL Livttroot Jin t CliioB sales ol rtie two dj nere 00 bales includn COO I pcuators and eprter Mai kel npened irrigular tnd dull but a leac- 1 loll sa rccaTneil by Ibe Ameriran news aud ibtre i a more buoy- 111 by III ant t n rr SliilT FI What lea tr 1 d 61 a 1 tnd staly aud adsaae ChZr after making a appn maikS called upon Su enocadenl lo ral Ih- lollowiu Bittivss Ofor Affiii4err Ae 4diif Ctiaa We id Irila to school neclion No lU alp by deitcbinj from aaid seciion No 2 il- csnI balres of lol Tl aod Tl and uniiin- Wc 1 said lia lo union seliooi atetion No 1 and reid a Qral tiiiio NIoved by vir Webb swond d by M r SiBclser Thai ihii council do bow rctoivi iiself into a coniiuiiUe of tbe whol rn tbe bylaw DOW read fvr alierin ecrljin aclioil scctiont Carried eoniiu stand till- lem i fil m- Tlier I ee- n a p iniUiiuotuil proa- pt fur ur iinlvibli- wotiirii bcrij than wilh voj Iti l e I I I1IS adi tliii whal- 1 r I- Ii- riiil b tiie public birc I h- OlReeii tn il Ih Ilarlma t nfili- iiI nntiliiv no malKrwhilii Ciis Uiob SalUiti islKl h4e mc nnr 1- mrhnirii prlWionrl r a PP7 P 1 J 1 7 I lerel ll m jour welfarebr pmeeillnn rii- iiiiiiu ilcnin ubo v-nd- jg ach wiJh a copy nf ihe Woil of Ji Uil or drunkiti on I II i- We has eetected thisasth most ap cmintrv siitli llc exrelalinn id bis beinc ppe gifi Ux ili ureaion because I ha altTloy will in all prolubiiity rr- wtii hss been tbl 10 proeac it al 1 rcl Il- h lun n i- f li tiijcrable i iiiflii Coet the taera j truths contained ii rnnbiii- iirtisnie bo nev r did well n tboe ll pKe V eBieritin ttve the iliicLlieaikd U 1 hst th lms yoo haee been laoitu i n Ir 1 ni ij liom ilis 10 eonneeiiin Wiiu bh Sel msy eierl latinc bi Icel ricker Inan cu r he iid before y 1 hal wheiarer tr lot miy b eaai you 4l h rrarl American EoTolutioa- IlEinqi Aiiiv AnjiY of tu Io- TOMiC Isn 2t Ttiis ntornin Jene- Hnrniiii turned nver the enniinnd Ilc A riiy of tbi Itliniae to Oomral Joe lliNkor who eimc to llc lieadiUjrlcri of III ctmp for ibti eurpoee A toua u I v die ebane hocimc aiiowa tliT0o5h0Qnh iiy o cnnsiderable nuniVr of the so r he iid before abunrUncc nnd vihcn ail others 1 the other hand lid It and eoncer Council in eomiDillce Mr Tboinpon clmi nnd in Ibc chair Committee rise and llv I of ihc den ebairoiiQ reporled the byUw v iilinut yei even th amendiuesl and wts read a accond and third time and paued r fr dorlor I quicker lhan c c thetii now in thev are rnly emiilmrd ntreadv On the other hand iiiis to houii spent in Msiusiiig ilie e 3 firi eta man I f any trade or profet- iMurrt 111 thu laee sin in demand will ivaysUlmand tbe i W e air eiiieal oo 10 culi-t- tiilil llirn iml r ward Tbis np J 1 Uo to all frfeMOn Iml that of Ihe M-k- u th man I iope ministry 10 liich we bare n 5 and ii will 10 yo 1 wlit vV trden Mr liltin teeondad hy Mr Bui mnvtd ihtt MrJ 1 Whwlw to ttod- 1 Warder rh motiiin firti made srai by t vote uf 13 10 IS Yat Mtsr DulMiitae WaUi rnao Aurora IarnhfTi Ueau Uwillunburii Stork lloulibM Wtlan Webli Wellt llimdloo litrlley Ck Btid Arnold 1 5 Nrt Meetrt Blain CklyMCrtw- lord Kiddoll Prtptr llnrrtfalL htm Cuiiiinghnin Rthdall WMr Whiieburch liowman Itulinn AlUkr KueBll Ilatin tnd Vane 19 Mr Illlnt oioiioti tbaci pot Ml carried by 1 ut of IC 10 13 Ysti Mttrt lltnn VaoeaBliiw Chynt Vtwlonl RiMII DrprBr reoitn Qrahtm CuDningbtoa RtsM Wbelr Whiteliiireh Dowmu lun Allep nd lUttall NtTtMMtn Bsitl Mnkw Hwin Aurora ftrtihwnIMKya liwilliiiibury Swrk B Welle llMtillum iiwtlCiik nnl Arnold 15 Mr Wbtlar ihtn eoodueulM 1I16 chair by lii morcr tni Addrsing th Cutwil b atUi I ha agtin lo rMurn Mjr iIbqw thBBkt for lh rentwtt of jroar eol- Chi lt 11 e icken ni ttend that Oclock Newmarket Council On moiion of Mr Webb t bj liw was Inlirnluced in blank to tppoint aiidilnr to audit the Treisurcre nccount for tbe yeu- ending 21l llec Iu2 I tleo fir tp oititioi BB Inspector of licenses for llio rt3nl yeuand taad a iral tine Mlved by Ir Tbou Mr Ihillif- end ml r ward 1 bis np ions hot thai uf the n m we bare no hoe Ial for llir inlcreat Tiination stands fi r nbiUty yet even tlnre llintBUld by it- un jeeifierrAitT find its place Our propleurc really iired if oar land- tillandpicVellh fonU nt and are lwilu and bubbling iti hnleand roroer iiipeiinTt irounl town Ilrittsh Cllunibia ha appointed Malculm Iam- ernn ns ler delegate tu ibe Cohmial oBc- in Knland and bad Iber- been OBjone Leoodd bv i of tbilty at the boliom of the uffiir he I woq have been appointed fir heie nlao feioiei Thai the Ctatieil dn now I bol ibe riwls of ibe colonist and tJie met on Mondty rcilvc iUclf into a eomiutlto of ihe I rrfusil of the mayor to call a meeting if lernlra praeit I whole on ihe bylaw now rend peiirion enlaimn ls than filty oame tb i clearly displayinp t i due Ihe yeauili- 1 0 ibe whnle affjir l ejl proeiitiiiet o t eondoetor in t cnl- jet fully deKrmined upon what shall b omn and a half of Ibe proett miteepre- 1 our iubteucnl action We hare simply fcntationf il has been of lot i tel nt V miireprecittlin of oc tlic spaimodie eflbrttcTioced by bin he TVii and content oertelsee by af- Ut autuuiB On terertl oecttioBs Ihia firming ihe real are even more jrtlpable aaiuejouraal has atlciBpled to isjort oa l I hicb we penonally by otlerine forth the otrtt litvabec referred What e htre writ tllosioos tnd publishing the moM dn- en ht been cniirciy in elf joalifietlion Urdly unlrutha tbe editor tnd when North York want Mr Fii viiioB ootild eonteive but we paid little vi uran in Simcoe to furnish td r Bo atlenliou thereto belierisg that thi ioe it wilk ihco be liut esougb fur tb toaree fronwhich ihey etstatled wDold I 7iiws to R be loffieieirt lo slamp their nntrolhful- j One other matter tnd we htee done ree artd llial hanre it wai unneeetMry Mtny Refurmert wbhate been taking lo coiubsl IIietD as they would sol be be- j pari in Ih neelins tf h Coiicniilte thei iig read and con eted by tbe ganml and even now we woalj aot refer te hi Utt effort bul for the ftol ihtt ia hm atmiirsn of the proeeedinji connected with tb k tin apart ofVorlb York Uhgiatralioo ever tinee 1859 find faH bauM ihej were not esmUed Thi wai owitg te the fjcl that errr tioee th union flf tbe party io Ij5 tarcely any new nanet hare been added Wl iscn were innted purpoaet tnd of lb tctioa ef the eoml by th Secretary tad by olbtr mibn itlae we diaeer tbe wellkoMta haad I of the Cooimitiee whom Ihey Ihousht ef another indirtellytB alrealad par- j likely tub oseful en election oeetnosL ty in the irtBatetiofl The edilor then No on foBad fault itilber did bbj Uh tome little eircuaioenlion m llnults uf last firmed A cintininicnion mm tlid Fir Corn niiy IS received wjili regard lo iho ipHiilmtil of tfigiiers Mr Jckn kl fr leave see mded by Mr Msrsdeii lo introduce lb H L of wbich ho hal g Bpiioiiitmenl if ti Inspscior fnv grtnle and ilie Cy IS inlrodueed id jio rtd a first inne j tlic bylaw for appoinlin I rifftTcJ Courcil ifj cMUUjUf sMr IljiUipi in lacked ffr it llic thecbair Cumuiitlee roec and tbc eiiair- edltnr nf the lefunet pre man reirtcd tbc bylaw wilb amend- to home 1 ments by fidio3 op the blanka fur Aud lom wilb the nimct of Ijinnle Shaw anJ lnald McKay and for iiccBte Inoe Inr with tbe name of John Gordon Th byia Th ll primises in a Umo U Iel ni A flil Il paih V WrII liul n ililltle an an uneifinj sui te in tin ime nf Irouble guiiig a pfopet diieliwi Hal iui aiiions an iuJi J lsii 00 n ih imw o aJseisityaiid alll uo We actompsoj this smil iireeii wli out wwhc ami prci fo four hpiMnr May yQ lbfOiKb iiir lilt e iilitirM vrhifh ih rrliiun of iSa Kilil C4fi affgtii nO ttl iiO bet yu ceA9 10 ftri our pMt on ili uf icnr my oo iU u b adintird ig ibaT pore rii bdppjr w vhicl ror ol iu iaelu42 III I lw obtff lo lets VSlifi litsie with rach CMie 10 b my in b- m rninh ifti tht iiinumerbro cfni4iy Iein2 litr lOhM tnl madi crricc vluts jri ib uf ibe Lamb ia puMlimectins waa hld lal niiht to I the outtul Cny hoaa 01 course any such at rt-K-IJ- appoint liiiii 01 y p- itabiii nver ay iliy r r j- p liniment would 10 Inr hm in i-nj- not Ih lijUi ol th- alo boin rrlcved officer flailed on General Burotidi ami took llieir partinj leave of him wilh toaoy regrets Tbc follow in it liit addrcsi of Gosenl BurnMiU- lo ihu b 1 RTtas Atir orrai r JirTa6 i flrKkim OiiMri No 0- ly diiciiot nf tjn of the noilcil tato tbc Cmlndtny Geaeral djy iranders itWniiimand nf ibis annj to Major Gcp Jos Hker diie io leilnir n e th ebtir for A The ahnrl littto thane hai directd your tin m tuceotaion By ua inoretvcnts h not been froilful of fwJ rI yoa h plc4 nt undar raowiH lory nr anv eontidrable adraneeoieBti giigiinnt loarery nitmbar io ihi Cm f our line bal il hst anin 1 yon arm ed nn amount of courspe pttleae catdy to ttaitt trtry fitbT iabt- eadurtnc hat under urnic fvoTtble eir- 1 varding th fauinof lhitCpoftil aad eanittneea would luiv Bcootupliabed n tinct attandiu rittoWsl iolrMM more fivnrablo rcsiilis Cuntinue lo ei- of rtcune1l Thili h IJ erciK these viriuis be Hue in Jour d- 1 I htvB bD HeetM t Mfdb volion to your ciuniry and the principleat fi conBdarl I OiD raljr Iif you Inve crn ii miWii iin iive to tho jij md iDppcri of arary tntoitor of ib braxuand ekilful liicral who lut Ion 1 h bunoMe Is MM MWi boen tdentiCrd w1ii your orittniutioni je praatiil occMiotL 1 belwt tad who t nnw ti eoanian4 r ynur only oMbe ordinary ehr4tie ktitbai fiiJI and cordi ll sapport and corlo on er laro Iwma iirbh 1 MMfV and yna aill siifcess TourGene- jicuUrly dein lo brieg btfort JM If rul in likiof an affertiontle leave nf the hey ihould ba forgwttu A TM trmy frm which he tcparalet wilh to Batw l tb latl tetiion much re ret may b pardoned if he bidt nUiyre bill van ped rapauiM an eapocial fitcwcll lo hit lon tnd tried in rgrd lo lb tapartlioB tlti linneialet f lh Ninth Cnrr Hit pray- C Snly el Pel frdm Ih UsMly of era arc thai fiod may be with you tnd CMaequaatljr 4uMig Wif Mf rant ynti eonlinucd taecea aslit the rc- ietinri lindar lha tptdal tV bellion is oruslicd wlicfr will Uod lo ih iataraalf liy cninmand of It will vtNaf tk nWft MAIfiRV BURNSIDE g of tbaCooaiy of l froa ibajfV Irwis Uicnvoxr AAft lejpehdtur of araering m i It il uniWrttood Frjnklia tnd Maj and lUiiat Mtjorfleoeral ibeir command hi oeifyof paaT a irf iind as his cfcdenliala must bo ceitificd j onueiihar ol the atoon fr th iory of 1 nf the riihl an I lefi cram diTUieet of ni f Wai then read a iiccond and tbird I vrell knoTa Aulborliy nod ibat jij and ih Lamb i ihe lilu ibereof tbc ot tbe but ihf s od paiJcJ f authiritv Culd oftly be Ititimatrlv ticf f 1fhrthe o all fi i wti of Ou ir thciP not r motion of Mr ebb a bylaw wasleised It shows however ibe deep feel- Their 8iur d brethreo latprtad jjrulcd uur i- il ktmwn wbo lias bccri iroduced in bltnk for appointing in in- of antagonism iHn exist aaiiiat the j aaiiwmt r raor aotwinted to tiLe the plac of ienertl j 1 jj 11 a noiice for the Assessor tnd read t Grjl liiii 1 rvtrnnienl when I tll you thatlbe Moved by Mr Webb see mJcd by Mr i frwl itoo1 and listened lo t cry An lie SBnlc of lbs lord Sroejer Tbtt ibis council do row reilve lil of speaku for a c rjple of boura diir toaimiltee of ibo whole on in which If wai very hard to toll whitli euDoiBgly demrs to mitlad bi rctdtrt ky piit- rtpretMliog oar eonduet tad iDratiiog the itiltse Cuminltlae with pewn nerer delegUad or trrtigtl ewtn not jl tl eiiittible with ibe feeling of itr Billed to ll lb olbtr day and bene DO dcaire wtt minifcated lo b enrotW Tbe fint iDeliBg t etUed ia lh oaul vty tad meaawbileicrer par lie Bbl ai of Ih liat ef auDet Tbe teeond wa eoafiiMd by rtsolutioo JL Th Toacher f th iifas Mr J S Nf aSMMor I Qaccni Kndish or her rcprcsen 1 ner oa their bblf na1 ih fullowiaj r Ui tnoioii of Ir Jtcksontirondedj Carried iaiirericd Ihc rnulicai dlin Pb bv Mr rtoidl Ihe Ilnncil raaolsed Council ia eoraujitlee Jlr Smelicr in nr nn which thi effect would b iBotl tp- latll into Cimont of ih- whit on tli Ile clair Co nmitleo roae ind the chair- 1 parent The chief pflmt in tbe ipewhe Mr J ickn in th- hair mm reported ih byUw as an ended bywere Ist- That Victoria enaUtaias Onmohonof Mr Mlen eonled fiUin up ih- blank wilh tbc njmc otnetriy lbreriiuHh of the popuUliou tnd hv Mr Ioidliouse ll lank m th U- i4vid Jobnslon The bylaw was then I paying bmJ than onehalf of th sovcro- Uw fnr the ntn uf Irnperi r wat filled read t second tnd third time tnd pitted menltl ttf ibe Inland is repretenled nil IVikeM Wnllw On laotioB of Mr Sujelfer bylaw I by bal IwoVombera oal of the fourteen Th Comittili then ros and iho By wai introdoetd ia blank tn appoint Com in the Hohae nd That ih Exo- Ltw ioJ through I varMMi sttges miiooeii to eoBtriet for laiuble timbercative nol bein rwponnbie esMitinue and became hwth rul if rdr leng for th reeoMlrBCtion of Ihe bodge til to expewl monwa wiihout the eonwol or suspeiiied fr lit iOpo Ltsksrj tero the Humlcr and retd t j laociion of the House lad lhal mo- AnhecartorWber Iti first tlm On Botloo of M r Webb the nies appropnaled by the House lo ooe irfromMr McCurnick arnouritinf Ui by law wat rei a tccond time tivl ihe I object were by the hieeuUv expended t2 WIS Bfnifd nto from ihn Me blank was filled op wilh tbe Dames of Mr I on other io short that lb froverntueol chtnic Ihll c for uieoflUH at laai JBaldwin Mr W Ooodfcllnw Mr WMetn and doe ignore th repnUtion of bol ihBib Cits nincli saiitfaclioii ami pletsai to rpotij lu your kind and ilT U ihink yM for Ihe in eiesl you tk tom welfa aid also I lul ih vary bsodMni 2ils yi lsirbciin picavisJ lu pal mlo our hsriUt VN esiikcerly I hsp ll h Btbl will alwtys ctin uui fiisl and aauel aii0ljvn fiDOi Us tMin lb inspiring tod nnarrirwurd of CM T will ofien ramtod im of tnspy hours speit I and rliciuui instfoeiion receive1 in ihij plac W BrgaieliAr Ihaliehii4jysii 1 licl for oar praawnl ansl fvior htppiiissa anil liusl this prrcioui solun witl Ili I uih to inflMfio on 001 I lhal vwmay be prparedto revmi wiliilr fiianl IhM lievn of ttnal et 1 1 ritioet ef I t t rmecjiil ral lu oy lUt V yetncci tceounuba bMM lud tu me bul Ihcra baiog M hod I did aot Ml ditpei10 WfV ioo bloih wl lo if Hooker 1 iheir piymedl- I Irutl bearaef- Gen ltrn ith mfl of hu laic ubaii from lli Cuooy of fW ttff hit been illowt 30 day lea of 1 eooidtrtlJoci inlrodue ueh a hill a wiH Mtblo l I Nk- Yoas Jan 27 Th guuboil Stt- rraittrr to pay theaa dW fioiB New Orleint lOib lod Thar ll tooth iitw rs Ilh has irnrrd 1 lik 10 diraet your tMbtioo lo N Oiletoi paper eeaiit BO aewt An aet atyooara patted arnlDf il etj of from tha eouBiy ot jafldlil pdw but II h no antvarad tha om m licipated- W Mill bat JV Sap Jtetnlo trrnd it ty 1 ptrla of lha CMnly to ir lial Tbe learner Merrinae wti t y lel sih fsnt brnke Slit weuld be ily I ail IB 4 ll the 9h I tMlongirii to tha city i note but tlto etril eaiaa Tftii t Ws ll was reprjiled t Ky W t na injgt I7th lhal ll piitl AltUmt off Hi- iBcdihip which 1 Ihtnk v hid senl a boti tshor ought lr renwv- After The stanwf ArW fra AspiAwaU l5ih aoarki lo tb 10 and ibii arrited this moniinjr Witb W0000 tpece aayinlhaibotMMi 1 he was contoyeiJ by Ibe guabotl G exeuaad from tayiog by Mr Isambl tU Clerk wa irtruct 1 Mrttdby Mr Webb tecesded by Mr I who were kepina liicm Ull U surround d 10 gi nuiie lo lUose Shop Keprsi Snseber tiid in tetllefs thookl render ihcni ftluable pini m patk on tb ocction af rr mteading to ttk oul a heenaa that iliy AWrei That the Treuurcr for this I Of cMTto w lall have t0Btethi0 better i isbieh the iBiocloi all pesnt fuing I ingst doo forthwith 1 corporation for Ih liota beiBg tad tit Its aoMi a the home goreraiDeol eaa ihtl lu thir hones tpparaitly ll pleas Mr Boollb aiked l 10 withdrnwi taeeataon ia ofica tre bercb required I ve era worth atteoiioo fur tha tainnindrr of iht tewtks at h- 10 furwtrd to the Berenae lotpeeior forj There iiaclua lo wbon thii colony Sad omt prat g eiigsgemeuls in order thil division the fieaent lod etch follow pretnls t eerliia rotd to wtUh namely Tha CbaitBitn than otllad upon itreratl ritb lha piaeaadiBii at iha a K W R HtitiMn Cotns 31 h Jm IM1 eonvenlioB ha paaad a I i ciing hini lo eco tml pitits iFi prc0l y- lP artKBiw ooitT Th lobicco No ba bft tk9 JH irJ le bmlim j AmeiiciB Jold has deeload it rMt I Mm thea Bored I 2i per ctal

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