AND NORTH YORK GENERAL INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER OIVE ME THE MUKRry TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO AIKSUK FREELY ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY VOL XI NO 50 NEWMARKET C W FRIDAY JANUARY 23 1863 WHOLE NO 570 Oicutoro JohD T St 1 lfS1 lt4 ARCHITBCT 4e Woi Sbroe Jwi T Bisltop ft Son BRICKL PlMlrei loJ StoB A Boultben IB i- ICO lf36 I B tfoor BRRIfTEK iolruof m Ckinrry AI- riTV4Bfr Ac UiEr ip thf ITf Cuyu CmdciI OAf TmftBt TimtinJae S IS9- JohD R JoQes B1R19TCEIUL4 Salirilnr Is Clan- ftrl 4 ID Jlgii Build iMVotner o Vtic bbJ AJ- Itjd Sire1 TonKto Tt0io Jir lS5 I 23 Jforth Siohardaon CrtlVLVASCER Lad Afci 1 wnmioiBMrii thfiJWfBi If- Sni ProctI i rtfBlt fo- piriwiTl i I- 1 T H BuU BRRUTEa AiifOft l LiwSolfi- if RrnoTil CInttnr Srl 3 Jl wHf KibiL Toru 16 ir IT3S vi Pybi PIIVSIOI tixl ArroBitmrT iMTlf ilW lurni ilt ihftt HM rare4 t t ni ppniiM n Grbtvi dt Sf VrIn Kicto ire hf KrniiI 11 iV s- alou Q TvfrAOTOOl Niiiki Kr ulvif tfli P Suflnras Oictttocs Dr HcCaUam PTTV5TC1AS 8urta ArroothMt Kfivect Ueuot AlSrl Tvofcbp of Auigtt Ul Ptl fS5 C SiriAN Burfroa cd ArrMfhaiir Anrart A rrwkncmlf cf Dryg cti MdaitM Ac Aqrors MPTh 6t0 IM liifiw imnuHXET MR J FORSYTH PftOFkirTiis OmaiiiM tv i rom Cart Fm KtwiBtfkM Jthrchi ICI IM COMKESCIAL HOTEL LlYt SAT ObP ITAIP BY iBNRY CROXON BOLIiAfft Bvdtlion of j H ijMwl iod ft eftrfg1 hoftUcr I in I HalftnU LA4liag yftrh 16 fSj H KoMe iilxV I PIYSICIAN Burfvo ud Aeoiebor i Sharon OW I 2361 T9r5l f n low I BRRISTRR ftnd AMoriiT at Lv SoVi Of a 0Brrv SAUtT ruIic Vik Chtmhn oppauth SuBlniia Qftrtters Dr RAMSAY PHYSICIAN CORONER CAN W iipun ib ins4 Lrftbh ht PrrttAftl hi Offloe at Newmarket ftvstf r Tii ocLnt Chtf lh MBie m if rdinf IB Tom kfi hur ol ibe Jbj ftiMOMJ lo Ojficty Mtin Siml 1 Ihort Xrh f Jr Ptfkt KtStOtri HOLLAND LANDtNO N I im ir41 New Law Firm I XMsriXclCamy ft Campbell ATTOftlttYt AT LAW Soitntor in Chanfrnf Conrfyunrtn BY AHD BY WELUNGTO CHAMBERS en Tii otLv ih fear if R WELIINGTON HOTEL AURORA Dr Hackett PHTSICIAN 9HU C Ivi Ik rTidrr lforrl Hrrrt Hi1 THK l ANMA Life Asfirance Company iRil 1 GRAHKM PttOFRHTOB liriallT ry Stftlion an HotfT iWiirt Ant y Stftlion anH I COMMtSSlONKI IN Q- n h C- en Tim- t drtiltia nor C W tr JtfMMy Udal i9yt rain o f nStrfH wu iTmacttAii iiiakr rCAiKft CrCLl I Newmarket iTi 1 iMr John Q DaviB LAW rrMUUiMir LAJ jkgrae IraB AtBl Cutr AAcer lIoxxoy to luonril I Al ft rrftao4ail rate of iotfrot on l Morl- I Ir of ra1 f4ai No har naf kiau I ia I tlVlHlOS COlftT BrsllSBJ ATTfXf fO CrKani Sifrr C W Nr remWf 5 IKr tf i Barri KttifStrffI Mejt j TOROJfTO I Taf9ntw Si l9Gl W3 John McNab A aiia with trnbla An4 a frnvo iak b Ha ha rar Oiftt brMia hook Mf la Um tod wearr roir qai1lv ulal anl rortn hUl Kearn f oni hi brKtl er llr iKini of iLe fula vifh I AlJ Wliljtt Rf irJ bv A vetHl i ardio ftttn AnJabrow lUeuftu oVrewt Ilia rhk i AuiHvd wiihiha aro Aad Kbi hafi hih am Tad I Aftd uolia tr4 acem jV i rt la an lii fheAd bifh A givriHoa i n 1 braftit rvvolva Aa ojrBaa Oj aitd Ij I A mftfiSfwH vih and bnvt rare I MnBrlib- laj Toi t T4r t3 ar Ngqolrt Kr JT I WiiK BftiK 101 uliipf hfft j He hmt drmwo iifh f AB lMk vtb tD 4 mt Aod wLne iJj nl IjJ ABd 44 trlnt wrr ob hil 11 T Jliiiri1 an aJnat rill IraualfUl J ojl lurnfri nd eif ipori wa iofinil tud ofian grMnqiir niid muiig in ih high ire Th Wg ptMd ilovly 6f ihii ihf might iinft ih rnlrtaininK lcliicle nd lhati viih aInMWi Ih tpMd cif ih wind tbei pward on lo th ntxl ihKBiiic ahov All th giaiM aod Dk- iiniil Hnr- r ihu witB The laiKinl Kin wars lung or parforrDad bjr ilia lMt irninrl bandt and 4II Mria of fvcnnTiic r4i auh ai Taulling lunb ling aiid parrirmancat on lla light aod tiack top are aihibilMl Throuf tuch arnn ioeccMnlly ri- laiJ iha Ilipanal plouura part rode until a higli mnunlin roM befor Ihain which waa opnaJ 10 thair iar through a hriiad nrenue cut in iHe fireal Ttia mnunisin waa arranged arlih Ih moat arniziiig akil of firorka U rpnMt M uni Hreklii ir one of th int aiolMit r 111 rupiiiin- Th Mrlh iiid In quaka bDtlh ik larnfic aipluaiosa Vlial hilloiri of flinia tod lir nliaail of evary form iiid hu war ajced ffom 5or the Councillon out of llii nomberj ofproapcriljril would bediSeult 10 vrii alecu piwidinif officer ho ideipntfd ucre it oot cilaUiihed bi inwolrovcni- A C B V 1 li A rfc u liwy Mr ioUDd to giT Mbli eihilitioDi Th expect to be abeebl J follrtl meaaura haiteiBdkiy DpiilirReTa of Iha diffetn liiiliip roaila by Ihe ccDiui ol IHlil ilnO- A J HWrf fortn the CounlT C thii oouncit Ut and ihecjli ralue of fmrma includ elect their prtsidinp officer who i atjlcd in the valtM of farmiftKimplcnioij ii giowin erlar hundred of feel inwftlore Three bondred mile ftoo be itieair deicenir upon Ih hill aid oollet of the Si Lawrence we pa tbe end rolling dowr Iha crin In a hoar f 0 r the Warden In each eoonty there ii a of live atock is or a liiile jadg a aberiff one or more cofonen a Icm tlian flS5 to each individual ekrk of tb peaoa a clrk of ihe county The aa4nltfc which Canud ffer co ewt racialrar and jaslieM of the emiirQta uimi when tbey pecabih officca are appoiated bytheerlly known be officiennodid thejr Ooreraor in Conncil Township Ueerey choice ia favor of the wnodlaada of the Wardeni Mayora aod Alderuicn are r Irovloce waicfcd hr beaniiful Ukea aod Bino jaalioci of the peace I liting atrcam whicn abound with every JVIW CAKAU AND EAIIWATI I variety of where tbe ccrtaiaiy of TetlalanladTanUeonrrdflnon ebancn of life are far CMiadabytbe Si Liwrenre rirtr nd Piof l lb great Ukea ara incaleaUble j O P eefyhere lumediala aod diroet mUr eoooani- hundant jul where 11 ii rrqnired in the eatloB wilb Ihe for 2000 tsilea of ip of aod raluabla limber The land enasi withool My reference lo the Canada findi a taafflBnUilnkinKdine the heart 7 eaah market with tbe lumfcerei for of eottoUj Appeen IQ iUeifsqfieient to Drk oat CtAdft Tor a diAiogoiibed h N Yil filirti tifiht He te I7 he I 1 D anl jCiifrotttrp crap uffire The r nctacl wu ao aublim I a 10 he alrrti appalling I mula u- I tiihiihmerit the plaaure party up- I on Ih wonder il phenomenon in wbieb rl feemed lo imtvie the moei mighty of Ilia eiiergiea of nature Tha ragiuo for I lenjux rjuiiil traa illumined wilh th I luri I glar which aeni a thrill of terror lo llie 4ania far nwa on the diaianl I htllaMs and in ihe vallaya iii ihu hn w afil 1 r 0 K 1 4 1 a OT T r ill Cbte 1 Cn laeorponted by Special Act ParliaffiCQl EjTpiTSHKii M iT on TIIiS 1 IIMiTOX 0- M I- 1 ifo IntniatiODal UF ASSURANCE SOCIETY CF LONDON lAllTALHf allilinn Slrl HonHfiT H SMTH Xni4ii Nr 3 li n- John T Stoke Co VjnUf KH Aff ilfi ii h0art oi i4a Iteac Tft iVr Var Iiir Vra 4U1 lrav4BMr44 rrC JinJ Ir tfH Oaorge B itoteberoft i OTice V Maktr Man rutl Seauarllet AlUr drseteoii wiK Iepalf Sawnirket PfO 6 ISj tJiil bf la AlUnUnff 1 Aril t I- S B- Joy i BARnn ltiHrMrAf mark I natATT KBIV inl art E JackBon ISrEB or MRR16E LICE8E8 M4i arairT M tktl SsT l 60 1 wiLLua um BVRRISTtK 4iuj Aitvov 11 Law Su itof 1 Chaivr- iajrvoer4e riMnp miitLT BAnmi Jaagirv li 16 Ir BcoJ FMOB txOMMllNKR in the iaii I vnr 4c c Auim luf Fr- r Iiur4iia IuBi orvn VHtr I t b- 0 M u tl Un t WFr I bra ywmarWt CieUr iBt l9C New Tailurins yUlrjikfi tarrtiixr Afy Zr XJ W ACC A Zl K Zl T ij i ti Itii Btatthews Maclean Sr Bentlay PHVJIClAS SurjT rr 4- ii A iouf het Navruaikal WIr f Haia Steri fl IT 3 T S FninciB n Ap MAKKK t Y9 J f u A All kudaot CLka atii WalcWa ALd wftrtftAit 4 C2 JameBHcClnre FUK lb o V rk iV MoJam AH ordan irnt1t Hkftdtii McCLIUi IlatUfxl Uvlmc An 3 HCJ il B TRACfM D nTBciA CMjeo AHD Afcunirn I EBIDECE Tl dllir ored FEOITT STREET TOBONTO DVrrS maJ- un FU iRMS HlfliS BLTIVK Oilir Afba far FlBwiC Wl K 4o4 luj iil iUdaiaf Cepaj E McImr it Co Jonfen r M istirt iys I MeserB SnlliTan ft SolliTan TilirST AND ALaOSA C W Barrhurt aji4 Att0nii at law I Having Spsed 4 nitca Ornn IK ATJtOBA npcin Wil iMir T- luiilj bwiaMB Uftica l4 al Aurora gllil laUiar BWire Frirtaa aad Aataraj rarb wk coiKnracioi lOih aod llib Uewter JVMES H WILLSON Iiig NT UTUSif iiie wfih difkatch aftf lu tba OMI faabiuoftbla aft ca Mmarki Oel 1r HALLEN AND WILLSON C7IVIT ENGINEERS ARCHITECT- D PnTticial Uwl SimjBit t w Hewmarket JiiT JIHI IfO STEPHEN WEBSTEB 11 racTtMBa or 8asb BIlBtfi DrtMldlBS8 WlB dtw FrieWi ttt m CORR of MILL Wihrf hts ii9 J unurpiaMd bv tny hicli tummfr can Who rogf I llio mrry riei r vouih ful des t 1611 Aud iiiaiJatik crowd ed ihn rnoitijiigSt thn fringe of tle furevi he vnti espaiie ofartow th tha tella the ahouu oC laojhir erclirinre ci ovrufii luio ihs ranihArv drih tha Ciutirv rn with h crocking fire d vtiinjitni oT the juui iiii Uiiig ile h i frim Itieir boii itj liLte ftrracj wai all ilir tiiiufiea Ill gain Iho rriurii Iing nf IIT I J li aleij rije ure omong Hie iti jvua rt tlie plonurea- of llio Nirth BiiJ WDiitil rilicnnily bei Bicaiigtd lr any airufmeiita iii b touhJ 111 111 iaii4 in urajigo aod the fi- I I here 049 a sleigh n loiii IuMin n Cfiiiury ngu of ucii In IB ii ia inagiii- luua ad ita aplaiidnr a4 lu li4Ta tij leeiucd worthy uf hi one curnirieinorj tioji U ia a iihiiKjf tal iiulr itiii K ir rkiii fija lieiuicj li ii recurd setarni ul d4ie lenulv UlUxal Dy I Biiy il iie 1111 if lirMce r Home I I waa irie muuiii i leenitier 17C9 t Tn anijirrta aihrrine II wna upun the lUrijiie KrteriC4 of Priigin and Cnh 1 erina willi itiai uiier JikregnrJ oi juace jaliichhaaio griirrsly marked tiia di- i ciiiieia were couapiritig lo geler lr kii niinilt uin Iuland iot itiey iiiigil d ide Ile kiig J- in balweri jitrii wl ia jioilicr lleir I lu Si Ieiereuwrg oateiiiiLily lor a fraid TI4II bjl lu raaiiiy to iiialura piaru I fvr the Irencharoua ihvaaioo Jbe prixe Ihey Bjugtii ai iiTiiieiii1v gigaiiiic lo eilisi all iii energe uf iha rcjyal ban iiiia Jainarm gate Henry reception o and rnagmn aueh aa aran terot Ihe ejeeiatora had racuvarad from Ihe aorprian Ih Toleanie mountain had created Iha inin auddenly eiilrd a Chineae Tillnge which wii reared for rfir iiccaion uAri iba exact modal of one r ihe rrmi piclureaqu of Chinea lowna Ill iiihntiied by erowdf of rrkan women aiid olildreti in thn garb and engaged in itie traffic aud apoii of ih Chiaaaa on a ette day Iba Tong itreet through winch the train piaaed ara brillanlly il Ijminatrd nnd preentd a apeclacle aa nol at II wni enieriaming hi hay oaia peai anil polatoea thereby aaving the laltci tbe coat of iraiuport ft ia the tuisiion of the lumberer to vsfce war on the gloomy foreat and of tb act- tivr on the rucd auil Wbila tbe ad vance of MltleiucDt hu enabled the lum berer to punb his enterpriiie farther and further op Ihe ttream it ia mainly in coacueice of tbe trade in iia tioiber that the country u ao fust filhog up with inhabitanta Ihe waBta uf tbe lumlxroian affordin to tlio faroicr a ready market for hia produce at bih prioea VMKRALS Refernea may be had e the fceolop- i eii rtjIBM ft 5lf VV i Logan 1 r 1 J nia r -t- OeoloKist riaBUKRu Rcfcrctiee may be had to repert of Fiiberiea branch of Crown Laoda Dr- moBth of the 8actienay natiirable fur tbe larirait TWaril 70 miki from Ha outJet 410 ffliU aailine from the occao and we reaafa Qsebre tne ereat leaport of Caoa- da 690 mile briag na to Montreal or wbcr the Ouawa or Grand Kiter of tba Sortb tBinglc u dark but IraBa- parent water with tboee of the St Law- resee after draiain a valley of 60000 Surv tsilta In area 168 milea above OBtrcal after paaaiatbe S Lawrvricc CHOWS IAD J he nd lowly ihmogh th b jcn w nilea from the aea and 234 feel above it Lake Onlario ia 180 mile lonp from SO to 60 mile wide and AOO feet drep TravriBKMiexpnaeaod paaBng Kin ton Coboog Toronto and ilunllton we reach ika omlel of tlie Vf elUod Carnal Ihroagh which we riae 330 feel ts thei atera of Lake Erie 1011 milca from Ibe T urveyed tea aod 6frl feet above ia level Tr P vemiag Lake Erie aod throwb the De- intendinii Jltlera wo aC troit ri w Lake Su Clair and the t T P pplcalon M the le- Clair river wa arie at Lake lUron 1 Crown Lsnd Apnta The nauio 303 fm oor sUrting point and 573 ft t i- ikm 11 K found below TIk- teach St reel nd tSen fiuod ihoi it wa oly Ihe Ma- j ooh bort eaaal P of Crown Landa tary from acvent ponal toih imperial palace of ur Uke Snperior a frwh water a an d d oneahdiiof- riUlv Aa tiie ledge droa o Ie lig Ireland enabling b to alUin a loeal- iifihev rwdilyenijMadfthiruf2OOOtileabywaUrfroiDthe V Ptf Canada are and tie wIkI courtly ihrong nou of be St Lawrence IT I ittrfienihea and four houasAdwerei There are now milea of railroad 1 V onefifjb to be pd aaitriginthtaloon which war 1 1 opeiio ja cAada iodtpendcnt of he time of Mle and the rtiBainiDB 3rnly pnniua to eiirtiin tham all tU Orand Trunk eiteBnioBno Hortland ri lour pal annoal inatal- It pilic wa lithied wiih a eouttle je opeainK of ihe Vicloria Bridge ha iner of cUdlera and w candlea I brought the firand Trunk inio unbroken oney nnpid On Ihe I Ie ltiiirinl were there and for aeiti nd it ia now able lo Iraaport JH nJ hu Ill plea ureaekrt forgo i Wiiltam n Late uperior Undaa old nie lie mair of the cotillion Ink Mmiaaippi with a aaviniof ever- no acre All Crown Iinidt f IS ehiloraiing ol 1 route Land n the ncwIy surveyed terntury are aubject to scttlemenl dull and no iipiij Tbe foilo line are now in OMra- 1 lion Tbe trand Trunk from Rirdu CV Ixnp to Samla i the Ureal Welcra and full at the lime nf parehK brtnfmm Toronto lo Drtroit the J Undtoy par- Northern fmn Toroolo 10 CIlinood l briJf or Ui ftf Ihe liuflaio and Lake Hamn frmn Kort I Erie to Qoderieh the London and Port ttr illiiiiijiialiuii and ihe Ini c le lriy reori of a cannon wvi hird aiid uiriantly ery iiiiiical in al rumaot wii airil every lighl wa lingirihd eerv voice wna hitthed and ihare was a moneut l tilene and dark iieaa of th luMib Sjddiily a n birzed Uji eiieuding in Ironn rll th- wiJof ilie palace aodlliel Qtuia iheMonVrVirand CbVm- nnt bnlliam blaw of day uciddihpio Orenville and CaiiUno Ihe m mr itav gloom A lb gorgooa g Lawrence and Indoatry Ihe Port diiplay fadd oul iher wu aoolbar r- Hope and Lindsay with btanehe the ixoi of a ciniiou and aa by magic the I BnkTille md Ottawa to Perth anj Al- caodle blftH anew and a aumotuoua ont tbe Slaodstead Sbefford aod aeraed op Every j cbambly and the Welland a 4 aalJ f I CLtVATl WOOM AKD TORKAti ur raoBs under whom b eliiua to I noaa of aueh laada witb- iha fro rirte 10 tiooenen me lyonooo and 1 on i f i gnifieeni diaplay ofjflunley ihe Erie and Onlaaio the Co- from the time of Jo and 11 eietiding in from aad Peierboroth the PreMU eontnuoosly have ooeopani of and reei 1 ii itj IK UL WILl GO TO TOKUNrU CL 1 NG rijycHs NEWMAhiET C W Window Saah at au par KrII Blinda par plir 1 Ikm a4h l7 N u All kiwt af H iiWinr Ceeled M reovaU iKa alirtal iMiiif aJaa icaarDrt riralarri1r latarn Haira cooaliaUcd lo ofr NwMrtl refaT M tr3 Bata that are BatSa S p COLKMAN UntmprtaicMl Haiuraaj Farriar U kiB iraM Km TaraBU C W iiniriii eiiiMbiiA ritny ikhtvuer fjre Uia uf llin eriieilaiQnieiiia wilh which she hoiiorad hmi was nioonlighi alaign ride i 11 alrigti which conveyed Cathrine and ilw Ifkiafuri prmc wa a feaautiful pArtur capaciuua and jrnihd with avery conceivasle luxury It waa cov red and eiic1Med bv glAaaea iu large ptairs vi that evrv tiijaci wiiliout cold be diaiincily eeri Mirror were alu ingenioualy arrangail o a to mutli- py aiij retlMi nil lie Kcne through winch lliey st I n ioprin alerlge Willi Ita gorgioua JeCjriij was drawn bv sKteen huraet A rriioua f tw aiilertainnieni I iiury which Eiop nlld Aaia could af ford waa suplied for ih occaaion and fV7iTTaT7ar a least ecnpseo uareng waa agAjii renewad and aa the dawn ol I mirning dimly appeared theraveltr reiuriid to hir hoinea Ihi i un doubteillv ih rant brilliani alighrid upon recurd though Iher waa anoihat of a thouaaiid mili which in aomodegre clipaed II but which w now have aot ac In reenril To nbl king rd niiblea to indulge in eoch voluptoune the niillioiia oi Kuaaia war analavad diLtfned tn mud hirvala igtioranc black lKad aud j lylsMea froia th eradl lo the grave uihontieft the Roeky MooDiMftt by tour ihJ eigui noraa h embracing an areaof about WM STBACIIAN McMLRRAV THOMAS DICK eicapt lb mirB and her gua waa r Tsronla Jawri Hn Daaaeaaiona not vet moa far aelBsomt eiitaan ot iBntia it in aem maatntv txeeptianal earmaNy that nf tlie peniotalar portion The mtnenee of tb irvtat lake ia very atrkinyly fell in tb elentioa of winter lenpmturet and in lb rediMtson oronimer beat Per- bp tb popular alatsdard oTthe adipta- tioo of eUaiat tn iIm parpote of vnl- tore la mon anilaU than a refer ne to monthly and anneal tneani of tempera- tan Much infornalion it enaieyed la tk aimple Barration of faett bearing Bpm fmil eulture From the hd of Lake Ontario round by the Niaira frenlter aod all aloac th Canadias shore of Lac Eri tb wrari and Tie4H ep dent OB the land for al Uaat two yeara tod have cUaMd aaJ reedtred fll fit eul- lintlon and crop within four yeara tt fartliat from lie timeofaale of thtlaad aioaaiity thereof in the proportion of tt least ten acret to every on hundred arm and bave erected thereon a habitable hoofe and of the ditientiont tt least d mH be cat withrmt lieente except for ap ricultural purpose There v inerally on Crown Landa an DBlimited aupplT of tb btti fal The enndiinns f xaie allcw tbe Mltler to eoi and sell from hia lot wbaterer limber he think pmpar taking nut a lieenae wtiieb ean be had en tpplteation to the Crown Iind Tbe Ttlue of Ike tinbir ihst cut is tpplied in payncat of th purcbtte money due to the Orovn Evea ia burning the liiibcr whieh he doA not sell Ihe telller etn eoBvert the athe iolo potaah which will Det a ready tale at from 7 to 0 eurrcncT ver bar- witk lunriaae wilRoot artiMtl aid rel in hir tha rtwdalaU t i iw L f In Lrer Caaada mekma ripen frey in Ptircbateraof land after rayiBp firl radieait a ihiwl arw b th open ar and pple attan a peW lairtalmeat Mr rte froa iV land itaeH j h i in Can dtreeof ctoeHeM fhoee of the iftliod 4 from ihe timber ftn it the mctee hu bMO ptumt of Moulical biar eepeeially ftttwd Tbe payins ihe bilanceof the puroh aooey fcooli lala of OrM below Qiebteriul ud by tbeir own exertion n a abort i h h er L PoLKa IS Lov A DINii AT If AtD Straa aa il may aeem it ia true thai Gen Too Thui Qhat S SlrattoB is amitlen by ibe eharmaof Mim Laviiii Warren U Srt net bet al the Parker Hooa in Bnttoo la tb presence of ber uiotber wJki rathei ob jected to the appearanct of the Geoeral because he wore a mouataebe Tbianeet- ing happened juat befwre the holiday bul it made an imprioa on tb barl of tb tiUie Djan whwb deepeaed wbn the par- tin mel anin a few day ago at tb Nicbolat Hotel in tbitcity OflilttliM petite people bar Del daily at Ibe Ma- seam and their Boiaainlaeeahip which OOB ripened iato friadlMp bat eslmi- Bated in love Tbe General bat already avowed hia ptaaiou aad propctd aar- ria Ul MUa Warren renproeatrt hil affietionae atuchmant aad DodMtly aeksowledm thai hia society it pleataal to ber aod ibat it br pain lo be aeparaled from him butabe it dianejined to marry williout t oonteat of ber pa- renlt and she archly remiuded tb ftalUBt Uencral that her mother objected to Ih onuatche Mr Stratlon tayi be will eat off hia mouaUeke and bit tar tlto if th teriSoe be required lo ateure Ihe hand and beart tt ibe faMsaling liltl belle He bat already ditnnnlinaed tb habil of taioking to pleat her at fe wruBT a mcenKr wa dttpMebaH to Middleboro to ask tbe eonaent of hat pa- renta Mr it worth tlOO 000 and hat pivmited Ib Ibe ereni of bit atr- ritge which it refuded ta predy eertain to take hia bride to Ibe eosrtt of Korope and inirodaee ber to tb eroiraed beadt with whom he ha a peraonal acauaiBt- aaee but btvill net allow bta vi lo b exhibited for moaey Thii it a UmJuU love affair but it ia nol tbe firti inalaaee uf the kind on record CunnI Rciidta- ki who died ia I87 and bo ai 8a ioclitt in heiht married bB b wu forty year ul aad beeaa a father lie wa t man uf great weallfaand tp rior infllifraace od lived a lif of tram Ivisare on bit eatat in Darfaaia Richard Gibon and A Sbenpardj uaeh of wboB neaturcd 3 feet 10 iimIm in height were laarriad in tbe ereaeeea of Cbarfe the iM if RngUni Wtllw wrolo a poem on Iha oeeatias aedffir Ivter Lcly paiaUd their portrait Kb- aun aUaiucd rett dialinetioa aa a paiM- er In lalO Peter Ciar of RuBta eila- hrated a nurriage of dwarf viih giaat parade and all lb aiaiatiire M ud women within 200 mile were eomsend ed CO attend th weddia A f Trituai n Ckwdtma Cottaa Flut Til fJloviiig eitr appMrarf hi UN Cadiii New of ih 18lh okt Sia In lo tha tDOUirl that hat lately apptarad tn the Cw dijuiNwa rllit to lb CanMfaft Couoo or ailk Md aa it jaenawawt eallad id Cauada per Ufa ny uf it may b of lo lh prMt ib ar deaimoa of beiag ballar ititbroMd on iia merii Ia 8M I breo over a af the cotton both ettDd aod in the po which whM rthitiilM al th Crynal rtl- aea in th Ctmifaffi flny f pla war aaai Ui th Manehaalar Chaoi- bar of Gomwrca tlao in tesna of iM largtm nvuiulKtara is Glatw nuo llradlurd Iba eaK of ih rie wae liiat Ib tiapU vaa not hag anough nr uaettoll MraBX Ct ptW ning but that if by euliiVBIM Il miM be grown Inagar ai alnwgaeii would answer admirably for lb miaifunM ofttaff gonda a froos Ir nrfffnf appearanee It would giva a liniuraMil to be obtalnad frora eotioa and iiaaily equal il Ml ii th alpaea finiab Tba aaapla r wf oowra grown wild io fact il i wild bIi ri IT T That vdobble wood the black alnat tnneer tilcr lht beeomin- tb n- 1 fe pi5jg jJd at m I fii n OABfilSil ATlOllNiiVs iM XSl KwlteU lrnl ifonlrtaL C1rpK Siraat Tareiil- VjJTtJf OcLtih 61 TatcrsoDf Harrison ft Hodgina BarrUtf Sbinfi tCAiMrryilr 0TaBt0 UaLL ToasKro H braae Mlie i VMfv Im Kiaie vill d br Jf L Caariaa Bapwiseartlk Itl3 If Wi JlotUf yVFTANCCaaed Laud tfani Ceni V iaieaiB itsUtBcb OOrua TaStrfM AiwarallMiJHaylllU IMT WUl DAUE UaiKtrMaaf At Ba1 aJ toraaiurM aaM alh A Hollar Pnrk aad CorBirrlae Alao r ilw iBrTkaa u UiwainaB UArrfwara and Oaaanliiviraa tVAlCIt M4DE on COnllOndCHT t riDher7 tB63 ly3 Liverpool and Xtondon RRE lirsiw CO CAPITA ZS 10000 000 ASNUALEHViJSLKl27M000 E dMchpiiM fitlBearBtrBaa- anH a Iha bwMt rate cr Ofia tl S b mtry monmmf i 1 3aa A Jr I I THC COMIAST OF CASALA R mCukWM allpw ptrty UawHalw WM tTRACHAN McMUBRAY aUeiil Araatat HtWBaitat CW tlemarhtJalyt8tcd- ifO nraaikat Xioa FMsiry J ALUAKhefateraluni Ihaaka s- eAl faTaraaBd lo intiniaia that he la era BBrrd B e 8ia BofT Ketilea elii gMaaedtlBv antelMaaoBjiT rwqmml IB lualie kiiaiBoa A aiiairr af eiar Kuiaa9lva a flowaoa baadforaak HWBarkt Fth iO CO lll Th night waa calm and clrir Dot brjaiJlwaaiirrinciinful moooSTn7fBnfflSgSarr akin 1 h rokf upa which ihouwii ol laborra bad been oloyd to reninv every olatrucuon wound charmingli aloag tbrouih vnlleys and foreau and DsoaiiJin gorge iiarlay la ih evromg and with military praotaiou ihe uriltuiii pageant awe 1 lrim ihe pnlace ibrgli tn airreta of St Heteraburg two TTiiira frooi th oHy ll Irtin pBad throogh ih inunphal arch blaxing with i varvgaiad ligtii in i00r th rainbow navar eualed Kveii rtKiea ootinly y accutinmed lu aueh ahuwa gsad wuh BdiniralMu upii ilie aiciMl Bvery mil ol th die waa ilica mark ed y aoiw grand Kructure which wiih herivtrSL Jwresee IB urio Erie St lair Huroa aad Ssperi- ao iiaiijrtiiiMVniirrTaTn remarkable niiunl boundtry bet Cantda atd tb Slatet of Uaioii and a ueana of oomainBieation of lar- pritiag extent aod uBrivalled rzeeUeaea CnsrTTTtOI A5D OOTtUKBar An ii part of the British Kuipirt Ctnada Spya pefecl reUposa eucial and pnliiieaJMui Tb OorerMr is appoiflted by tol crown aad i iu rcp- aentative in the pravinee H aoiaiaal an Kxeeutite Couneil who ar bi ad- viscn Tbcr ar two lejalative bodita eallnl the Letitlalive Council aad Ibe laalttive Aeaibly the owBber oti wliich are lcced by tbe people All publio oSoea aud tealt in tb Ltptklore I of iM ooDptrtirHj mud lake fUoite of JVovanbarU IBSS- BnM Sifa a 0141111 c ac rrrriijfcWi Blank Account Bookaa TTrBratceiteD 4ia sBpi ini-l- J 0 AUo Miaaai Bsd lmnaduai I Zilfe Asaarance ftf Uie avion end in lUe Jtigeoiuijr ol iue3Qbaeooaoi tae devca VikU il4ie tr etrery hue Jituited avooit of projMj eaii biog aX lofied eiclernftiKoe ol wimdAfitfae line e BHittb Mbjeeu Tbn Tecfe 1 Si Therearahftrib iftmalM resMeoee tmMkt a ttmntr to Jl Uke IIAIA Tjin reepifbHyto mliftie u he eiu- There er lamplea teeWetM iitke a to J Ue BtUftAO0 rOe I D MM of eodMrToodu3fu pyfmtde illuming ihe win Hghu tod pnTiJcti nf DAiirw bom I uy tbel be bee eoMo hA etfUlrecee reniii tfket eilUoo Aiicos e4n haj boU ea4 eeU eki rKkec 4u ttOHVID IVES iaaared at tk aMl asdaral rataa R BAMSAY M D K Irj tkl h ha mmm with aulg rivalling thei eiliioa Alient ean buy boM aad aeU PENED A PAINT SHOP o nKidy Oppum evta ul iDa land Tal lllkll r aad ia w perporwd rCioea iiilrooia wera eraeJad lh irsiCtrAt litSTtTCTIOJIfc bD rMdera wiui whieb kr naj U eaof sia eonioal of doubl gliaaso thai The muoicipal aytUui of CaMda it ad- Vel diaieaaiona ta far north ta lati- timber fonnd in the foreeta of Canada are white yellow and red pine wbile tnd black tpraee tamane white and blaek tth prey rrd anft and rock elm bird eye white and red otk bird eye euriy tad tofi maple black and grey wtUot rewolh tnd rooh lurk hickory iroewwd basawnnd beech red and while eedar henlnck chetuul bultOD- wood atd vkittwood Canada eipnrta tnnualTy about 30- 000000 en We feet rf timb In a louirh tute tnd bt 400nn0n00 feet board OMatar ofttweJ lanber FKOOan AD tnitlfSNT I Tb ieai of CtBtda hte of Itle ily eitnetiiins ladasirv may her find a plaeo to beller I Itt oadition ind eapital t Beld fir pro- lital iarstateat In IR Pj Cauda had bat one handrwd aid ninej lyts Ihevaaad inhabtlMtB haw the poptlalinw ia nan nillioa three hundred tad aiaatyaii tkooatnd tod ainctyooe Tb KTMrth nf weakh in tb eetavnuity Liv4n Wtrren Iha lillle queen of bean- ty iiierease with llie days and crowds Bltead ber levee to pay iheir reapeet previiua lo r relirement to the prirale and iimraie eirclr The weddinj is tf be a ridi and reehereha affjir In fjl it protiii to be the creal event nf Ibe rMD Tbey ar- lobr married on Tue- diy tle lOtb Hub Tha nuptial ermi ny ititl taka place al one of lb nacal riliinnille ehurcle in tbis city CarOa of invitation will be ivued tn the relativea and frids and to anine of Ihe first fami Ilea r til eily A tl gnaber of tick- 1 eta will orrreapond wilU tbe naBibiro uia in the eboreh ao renoB will l ad party Will procrri lo one ot ourieaciibft liotils ifnnicdiaiely afer lb nLarriatiej eeremonica where they will hold a biil reception fr iboae bcly who btre cards of invitation to the wdin Tbe fu Inwiox niorninc tlxy will go lo Pbiladid- phia aad reiuain their teveral djy after which they may extend their jaurncy to Baltimore and Waihinston They will BtkU Itaporittry Hisr tfl WwasarkIMratl eeeii Her peeeenirr 0 ftoxNW joqujf ed eoaaUy Io order bJedi m eech one a groep iiew Hon to mtprebeod U li eeeeeie to MUe toolodinz the vtlM of ibe d ff iheir bonevruooo tbe tllus I report of ihe OilAve jv V iU OFFHM 1 TUitliebileoti 30770JI8 or a liilie theo 257 I Erope the irip bei om of plet R ur in commtmiraiigib earn lo yur rradeit MViild you eooidr ii of eient inipurtaoe 1 am CMr yuara r A PvnuKOiJt Koi A New Ovbuaa I cerreapeodeBl say A laAat rsikM I aSair ord racaally la tk raM brad Iqutrlrra Major Latral atir jUaptaia J C McClar of tieaaral BMtkk I luf wlis bad aectia 1 sir Ike oftee laad a rut apaa ol th iaad takiag it Bp lo sU it fta ha 0 aooaer ppbd ih rat t ka aata IhM te aialed Il it la aappOaed Ibe re eoBlaiaed t poMao powdar wkHth aard Ika leaaSilily Tha fewer Im beea aeeeiad aad will be aaalyied hy aki Ul cbraiiat O Tb Empreat Eagaa wialtr bnanat it of black vtlvri iaidr Ih edg of Ika boaati Ma V abe very fiar aad vary dart aad wbch t bltrk vrlvei dra tad I aaall Wiib fr eniaptalM Ih laictM Or Over on ibouaand paraeas vara killed d wouodid by railruad aad a ihr litfirfjrad by aiaeBhoat acatdeaN aiad abotil aglteea aullica ef dlan vy iuho Wihma Ea4f Lbi tT ifIOI llowairk1JuB 9