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Newmarket Era and Express, 7 Jan 1960, p. 12

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PINE ORCHARD Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lundy on the arrival of a baby daughter, Lori-Anne. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Johnston, Mr. Randall Chapman, Mr. Earl Johnston and Miss Jean Johnston, Toronto, were- Christmas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Eveleigh, Aurora. Mr Robert Cody and Mrs. Allan Cody were Christmas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Kilpatrick,Port Hope. Mr. Ron Downey, OAC, Guelph, spent the Christmas vacation at his home. Mrs. George Wood was a holiday guest of Mrs. J. L. Robinson and Miss. Jean Robinson, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. Whitfield, Thornbury, Mrs. Wesley Lundy and Miss Phyllis White, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard McClure were Christmas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rae McClure and family. Mr. and Mrs. Howard McClure, Mr. and Mrs. Rac McClure and Myrna, Mrs. Wesley Lundy, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brammar and Laurine, Mrs. Jesse Lundy, Mrs. Irene West and Beth, Newmarket, were guests at the recent wedding of Caroline Marie Galley and Gary Peddle in Bayview Ave. Church of Christ, Toronto. The reception was held in Casa Loma. Miss Caroline Galley is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Galley, Toronto, and the granddaughter of Mrs. Wesley Lundy. Mr. and Mrs. James Sheridan and family, Newmarket and. Mrs. James Hope, Pleasanlville, were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hope and family. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wood, Denise and John, Willowdale, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hope and family were Christmas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Dennis, Newmarket. Mr. and Mrs. Ford Lehman were Christmas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Allan, Stouffville. Mr. Edward Teltier was at his home in Novar for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lehman and family, Mr. and Mrs. James Hodgins and son, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Shropshire were Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Haines. Mr. David Darlick, Richmond Hill, called on Mr. Russell Allen and Miss Aleta Widdifield during the Christmas week. The public school Christmas concert was held Monday evening, December 21. The program recitations, choruses, dialogues and musical numbers was under the direction of Mr. Edward Teltier and Miss. Bernice Wilson. SHARON St. James Anglican Church Service each Sunday, at .9.30 a.m. Sharon-Hope United Church service will be held at 9.30 am next Sunday instead of the usual 9.45 a.m. Sacrament of the Holy Communion will be observed. Sunday school will be at 11 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Watts, Toronto, were Saturday visitors with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Nicklin. Mr. Ross Mitchell was a Sunday, visitpr in Beamsville-i- New Year's guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hall were Mr. and Mrs. Chester Brumwell, Roblin, Man., Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Jackson and Ronnie, Bolton; Miss Audrey Stevens, Kink City; Mr. and Mrs. J. Hall and Lynda; Mr. and Mrs. A. Hall and Mr. and Mrs. L.J. Hall and boys. The regular monthly meeting of Sharon-Hope West Group WA will be held at the home of Miss Nora Shaw on Thursday, Jan. 14, at 2.30 p.m. The lunch committee is Mrs. E. F. Ramsay and Mrs. Alan Shaw. Sharon-Hope Friendship Circle will hold their January meeting at the home of Mrs. Eleanor Fan-on Wednesday, Jan. 13, at 8.15 p.m. Sharon WI are sponsoring a progressive euchre in Sharon-Hall on Tuesday, Jan. 12. Play will start at 8.15 p.m. Lunch will be served and food prizes given. Mr. and Mrs. Peter VanDerKleyn, Newmarket, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. James Diceman. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gartshore were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hulse and family. GREENSHIRT JUVS. LOSE John Learoyd's Sutton juveniles had their two game unbeaten season broken in North York Juvenile Hockey League play, Dec. 25. when they absorbed a 5 - 1 setback at the hands of Unionville Jets. Tommy Clark hit for a third period goal to put the Greenshirts on the score sheet. Ken Beckett scored three goals, Bill Johnston two to boost the Jets over the polished Green-shirts. Sutton District News A son was born on Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Batten at Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto. Both mother and child, Mark Christopher, are doing well. Michael Whitney has left Toronto, where lie has been, employed by the Ontario Hydro Commission, for Montreal where he commenced work on Monday with RCA Victor in the research department. Mike is a graduate engineer from Queen's University, Kingston. Lynne Dunne, nurse in training at Western Hospital, Toronto, was a New Year's visitor at the home of the Ellis Pringles. Mr. A. B. Anderson has announced the sale of his insurance business to Jack Leaney, real estate broker in Sutton. Mr. Anderson will be staying on as a sub-agent working for the Leaney firm. Mrs. A. T. Barr returned from Toronto last week following a month's confinement in hospital due to a heart attack. She is convalescing at her home in Sutton. Knox United Church is celebrating an anniversary on Sunday. At both the morning and evening services a former rector, Rev. John Willkie, will be the guest preacher. The annual meeting is to be held on Monday evening, Jan. 11. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Falle and young sons spent the New Year's weekend with their parents. Rev. Dr. M. J. Roberts, new incumbent at St. James' Anglican Church, Sutton, preached his first sermon there on Sunday morning. The Roberts' family have moved into the rectory from their former home in Morpeth, Ont. Among those entertaining prior to the Kinsmen Club's New Year's Eve dance were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Luke and Mr. and Mrs. George Storey. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Anderson also held a party in their home for a few friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Culverwell had a party at their Duclos Point summer home. The 103rd Anniversary of St. James' Anglican Church in Sutton is tomorrow. The first service was held on January 8, 1857. The Pefferlaw Lions Club held its "Municipal" night on Monday at which time the council-elect for 1960 was entertained, President Bruce Corner welcomed the Reeve-Elect, Robert Weir, Deputy-Reeve-Elect Clarence Blanchard and Councillors Charles Cole, Alick Mercer and R. J. Woods. Chairman of entertainment for the evening was Jim Major who showed an interesting film strip "Fire Safety in the Home" as part of the program. A Christmas wedding was performed in St. James' Anglican Church on December 26" when Frances Lola, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Foster, -was united in marriage to Mr. Donald Leslie Hart, son of. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hart,Bracebridge. The bride was attended by her ; sister, Mrs. Donald Walker, Sutton, matron of honor; Miss Helen Rae, bridesmaid; and. Heather Hicks, flower girl. Groomsman was Mr. Thomas Hicks, Kingston. The ushers were Mr. Donald Walker and the groom's brother. A reception followed the ceremony, performed by Rev. John Speers, at the home of Mr. and ' Mrs. Donald Walker; Wood River Acres. Parents of the bride and I groom assisted in receiving the guests. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Leslie Hart are honeymooning in Florida. , HOPE Mr. William Hughes, Stroud, and Mr. Sheldon Walker visited Kalamazoo, Mich., last week for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. John Sytema and family, Newmarket, were New Year's Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Stickwood and family and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Stickwood. Mr. and Mrs. John Rumble, Gilford, and Mr. and Mrs.J. Dewsbury, Richmond Hill were New Year's guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Walker and family. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. George Evans on the arrival of a baby boy. Mr. Ira Morton, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Morton and Angus, Miss Ann Harrison and Miss Amy Gibson spent New Year's Day with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gibson and family. The Friendship Circle of Sharon-Hope United Church will meet at the home of Mrs. E. Farr, Wednesday, Jan. 13, at 8 p.m. The program committee is Mrs. H. Wright and Mrs. Sheldon .Walker. Hostesses are Mrs. Charles Haines and Mrs. Howard Fry. North Gwillimbury Council Items The1960 inaugural meeting of North Gwillimbury Township Council was held in the council chambers Monday Jan. 4. After the new council had been sworn in by Township Clerk Erwin Winch. Rev. Donald McLean briefly quoted from the Bible several passages with reference to those who rule over us and their responsibility to those whom they serve. After a prayer and benediction Reeve Joseph Dales declared the 1960 council was in business. In his' opening remarks, the reeve stated that there was no special magic that could improve our roads, lake care of all our drainage problems and other improvements and reduce taxes at the same time but that the 1960 council would work lo that end. Other council members al--so re-affirmed their pledges to work only in the interests of North Gwillimb.ury. ....." " Mr. Doyle referred to the lack of proper road construction be- j, fore the subdivision bylaw Went into effeet and that he would strive to bring all roads within the township up to standard. Clerk Erwin Winch stated that - he stood for'alh-fcood legislation-- that will be for the betterment . of the township. „JB,y)aw J 486 ...was passedU.'.ae--iwpfing the 1 OS^Ass^sirSiitvRoll . upon which Ihe I960 faxes will be based. ' Bylaw 14(17 was passed authorizing the Township jOf-North Gwillimbury lo enter into an agreement with the Hydro Commission for the extension of certain lines when necessary. The following committees have been appointed: finance, Joseph Dales, chairman, all members of council lo be members; roads and : bridge.v-F-. Kennington,â€" chair-man, Clyde Draper, member; welfare and relief, Clyde Draper, 1 E.' Kennington; police and fire departments. Lea Glover, J. L. . Doyle; parks, J. L. Doyle. Lea | Glover; property, Clyde Draper, , Lea Glover. • : Reeve Dales suggested the ap-. pointment of a committee to be . responsible for planning, zoning ; and industrial promotion. I It was resolved that future delegations wishing to wait on council must first submit a letter to the clerk for an appointment adn time allotted and that the delegation must appear at said time. Moved by F. Kennington and Lea Glover that the municipal council, do hereby approve and confirm the resolution of the 1960 council appointing Roy J. Pollock and Clare Green as representatives on the Newmarket Sutton High School Board for a period of two years. A resolution by Lea Glover and Frank Kennington dealing -with the closing of the roadway ' passing through the properly of ' James Porter being pari of Lot .21, be rescinded and referred lo the 1960 planning board for its recommendation to council. v Jack Tali of the Hydro Commissionâ€"notifiedâ€"councilâ€"that ; thr ee £sample lights had been erected on the streets of Keswick. The clerk was instructed to insert an ad in the local papers inviting the public to petition council for additional street lighting; such petitions lo be presented at the next meeting of council on Jan. 18. Fire Chief Bernard Rye requested council to consider the â- purchase of a new water tank truck. The matter was. referred lo the fire and "police committee. Lea. Glover' and Frank Kennington moved that council authorize the borrowing of money for municipal^ expcnses'~"V>eT "clT- ' vided among the banks at Sutlon and Keswick on the same -tyasis -as --previ-eufly-..:dividedrfot-tlie year -I960. - A letter receivrd from- employees of the Roads Department requesting a -raise . of. 10 cents per hour,-was referred to the finance "committee. Before granting ihe request of township dentists an increase in services charges, council called for a report on the future dental needs of the school-children:. A letter received from Mrs. , A.__Puffins complained that a . neighbor liad filled iii t^e ditch in front of her property, causing ! the drainage to overflow her property. ' It was suggested, the , matter be taken jip with her solicitor as the roadway was on private properly. Mr. Doyle, reported that the. . work of grading around the park , area was completed at a cost of ' $750. , . Frank Kenningto/i"--and I.ea Ofover nioved that "the-council' - ^eSll -1 or- tenders- toâ€"supplyâ€"fuel-to the community centre at Bel-.haveh! , â-  CoUncil requested; that tlve" roads to take Ihe necessary steps to ensure.early-construction of a safety walk from the Jersey School to' the Third Concession Rd. and report progress at'the next council meeting Milton Cohen applied for. cancellation-ot taxes- for' Keswick Legion Hall. It was pointed out to him thai the municipal act .prohibits such action. Sutton Council Committees Set SUTTON The inaugural meeting of Sutton Village council took place Monday evening in the board room of Sutton Public School. The Rev. Stanley Seers made the invocation and the newly elected council was sworn in by clerk M. R. Gillan. Committees were Appointed by Reeve William Sellers with the following set-up being followed and the first member mentioned as chairman of that committee:â€" Roads and Streets; E. I. Lyons, Sam Nasello; Townhall:â€"Dr. C. S. Noble, Nasello; Parks and Beaches: Harvey O'Neil, Nasello; Fire Dept.: Nasello, O'Neil; Sidewalks: Noble, O'Neil; Traffic: Nasello, O'Neil; Waterworks Dept.: Sellers, Noble, Lyons; Police Dept.: Lyons, Noble, Sellers, Nasello, O'Neil; Street lights: O'Neil, Noble; Budget and Finance: Nasello, Sellers, Lyons, O'Neil, Noble. Council dealt with the problems of snow-ploughjng the roads and the shovelling of sidewalks. /\ds are to be inserted in the local papers fiistfuc'ting cflie public fo have vehicles off the streets dur-J.QK. order that the plough may"do a proper job. and instructing the householders and businessmen to liav.e-tUe sidc*nvik"s -streveited for safer-u-alking.- - --â€"â- â€"rrâ€" Twenty-seven applications for the position of clerk-treasurer collector were received and read by council but no decisions were made to hire anyone. SUTTON SMOTHERS DEBUT OPPONENTS Sutton. Greenshirts firmly solidified the opinion among their supporters that they are going to be a classy, high scoring pack again this season. The loyal Sutton supporters came to this conclusion early as they watched their, hopefuls de-slarch Little Britain 11-4 at the Sutton arena, December 29, as the Tri-County ' . intermediate Hockey-Jicague-blew '-the lid offâ€" on another season. The Greenshirts were full of i fire. They bounced into a sizeable early lead and outgalloped the opposition all througn the exchange. Home from school for llm . holidays'lton Pringie cut the most impressive caper around the opposition nets for the winners with a polishecCilyice goal output. Three players in the Greenshirt stable got percolating for two goals apiece. They were two newcomers Doug Turegeon and Earl Stoddard. Rudy Big Canoe was also in for two. Ted Big Canoe and Gary Palethorpe, a pair of classy puck carriers, contributed a goal apiece. Ron Teal was Mr. Big for the humbled visitors bagging a hat trick. THE BRITISH AMERICAN OIL COMPANY LIMITED SLESSOR MOTORS ECON-O-WASH

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