Service will be conducted by the Rev. Neil M. Leckie, D.D., at 11 a.m. Morning service only until further notice. Wednesday Prayer Meeting and Bible Readâ€" ing, 8 p.m. LORD‘S$ DAY Breaking of Bread ..........11 Sunday School ...............8 Gospel Meeting ... 7 sUNDAY, FEBRUARY 12th 10 a.m.â€"Church School For All Ages. 11 a.m.â€"‘"The Testing Hour Of Liberty." 7 pm.â€""The Faith That Saves" A Warm Welcome To All The February â€"meeting of the Ladies‘ Aid of Baptist Church was held at the home of Mrs. Dipper. The President, Mrs. Easson presidâ€" ed. After business matters were discussed, several interesting letâ€" ters from boys overseas were read by Mrs. C. Walker. Tea was servâ€" ed by the hostess and a pleasant surprise was a birthday cake in honor of Mrs. H. Barnum‘s birth-] day. The Rev. R. C. Standerwick, B.A. Pastor: SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 12th Grimsby Baptist Church sUNDAY, FEBRUARY 12th 11 a.m.â€"Dethroning God. 7 p.m.â€"The Christian‘s Uniform. Sunday School â€" 2:30, Trinity Hall. James Farewell of the C. P. R. Electrical . department, Calgary, Alta. is home for a few days â€"with his mother, following .the death last week of his father Edgar E. Farewell. ; Pte. Jack Atkinson has returnâ€" ed to his duties on East Coast afâ€" ter spending three weeks‘ leave with his mother at their home on Doran Ave. s The annual St. Patrick‘s Dance under the auspices of St. Joseph‘s church, will be held in the High School Auditorium on Friday night, March 16th. MIlEYAROX Sunday School 2:30 p.m. F.OQ. Eugerne "Chap" Gordon, R.C.A.F. is home on furlough with his mother Mrs, George Gordon, Paton street. Mrs, Jennie Pettit of Buffalo, N.Y. attended the funeral of the late Edgar E. Farewell on Friday last. Misses Jean Laba and Jane Wisâ€" noski had a very pleasant weekend visit to Ottawa. PRESCRIPTIONS Next Blood Clinic, â€" Wednesday, February 28th. Carefully and Accurately Dispensed by Gi'aduate Druggists Mrs. E. Gordon St. John‘s Presbyterian Church Cosmetics . . . Magazines . . . Stationery Developing and Printing Trinity United Church â€"â€"â€" All Welcome â€"â€" W. J. WATT, B.A., B.D., Minister. FOUR Adelaide St., Grimsby Gospel Hall Efl-lllllHH-|lIIIIIIIIIIH-llliIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi-!!Il.HH.IHIIN‘IliIH-HHIIIH.IHI.IHI-IIIIIHIIIII!IIIIIIIlIHIHH-II|II!III-HHIHHEI!!!III!HI!H =<\ [ ho m ) e ) n . m n e mm omm mm 1 e m c e 1 e ; Social Events â€" Personals Home of Quality Drugs 3 p.m. most delicious lunch The Beaver Club met on Monday afternoon as usual in the Church rooms. There was a good attendâ€" ance, and the final plans were _made for a penny sale to be held in the Church Rooms on Monday, February 12th at 8 o‘clock. A number of accounts were preâ€" sented and passed for payment. Plans for the Red Cross sewing were laid over till next meeting. The Annual Church meeting will be held on Friday evening, Februâ€" ary 9th. ? Mrs. H. D. Mogg was the hostess for the afternoon;, and served al To Mr. and Mrs. Bernard w. Page, (formerly Jean Buchan) of 10 Carlow Road, Toronto, at Priâ€" vate Patient‘s Pavilian, . Western hospital, on February 6th, 1945, a daughter. h the Spring and usually may be found hard at work in his orchards. Let us hope that Mychaylo Holyâ€" nsky will soon favor us with one of the finest concerts that Grimsby has yet seen. It is possibly still little known that Mychaylo Holynsky, world reâ€" nowned opera tenor, has been for the past two or three years a perâ€" manent resident of Grimsby ownâ€" ing a fruit farm and home two miles west of Grimsby on the No. 8 Highway. Although Mychaylo Holynsky‘s concert work takes him away for a few months of the winâ€" ter season, he is always back with Mrs. Lloyd Pettit and Mrs. Anâ€" 'drew Stevenson, were hostesses at a party given Saturday evening, in honour of Misses Willa Pettit, Alice Neale and Margaret Stevenson, who have entered Hamilton Genâ€" eral Hospital as nurses in training. Court Whist was the game of the evening, prize winners being Audâ€" rey Merritt and Dorothy Metcalfe. A dainty lunch brought the evening to a close. j Mrs. Samuel Pickett of Grimsby ’and North Grimsby, celebrated her 90th birthday on Sunday, February 4th, with her son Prof, B. S. Picâ€" kett at Ames, Iowa. After a busy day of congratulations from her many friends at Ames, she was able to enjoy a pleasant long disâ€" tance conversation with her son Harold Pickett, and his family at‘ Grimsby. Miss Margaret Stevenson has reâ€" signed her position in the office of the White Canadian Aircraft, Hamâ€" ilton, where she has been employâ€" ed for the past three years, and has entered Hamilton General Hospital as a nurse in training. L.A.W. Louisé Buckenham, R.C. A.F. (W.D.) :«(Mrs. James Guy) of the Pacific Coastal Command is home on leave with her parents A. E. and Mrs. Buckenham, Livingâ€" stomn avenue, pending discharge from the service. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Glaessner returned this week, after attending the convention of the wholesale fruit dealers at Quebec City, and spending a few days in Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Manley and children of Brazil, Missionaries on furlough, were the guests last week of Mrs. Manley‘s brother, Rev. R. C. and Mrs. Standerwick. Art and Mrs. House and "Young Bill and Sergt. Ronald House of Toronto were weekend visitors with Wm. and Mrs. House, Main west. Fred Gurney, for many years a resident of Grimsby, but latterly of Rochester, N.Y. is now residing in Dallas, Texas. Miss Alice Neale and Miss Willa Pettit have entered Hamilton Genâ€" eral hospital as nurses in training. Mrs. Neil M. Leckie is visiting in New York and New Haven, Conn. Beaver Club . D. Millyard Births lub met on Monday ual in the Church was a good attendâ€" final plans were ! ooo . oog ; ne * e 1 mm mm w e 1 en e e c e 1 ‘Toot ) 11 es n1 m 1 e e n1 m e : n : Greig, hour. Miss Duff of perance Union esting talk on takes her all o United States. â€"CIS, Wilkins, the quilt convener reported she had five quilts ready to ‘be quilted, so it was decided to have an all day quilting at Trinity Hall, on Thursday, Feb, 15th, serving a pot luck luncheon at. 12.30, and we would like as many Le i ne, w 22 cane o 1 NP It was moved by Mrs. W. A. Mcâ€" Niven, seconded by Mrs. J. o. Moore that we pay $25.00 to the I. 0. D. E. to help purchase new books for the armed forces, Mrs. Wilkins, the quilt convener reported she had five quilts ready to ‘be quilted, so it was decided to have an all day quilting at Trinity‘ Hall on | ‘ThnvsAans mup 22. s 3 The Secretary‘s and Treasurer‘s reports were read and adopted, and lettes of thanks were read from all those to whom flowers had been sent. Mrs. P. E. Wilkins read Scripture lesson. The meeting opened by singing "The Church‘s One Foundation" followed by The Lord‘s Prayer in unison, and one minute‘s silent prayer for our boys and girls in the armed forces. & § o0 2o oi >ï¬ the Women‘s Association of Trinity United Church, was held at the Manse on Thursday, February 1st, with the President, Mrs. D. Cloughâ€" poln n uel ley presiding St. John‘s Presbyterian Church Choir held their annual meeting Monday evening at the home of Mrs. L. Larsen. Secretaryâ€"Treasâ€" urer‘s report given by Mrs. Anâ€" drew Stevenson, showed a substanâ€" tial bank ‘balance.. Mrs. J. Hayâ€" ward conducted the election of Ofâ€" ficers for 1945 which resulted as follows: President, May Crittenâ€" den; 1st Viceâ€"President, Mrs. H. G. Mogg; *Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Andrew Stevenson; Music Commitâ€" tee, Mrs. C, Terryberry, Shirley Mason, Jean Larsen; Mistress of the Robes, Mrs. H. G. Mogg, Mrs. S. Harris; Membership Committee, ; Mrs. L. Larsen, Joyce Mogg, Isabel. Stevenson, Verba Shafer, Mary Morris, Mrs. Horrill; Pianist, Mrs. Mary Tweney. A delightful lunch was served by the hostess, Mrs. Larsen, and a social hour was enâ€" joyed. The Annual Executive of the I.O. D.E. will be held at the home of Mrs. _ F. Jewson, Park Road, Grimsby Beach, on Monday, Feb, 12th, at 5:30 pm. Pot Luck Supâ€" per. Members please ‘bring reports. TE â€"â€"â€"G The I. O. D. E. Literary will be held in the Chapter Rooms on Monâ€" day, February 12th at 2:30 p.m. The speaker for the afternoon will be Miss Ann Crane. The young people of the Baptist church enjoyed a set of Dr. Gullâ€" ison‘s slides, at their meeting Monâ€" day night. Dr. Gullison is a misâ€" sionary from India, on furlough. He took the pictures, illustrating the work there and colored them, givâ€" ing a wonderful glimpse of Indian life. Red Cross Welfare Officer Frances C. Scovil, last week after overseas theatres of war : shown with her parents, Ven. Archdeacon and Mrs Winona. St. John‘s Choir Trinity W.A. regular monthly meeting of a, come to this quilting. _of the Christian Temâ€" on gave a most interâ€" on her work, which 1 over Canada and the 1.0.D.E. B.Y .P.U. Arrives Home From Overseas Association of Tri?n‘ty RIMSBY INDEPENDE N T s. E. McAlonen, » on Thursday, social half served by singing s % / « a !HIHII.HII.HII.IHI.IIH.I|ll.!III.|III-HHIIII!-HHl:llll-lIIl.Illl.IIlII!II!.IHI.IIH-IIH.HH.HH-I]H.!Ill.lh’lIHH.IIIIIlIIl.HI!-Illl.llll.l!ll.llll-lllllllll-IIII.IIII-IIIIIIIHIIIII.HU.IHFE Â¥ o wou _ held °_ IPhe regular meeting of Grimsby Chapter, No. 195, met in the Masonic Hall, on Tuesday evening at 8 p.m., with Sister Muriel Anâ€" derson, W.M., presiding, assisted (by Bro. H. v. Belzner, W.D. . Sister Lillian Gill, D. D.G. M. of District No. 6, paid her official visit, for the purpose of inspecting the ofâ€" ficers. We also had other guests from Hamilton a n d Smithville Chapters. One new member was‘ received into the chapter by initiaâ€" tion. The entertainment Commitâ€" tee are having a bridge and euchre party, on February 20, in the Masonic Hall. A very interesting report was given by the Patriotic Flightâ€"Lieut. Morris, at the time of enlistment in 1941, was employâ€" ed in the cash office of Eaton‘s, in Hamilton. He is a graduate of Hamilton Normal School and went overseas in December, 1942. At present, he is a liaison officer in England. [ Officiating was Rev. S. Moore, and Mr. E. Richardson, A.RC.O., presided at the organ. The honeyâ€" moon was spent in the Isle of Wight. .A reception was held at the home of the bride‘s uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. H. Pearson, Lumdum Green lane, Spennymoor. The bride‘s goingâ€"away costume was in turquoise blue and nigger brown. in place by a coronet of white ostrich feather tips. She was atâ€" tended by her cousin, Miss Betty Claughan, and Miss Connie Coia. The best man was Flying Officer w. J. McKenzie, RC.A.F., and the groomsman was L.A.C. A. Orr, Buv a va The ‘bride, who was given away by her father, wore white embossed satin, with white silk net veil held and the late Mrs. Claughan, of 9 Cheapside, Spennymoor, to Flightâ€" Lieut. Walter Henry Morris, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Morris, Grimsâ€" Organizations â€" Club Activities by. The wedding took place at St. Andrew‘s Churec h, Spennymoor, County Durham, England, on Noâ€" vember . 22, of Margaret Ida, daughter of Mr. J,. E. Claughan nusa ui o2 ol L2 w bp u33. _0 Cr h00 . 8t the home of the bride‘s parents in _ Beamsville, where many guests from Grimsby, Beamsville, Hamilton and St. Cathâ€" arines were present. f In the absence of Mr. John Holynsky‘g relative â€" the famous opera tenor â€" Mychaylo Holynsky who is now touring the United States with concerts 4A letter of greetings and congratulations from the celebrated personage was read before the assembled dinner guests. Cordial wishes are extended to the newlyweds on behalf of all their friends and relatives. mo: HOLYNSKY~PODOLAN The wedding of Mr. and Mrs. John Holynsky was solemnized by the Very Rev. N. Kohut, O.S.B.M., parish priest and superior of the Basilian Fathers, at 12.15 p.m.. in St. . Mary‘s Church on Sunday, January 28th. The bride is the former Mary Podolan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dmytro Podolan of Beamsville. Eastern Star Muptials MORRISâ€"CL‘AUGHAN , who arrived home since June, 1943, is F. Scovil, of When it comes to experience as a teacher there is never a teacher shortage. There seems to be a shortage of matches but not the marrying kind. the sick and visiting, said she had sent several get well cards, a plant, and paid one visit to a sick memâ€" ber. At the close of the meeting, the entertainment committee held very successful draw on a chicken. A social hour followed with Sister W. Cloughley and her committee serving lunch. R convener, Sister Inez Cloughley. Sister Pearl Betzner, reporting for Desert Powder 4 oz Smoked Picnics SHANKLESS Wieners 1Ib. 29¢ Bacon rindof %1b. pkg. 26c Jellied Pork Hocks 1b. 22¢ Beef Bologna FANCYâ€" SHEEP CASINGS SLICED MANHATTAN Diced Carrots 16 f1. oz. 15¢ Dehydrated Apples 1 1b. 24c Campb_ell’s Soup 2 tins 19¢ Tomato Juice Loaf Cheese Iona Cocoa Quaker Oats AYLMER Yellow Peaches 20 f1. oz Prune Plums 20â€"0z tir MONARCH Mayonnaise AYLMER SLICED ANN PAGE LIBBY‘Sâ€"20â€"02 Tomato Juice PURITY FLOUR %:, so“P CLARK‘S ASSORTED MACARONI °C MERY®® QUAKER MUFFETS . PEANUT BUTTER RASPBERRY JAM . C (Vegetable, Pep;_)er Pot, Celery) R VERMICELLI CLARK‘S SHORTENING TANGY INDIA â€" CEYLON Lb. NECTAR 7â€"lb. our dear husband and father. Also special thanks to Rev. A. E. Brooks. We wish sincerely to thank our many friends and relatives for their kindness, sympathy, and beautiful floral offerings in our reâ€" cent bereavement in the loss of our 16â€"0z. tin 15¢ 3â€"lh. pkg. 19¢ Mrs. Edgar E. Farewell and Family wish to express their sinâ€" cere thanks to their many friends and citizens generally for their kind expressions of sympathy and help during their recent bereavement. 20 11. oz. 16¢ 20â€"0z. tin 13¢ WiITH PECTIN Thursday, February 8th, 1945 OLD 16â€"0z. coLony Btl. CORN OR 2â€"Lb. BEEHIVE Tin Card of Thanks â€"oz. jar 16¢ Mrs. R. Robertson and family. 23¢ 3 tins 25¢ Hedlund‘s 7â€"0z. Asst, Tin 3 tins 25¢ 1b. 28¢ 1b. 20c $â€"oz Jar 1b. 35¢ 24â€"0z. Jar 16â€"0z. Pkg. Pkgs. 24â€"lb, Baa ) Tins Pkgs. Lb. Lb. 8c 13¢ 20¢ 11¢ 17¢ 13« 33¢ 21° 29° 22¢ 19¢ 35¢ 17