"Is he going to be all right?" Terry asked anxiously. memiteemim®es" I don‘t know. Maybe we got him just in time. I can‘t do anything but try to keep his heart going. He has responded to the inâ€" jection and we may pull him through yet." "I ean‘t understand it," Terry murmured. "He was all right when we came up here." ‘‘You‘re sure of that?" "Positive. When you came and started to examine the body Craven went over to the window. I saw him looking at the jigsaw and then I got intersted in watching you. I don‘t a homer. The poison comes from a phonograph needle fixed in the handle of his favorite bat â€" Pictro, the Chicago bat boy, disappears mysteriously. Masked gunmen . truss up Terry, question him, gag him, and warn him be knows too much. He swears his beats are due to tucky hunches. Both Terry and Doyle have been suspected by Detective Kelly, and Clark sends Doyle to Newark.. Larry â€" plays good â€" ball there, is sold to Boston, and is beâ€" coming one of the most popular players in the league. cnugr esn emon w on hoh â€" iesd ereet Te s oys [ es es & Bs a eau se &0 E ae § 2s 25 i 6 im (Giep Wieo Cies Eo EJ Mtcre us Cass Ces oey tyS We Arcts "Jos B es s ) o S w m U k io ies Cite uo Were Ey a Cos a2 esn It has been temn years since Pop Clark won a United League pennant with his New York Blues. As the season opens the sports writers, with the exception of Terry Burke of the Star, give them little chance. He bets $10 on them at 200 to 1 at the restaurant of Tony Murallo, a gambler, in the Broadway district. From the first game, in which Whit~ per, the Philadelphia pitcher, is killed with a rifle bullet through the heert after smashing out a homeâ€" run, death or injury cripples the Blues‘ opponents. â€" Both Whitper and Larry Doyle, the Blues‘ rookie shortstop and exâ€"Fordham star, had been attentive to Clark‘s pretty daughter, Frances, and she had shown her preference for Larry. When four Boston players are inâ€" jured, Burke learns that Sid Stream, notorious New York gunman, wreckâ€" ed their taxi with a rifle bullet through a tire. Stream is found dead and Terry receives by mail the warning: "People who know too much die!" Terry has the news first also when Dirkin, Chicago star, drops dead from poison after hitting in Deep Draught Steady 5%?5 The Canadian Service vessels of these great Steamship Companies, offer Individual attention and a complete persoenal service to all passengers. Seasoned travellers also appreclate their many addiâ€" tional fine qualities: Food of choico quallty served In accordance with ~ the best standards. A complete shipbeard holidayâ€"willing helpful« mess eliminates all care. frld_.-i:y_ sallings from Montreq! to ueifast, Glasgow, Livers pool, Plymouth, Havre and London at rates which repre» sont substantial savings In travel costs. Te bat (X] oo e e e rmmmmmmmmemme oo ols BM " ME g%z T es i [ iT »EATHon me £ 5) ; bat “ + ;1/4, & 4i ) 1;{ R DJ l 1 ts â€"â€" C N . *‘"*3 I i D’( t .{\ a e & J . .“ $ !;/‘%§\. /A C / in ® xX NCAAA & % 2 7 ® Rat o | [(N D\ w css _;\. + s # [( 35 suo‘ | & A | S§&@mW BY _ CORTLAND Fitzsimmons\\k® i \ Te Z [x] ‘€. E. ":110:0:‘:’:°:°:°:°:°3’:‘:9:0:0:0:‘:0:0:0:0:*:0Zé:o:é:0:0:0:0:0:0:6:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:010:0:0:0:0:0:0:0.0:0.0:' V het oo * a * Ke * e * s Kel Synopsis of Preceding Instalments: 501#:0:010}010{0:0:0;0Zo:o:o}o:o}o:o;910}910:019:010:010:01010}0}o:o:0:0:02010Zo:o:o}o:o:0:03:0:0;010333; COMBLETE PERSONAL Canada‘s Favourite T ea ) l 2 s > C s "of e C% 3A n 5e £rÂ¥AÂ¥ â€" Through the door Terry watched the doctor slide some pieces of the puzzle onto a newspaper; then he took a blotter and seraped onto the "Klein!" Inspector Dowell barked once more, and when the detective came to the door, "The doctor wants to take part of that puzzle away with him." Then to the doctor, "Be careâ€" ful, Doc. We don‘t want to lose you." “\Vhy?†"Ever hear of the Medici?" "I‘ve an idea," the medical examâ€" iner answered his own question. "The Medici had all sorts of tricks for killâ€" ing people. Mattresses that, when a person slept on them, killed them because the heat of their bodies libâ€" erated a poisonous gas.© That puzâ€" zle has something to do with the death of Scotter and the condition of the other man." % "I don‘t know, but I would like to take some of that jigsaw puzzle with me." "Yes, siz." "How long will it take you to find out what happened to Scotter and the other man?" the inspector asked the doctor. Craven?" "I don‘t know." The examiner cut in and told the inspector all that Terry had told him just a minute, before. "You say Seotter was gassed?" "Gassed or poisoned, I don‘t know which." "Klein‘" the inspector barked. ‘"Yes, sir!" Klein came to the door. "Clear that room and don‘t touch or‘let anyone else touch anything in there." "Yos. sit." "It was just your curiosity again that brought you here, eh?" the inâ€" spector _ asked and h‘s tone was not too friendly. ‘"What made you feel so curious ?" "We were down in the lobby waitâ€" ing for Scotter to come out. When Abley began to get uneasy I hung around him and when he came up here Craven and I followed him." ‘"What happened to: your friend, "I wouldn‘t say I was mixed up in them. I scooped them and was under suspicion for about ten minâ€" utes when Dirkin was killed." Terry explained who he was and how they happerned to be in the room when the body was discovered. "Let‘s see, aren‘t you the fellow who was mixed up in those murders in New York and Boston?" The inspector turned to Terry "Who are you?" "I don‘t know. The lad I sent to the hospital acted as if he had been gassed. but how in hell he could have been, I don‘t know. He was a pal of this man here and he says he was okay whnen they came up." "Scotter? That‘s tough. happened to him?" "I wish I knew," the examiner reâ€" plied. "This fellow, it‘s Scotter of the Rubes, is dead, and I‘ve just sent a fellow off to the hospital who may die." "What have we here?" Inspector Dowell asked as he came into the room. The ambulance came and took Craven away. Terry waited until the inspector came up. "Jigsaw, eh?~ We‘ll have to look into that." Wik We ï¬ know what he did until I heard him gasp and call me." What Switzerland has 3,638 miles of railâ€" ways. ; "Each time the movie audiences start to vanish, everything possible is tried except the idea of offering them better pictures." HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS Write your name and address plainly giving number and size of pattern wanted. Enclose 15¢ in stamps or coin (coin preferred), wrap it carefully, and address your order to Wilson Pattern Service, 73 Adelaide St, W., Toronto, Ont. Style No. 8076 is designed for sizes 2, 4, 6 and 8 years. Size 8 reâ€" quires 2% yards of 35â€"inch material with % yard of 35â€"inch contrasting and 3% yards of binding for dress; pantees require 1 yard of 35â€"inch maâ€" terial. Illustrated Sewing Guide accomâ€" panies the pattern. The matching French pantees are a welcome addition fo ractive young legs who romp about with their skirts well above the knees. , Cottons as chambray, percale prints, dimities, broadcloths, printed lawns, crepes, etc., are inexpensive and practical for this pretty dress. The sash tied at the front gives it a very sophisticated look. However, the toddler, will probably like her dress unbelted. There‘s a plait right down the front to the flared hem.. The cunniug sleeveless bolero jacâ€" ket makesâ€"this an adorable little outâ€" fit for small girls of 2 to 8. "I might, at that," the inspector said reluctantly. "Give me a break, won‘t you?" Terry pleaded. "All right. . I‘ll do it." "Will you let me go out to the game? Send a man with me, if you like. You can get the press box if you want me before the game is over." "Will you do something for me?" Terry asked. ‘"What ?" "Wire Detective Kelly at Centre Street, New York, and ask him if it is advisable to hold me. Kelly is the man who has had me under susâ€" picion." "What does he know about you." "He has had me covered ever since Dirkin was killed." "Yeah, I know, and it‘s damned queer how you just happen to be around each time it happens." "Gosh, inspector! It‘s great news for my paper. A famous player is found dead, "the cause unknown! Don‘t you see how it hooks up with these other murders? Craven, a newspaperman, is stricken by the same malady in the room with the dead man. It‘s tremendous newsâ€" paper stuff!" "Because there is nothing to send." "Okay." Terry moved to the teleâ€" phone. ‘"What‘s on your mind?" Dowell asked. _ ""My job." "Nothing doing." "But why can‘t I send out a wire?" Terry objected. "Be as quick as you can," the inâ€" spector called after the doctor. "May I go now?" Terry asked. "Go where?" "I‘m supposed to report the game for my paper." "I guess you‘ll have to miss the game, young fellow." paper some fine white dust that lookâ€" ed like wood powder. Issue No. (To Be Continued) Cunning OCutft â€"Samuel Goldwyn. ‘C7 world where we can find peaceâ€"the heart of a child." "For a long time it has been comâ€" mon opinion that the people of Canâ€" ada are more lawâ€"abiding than are the people of this country. This imâ€" pression has grown because of numâ€" erous incidents but never has it had so clear explanation 2s in the prompt action of Ontario authorities with reâ€" ference to strikes in the motor car industry of Canada." Recent events have again brought law enforcement in Canada into not: ice in the United States and the Deâ€" troit News says: appointive, not elective and that apâ€" peals are dealt with speedily. The question of uniform laws for the Dominion is one that is now it tracting a good deal of attention and with the success of the Criminal Code in mind, it is suggested in some quarters that uniform company laws, uniform wage laws, uniform unemâ€" ployment insurance, and so on, would make for more satisfactory condiâ€" tions. But that is by the way. That would probably be the general view, that the fact that the Criminal Code is a Deminion matter and apâ€" plies alike across the country was the chief reasor for the better enforceâ€" ment of criminai law in this country than in its neighbour. Other reasons include the fact that the judiciary is The United Farmers Ltd. 28 "One law for the whole Dominion. No extradition. No conflicting laws." "Crime‘s Afrail in Canada," is the heading on an article in The Comâ€" mentator, an American publication by Col. G. R. Geary, one of Canada‘s best known lawyws and in The Commenâ€" tator‘s summary of the reasons first place is given to: TORONTO CREAMERY Col. Geary in American Monthly Suggests It Is Uniform â€"Law For Dominion ‘ "There is still one place in the Why Is Crime Afraid in Canada CREAM WANTED Stahliman declared "the publishers in th‘s country are coming to the point â€"where they will support, through contracts, any group of capiâ€" talists who set up the. mills." He sad the newsprint paper could be made available to the publishers at cheaper prices than elsewhere. "When the newsprint industry has moved back within the boundaries of the United States, American publishâ€" ers will be freed from the dominaton of Canadian and foreign newsprint interests;~ke_asserted. Highest Prices Paid Weekly CHEQUES PAYABLE AT PAR. CANS LOANED FREE AND ALL SHIPPING CHARGES PAID. ORDER CANS NOW Sinte January, 1936, Stahlman adâ€" ded $60,000,000 has been invested in kraft units to utilize southern pine, and he explained those same machâ€" ines, with minor changes, will make a fine grade of newsprint paper. A new manufacturing process, he said, is being developed through the "bleached sulphate process," the same used in making â€" kraft wrapping paper,. The Nashville publisher declared it would be a good thing to build mills where they would not be "harried by polit‘ecs and other conditions in Canâ€" ada." He said a mill soon will be estabâ€" lished in Eastern Texas, to care for the needs of publishers in that state and Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisâ€" iana. Stah‘man sa‘d there was hope a similar mill will be put into operaâ€" tion east of the Mississippi River in a southeastern state. Stahlman, viceâ€"president of the A.N.P.A., and chairman of the newsâ€" print committee of the Southern Newspaper ~Publishers‘ Association, declared "southern pine offers the opportunity" to restore the industry within the United States. He was expected to be elected president at the concluding session of the discusâ€" sion. American publishers have been adâ€" vised cost of paper will be increased from $48.50 a ton to $50 a ton the first of next year and will be held at that figure at least for the first six months. The declaration followed a discusâ€" sion of increasing cost of newsprint paper, practically all of which is manufactured in Canada. NEW YORKâ€"James G. Stahlman, of Nashville, Tenn., told the Ameriâ€" can. Newspaper Publishers‘ Associaâ€" tion last week it is time to bring the newsprint industry back into the Uniâ€" ted States. To Supply U. S. â€" _ Amer Publishers Fear Canadian Price Boost Pine Is Tested For Newsprint Branch â€"George Jessel. of Coâ€"operative Co., Duke St., Toronto "45 American Catch hold of this frying pan. It is a thick iron one and is kept exâ€" clusively for the making of omelets. It is not washed after use, but is simply wiped clean with a cloth or tissue paper. Omeletâ€"making is not an over: crowded profession, and any one showing marked gifts in that direcâ€" tion is credited with & skill amountâ€" ing almost to wizardry. â€" Dissolve jelly in warm stock. Chill. Combine remaining _ ingredients. When jelly is slightly thickened, fold in chicken mixture. Turn into loaf pan Chill until firm. Unmold. Serve in slices. Or mold in ring mold and serve as salad garnished with mayâ€" onnaise. Serves & The Tempting Omeiet There is nothing terrifying about ailempting an omelet, j Molded Chicken Loaf 1 Package .quickâ€"setting â€"lemon jelly, 2 cups warm chicken stock, free from tat, 1 cup chickenâ€"ecut in small pieces, % cup celeryâ€"finely chopped, 4 cup green pepperâ€"fineâ€" ly chopped, 1 teaspuon scraped onion, 2 tablespoons pimentoâ€"finely chopped, 2 tablespoons vinegar, 14 teaspoon salt, !4 cup stuffed olives â€"chopped, dash of cayenne, dash of Worcestershire sauce. If you have had chicken on â€Sun- day, then here is the perfect dish for Monday : Dissolve jelly in warm water. Add vinegar and salt. Chill until cold and syrupy. Place in bhow! of crackâ€" ed ice or ice water and whip with rotary egg beater until fluffy and thick ‘like whipped cream. Fold in onion, tongue, pickles and mayonâ€" naise. Turn into loaf pan. Chil} unâ€" til firm. Unmold. Garnish with erisp lettuce and radishes. Serves 10. Here are two delicious recipes that can form the main course of any meal, company or otherwise, and yet they are so cheaply and easily preâ€" pared that it will astonish you. But once you have tasted them, it won‘t astonish you to find that the family will want them again and again. Piquant Tongue Mold 1 Package quickâ€"setting Jemon jelly. 1 pint warm water, 2%% tableâ€" spoons vinegar, 1â€"8 teaspuon salt, 1 teaspoon seraped onion, 3% cups boiled tongueâ€"finely chopped, % cup dill picklesâ€"finely chopped, % cup mayonnaise. Its bottom is perfectly flat so that to the hearts of busy homemakers. These packages of jelly in bright colâ€" ors and various flavors can come to your rescue on numerous occasions when you feel you just can‘t make a meal out of what is left over and yet you can‘t throw the scraps away. Jelly Comes to the Rescue Perhaps you have always thought that quickâ€"setting jelly could be used only to make glowing dessert dishes or, in a pinch, a molded salad. We are out to dispel that idea and here are some recipes which prove that quickâ€"setting jelly has an infinite variety of uses which will endear it Colonial Distributors Limited 253 Queen St. West â€" TORONTO in set The Set contains stamps showing Crownings of King Harold in 1066; William the Conqueror; King George the IV. Also Portrayals of the King‘s Champion; Members of the Royal Family and Historical Points of Interest. *) Home Hints SOUVENIR STAMPS YOUR LOCAL NEWSDEALER {All engraved in Four Colors) or if he cannot supply send 25¢ to Obtainable from By LAURA KNIGHT PRICE Stamp collectors wil! be interested in this special offer of the Colonial Distributors _ Limite«, Toronto, â€" of Coronation Souvenir stamps â€" sixty â€"all different for 25¢. All engraved in four colors. The set contains stamps showing crowning of King Harold in 1066; William the Conqueror, King George the IV. Also portrayals of the King‘s champion, Members of the Royal Family anrd Historical Points of Inâ€" terest. I nc he > NubiMAhicaaba B . package of parisian pansiss No. 2549, and our magnificent seed catatogue, fully Musâ€" trated, 172 pages, several in natural colours, the finest and most complete in Canada. 6 vent sticking, and when the under part of the omelet starts to set, lift up its edges with a thin knife and let more liquid, upper part run down below. A teaspoon chopped parsely may also go into the bowl. Pour the eggs into the pan and let them spread evenly over it. Shake the pan very sently to preâ€" Let the pan get hot, and place in it a piecce of butter, which, when melted, wil}l do no. more than just cover the bottom of the pan. Three egga is a handy number to start pracâ€" tice on. Break them into a basin. and beat them just enough to mix the yolks and the whites, adding a seasoning of pepper and salt. A Plain One Since the plain omelet is the basis of a thousand others, we will make one. >\ WYHPERRON 1 CQ. it cannot reel about on the gasâ€"ring or over whatever hot flame the omeâ€" let is going to be cooked. The flame must be hot and the pan must be hot, because speed is the essence of good â€"omeletâ€"making. Slow cooking means toughness. For this reason, do not put more eggs into the pan that will form a thinnish layer on the bottom. Srzat For Stamp Collectors KSR EH OR RORMERAO EC CL Limitco: SEEDSMEN £ NURSERYMEN 955 SLLAWRENCE BLVD, MONTREAL y*trs, _ For your all different Send .15¢ in stamps and you will receive a Remember that: "You find the best at PERRON‘S®. and & ARDEN SUPPLIES y SPECIAL SEEDS "A hungry woman, reducing too qaickly‘ on some diet of raw vegetâ€" ables and orange juiceâ€"is very likeâ€" ly to answer back so snappishly that she will find her husband giving her several yards of train ticket and the address of a good Nevada lawyer out of sheer selfâ€"defence." NEW YORK.â€"Dieting was blamed in part for divorces by George Recâ€" tor, noted chef and gourmet. Comâ€" menting at a dinner given in his honor that a friend noticed â€" that nearly everybody in Reno, Nev., the divorce capital, was thin, â€"Rector said: Says Dieting May Lead to Divorcs Remember that we have no forâ€" giveness from the Heavenly Father until we have forgiven the wrongs done to us.â€"Thomas B. Millizgan, in The Challenge. Remember that a wvrong to be forâ€" given must be considered a closed incidentâ€"must, in fact, be forgotten. Remember that there is probably some outstanding virtue in the perâ€" son who has injured us which more than offsets our injury. Remember that if we are strong, it is our duty to help the weak by being kind and tolerant. Remember that if no member of the family should ever forgive anâ€" other, the home would soon be brokâ€" en up. Remember that we have more than likely also injured those who have injured us. Remember that we should never be stricter with others than with ourselves. Here are seven rules that, if faichâ€" fuily put into practice, will hel» us acquire the highly commendable habit of doing to our homefolk "as we would be done by": It is interesting to observe that the Angloâ€"Saxon forgifan, from whence the English derivative forâ€" give comes, is formed of two words meaning for and to give. Hence to forgive a person really means to give for himâ€"that is, to give in his stead or to supply his lack. The secret of preserving the fullâ€" est measure of peace and good wil} among members of the family lies in a sort of mutual sharing of strength and. a reasonable distribuâ€" tion of the inequalities that must be borne. In short, the formula is forâ€" giveness. It is impossible for any group of peopleâ€"no matter â€"how good their intentions may beâ€"to bhave inâ€" timate contact from day to day for any great length of time without causing each other occasional inâ€" juries. This principleâ€"is â€"most copâ€" vincingly exemplified in the home, where members of the family must endure the injustices that arise from every individual weakness. Secret of Preserving Fullest Meaâ€" sure of Peace and Good Will in Family Life Offered Seven Rules For Home Good Wil Officials said such levies might be so devised as to retard imports but at the same time provide some new revenue. An increase in the present 10 per cent tax on dividends and inâ€" terest paid foreigners probably would be most effective in accomplishing this, it was said. Taxes on foreign investments here have been considered one method of reducing the imports, which repreâ€" sut inflows of foreign capital and which upset both domestic and interâ€" national economy. Word circulatedâ€" in some fiscal quarters that the problem of raising domestic revenue may be hitched in the treasury study with that of checkâ€" Ing huge gold imports. The treasury at Mr. Roosevelt‘s reâ€" quest is canvassing methods of stopâ€" ping loopholes in the tax structure. If present taxes cannot be made to eliâ€" minate revenue deficiencies, Mr. Roosevelt said in his budget message the treasury will suggest new levies to the 1938 session of Congress. Roper said that although business is 10 to 15 per cent over the same period last year, "we are still a long way from full production." With no major setback from Cwar abroad or other causes, he added, business may be expected to improve further. Secretary Rroper told his press conference the decline inâ€" revenues under Mr. Roosevelt‘s original foreâ€" casts may be "quite a temporary loss." On the other hand, any major interâ€" ruption in the present recovery rate probably would cut collections below President Roosevelt‘s alreadyâ€"redueâ€" ed estimates. Should present activity be stepped up, they said, it may speed the flow of tax revenues sufficiently to remove the necessity for additional levies. WASHINMTON, â€" Administration officials said last week the pace of business in the nest few months may show whether new taxes will be needâ€" ed. Revenues Lagging â€" Question of New Taxes Depends on Inâ€" come. U. S. Studying Business Pace â€"-_%.___