PAGE FOUR FIEâ€"WI QUALITY Fairy Soap o....................................................' for 25c Carnation Milk, 16 oz. tin .....................3 for 25c Rose Salmon, 1’5 tall o...............................? for 25c Comfort Soap o......,........................................? for 14c Sliced Pineapple o........................................? for 19e Fry's Cocoa . . . . . . Durham Cornstarch Falcon Peas . . . . . . G. M. Marmalade, 32oz..,..... Raspberry Jam, 320z........ Libby's Tomato Soup _...................:.........? for 13c Supreme Shortening o.............................? lbs. 27c Jtowntree's Cooking Chocolate, 1/2 ll/ .:....22c Gold Medal Floor Wax, I's _............."................) Bee Hive Sytup,2's o.............................................) TICKETS GOOD IN BAGGAGE Checked. Stopovers at Port Arthur, Armstrong, Chicago and west. Tickets, Sleeping Car reservations, and all information from any agent. ASK FOR HANDBILL Lumber of All Kinds - Shingles -- Millwork Building Materials ---- Insulation Materials Cement - Lime - Asphalt Shingles . Cedar Posts. DEPOT a CLARK STREETS EH Eastern 9.55 a.m. 6.40 p.m. Standard 7.15 a.m. 3.25 p.m. 2.20 p.m. 10.20 p.m. Time 11.55 p.m. 8.00 p.m. For Eggs Next Winter Feed Purina Growena. KANMACHER’S RESTAURANT, Grimsby, Phone 466 NORTH BAY MIDLAND ..r. To The Ratepayers of the Town of Grimsby: A DISCOUNT OF' 5% PER ANNUM WILL BE ALLOWED ON ANY PREPAYMENT (the whoreair part) OF 1937 TAXES. - Riirii7 COACH mugs CONSULT US IN REGARD TO THE HOME IMPROVEMENT PLAN - For Cheap' Pork, Feed Purina Pig Growena --.-- LEAVE GRIMSBY GOING DAILY-MAY 21-31 inclusive . COACHES at fares approximately lc per mile. . TOURIST SLEEPING CARS at fares approximately lyie per mile. . STANDARD SLEEPING CARS at fares approximately 1 360 per mile, COST OF ACCOMMODATION IN SLEEPING CARS ADDITIONAL MSBY PLAN V"""" '%eeiages1tigTfitij SAFE . DIRECT q ECONOMICAL ci-'siij'iiir-jiC--, i'jiiaji'-i From all Stations in Eastern Canada ATTRACTIVE ROUND TRIP FARES NOTICE WEEKEND SPECIALS TMP, Al BROS. ""lUf'"' (PHONE 5 - GRIMSBY GROCERIES LOW PRICES Tickets and Information At Return Limit, 45 days $13.50 OSHAWA "7.25 ORILLIA 21c 10c 10c Me 25c PostBran ...... L. Pork & Beans, yz's ......... Crown Tea, I's . . Kolna Coffee, I's Irvin Olmsted, 23 oz. . . . . ' S. C. Salmon, TAX COLLECTOR; 20 Depot Street. Bll FREE DELIVERY PHONE 27, GRIMSBY LEAVE TORONTO $4.05 $6.55 10c 15e 49e 29c 10c T233 The Grimsby Independent Established 1885 Member of Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association. R. L. Taylor, Publisher. C. S. Bean, Editor and Manager Issued Every Thursday from Office of publication Main and Oak Streets, Grimsby Telephone 36 Subscription -- $2.00 per year in Canada and $2.50 per year in United States, payable in advance. Mothers' Day and Coronation Sunday In St. John's Presbyterian Church The service at 11 a.m. will be in charge of the Sunday School and the Mothers' .Day program as issued to Sabbath Schools will be used. The address will be given by the minister, "Crown the Queen". All children bringing their parents to church will receive a beautiful Coronation medal. If accompanied by a grandparent a larger medal will be given. Grand Coronation Service at 7 p.m. Sermon subject. "Long Live the King." Arrangements have been made where- by the church is able to give a Bronze Coronation Medal to all adults who attend this service. This memento of the Coronation has the heads of the King and Queen on one side and the dates of the Birth, Marriage. Acces.. sion and Coronation of the King on the other. adults only, ESTEEMED CITIZENS LEAVE GRIMSBY-TO OPERATE _ TOURIST CAMP Grimsby lost two excellent citizens IastAveek when Frank E. and Mrs. Russ, left to take up residence in Purdy, Ont., where Mr. Russ has esta- blished a tourist and fishing camp. They will reside there permanently. Frank E. is a native born Grimsby- ite, being a, son of the late Henry E. Ru,ss, and a, grandson of the" late W4" liam Rugs, Ione of the pidneer families in _ North Grimsby. 'tus'." E." for a great number of years was actively engaged in the' mercantile and coh- struction life of the district. _ For many years he was engaged in concrete construction work and built the concrete tubular coal bins at the C.N.R. station, now owned by Ni- agara Packers. These tubular bins were the first of their kind erected in Canada, and led to similar contracts for Mr. Russ in Hamilton and other points throughout the province. _ -'., In later years- he was a member of Russ and Laing automobile sales agents and garage operators. For the past few years. Mr. Russ has been liv- ing retired: _ _ It is with regret that The L1depen- dent records the removal of Mr. and Mrs. Russ from the town, but joins with their many friends in wishing them every success in their new home. The right way is the only way. If you suffer from kidney trouble, treat them the right way. Flush them with (NOX) KIDNEY FLUSHERS. They wash the bluddgi, kidneys and urin- ary tract; at the same time the Wholejs made antiseptic. No more getting up at nights; swollen limbs g‘o down; rheumatism and that burn- ing sensation and backache is re- moved. There is only one (NOX) KIDNEY FLUSHERS, and each, pack- age contains one month's treatment. Price One Dollar at druggists or direct from the Nox Laboratories, Bay St., Toronto. Your kidneys will be regulated like a clock. NOX KIDNEY FLUSHERS act as 'a milé laxative, removing bile from the liver NOX KIDNEY FLUSHERS We Have Them MILLYARD’S DRUG STORE TEN ACRE FRUIT FARM-deep sand peach soil; 2 acres peaches; asparagus, grapes, sweet cherries and berries; 6 roomed frame cot.. tage, neat barn; creek through farm, close to St. Catharines. Price? $5,500 with $700 down. 22 ACRE FRUIT FARM-all sandy loam with 5 roamed home and good barn; 3 acres raspberries, rest open, good fruit land, low taxes. Price $3,800 with $1,000 down. Includes, tractor Implements, 1 horse. 50 ACRES MIXED FARM--8 acres set to peaches spring 1936; bank barn, new chicken housefor 500 chickens, house has 6 rooms. hardwood floors, 3-piece bath. Price $7,000. Terms arranged. 135 ACRES DAIRY FARN--includes team of horses, all cows, pigs, chickens and implements. Located 2 miles from St. Cathar- ines. Price $5,500, with $1,500 down. SEVERAL HUNDRED FAR'MS of all descriptions. Let us help you sell or exchange your farm for what you require. G. BRISSON FARM AGENCY Name one. Norway Street, Boston. Massachusetts Please enter my subscription to The Christian Science Monitor tor aperiod pt, A ‘_ .,. - _ _-- '1 year $9.00 6 months $4.50 3 months $2.25 1 month 75e Wednesday Issue, Including Magazine Section: 1 year $2.60. 6 issues Me Address These will be given to all It records for you the world's clean. constructive doings. The Monitor does not exploit crime or sensation; neither does it Ignore them. but deals correctively with them. Features tor busy men and all the family. including the Weekly Magazine Section. The Christian Science Publishing Society THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR 136 Church St., St. Catharines, Phone 2479 THE WORLD'S GOOD NEWS will come' to your home every day through An International Daily Newspaper Sample Copy on Request THE GRIMSBY INDEPENDENT A half holiday was observed on Wednesday by grocery, hardware, meat and shoe stores and they will continue to do so until September. A free showing of a talking picture on the Manufacture of General Motors cars will be presented at the Grimsby Garage this Friday evening. The traffic light at the corner of Main and Depot Streets was turned on for the summer season on Saturday last. The light, however, will not 0p- erate on Sundays or holidays. The fire department made a run to the home of Frank Durham, Murray Street, on Monday evening about nine o'clock to extinguish a brush fire which had got out of control. The 1-tepayers' Association meet- ing of.May 7, at which Mr. Fry was to speak, has been postponed owing to The Blossom Time Festival which is being held in Trinity Hall on that date. _ The Young Peoples Union of Trini- ty United Church will hold its con- cluding meeting of the season and an- nual election of officers on Monday evening next . The meeting will take the form of a coronation banquet at which the guest speaker will be Mr. Walter McRaye. _ Lloyd Yeager, Nelles Road, sustain- ed painful inJuries_on Monday during spraying operations. Believing he was clear of the moving machine, Mr. Yeager in reaching up on the spray tank from the ground; came in con- tact with the wheel, and was knocked to the ground, the wheel passing over his ankle. Although badly cut and bruised Mr. Yeager fortunately escap- ed without any serious injury. I V Members of the Westminster Club assisted in the Young People's Service held in M. John’s Presbyterian church on Sunday evening last when a large number of club members and friends were present. Those taking part were May Crittenden, Phyllis Dunham, Mil- dred Eickmeier, Marie Adams, Mrs. G. Orr, John Ryan and Wallace. Smith. The minister, Rev. I. B. Kaine gave a splendid talk on "shoulderinir One's Own Responsibilities.†Matinee 'MORE THAN A SECRETARY' “THE BE LOVED VAGABOND" Local Items of Interest Wednesday - Thursday, May 12 - 13 Monday - Tuesday, May 10 - 11 Mt8NItE'r-- THEATRE Henry Fonda, Pat Patterson "Song Hits On Parade" "In Old Wyoming" "Grampy's Indoor Outing" Friday - Saturday, May 7 .. 8 Jean Arthur, George Brent "Fox Movietone News" "Dizzy Doctors" "Screen Snapshots" " SPENDTHRIFT" - Saturday at 2.30 pm. Maurice Chevalier "Sailor Maid" "Borr Bon Parade" "Hpld 'Em Cowboy" The Literary meeting of Lincoln Loyalist Chapter, I.O.D.E. will be held next Monday evening at eight o'clock in the Chapter room. The program will open with the singing of O Canada, after which Mr. P. v. Smith, the High School Principal, will speak on the subject "Coronation." A read- ing by Miss B. Adams and music will be interesting additions to the pro- gram. Citizens generally are extend- ed a cordial invitation to attend. Be sure to hear Miss Evelyn Mit- chell speak in Trinity Hall on Thurs- day, May 13th at a joint meeting of the W. M. S. Afternoon and Evening Auxiliaries. Miss Mitchell is Field Secretary of the W.M.S. and is an ex- ceptionally fine and interesting speak- er; The meeting is called for 8 p.m. and everyone is cordially invitedP! ab. tend. T The Grimsby Blossom Time Music Festival Chorus is giving its annual concerts in Trinity Hall on Thursday and Friday evenings of this week with about 250 participating school children from the town and district. The pro-' gram will include Coronation numbers and promises to attract the usual large audiences. " The Home and School club held its regular meeting last week. Mrs. P. Shuker had charge of the meeting. The O.E.A. delegates, Mrs. H. Sturch and Mrs. G. Gliddon, gave theirre- ports and Mrs. W. L. Taylor gave a talk. 16 Main Street East, Grimsby All corn growers, whether on the farm or elsewhere are hére- by notified that all corn stubble or other corn remnants, no mat- ter wherzrthey may be, must either be plowed urideieompletpr ly or else gathered and burned before May 20th, and that fail- ure to do so leaves the Offender liable to prosecution, or to hhv, ing to pay the cost of sending men in to do the work. Notice Re Corn Borer Quick Quaker Smyrna FIGS OATS Ls. Pkg. 21: King Oscar Norwegian Kkovah Health SARDiNES Tin 13c SALTS 2 2 in 1 Shoe For Dish Washing QXYDOL Ls Calay Toilet POLISH Pearl or P & G SOAP SOAP tr6 L L _ _ " V _ . .1; c,. Pr C Tr c', _ v i-"gfy-Q‘â€; . A'irfrrofy,'s" c, (â€Â£17133 _ _ _ v" _ C jf-si, J. 'i ', 45 an; ,, a“ L:..,=.n l _ g C ( T 1 _ 'r. f?" if J v", ::,- . t" C) \ T" 3; si' it, f 'yt -"r- -. " "r'y '. 'i',' "', "ra e? cr:. Yi';, - , ', ; , / 1 2:4“ _ _ oi-.-, 'd, ' -', tr ' a/sc/P'; , ' -.' 'mi‘w" 's"ici'rt,1tiii'is'j': ', F . T'-: A "ri, .5 â€if rr.' _ L "'1; T" '. ‘U' : _ ," W WARNING VINEMOUNT Provincial Entomologist. Inspector, S. J. SMITH. Bet East, Grimsby _ Telephone 174 FREE DELIVERY TO CUSTOMERS WISHING AN ORDER JUICE Cake Bu L. CAESAR, fl Lbs. 9c Tins 35c Pkg. 21c in 12c 9c 4c 5c LimglLiive the KING!, tts, Ayhner Sweet Aylmer Choice TOMATOES Aylmer Choice Ontario WHITE CORN PEACHES Christie's Coconut Taffy Crinkle BiSCUITS McLaren's Assorted JELLY P Aylmer Red Cuthbert RASPBERRIES Carroll’s Own Baking Catarac Dry Ginger ALE POWDER FRUIT GROWERS, ATTENTION ! As we are nearing the end of our Spring deliveries of Nursery Stock we find that we have a few thousand fruit trees and small fruits left in many varieties of Peaches, Plums, Pears, Apples, Cherries, Grapes, Currants, etc. Also Ornamental Trees, Eyergreens, Shrubs, Perennials, Roses, etc. If interested in Nursery Stock we would be pleased to have you call or phone 234W. Special CHOICE ROLLED FILLETS VEAL-. FRESH SHOULDER PORK--- OUR OWN MAKE PORK SAUSAGE-- BUTTER-- First Grade Creamery. Butter ..__..rr_V_._r..._..P.._..__ We Deliver The GROWERS COLD STORAGE & ICE Co. 18 Livingston - 14° gig-1:; CreamerrButter-------, 2 Fbs. 4T B00LTER'S MEAT MARKET Beamsville, Ontario Nurseries: Ontario Street, 1/2 mile north of ONE. Station, on the lake front. No. tty, Tin lflc 131/2-01. Tin 15c GOOD MEATS AT LOW PRICES 17-01. Tin 16.oz. _ Tin I , 4 lt,t 48c Gle,'d There's, modern beauty jn the new 1937 Barnet Air-Conditioned Ice Refrigerators. Gracefully pa'nelled fronts. -., smoothly round- ed corners ... beautifully and permanently finished in high-bake Cilux. owders Large Packages Pound C. H. PRUDHOMME & SON --- SEE THEM AT .._.-- Sliced or Halved 23c 15c 10c 17c 9c Plus China Tea Pot _ FR E E With Every Pound Package of Linon's TEA Mb. Pkg. 53c Aylmer Sieve 4 Our Own Peanut Aylmer Tomato PEAS BUTTER Pound 13c Kraft, Velvecta, Old English Tender Paterson's Sada BJSCUITS Victory Sweet PICKLES 2Tor, Jar 23c Clover Leaf Sockeye McLaven's Stuffed OLIVES T Flaked TUNA 2 Tins 25c Our Dundee CHEESE Id SALMON "it," 18c PRUNES 3 Lbs. 25c E. D, Smith's Pure Jam DAMSON 'tp TEA Thursday, May 6th, 1937, 1-Ib. Pkg. 39c 2 Lbs. 25° -01 1-Ib- Pkg. 16c ox. Jar 12c 15-0: 3&3." 15c V2rlb, LIMITED in Phone 305 Phone 24 25c 8c