Grimsby Independent, 9 Jan 1935, p. 7

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A tie that binds lngland and her farâ€"flung possessions is here in the making as Lord London berry, British Air â€" Minister, inaugurates first England to Australia airmail service in Croydon Aero drome. He is shown speaking just before first plane took off on longest airmail route in the world. A charming "At Home" portrait of Lady Child, wife of Sir John Child, Baronet, Coldstream Guards, a former Aideâ€"deâ€"Camp to Lord Bessborough, Governorâ€"General of Canada, with her infant daughter, Deirdre Kathleen, who was christened recently at the. Royal Military Chapel, Wellington Barracks. Lady Child was formerly Miss shicla 1\l\glathewson, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mathewson, of ontreal. 4 Beauty flowed from the brush of Jac visit to Chicago. Mailman is shown trud under a canopy formed by delicate traces Lady Child Turns City Into Fairyland . and An Historical Moment of Jack Frost on his most recent trudging his way through snow traces on trees above. Infant Daughter Since this seems to be .a statistical column this week, v well finish it with a happy record. i _ So far this year Toronto has established a record as far eria is concerned, not one death in the city having resulted disease. . sulted ~ Alarm concerning the large sis a few months ago has now b having been reported since Nove Let us now Toronto‘s traffic casualties dents have caused 63 deaths. Total traffic accidents cluding street cars, bicycles, wagons have numbered trians injured (including those killed) numbered 3,C or drivers of vehicles injured (including those fatall bered 1,07 2. § Looking at this appal campaign would not be an Fifth Avenue tallors got together last week and made a list of the country‘s best dressed men. They are W. Goadby Loew, T. Marâ€" koe Robrtson, Walter Dorwin Teague and Hunter S. Marston, of New York; E. T. Stotesbury and Anthony Drexel Biddle, of Philadelâ€" phia; I. Newton Perry, of Chicago, Claude K. Boettcher, of Denver; Lewis Stone, of Hollywood ; and Alfred P. Sloan, of Detroit. The marital difficulties of Rudy Vallee and Faye Webb kept the wires humming almost as much as those of Mary Pickford and Doug Fairbanks, who did not reach the expected reconciliation. Mary‘s diâ€" vorce action still is on file. _ _Jean Harlow married Hal Rosson in September, 1933, anâ€" nounced the rift in May, and her suit for divorce now is awaiting hearing. Elissa Landi filed for divorce from John Cecil Lawrence in May and did nothing more about it, but in November he filed against her in London and Elissa now promises quick action on her own score. Six couples names are listed on both sides of the contest, repâ€" resenting both sides of the contest, representing unions that failed to last the year out. Marjorie Crawford Wellman heroine of the ‘kidnap element‘ episode which ended in her marriage to the man she acâ€" cused, stayed wed to R. C. "Danny‘" Dowling only a month before she got a divorce. & Sara Clark married Eddie Buzzell August 11, and had a decree October 18. Donald Cook and Maxine Lewis, Cary Grant and Virâ€" ginia Cherrill, married and were in court before the year ended. Harâ€" ry Clay Mount Jr, and Viola Louie eloped and parted with annulment pending. June Knight sued Paul Ames for divorce within two weeks. Latest Hollywood reports on marriage and divorce show the record running "neck and neck" as it were. Dan Cupid is leading by a nose. The score stands today: Marriage 52; Divorces, Separations other forms of matrimonial wreckage, 51. Strictly speaking, Danny is ahead of his enemy by more than a couple of noses, for about a dozen of the blows dealt him this year rally had their beginning in 1933 or earlier. Ronald Colman and Thelma Ray, for instance, had been separated for ten years, but only this year did she get a decree. And Charles Ray and Clara Grant Ray, parted in 1932, only now have it in the courts. M“Mommz In November, out of 101 1934‘s BEST DESSED MEN A CHEERFUL RECORD MORE STASTISTICS DAN CUPID AHEAD alling list amiss for w been a ovember Ccases number it is quite evide both pedestrians allayed completely not r 5th, of scarlet fever At the left is Doc Rhommes, recently returned to the Hawks fold to add forward strength to the pack that is making hockey history again. In the centre is Howie Morenz in a characteristic pose. At the right is the little dynamo, Mush Marsh, who boasts one of the hardest shots despite his poundage. He is also one of the fastest skaters in the game. | §§§§§f§g§j:55:_f£§5§':’.515_::'_{.'55:WsE§:§5§f‘:§§§_5§§§§§5§:'_53;'5§§§§§§5§5§5§E§5§§§§:;':5fi;§§:5:¢5:f:§5.53?3§:'§ Pann io ie eien en on on dhon . Peneret \ e :W';.J:I-:;:Y:_:zz;:;:5:;::;t;:;:,:_:;:t:r;:_::.;:-:-:»': HBOR eSR ce :-:»:-:.:-':f;:;'-:-;.-:-::;)%, ht n e se & 2‘ ho t fi’ â€" t t y . 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Cw . 5 c ow tss s oo yialre. mt stt a ~;<-:::-::1::-:::;:::::;::k::::.'g:::\j-;i:;:f:g,j;;:g ma 3 3:E:J;E:Erief:E:';:g:}:;:}:;:;;;:5:;-;'::;1 â€" hareee 8 f "'fu w# l0 s t $ o n â€"§k s onl o. a s Mon.:. 20 :1'».='§:<117'¢i'>1}'61'(-‘ voae e A _..ccm: c orse _ qo mss _ aice 240 ..:1:'35-4'.,7:"':3"'1517:'5i!iiféii‘\. 5:3:?:5:5:5:2:5:5555;5:{;5:5:5:5'5:5:;:‘:}:-;."‘~' te: a ‘&M e s Cw wl o. c.~ yeu â€" ~ialke Ne c â€" o $ Boooen . 2 e o to â€" ho Snd l ut ie ""_ _ *‘ a 0e i2 k : & n 92e ty sc *< * n _ ie lt ce Students Help Hospital Marries Lord SYDNEY, New South Walesâ€"Of all the addresses which the Duke of Gloucester has delivered to the peoâ€" ple of Australia during his triumâ€" phal tour, one of the most inspiring was given at Canberra to children of the Federal Capital Territory, He spke on the value of partnership, friendship, unselfishness and sportsâ€" manshipâ€"the qualities of accepting the umpire‘s decision without quesâ€" tion and of giving an opponent the credit of having done his best. "You know well enough," said the Duke, "that our Empire is a great partnership of peoples. What does partnership mean? It just means doâ€" ing things together, and when you come to. think of home life and school life, of games and lessons, or later of business, there are very few things which we can do alone. It is by doing things in company with others that we form friendships, and, believe me, friendship is one of the greatest blessings in life." Miss Stark is the first woman to be awarded the medal. It was conâ€" ferred on her in recognition ofâ€" her journeys of exploration in Persia. Last year she was honored by the Royal Geographical Society for her pioneer visit to Persiaâ€"during which she discovered a stronghold of the ancient secret society of the Assasâ€" sins, a Mohammedan sect. She conâ€" firmed the tales of murder by the Assassins‘ rulers which the Crusadâ€" ers brought back with them. The sect gave the word "assassin‘" to the English language. Individual steamed in should be co which has b ed. Any goc butter may Duke Tells Children Value of Friendship If you haven‘t a vise one. Put a m sidedown in the be with a closeâ€"fitting tightly covered mo dish and pour in | within 1% inches o molds. Cover kettle ing care that the boil hard. The â€" Burton. Memurial â€" Medal, ‘awarded triennially by the Royal Asiatiec Society for the most outâ€" standing achievement in the field of exploration and travel in Asia, was presented to Miss Freya/Stark at a meeting of the society in London. Lord Lloyd made the presentation. Mix suet and crumbs. Mix and sift flour, salt, soda and spices. Add lemon juice to molasses and combine all ingredients. Stir well to insure thorough mixing. Turn into a wellâ€"greased, closely covered mold and steanm three hours. Serve with lemon juice and a garnish of hard sauce. : nc 4 First One cup finely chopped suet, f cups stale bread crumbs, 1 cup molasses, 1 cup seeded and choppec raisins, 1 cup cleaned currants, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon soda, 1 teaspoon each cloves, cinnamon, nutâ€" meg, % cup flour, 2 _ tablespoons lemon. juice. j If there are to be children at the dinner, the _ plainet . ht plum ‘pudding the better. Here is # special one: Remove rind and all bits of lean meat from fat pork. Chop very fine and put into large mixing bowl. Pour over boiling water, mix thoroughly and let stand until cool. The hot water will melt most of the fat. Add sugar and molasses. _ Mix prepared fruit and sift over one cup of flour. Mix well. Mix and sift remaining flour with spices, soda and â€" baking powder. . Add flour and prepared fruit to first mixture with nuts. Stir until thoroughly blended and add coffee and vanilla. â€"Turn into pre pared pans and steam two hours Bake 40 minutes in a slow oven. One pound fat salt pork, 2 cups boiling water, 2 cups light brown sugar, 14 cups molasses, 1 <whole nutmeg grated,â€"2 tablespoonsâ€" cinnaâ€" mon, 1 tablespoon cloves, 1 pound seeded raisins, 1 pound currants, 1 pound dates, % pound wcitron, & pound candied cherries (optional), 2 cups chopped nut meats, 4 tableâ€" spoons strong cold coffee infusion, 4 teaspoons baking powder, % teaâ€" spoon soda, 8 cups flour, 1 tableâ€" spoon vanilla. § A fruit cake you can make withâ€" out eggs ought to smooth the rufâ€" fled budget a bit. Moreover,â€" this particular eggless recipe, with its generous allotment of fruit and nuts, makes one of the finestâ€"tastâ€" ing fruit cakes ever. baked. Fat salt pork, believe it or not, is used for shortening and after your family has applauded itself hoarse about this cake, you‘ll have more respect for pork fat, I hope! Here‘s the recipe for the fruit cake: CHILDREN‘S PLUM PUDDING Pork Cake Appeals To All Woman ! Be Given may wWATER MELTS FAT ual puddings in molds wi covered with s been, well oi good cooking be olds â€" without.© ‘ed with heavy a . well oiled. and cooking oil or :1 used for oiling molds on n boiling s of the : Explorer i Burton which t Medal covers muslin flourâ€" melted eggless are

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