Grimsby Independent, 2 May 1934, p. 4

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llllllll _.dtlill,,!) & TTI) _jtt,,4ll Illllilllllll Fs' an, m..-“ .-----’- ...._- 1m____, a a 7, “E .0. v0-0‘(x-(y‘_::-o-o¢-()-n-()-o_-<)qym).0.o-(I.o.0.o.o.o-o.o-<O§ . T - o:o;-o.o.o-o-o-o-<_o.o.o.u 1233, Owner 'frsret_, __ - The Buyer Saves SNOWFLAKE AMMONIA . . . . . SOCKEYE SALMON, 1’s l . . . . . GOLDEN-SPRAY CHEESE . . . . HEREFORD CORN BEEF . . . . SUNKIST ORANGES, . . . . ' . . per doz. I GOLD MEDAL PEANUT BUTTER; ’26 OZ GOLD MEDAL PLUM JAM, 40 oz. . . . . . . for Immediate Delivery, Orders may be left and Chicks Called for at THEAL BROS., (Red & White Store). CHOCOLATE MARStTMALLOW'trKE .... : aORTO BILLO SANDWICH BISCUITS ..... "T)/bWHITFC0FFEE ....,..........p.... I & WHITE ORANGE PEKOE TEA, " lb. T AWE’S T"'""'-:'","",'",::",":"'",-.,,'"'""'"-, FT VAX . I LUX SOAP i Sho KIPPERED SNACKS I malignant FALCON TOMATOES, 2%'s LIBBY'S TOMATO JUICE . The NATURELLE CROQUIGNOLE WAVE is one of the Smartest Waves of the season, lending new emphasis to the phrase --"well groomed". We should like to serve YOU too. t SELECT. COBBLERS Grade 1 $2.35 bag Notice is' hereby given that the list of lands liable to be sold for arrears of taxes or rates in the Township of North Grimsby has been prepared and is being published in an advertisement in the Ontario Gazette upon the 10th, 17th and 24th of February and the 3rd. of March, 1934. In default of payment of taxes as shown on such list on or before Saturday, the twelfth day of May, 1934, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, I shall, after said time at the Council Chambers in Grimsby, proceed to sell by Public Auction, the said lands or such portion thereof as shall be necessary to pay such ar- rears together with the charges thereon. The copy of said list may be seen at the Treasurer's Office. Dated at North Grimsby this 5th day of February, 1934. THOMAS W. ALLAN, Treasurer. 5:22;: THEAL BROS. 1'ltil"dli,1s PHONE 'W' FOR SEILVICE AND QUALITY _ PHONE 70 FLEMING FARMS , BEAUTY SERVICE . ---e. I F. 3439 Treasurer’s Sale of Lands for Taxes Township of North Grimsby, County of Lincoln. 5c ROSEMARIE Beauty Shoppe Started Chicks BA-BY CHICKS _KANMACHER'S RESTAURANT - plume 2166 OTTAWA $12.60 KINGSTON $10.70 OSHAWA $4.15 BARRIE $5.75 (Subject to change without notice) Tickets, Timetables and All Coach Travel Information at Typical Low Return Fares between Grimsby and For Appointment Phone 516 Ayl. BLUEBERRIES . COMFORT SOAP WWI” trunlels _ "CWS' "se . . ii“ . new not e tedious jougneys No. 1 ONIONS 5 lb. 14c 2 for Me 5 bars 18e 3 for,2le and per doz. 28c, 33c, & 45e BEAMSVILLE New Brunswick b" >0.0.¢_l).().0.l_0‘ "f ...3for25c ... 5for25c No. 1 $1.59 per bag POTATOES 1‘14 L) b'b'U Shortening Ile lb, KOLONA COFFEE 29e lb, .2for .2for 2 lbs. 29e 2 lbs. 29c .. 37e lb. . . f. 28c 4 for tii] Mrs. Foot Trouble and Misery left town since Cress Corn and Bunion Salves are sold by Dymond Drug Store Main St., Grimsby. I Horticulturists Attention. If you are not affiliated with the Grimsby Horticultural Society, join now, and help to beautify Grimsby and district. One dollar per year will bring you 12 months of the best gardening publica- tion in Canada," Canadian Horticul- ture and Home Magazine" also prems iums free of your own choosing. You will enjoy the meetings and the mu- tual assistance in your gardening pro- blems. New members joining by May 10th will receive also packets of seeds from a p'rize garden.' Phone 180, the Secretary W. E. Cullingford, for en- rollment. On Tuesday morning the stop light on Main Street at Depot was turned on for the summer. months. Signs warning motorists of the stop light ahead have been placed east and west of the light so that there should be no excuse for drivers passing through town against the light. The I. O. D. E. Bridge Club will play in a tournament with Beamsville at the club rooms on Monday evening, May 7th, at 8 o’clock. Tight tables from Beamsville and eight from Grimsby are participating. The re- turn game will be at Beamsville on Friday, May 11th. Will the women of St. Andrew’s Church please remember to send in on Friday evening or Saturday morn- ing any donations they have for the W. A. Rummage Sale to the store formerly occupied by Bromley, Met- calfe and Cloughley. The Grimsby Women's Christian Temperance Union held their an- nual meeting in Trinity Hall at 3 o'clock on Wednesday when election of officers took place and plans for the county convention to be held in June were discussed. Dr. H. V. Renshaw, who has taken over the practise of the late Dr. J. R. Smith, is a graduate of the University of Toronto and for the past two years has been on the resident staff of the Hamilton General Hospital. With the arrival of warm weather the past few days, motor traffic shows considerable increase on the highway, the traffic on Sunday being the heav- iest for several months. Other local news items will be found on page two, including_results of re- cent County Music Festival and Coun- ty Council proceedings. Beamsville Several Mares and Geldings, twelve to fourteen hundred, Prices $55.00 to $130.00 PETER EDMOND Local Items of Interest THE INDEPENDENT, GRIMSBY, ONTARIO, llilllfEil, HIHSES! Written Guarantee given, Rhone 11-r-5 Notice is hereby given that a, by- law was passed Mint/her Municipal Council of the Town of Grimsby on the 23rd day of January, 1934 and amend- ed on the 14th day of March, 1934, providing for the issue of debentures to the amount of $37,000.00 for'the purpose of consolidating certain debts, and that such by-law and the amend- ment thereto were registered in the Registry Office of the Registry Diy- ision of the County of Lincoln on the 12th day of April, 1934. Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within three months after the first publica- tion of this notice, and cannot be made thereafter. _ C Dated the 14th day of April, 1934. G. G. BOURNE, FOR RENT - Six-roamed Houses on" Elm Street, immediate possession. Apply 23 Mountain Street. 3tc TO RENT - 3 roamed cottage, elec- tric lights, top of Grimsby Moun- tain. Apply J. M. Hilts, Phone 368 ' 1tc FOR SALE - McCormick Deering 3 h. p. Gasoline Engine also Mc- Clary Electric Stove._For quick sale, Telephone 538, Grimey. 2tc To RENT - A Six Room Modern home with bath, hardwood floors, Chestnut trim, fireplace, wired for electric range. Apply 85 Ontario St. Grimsby, Phone 94. 3te Try the Classified Column of The Independent. You Will get results. THE RELIABLE GARAGE, Auto Wreckers have for sale various used parts for all makes of cars. Also Cities Service Gas and Oils and Goodrich Tires. J., Slade, Prop., Phone 95. Ste PEACH TREES, Leading Varieties. A few hundred left. See at once about your grafting. Give me your ord- er for Stock Yard Manure for sum- mer and fall delivery. David Fisher. 3tp STRAWBERRY PLANTS For Sale- FOR SALE - Gladioli Bulbs, Ama- teur's surplus. Treated for Thrips, supply limited. Apply G. Kanmacher 14 Kidd Ave., Phone 530. 3tc FOR SALE - Good Seed Oats and FOR SALE - A good bull calf cheap 2 weeks old. Apply John Gerber, 49 Ontario St. 1tp NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF BY-LAW. MOORE’S THEATRE [illltl1ll RURAL tll, Wednesday Thursday, May 9, “MY LIPS BETRAY" Lilian rharyey, John Boles Greenhouge soil Early Cabbage Plants. Sweet and Hot Peppers Cinders. ’ CaulifloWer Tomato Plants Complete Supply of Bedding Plants. T MOTHERS DAY is only a few weeks distant. Come to us for your-Floral Gifts. FUNERAL and WEDDING DESIGNS A SPECIALTY Mbnday; Tuesday, May 7, 8 T “BLOOD MONEY" - George Bancroft, Francis Dee "Mickey Mouse" , “Merrily Yours" “Slow Poke" good Lucerne Seed, also Baled Straw. Apply Joe Moffatt, Grassies, Phone Winona 52-r-12. 1tp Premier $6.00 per 1000 and Parsons Beauty $5.00 per 1000. Vigorous plants, well rooted, H. O. Squire, Waterford, Ontario. 4tcApr. 25 'llMI (lf (MlSl7 Friday, Saturday, May 4, 5 Joe E. Brown "Around The Clock" "Movie Memories" "Boscoe The Sheepherder" FOR SALE "Fox Movieibne News' '/Miuion Dollar Melody: "SON OF A SAILOR" ADVERTISE YOUR WANTS Phone 101-r-2 FOR RENT FOR SALE LIMITED 'ttt Clerk 10 16 MAIN STREET, EAST, GRIMSBY PHONE 174 FREE DELIVERY To CUSTOMERS WISHING AN ORDER LOST - Old Coins on a ring, valued as keepsake. Reward, Independent Office. ltp FRED a HARLEY, 36 St. Paul St.. St. Catharines- Vpho1gtering, Fur- niture Repairing and Refinishing. We are in Grimsby and surrounding district every week. Estimates and trucking free. Phone St. Catharines 774. tte MEN WANTED for Rawleigh Routes of 800 families in Grimsby and our. er places. Reliable hustler should start earning $25.00 weekly and in- crease rapidly. Write immediately. Rawleigh Co., Dept. CN-MI-S., Montreal, Canada. 2tp,Apr.18 May 2 WANTED --Refined Lady for Grims- by and vicinity. Splendid opportun- ity for ambitious person. Apply Box 1, Independent Office, Grimsby. ltp MEN WANTED for Rawleigh Routes of 800 families in Grimsby and oth- er places. Reliable hustler should start earning $25 weekly and in- crease rapidly. Write immediately Rawleigh Co., Dept. CN 231-S., Montreal, Canada. 2tp WANTED - Used Small Tractor, FOR RENT - Mansion Apartments, 56 Main Street West, modern 2 and 3 room apartments and bath, heat and water. Rents reasonable. Also 3 garages. Apply Pettit and Whyte, Phone 40, Grimsby. tfc For printing of all kinds try The Independent. good condition. Apply 61 Robinson St. S. 1tp Residents of G exchange will t 5:11:55, 15 Phone "e-'-'""'""'""-----'-.--' Store Your “3532-515? .EEFiia" $3??? Eiaiiiim @3353 BI, g, gm. ”“ Carroll's WATER 4% if dihfihNiyNili I E Il8llc' Working GLASS fs'l 7 ENE tiiiNim TRiiPig%iiqiF I !Rillh Cleanser tin 14: _66"-"_7tT'V" A_6wt_ l", ___-_, b” "M =1?" "hHHrH8FFi% MHIWEWEm mugggg‘IerED n Se BOWCOCK, MORGAN tif Co. Pie Plate - FREE! With Each Purchase of 0lr?fit.l_ll,llls " Specialists iii WANTED CRISCO 1.15. tin BAKING POWDER Carroll’s Pure Aluminum of Grimsby by Telephoning 31,000 (Thirty-one Thousand) through your lo will be immediately connected by direct wire with our St. Catharines Offi NO CHARGE -- NO OBLIGATION - ta, Me _ANN (9 UN CE _ A New' Seawice For (7heiiarna1hr, Otttiltaanht, ain Complete Board MORLEY GAIN 'omatoes Golden Th, TE A Del Maiz Cream Aylmer Choice Members Toronto Stock Exchange CORN lb. 65e No. 2% tins No. 2 tins Carroll's Please put all garbage between the sidewalk and the curb, as the town team will not go on private property to collect garbage. All wet garbage must be wrapped in paper and put in standard size garbage cans with cover Main St. W. from Gibson Ave., East side of Kerman Ave., Livingston Ave., Kidd Ave., Bolton Ave., St. An... drew's Ave., Nelles Blvd., Murray St., Paton St., Lincoln Ave. Main Street from Gibson Ave. East to Town Limits, Robinson St. South, Maple Ave., Lake St., Depot St., On- tario St., Robinson St. N., John St., Clarke St. Mountain St. Oak St., Elm St., Gibson Ave., Elizabeth St., Ade- laide St., Victoria Ave. 2- ' WEEKLY GARBAGE BULLEBT TELEPHONE 63 29c Me BY ORDER OF THE TOWN COUNCIL wishes to announce that he has taken over the office and practise of the late Dr. J. R. Smith at Main and Paton Sts., Grimsby. Room Ifa Manager Dr. H, V. Renshau: PEACHES C 0 " tit Carroll’s Ecogomy Fresh BEANS Burford Ontario lb. 25c 'ttis', Me $533 25e ae cilities TUESDAYS THURSDAYS -Wif'e tRryuLIasswu 160 St, Paul St., St. Catharines MIMI TED WEDNESDAY, MAY 2nd., 1934. HAWES’ A grocery service time. honored, time. . t e s t e d. Since 1894 we have sup- plied the finest to Ontario families. A record built on the firm foundation of consistent value-giving- always the highest possible quality at the lowest pos- sible prices. You too must share the benefits derived from shopping at Carroll's. Take full ad- vantage of the solid value bargains we present this week. A x As for Ir.h. tin SOAP cakes Floor W, 40 Years 43t OFFICE HOURS 9-10 a.m. 1- 3 p.m. T- 8 p.m. Carroll’s Own Rapid Working 25c [HE

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