Grimsby Independent, 13 Dec 1933, p. 4

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Port Colborne board of councillors of the past year were given another term by acclamation when the quality- ing hour rolled around Tuesday night. An acclamation was also accorded Reeve C. E. Steele, while the retiring members of the board of education were also returned. There will be a contest, however, for the office of maygr, deputy-reeve and hydro com- iatiitt6iier. T igTcif lil m 13R It)),rl PT. COLBORNE COUNCILLORS GET AN ACCLAMATION CONTEST FOR MAYOR Tfil VANILLA EXTRACT, 8 oz. ... BE DRAINED CHERRIES ........ lift WHOLE MIXED NUTS ....... BE CANDIED LEMON PEEL .... BE CANDIED ORANGE PEEL ... Mg aANmEn CTTRON PEEL .... g5" SHELLED ALMONDS BE SHELLED WALNUTS FITTED DATES ..... S? GRAPEFRUIT ....... al,lifji, NAVEL ORANGES ... The Owner Serves We Deliver Daily VI-TONE, 16 oz. tin ............. MAGIC BAKING POWDER, 16 oz. . . LILY CHICKEN HADDIE . . . . . . . . . GLACIER SARDINES ............ We Deliver. FIVE ROSES FLOUR, 24 lb. bag . . . FEATURING HOME DRESSED MEATS BEEF Round Steak, 2 lbs. . . . 25c Round Bone or Blade Roast,lb. ........ Sirloin Steak Tender, lb 15e Chuck Roast, lb. . . . . . Fresh Beet Liver, lb. . . 10c Fresh or Pickled Ox Tongues, not too large and heavy, lb. ...... 15e Choice Mincement, 21bs. I........ Choice Roasting Chickens any weight desired, lb. 19e Calves Liver, lb. . . . . . . Me PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR FRESH Dressed Ontarie Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, and Chickens HOME DRESSED BABY FLUFFO SHORTENING 12c Lb. BOULTER’S MEAT MARKET ..... 25c PHONE 24 .8c 10e Try the Classified Column of The Independent. You will get results. Every page of this issue contains Christmas Gift Suggestions. Be sure to read the announcements of 'the 'Merchants who are offering extra va- lues at this time. Here's a chance to buy a good ra- dio for Christmas. An 8 tube Sparton, 2 loud speakers. Regular price $129.- 50. Cash price, no trade ins, $77.00. Vernon Tuck. The Commencement Exercises at the High School will be held on Fri- day evening when a splendid program will be presented. T Young and Tender Fresh Pic Hams, . . . It Boston Butts, 1b. . . . . . 12c Fresh Hams, half or whole, lb. ... ... Meaty Spare Ribs, lb. . . . . . . . 10c Our Own Make Pure Pork Sausage, 2 lbs. . . . Me Our Finest Sugar Cured Side Bacon, sliced, 1b. 19e Choice Peameal Bacon by the piece, lb. . . . . 19c Loin Roasts of Pork, lb. ble Oak Brand Butter always Fresh,. 2 lbs. 47c HOME DRESSED PORK We Buy Your Live Stock ... 14c lb. 9e The annual Christmas Concert of the Sunday School of Trinity United Church will be held on Wednesday, December 20th. Featuring a varied program will be, "The Shepherds of the King" to be given in song and story and '"A Christmas Dream." The Grimsby Lodge, I.0.0.F. No. 369, held a very successful dance Wednesday last, Nels Jacobs and his orchestra providing the music. A large number attended. "Anseo" and "Keystone" Toiletware made in Canada. Additional pieces for sets are quickly procurable. Brush, comb and mirror in case $7.50 at Vernon Tuck's. Miss Chester is offering a Special Price on Liquid Veneer and O'Cedar Polish, 50c size for 40c and 25c size for 20c. Attention is directed to the essay contest for children to be held by The Grimsby Dairy, particulars of which will be found in their announcement on page 7. Men's Signet Rings in solid gold, as low as $5.00. Prices on gold goods are constantly rising. Buy now. Ver- non Tuck, open evenings until Christ- mas. The Grimsby Public Library Board held its December meeting on Thurs- day last when routine business was transacted. Recently a list of new books was ordered some of which have arrived and are now on the shelves. The regular quarterly communion was held in Trinity United Church on Sunday morning, a large number at.. tending. The minister, Rev. Mr. Ear- chman, announced at the service that the following had been received into the membership of the church: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Nevins, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pizer, Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth T. Griffith and Mr. and Mrs. John Jablnski. The annual Christmas Concert of the Baptist Sunday School will be held on Tuesday evening, December 19th. Supper will be served at 6.30 for mem- bers of the school only. The program open to the public will begin at eight o’clock. Mr. AllemTwining, of Toronto, (The bird man), will give his very entertaining and helpful address on "Birds" using beautiful lantern slides and a, trained live bird. A hearty in- vitation is extended to everyone to at- tend this splendid program. A silver offering will be received at the door. Every page of this issue contains Christmas Gift Suggestions. Be sure to read the announcements of the Merchants who are offering extra va- lues at this time. Residents of Grimsby as well as people as far distant as Toronto were curious to know, what the flashing light from the Beamsville district was all about when it was turned on Wed- nesday night of last week on the Kon- kle farm at Thirty Mountain, the po- lice and others receiving many calls. The aeroplane beacon constructed some weeks ago is one of several put up by the American Airways Inc. on the direct line of flight between Buf- falo and Hamilton and throws a beam of light which may be seen for many miles.' The white light revolves eight times to a minute while a red light behind the white flashes four times to every revolution of the white. A light, located near Ridgeway has been seen in this vicinity flashing across the sky, it is reported. Professor Lester D. Longman, of McMaster University will deliver the second in the series of lectures on the history of Art, in the High School Auditorium on Thursday evening, De- cember 14th. The subject will be "The Art of Ancient Mesapotamia" includ- ing Babylonian, Assyrian, Persian, Hitlite, and Hebrew Art. ,Nearly one hundred people attended the first lec- ture in October and a good audience is expected this Thursday evening. The lecture will begin at eight o'clock sharp. The attention of our readers is di- rected to the message of the Business men of Grimsby which appears on page 3 of this issue. Col. C. M. Morrow, of the United States regular army was a visitor to Grimsby on Thursday, calling on Lt.- Col. Johnston on his way through to Toronto, where he will address the members of the Canadian Military In.. stitute. Col. Johnston accompanied him to Toronto. Col. Morrow is the commandant of the Defences at Fort Niagara, N.Y., and has seen service in France, Cuba and other countries. He was the officer commanding the' Am- erican Forces in the Siberian Expedi- tion. DON‘T BE LAID UP with Rheu- matism, Backache, Sciatica -e.e._ USE RUM-A-CAPS. For Sale at Dymond’s Drug Store, Main St., Grimsby. THE INDEPENDENT, GRIMSBY, ONTARIO Local Items of Interest To enroll in Hairdressing Class in Grimsby under the supervis- ion of Madam De Forest. Class.. es to be held every Wednesday afternoon and evening. An ex- ceptional opportunity to pay as you learn. Apply Box 49 Independent Office No Deposit Required. GIRLS WANTED WANTE D--Turlrtsyr, Chickens, Geese, Ducks for Christmas trade. Will order now. Grimsby Meat Market, phone 209. 3tc FOR SALE = Christmas Trees, C. Burgess, Phone 199, Grimsby. 2tc FOR SALE-- Treasure Steel Range, burns coal, coke or wood; New Leather Couch; Chairs; Bed; Pic- tures; Thimble. Apply Stone House, Biggar's Side Road Grimsby. FOR SALE - Barred. Rock Pullets. Good strain, some laying. No room for same. Will sell cheap. Phone Winona. 199w. Stop 107 Highway. 3tc - tf FOR RENT - Large, desirable of- fice room 12' x 18' with private en- trance and large window, well heat- ed in winter, cook in summer, locat- ed in centre of Grimsby. Cheap at IN THE MATTER OF THE GUARD- IANSHIP OF ROBERT HENRY WELLS, THE INFANT CHILD OF, CHARLES DUDLEY WELLS, LATE; OF THE TOWN OF GRIMSBY IN', THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN, : " 'NR, MANAGER, DECEIZZZZ. I WANTED - Housing accommodation comprising usstp,)t1 downstair living quarters with him upstair rooms. Reliable tenant. Excellent reference. Letters, Box 87, Independent Office. 2tp NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that after the expiration of twenty days from the first publication of this notice, application will be made to the Surrogate Court of the County of Lin- coln for a. grant of Letters of Guard- ianship of the person and estate of the above-named infant, Robert Henry Wells, to Lilian laud Rogers of the City of Toronto the County of York, Married Vc an, a grandmother of the said infa: Dated the Titu day of November, 1933. In The Surrogate Court Of The County 0f Lincoln The Highest available price paid for your old gold jewelery and den- tal work. D. J. McCOLLUM Turn-your old Gold Jewelery 'in- to cash. when they will give - $15 per month. Box 20. tff0lt,'Atr"i'ifitiiiiiii, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING of the Royal Military Chapel London, will visit Grimsby Monday, Tuesday, Dec. 18, 19 "THE TORCH SINGER" Claudette Colbert, Ricardo Cortez, David Manners. _ ' "Water Lure" "Ducky Dear" Wednesday, Thursday, Dec. 20, 21 "GOODBYE AGAIN" Warren William, Joan Blondell "Words And Music" "The Audition" THE ENGLISH CHORISTERS Week of Jan. 20th Friday, Saturday, Dec. 15, 16 "DOCTOR BULL" Will Rogers "ln The Family" "Abe Lyman And His Band" Preliminary Notice TWO CONCERTS Full Particulars Later OLD GOLD AYLESWORTH, GARDEN, STUART & THOMPSON, _ 67, Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario. Solicitors for the Applicant. FOR RENT FOR 545% MOORE’S WANTED WINONA Phone 60 6tp Dec. 20 We will be pleased to meet our friends and customers at our new lo- cation and assure them of our prompt and efficient service. REAR OF THE HOTEL GRIMSBY where we will carry on Repairs of all kinds. Oils, Greases, Accessories, etc. Having severed our connection with Conger Lehigh Coal Company, we are now located at the .__- Under the powers of sale contained in a mortgage, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction at Hotel Grimsby, 30 Main Street, Grimsby, on Saturday, December 9th, 1933, at 11 o’clock A.M. by Goodman Pettigrew, Auctioneer, Lot 9, of Wainwright plan Number 117, in the town of Grimsby, more particularly described in instru- ment registered in the Registry Office for Lincoln as Number 5002. Wm. Aston Jr. spent the week in To_r9_nto yisiting Gordon Eckmeier. Mrs. M. Hurst, Mr. F. Hurst, Miss Phipps and Irene Smith, of Grimsby spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. E. Hurst. Miss Pearl Prochsyn is spending a, couple of weeks in Buffalo, N.Y. visiting her sister, Mrs. Francis Lup- jkus. Mrs. J. McCrea has -been yisiting her daughter Mrs. H. Franklin the past week. The property will be sold subject to conditions of sale and a reserve bid. Mr. and Mrs. E. Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Evans and Thelma, Toron- to, Mrs. M. Schemeler and Blendena, of Magnetawan and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Shafer, Beamsville, surprised Egbert Hurst on his birthday Wednes- day evening. A good time was had by all present. ’Mrst. Sweet, we are pleased to re- port, is able} _tq be out again. Frank Constable spent the week- end in Hamilton. Harold Aston, of Cayuga spent the week-end at his home here. Terms: Ten per cent. at the time of sale and the balance within thirty days. 1 THIRTY MOUNTAIN ) 16 MAIN STREET, EAST, GRIMSBY Mrs. E. Teeker, of Grimsby Beach, MORTGAGE SALE s0THERLAN0's GARAGE SALES AND SERVICE GRIMSBY Hudson - Essex Fancy Australian Scull.“ R A I S I N S 2 tu. Fulty Australian Rock-nod CURRA NTS 2 tu. Australian SEEDED Valenci- R A I S I N S lb. Fancy French Red thed C H E R R I E S lb. 545;.“ Clara "__- C."'.vlip)'i'irrco.is7iette'llf,t"'i'tr! 3 No.2 2 5 c PRUNES 3 lbs. 29c ftog,tti,cluTt',.,,e."t4aUa.nn.". tins SURPRISE Mlm tgtg 1aiilll1lll IlNllBlil Il5lllllq illl tlg ' IlilNll Royal Oak lill' " mm“ Wd 'audi; It. ', Ill I 'lit WA X 10 bars Bl 'ill ', " TMiiPW'Wi im I ==MWN qll' b NUTS 2lt FRUITS Peerless Sweet Mixed TOMATOES 2 "tcp Frankford PICKLES French-Canadian PEA SOUP 4 Aylmer Choice PEAS New MIXED NUTS lb. 21c New BRAZIL NUTS lb. 18c WALNUTS lb. 33c Budded Choice Australian PEACHES PEARS Lynn Valley Dessert STEPHENS, McKENNA & McCOMBS Hamilton, Solicitors for Mortgagees. NOTICE See ours'. Priced at pound is: and Up Very special prices by box or pail Christmas Candies Sieve 4 i? tins flle 35-02. jar tl 5c No. 2 tin 16-02. tin llc tins 25c 21c 10c 25c 29c 43c 16c We are pleased to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Taylor and family also Mr. and Mrs. Delos Hunt and family to our neighborhood. Mr. aid Mrs. Earl Carter, of Atter- cliffe, spent Sunday with Mrs. Horn and Arthur. Vernal Crooks spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Delos Hurst. Mr. and Mrs. Aldon Wilcox family spent Sunday with Mr Mrs. Murray Wilcox. Mr. and ’Mrs. Elmer Warden and family, of St. Catharines, spent Sun- is visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. Eater. Don't miss the Sunday School Xmas tree and concert Wednesday, Dec. 20. Mr. and Mrs. J. Musslemah, of Ham- ilton, have been moved to the Thorold Sanatorium. Lorne Carson of the Royal Bank at Galt is spending his holidays at his home here. WALNUTS Fancy ""15th ALMONDS B R A Z I L S Finest Cape Cod CRANBERRIES Fwy New Mad Fancy Unblncbed Shelled "A little better than the best" . . . Mincemeat that contains 17 choice in.. gredients. It can't be outelassed by any mince at any price. Very special at.............. Do you prefer Raspberry or Straw- lncu-y I' rl‘v'uu'uly ifs a jar of each a! this price. It's that richer, fruitier, so delightfully jelled kind. On sale at So fresh! So clean! To make that wholesome, satisfactory breakfast por- ridge, use Carroll', Own Rolled Oats. Grown-ups and growing-ups declare it delicious! Bargain price . . . . Ahineemeat Pearly kernels . . . sweet and tender . . . the first mouthful tells you it's Corn which was plucked and canned at just the right time. Priced at . . . Incemea OWN "A little better than the best" . . . Mincemeat that contains 17 choice in- c gredients. It can't be outclassed by lbs. T any mince at any price. Very special at.........,.....’ Rolled Oats Swiaiat Corn Tuesday, December 19 Saturday, December 16 Wednesday, December 20 The First Scheduled O.H.A. Game will be played Friday, Dec. 22nd (ll8llhllflllillf ARENA HERETO THERE .1" d ireet,,r?,)Ltioac,h, WATCH FOR HAND BILLS WITH SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS g f ' ("'tsi't g - ttilk, - T - - _ . - " _ ou" 'fb5! 1S,ccas: (fs), 1 "-u.7rcWlc-4ll h /§W|.%l§l @1LV‘ iiti,1,tiEyl (l/rf.; , " I o {i 'iF/c-' Le. s,aa7iriittt,' "erv , r)l""l" E9i"i','i'2 ?,1illiljplli, 'ilil=ER%l' 5.; I.' ' 4 A Fteiti, @wi‘a ChrutmasFruiuandNuuhomtu4eomersofthe earth. We have spared neither effort not money to bur you the best. Don't judge by price nione--eome and see our-finest quality at lowest mica. We have everything for 'ou---' glorious any of New For Cakes, Pies and Puddings lb. tb. 49c 39c 39c 19c and and M-ate'. Mixed CUT PEEL LEMON PEEL Fancy Switch-0 DATES, New 2 tu. CITRON' PEEL Mia's Orange or Finest imported WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1933 32-01. iar day with Mr. and ws. fi?y. Vail The Home and School Club met on Thursday evening, Dec. 7th with a. larger attendance than ever. Every one "enjoying the programme put on by Phillis Groff and Carman Konkle. The Bugle, edited by Michael Proch- syn; next a sketch by Clara Konkle. Edmond Richardson and Carman Konkle; song, Mrs. Egbert Hurst; piano solo, Mr. Hodskins; harmonica and guitar duet by Michael Prochsynr and Hughie Lounsbury; solo by Lorne Carson; duet by Miss Houser and Mr. Hodskins (instrumental); vocal solo, Vera Groff; School Days by Phillis Groff and C. Konkteiui2liaapsl pie-93 duet, Nettie Prochsyn and H. 136635- bury; solo by Mr. Hodskins; solo by Hazel Konkle and a couple of contests. The next meeting is to be Dec. 21- Programme to be given by the school children. 2 - 4 P.M., 8 -10 P.M., ADULTS, 25c CHILDREN 15e St. Catharines Industrial League (3 games) ADMISSION Me 10 ... 11.30 A.M. lbs FRANKFORD iar " CARROLL’S OWN - " CHILDREN 5e PHONE 174 SKATING SKATING HOCKEY 23c 33c Slte $le

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