@fllllmlllllnllIllllllllflllllllllllllllJHllllllllllflllllIIHlIIIISIHIIIIHIIIHIHHHIHHHHHIIIIIlllt!i.’HllHIKil!!H!lllllllll[!llllllllmllllllllllll!llflm se ioue. : PE Advertisements Run in The Independent ‘ _ Always Bring Results & Even amateurs can now raise orchids from seeds in English greenâ€" houses instead of importing the delicate plants from tropical countries.. This man is holding pots of twoâ€"yearâ€"old seedlings in his hand 34 BSALEâ€"Jersey cow, due to next month. Norman Wilcox, Â¥, Stone Road, one mile south irimsby mountain. SALEâ€"Simmons double white 4, springs and mattress, nearly 0.00, Apply 28 Oak street, 80j, Grimsby. _ mm mmmmmmmimmrimmimie SALEâ€"S8 roomed house with lece bath, furnace and electric %:;-gar‘a,ge. Apply P. 0. Box or 23 Oak street. o _ SAl Two full sized beds ; one child‘s white bed, comâ€" ;-;ggallon oil drum; good _ Derry pickers‘ shanty. Cheap '7‘ "Phone 2KAw O COrimgl SALEâ€"Early and late tomato Wames Stevens, Sr., Lake amsville, ‘phone 5 ring 4. 28|5 Wednesday, May 21, 1924 \LEâ€"Stock yard manure in wentyâ€"five cents per ton, TR L0 .02 fForonto. Peter Bertram, F‘ruit farm horse; also »mato plants. ‘Phone 432w, ty of bee fixtures. Jonathan 7 hone 437w, Grimsby. fl“ Tomato plants, early ga:lso peppers. li. H. Potter. 66 ring 2, Beamsville. 28|5 ream colored, whole carriage, good as new. May any evening. Leo Monsinger, reet, Grimsby. Wâ€"Four colonies of ‘bees; FEOR SALE OR RENT ALEâ€"Six horses, weight fourteen hundred, prices $90 M Peter Edmond, south of 9p 181, west of Beamsville. by KLE® â€"Crown Huron range * bed, complete. Apply C hone 43. one 425 ~ : _ esmm _ emogey _ oeemamee : comgaseec. . ao e ; agm _ en s i e . ce ut e ns emnme s s a uc o en gom io â€"raageer > es se . ts o e e 3 s ues 8&’ g. s â€" ..;:-:v' poay â€" se '55%2‘353573:5’:’=:=3§5§:§3¢¢:¢:‘:Efiiiliiii:i:-’?': \%, & < es C $ e e ns e s "5::.5""(':’:::;:‘:"5:5‘::555:535‘5:::::::5::2EZEIEI:Z:i:i:‘»:ti:5:‘;:5:;::.,4;,_ 3 R a s . s# n > se m o t "3;:::::.':::::::':':':::"::::":'1‘:'-"‘575‘51'1'1'.3'1'1:3:1:5:?:v:~:;:;:::;::-, es j mc *# se s es $a~ . o m e y k s 3 en .. $ s e mssn se _ e . es -:-:;:;:;::.:.:-:~:-:-:-:;.:.;.:-:;@g;.;.;.;:ï¬x,.,f,:,:_:_._;,::::_:':_:_:' se J3 s _ J$2¢°¢ y s s e t e m 2# . .x¢"~ o se ue es oC .’%‘-:::::;' M e | es ~ pf tss se s en e . Sn y aoos é::::i:i:::::.:.. s 2 â€" g" es se % -:;::::.:-:ss%:;:::;t:2::§§::;:;:!::1:1:;: & es se se e w20A esnc _ â€" . a 3 Je e y s t _ _:.._:_._...‘:_::::::::::.,:::E:E::::: .-‘ .-:~:Z:!§:::::::;:;1::.- ie es se sus k in iéi . 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Nh Wess on od Mememek se e es es f & | }%i itc s o 335 :s;%%::;:s::’:s:s:%e:s:s:z:ss:s:z:z;s;s;:;:;:s:;:s:sg:= &> To m hk as t a e 5 e o ons o ce Aote ts ;;,,:,:,;,:\.:::::::.:.:_:.:-:.:.::::_:.:_:':.:.:.:.::'. 3 Ges fee T hee td s > ; o hoo eeanenaenaanane o e e naneean es f $ [y greee ie hk $ -::::::_-:::;:;:::;:;:;.;:;;::;;:;:;.;;rf.fg:::;:;:;:;._: '2-:ki$:1:i:-:-:;:;:;:;:;:;:;.;.;:;:;.;:;:;:;:::.:,:..::::::; § ; v es on :';::‘5:::3’::5:5553":’5’:557’2--:'113:2:3:'::;:::;:;::::::5:3:;:;:3::::::2:3:5:5:::5:: nast ; # J s &o us 9% :5:.:.,:5:51;5,:51":;55; ;;g;;;iigz % :-:5555.:;:5:;,{}::\:3;;:. :fi5':55555E:I-i515555555352:2:315:5;2;? 3 . ols Lfatescgs: mss .o o03 es 2 M m ® § %: #$S & . S 2. -:-';...33;;;;;:;:,;;:;;;;: mt 0. 3x /3 g 3: i% 1 %° § L8 B# KE y on Pr o ameeseaeeseens. . 0 o e 3 fég;gï¬s;, . 3 § s % ALEâ€"General purpose mare, 50 lbs., sound. R. J. Moyer, 4, Vineland. SALEâ€"Bedding out plants for Dr. Wolfenden, ‘phone 272 JALE, CHEAPâ€"Two wash ;f‘china, bedroom toilet set. OIL STOVES REPAIRED Get your oil stove overhauled now, ready for summer use. Give your furnace the good cleaning out it deserves, if it has rendered good serviceâ€"if it has not, call DAVE CLOUGHLEY, Phone 431, and he will come and show you why. EP mAAA nAmrmmmrnaanarraaard FURNACES DAVID CLOUGHLEY ‘Phone 354w', Grimsâ€" MAIN STREET, GRIMS NOTICE to tomato growersâ€"We still have a small space for tomato acreage and anyone desiring to conâ€" tract should call 38 and make arrangeâ€" ments before all; space is taken. Grimsby Canning Co., Ed. Todd, local manager. 28|5 married couple with three year old girl for two weeks, commencing July 21. Please state terms, accommodation, etc. Reply in first instance to Box R. & B. clo The Independent. WORK WANTEDâ€"Group of young Swiss farmers, thoroughly experienced in all kinds of farm work. Address Emanuel Karlson, 398 Victoria avenue, Niagara Falls, Ontario. WANTEDâ€"One cord hard wood, 2 ft. to 2 ft. 6 in. lengths. F. P. Mackâ€" lem, The White House, ‘phone â€"359, Grimsby. DRESSMAKING WANTEDâ€"I «am prepared to do dressmaking, or plain sewing. Mrs. Arthur Norton, 6 Onâ€" tario street, Grimsby. WANTEDâ€"A medium sized house to rent. Peter < Bertram, ‘phone . 51. Grimsby. \M«W“Wmma TRUCKING AND MOVINGâ€"Prices reasonable. W.C. Watts, ‘phone 354w, Grimsby. FOR SALEâ€"Six roomed house, â€" on Robinson street north; six roomed house on Fairview avenue; dwelling house and store at Tapleytown. Isaac Smith, Paton street, ‘phone 17, Grimsâ€" by. 2115 FOR SALEâ€"6 roomed house with summer kitchen, garage, on Fairview avenue, at a bargain for quick sale, owned by James Maxwell. H. Jewson, Grimsby, ‘phone 439w. FQR SALEâ€"Irish Cobbler seed poâ€" tatoes. Apply â€" Hamilton Fleming, ‘phone 197. GREAT BARGAINâ€"Fifty acres in Merritt Settlement, $1,000, $100 down, $100 yearly at six per cent.; assessed for $1250. D. A. Hyslop, Greensville. 285 ROOM AND BOARD WANTEDâ€"For FOR SALE OR RENT MISCELLANEOUS SB Y WANTED t es s is ::::::?:E:E:E:E:?::i?g'@&*:3:- e n :'.._\::2:;:;:-_:;:;:;:;:;:;:;. emeanes 'Z:?.'o.*:::liiiz'-;'.i:ii13:'::5}3:52155551:5 gig:;;;;;;:;.::g:;;;:f:l:15153’=?555:55 $ ,§;‘-:;;;3;:§:§:;::j;'-g-;:£:§:§:§:§5§ilii 5:~::3;{&;:5;3:3:2:%?-::5151?-51‘5’555 § ,;:::-:=:=:g:5:5:5:;3;3;552:5:25552525 ie % se <. es es '»:';a;z;z;szzie;ziziéiiéé' i~ s ... s mae ._:-.-:g;,;o;f:;:gzzzgzizi:! §:§§§:§:§5¢§3§€!§§’5? ie es "There‘s one thing I‘ve always noâ€" ticed about digging in a garden." "What‘s that?" "There‘s always plenty of worms when you‘re not going fishing." There will be holiday festivities at the beach during the day, Saturday, including dancing in the remodeled midway pavilion with music by the Yankee Six, a very popular orchestra. In the evening there will be nificent fireworks. The steamet Canadiana, which is a staunch steel boat licensed by the Canadian government to carry 3,500 persons, will leave Port Colborne at 9 a.m. (standard time) on Saturday. the opening day. Returning the steamer will leave the beach for Port Colborne at 7 p.m. (standard time). For the convenience of many, who may motor to the resort, free parking space for 1,000 cars has been provided. Crystal Beach, which, as the readers of this paper know, is a charming summer resort on the Canadian shore of Lake Erie, is to open for the seaâ€" son on Saturday, May 24, Victoria day. It is expected many residing here and hereabouts will go to the beach to spend the holiday. Fire Chief Talbot explained that the truck was carrying five hundred feet of hose and that there was 250 feet of new hose on order, besides three hundred feet at the power house which was available at any time. All told there is in the town 1450 feet of hose. Ald. Mannell brought up the quesâ€" tion« of the fire truck going to fires in the township and while away there being only about 400 feet of hose left in the fire hall on one of the hand drawn hose carts. He did:not believe that this was enough hose to guaranâ€" tee protection should a fire break out in town while the truck is absent. He thought that the four hundréed feet of hose sent to Grimsby East should have been kept in town. Livingston avenues and Murray street are again complaining about the smoke nuisance from the plant of the Growers Cold Storage and Ice Co. It was reported that the Company has done everything in its power to abate this nuisance but the only soluâ€" tion to the problem will be the arrival of Hydro power in Grimsby when the whole plant will then be operated by white coal. Complaints were also received from John street and Robinson street north residents about the smoke from the plant of the Canadian Radiant Elecâ€" tric Co. K Henry Glover provincial auditor was paid another $250 on account. A final settlement has been reached between the Autoâ€"Road Construction Company and the trustee who is handling their affairs. The council agreed to pay the trustee on this acâ€" count $18,000, less $887 owing to local merchantsg and $3,350 in ligt of a maintenanceâ€"bond for three years. Residents on Kidd. S â€" Andraws lights by half that all sixteen of them be left lighted but that the light bulbs be reduced from 100 watt lamps to 60 watt lamps. This will effect a savâ€" ing of about $80 a year and this money will be expended in the inâ€" stallation of new lights at other spots in the town. The early closing byâ€"law was to the fore when a petition from the grocers, butchers, hardware and shoe men was presented. The petition was reâ€" ferred to the town solicitor with inâ€" structions to prepare a byâ€"law. The question of lights on Nelles boulevard again came before the council and it was decided that inâ€" stead of reducing the number of CRYSTAL BEACH OPENSâ€" THIS WEEK Council will make an effort to have the roadbed ‘between the H. G. & B. tracks on Maple avenue fixed up at once. Several carloads of cinders will be purchased for use on the side streets in place of gravel.: Fongerâ€"Hewsonâ€"That the police magistrate of this municipality be reâ€" quired to report to our clerk and treasurer every three months, comâ€" mencing January 1st, 1924, and a cheque for fees covering each period accompany report, and that the clerk and treasurer be responsible that this report and cheque be forthâ€" coming.. Carried. The council instructed the chairâ€" man of board of works and Engineer Bromley to secure a supply of oil for. street oiling purposes from The Cresâ€" cent Oil Co. & ‘ Yeaâ€"Hewson, â€" Fonger, Farewell and Livingston. Nayâ€"Mannell, Merâ€" ritt and Wadge. * Fongerâ€"Farewellâ€"That James M. Wentworth â€"be appointed Board â€" of Health Officer, Truant Officer, Weed Inspector, Traffic Officer, Constable and O.T. A. Officer, at a salary of $260 per year and police court fees, and that the council supply him with a uniform, and that he work under the orders of the mayor . and reeve and that a byâ€"law be prepared and passed to make this effective at once. Carried. ed from $1,000 to $1,800 a year. Mannellâ€""I think we should take up those applications and read them. We advertised for those applications and we should read them. I don‘t suppose you will hire an expensive man. According to Magistrate Campâ€" bell this town can afford to hire a high class man." Fongerâ€""According to Magistrate Kidd‘s books we have two hundred and some odd dollars coming to us for the past year and a half. I ‘re: ceived my information from the Proâ€" vincial Auditors Department." . WE James M. Went chief of _ police decision was arri cil on Wednesday thirtyâ€"five applica were received in vertisements in newspapers. Onl plicants were lo aries asked by th ed from $1.000 to «NTWORTH IS |â€"â€"_â€"â€"_â€"â€"1 i â€"â€"=â€"._. NEW TOWN COP Slats‘ Diary ) applications for the eived in answer to nts inserted _ in I‘s. > Only two of t were local men. T d by the outside me . Wentwo: police of is arrived 10. _ LFUsice _ wROâ€" 18 iffairs. The council e trustee on this acâ€" ss $887 owing to and $2,350 in Heu of ind for three years. Kidd, St. Andrews. Magistrate afford to nl th is =the.. new Grimsby. Such at by town counâ€" ight last. Some s for the position swer to the adâ€" od in : geveral THE INDEPENDENT, GRIMSBY, QONTARIO £ these apâ€" / ~"The ‘salâ€" ) men rangâ€" year. hould â€" take read them. applications Â¥ I don‘t clo a» cam ocm 0â€"<mp câ€"<ap c <as 0â€"<mp câ€"<ue 0â€"<ami> 0 At the fourth annual peigg of the Provincial Chapter of Ortario I.0.D.E., recently held in Hamilten, O{t‘e followâ€" ing recommendation was passed: "That attention be dravwn tgf?the fact that the third and last lines of the National Anthem wetre frequently wrongly sung, people saying ‘Our King,‘ when it should br ‘The King.‘" shade /. _ S f{( Where the oriole hangs her. est. Whenever I hear the é This picture I always *A And I long for my c‘:aug}t" ood â€" d: again, , y /. But they will never co e ck to me (By request) â€"IA. Donohue. churchyard J "f $ These forty years at rest. | We made her a grave in the evergreen nest; & .03 The children are scattered far, Some are east, some are west, And two have crossed the bar. And the mother sleeps' m the old song, & . > From care and sorrow fr, o +. a Te 6 . The birdies have left . ammock An oriole sings on t ‘;"’aff Where her hammock RCSE BMORN A mother sits beneath in thelm es moon ‘round NEF K Pn Five children ‘round z knee The birdies sang an F’}“ played . K % SR Around the same Old tree § All summer long, midst AK’?’_O]G frame boury..,f Minâ€"toemmenmeverâ€" Cigreen tree, PV TAMIM | . Lilacs, roses and Sweet peomies. And old fashioned flOWets in riotous bloom ; t (aA W A warm, sunny day in beautiful _ _ IOLES â€" SOXC THE ORIO P icig, Thursdayâ€"Pa and ; new birth day present those things Wimeyff pu I gess it is called q4 n Tuesdayâ€"Well it was some for Jake and me. was going to bed erly. vited to the party neath was both Dog tire@ we and got a good nites rec Wensdayâ€"I hetd ma Gillem she is haPpy w ever he goes. Well s him go no place Where be happy. B+ Mondayâ€"Mrs. Elzer‘s dawter is a | going to get marryed and sum of the yung ladys sed they was a going to give her a shower Mrs. Elzer sed they diddent need to mind because she had an old fashioned tub and didâ€" dent need no new fangled outfits and enny ways she haddent mist but very few Saterday nite baths since she graduated away frum out of skool. Sundayâ€"well I walked home frum:ReV- Dr. Blagrave of Peterboro, both Sunday skool with Jane and her ma| Of Whom eulogized the Grand Master. ast me in to eat a peace of devils fud| .. W. Bro. Dobbin expressed his deâ€" cake. Which I excepted the invocaâ€"| Sht at the fine quarters occupied by tion. And I seen sum thing that| Union Lodge and thanked the local made a thrill sum up in my hart. I| brethren for the kind treatment his gess she still continues to think lots| LO48ge had received. of me as I see she had my pitcher On beha.lf of Peterboro Lodge W. hung rite up by the side of Teddy.| BrO. Dobbin presented W. Bro. Jas. A. Witch is her favrit dog. | YVI'a_Y with two easy chairs for use in % of the ninth. 2 men was out and I was at the bat with 3 Men on bases. Then ma cums walking up and tells me to cum rite off and take my Bath on acct. we was going away. I tried to argue with her but it wasn‘t wirth wile. I had to go. We mite of win the game. So I gess it issent much wander that most of we children is unsatisfied with our parents. Robt. Duncan‘&,Co. STATIONER James Street and faiket Square into your home at an tiv redecorating with wall paper. There are patterns ard colorâ€" ings for your perso lxtynd for every room in yaur hé’k?:ne, exquisite new designs at ’é:ery moderate prices P Come in and look &VCT _our stock. We will be glal to show What does it matter it it isn‘t always Spring outdcors when you can. bring the 1’ and beauty of that happy Seaso; Saterdayâ€"well fur as I was concerned ma went and spoilt a perâ€" fickly good ball game today. The score was tyed and are team was at the bats in the last tawk with her over the telefone and after tawking. about thissen that for a wile I ast her did she care very much for me. She diddent just xackly say no, nor she diddent say Yyes. She simpully sed Ha. Ha. Ha. f Put Springtime E In Your Home really cares a graé(e; eal then agen I dont no we or not.. Tonite I '%,-thot I wood pass a ?ittel time away and have a THE NATIONAL ANTHEM WE DO GOOD PRINTING By ROSS FARQUHArR ayâ€"sum times . Midst laughter and and the children nest siost bough th in theings free i her ke shade childhood â€" days kinda lone He sed he I wassent inâ€" er. So as we vent to bed ; was L of n there hat.‘ dé Plume. ! telling Mrs. pa where dussent let e woodent Ol ME MORY ht ma 0<m» o .i. June Mistress: "What is your name?" Maid: "Miss Jenkins." Mistress: "But you don‘t expect me to call you Miss Jenkins?" Maid: "Oh, no! Not if you‘ve got an alarm clock." . Binks: "I see they are building more big hotels at the seaside." "Don‘t blame ‘em," said the man who is just back from kis holidays. "In my own opinion the only way to have a good time at this seaside without worryâ€" ing over the expense is to own a hotel." Our Mother Queenâ€"she is not Has only gone before, And by and by we‘ll see her face On that immortal shore. Our Queen still lives!â€"just left â€" throne To join that happy band, And swell the chorus of the saved In heaven‘s own peaceful land. Dear noble queen, loved and beloved By all the world below, § Nations and empires bow their head Their great respect to show. How can we help but weep? : But ours are tears of love and hopeâ€" For God has greatly blest Her gracious reign throughout the worldâ€" And as she lies within her tomb, The tears bedew our cheek, Her dear loved form no more we seeâ€" Forever will thy name be known Through ages yet to come, As best of all the monarchs yet, Who graced an earthly throne. A bright example she has left To nations one and allâ€" Her subjects loved her to the end, And now they mourn her fall. Dear faithful Queenâ€"thy lovely form Will never more be seen Within those ancient walls where Kings gae" In stately court have been. God heard her prayer, and monarch yet ~Has never ruled so well. Victoria‘s loving heart went forth Through all her realm to dwell. She ruled us with a loving hand, She ruled us long and well, And intertwined around our hearts Her loves sweet magic spell. In early years she chose the right And prayed that God might bless And give her wisdom to rule well In peace and righteousness. loday we‘re musing on the past, On happy days gone by, When dear Victoria Empress Queen Was full of life and song. May 24th did mark the birth Of her we loved so well, She came into our midst to rule Into our hearts to dwell. INX MEMORY OF oURr QUEEx Written by request for the memorial service of our late Queen, held in Grimsby Methodist Church, February ard. 1901. In addition to those men many other distinguished bre were present from Toronto, Han St. Catharines and other points. The gathering, which broke â€" one o‘cloék was voted by all pf as having been one of the mos! joyable Masonic functions they ever attended. Short speeches were also made by W Bro. ‘Alex Gibson, V.! W. Bro. Spence and W. Bro. Dr. Carmicheal, all of Peterboro and W. Bro. Inksetâ€" ter, of St. Catharines. R. wW; Bro. Rush, of Peterboro, folâ€" lowed with a speech which was greatâ€" ly enjoyed. An interesting point brought out was that Harry Rush, son of the speaker, was the first pupil enâ€" rolled at Lake Lodge School when it was started by the Grand Master twentyâ€"eight years ago. R. W. Bro. Kinnear, Principal of Peterboro Collegiate Institute, â€" delivâ€" ered an address that was Sreatly apâ€" preciated. In â€"On behalf of Peterboro Lodge W. Bro. Dobbin presented W. Bro. Jas. A. Wray with two easy chairs for use in the lounge room of Union Lodge. _ Speeches were made by the Grand Secretary of the Lodge, W. Logan, Hamilton and the Grand Chaplain. Rev. Dr. Blagrave of Peterboro, both Adjournment was then made to the banquet room, which was beautifully decorated for the occasion and reâ€" freshments were served during which the Moonlight Serenaders provided music. The visitors who came by special pullman attached to the six o‘clock C. N. R. train, were met by a number of local brethren and taken for a motor trip to view the blossoms of our famous fruit belt. At seven o‘clock the party arrived at Lake Lodge, the beautiful residence of Mr. and Mrs. Drope, where dinner was served. After the needs of the inner man were taken care of the brethren were taken to the Masonic Temple where they were introduced and worked a degree. An unique occasion in the annals of Free Masonry in this district took place last Friday night when <the officers and members of Peterboro Lodge No. 155 were guests of Union Lodge No. 7, Grimsby. Peterboro Lodge under W. M. Ross Dobbin, accompanied by his officers and twentyâ€"five distinguished memâ€" bers of the craft made the visit to pay their respects and to honor M. W. Grand Master W..J. Drope, who rceâ€" ceived his initiation into Masoury in Peterboro. MASONS HONOR GRAND MASTER lands both east and west \lfred Greenwood, GrimSby Park Ont.) was the first pupil enâ€" Lodge School when it y the Grandâ€" Master ars ago. Toronto, Hamilton other points. lich broke up at ‘ed by all present of the most enâ€" those â€" mentioned is not dead! brethren her annals ‘t took it . "the erboro Union had 3 for 25c MAPLE LEAF THE CANADIAN MATCH Co & â€" LIMITED, MONTREAL %:%%%% e NS â€" LB. %‘Wz{)i bejy" | F %s&"f f:f i | ‘ Â¥h€ “fl \ ,Ii‘,gte hk o S e es 78 Wellworth J 5“a box Fresh Creamery Butter Jelly Powders QUALITY & SERVICE For Thursday and _ Friday SATURDAY . (VICTORIA DAY), STORE CLOSEDâ€"OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT anned Peas or Corn 2 for Granulated Sugar 10 1lbs. for BURGOYNE‘S Black Tea (A bargain), lb. Alaicdsed reach 59¢ * FIVE SPEAKING " GRIMSBY AND GRIMSBY EAST 250C 350 ADVERTISE IN THE INDEPENDENT. JHMECGTSES (P Re ieï¬ idns tecthondit is ch .220 251 Wt ++ LEAF MATCHES means gre when lighting ranges, stoves G They will not glow after use not poisonous. â€" Rats won‘t g They withstand more moisture, They are Different and Better. fewer bhlisters N A1. Ask for them Shredded Wheat 2 for 40c 20c The added length of MAPLE MATCHES means greater safety t anit e e n on o 2 I Large tins _ Small tins Magic Baking Powder ing ranges, stoves or lanterns. not glow after use. They are ous. â€" Rats won‘t gnaw them. Clover Leaf Salmon 380 Canned Tomatoes 2 for 250C 233C 350C Cheese (Large) (Choice) FIVE