EIGHT This photograph was taken on t Canada at Calais, Maine. The on the American side The booze-carrier is . e of the international bridge bets being "frisked" for all the liquor THE INDEPENDENsl zeen U. S. and he is carrying. Monda--eta if? all day. 1 gess we weather atiit, {ya and he was not feeling 'vers, Iti'p. " tonite. After he had wenttpf IEic,s,1 sed to ma that Pa [acted kincl’ ill,t;irual tonite and she _ replyed and' ,ijes deer he usually l does most' M2 :f-'time. , Tuesday? 1lr'iiftsrreecller was on lectioneerin Bi-y-s and a trying ti get them ti"): . chirch more reg lar. He W11. Mpa but pa wa hard to 'f'31 Bt He \told th prtSec.he? 31-; Ilib,,iirw was the onl day in the") I..',) en he had time t so on butilt)j1., 'lllF7 ever ma promis as; that he‘d" Ilittr frum now on reg ed that ea blIcbo “" T tri, "w, lar. _ I 2' V k wensilay--ta%liiWrnmy was awe full tired tonitg, Jispent most of the day 11untirigq It-tttel,.',',', to find what kind ot a 'rttlillMit Olive oil cum out of. She 1fAfr, er to read in front of the Clu , rr$' Itll {j _ Thirsday 's Ill r. d pa includeing me is goin- ki Ill. ' rty tonite and pa and me 1alil wandering all day “mather.-tn I “s ave lettice sand me 15 E and me weather witches Fr iday5T"yl'h' '"thW'rh am nex uo a. few things about are new base ball‘ teem we are oregonizeing. The tel- lows says they want to elect me to be the Maii"tger but I am not to play a tall. I see sum thing rotten in the wood pile.. They want to just get rid of me 111 a nice easy going man- ner. well it cant be done. I am a go- ing to Oregonize a new teem of my own and show them I am one of those kind Of a gentleman that they those kind of a gentleman that cant make 110 cat's pa out ot. least not wile I got good cents. plenty of poppolarity. saterday---1vel we bought pa : saterdayr"vel We bought pa a new pear of paJammas me and ma did to- day and when We give them to him ma sed. well I dont think you will be able to ware them out. Pa he lafs out loud and sed. Well I dont think that is where they are expected to be wore. Then he hollers and “we and when “m Innked more Gris and when we looked ml stoopid he sed. O-U:T see what mean sunday-Jane cum to Sunday skool today in a outfit that wood ot made you open yure eyes with Envie. And when. she seen me she busted into a smile & showed her dimple cheeks like rain bows in the fragrant sunrise. After all sed & done I gess she is the 1 girl in the hole wirld I dont like no buddy else the same as. Monday-Well as we are going to‘ have a Tot of Co. for a cupple wks. we got a new hired girl. We half to pay her washing and give her 3 nites of and 2 afternoons & the use of the hunt rm. 2 evnings. Pa says it weed take are meals out and get sum 1 to make up' the beds she mite have a real desireable place to wirk at. Ma hired her. Tuesday-ma and me went to the pitcher show a loan tonite. When we cum home we was skated. We thot we seen a strange man on are daving- port. but we found it was just. pa. He had went to sleep and left his mouth open and we diddent reconizel him at 1st. '; wensday---When techer ast us all what we wanted to be when we was groan up Blisters sed he wants to be a grate filossofer So his name wood go down amongst the famus Im- morals. V Thirsday--Ant was pa she wood paper. She says pritty hard up L use up a hole I)? do sum times. There is a good story told about a certain well-known Scotland Yard de- tective. A colleague from the country came to see him, and happened to speak s1ightingly of the alleged smartness of the London pickpockets. Whereurson the Yard man offered to bet the other 210 that h.e would lose) his watch without knowing it before) he got to Charing Cross, a mutter of a few hundred Yaris. l The country colleague agreed andl started out; the London man called, to him a pickpocket. well-known to the Dolice. and said, pointing to the coun-l t“’nsz2;:“'see that o,?apr?, to get me his yat,ti11: t . and see you .don; ge.d11 "Is it 'straight: sald l "Sure," said the l know me." . "Oh, well," said the The country con started out; the L to him a pickpocket. police, and said, poi try man: t OT ll-b/i),):',,],')),""".- oil cum outl, a: .Wj‘el‘ to read in front i'i . Il5iii'i"iliyl pa includeing Iii! _ 1 iitiiFtr tonite and pa f , , illlillEwaaidering all day i! ac I ',rii2iitrvr, lettice sand ly, 100% Ma“. Am mex to 'a fi! '--.----------- p ' tfp' ase ball ' are new tye 4t,._T 'l';'! I run: ue from the country came ' and happened to speak of the alleged smartness of pickpoekets. . tr , _‘-,‘.- -dyt-_a c, Ant Emmy says if she rood get a job on a nether says this paper must be IP for adds when .they ip, DaRe for 1 ad like they pag said the man, "if it's t chap? 1.want you tch. I’ll glve you £5 " get into trouble." i"' said the mam the detective; "you 11:1 a was dl the e only time to promis- on reg- 11 O ili l It"; l W o, ti! M N SWEETEST LAURA SECORD--Fresh on Firiday---1, 2 and 5-1b. boxes. Per pound PAGE AND sHAWS----A New _ ' Shipment - A LESLIE J. FARRELL MOTHER’S DAY GREETING CARDS Sc 10c 2Sc each GRIMSBY DON'T FORGET Fresh Stock (all sizes) each week Good service-hes" quality work. Enlargements in Black and White or Sepia CHOCOLATES FOR MOTHER'S DAY GENUINE KODAK FILMS Developing, Printing, and Enlarging $1.00“ $5.00 FILlh/llS TEST MAID---Mother's Day Package, each $1.00 loc 25c 2for35c 60c ----------" "THE REXALL DRUG STORES" PRICES Just in. EXTRA SPECIAL mmfl Dozen "isi" STATIONERY A full line of VARDLEY'S ENGLISH MOTHER'S DAY ENGLISH _ Toll.. ET ARTICLES VANITY FAIR _ Favorites all over the World GIFT BOXES OF Wednesday, May QUALITY STATIONERY 25c to $5.00 LAVENDER and GRIMSBY EAST EACH 7, 1924 if} “A U if M