l Gt mpse Into the Past Invention is necessarily a slow pro- cess. Steps are taken f)altering1y. It took centuries of effort and construc- tive thought before the wooden planks of the road-mender were changed to tracks ot steel. When the collieries of England discovered that by using mils of wood it was possible to carry much greater loads from the coal pits to shipping points a great stride was made. This did not come in a year or in a century. It took from 1234, when coal was discovered at Newcastle-on-the-Tyne, until the middle of the sixteenth cen- tury to evolve this rude system. Lord Keeper North, writing in 1676 make, this comment upon the sy9- tem: "The manner of carriage is by laying rails of timber exactly straight and parallel and bulky carts are made with four 1roilets, fitting these rails, whereby the carriage is so easy that one horse will draw four or fiive Chaldrons of coal." This meant that it was poss)bre to trar1s- The railway has proved to be the great colonizer of! the age. Ships and sailors found new clands for the white man to settle but it required the steel band of the rail to link set- tlement to settlement. Until the ad- vent of quick transportation facilities a tmio from Toronto to Montreal was a matter of moment. Today it is ac- complished by a fast Canadian Na- tional Railways train in about eight hours. A century ago it took a boat from ten to fourteen days, according to weather conditions, to make the same trip. In the winter a stage drawn by its spanking team of f'greys" plowed through the snow- drifted roads. It our great-grandfa- thers made fifty mqes in a day the adventure was one that they talked 'over in the tavern for months. With the coming of the "iron horse" conditions of tnavel changed Dadieal- ly. The world "speeded up," as it were. But because we are apt to think of the railway as something peculiarly belonging to the nineteenth century, we overlook the tact that it has a long and honorable history. Although the railway as a unit of transportation goes back less than a century, the romance of railway building is interwoven into almost five centuries of history. When the knights of Europe marched on the last Crusade the rude beginings ot the railway were in the making. Possibly, as the barons of England wandered through the pleasant land of Eng,land on their way to France to jo'n the crusading hosts, the unknown peasant who evolved the idea of filling road ruts with planks of. timber tugged his locks in respect to the de- parting warriors. No one knew that out of this simple expedient was to grow a system of transportation that was to revolutionize the pro- gress of mankind. Genius is ever modest. The knights of mediaeval England could not know that this humble peasant was in reality one of the benefactors of mankind. He had created something which was to be improved upon by later generations until a vast net-work of steel was to intersect the World. was it nevertheless marked an epoch in the history of! transportation. F For more than a century man has been experimenting with steam en- gines, in an effort to quicken facilities for travel and the latest development has been marked in the construction of a new steel monster, especially de- signed for passenger traffic. Engine No. 6000, as it is officially designated, was built for the Canadian National Railways by the Canadian Locomotive Company, of Kingston, and it em- bodies all that is modern in loco- motive construction. Especially de- signed for economy of operation and for high speed, it offers a new era in the development of transportation. The Romance of Transportation Transportation is the foundation upon‘which modern civilization has been built. The old world made lit- tle strides in building up virile na- tions in the new until the steam en- gine came into being. Prior to the days of trans-continental railways a trip from the East to the West was a hazardous and long affair. Frequent- 1y it took months to cross the prairies and the "schooners" of the pioneer period, drawn by the proverbial yokes ot oxen, afforded a slow and difficult method of travelling. There are men yet living who remember when a journey from Victoria to Hall- fax was almost as long as a trip from tha, Pacific Coast to England. In the wake of Watt came Stephen- son, who is remembered as the actual inventor of the locomotive." The efforts of George Stephenson, indeed; seem crude when his "Rocket" is compared to the modern steel giants of today but crude as the "Rocket" All great inventions grew out of small beginnings. When Watt noticed the condensation of steam in his mo- ther's kettle he laid the foundations for the modern steam engine. The actual roadbed upon which the en-. gine was to run had already been evolved. The couerries of England seized upon the idea of the Eng- lish peasant and created a rude rail- way which haulled coals from the pit to the dock. From such rude beginnings we can trace the evolution of the present-day railway. It is, indeed, a tar cry from the era of chivalry when knights in armor rode to tournaments, to An, modern train that speeds across the continent and links the Atlantic coast to the cities upon the edge ot the Pacific ocean; but to this unknown road-builder ot a remote age we owe the first steps in our modern trans- portation sytem. _ Back in the dim days of the middle ages some [unknown peasant discover- ed that planks ot timber were excel- lent things to till the rubs made by the wheels of the peasants' carts in the roads.' The Story of “600W Wednesday, November 21, 1923 Engine No. 6,000 represents the fiinest product of modern thopght in locomotive design. It is of the Mountain type and is the first of 16 engines which had to be built in Kingston for the National Railways. Of these six. are to be put into oper- ation between Montreal and Toronto, while the remaining 10 will be shipped to Atlantic Division, where they will be put into service between Moncton and points eastward. There are many unique features about Engine 6,000, which will make it a distinctive milestone in the tstory of railroad progress. Its over-MI length is applvoxima,tel1y 90 feet, in- cluding the tender ,which is the first one to be built in Canada with 12 wheels, six on each side. It was necessary to design a new-type tender But crude as Stepherison's "Roeket" would seem today, it effectively established the main features of! the steam locomotive and the subsequent development is chiefly a gradual "m- crease in size, power, improvement in desjign and material and mechanical eonstruetion with a View to increase the efficiency and economy of opera- tion. which assembled to watch the test race back in 1829. tion in 1837 but the locomotive when compared to Engine 6.000, the new steel giant, would probably look as strange to the people of today as did Steplumson's "Rocket" to the crowds The first vindication of the engine came some months later when it won a race with a stage coach. The match was staged on the twelve miles of track from Darlington to Stockton, where the highway paralleled the tracks. Not onlly did the engine beat the stage-coach but it finished more than a hundred yards in front of it. Needless to say critics of the loco- motive were absolutely astonished at 'ts performance and not a little chagrined at their defeat. First CamWan Railway The public was glow to appreciate the fact that a revolution in methods of! transporitation. had really taken place. In Canada it was almost a de- cade after the operation of the first British railway before a line was constructed. The Champlain and St. Lawrence Railway commenced opena- steam railway made its initial bow to the people of Great Britain it gave little evidence of the great stride which had been made in the evolu- tion of transportation. The original train consisted of a load of 34 vehi- cles, making a gross load of about 90 tons. The engine was driven by Ste- phens-on but a signal man on horse back rode ahead of it. The train at- tained a speed of between 10 and 12 miles an hour but commentors of the day sareastieal1y (remarked that" "at no time was the horse put to any dif- ficulties in keeping ahead-of the puff- ing monster behind him." The "Quarterly Review" was not alone 'n its scepticism. Innovations are never: popular and when the new The "Rocket" won the' prize. It was the only engine which stood up under the test and fulfilled all condi- t'ions. It is interesting to note some of the comments which appeared in the influential British papers at the timer The "QuaaiteNy Review" asked "What can bepore palpably absurd and ridiculous than the prospect held out of locomotives travelling twice as fast as stage-coaches? We should as soon expect the people of Woolwich to suffer-themselves to be fired off upon one of Congreve's ricochet rockets as to tA1st themselves to the mercy of such a machine, going at such a rate." This unique competition created intense excitement at the time. And not a little adverse criticism was ex- pressed at the very idea ot attempt- ing to compete against the venerable stage coach and the canal system of transportation. One eminent Liver- pool merchant openly scoffed at the test and wagered that if a locomotive ever went ten miles an hour he would eat stewed engine wheel for break- fast. Whether this unpalatable dish, was duly eaten or not is unchronicle-d tor the "Rocket" not only went ten miles an hour but it attained a speed of 15 miles an hour on favor- able parts of the line. But it remained tor George Stes- phanson's "Rocket" to place the loco- motive where it really belonged as the foremost vehicle tor transporta- tion in the history pt man. The “Rocket†Arrives On the morning of October 6, 1829, there occurred an event which is without parallel in the annals of in- dustry or sport. It was a race in which there Were only four entries and the purse was E500. The cynse was a thirty-eight mile stretc of track on the London and Manchester Railway, or tramway, as it was then known; and the entries included the following locomotives: J3raithwaite and Ericson's "Novelty"; Timothy Hackworth's "Samsparei1"; Burstall's '"Perseyverence"; and Stephemson's "Rocket." To win the E500 prrze the success- ful engine, if weighing six tons, had to be able to draw a load of twenty tons at a rate of speed of ten miles an hour. For a long time no improvement marked the development of the rail- Way idea, then came the first big step. The era of the steam engine had arrived. We are apt to think of the locomotive as something which peculiarly belongs to our own age. Its antiquity is much greater than this. When Napoleon was in the height bf his fame, Richard Trev- thick had built a high-pressure steam locomotive. When the historic ball was held in Brussels, on the eve of Waterloo, the "puffing Billy" and “Wylam Dil1y" had been hauling coals from the Wyllam pohliery for more than a year. port from 10 load. to 13 tons on a single The evolution of the steam engine was a matter of years and into it went the best efforts of three genera- tions of engineers .Almost as strange in appearance as the "Rocket" to Peo- ple of today would be the first engine made in Canada. "The Lady Elgin," as it was known back in the fifties, was hailed as a triumph of the de- signer's art, yet when compared with Engine No. 6,000 it was a small af- fair. Its cylinder diameter was but 15 inches and the stroke was only twenty-two. The wheels were a mere five feet in height and its boiler car- ried 125 bounds pressure to the square inch. Its haulage capacity was approximately that of fifteen freight cars, of thirty tons each and its speed, when under way with a com- plete train, was from forty to fifty miles an hour. . The "Rocket" drew its train 35 milles in 48 minutes which was con- si-dered to be a wonderful atyhieve- ment in its day. Roughly, it is figur- ed that Engine No. 6,000 is good Mr a diameter speed of 73 miles an hour. But rude as the "Rocket" was, when compared to the latest engine of the Canadian National Railways, never- theless, it possessed the three ele- ments of efficiency of the modern Io-. comotive. There was the internal water-surrounded fire-box, the multi- tubi1Ur flue in the boiler, the blast pipe, by which the steam after do- ing its work in the cylinders was ex- hausted up the chimney and thus served to increase the draft and Oro- mote rapid combustion of the fuel, and the direct connection of the steam cyl'nderls, one on each side of the engine, with' the two driving wheels mounted on one axle. The use of a number of small tubes in place of one or two large flues was an in- novation, which in conjunction with the blast pipe contri1hvted greatly to the efficiency of the engine and pav- ed the way tor the steel giants of a later era. Since the "Lady Elgin" was built in Toronto mahy important changes have marked the development of the locomotive. Coal has replaced wood gather with its tender, weighs 290 tons and it will frequently be called upon to draw a train of fifteen ears weighing 1,265 tons. The boiler evaporation of the "Rocket" was 1814 cubic feet, or 114 gallons of water per hour. Engine No. 6,000 will evapor- ate 52,000 pounds of water per hour. Apart from its many unique fea- tures Engine No. 6,000 will be noted for its new design. The vestibule cab is somewhate shorter than those of other engines and it has the main steam turrets and connecting pipes located on top of the boiler in front of the cab. Prom a point of appear- ance its lines give it a new beauty of design and this coupled with its pow- er, endurance and economy of opera- tion makes it truly the aristocrat of all passenger engines in Canada. ¥esterday and Today A comparison between engine No; 6,000, the latest aristocrat of the steel road ,and the "Rocket," the firist engine, makes (mteiresting reading. The "Rocket" had two steam talintr. ers, which were eight inches in diameter; the cylinders on Engine No. 6,0()0'are 26 inches in diameter. The stroke on the "Rocket" was 161h inches and the driving wheels, which were placed in front under the fun- nel, were four feet, eight and a half inches. Engine No. 6,000 has a thir- ty-inch-stroke and the diameter of the wheel is 73 inches. The two loaded carriages which the "Rocket" drew on its trial trip weighed ap- proximately thh-teen tons and the en- tire train had a gross weight of sev- enteen tons. Engine No. 6,000, to- l The weight of Engine No. 6,000 to- gether with tender is more than 290 tons and it is capable of maintain'lng its schedule with the largest Tas- senger train now in operation. The width of the engine is ten feet six inches and itsntractive power 49,600 pounds. It is about 20 .per cent, more powerful than the largest en- gine at present in 'passenger service in Canada. It is equipped with eight driving wheels ,four on each side of 73 inches in diameter, its boiler car- ries 210 pounds pressure to the square inch, with an inside diameter of seven feet, six inches at the largest course, so that a man ot aver- age height could stand upright in it and barely touch the top. Among the other leading features of Engine No. 6,000 is that it is equipped with every- thing known to modern railroad practice in regard to safety devices, labor saving equipment and economy of operation. It has the automatic stoker, which the Canadian National Railways were the first railroad in Canada to adopt, fhyed water heater, super-heater, power reverse gear and power grate shakers. The tire-box is electrically welded, thereby eliminat- ing riveted seams. The combustion chamber also has the points made by electrical welding. The driving axles and main crank pins are "hollow, which gives additional strength for the same weight of material. owing to the tremendous water and coal capacity requqi-red. The tender will carry 17 tons of coal and 10,000 imperial gallons of water. Service and Economy In the designing of Engine No. 6,000 the engineers of the Canadian National Railways kept two cardinal points in view, that of service and economy of operation. Although it is the most powerful steel giant de- signed for passenger service in Can- ada and capable of making high- speed, long-distance runs, its cost of operation has been reduced to a mini- mum. Speeia)1 attention was also given to climatic conditions and it has been designed so that it will stand-up against winter blizzards and severe snow falls. A special reserve of power will make it overcome prac- tically all these obstacles and at the same time run to schedule time. THE INDEPENDENT, GRIMSBY, ONTARIO M40-I'MWd-OX-det-4'd'***¢°W*W%*W*M*WWWMWM*WW W$MW4°W40'2"?WMW$$**O¥¢O®4¢$**¢H$M%M¢$MWW'I'M'Iwa bakery in Berlin turning out 20,000l Along the Columbia River bread is loaves of sawdust bread daily. lmade from a kind of moss' that grows The sawdust is first subjected to a Ion a species of fir trees, After being process of fermentation and variousldried it is sprinkled with water, al- chemical manipulations. 's Finally itélowed to ferment, rolled into balls as is mixed with one-third part of rye i, big as a man's head and baked in pits, flour, formed into loaves and baked in (with the help of hot stones. Travelers ovens like any other bread. :who have tasted it say it is by no Although this."plain de bois," as means unpalatable. the French call it, is intended for con- The California Indians collect the The sawdust is first subjected to a process of fermentation and various chemical manipulations. i" Finally it is mixed with one-third part of rye flour, formed into loaves and baked in ovens like any other bread. BREAD MADE FROM SAWDUST Sawdust may not appeal to the pal- ate as a digestible or appetizing sub- stitute for flour in the making of bread, but all the same there is a large bakery in Berlin turning out 20,000 loaves of sawdust bread daily. as a fuel and no longer does the trave’ller'see the huge piles of wood strung along the right "of way and there are no delays while the engineer and fireman stop to load up the ten- der. But when considering the vast strides made in the transportation facilities of the world during the last contdry due credit must be given to the unknown peasant, who long be- fore the steam engine was invented all unknowingly originated the (begin- ning of railway tracks. His name is forgotten, we are not sure as to when he lived, but he left an indelible mark upon the pages of human progress. REE RNEgiigiiguiiilgiilgiigiiyRigiiillRRiWiilNlRi!gii Sixteen hours a day these creations of the press builders' art are eating up paper by the ton and ink by the barrel. Never in our history has [our office been so busy. We are filling orders for jobs extending over a territory from Niagara to Montreal. I here's A Reason No matter how busy we are, we are never too busy to handle YOUR J OB-our perfectly equipped office cannot be overloaded. . _ "LINCOLN'S LEADING WEEKLY' 'Phones 23 and 36 A'humming and A'strumming their never-ending gong. . w"e It is the Syncopating Rythm of 0lfll The INDEPENDENT illlfhlSl'opitSfi; High Speed Service, q High Quality Work Prices Within Reason Several of them 'd"g'l,".ri',L"=", Here they are Hear 'Those Big jhlidltrlts WE ARE AT YOUR SERVICE In Lapland, the inner bark of pine trees, well ground and mixed with oat flour, is made into cakes, which are cooked in a pan over the fire. In Kamchatka pine bark and birch bark are used' for bread without the ad- dition of any other substances, being reduced to powder by pounding, then made into loaves and baked. sumption by horses, the claim is made by the manufactuers that it would furnish a nutritious and highly satis- factory food for human beings. Sawdust bread may not taste so bad as it sounds. In various parts of the world bread is obtained from trees. For example, in the Molucca Islands the starchy piths of the sage palm, furnishes a white, floury meal, which is made into flat, oblong loaves and baked in curious little ovens divided into- small, oblong cells just big enough to receive the loaves. Emu "HOME OF GOOD PRINTING" o%RilllRMuiiiyieillilRil%Ri!IREguiigi In Russia the peasants gather the seeds of the sunflower, which they grind and knead into dough for bread... making. The Indians of South America make use of bananas as bread. In the West Indies, too, natives gather bunches of bananas, which they peel, dry and pound into flour by means of stones. . In the Philippine Islands canary seed is ground and made into bread, while chestnut-flour bread is used by many of the mountain peasants in Italy and France. In Norway the peasants make a bread composed of four parts of rye flour and one part of fish meal. "You want a good cigar, isir-try this brand-you can't get better." "Oh! yes-l had one of that brand last week-rm not better yet!" Bread as we know it, is used by only one-third of the world's population. With' many nations rice is the chief food. pollen of cat-tails in large quantities by beating if off the plants and catch- ing it on blankets. They make bread of it. But as a delicacy they prefer bread made from dried grasshopper flour. Philippine Islands canary ound and made into bread, smut-flour bread is used by the mountain peasants in Grimsby FIFTEEN ILiL‘l Jim