Grimsby Independent, 24 Oct 1923, p. 7

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Emu The Finest Bread in the Land pure aauy to rebuild the muscles, the nerves, the tissues-. Ised up in our many occupations. "JARVIS' BREAD" should be eaten more than any other food. From the Finest Wheat in the World L bread full of that neede yire'dai1y to rebuild the sed up in our many 0c 'o"""""""-'"-"'--------,--,--.,,-, JARYli9BREAI) on't say "Bread"--Say, l3: . -, - uh . u. u..~.. - “7-. ' - " FMEg8-hge, _ F6t5?9f?S2 $06690 0996.. SaptAAf owoooo YYAAAf 00099 '06... 9‘90. ooooo 9600. a5AAAW'? 006.6 S?ff?S?f22 tAAAA7 . V v v v v v V v v CstTtitititititY4 .'i'Atirotifo? 09.0 3163660909.? A T EACH MEAL Wednesday, October 24, 1923. GREEN TEA . is the finest uncolored green tea procurable in the world. Superior to the best Inns-n- -- Pe,..-, 9‘ HAVE A WAGON ON EVERY STREET»EVERY MORNING ' Jill1lllllall , " """'Eiriii"Ei'ii -TEA ' T . . None Better) I?! . "as: _ " £13 F "usread"--Say, "JARVIS" at Telephone for our salesmen. to c BREAD HOME MADE w).o.o.o.o.o-o.o.u needed energy builder-which we alt re- {""EEEEEJ T he W 'qttytitppf, S hind . --the 'o Nugget ,, shine---. stays longest! It defies all weathers. w" w. PaaMialMr' h . 5 oe Polish _:,; .933. 'S8?25 AKvm” at your griocer's or, salesmen. to calf daily. 4:13? v---1i'OR EVERY LUNCH ue 1n the w‘orld. best Japans. - Try it. 04 1T_Afpr-TAN-.proNEy RED DARK BROWN AND WHITE Main St. Store, phone 108w Depot St. Shop, phone 108j GRIMSBY CAKES INDEPENDENT ADS PAY fashioned it fur trimmir in a ga casting Exceedingly Smart: mmmmbo-(“ozo ry new fabric is here showh erent also new in cut forks, ',' the fall silhouette. It is ted in navy blue with gray PASTRY {no}. y To iron small pieces of embroider- ed linen 'a heavy, moderately flat iron is necessary. Iron on the wrong side pressing heavily, and always in the direction of the threads, T Fancy Articles _ Drawnwork is somewhat more dittt- cult to iron, as it shrinks more than plain linen aroulnd it. Lay the edge straight _with the edge of the board, and stretch the drawnwork in both directions. Iron on the wrong side, stretching and ironing all the while. Keep stretching and ironing until the article is completely dry and perfect in shape. The first requisite, we are told by a correspondent of American Cook- ery, is a firm, perfectly flat ironing board, covered smoothly with soft material, over which is an outer cov- ering of f'ne cotton cloth, drawn as tight as possible and securely fasten- ed. . Much of the beauty tot tine 1 pends upon the care exercised daring, and while the house not usually expected to be an laundress, she can do wonde1 the right tools. What is lovelier than a tablecloth beautifully ironed? Every housewife takes a certain amount of pride in having the finest damask her, funds can command. RULES TO FOLLOW IN Donlt ncuel anplesa for apple sauce. Wlpe them wen, cut up without peel- ing, add water, and cook till thor- oughly soft. then rub the pulp through a coarse sieve. When making apple pie cut the apples in irregular p'eces. They will not pack together as if sliced and will cook much quicker. . Grease sweet potatoes before they are put in the oven to bake; they will bake in half the time and the skins will be soft. _ " nae] 5: wggsnthem '?le'l,yrlg't' ing, add water, and oughly soft. then rub a coarse sieve. It linen has lace eda Fuller Brushes are now in over 5,000,000 homes. When you see them. you’ll know why. E. S. RICHARDSON, Local Agent Box 1.91, Phone 386] Grimsby fe, the Fuller Man. Am coming soon to see you. Itepresent the largest manufacturer of brushes for personal” and household use. I wear this buttop ,.~/ 7, - ' on my lapel. You I lb' 'rditrti'. will know me by N _ > 7 f it. 'liPdt, .m - '.-t-t-,5"" I leave, free, a Fuller Handy Brush at every home. It proves the.quality uni uefuless pf my line. Cream of? tomato soup is not apt to curdlé if a teaspoontul of cornstarch with a pinch of baking soda is mixed in the cream before it is added to the tomato mixture. . When making dake aiwars%ix the spices and baking powder with the flour before it is sifted. Use milk instead of water for mak- ing pie crust, which is to be served eolll: It will keep crisp longer. ous pinch of flour to the" tat," and stirring it. _ "rv'-.', It is better to fry fish with skin aside dowrcat first. Th's will prevent the fish from breaking up so badly. Prevent the frying eggs from sput- tering and flying by adding a gener- gamma way to warm up a roast is _7-.,t,,t1'l1tt'ei)iir"it in thickly greased "paper '_ieli't1trlreep it covered while in the oven. EBYI'Iiaving it covered the steam will threvént the meat from becoming herd And dry. It is better to fry fish with skin side dowruat first. This will prevent the fish from breaking nn so imdiv i One teaspoonful ot soda to one pint of sour milk. One teaspoonful of soda l to one pint of molasses. l One teaspoonful of baking powder is equal to one-half teaspoonful of soda. and one teaspoonful of cream of tartar. Salt added to potatoes when nearly done ensures flouriness and prevents them going to oheces. The oven for baking bread should be hot enough to,brow'n a teaspoonful of flour in five minutes. For biscuits it should brown in one minute. One teaspoonful of soda to one pint of sour milk, and one teaspoonful of extract to one plain loaf cake. it a gent run out. the shell V Here's how you’ll know mel One teaspoonful of vanilla to one quart ofmilk for custard, and two ounces of gelatine to one and three-. quarter quarts, of liquid. In preparing for bak'ng, mix dry materials in-one bowl and liquids in anothefi; combine them quickly, and put at once into the oven. To senarate the yolk of an egg from thewhite make a hole in both ends of the egg. Then hold it upr’ght. giving it a gentle shake, and the white will run out. leaving the yolk unbroken in Four peppercorns, four cloves, one teaspoonful ot mixed herbs for each quart of water fOr soup stock, T , Four heaping tablespoonfuls of cornstarch to one quart of milk. One even teaspoonful of baking powder to one cupful of flour. ’ ' Four eggs to one quart of milk tor custards. . F One scant cuptul of liquid to two full cuptuls of flour for bread. i One scant cupful of liquid' to tWo cups of flour fdr muffins. V I One scant cupful of liquid to one cupful of flour for batters. . One quart of water to each poimd of meat and bone for soup stdek.. One-half cup of! yehst or one- quarter cake compressed yeast to one pint liquid. _ l Suet may be kept fresh by chopping roughly and sprinkling it with a. little. granulated sugar. . One teaspoonful of salt to one quart of soup, and one teaspoonful of! salt to two quarts of flour. . of the beauty pf fine linpn de- COOKING INFORMATION care eiercised id laun- Ie the housewife is mrs av 1 to be an expert do wonders with =rssrr.n m: F;srss' iron the IRONING THE INDEPENDENT, GRIMSBY, ONTARIO Black satin fashions this stun- ning afternoon gown, which is elaborately decorated with silk embroidery. The neckline is tin.. ished off by a collar of cream lace and web. . L115 Lam, war they are not ironed un- til they are dry. It really needs two persons to prepare a tablecloth tor ironing. Each one should take an end of the cloth, and hold it so that 'ts., T___, - - To Have a Gloss The absence of gloss' noticed upon tablecloths is the fact that they are not" til they are dry. It really persons to Drenare A MM Unfold and spread up on the table, and, press out the napkin, vages together and p s'de. Turn and press told again and stretc central fold is directl length of the selvages side, and fold and pm square. If there is a should be on top. There is a correct napkins, which shou are the lengthwise told center ot the tablecloth napkins. These cylind various sizes, and are 1 pensive. All table linen should be rolled on cylinders made ot pasteboard, as the on1y__permissib1e folds in table linen linen first, and then the wrong side with: edge ot the linen. Grimsby Charming Afternoon Gown Secretary, Laura Secord Historical Essay Contest 61 College St. - Toronto, Ont. Call for your booklet at any Laura Secord Shop or' by mail to--." ‘Boys and Girls all over On- tario are busy writing es- says and find it the most enjoyable task they have eirer done. . Essays have been received from hundreds of schools in eVery part of the province. ’F‘Or the life of Laura Secord 'is one of the most fascinat- ing stories of Canadian his- tory---ft thrills with rom- _ance,and heroism. $500 in' gold is offered for the best Essay on this in- teresting subject. Fifteen prizes in all, including a free trip to New York for the winner and her mother. Laura Secord Historical Essay Contest 'T think every one is writ- ing for the Have You Written Your ' Essay Yet ?- Full Particulars From Local Agency eslie J. Farrell to "The Rexan Stores" 1.21018, and, with a hot. iron, the napkin. Fold the sel- one side lies dffectfy Gd; Correct Folding er and press -upon one and press the other side; 1d stretch .so- that the is directly above the full tablec1dthr% GiGiiii by then iron the lace on without stretching the Wes. Press on each 1Dress to form a IS a monogram it e told -athlii1d1sh, {he ecloth anq those of cylinders "r. come in _ are not at all ex-. gloss frehuently out wrong side himsby East {$331 the hem on the other. With the selvages together stretch the. cloth. Be sore that the selvages are even. Arrange a table back of the ironing board, letting the rest lie on the table. Let the iron rest on the cloth without raising it ,and move-up and down with the warp of the material. Iron gently until the wrinkles have disappeared, and the hems and sel- vages are exactly even. Then press harder, and with greater rapidity. Continue in the same way until the cloth is almost ironed. See that the] hems are even ,and then .iron froml the hems toward the ironed portions! to do away with any fulness. Turn the cloth and iron on the other side. Lay the pastebo'ard cylinder on the nearest end of the cloth. When it is even, start rolling, carefully pressing the linen in front of the roll with the] Iron. " _ Far the is produced of silver. " ‘ '.".iru'r.. My.“ w as."in»:’36-P9321;{'35-i{-2"-Z~IZf-E<"I~Z~5>I-:-£-’4""’.:':‘-"-"' ie'.?':".,".:::.".'.:'.::'? - 3'3" r'. t.iiRrt18.8. AIM. 's?it1'(::u.':if/'sjr" 5%.;3333gun-i...53:14.3,;.;4A;.g.y.gnu.q...-,v‘,-¢.‘-:-.4->:~‘:~:~:3-:-.'~:44-22.“:an»? . " t",it.itir:iii. 'itil.',.". H...,-.~.,.;.;,~4,:_-.3‘_~;¢.cMflea-4:.-Kenn-.25.max-.2.7In.~.-.-.-.v:A:~.-:-:~:~.'-.v:-:':-:-::-:&:-:-:-:-:-:-:-'.:o:-*-vw'n'r- r tP.L'9ui.':y'92RK. '._:.“aftckggqigg{:31.;.;$._.;.;.;5;};fififi-‘cflfv.'1'1'3‘?'3:-I‘Pia"I'Phi-2'3?PI-91-93315"54‘22'Z“:?Z-':‘:":‘:':'~";i‘:'-'- " 'r.i?ii!.t:?.i1'.e.Jrj:e SNP. hMIR5PP.'.'."r' .. .m .H.“ bePPCu"Pi.-'. 2r,yAif.i::'':)i.Y."o'.; W..A.-:~:‘:-:':e:»~~:‘.‘:A:~:v:..-.'-1-' " . “+3 .5..3434332,:3:_:i_:.;,_,;cg. 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Because we install- a Findlay Furm We have consulted the heating experts at the Findlay found designed a eor.t.tpleteheating system for your individual home "size and location of every room in the house. . We guarantee to heat your home as you want it heated -- that a Findlay Furnace will do it with far less fuel cons at present. . There are eight different types, or designs, as well as m sizes in the Findlay Furnace Family-each one made to m need. _ , USE US. Is your house supposed to be "hard to heat"? Is t] bath room or some corner room "always freezing cold Do you dread winter. because so much of the hous properly? ' . Don't you long for a furnace that will heat the entire clean, humidified air that circulates freely in every ro0 dinner or dance frock in peach colored alln E3? . iCi2r7! _ "UPru' __ ' Sh . " gl h', ‘ [, _-; . a my e " " w w, w * Et " . _ ' " - .4 f L . " " A. “a IT‘- Eli-53.55.: ;.;.; .: :~;:-"r:-"- T. P 1p.?i5r/Ci.irkkt"e".'Ji fin‘»_,..4.w>.-> Ff.i,'?p.?J2itii:;",9s't:rhtPR Lance frock a most youthful and charming effect olored allover Chantilly lace draped over cloth S:}::~;:i’5::.::$....§éis e;::.;9.:;.~j;e-322:15;:-:-:i:2$392;1:153:16:I:=:::$!5°Jf-i=E-“5“-I"4‘”:”‘1‘?""*"‘<""~""""' . .. P,l;d:r.,'P2:.;; 'RSI?.': Kii;i:ii?.??.:t?s'. "o'.;.' 11i:f.'j:1?.'2iii'.ir?.?iti fd.: ~5'1-'<'5'-'-':=:'-’-"5'-'3“'2{'1';::“::'::.-{‘:':ig;if; :i:é;s:::::.:.s:23:334.fifi;c:t$>:.;:5r3:»;1:'r3’?.-;<I:I::7.9:51332;)?25-83311‘2-1»:3:€1§¥3$$$$#21:::i-9:111'2'43’115‘3‘1‘5'555'3g'55 252:4“ . ‘93""533:2;3253::2:;3&3:sci-‘hisifigtsfi31:52:31}:453$;a:§.§‘:=:::=§f=2~§§:$$11$?5135575’5‘1’I‘5’55éfxf: -... '.r.Nr.. . ii,tjiii?.ifiijiiritQ4i)ri?: A,.::~:;:‘:-:.;:-. 'gt"..';'.:.:?.;..?:'.?..:':.; y..":.?.??.???. 1rt1f..??.?.?i'i:r, ,.ls.1ei3i;i.'igi "a;"iri.'i . Hi. , :5. $1533“.igfisfiék.5532;435:225m . ‘.;‘.:$:;:‘-:‘-:‘-'-:‘z.5:52:c-zb‘ff‘zfi5iii‘:‘:*%3"“fisfigfifi: :1:z??»:%\$~:7?:j<¢:::=3z::§:=::3cz:.:2535:2551“32:15-22:5351w«a-n'sizi‘Ikfi-tgafi‘2":1':’:553:§"'\‘3§#%\§5’""V‘igii'kkfififig :.;.:.;:::;:.:.:..;.:.’.;:;.;.;:.:.:3-:«-.:.:...;:-:..8Q€:+:-:;:;:-».E52:4.:-:‘:1::‘:~:<~:=:>.‘ '1 ii3.i'i:ykii o.' td 'ii.i'iii.i.i:ii,.i'i'iii'i I: 'i'.b'.'ii.i, b21:33.1:Vxfizflmafit‘igfificztwh{Ergzicgp;.g§:;:;:.:§:f.;:-‘x>:v"§’;§‘:§,.;»:5£9$ iitiiii' - $5114?” 'it?.. tg;e, ,H.,.,,...:.-...v.‘:-:-:-:...:::2‘:-:~:'<:~:3'1"53'3”"35:":':':"':‘:‘:‘:'::::.z':; 'P'.' .:-':.-: "sh' . . "rh', .. .. . ....A.m.a~.~:~.‘-:-:~152?:I:2-I-3:E'2?:3:3:3:-'5??-?!?§3§5‘:‘:52£ 't.'i.'iiiiif.?i'ii:'.':ii'i.'ifl: .ifttii1 . c.". '.tt;yy.k.2kk.P. ikkf, 1iiiiil.i.i.tiiife.,i ' Whether you burn hard or soft coal or wood, we can give you a choice of pipe and pipeless fur- naces which wilrexaetlir suit your particular requirements. And, most important of all, we offer you,. absolutely free of) charge, the services of, the heat.., ing experts of Findlay Bros. Co. Limited,) Carleton Place, Ont., who will give you an independent) plan of heating for your home. Call and see us or write for free booklets and Service Sheets. J. F. RICHARDSON & SON Phone 21. - Grimsby r Because we install- a Findlay e heating experts at the Findlay mating system for your individua every room in the house. V _ When you put your" roast in the pan do not add water then. Wait until the meat begins to brown, then add the liquid. The flavor will be greatly im- proved by the delay. OPEN EVENINGS. Boys' Wool all shades, at. . . . . . . . . l .69c Men's Sunday Shirts at. . . . .98c Men's Pepper and Salt Shirts at.... .... .... .... .... ..98c Men's Wool Sweaters. from Ladies' Corsets at. . . . . . . . . .9 Ladies' Sweaters from $2.95 1 Ladies' Heather Stockings, in WATER 0N ROASTS THE WHITE STORE M'"-"-------"-, ues1gns, as well as many different u-each one made to meet a specific you want it heated - and we know Vith far less fuel consumption than Sweaters, from .. .... ..$1.95 up Sweaters, from .2111 a rlnalay Furnace only after at the Findlay foundries and have your individual home, based on the iit"iie:1tiF,'ii "-‘W i" i 'y?.9;tv1".!:'s1Si2Fei:W, J.0 _ - "r.Tek'.i..tyTf8y'e.1eP..'.i Q 1- and; 3:1£595$1222155<1izifizfifig'iiwtw“ $933:3;:;:;:;:-:~‘.~:-:?:5-'2;>':3:Ei{£31,223 , .~.-.-. k't5J?'t.i',hiiiii?.,i.i:25266.f rm;iiELJ-Eirlififlder-ééfixw; ......98c . .98e up he entire house evenly with every room? the house can’t be heated up Is the dining room or "'? Box 191 HATS-We have the latest styles of winter' hats at the very lowest prices; also we make them to order and remodel any style you wish. Men's Fleece-lined Shirts and Drawers at.... .... ......75c We have a full range of chil- drren's.Winter Coats at the low- est prices. is now in your town and will call you soon. She does not have to leave her home to purchase any of these brushes either, as they are brought" to her door by the Fuller Man. He will demonstrate their use and give valuable suggestions on their care. These Fuller Brushes are all guaranteed against defective work... manship and material. The Fuller Man No longer is there need of shuffling the furniture about a room in order to reach hard-to-get-at-places. Not only can mother do the cleaning in far less time but she also does it much more thoroughly. No more scattering dust from one article on to another. Think of the energy saved, also the peace of mind! Mother can now clean halite in her leisure, moments and as a result has more time which she may use for her own pleasure. Think how simple housecleaning is now with a great variety of brushes each designed for -specific tasks! There are wall brushes, dust mops, wet mops, refill brooms, besides brushes for win- dows, bathtubs, radiators, toilet bowls, lace curtains, stairs and all Jinds of furniture. T LESLIE J Do you remember those weeks mother spent' each fall "cleaning house i"' Why did it take her so long? Simply because she did not have any- thing to do with except an old style broom, a supply of rags, and perhaps a feather duster. It sail”, and Spread it on the marks caused by setting hot dishes on'your d'ning table, let it remain tor about an hour orrso and rub off with a cloth. Write Mirine Co., Chicago 10 prevent syrup 'or cream from ripping on the tablecloth rub a little utter on the lip or the pitcher or jug. t w‘ll not shotand will Save the nen many a stain. tiiliiliW,,,i,yil,i(liif' Make " . 70R unn EYES 11tftrs),tet Tired, Eyes HOUSECLEAN IN C TIME I’OURING SERUP , prevent syrup 'or are E. S. RICHARDSON, Local Agent 'Phone 386j, Grimsby TAKES OUT FARRELL, -The Rexall Store GRIMSBY thin PHONE 420 M-ot-o-tth JorEve Care Book ot MARNE olive oil and marks caused SEVEN on

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