Ill ï¬ï¬ï¬gï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬mï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬gï¬gï¬ The Cheapest is ridt__,,ii,'_.;_.i,,,.ir,r,,wasrs) the best. When comparing prices be sure to consider, quality. We handle only first-class goods, and believed" pricpp cannot be duplicated. (r , Main Street potattks,epeck. . . Gold Medal Flour, 24 lbs.. .. .. .. .85c McLaren's Jelly Powders: . . .3 for Mc Pure Lard (Dpff's) lb, . . Fresh Rivervieyr Creamery Sutter (' _ perlb.. .. .. i. .. .. oo:,::'-:':."-.'.'.. .40c Shredded Wheat. . . . Sun-Maid Seeded or Seediiiii'sRaisins H perpacket.. .. .. .. "Ca-s-u-sh-"" co ..§.17c Shelled Almonds and Shelled Walnuts, 1“‘per*Ib'.... .. .. ".'. .. o"'."".. .. ..50c BtJjllltc0Yl)llli's Giacery WE Sifi)L'"jt,'j,,,f,'_tl._t,y', SATISFY "wedndsday, September 26, 1923. PHO [NES PHONE 431 “FIVE-SPEAKING†PHONE] 431 and 205 ADVERTISE “IN THE IN DEPEN DENT., FiL-lBlllllET'eAll,,_i'lll?llE _ The even, ttoh?mic ai1Ai',l?i2itaic idifi.' fv./rtin1dfliirht giah-d L, Iii-£138 irfir,rtiyl, study," of to prioduCe rhariii6iirikit1 'aiiir _t.iea,sin g affairs. H 'cv,, _, i, tu-,-',),",",,,,'.':]',""" r' given special I care. tion problems, has had. its procgs’s orevolti'.. much candle power. ter of so much wiring, so 'mariyjligf'1ts, so Every individual proposition She)?!“ be (Just Arrive4--Large It, in, commbn with n1t,asit1r,ri)t'tynotnic 1,errs:e'iiit':eskot. advice Lighting Specialist am at your sErvice at trlrtiemrs with ighting of today is nft a mere mat (Just imported) (Always fresh) v-.-,2ftor 25c Crimsby 4.. PHONE 431 PHONE Mt " ":' .' . 40c .. .20c on chiffon, combined with. ivory satin and rareHace, the bridal dress was made with a full court train of ivory satin and Carrickmacrosg lace lined with pleated chiftpp,,guui having a further adorni11enrhfrsgshtids of or- ange "e blossoms.. Rhinestone bucklas at the 'waist and shoulder held the tra’n to the gown, and a graceful band- ,eau veil of tulle, caught to the head With orange blossoms,,was worn. The groom's gitt---a diamond and sappire hairpin; and a platinum wrist witch, Were the bride's ornaments. Her show- er bouquet was. composed of sweet- heart ,yoitiss, orchids; 1 lies dt thevalley torget-me-nots and a lucky sprig of White heather. F _ DENMAN-GLASSCO _ .: _ _ t)row1ivsrt".f1re picturesque country home at Winona of'Mr. and Mrs. M. s.. Glassco, transformed into a floral bow- er with gay- hued autumn blooms and masses of greenery,.and filled with guests lor' the, happy occasion, was the sceneof the marriage, Saturday atters noon, atrn o'cloch, of the r daughter. Douglas,_to Mr. Robert o1iverrppnmant, son of Mrs. Mildred Denman, of Ham- ilton; Very: charming /al "its appoints ments, ahtrhaving as the central fig- ures one'Of the city’s loveliest trls and most popular young men, this was one of the prettiest of a season of nrnttv nuptial events; and the pres- @1199 in the br'dal party of a young pair who next Saturday are the chief figures in a similar ceremony, served to add interest to the wedding Rev. Beverly Ketchen was the offic ating clergyman. The bride, a' picture of beautiful girlhood, in her exquisite gown, was given away by her father,, the wedding mus'c being played by an orchestra. Of brocaded ivory velvet ,A delightful bevy ot young g'rls made up the bridal party. Miss Anna Gl-assco Was her sister's maid of honor, and the bridesmaids were Miss Vera Phin, Miss Rosalind Bell and Miss Mary Me- Laren. Their tatleta frocks, all made alike in quaint bouffant style, with iong bodices, and having shirrings of Valenciennes lace, were in brilliant Shades ot green ,blue, rose and mauve. Their hats were of leghorn, with lace shirrings and streamers in harmony with their frocks; and they carried old-fashioned noseg'ays of mixed flow- Hers invivid colors. Little Miss Jane :Councel, an attractive flower girl carried a basket of gay blossoms, was â€freaked in yellow, with leghorn hat, trimmed with velvet and lace, Mr. Alex. Denmari,brother ot the bride- groom, was best man, and the ushers were Mr. Jack‘Skinner (Toronto), Mr. Miller Skelton, Mr George Greening, aner. Bob Harvey. A reception foll- 'owed' the conclusion of the ceremony .Mrs. M: S. Glassco received in a hand- some-gown of Apricot Chinese crepe, 'Wi-th feathered hat of the same" shade, and she carried a bouquet combined of different flowers. Mrs. Denman, (mother ot the bridegroom, was wear, ing a smart dress of brown velvet, with brown hat, and her flowers were foises. Mrs. Pettit, the bride's grand- mother, was gowned in black and :white Canton crepe, with black hat, and she carried a bouquet of red roses. Among the one hundred and titty guests were a number from out or town, Mr. and Mrs. Denman left tor a motor trip to Virginia Hot Sp- (tings later in the afternoon, the bride #trng away in a blue travelling dress, (With blue hat, trimmed with grey tea- thers, and a wrap of brow'n foxfur. On their‘rerturn they will reside on Herk- imer street Hamilton. LA. Judd, Grimsby, Sept. 23 R. A. Lewis, Grimsby, Dec. 31 W. Groce, Grimsby; Sept." l P. S. Benn, Grimey, June I: That "whispei'iffPeath" printed in a Montreal: ipaper5has caused la" lot pf. discusirioti.,; _ A-pity. some: irrthoire reckless ttrotprisstsiou1dn't hear' it, ". .' _ if}: Enid _ Mrs 1Bett Moore 13nd:- fa)n, ily/of 'r6rpntorvisieed friends here on Su'nday."» _"-" __"-,"""--'," , , The Independent has ‘be'cn_ criticis- ing tiotntr'of/the [pads in. NOrth'Grims- by, there is 'still'ion€,'1eft, namely, The Woorveit'on,Mtitinfaih. FF It is a good i1lu.sttatiirp, "of hpw, a road shopldtr't be. .' ,"' a'. F '... _.. , Grape picking willnqthecome gem erail, here Jbr,ago't1ie.r'ivee1.r, T c, ', - _ The recent rains will be beneficial to fall wheat. Thosewho sewed early fast year reaped the best crop. _ “As a. rule the farmer tvhibelievei in "sew: ing late usually hasn’t his _ 'grOund' ready to sow early.- . _ mi .A F/ost has done no damage here yet, although further) south, corn and po- tatoes have been badly, nippeds _ _Mr., and Mrs.- W, Johnson and Miss Annie Johnston . visited [relatives 'in London' over thtrweek end. . a," F ..j.- The members of the; Board of Trustees, are being urged td.-irlan ii publicity campaign. to' make known thé many advantages to be' obtained in residing in'JQrdan Station, T Since the village was ir1dorporated much-money has been expended irn street paving, building new "walks, etc., and along=with the iorpfoitati1e homes and ‘well kept 1uwnirit 4shows that the citizens haire confidence in the fixture of their, Isp-tp-date village; The streets were ablaze with 'light and the Village Board pf Trustees, composed of W. H. Hunsberry, Wm. Caskey and_Fred Nunamaker, were congratulated on every hand, for their progressive. spirit in securing for the citizens this much nepded, improve- ment. ' H ', V V Jordan Station was the scene of a merry celebration Saturday evening last when the street lights, which had been installed 'by the Hydro-Electric' Commission were officially turned on. Big Celebration Held When Lip- coln's “Baby Viuaie" Turn On Hydro Street, V1ghts-t-May Start Big Publicity' Campaign. BRIGHT LIGHTS SHINE AT JORDAN 1lllElillllllll .VAPUBS' PAID-UP LIST THE INDEPENDENT, GRIMSBY, ONTARIO 1924 1923 1924 1924 i. cSt. Catharines have rchhmpidh itsid- ing here pf whomfm of the-citizens are aware, R, J. Montgomery. having captured' "ther Eastern Canada trap- shooting contest andrwon the Gover- not General's cup. This is the dirst time that this honor has come to St. Catharines and "Jim"; as he is known to all his friends, has received due congratulations on his feat. T R. J. Montmogery‘ is the genial manager of the Niagara District Grape; Growers, Limited, the selling organi- zation of the groWer'é, and in this sphere he has gainedreenown for the city bf his adoption, herhaving hailed from the 'Beamsvill'e district.-St. Catharines Standard.' ;, (Recently arrived 'fr'tjrn England), pupil pf the late John ‘Kennedyvand other tyyinfnt.Eurppetrn 'Essters pf Voice Production, 1iih),dutidn, etc., is now open to receive ti,tiinited number of pupils for Singing, Ehitution, Pianoforte, Theory orMusic. .Highâ€" est local references., 7. 7-termsf, mod- erate. T Apply, 'f' /.,'s'l. } Heintzman & Cori, Hamilton P. O. Box 157, Grimsby. Phone 238w. _ 'CNrsday-rr1 ast pm to' help me out by telling me axample of Minorrity "rule/Hts gulped a "eupple times and as nelt rsveld well I reckon it wood be a wt/man' with twp husbends. V Wengdaerhen V teacher an Alice emcune’ “Who was the' three greatesm Marys History can: LunsWered- and revived, . MarysvTud'or', Marx, Queen of -Scotéh"and Mary Cfitiitisa. " I _ V 'T!tets4iror--oraki, is .comikal When it cumin to class with. Teacher tttst him to tplrwhat he knew About Ivory to- d-ay‘arzld he aed all he new was that it floists and is a skin you love to tutth. '.' .; '.'.', _ . T . Mpi1dai_-rh"rir' liberty was extracted (tttttr-tIii-iss' today. Still and all we do have; a gopd gel of fun. Are teecher "ah' hm 116379 trtt 99‘s 01 p813 III aqs shes that is me ~and‘.5ake and Pug and Blisters which ‘s’tayed in her room tor review this yr. But 1 consolmshun I got Pa and ma are a going to take me with them on there vacashion trip to 'risiiasiyiybeGGe they arent tnirybuddy they ;.care to. leave me with them witch' @091.le ' Chance on a he blooded red /Arneticirn'1i,ke Me. . _ swimmer tumorm the melon 'eo1ip diiytt Will have came once more. Slim times Ihwlsxht I was a poor kid horned ot honest parents. so I cud wirk in a cold mine and live in the Slump? of aurit eityl-where you cant go to skoorop acct. "of not enuft money and where yoquonld Bee the Giants and the Pirate play on Saterday afternoon in 37-th hole in the fence. But sum kids has all the luck. _ Sat.----" they are one thing that makes pa get mad under his collar is tor sumbuddy to try and kid him or sum- thing when he is a wirk'ng with the ford. ' Today he Was trying to start it with' the (Crank and slim kid cums a- long on a hirsickle and he ast pa Cuddent he make it play. Luckly far . the kid the crank Was strapped fast or he wood of had it threw at. him with al the stren- th of piv'si rite arms. Then I turned the key-and the_thing started OK. ma. witch spent amner house tiediis witch has been. marryed six, times a ready and pa says he pays alleymoney to them. I ast pa in a Soak .N)..0_-J.O.()’~ l J. IS CHAMPION TRAPSHDOTER. smile kinda it, he had ihem _ listed down alfabettticly. And he just -latted with a ANNOUNCEMENT The Management of The Village Inn, Grt'itijshy,. Ont, wishes to announce to the people of Grimsby; and its vi- cinities, that they. are now ready to give wteitiar rates for board and teeny†the very lowest of, ateswhAs our room space is limited " these low rates you, should make _reservations as Soon " possible. These gates begin now and will' continue ‘nntil May 15th. 1924. /'); ,i,"'r, l: We wish to amidunce also that we will cater specially for social functions of all kinds-dinner (1311968, ban, qisets, spatial Part? dinner, and private danceN étc. - We hope that qrjitttrbr peo- ple wiuhelp us In» trying to keep the Inn o.t",tt all year Please bear in ttriser/trat. With- out your co-opener)",",: We tans not do so. or," ' , Slate" Diary F ri day-Met MRS. w. E. JOHNSON By ROSS FARQUHAR r-('-l Wet a old trend of Pa and spent lieer time at are Obituary 32' Misses' Homespun Dresses from $4.95 to $6.50. _ Ladies' Serge Dresses from $8.50 to $13.50. _ _ See our specials at $10.95. _ Misses Navy Pleated Skirts' at $3.95. . 7 _ __ l AARON GROBB" Following an illness of about one year, Aaron Grobb passed away Sun- day _afternoon at the family residence, 7 Water street, Thorold. Deceased had for some years successfully con- ducted a fish-business in Thorold. Born in-Beamsvil1e 53 years ago, he went to Thorold to makehis home. /He is survived-by his widow, five daughters, Mrs. Lance V Tufford, Beamsville; Mrs Andrew Myers, St. Catharines; Minnie, Martha and Vio- let at home and two sons Henry, of Thorold, and William of Buffalo, We are preparing for a big tutp- over in our Ladies' Ready-to-WNV Department Friday and Saturday: ', _ Ladies Ready-to-Wear Millinery' Specially selected group of attrag- 'tive hats at popular prices from $3.30 to $7.50. . There was also a. special' prize drawing tor the Iad'es and a baby show besides other Special features Which kept the large crowd in good humor throughout the day's sport. The funeral is being held Wednes- day afternoon, at 1 o'clock, from the family residence, to the Presbyterian Church, Beamsville,ywhere' a public service will be held at 2 p.m. Inter- ment in Mount Osborne Cemetery, Beamsville. I SPECIALS IN LADIES' READY- TO-WEAR f _ ". _ Misses' and Women's Fur-trimmed Coats. Special values at $19.50, $24.50 at1tr$92.itl., _ M“ - "l':' In the 'shoot-oft W. Hodges won. For second high average, H. Newlands, Galt; G. Dprk, Toronto, J. Summer- hays, Weston, all broke 90x100. A t)eature of the tournament was the §ple-ndid shooting of Mrs. Templetalso Mrs. Luts and Mrs Millar. q Children's Serge Dresses from 6to .12 years, on sale at $3.50 to $6.50. V l f Misses' and Women's Silk Dresses reduced to $9.98: "_' Hg} Misses and Women's Silk Crepe dt Chine and Alltyme Crepe Dressed at $15.00 and $17.00. .". .. _ '.'.-, is, The competition among the hooters was very keen, but a strong. wind blowing across the traps caused the scores to be lower than . usual. W. Hodges of Jarvis and B. Smith ot Hamilton, tied for high average w'th 91x100. f T Shooters were present from alhover Ontario including Toronto,: Hamilton Landon, Barrie; Brantford, Gait Jarvis: Dunnville St.-Catharines, ete.) and all went home w'th nothing but praise for the hospitality extended to them by the Jordan Club. , Ladies? Suits, fgtmer-, uricé._,$2.5-.00 to $35200? Ydiir"efioibé"f6"r $15.00 THE A. F. HAWKE CO. _ The fame of the fruit grown in the Jordan and Vineland _ districts has travelled tar and near and is undoirbt- Irin a class by itself for‘flavor and quality. , ' pordirmGpn. C1utt held tIrish. siitegnth annual fruit shoot in tlie-Maplewood Park today Beautiful :Weaiheni-xand a mdst attractive program brought. to- gertlier the largestnumber‘ of trap shooters that have attended, any shoot iii, Canada‘this year. _. T The titrti-wotiien were attehded by DF. Addy; ofJordan and removed to theirhome. . 1tubrhas a bad cut on hisrdbpt aturatrs. Thompson is be- lieved ttrbie suffering/nt interiial in- juries., .r".t . t:' -I . HIGH “SCORES: _..'AT _ JORDAN T Sr,B_Qt)yll? s' Nthititiie of this aceident two tour- ihg caré were approaching from the west with glaring headlights and these, with the dense fog which pre- vailed throughout the evening, made it most difficult for O'BrieCto see., I Thez'cause of' the accident is given "is the density of thiridi, O'Brien claims that he Idid"ntyt see the rig ahead pf him until his wife shouted a, warning, He then applied the brakes, but the damage had been dthrtir, The two women were thrown clear of the buggy and-the oxfords of the girl were torn from her feet. Horse is Shot _ The horse was thrown in the acci- dent -and sustained a broken back, being later shot-to relieve. its misery. The buggy was completely smashed. The seat of the muggy "was smashed and anew aluminum dish iwas "lat- tened beyond' recognition Those' who saw:.the-remains of the buggy after the accident expressed Wonder that the occupants. were. pot. killed. _ These were the results. Of an ac- cident on thehighway abbut a mile east of Jordan, abiiut sevenv o'clock Saturday evening, whena truck of Wm. Winters, driven by John O'- Brien, trashed"into the. rear of the buggy, both vehicles being travelling 'west. '. 'r-.;'" '. JORDAN STATION; s_eiit,"18..-"---The TRUCK‘STRIKES BUGGY ON ROAD _ The Thompson gray mare, killed. .V -;-' _ Mrs. Dan Thompson, Jordan, internal injuries. _ ' , Her daughter, Ruby, aged about 16, foot cut. we _ 'iir'iriuisnifuthtGwrr I1 Clear of Buggy and Horse Killed-Meat Smashed-Dish _ Flattened--- Oxford Shoes Torn From Feet of Girl Occupant; -» .1. m1 YOU CANNOT AFFORD to take chances on having a poor battery in your car. We are sales and service agents for this district for the fam- ous Willard Batteries. Come in and let us show you the new battery for Fords/Chews. and other small cars at the ri.diculotasry low price of $19.30, guaranteed for one year. Central Garage, 'phone 309, Grimsby. _ FOR --SA§I§E-4Mcizéif§min* "irtoiy hugs gy, nearly new. About 4000 ft. chestnut. finishing lumber, T . rough. About 10,000 ft, pine lumber, rough. Sam Char-c-hs-vi-tteu-tttr-Station. q?htyne 632 ring s. _ 2619 Lakeview (lardehsi.' f I. Immediate "tobs- session. Apply, 'Mrgngicks, onymthe survey,, or G1ro,, Ji),"' Armstrong, 32 Main streetea'st, Hamilton. _ TO 1.tENT-prirri:'iiiiitsr T bungalow; three-piece bath, f,uritirc'e,"treetiid light fixturts cqmpletc; CFUiiitiw Road", ". "-7170 _RErtCti-t-hr' jitft'tiiirt _ fdr‘ 'tWQ i‘dult§,_on1Highway-, "p,titiic'.,h,a1f mile east tif 'gtimsby.-to'artrt,, furnished or"m'n- turitished.., Vacant Nov. lst. Mrs. (cilhb Louti,"phtitte S0pting 3, Gtimss bi." _. . ‘TO RENT' 'OR' FOR SALE--) (:09; ed boast, néw'lyvde'corated, or Kiéltlki1 avenue; all conveniences; inr iiieitiate possession. W. J. Schwab fi'gifzone 302, Grimsby T (r/FOR _,S6I,:Er,r-Ste,s:,rrr,a1, household argicles for' side-#0116 "McC1ary cool; sftpyemin} good c6trditidn; a .22 rifle';' t,rtitturp1yttya,n,d records; cheap. R. AgfLewi's, Oak street. _ . " ' ' ", FOR SALE» .,OR‘ To RENT-O rjfp,tned house, with garage, on Fair- iéigw avenue'u . Apply-:10 'Mr., Maxwell, dry/the premises. ' . /1T1., EMT-356125110115?“ 03k what-zL'=Sm91§éia.;§9.eyen’i‘ehces; apossese tidn iiifrtiediiitiiriir _ Aifiiry, Burti6iriiii'is Grpcery. FOR SALEccYdung pigs, 4 weeks old; Hay or grain, taken in exchange, irdesited; , kings- ; Cfoss & "Son; 'phone 412j, ‘Gr'imsby. TO RgNT't-trlou,t,e,, With barn, if desired,, for" Winter "months. F. L. FOR JiAil:--rrRpyaf, Matron range, burns "either tea! or Wood with ies- ervoir and warming ovcn. hiii". War- dell) Murrdir' strifet, Grimsby. Curry, Park Road! Grimsby, Egg: Post Offreir.csrrcsrir/elr"r-rr-" ". .. _ I' -» FOR 'i'A,L1ir--Good cook stove, "Sterling Jewelâ€. J, Apply in evening, W. Camerson,ic19tifettpaireet, _-"". _ : FOR SALE-A war. of, Pitlenn .5..s-" ton scales. Fred .riWalker;"'Gras§ie,‘ 'phone 97 ring 4. FOR s.AtE--2W,oiyi)'r in stove orjur- ttacer-lengths' l _:Robt.rBeainer, 'phope 70.ring 12, Grimsbyan _, FOR S5LF-reHapd washing ma- chine, "Playtime",' neatly new. 'Phbne 426w, or Box 113, Grimsby. FOR SALE.a-01dpia1nut. sideboard, low _back; ‘price' Hos, . Mrs. WL F. Geddes. V _ ". TO LFP-)i'vrpished. house, low rent to right party. 'Phone 84 ring 13, Grimsby. V ', :" . ", , . ", FOR S/Val/tFour' Airedale :pup's Model Dairy, 'phone 410, Grimsby. . The attractive and utilitarian _results achieved by the in- stallatipp pf the lustrous white porcelain enameled bath room equipment gives it the premier place in the beautiful modern homes of today". . PHONE 431 FOR SALE OR RENT WALLACE BROMLEY ECONOMY! BEAUTY! LONG LIFE! Plumbing and Heating -", specialist . "wANTEP-Tiirt women to cut grapes.', ‘,>\App.l_y,; P: Graham, 'phone 73 ring 13; Grimsby. _ BOARD AND ROOM for one or two ladies. All modern conveniences. Box 534. . FOR SERVICE--cRegistered, bacon type, York boar. $1.50 cash. E. Fulford, Grimsby Centre. _ WANTED-r-work on a farm, pre- ferably- (by the year; six years' dxperiiehee on a" fruit farm; good ref- erences supii1ied.r Apply, Box H, The Independent. __" _,-." _.' WANTED-About one hundred bushels of Baby Short 'HorriiifYir11ow Carrots; good price: Anyone in- terested, calrs138, E. Todd, Grimsby. _.',', EQAféD‘EIiéiifWAï¬Ebéiï¬poï¬ls and board; anrilo't"iienie'niiesctf,iti'j' fpply, Mrs. E. Stewart, Gibson avenue? _ LOSTESh't3liIf'aaiy"'evé’niï¬g,,5'§in town or west :.vsrisssbrio.iaitt..-it,itse, containing money amrr,c,tsttvrktrtrsrv: Qwf)er is most aniriiiiiiimyiHetur"i1 of purse and keys-, Brsmai1v.tpreferretVto Boat Pl):, Gringsby, of to The Independent Office ffdr’ 'reiarsird.1r.,, _ ( ', _ _ LOST--ih"px/er1hrr "ls, éBiijrook and Grimsby, by 'w_ay'2=6fijeWiit 'méiuntain, on Saturday:1152;5t‘,;‘-j_r¢eidl‘gridiblack street blanket. 'sv:i'si1tissirjit)1',,' ',' I; J," M. Lawrie, Grimsbscy,rt'thote3tiii j†-.. / . _ LoF'r--rjN/ ca]: fem-1&7 f,iit may-Don on Elizabeth: tirt1'tt last: ".,'1,hr,:.'tf.l,htssday. F itider plégsc 'retiirirrtp J$1)ie'1, T,tyiepen- dent Offiifp,' 1'1' (rr, r.r.,':' HOUSE AT COST-A new bungalow on Fairview Road, Lakeview Gardens, contains _ five rooms and, V bath, furnace _,with hot .water..boiler._.. con- nected, wired for electric stove, elec- tric fixtures complete; situated on lot 50rieet fr6tttagirah,tr147 feet in depth, planted with peach trees, easy access to lake, a. .real house for the year rouriirri-buir now! Don't throw your money'away in rent. Rent receipts are worthless, _ BPildiQSHJQtS, ottsale; 'éaiiir"tirriiiis'." S'ée'jr‘our local builder for pricesto build Kama home Ap- Ply/ c.t2? sE.iArttrstttyitg/, (y?craTirin F., Haim'ilttiiiwt' "f ._ I.- _"-' 'r'. 75;? FOR SALE OR'EXCHANGE-100 acres of first land, near Fonthill, a tood brick house, with all conveniences, a gisod hip-roof barn with basement, room for 30'or 40 head of cattle, wihwater in hard, silo, pig pen, hen house; and about 8 acres of first class hardwood brush, balance of farm in first class cultivation; Will exchange for asmall fruit farm in Grinisbrdistrit;t or a nice home in Grihtsbyr "Price $10,000. This is a good opportunity for anyone who wishes to to farming. T D. E. Swayze, Grimsby, 'phone '163. 'P 'V'VV famous,, long service Willard Batteries for Fords, Gray- Dorts, Chevrolets and other cars of a like nature. _ Guaranteed for one year. We do all kinds of battery re- pairing. Central Garage, 'phone 309, Grimsby. _ $19.50 lp, YOUR CHANCE TO BUY A FOR SALE OR RENT LOST AND'e’FOUND WANTED buys you on e of the PHONE 431 FIVE