SIX t f I ' I " 'f, ' I _ I tlllt " I . i “ 3 'iglli , 5 pg. _ '] , “1 itSllllll ! I "IP, 1 t hwy)! : I _,] , ",'~;.‘j’.Al7 ii I i _ » lllt ‘. v ' " I lil, Ilitllll"i' l 7l5, h' -" ' f (lllllltiiiilllll B8 an". lat, "q " "m: 'i,iiqllllililllllltii'tiiiii'iiii , . . " R? - , Bit rag, LCP, "ti" H itlMt j t ..’ TEL '." C .EIDYS \;:*\ ALWAYS. EVERYWHERE IN MAN 'hc ASK POR snows bureau / MATCHES , On the CPR. and CNR. -where quality counts- Eddy matches are served to patrons The Duty of , Fire Prevention OWEN SOUND, ONT. ps . Weaver, Réioresentative H. E. COOKE, & CO., 555W Fiti0r=tSe2'r9.eBsS 'e',)ltsysTer5eiW3'lr-5CLteetyt ABM‘WM "lat-_-sc-V, 't'he.:Tt.,.ttF5erg.ii, E¢=2i>4ia>f4§< 'tStFi,trectr9, 2k1iitb5,'Si5'rei s"aSEt'ietais.gLiiritst,F"=9i'9LS 119 Prospect Street, Hamilton " gm Metis---Metis Grand, and Metis Little: where is this recommended ob- jective of a Little Trip? For answer and enlightenment, unfold your map of Canada, run your eyes eastward along the St. Lawrence through Que- bec and there, on the south shore No. ti-LITTLE METIS .. r", g .. /trc'e Nt'* Carelessness with cigarette butts, cigar ends, matches, pipe ashes, camp fires, fly smudges, railway locomotives, slash-burning operations-human carelessness of some kind accounts for over 95% of the forest fires in Ontario. It is impossible to say how many fires along railway lines are not due to engine. sparks, but to the thoughtless smoker thsing away his cigarette or cigar butt. Howeve; there is no doubt a fair num- ber of forest fires originate in this way, and such are' preventable. Each in- dividual should realize his personal responsibility to be careful with fire in any form in northern Ontario. . The Ontario fire ranger is at the mercy of all types of carelessness, and cannot prevent fires starting, as a rule. He can _\ only attempt to limit the -....... consequences. He is entitled y, to your help and co-oper- "UN l ation by being careful with I t fire. i Save Ontario's Forests . " 13-4! Itt, t 31/151»: 2'7. Parliament Buildings Toronto, Ontario Ontario Forestry Branch Here, tucked aWay in a succession of indentations' along shore, is Metis: French-Canadian village, summer re- sort, cottages of summer resorters, and the ubuquitous hotel, also sum- mer-y. At the first and superficial glance, Metic may not promise much for a week's, a month's or a season’s stay, but wait and see! A month of four weeks and an added day to two may not be long enough to make Met- is grow stale, Just to loaf and longe; to pretend to read, and really sleep on the clean sands; just to let the life- giving winds from the Atlantic have their will with you, is to reap the beneficient harvest of Metis. Just to wander at will in" and through the shore woods, or to stand on an ex- posed neck of land and drink in the glorious panorama of sea and sky and curving shore and distant Laurentian range-is to make Metis worth while where the big river widens to a gulf, the little word will be discovered. Many a time I've traced its winding shores and string of houses from the deck of an ocean vessel and with the aid of binoculars, but now we will see it at closer quarters by the land ap- proach and with the help of a little branch railway that loses itself some- where in the open down Matane way. Modernity approaches the station in the shape of a motor car, and a mile or two of honking effort brings the traveller to the river road and the curving silver beach that is Metis. or, to explore the river road in its only two directions-west to the an- cient Seigpeury and the old Presby- terian church, or the graveyard where whole colonies of ship-wrecked sail- ors sleep, instead of Davy Jones damp locker; case to the never-ending pro- cession of houses of habitants or sup- mer-folk. Golf, on a dear little course; ten- nis for the tennisy; swimming for the hardy people who love the tingle of salt water that is not exactly warm! Barefooted walks, in the nice soft oozy mud at low-tide to the jumble of rocks in whose pools will be found marvels 62 THE INDEPENDENT, GRIMSBY, ONTARIO of sea life, or to sit on verandgh in- shore and watch the stately sh/pt. go by-all this gives Metis 1ts distinc- tion. The municipal council of' South Grimsby met pursuant to adjournment in the Smithvillt Hall, on June 11th, 1923, at one o'clock p.m., with the members all present. Acting as a Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of 1923, the following appeals were heard: Wm. Ahl, who claimed to be wrongfully assessed, appeal dis- missed; H. H. Cosby, claimed over- valuation of buildings, valuation re- duced $20.00; Cudnic, William wrongful assessment for a dog, appeal allowed; Grant, Wm., claimed wrong- ful assessment for 3 dogs, reduced to two; Ino. Hesler, asked ta have dog struck off his assessment, allowed; Heaslop, D., claimed over-valuation of Ept. 5, Rge. 2, appeal dismissed; Heas- lop, D., claimed under-valuation of W. H. Couse's property, pt. 7, Con. 9, ap- peal dismissed; Heaslop D., claimed under-valuation of F. Roberts' proper- ty n. w., pt. 19, Con. 9, appeal dismiss- Moved by Councillors Acton .and Book that this Court of Revision do now adjourn and the Council resume ordinary business-Carried. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. Moved by Councillors Parker and Book, that leave be granted to intro- duce a, by-law to.authorize the Reeve and Treasurer of the township to bor- row a sum df money not to exceed three thousand dollars, to defray the current expenses of the township, and that the same be now read the first time.--Carried." By-law read the first time. Moved by Cqunci11ors Baldwin and Acton, that the by-law just read be now read the second and third time and do pass, the Reeve and Clerk sign and seal the same and its title be as in the motion.-Carried. By-. law read the second and third time. Moved by Councillors Baldwin and Parker, that w, H. Couse, assessor be granted $29.83 for extra work and postage for the year 1923.---Carried. That the cletls.order from the Al- vinston BridgeNCorks two road drags with chains. 5 Lf - Jioad account for May, J. E. Ander- son, $34.98rF. Bowmiin, $24.60; Clif- ford Field, $69.15; R. Wheat, $9.90; C. Wilcox, $9.90; N. Nelson, $5.05; A. Davis, $16.70; F. Stewart, $18.15; A. Munro, $10.45; W. L, Field, $1.26; Chas. Lampmarl, $12.50; Jno,q'odwin- ski $13.25? Jas. Hoffman, $5.50; S. Coon, $4.40; V. Fiske, $5.50; E. Braund $5.59; D. Disher, $5.50; W. Corrigan, $6.60; F. Trembly, $9.35; F. W. Roberts, blank forms from Muni- cipal World, $141; J. M. Martin, law costs, $5.83; D. Shrum, grant to Meth- odist Cemetery, $50: W..-H. Couse, ex- tras and postage, $29.83.---Carrietr. Moved by Councillors Baldwin and Book that leave be granted to intro- duce a by-law to fix the assessment on the Mill property and anything in connection with the business of Ed- ward Bernard Acton, and that the same be now- read the first and sec- ond time.---Carried. . Moved br,Sc/?1otyillors, Book Parker,'fo11oring aCCOuaI'Illtc: be paid: . y/i , _ Moved by Councillors Book and Parker that leave be granted to in- troduce a by-law to provide for taking the vote of the electors of the town- ship of South Grimsby and that the By-law time. SOUTH GRIMSBY COUNCIL Mr. and Mrs. Murray Vernon were married-June sailed for England, where Mr. Vernon will compete , games at Wimbledon. Mrs. Vernon was Mfss Marcel Neinork City, the first graduate of Spence School to ma Next Article-REGINA TOWNSHIP COUNCIL_ MEETINGS read NOTED TENNIS PLAYER, AND HIS BRIDE. the first and second same be read the first time.--Carried Moved by Councillors Baldwin and Book that this council do now ad... iourn to meet in Smithville on July 9th, 1923 at'one o'clock p.m. H. Gracey, Reeve. F. W. Roberts, Clerk. Queenston. . Wellandport Clinton and Abingdon . . . Smithville. . l Pelham. . . . Grantham. . . Louth. . . . . Vineland. . .. Moved Baldwin and Book that the by-law just read be now read the second and third time and do pass, the Reeve and Clerk sign and seal the same and its title be as in the motion-Carried. By-law read the second and third time. Abingdon. . Ancaster. . Beamsville Binbrook ' Cayuga...... .... Dunnville . . .. . . . . Fenwick .... ..... Niagara-on-the-Lake Smithville . . . . . . . Thorld .... .. ....1 Welland ...... ... Wellandport We print o. K. B. Stationery. SCHOOL FAIR DATES FALL FAIR DATE S Larrled-June 7 and have 11 compete In the tennis Miss Marcella Verran of Grimsby marry this year. .. ....Oct. 5-6 . ..Sept. 25-26 x. ..Sept. 14-15 . ..Sept. 21-22 ....Sept. 19-20 ....Sept. 11-12 . ..Sept. 25-26 .....Sept. 21-22 ....Sept. 12-13 To be arranged ....Oct. 2-3-4 Sept. 28-29 Sept. Sept. ‘Sept .Sept Sept. Sept. Oct. 2nd Oct. 4th Oct. 5th 19-20 11-12 25-26 21-22 12th 18th 19th 25th 26th 28th Phone 4 Pipe and Fittings Sewer Pipe Tile _ll2lEIErIf.IIiirri? Wéï¬ï¬ï¬ M O N T RE A L Robert hllllloxlley 4 - Phone 21 _ IBING " HEATING WATER SYSTEMS ADVERTISING PAYS A Bathroom With a Character . ' Direction: UNITEb HOTELS COMPANY OF AMERICA VERNON G. CARDY, Manager High Class Work Wednesday, July 4, 1923