Grimsby Independent, 21 Mar 1923, p. 5

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at Toronto Exhibition, Sept., ~1922; bred by R. W. Stewart, Newmarket; «ark red color; splendid type. birds. Other pens headed by cockerels from Harold Tompkins, Concord, Mass., and Guild‘s, of Rockwood; all strong, beautifully colored males. Eggs from pens Nos. 1 and 2, $2.50 setting; from pens Nos. 3 to 8, $1.50 setting. Come and see them before ordering. S. F. EVilliams, phone 158j, Main Street ast. s _ FOR SALEâ€"10 Barred: Rock hens, O.A.C. laying strain, ‘all laying; also batching. eggs from â€" O.A.C. laying strain, 75c for 13 or $6.00 per 100. €has. Durham, Phone 43, Grimsby. wwwm RHODE ISLAND REDSâ€"Hatchâ€" ing eggs from eight pens heavy laying atrain. â€" Pullets, Guild‘s of Rockwood Cbred to lay" stock. Nos. 1 and 2 pens headed by 1st and 2nd cockerels for for ga.tching; from good laying strain, $1.50 per setting. Phone 415, P. H. €amble. p _ FOR SALEâ€"Carload of ~Frost %re fence and cedar posts, just unâ€" foaded; also barbed wire and Uâ€"Bar steel posts. _ Agent for John Deere machinery, Gilson silos, stable fixâ€" #ures, Deering and McCormick farm machinery. M. S; Merritt,~ Grassie. Phone 282 ring 4 Grimsby. _ FOR SALEâ€"A few Plymouth Rock «ockerels; also Plymouth Rock eggs, _ FOR _SALE â€" Good sevenâ€"room Bouse and barn. Central; suitable #or a teamster, or for a small chicken fjarm; price $4,100. Also vacant lots for sale, from $100 up. Apply D. E. Swayze, Grimsby. Phone 163. _ FOR SALEâ€"Sterling Jewel range, for wood or coal, $20.00; Quebec heatâ€" er, nearly new, $12.00; child‘s English push chair, $5.00; 6 oak dining chairs, box seats, nearly new, $18.00.. Phone 37 ring 3. 3 _ FOR SALEâ€"4 choice building lots, 50 x 160 (all fruited) on Maple avenue, @rimsby; also baby chicks, will hatch March 24 (Barred Rocks). _ Apply Phone 43, Chas. Durham. 21|3 â€" FOR SALEâ€"Tomato plants, early and late varieties. James Stevens, Sr., %fiamsvflle, or Phone 5 ring 4, Beamsâ€" ville. 18]4 | FOR SALEâ€"Good delivery or fruit #arm mare; ‘harness and wagon, toâ€" gether or separate. J. May, Phone §U5t _ v _ FOR SALEâ€"Quantity of Red Clover and Alsike seed; also 120â€"egg incuâ€" bator. Jno. Monaghan, Grassie, Phone 97 ring 31. _ TO RENTâ€"Three nice unfurnished rcoms, suitable for light housekeepâ€" ing. Telephone 398w. FOR SALEâ€"Cord or stove wood. Delivered in any quantity. Phone 295 ring % tf h 1 â€" TO LETâ€"A new 7â€"roomed house, with modern conveniences, by April 1. Phone 199w, Grimsby. & Commencing with our first issue in March, we instituted tem of charging for our Classified Advertisements. . Up tc our charges for advertising of this nature had been Forty Cen! allowance up to oneâ€"half inch and Five Cents per count line t] as it is so difficult to gauge the space "copy" will occupy, we s many lines of space in a single issue of THEâ€"INDEPENDENT From now on, therefore, our charges for Classifie maents will be on & "word basis" with minimum charge of Fhat is, our rate will be Two Cents per word, with Forty Ce mum; the address on the advertisement not to be charged for thitials in the body of the advertisement, however, to count as w ; Our patrons of the Classified Column, we think will find ently more satisfactory as we will ourselves; and we will ap1 fixing these rates in mind so as to avoid any possible confusic become effective. » FOR SALE â€" Fine, thoroughbred Scotch Collie pups, 7 weeks old. Box 607, Grimsby. 213 *m).().fi.fl-()-0.(_0-0.0-()-()-0-0-()-()-( )â€"<m».0â€" <me.0 <un c <ame 0 â€"<mm> 0 â€"<sm câ€"am EGGS AND CHICKENS .:0.()-()-()-(l-ll-(.‘-0-()-()-U.fl-o-()-()-()-0-()-(I-O-()-()-0-()-(1-()-(0:0 Wednesday, March 21, 1923 NEW CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES FOR SALE OR RENT Invest in Real Estateâ€"the surest, safest investment possible. An investment that will bring you good returns and no one can steal it or take it away from you. See what we offer you in homes and buildâ€" ing lots on LAKEVIEW GARDENS Grimsby‘s finest subâ€"division, overlooking the Lake, every modern convenience, Electric Lights, Telephone, Sidewalks and Town Water, Silver Maple Trees planted making beautiful avenues to the Lake shore. Two piers, bathing beach, boating and fishing. The Ideal place for your summer home. Building lots are 50 feet frontage by depth of 116 to 230 feet, mostly fruited. . Already ten houses and grocery store have been erected and many lots sold to intending home builders, HAMILTON & NIAGARA FALLS‘ HIGHWAY and Radial cars about ten minutes‘ walk from the property which is situated straight north from the Village Inn. PRICES $8.00 per foot and up for building lots. _ Buy now and share in the profits. Don‘t wait until prices have advanced. REAL ESTATE has been the stepping stone to fortune for many a man, it may be the same for you. Seize your opportunities. New bungalows for sale and rent. Further particulars, apply, LAKEâ€" VIEW GARDEN STORE, Corner Olive and Fairview Road, Grimsâ€" by, or G. E. Armstrong, 32 Main Street East, Hamilton. Phone Regent 2140. "Real Estate Is the Basis of All Security" PASTE IT BESIDE YOUR PHONE! â€"Don‘t Take Chances . nb e I .marclu, we instituted a new sysâ€" sified Advertisements. . Up to that time, this nature had been Forty Cents for a space @and Five Cents per count line thereafter; but space "copy" will occupy, we sometimes lost issue of THE INDEPENDENT. In a few minutes the porter returnâ€" ed: "Shouldn‘t go any further with the case if I were you, sir. Do you know who the gentleman is? E And the porter handed the eminent K.C. his own card. 4 ‘"Follow that man!" roared the lawâ€" yer to a porter. "Get his name and address, quick!" APRIL 4â€"Mrs. Wm. Wedgewood, Grimsby Beach Road, will offer her ohusehold furniture, a horse, harâ€" ness; drayâ€" and many other articles. Terms cash. Sale ‘at one o‘clock sharp. Jas. A. Livingston, auctioneer. FOUNDâ€"A good automobile tire. Owner can have same by applying to Post Office Box 437, Grimsby. g 4. HOUSEMAIDâ€"LAUNDRESS â€" Also seamstress wanted; $30 month for housemaid; every convenience; gseamâ€" stress for few â€" weeks, principally children‘s clcthes. Mrs3. Creet, Phone 178, Beamsville. WANTEDâ€"For Golf Club during summer months, girl for office; stenoâ€" grapher preferred. â€" For duties, etc., apply â€"to Secretary, P. 0. Box 160, Grimsby. Do you know why you save money buying your monument from F. A. Wilcox & Son? Because: It is only handled once; they haven‘t the overâ€" head expense of a city shop; your money is spent at home; they belong to the Ontario Association of Memorial Craftsmen,;~ m guarantee of skilled workmanship and perfect material. Phone Grimsby, 407. 28|3 MONEY TO LOANâ€"Private and Company funds at prevailing rates of interest, on first mortgage security, in amounts of $500.00 and over. Calder & Hazlewood, Grimsby. WILL THE PARTY who stole my black and white fox hound on Friday night kindly return it as their idenâ€" tity is known? If returned before Friâ€" day I will not porsecute. G. A. Rea, Grimsby. good time for farmers to seed; put up in 90 lb. ba 368. ALEX. EARLE is expressing a car of seed potatoes from the north. _A MONEY TO LOAN on first mortâ€" gages on farms in Niagara District. Hugh A. Rose, barrister, etc., Welland, Ont. %= 10(5 VAAA i in aa s~ I AM GROWING tomato plants, pepâ€" pers, cabbage, etc. Kindly order as soon as possible. Alex. Groff, Phone 78 ring 3, Beamsville. $ EASTER LILLIESâ€"Just right for Easter; order early; alos cut flowers, ferns and flowering plants; radishes and lettuce. A. E. Cole, Phone 328. TRUCKINGâ€"By Motor; any load any distance. Prices right. W. C Watts, Phone â€"354w, Main street easg LOST AND FOUND es for Classified Advertiseâ€" inimum charge of Forty Cents. d, with Forty Cents the miniâ€" to be charged for; figures and HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS er, to count as words. think will find this as eminâ€" and we will appreciate their possible confusion when they to get their bags. Phone Small Boy: "Take me to the picâ€" tures, mother, will you?" Mother: "Now, haven‘t yer just been an‘ had yer hair cut? Yer always aâ€" cravin‘ after amusement.‘" Little Evelina was discovered one day vigorously applying the oilâ€"can to the kitten‘s mouth. "Oh, it‘s lovely," she said. "An‘ you should see the bathroom. Marble floors, showers, ‘ot an‘ cold water, an‘ tepid as wellâ€"it fair makes you long for Saturday night." . "On being reproved, she replied: "But, mamma, kitty soueaks so awfulâ€" ly when I pull her tail!" The profiteer‘s wife was describing her new house. Then all at once it decided to sing, and bursgt into melody. : "Listen mother," cried Tommy, ‘"the bird‘s put on a new record." The canary had ceased its warbling. Just occasionally it would chirp spasâ€" modically. { Thursdayâ€"Pa went to the Dr. and got sum medicine for a cold but didâ€" dent take none of it as he for got weather the Dr. sed to take it internâ€" ally or before eating meals. So he diddent take none. ‘Wednesdayâ€"Mr. Gillem dropped in to wate for pa this evning and he sed to me. Cum on & set down and tell me a story. How ever I riffused beâ€" cause I had just told ma a story and she had ketched me at it. And I did not feel just like setting down. Just then. Tuesdayâ€"I gota good joak on Jane. I called her up today and I sed Do you still like me and she hollers right back. O you Ted I‘ll say I do. And I hanged up the receiver without letting her no it wassent Ted a tall. Mondayâ€"This was pa‘s ‘berthday anniversity agen and Ma give me a quarter and sed to go and by him sum thing and say it was from she and I. But I saved sum money for us. I went to the bank where he trades when ever he wants to get a 5 dollar bill changed or sum thing andâ€"they give me a danâ€" dy new Check book witch I presents to him and he diddent seem to show muchejoy at rec. it. . Bundayâ€"Evry buddy at are chirch got a good suprise today when ole man Sinks went to chirch. Pa sed the only time he ever went to a chirch before since he was crissened was I time when he had a counter fit dime he cuddent get rid of no other Way. Mondayâ€"This was pa‘s ‘berthday anniversity agen and Ma sive me a Saturdayâ€"ma had pa a hanging up pitchers in are new house today and she made him ware his rubber shoes wile he yas wirking on the step Ladâ€" der on acct. of so he woodent scratch the floor if he wood of fell off of the step Ladder. Fridayâ€"Miss Seddon ast ma & pa cuddent she cum and board at. are ‘house wile her parents went to a Conâ€" vention at the City for a few Days she sed she didddent eat very much just about like a bird so ma sed she cud come and board with us if she wanted to cum. After she had went away pa he sed Yes she doesâ€" eat like a bird. A peck at a time he says. She says she is trying to Reduce. â€"; W. Peel, 67, â€", 54, â€"; L. Neal, 58, â€", 52, â€"; P. Farrell, 72, 38, â€", â€"; H. Whewell, 59, â€", â€", 48; W. Ready, 59, 42, â€",. â€"â€"; B. Phipps,72, 12, â€", â€":; L. Phipps, 68, â€", â€", â€"; D. . Allen, 63, â€", â€"â€" â€"â€"; K. Sutherland, â€", â€", 58, Form III.B.â€"EKxaminations in Comâ€" position, French, History and Latin.â€" M. Hawke, 68, 58, 64, 60; S. Saxby, 69, 54, 72, 43; I. Woolverton, 65, â€", 70, 73; R. Shepherd, 75, 54, â€", 78; L. Sovereign, 59, 44, â€", 67; T. Roderick, 74, â€", 49, 40; O. Stewartp â€", 68, 63, McArthur, â€", â€", â€", â€", 29. Form II. Examinations in Arithmeâ€" tic and Geography.â€"B. Griffith, 100, 86; E. Farrell, 85, 62; A. Irwin, 84, 63; B. Stewart, 78, 66; A. Kay, 71, 60; EK. Hawke, 55, 72; M. George, 63, 61; M. Wilcox, 65, 30;~E. Williams, 50, 68; D. Clark, 78, 38; D. Woodford, 69, 44; M. Jacobs, 60, 46; M. Patterson, 50, 55: M. Pattison, 50, 54; K. Lounsbury, 55, 48; N. Hind, 55, 45; C. Smye, 51, 46; M. Kelson, 55, 42; IL.. Wilkins, 92, â€"; F. Burgess, 63, 28; W. Hardman, 44, 40; T. Emmons, 35, 45; H. Ockenden, 34, 46; L. Phipps, 45, 30; M. Louks, 71, â€"; R/ Farrell, 20, 44; M. Harrison, 47, â€"; R. Olmstead, 45, â€"; H. Gibson, 40, â€"; A. Fonger, 40, â€"; T. Krick, 35, â€"; B. Russ, 35, â€"; G. Martin, 25, â€"; B. Granam.,~â€", . 1 I. Walker, â€", 54 14, s es â€", â€", â€", G. Barnim, 44, 24, 9, H. Farrell, 21, 30, â€", â€"~;â€"« H. SLATS®‘ DEARY THE INDEPENDENT, GRIMSBY, ONTARIO Phelps "Ig your son going back to college?‘ said the squire to a farmer who was one of his tenants. + ‘"Yes," answered the latter. "Doesn‘t he know enough?‘ "Yes, he‘s got bookâ€"learnin‘, but from the way he‘s been helping in the harvesting, I reckon he néeds a few more athleties!" Covered with honors, he returned to Canada with the intention of reâ€" suming farm operations to find his fortune dissipated. The war years had brought about very changed conâ€" ditions and Admiral Como, like a good sport, determined to stay in Canada and work one of his few reâ€" maining properties, his ranch at Shepherd, and develop his fine horses. He delights in the primitive life. Saying when we visited at his farm: "Yesterday I plowed all day At the outbreak of war, he immeâ€" diately offered his services and as Senior naval officer of the Italian navy, he was assigned to the Mediâ€" terranean along Tripolitania and Cyrenaica. The second war service was as delegate on antiâ€"submarine warfare at Malta. Â¥e:> At his ranch house at Shepherd, Alberta, we came upon an array of coloresg boxes and counted fourteen honor medals, conferred for naval services. Coming to Canada in 1900, he purchased large tracts of land in Alberta, and with a keen appreciaâ€" tion of our broad prairies, cfecided to adopt Canada as his home and at once set about to learn how to farm in the new West. _ To meet Admiral Como is to enâ€" joy the stimulating eontrast of old world interests and new world acâ€" tivitiesâ€"his pictures, his books, his decorations, his oldâ€"world treasures, conjure up a cultured past. As the son of the illustrious family from which Lake Como takes its name, his heritage of rich traditions date back to the year 1200. she was not able to say anything, only repeat the last few words of every "Fcho wandered around in the places she had been used to stay, but "Poor little Echo was very unhappy. Bhe had not meant any real harm to Juno and had done it all in a joke, but Juno was unforgiving and after taking Echo‘s power of talking away from her she went away, ‘"‘Bhe was one of the favorites of Diana and would accompany this godâ€" dess in the chase. But one day she made the Goddess Juno very angry. Juno went to look for her husband to tell him something and Just for fun Echo began to talk to her and started an argument. Juno became so interâ€" ested that she forgot her husband and stayed a long time with EHEcho and when she remembered what she had started out to do it was too late and she had missed her husband. This made her very angry at Echo, so she decided to purish the nymph. She deâ€" cided that she would take the power of talking away from her, as it had been that which had delayed her. "Bhe told Echo what her punishment was to be, adding that she would leave her only the power of repeating the la's;j part of everything that was said to her. ‘You children have many times tried out your voices in a place that echoss. So I am going to tell you the mythological story of Bcho. She was a nymph who was very beautiful, and she loved dearly to talk. She could entertain people by the hour with her pretty voice. She also loved to argue with people and always kept it up until they were tired and she would have the last word. s "All right, then, get your pillows and I‘l1 start." Aunt Dee didn‘t have to tell the children twice, for in a moâ€" ment they were all seated in their favorite places ard she began her story. y "Oh goody, Aunt Dee!" exolaimed Frances. "I just love it." "W_ell, dear, I thought if you all would enjoy it I‘G tell you some more about Mythology." / ‘‘What‘s the story going to be toâ€" day, Aunt Dee?"‘ asked Happy at story telling time. Of How the Goddess Juno Admiral Gennaro Como SEE THE POLINT: WitH tHe Camoren m Dout Her Kneres fi Aunt Dee Trilsâ€" Thus he follows his star but takes the greatest pride in his accomplishâ€" ments on <the land, declaring that raising twenty â€"two bushels of wheat to the acre on poorly cultiâ€" vated land is the best thing he ever did and, he adds, "I shall raise thirty bushels next year." So our Canadian prairies "carry the palm" against the honors bestowed by kings. True to the traditions of, those who follow the sea, who answer to the call of the cultured heart and love the beauty and poetry of the silent places, Admiral /Como has continued to develop his literary talent while working on the Alberta plains. His quaint and "° exquisite poems, his translations and adaptaâ€" tions from Trilussa, as well as the work of D‘Annunzio, have been apâ€" pearing from time to time. The Foreign Press service have become interested in â€"the. translation and will put a collection of his poems under permanent covers. "Oh, it is because they cannot talk back that you find them such satisâ€" factory companions," quickly â€"re. torted one of our party, but Agmiral Como was determined that it was their evident wisdom and afipreciao tion that made them such comâ€" panions. f Admiral Gennare Ceme, oncee warrior sailors, now a whe sunny Alberts. and was contented and happy. 1 talk to my horses by the hour and tié; know every word I sayâ€"â€"they are so understanding." & "I should like to open an account in this bank if you please." : ‘"We shall ‘be glad to accommodate you, madam. What amount do you wish to deposit? "Oh, I mean a charge account, such as I have at the big drygoods stores." "Give me a chicken, please," said the young girl. In her next story Aunt Dee tells how the baby‘s slate was made. "I jJust love it‘" said Happy. "Oh, dear, there is the clock striking. I wish the story hour would last for a long time." 1 fxul, L. oo 1 ~~ HBP ~ AHEâ€" some beautiful stories. It shows what the early people believed and although we have learned much of the su%- jects of which they knew nothing it is interesting to hear about their beâ€" liefs." "Yes, Tom,' e M beautiful stories early people be "After a long while of lving in rocks and never showing herself to any one, but only calling back to them what they said themselves, she turned into rocks herself;, and only her volce was left. That, dears, is the mythoâ€" logical story of the echo we hear when we call out over a cliff and the sound of our voices comes back to us." ‘"What a pretty story, Aunt Dee," said Tom, "and even though it is not a real story IT‘l always remember it when I hear an echo." "Yes, . Tom, mythology hag some beautiful stories. It shows what +na siua o uOS Sn e /4 ____~ M again ana this time he got separated from his companions and, trying to locate them, called out : ‘Who‘s here?" Echo immod!ately.. answereq Here,‘ Then when he heard a voice, but did not see any one, he called ‘Come‘ and Echo answered ‘Come,‘ The boy stil wonâ€" dering why the person who was callâ€" ing to him did not appear then called ‘Let us Join each other,‘ and, of course, Eicho ansawered the same thing. â€" Then she rap forward, but when Narcissus saw her he was afraid of her and ran away, "Echo was sad after this, ‘she had so hoped she had found a play fellow, so she stayed by herself among the mountain cliffs and caves, and after a while she began to grow old and fade away. Punished the hans i _~_~~Oe. YA8 spoken within hearing. ‘"One day when she was in woods she saw Narclssu.s, who w beautiful Youne boy. Bhe tho what a lovely DPlay fellow he woul so she ran after him. She wante badly to talk to him,! but could do so and after a while he Eot so aherad of her that she lost him, > ‘"‘The next day she saw him aj and this time he got separated f his companions and, trying to lo them, called out : ‘Who‘s here? g immodiately». answereq Here," _ 7 when he heard a voice, but did see any one, he called ‘Come‘ and F answered ‘Come,‘ The boy stil w dering why the person who was c ing to him di@" _ noL caniran y C anBMaÂ¥ r ol sentence that hearing. y oi‘ C + * » ib While â€"of lving in B and never showing herself to one, but only calling back to them they said themselves, she turned rocks herself;, and only her volee left‘® â€" Thak‘ .. 2: ~CAO : was Nymph Echo. onee one of Italy‘s wheat grower in this, she had & play fellow, If among the ves, and after grow old and 7 . Yas in the Us, who was a Bhe thought w he would be, She wanted so but could not Eot so far her 0:0)-0.0-0-(\.(1-4 gjll%!llllIlllllll‘lllllllllllll.ll!llllIllfllllIllIIIHIIIIIlllllll’lIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllj_l .:. D(l.fl-ll-(_(l-fl.fl.(l-(l.n-(D-()-O-!).()-()-O-(l-().(l“()-fl-u-().fl-(O:' ‘"Think what a woman‘sceuriosity will do," he said solemnly. "Lot‘s wife looked round, and she turned into a ‘"Well, you can‘t talk," retorted Triggers; "you missed a train yesterâ€" day." ; ‘"Come, come, Triggers," snapped the instructor as the â€" recruit again shot wide of the mark. "I don‘t beâ€" lieve you could hit a furniture van." "Did you want a pullet?"" asked the assistant." â€" "No, I‘ll carry it, of course," was the annoyed reply. Canned Pears.. .. .; .. Canned Peaches. . .. .. Canned Raspberry Jam Canned Marmalade Canned Honey. . . E. W. BURGOYNE Phone 5 or 205 and Your Order Will Be â€"____â€"â€" Promptly Delivered ' GRIMSBY Canned Clover Leaf Salmonâ€" LargeCans .:; :. . _ .. 006 Small Cans.:. :: â€"â€"â€"‘â€"~â€" 9R ~ Canned Pumpkin.... .. .. . .2 for 25¢ Large cans Canned Tomatoes . . Canned Goodsâ€" Canned Corn . . Canned Peas ... pmgns @7 n "n" in L h atriniabikih ~ * oomcnoite ucuienmrensk tedaint "ot ..‘ t Ts ogurdnatyâ€" N‘fi;%“:m This is the Consumers‘ Golden Buying Opportunity. Be‘sure to take advantage of these prices. Prices are good from Thursday, March 22nd, to Saturday, March 31st P i o s PnE * o ul es . BURGOYNES Grocery Highest Grade Sockeye (Red) Salmon Packed Merchant Tailotr Phone 403. Grim: "Proper Dress" To be stylish, yet comfortâ€" able, let your next suit be tailored. And made by Sill is double assurance of proper workmanship and value. "FIVE SPEAKING"‘ Regular 2 for 35câ€"small and tender FRED‘K SILL 28, . K 1 o hm 0 S e s C Eie EeA n oecpmviees ameper malrio e anrammie Pure Cloverâ€"5â€"pound pails same size as corn and peas 9 n0-O-()-1).0.0-(l-(\.(l“(_fl-o-().()-().().fl-(). W EE K 4â€"pound pails â€"~pound pails Fine quality is on ts iess .. Wt 1X Ni ve .cs +. o s .2 for 25C Prisoner: "John Gunr." Magistrate: Well, Gunn, I‘ll discharge you this time, butâ€" you mustn‘t get loaded again." Magistrate (to prisoner): "What‘s your name?‘ ship "I saw you look round the other d and turn into a saloon!" ‘"But how about yourself?"" said his sister. pilar or salt." Magistarte: "What‘s the charge?" Policeman: "Intoxicated, your. wort ++« +2 106C 250 .L .. . 80c can :"~~~+, 180C Cant i /.~‘ sA zOC can Grimsby . . .2 for 25C . .. . 7Oc can zs 20G ONTARIO Ccan o FIVE ay

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