By this time the rest of the south- erners were sitting up and taking notice and Mark smelled' a rat. F'or Mr. Weefer, the enterprising manager after the Tuesday night game had got busy on his pet telegraph key and sept out the S.O.S. call for his crew. His wire evidently has some range for mggritory he took in was from Tim- 'r-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-,,,,., Mark Cosby, "Dad" Vance, Hans Grae- ey and the entire population of Smith- ville, male and female, journeyed down to the Arena Thursday night to see' their pets perform in the final county league game against Winona. They had put it over the Winona crew on Tuesday night and figured on re- peating the dose. But when the Win- ona uniforms floated out on the ice friend Mark gave 'em the once over and then took the old. specs off and shined 'em up a lot to ascertain if he was seeing correctly. . Mark then be- ban to wonder if the old cider barrel had developed an extra kick or if his crowd had made a mistake and landed in Dunnville rink instead of Grimsby Arena. the 1mm board tlfat he was a liar; and he had no right to peel his coat to fight. This Morgan tried to deny. "What!" ex- claimed the mayor, "you mean to say these men did not see you starting to undo your coat.?" Matters finally quieted down somewhat and Mitchell asked what Morgan did know abbut fires and tire equipment. Morgan sad he had worked in Hamilton, Galt and Sarnia and said no doubt refer- ences could be had from there, when asked why he had produced none. As the furore subsided the mayor remarked soliquently: 'U. don't know what the old burg is coming to," and cries from the coterie of system changers of "'Quesfion." On the Walk- er---Theal mption being put, Walker, Theal, Scott. Wadge and Mannell promptly voted nay and Hewson sprang a little surprise by asking that his vote be recorded in favor of the motion, as he had from the first objected-to any petiton or interfer- ence; and the ratebayers could ex- press their opinions next fall. . The other business transacted by the cmmcil appears in another col- remarked what the and cries changers er---Theal Theal, Sc rebuke that few could without a hanging head. told Morgan he was pre man who was a strange hardly got his feet warm one who was supposed I majesty of the law; to and tell an alderman at Wednesday, March 14, 1923 WINGNO Views of News and (Continued from Page One) SRlfltlllisf SESSION 9% EE‘ sf,Aii"i,rvr, My 1Fi,hit Lt _" 7: " ' s .Wh . "wr, "ss" _ w',‘ F fa» " cs _ 63:75; w1-~â€1â€~‘"‘5““"’ ' ’ “ / F C irc", L "X i y†La:- \\ \‘xï¬aï¬'ï¬ï¬ W“? I! mm 'dl cs. / Cid "t'Mh ~19 odui, ' , fl . "c...),"-:,), 54.7.,» ', -._ 'ep.,' t%l,Ne;.!l.fCib"'j 98* A h 5 A (2 1rltE St' , iGiks --. ‘7,";’.1i‘/"M‘ . g tytitl'f/gti3Miliii' CiiiliiiB8 " . i m, 'i, 'ii/it: A. T _ 1rrrc-rji:ir"/ii,i"iis/j'j_,, A; Ili,,-: "tisis:',-".-.'--?,'-.-".;-;:;'.'?; "i,ilts)lglliiel,-l,-!.-t-ie5i-:, = .531 t _ r a ‘ " ’,;Hl,l~,1’-»;~-i‘-*§i .335": i'1iiiifiiiiiiiriiiligiiiiN% l I I . iii'lilllEi!i'pr/)a5"'tir, "er ‘,' 11,:Llecr,ii-iis,:.sC, -Hu itil, 'r55d5iiri'-iitallitl I2El ' 1 .‘ “raw: 2am. I;/ -<&<'\ 11 E r 55-57???" - ib :7, ' “ l ,_ W-.. 'iv--, c-a?1i3i 51.11:; 'its: 574.47“ !iV-ia'e:iccaf 2e:tfjc:Cs-" M. E; . . __ . ', __ --firft,CC,r? - c, 3 Hf?" '"ifiil'rfii'?'di'iii"C-, .r--rrrt"'tffCzs"ts \‘i -r--" 11,. T..N - - i tt IT', .. ISS' 4 .-t-' ‘ ’4" y _.. 1/-:,,,ss-a-----srss--1r, f! SI VI t . I 'h' ]f"tlft' ero f; 's lt) - ' , M" .’ t . t I "oi-o-o-o-o-----., BO B.FORD. ONT.GOV T. TAXES EXTRA START|NG AND ELECTRIC LIGHTING STANDARD EQUIDMENT ON ' SEDAN AND COUPE - ORDER NOW AND MAKE CERTAIN vou GET A CAR AT THESE PRICES Runabout $405 Touring 8445 Coupe $695 Sedan 8785 Chassis $345 'hddhastistr495 hanging head. The 1521):; FORD MOTOR COMPANY CF' CANADA, LiMiTED, FORD, ONTARIO us feet warm, in the town; 18 supposed to uphold the the law; to step forward alderman at the council 1e was a liar; and he had peel his coat to fight. This ad to deny. "What!" ex- mayor, "you mean to say id not see you starting to coat?" Matters finally ’n somewhat and Mitchell Morgan did know about ire equipment. Morgan 2) few could have vas pretty small; a stranger; who had Sllllfl"f Wigwam SMITHVILLE 4 GRIMSBY UNIVERSAL GARAGE C0. On the Walk- put, Walker, and Mannell and Hewson faced THE average Canadian Family consists of five persons. T The new low price of Ford Cars makes it pos- sible to add the sixth member to it. You are considering the purchase of a car-ot a Ford Car. You have realized that the man--the fami1yr--without a car is at a disadvantage. You have also realized that Ford Cars are now so low priced that it is possible to give yourself and your family what others have. A Ford Car fits into thefamily routine-does your work and that of the family-makes the fam- ily routine unhurried and unworried--makis it possible to save some time for recreation-to visit friendg---for the country dweller to get into town ---for the town dweller to get into the country. The sixth member of the Canadian Fami1y--the FORD CAR. The Price of the Touring Car is $445 -' Freight and Government Taxes Extra. _ And it can be bought on a Monthly Payment Plan i How i Flower and Seed 1 m" gales are i increased mins in the north woods to Dunnville on, Lake Erie, and west to New Ham- burg in Waterloo county. He had as- sembled a crew that would have made many an O.H.A. team look like 100 worth'of nothing done up in brown paper. . And then the tun started. Smith- ville refused to play. Finally "Jimmy" Farrell persuaded them to start it off under protest and "Pud" Reid was notified to that effect. A big crowd of bugs were on hand and expected to see a slaughter, and in the first period were not disappointed. The Smithville team had its wind up and bouldn't go any place, with the result that the all-star outfit ripped them to pieces and showered the pucks at Goalie Ellis from all angles, netting six while the southerners couldn't get Some qu otatz'ons from recent reports: THE BELL TELEPHONE CO. OF CANADA. "19 calls costing $18 sold 15,000 blooms. Nearly all our sales are made by Long Distance." "90% of our orders frbm dealers are by Long Dis- tance." ( _ "We call dealers once a week during busy sea- son." "Do all our buying by Long Distance in the eve- ning." "Long Distance is essen- tial in buying seeds from growers." "Sold over 1,100 bags of seed by telephone." IIN by Long Distance May we tell you how Long Distance is being used to increase sales in your business? Every Bell Telephone I Long Distance Station 1llllllllllllllll â€WNW: sian- , T 'tae',' 'ri" 'C.,". '43}. E5. . T mo. ‘an sgiitr 1lllll ONTARIO 1llllllllllt Tiigl Friday, March 3, 1923---On this date I shall sell by public auction, at the home of Wm. Lamplough, one and one-half miles east of Winona, on the Highway, a quantity of farm stock, implements and householf furniture. Everything will be sold without re- serve, on account of the illness of the owner. Saleat one o'clock. Terms, $10 cash. 6 months' credit. 4 per Craeey as usual stayed right on his i013 and turned in a good card. Ellis, in goal, after h's initial nervousness had worn cft, was extraordinarily good. and we are here to say that iFTs've seen many a worse intermediate goalie in action. Henderson. "Louie" and Graqey all worked hard and gave their opponents trouble all night. Since we do not know most of the Winona play- ers we are unable to sing their indi- vidual praises as well as we should. The only representatives of the regu- lar team, Messrs. Campbell, Smith and Burke, all gave good accounts of them- selves and turned in good cards when they got a chance. The others, Messrs. Reise, Calbeck, Roth, Kalfle‘sh. Nixon and Ftobbins, were certainly good all t"thl. and we trust that they enjoyed thei" visit immensely and we hope to see them all in action again, but not in county league games-it dresv.'t just near the Campbell stronghold. Mark's crew got over their stage fright between periods and went, Fnto the second spasm strong, managing to bulge the twine three times while the strangers could only get one. This raised the hopes of the team and its supporters wonderfully high and they came right back in tho last frame and held the representatives of XVinona to a 1-1 tie, the final score reading 8 hih not smot too wildly. He gave O] best and gamest exhibitions w had the priv'lege of ‘qeeing. d was right with him. This bc in h's, best game. was pa own good way to everyones SaLISLaU- tron. But it was a disappointing even- ing tor practically everyono.-=to the Smithville team and fans because they didn't face the former Winona line-up; to many Winona. fans because they felt it wasn't a Winona team, and to 'many local fans who-had ex- pected a real hand contested game such as the previous one had been. . $10 cash. 6 months' credi cent. off on sums over $10 Livingston, Auctioneer. -- lt held the t' to a 1-1 tie to 4. In the face of overwhelming odds and with a nervous team with him this lad neve" quit trying and-eme after time worked hie way into the Winora goal on'y tb have his shot blocked or to sh<ot too wildly. He Rave one of the right and we tru the? visit immen see them all in a in county seem the "Pud" en O jlllt'l'lllll SALE DATES h d he 's best game. was paracmary _ at checking and gave a great ex- ion of stick-handling. Allan' was very effective in the first frame gradually came to life and was gtr- strong .at the finish. Jimmy laying ot Sm tE ght id 1 t thing handle led the averyon: disappo nithville treat of Ief. THE INDEPENDENT, GRIMSBY, ONTARIO boy par sat Jimmy on his Ellis, m as to ac " h d C2lllllillllll@ir,l t1WlMtilllli.i'sltl Grand Finale of a Wonderful Seasorrat BEES! FRIDAY h/llAllitC)llHll 23rd meree “Will she be Miss Jordan, Miss Beamsville, Miss Smithville, Miss Grims- by,' Miss Winona pr Miss Stoney Creek. T _ _ Conducted by Grimsby Chamber of Commerce/ Contestants to appear on ice in skating outfits and to be judged for figure, looks, style and personality. r-__-r-r".-" . T > m; (.] _ l , . e 1:1" ','_', "rr _ qt T "l. _ _ . I F HER FAVORITE 'wFAPON---GLASS ROLLING PIN, RICHARDSONS’ HARDWARE Judging at 9 o'clock=--aronly those in costume _ . allowed on Ice till Judging is finished. _ EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEBEBEESEï¬gï¬gï¬gï¬gï¬ï¬gï¬gï¬gï¬gï¬gï¬ï¬gï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬mflgï¬gï¬ï¬ï¬mï¬ï¬ BAtilD IN ATTENDANCE mtimzorsimi)1!!!!!? iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijMoot FIVE LBS.,CQRNED BEEF, THREE CABBAGES, OLMSTED’S MEAT MARKET The winner of each class will be given a six months' subscription to The Independent (8RilgiNeilllRillRifiillRRi8 ll!â€IllllllIIIIIIIIllllIlI!IEllllll"I!!!llHII[Iâ€I!!!IIIIlllllllllIlllllll"HIE!Illllllil"Inll|IllIIllllHIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIHllllllIll|"I!“lllllllllllllllllllllllllï¬ilNI!illflllilllllll!I?!I}!!!llilllIIIHIIHHIIIIIIDIIlllillllllfll!!!IIIIIIIIUIIIIIIllllllllllllIllllllllllllll"lll‘ 1|lllelllllllllHwill!IllIIIIUlllillllllIIIJHIIIUIIIIIHill!!!"II!l£1lIII]!!!lI"IllIII|IIIllIlllllllllllllllflvlllllIllllI!lIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIHIIHHIIHIIIIllllllllllllm!HIIIIIIIIIHIIJIEIf“i!IIIIHIIINHiI!lllllllllllllillflllllllIlllllllllllllllllllI}!!!lllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIII] Gl/ini/ttttthu, _ a__jillll,nrierttt , Best, Couple Representing _ ANYTHING ADMISsiiit'jN: FIFTY LBS. ROLLED OATS GRIMSBY FLOUR & FEED CO. Best Imitation of "BARNEY GOOGLE" TWO PAIRS SILK STOCKINGS, .' MOSS BROS. . Jl,,jjllllllFl]lllfiljll))iif" inner to receive a solid gold Wrist Watch from the Chamber of _ Ctpttt: !l!Li!!!!pyoarsaomot: lllt1itlilliiiiiitmiiidii'ii-jiiiiii Best Imitation of _, "JIGGS" Best Imitation of "_' _,' "MAGGIE" FUNNY PAPER Who Will) Be _ Crowned IlrTllllv!llilllWillllil'all"."slllirr, , Li{IllEIIIIIUIIIIIIIKIIMIHNIH!!!"Ilillllllllllflliiilllllllllllll'lllllullllllIIIIIHIIIIIIIlllllllllllli'llIGMIIIYIHHIHIIHIIIIIIIIUIIIIHI"HIE!!!“ 1miIâ€IIIIIHIIIHHIIHIIII"Hill!!!“11H“II"I!lllllllllmfllllllllllill[IllilmilIIIIIIIIIIIHIIHï¬lmIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIlllnlfllllllmlwllfllllE;' 'n’llllllh 'llt2rf,i0lflWiilllilllimlltri" Of 'The Fruit Belt R8RiWiRllRi1lRi Adults, 35c. Children, 25c. ilgliiRil8RilllRNiillEEill TIl TWO BOXES "DISCRET1ON" CIGARS WEST’S BARBER SHOP BEST COMICAL COUPLE ONE DOZ. "NO MAN'S COLLARS", E. V. HOFFMAN Best Imitation of _ "MIN" FIVE-LB. BOX CHOCOLATES FARRELL'S DRUG STORE Best Imitation of "MUTT AND JEFF" Best Imitation of “ANDY GUMP" TWO PAIRS GLOVES, A. F. HAWKE CO. ERIE! ERRifiihEElERlliiilliliiie a%RilllRilllRllRlRlRiSiii DIN"! "till THREE