Grimsby Independent, 21 Mar 1923, p. 1

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THERTY-EIGHTH, YEAR Reinspection ’of. Municipal vention Appliances in the Grimsby, 0nt., as on 14th 1922. Previous tull report i ary, 1916., Previous reinspg May, 1919. Changes, where since 15th May, 1919. UNDERWRITER’S _ INSPECTOR "w . _ _ij)illl)ltlr(F'llrllfllS' MAKES REPORT ON CRIMSBY",,l.,i,..llill, spam Water Reinspection 'tot Municipal Fire Pre- vention Appliances in the'Town ot Grimsby, 0nt., as on 14th November, 1922. Previous full report 13th Janu- ary, 1916., Previous reinspection 16th May, 1919. Changes, where noted, are since 15th May, 1919. I. population-Has increased from 1,765 to 2,200. . . 2. Total assessed value of all build- irugs---Has increased from' $727,395 to $775,195, the latter amount including exemptions of $174,900. ' . 3. Street paving---At the time ot ia- spection concrete paving was being laid on Main street in the town. When this is completed Main street, which forms part of the provincial highway between Hamilton and St. Catharines, will he completely. paved through the town. Kerman avenue, the south half of Livingston street, also Ontario street from the G.T.R. to Lake street, are surfaced with tarvia; and, Moun- tain street paved with concrete from Main street to Oak street. _ . 4. Intake---The covered concrete channel, by which water supplies from the lake are delivered to thetiltration --- - , -___ -v..sw,iurT between Hamilton and will he completely. paw town. Kerman avenue, of Livingston street, street from the G.T.R. [ “lulu DhLUUu "r" -_'"" . 4. Intake-The covered concrete channel, by which water supplies from the lake are delivered to thet‘iltration and suction wells, has been extended an additional 100 feet into the lake. The total length of the channel is now 200 feet. This extension was made on account of obstruction in the past from accumulation of ice and slush in the channel during the wint- er. The channel is constructed in a concrete pier. At the time of inspec- tion the depth of water in the lake at thenouter end was' 4 ft 6 in., the depth of water in the channel pt this place being 3 ft. 10 in.; but on accdunt ot accumulation of sand and gravel in the channel the depth of water in the channel did not exceed 16 inches in somemarts; there was also a large quantity of sand arid gravel in the - .. .1: L1... GH-vofin‘h nh2.mber. 111 ot accumulation ot sand anu slave. m the channel the depth of water in the channel did not exceed 16 inches in somemarts; there was also a large quantity of sand arid gravel in the bottom ot the filtration chamber. In consequence of these conditions, the quantity of water being delivered to the subtion well was less than the ca- pacity ot one of the pumps, that is was less than 720,000 gallons per 24 hours. It is said that at the time of inspection water level of the lake was about 4 feet below' normal. . tNote:-..--' the time inspection was o. L tllllyv ---..__-v - - been dependent for supplies on three pumps, combined capacity 1,620,000 Imperial gallons per 24 hours, each operated by an electric motor, electric power being from a single source ond. ly. A new pump has iieerrde1ivered and will shortly be insta11ed,---a Rees- Roturbo, 2 stage, centrifugal, made by Goldie & McCulloch, Galt, capacity 750 gallons per minute, 01' 1,080,000 gal- Ions per 24 hours, against a: head of 254 feet or 110 lbs. at 1,400 rpm. di- rect connected to a Sterling, marine type gasoline engine,. 4 cylinders, .96 hat. at 1,400 r.p.m. The engine will be h.a,\at 1,ng up» started 'by a N, two-unit starter storage battery. samluua yv- --_--_., , Ions per 24 hours, against a,head of 254 feet or 110 lbs. at 1,400 rpm. di- rect connected to a Sterling, marine type gasoline engine,. 4 cylinders, ~06 hpkat l,400 r.p.m. The engine will be started 'by a North-East Electric Co. two-unit starter, in conivnctioTTith storage battery. _Dual ignition" ffom (a) a ‘Simm's high tension __rnagneto with distributor and set of Spark plugs (b) a Philips-Brinton ignition system, incorporating coil, distributor, and separate set of spark plugs. . Gasoline will be stored in an underground tank outside-the burlding,.camwity, 230 Ini- perial gallons, from Which supplies will bezdelivered by a hand, pump to..a 7%.gallon service tank,, and from the service tank the engine will .be sup: plied by gravity. ...-When. the ..gasoline engine ands-pump "alre inecommission theztotal pumping capacity, Will-he il,- 700,000 Imperial. gallonsper 24 hours, --r,1./i2!W00 gallons by electric power from a single source, and 1,080,000 galf Ions by gasoline engine. _ _ . . _ . 6. Pump house. Tocontain the new gasoline engine and pump, an exten-, sion has been built at the east end of the pumping station. This extension is one storey in height with brick walls, the wall between the extension and the rest of the but1dint'ndtoariv'- petted;:: concrete floor; wood, joistisd roof covered with metal and, with met-r al ceiling. The extension consists ot tw.o rooms, each T communicating. ' with one another, the one ',in, rwhich,_vtlie gasoline engine and pump will be Situ- ated. communicating with the rest of the building. Jt is' said that' fire' doors are to be installed id theSe openings', Engineer attendance in' the pump house is now continuous there Ircrng three engineers, each on an 8-hour shift. 7. Electric power' tor pumping-Is tlr tained from the Dominion POWer ind Transmission Company, from their .pydrau1ic-e11etEie generating station at DeCew's Falls, near St. Cathaiines, 'Ontario/supplemented by -a steam- .electric generating' station at Hamil- top. _ The eompany's fireprpprsubpta- tion a: =3rrimsby, situated at the corn- IT' tri,' Mt1rray'street and “i 'viniiiston 'thme. is supplied by a -,/t'r:pes,'"rirt circuit on wood poles, extendHgu'roirt a wood. pole switching: structure totiienorth _ (Continued on Page TWO}. I l rateirWorks and Fire Depart- ment Come in For Commenda- tion-Some, Improvements Are suggested-L-Total Fire Loss For Four Years Was $22,000 Far Too' Many Four Inch Mains-Dead Ends Should be Done . Away "with-Tru] Not Powerful Enough. o a time inspecti ‘11 work on inta II “Jingston in 1 sr'np,"te, circuit ' 9 from a wood. mal to,We north laid O:O)-H.O-O-OI-0-0-‘ ' probabilities. There is one spot about ‘three feet aerbss where the shingles’ are off and the sheathing burned in the centre for about fourteen inches, and there are five or six smaller spots where the shingles are burned. Those who responded to the alarm were told that the tire was at the l"school house on the stone road"--a rather ambiguous statement in view MOUNTAIN VIEW. SCHOOL '. _ "rHREh'I'liiNlii0 WITH FLAMES The big' brick school on Mountain View road east of the Thirty was, by the activity of a couple of boys, saved from destruction by fire On Monday morning about 8.45. Sparks had drawn up the chimney with.the ex- tremely high wind and alighted on the south pitch of the roof which caught in several places. Hattie Konkle on her way to school noticed the blaze and gave the alarm and rushed tp the house of John Stewart. Beverly and John Scott, two scholars, climbed the brick corners to the root and started flghting the fire with a broom until Stewart and. some others arrived with pails and a ladder, when the fires Were soon extinguished. . Sparks From Vigorous Fire Drawn Through Flues and Land on Roof Starting Sever- _ al Small Fires-Grimsby Bri- -gade Called But Boys Had Quenched Blaze. _ T Someone telephoned at the start to James H. Konkle, one of the trustees, and he at once realizing what a bpmi- tit' the chemical would be phoned the Grimsby Fire Brigade. Both. phone centrals were alive to the. situation and quickly had the chief of the bri- gade on the wire, and told lim that they would like assistance and that the fire was "at the _Thtrty school house on Mountain View road just off the s1u,orteipalL"' The chief rushed to the fire hall and as Del Durham was passing called him to ring the alarm. So far so good. Some men were promptly on, the job; but no one could tell where the fire was located; and the tire truck stood for ten or twelve minutes while calls were sent out from The. Independent office and the place located. i 1 When, the truck finally arrived the tire was out, but a survey of the holes in the roof shows the possibilities and on the the Pa he drov before Konk1e, by to other ot the G.TsR., about 700 feet trom the substation. The switching structure is supplied-by 2 A.C. circuits at 40,000 volts, 3 phase, 66 cycles, each on a separate Wood pole on the G.T.R. right of Var, one circuit from the east being direct from DeCeiv's Falls, and the other from the west from an outdoor switching station near" Hamilto'n; the switching station near Hamilton is interconnected by duplicate circuits with hoth generating stations. At the substation inGrimsby potential is .re- duced to 2,200 volts; and a single cir- cuit, ‘which alto Supplies lighting transformers, '. extends on --wood ooles via Murray and Ferguson street, Pat- ton road' and Elizabeth street to the pump house. Two pump motors Oper- ate at 2,200 volts and the third at 550 volts; for‘the latter potential is reduc- ed by pole transformers outside the building. The pole line on -Mu’rray street carrying the 40,000 volt circuit, from the switching" structure to ttw Substation,'and carrying the 2,200 v01: circuit supplying the pump house, is not exposed, there being-only resi- dences on the route. r' On the line or the-circuit supplying the pump hows, on Patton road there are only resi- dences'to about the intersectioiot Eli2abeth' street, beyond' that point Elizabeth street is not built up.’ Elec- tric power can only be considered as trom' a single scurce. .' ' I' 8. Supplies to the Township of North Grimsby-Part of the' w" township T of North Grimsby, lying to the. east of the towr n . " new supplied from the Grims- by'mu: icipal waterworks .system. For this p: rpns-e the 6-inch main on' Main street, Grimsby, has been extermed eastwards along the; highway, r. (NEE: snore or.' about 2 miles, "almost tc the eastern limit of the township of North Grir-nshy. From the highway, mains; are laid northwards on Nelles road and Beach road to Grimsby Beach, and south on Beach road to the Golf Club. Hydreans have been installed on these mains for the protection of property in this part of the township. V __ ' 9. Supply mains-A second supply main, 10 inches in diameter, is being laid from the pump house via, Eliza- beth street the ir-iryeh on Main eadily Echo 1the E tht tInf-jill? , INDEPENDENT ambiguous fact that tl “stone _ I'0at 1unicipal ;tances i' ‘biguous statement in View , that there are two schools omrroad" to the south; one one road" to the west; and ‘chool on the "stone road" to onk,le was ill in bed when ge came-he is threatened tdicitis-but the thought of ehpol, built but a few years burned, was too much and LO the scene, arriving just Grimsby tire truck. Mr. Grimsby ti] Jud in his p: ending to a 1 school "near 0:0)-0-0-0-1 APPOINTMENT NOT YET MADE .So far the Post Office Department hive not appointed a new poStmast'er for the Grimsby East office, left' va- cant "by the death at Beverly Book, who was postmaster ever since the office was treated. . ' Besides F. B. 'Russ, who has been deputy-rpostrnaster" ever since the cre- ation of the office, several other appli- cations have been made for the bosi- tion, including a couple of! returned soldiers. _ INEQUALITIES _ ." IN THE RIDLNGS In view of the question of redistribu- tion of Ontario seats before the next provincial election, the _f.ollowing population totals of local ridings, are of interest at the present juncture: St. Catharines 32,727, Lincoln IS,- 834, Welland 31,896, Haldimand M,- showing glaring mequauues. F borne UI the present Tidings have as low a population as 11,000 and elect one member, namely Lennox, South Nor- folk, Rainy River and South Sim- WOULD CHANGE HIGHWAY' NAME Ever since the Hon. F. C. Biggs, Minister ’of Highways, announced that the new provincial 'highWay from Hamilton to Queenston and Niagara Falls was to bemamed and" known as the "Queenston Highway, several "grab- a11s" in Hamilton and‘N-iagara Falls have been putting up a.rterribld. howl about it., l ' -. _ _ "c'. . - In Hamilton they want it called the Htimi1tori-NiagariFal1s Highway. “In Niagara' Falls-they want it named atterthat city.‘ _'" ". _ . . l'. ,5 N In both cases the "ehangers" out. forth the "argument that..the.. name "Queenston Highway'.'. doesrnat mean anything. In this they. are wrppg,.tpt. itmeansa lot.. '., .. 7,. a", . i. "This highway has._.,beenl known M the Queenston and Grimsby- stone road ever since it has, been a road,.and previous to that it wasknownjas the Queenston trial.. ~As-.a:matter7 ot fact Niagara. Fa11riirmist on this highway at all, but lies, south pt the, ‘-'-_;.:11way pvertsrmountaiir. In, order " i-,'"' to the Falls you branch " the sighway, properg at .St. ._Davids, go where do they . 7 , . C. ". _ This trail,. road or highway has_car-. rim} the name Queenston for over a untury and a half, so why change it INW?,, It was known as theQueens- ton Indian trail before Hamilton was em: in existence,, so where do they get any right to hive itma,med after _ Mr. Biggs has made a gOod and. wise selection of aname and he Will do well to let the howlers howl and pay no attention th them. F . 34 street. _ At present all supp1ierartrde- livered through a single line of 8-inch, about 4,700 feet in length, with dupli- cation by a main 4,000 feet in length) composed of 2,200 feet of 4-inch and $300 deet ot 6-inch. . . Fire Appliances-A motor ctimbirtiv- tion hose and chemical truck has been purchased from the Bickle Fire En- gine Company, Woodstock, with 4- cylinder Oldsmobile chassis," 21.75 hi. A.L.A.'M. rating. T The truck carries 500 feet of 21/21-inch hose "and two “My highly-respected friend, Rev. Dean Harris, has passed away. I had a pleasant visit with him last summer at Port Dover/Simcoe and Waterford. I told him how I had enjoyed the story in his‘book on "The Catholic Church in the Niagara Peninsula" about thepriest who refused to baptize the Doran baby with the name Vanus, be- cause he would not give a hay- then name to a Christian rhild, but when it was finally ascer- tained that the name Sylvanus had been borne by the baby'is grandfather, the ceremony was allowed to proceed. I had spoken about it to William Dore an, who was mayor of Hamilton in 1888-1889, and he told me-that his father, Sylvanus Doran, pf Grimsby, was the baby of "the story." 0 laypipes, and is eq1 g-zalion chemital ta glllllllil' THE BABY 11 n ).0( (Hamilton Herald) 0 ontinue GRIMSBY, WEDNESDAY,. MARCH-. 21, '1923 Of n 65, with Ottawa, River- ad Toronto constituencies ing inequalities. F Some of Tidings have as low a -o--ir.a-o-m- -inch 11! s equ'ip Ham th Ott r-0- 0-0-(010 I) ise and cod with st Ha lton 2) as been ire En- with 4_- L75. h.p. II feet Dr 61 Numerously Signed Petition Pre- sented Asking Dissolution of Union of Township and Village for _ Higher _Educatikina1 Pur- 1884-- Jonathan Carpenter, reeve; Thomas A. Kemp, James Hd. Teeter, Andrew Cr. Muir, John W. VanDuzer, councillors; W. V. Hare, clierk. . .The clerk’s 'salary‘wasJ placed atl $140, which looks good; but. for the job of assessor at $25 no less than tive i applied". William B. Russ, Solomon FI.!, Teeter, Sardis Smith, Richard A.5 Hurst and William H. Vanl)uzer.- Here it might be. interesting. to note. that forty years later VanDuze,r is a mem- ber of the council, and Russ. isroad superintendent. '. ' VanDuzer and Kemp moved that a ballot. be taken to see Which. ot the five .should be. appointed, but- theyl were the only two for the, motion and it lost. T Then Teeterv.and Kemp moved‘ that W. H. VanDuzer be appointed iii) the motion carried. Jesse D. Lawrence was made collector at $50.' V '. A special meeting was called in February at whichonly one_motion was passed, moved by Muir and Kemp: I A special meeting was called in February at whichonly one_motion was passed, moved by Muir and Kemp: "That whereas it has beeii shown that a_certain bill has been laid before the legislature of Ontario asking that ex.- traordinary powers Joe granted to the Ontario Methodist Camp Ground Com- pany affecting the pecuniary interests of the township ot North (frimsby and unjust to private individuals adjoin- ing said camp ground; therefore the council of North Grimsby, in behalf of a numerously signed petition: ot, the ratepayers, begs that your honorable body, the Legislature at Ontario, may be pleased to not pass the said sec- tions mentioned in. the accompanying petitions as we believe they would be unjust to those whose private rights are threatened, and 8.0 far as disposi- tion of taxes are concerned, unjust to the rest of the township.” The reeve was also authorizedfo attend the leg- islature in respect Ito‘ the bill. A by-law (N0. 56)" was passed for the removal of fences liable to cause the accumulation of snow, and a lot ot ownel's along the Ridge road and the Q. & G. road weren)rdered to remove fences or replace withs"rre, an allow- ance of fron1£120 ftirs'rPcrt, a rpl, being ma/ty rec‘d-4‘83? ct-,:,,-,', "?rcdi-ia,hTgi, 12,PTirn' Gr, ttttsri/ia' Went 't6 Toronto tm'in connection with the Camp Ground bill and High School bill, and his bill was $10.00. (Rather cheap trips). The Mechanics Institute (library) was granted $14. It had been decided to sell road allowances between 22 and 23 in the 5th couces- sion, and be and the prit Here is o: is assembled.” An act had Been passed ci in regard to noxious weeds and dis- tr eases of fruit trees and Levrat Beam- m er was appointed inspector at $2.00 a in day. Alex. Sweet had had his arm. "f shot off and Dr. Alexander was paid. bt $35 for attendance. ' _ T .. _ _' . m in tl Mrs; Tufford of Paris, Was'offered $15 for one-quarter aere off the south end of lot fifteen,_conejyssion four, to widen road. tt ran along to June ot the next year when/she was paid $17.50. The, price of $30' an acre put on abandoned roads in April had not been a, teriiptation'so in July the 1'an was advertised for sifi.s",bor., public auction. I i "7 e "l' . In August T. A. Keri1ii, WrP. Palmer and W..W. Beamer were, ,magdea com- mittee to fix Grimsby nibuntai'n road and were. allowed $1.00fite’ do it with. They should have done quite‘with a hundred in thogre/dtiytj-.-kihd Jhey probably did tor that 016.;de Was as oiripd then as, npwC.lif' 'ifme‘__s;amé month, _Dr.'..0i11'e h1tiioiliie,tui, 7.3. . tir-Nw, to exempt 't1fk.Bt.pWiaajt)"tssi,.u'iid. Ni- agara. Central railroed‘ffrom j taxation. ' A "ioliplti, bf good. (examples ot the. difference 'iCeois'ts men tang new are :1' T. C. Browniohn, fitkiriii"ojst 'tiv/i title deeds and for liverrhii)s,. ”$12.50.; W: A, Cole; constable fees, :e‘gé. “taking J. Brown: to hospital; biirn'ii'iijipis,' $4"; W. W. ‘Beamey‘féc‘eiVedr $110176? building bridge over Ftirtriir,yitiTirhysts.eeri 12 and 13 in. the fourth eoriiseiisibrir and Ira F. Calder" received: $2.6Cirtwp- thirds value of a sheeirkmed.,bir dogs", J. ., W. L JranD11zpr, /pps.t ..0’f . 1 building bridge over Forty creek. oh'W001ver'tOn road in“ccinces'siOn.f‘l',‘:re,.$43.50;.~ I, ' To malré. sure that] the. township lor. laws were. good,._the reei'ewa's ai1tlior- ized to submfttheiii tp,ttippuhtsr so- licitor for approval. _ _ 1885--Jonathan Carpenter, reeve; T, A. Kemp, A. GnMuir; Dennis VanDuz- er, J,' W. _VanD1izer, oouncillors; w. V. Hare, clerk. . The clerk's, salary was placed _at $14.0; 13p1rtT1.o.r Book and W. 13. Russ were marped assessors at $25 each; J. D. Lawrence, collector, at $50 I In J anuary the clerk, made two trips to St. Catharines, foryw.hiph he was paid$3.50.‘ _'. "'. w,""". poses- po ( Too 79c 11 a motion oking in t A special meeting was called in Petr. ary in response. to a request - from imsby village council, for .the' pur- se of sending a memorial. to the deral government, praying that imsby he made a customs port of try. Thirty-tiveiyear.s later this ant occmred.. -Dn. Alway and J. W. 1nd be d (Conti it atte Puff But. taxe p the treasurer he hadrpaid as. nathan Caype Kemp, James Muir, John W as granted $14. It had d to sell road allowances and 23 in the 5th canoes- tween 16 and 17 in the 6th, :e was set at $30 an acre. me that would Create a riot VanDuzer and Kemp pass- n "that there shall be no the' hall while this council l." An act had been passed D noxious Weeds and dis- In rece In, Alway and .J. W. ed $2 as auditors. to lay out at one were 103%., 0n.'the ion by D. AranDuzer ,surer was refunded while this counci l had been passet s weeds and dis 1nd Levi E; Beam Paigé Six) wa Jar flilfll.. WSEEKING SHE FUR A I Iru,s'i, E 02.1-0-0.m-o-‘ FIRE coil ST0RlgllEST SESSION OF TOWN ', QQUNCIL HELD 1N MANY YEARS Board of Education Appoints a . Cdmmittet to Investigate Sites. For New High School-Over- crowded _andShort of Accomo- dations At Present Time. It is not many months ago that at- tention was drawn in these columns to the fact that the day was not far off when another school, .a High School, would have to be built in Grimsby. That the deductions were fairly well grounded is borne out by the action of the Board of Education at their last regular meeting, when the following motion was passed:' . . Tuck, McConachie---That Wells, Campbell, and Dr. Clarke and the Chairman be a special committee to' investigate the possible sites for a new High school-Carried. Last fall the Board was ordered by the Government Inspector to provide another teacher for the school and at that time attention was drawn to the fact that the school was over- crowded and short of proper accom- modation'that is necessary in order to keep-the school up to a high standard of efficiency. Whether the school will be built this year or not is a question we are not prepared to answer, but the action of the Board woud indicate that it would at least be stated this year. 48th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY The flower arrangement in vases was well demonstrated and-the prop" er arrangement was very clearly. dis- played against the careless, thought- less methods. This demonstration should prove of great help to ama-' teurs who compete in this particular class at our annual show and should result in much improvement. t ' The directors ot the society met on Monday) March 19, and formulated the plan of campaign for the present year. A-special lecture by W. E, Saunders of London on "Birds" has been arranged for Tuesday, April 10, in Moore) the- atre. A new feature of the work is a competition tor flower gardens. This has been ararnged to encourage the formation and cultivation of these i gardens, and prizes 'will be offered for the best, featuring uniform planting, color harmony, gei'zeral etteet, and evi- dence of careful cultivation. Further particulars will be announced later. A very pleasing event tool; plaiceac the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Smith, Stoney Creek on March 17, at 6 o'elock, it being the 48th anniversary ot their marriage. The decorations were fine, consisting of roses, asters and spring flow IT .A. rare opportunitywas Offered the citizens of Grimey""at the 'Horti'cul: tural . Society 'meeting‘.3-’ March ___ 1-3 'rt the: 'nature". of a cut flower, .deniv onstrir.ti,on, l?or. M.rcE.-, J. .G.ale, ~floral expert Qf_.the jotii.C.o.r).rion. Company; Hamilton. .' _ T .. "“ ." .. ' . ' _. Mr. Gale handled his subject and material, with a finished skill that thoroughly _..pleisse.4 _the_, audience._ Everyone was so, much absorbed in Mr. Gale’s moiernents' that tio hours harsliirpefaway before anyone realized that one-fourth that time had been consumed‘ The, very choicest florist flowers were' used, whichvwas a beautiful display.‘ The table dec- orations Staged by Mr. Gale "were very enthusiastically applauded and showed every evidence, of. refined beauty and artistic skill.. .- . Mrs. H. Bertram, Mr. and Mrs. 5. Emu, Dr. and Mrs. Thompson; from Grims- by: Mr, and Mrs. H. Anderson, Mr. I Beamer, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. VanDtiz- er, Mr. and Mrs. H.' E. Russ, Mr: T, Sowerby; from Hamilton: Capt. and Mrs. Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. J. Morden, Mr. R. Morden; Mr. and Mrs. A, Smith, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. John, 'Stoney Creek; _ also Miss Edna, at home; Mr. 1usi< pients ught ning not D. Baldw Elll HIGH EEHUUU 1E zompany sat down to one ot the ,ppetizing repasts that anyone tesire. At the conclusion of the re bride and groom were toast- several short addresses were yt a congratulatory nature. bride and groom were the re- s of! a beautiful set of china he members of their family. and games completed the eveh- He's a Jolly Good yellow” and le With Us Till We eet Again" CUT FLOWER DEMONSTRATION COMPANY RESIGNS JOB; NEW ONEIS BEING FQRMED , a clos The to? From St artram, ' PAID UP LIST ' Win, Jordan Station Olly Good FIXIIOW” and Is Till We eet Again" ose a Fery enjoyable following guests were Stoney Creek: Mr. and 1. Mr. aners. S. Piott, eveht took place at -0-0-0-(O:O enjoyable merchants felt that they should not be tests were] called upon to pay a man whom the L'. Mr. and F council had.appointed and sworn in, s. S. Piott, and who. was subject to call to any 3m Grims-, part ot. the town and away from his son, Mr. J....": paid duties; it the council could do f. VanDuz- i, nothing it would be necessary to dis- ss, Mr: T.) pense with the man. . . Capt. and i Walker was in favor of a night man, J. Morden, i and Hewson' suggested that Morgan .A.. Smith, l, be detailed to work from one in the m, 'Stoney l afternodn to' midnight, from 3 p.m. to home; M12.) an early-hour in the morning/or some f . Beams,) such arrangement Scott and Hewson 1, at home. l presentpir.a, motion that the fire and ----- _ ' I light committee arrange with Morgan, . f . but Farewell as chairman objected in" ‘and the motion was notrgut." v "P_t Feb. 15124 o-o-u-o-o-o-v-od-tr-o-o-o-tfp Town Council Turns Equipment 'over to New Chief With Or- ders to Go On With, Multitu- dinous Duties-Constable May Be Put On Part Night Duty. _ At the regular meeting of the town council‘ on Wednesday night, March 14, after the excitement caused by a peti- tion for reeonsideratiorrot a former motion (which appears on page one) the council settled to routine work. A by-law was introduced and passed repealing by-law 531 which was to raise $35000 tor waterworks exten- sions. Another by-law was then in- troduced and passed to raise $60,000 for like purposes.' This includes the original $35,000, the repeal of the first by-law being made necessary by a re- cent change in the act, and $25,000 for 'work now going on. The deben- tures will be tor fifteen years and bear six per cent. H. H. Farrell appeared in-reference to flooding by surface water on Elm street. The engineer and chairman of works board will endeavor to reme- dy the difficulty. Harry Talbert, as chief of the fire department told the council that the resignations of the members would take effect at once. The mayor wanted them to stay a day or two and they agreed to stay on duty until 6 p.m. on Thursday. _ Reeve Theal said that Talbert was being paid and the men were to. stay so long as Talbert was paid lchief.‘ Farewell could not see why Theal wanted to pay two men for the same position; he objected. A little excite- ment was caused by that oft repeated query: Why was the change made. Theal came out with the remark that the firemen were making a mistake". Farewell and Hewson moved a vote ot thanks to the firemen, which pass- ed, and Theal and Walker handed in a resolution to the effect that the resignations of the firemen be accept- ed and thee the tire and light commit- tee assist the new chief to organize a' new company; but this motion was withdrawn. . The question has arisen as to the extent of the liability \of the town in the upkeep of the G.T.R. crossing on Depot street. Legal advice will be obtained. . .' An insurance policy was submitted An insurance policy was submitted by C. H. "Kirk to protect the town against" damage suits. It covers a multitude of things and Iookedgood to the council, and was taken up. . J. Orlon Livingston and Leslie -J. Farrell as members of the commit- tee to define duties, etc., of the private- ly paid nightwatchman, James Marvin Tirantworth. told the cbuncil that the T _ PAID UP LIST Wm. Tuck, Grimsby, R. R. 1 Dec. 31l23 R. H. Kemp, Hamilton March 3123 JOB. Walker, Grimsby, ~-March 2 23 F. C. Weller, Arnstein . Dee, 31 23 A. Swayze, Smithville Dec. 31123 Irr"nos. smith, Grimsby . Sept. 1 23 I C. W. F. Carpenter, Grimt‘”: Nev. 21‘23 lBeainsville Preserving M, 1ti?y,yy,.i,1,1,t Accounts‘ were presented and pastF edlas follows: ..' l 1 . J, H. Forman, auditing .......$ 50.00 ReFr,'7Tdrns'on & McFarlane . 50.00 G:). McCona’chie ............ 174.15 W. H. Talbert u...........-..'.-.:.- -7.50 G, Arthur Payne & Son s..". A-:.r150.i)0 Village Inn Garage ...'-"""c'. _18...49 W.. W. Iridirri.....,........." 12.96 Scott & Sangster "...'..r...... .' 4.75 Grimsby Flour & Feed Co: ..- 4.14 Rapid Blue, Print Co; ....". ./i. .'" __ 3.20 p. Marsh Estate Itriii.Tarrirw .' G. t. Eaton Cd J: H. Gibsiin .; J. P... Robertson WHY THEGATES ARE LOCKED A party owning property on Grims- by Beach writes to The Tndependent asking whrthe gates toc. the beach have been closed for the past week. The answer is that the gates were closed to prevent automobiles from cutting up the roads in the beach dur- ing the soft weather. Assoon as the ground dries up the thrown open again. . to enter the beach can the caretaker, Geo. F: a to define duties, etc paid nightwatchmar. antwor'th, told the ( p the gates W111 me tin. Anyone wishing 21 can get a key from eo. Fair. . $2.00 Per Year-d Cents a Copy Feb. 1 ...,050.i)0 t _18...49 :- 12.96 . .' 4.75 .- 4.14 .'" .. 3.20 . 79.48 . 87.32 13.75 ', 43.01 .. .43 $753.50 xlot .2. -tt--o-o-o-o-oetr--r-o-9 'Ctr-ro-o-o-a-o-ttm-o-o-ua-o-oN' New Constable Passes the Lie to Alderman Farewell --- Mayor Rakes Morgan Over Coals For Remark and For Starting to Take Off Coat to Fight-re- _tition Signed By Practically Every Business Man in Town is Turned 'Down. The stormiest .session the town council has yet experienced) and one of the most turbulent since Grimsby was made in 1876, took place on Wed-. nesday night, March 14. Vituperation and recrimination have frequently oc- teurredrthe lie hat been passed more than once; remained for the hundred odd ratepayers present to hear tor the first time a chief con- stable call an alderman a liar at the council board. ' The stormcentred around the "We have changed the system; that's all” of Reeve Theal, the change being to hire one man to do many things, among them being chief of the tire de- partment, and' a twenty-four-hour duty as chief constable. '. A petition .was presented bearing the name ot nearly every business man in town with a few added heavy tax- payers, (some sixty-nine in all) ask- ing the council to reconsider their de- cision to replace the tire chief, as it was felt it‘would create a raise in in- surance rates. Ald. Mannell asked the number ot names; and the question was mooted "should the petition not have two-thirds of the ratepayers",? Capt. W. W. Kidd as an insurance man addressed the council. He knew the trouble Grimsby had experienced in getting insurance rates reduced; this was a matter that could not be trifled with; he was perfectly satis- fied that if the Fire Underwriters' As- sociation got to hear of the disband- ing. of the fire company the rates would go back to their old status. Theal and Mannell referred to the last change in chiefs when W. B. Smith resigned'on account of health and Harry Talbert went on; they thought case was same; Capt. Kidd decisively differed with them. Ald. Scott asked Kidd it he would suggest keeping the old chief on duty and the answer was “yes; by a1t"tneaaasc11_,,, Theal asked it the signatories to the petitoin would pay the extra $125 (the fire chiet's salary). This so dis- gusted p E. Swayze, possibly the heaviest taxpayer in town, that he of- fered to sign a cheque then and there' tor the whole amount. Theal's refer- ence to'added expense brought James A. Wray to his feet; he spoke of the hiring of a caretaker after Morgan (the constable) had taken that as one ot his duties, and asked if the retaining of fire chief meant to add expense. The mayor declined an answer; it was up to those who had made the-mud- die; he agreed with the'petitiomirs that it was wrong to disrupt the fire company.. i . "N . F , , The question of Theal's. remarks abofit the town needing cleaning up was brought up by Swayze in refer- ence to the m'en "toteing" guns outside of! overcoat. Theal denied ever hat. ing said anything about a clean-up. At this point Walker and Theal handed over a motion which read: "That the petition signed by sixty-nine ratepay- ers be received and laid on the table, William Mitchell, when the motion was read, asked if it WAS totrlate. and as we have officers for the cloSed.” . The new man had been hired for only two months; the petition signed by practically every business man in town should have some weight; he cited instances or councils having changed things before; it seemed that this would be a goodexample. Farewell as chairman of f1re,and light committee remarked that Mor- gan admitted ignorance of the-fire, equipment; if he did organize another company he might have to do it all Over again in another two months. At this point.. things betrart. to seethe. Walker' made the remark that it was not on account of' the tire chief that the petitiOn had been circulated, but on account of the constable. Sev eral wanted to speak at once and th reeve objected to "disturbing the council meeting.?' ' _ . The circulator of the petition took Walker to task. It was an insult to the men who had signed; many ot th signatories had ,refused to sign une, assured that it had' nothing to do with the position of constable. _ Walker made no reply to this. . J. O. Livingston referred to the re- duction in rates received on the print- mg plant; and Theal declared there would be no raise in rates. Te About this time Morgan, the new constable, came forward and heatedly told -Fm 0,va that his. statement ‘in regard to l‘ul'organ’s admission of ig- norance wasabsolutely untrue. Fare- well looked, him over and rem: {trad (ii-rietlt': “Big as you are I can _ one you eat those words." Morgan unch- ed for the buttons on his coat and hollerod "Are. you game?'" Capt. Kidd stepped toward him, pointing to his action, and there was the nearest to a mixup the council has seen in many a moon. . ' When Morgan more harangue, M ed him a moment Continued on Page Three PAGES 1 to 8 Morgan got through ‘with angue, Mayor Farrell detain- moment and administered a heady employed the year, this matter is Tremarks

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