Grimsby Independent, 21 Mar 1923, p. 12

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TWELVE ii-el Very useful, for stomach disorders, rheumatism and as a system cleanser. Per bottle 50c Moth Proof Bags Each tin sufficient to preserve 12 dozen eggs. Water Glass 40c and 75c 2 tins for Mc for thht after-the-flu cough. Tonic and lung antiseptic. Per bottle $1.00 Efferves- cent Grape Salts FRENCH OLIVE OIL SPECIAL Howard's Wild Strawberry Compound 10c Harvester Cigars SPRING "La Perle" 2f°r11c he No Travel Free Coupons AND BLOOD PURIFIER Best quality of Creophos Sulphur, Cream of Tartar, Molasses WITH SALE GOODS SPECIAL Uld b‘ashlone and Reliable reserver D Ill. sizes Egg 50c ttles 75c W bt int jars Atl il,ii 'Thi, Plan i), at the 'regular il 'MII price; of 25c (lil Al After the long winter stock or poultry. Nothi Herbageum. Also size f i Sale THURSDAY _ FRIDAY - SATURDAY Accurately and carefully dispensed. No matter who your doctor is we can fill his prescriptions. Good service. , Onlyhighest quality ingredients used. Reasonable prices. Bring them here. and you will get another box for 1 cent or SPECIAL $1.00 box Assorted Chocolates Uggett's "Orange and Gold" Package largest manufacturers and buyers of Toilet Articles, Remedies, Chocolates, Perfumes, Rubber Goods, Stationery and Drug Sundries in the world, and this is an advertising plan pure and simple, of 'whiéhthey bear most of the expense. d Instead of spending money in the regular way, such as Free Samples, etc., it is their desire that we place fullgize packages, or articles, in your hands, giving you an opportunity to judge the real value of these goods. Beware of imitations in other !,tti,'i.'.t,rte_oir, and take advantage of this exceptional opportunity. We cannot afford to charge or deliver goods during this sale. Right reserved tel,,i,'l'_tir,ft quantities. _ £52220??? Zfor$l.0l 500 Hand Brush 2ordi1 “THE WONDER BOX" 2 Boxes for $1.01 Buy a Mc box of Aspirip_ Tablets Brush . . . .. $1.00 Lather Brush (Rub- ber-set) .... 500 Hair Brush $1.00 Hair It Me Violet Dulce nppgttLititl1_puIf), Rtfl nu ra II l" W m i='itefiiirl'=i; 1 'jhtllKllillll ll1221"iiiifd2'; l tth7siir,i,itiisi a=e'", _-_'=='---.. -eT.Git HI"; " This ONE CENT SALE Phyt, was originated Jay the United '?i?ji,e,ir. Company for the Rexall Drug Stores. The United Drug Company are the 500 Jonteel Nail Bleach........ Me Jonteel Nail Creme........ Me Jonteel Nail Polish. . . . . . .. KJor 2lipNailoid Polish 2 for 25c Nailoid Won- derdust....... Zfor C. Tablets (100) $1.00 Bot. Aspir- 2 in Tablets (100) 40c Box Aspirin 2 2 for 260 W _rr,'isir'jj'uiirt',r?eii'5r_ ,, -----Ula. L'l'Lu'c".'s:i irfCiilf1r'j';ul)! ' = tttrit2=QtgE2igg5 MANIOURE ARTIGLES Stock and Poultry Tonics to D. CO L:EME1Tiri3 CANDY ONE CENT SALE ROUGES Pt DRUGS Peroxide of Hydrogen ah 2!or.51 2ror$l.0l 2for$l.01 vinter a good tonic is needed for your Nothing better than Royal Purple or h 2for.26 f 2 for .26 2 for .26 2 for .51 -2for-.36 2 for .36 2 for .36 U 2 for AI for .26 for.51 :for.51 for.26 for .26 for .26 for .36 $1.01 Dackages if, "it": i'it'is" PF-V 4: , “3%“:55‘17“ , _.; .42: Ill ',r;vi'd aft». Aprons. . . . . $1.50 Fancy Rubber Aprons I50 Absorbent 8.6e Baby Bibs $1 .00 Household Cott0n. . . . . . . KJor 100 Gauze Bandages? f or, 12 x 12 Assorted Borders, Reg. 15e 150 Gauze Bandages? f or 15e Pretty Lip _ Soother.. . . .. .. 15e Tiny Tot Air Filled Household Soother. . I' . . . . 150 Tiny Tot Air Filled Ball Top 1 Ribbed Soother ( 50 Nipples House- hold Black. and l Maroon ......l ik Nipples Family shape Black and l Maroon....... 5e Nipples Ball Top Black and Ma- 1 roon .....'.... 60c Tiny Tot Baby Pants med. and large.......... $1.00 Victoria Combs, All 2 Coarse. . . .. f, $1.00 Victoria. Combs, Fine 2 and Coarse . ft 35c Harmonic tge, an Rose, an Vio et, au Lilac... . . . .. 2/'or 25e Rexall Skin 2 Soap.......... for Me Laeo Castile 2 Soap.. . . . . ..... for 500 Cake Bouquet Ramee........ bor 1565. Cake Rose, Violet, Verbena 2 Bath Soap.. . .. for 25e Klenzo Tar 2 Shampoo Soap . for 250 Laco ' Baby Castile Soap. . . .2197: Ti Tot 1/Softgap. . .. 2for .16 $1.00 bot. Bouquet Ramee Sachet 2 Powder. . ' . .. f $2.00 Paradis 2 Sachet Powder f SACH ET POWDERS WASH CLOTHS 'I-c-ri?]?,)];:))?;?))], TOILET SOAPS 2 quarts and guaranteed rr,j' for 2 years. szor $1.01 12m $2.01 2for.36 2for$l.01 2for$1.51 2for RUBBER GOODS This $2.25 Maximum Hot Water Bottle for$l.01 for$l.01 12or, lbs 2for.l6 2 for Ifbor, 2 for 2m Zfor 2for $2.26 .16 .11 .16 .36 .26 .26 .51 .16 .26 .26 .16 .16 16 36 36 36 61 of your furs, woolens, blankets Flakes with Naphthalene... T Per 50c Jonteel Cold Cream. ... .1. . .. 500 Jonteel Com- bination Cream. 500 . Violet Dulce Vanishing Cream Me Violet Dulce Cold Cream in tubes......... 500 Almond Bloom Cream........ Me Antiseptic l Toilet Cream. . I Me Camphorated Cold Cream. . . . 60e Jar Rexall _ 5 Pf, Cream. . .. bor Oe isappearin Face Cream.. , bor Me bot. Violet and Rose Witch Hazel Cream . . bor $1.00 bot.Rexall Blood Purifier 2for$l 500 box Rexall Ee- zema Ointment.. 2ior Me Box Rexall j-r-l-ft-it-lei-rr-Air:?.'-.-" 500 box. Rexall 2 Blood Tablets.. for 500 Asthma 2 Powder...... ffor 26e Carbolie Salve Zfor Toilet Articles Gr Your Dressing Table 25e Carbolie Salve 25e Carbolized Zine Ointment. . . . . . Me Extract Wild Strawberry. . . . 250 Foot Bath Tablets . . . J. . $1.00 Vitamine Tablets . . . . OA Grimsby Leslie J. Farrell THE INDEPENDENT. GRIMSBY, ONTARIO “THE REXALL STORE" Sc Healing Bee t, " "" and Iron, - . Jess" {Wine HOUSEHOLD REMEDIES ah _ Rexall Beef, Iron and Wine The old reliable tonic and builder Keep Moths Out tior $1.26 “2for$l.01 £th 2or.51 'if,) me: ','" bor In , bor 2for$l.01 $1.25 Bottle Peroxide Cream 2s 'liirery One is Guaranteed Creams 2m 25c Jar tor for or SI .51 .51 .26 .26 .36 .26 .26 Ramee Talcum. 25e tin Fascinette Talcum ....... 35c Ipomea Talcum.. ... ... Me Corylopsis Talcum ......t 250 Violet Dulce Talcum....... 75c Paradis Talcum . . . . . . Me tin Rexall -Baby Talcum . 500 Bouquet, $1.00 bot. Pep- tonised Iron 2 Tonic .... .. for $1.0? bot. Petro- fo Russian 0i1)(....... bor $1.00 Bot. Rexall Nux and Iron 2 Tablets . . . .. for 600 Alma Zada Face Powder. . . 25e Le Chic Com- i pact Face Powder I $1.00 Jogteel Com- presse Face "Powder . . .. 2ft $1.00 Bouquet Ramee Face 2 Powder... . ft 500 box Harmon Face Powder. .37 bor 2 for $1.01 $1.00 Bot. Rexall Tonic 2 Bitters..... for $81.00 bgt. Rexall rupo H - 'i'Lrls2f,'/'i1tQ?.o.' bor 250 Box Rexall Stomachand 2 Liver Pills. . . . . Me Bot. Rexall fl Rubbing Oil. ... 25e box Rexall fl Orderlies. . .. . . . h $1.00 bot. containing etc., by using Red Cedar package Mc If you have that tired run - down thin - blood feeling, try them. 100 Peptona Tablets FACE POWDERS 1.%eP2ell'lS'GTat 1i'i'i7iaalt Ara 'Phone 69 TALCUMS 'Cl'I C)?ittCs'iiiii':it),' 2f0r$l.01 Zf0r$l.01 2or.76 2for.26 Zfor.51 2 for.26 2for.36 Zfor.36 2 for.26 2for.6l bor .26 Zfor.26 Zfor.36 bor $1.01 $1.01 $1.01 $1.01 $1.01 .51 .26 15c Double Meshl " ll Hair Nets A1 _Shades. . . l . .. Zfor,16 i?, Bot. Emulsified Cocoa.- il h - N 333. f) . . .8. l? bor it $1 00 Bot. Eau de uinine Hair gonic .... .. 2for$L01 75e Bot Petro- leum Hair Rub 2or.76 500 Lorie Brillian- tine (solidified and Liquid).. . . . 2mGl 40e Llorée Limon _ Emu si ed S am- poo......:..... tiorAI Me Violet Dulce Shampoo Crystals 2yor .36 adis Lotion.. KJ $1.50 Bot.Para- 2 f dis Toilet Water $1.00 Bot: Viviana Toilet Water, Rose, Violet 2 or' Lilac. . .. f 50c bot. Jonteel Perfume Ext... 250 Vials Opt Perfumes...... 81.50 oz. Bulk 2 Perfumes. . . f 75e oz. Bulk pop- ular odors. . . .. For COLDS and CATARRH 25e box Rexall Cold Tablets.. . grlor 25e box Bronchial. 2 Tablets .... .... for 250 box Laxative Bromide of Qui- nine Tablets... 2for Me Bot. Rexall B a b y C o ll g h Syrup.......-.. 2or 500 Bronchial " - - Salvé.. If. . . id for I 500 Catarrh Jelly. 2for 250 Boots' Meloids bor A refreshing and soothing lotion for after shave or bath. 2 for $1.01 65e bot. Florida Water......... 600 Bot. French Cologne....... 600 Bot. Lavender Water......... $1.50 Bot. Par- 0, A large assortment of stock of films always on rangements to give you a FOR YOUR HAIR TOILET WATERS AND PERFUMES $1.00 Bottle A Lilac Lotion ONE CENT SALE mm Kodaks, Films, Brownies tr}? bor .66 gin 2for.61 nder Zfor.6l i? 2m41S1 i; 2 for$l.51 Zlor$1.0l 16.9} 2for.51 r.. Zfor.26 2for$1.51 't 2or.76 F 2 for j .11 Zfor.16 bor 2 for I _i0e , Good ’ Form HairNets all shades .26 .26 .26 .36 .51 .51 .26 Kodaks and Brownies and a fresh hand. We have completed ar- 48-lour service on developing. 25c Powder Puff 2 and Puff Bag. . for POWDER PUFFS 25c Powder Puff Zfor.26 Pencil......... HOT-40 Me Shaving Cream 2f0".36 Me, Shaving Stick Zfor .36 100 Styptic Pencils 2 for .11 25 M th I gencile? . .0. . . .. tior .26 Note......... 250 Sunset Linen Salisbury. . . . .. Me Sunset Linen Letter ........ Me Cascade Linen Papeteries .. . .. 50c Lord Baltimore Papeteries . . . . . 500 Lord Baltimore Portfolio. . . . . . . 750 Symphony "Lawn........., 15c Montclair Linen Envelopes 100 Blue Lined Envelopes . .. . . Me Cascade Linen Pound Paper. . . 15c Blue Black Writing Ink. . . . 100 Me Tooth Brush Tooth Brushes. . 75c Klenzo Tooth Brushes. . 250 Pearl Tooth Powder....... 35p Klenzo Liquid Tooth Brushes; . 600 Klenzo 15c Sunset 25e tube Pearl Tooth Paste . . . 50c Klenzo TEETH & MOUTH W2 4frv,, cr, 1',ic,'t.rf...s.a.f.e.t Zfor.ll Antiseptic SUNDRIES AND SHAVING PREPARATIONS STATIONERY The one that gives your mouth that cool, clean feeling, whitens the teeth, prevents decay and sweeten: the breath. I KLENZO DENTAL CREME and ybu will get another box for 1 cent or E t' Another i) No Travel E Ili Free xample Il Coupons “xv ‘~i . I‘l‘l A , For Your Buy a 250 b l .., 13.3. - «u. .- LL Til-3:15;»- olri, 5.5:}! :43? Boots Meloids Linen erg 1th.“ _ 1'" ",2i,,i's'aii'.iia'2l 2 for .36 Mc Tube for Tangara Fabric Sth: Box of 2 for bor 2 for _ 2for 2hr , bor , Zfor 2f0r 's Zfor 2f0r Zfor 2for .n-WFAE Assorted Borders Zfor 2 for Zfor 2 for Zfor bo 50 box ot 26c .26 SI 16 26. 36 36 51 51" 76 16 ll SI 16 26 M 36 26 SI 61 76 Wednesday, March 21, 1923 as llll w (i Elkay's _ Straw Hat h Dye nests Keeps vermin off poultry. Sprayed on roosts and in 356, 60c $1.00 A valuable spring tonic. Per bottle Royal 4 Purple mt Baby Chick Food Moth Balls ' 25c Howard's Foot Powder Wampole's Cod Liver Oil Compound Creohoid Royal Purple ice Killer WITH SALE GOODS SPECIAL $1.00 SPECIAL a1molive Soap for 1lies 20c 30c 35c 26c for 16c JU til 12% Ar w i t h Hat ne bx the the Ish.... I Y' L31

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