Grimsby Independent, 7 Mar 1923, p. 4

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is---- itqhhMiE-PllECES i 'qt666666e+.66H00060660609.'. WWW 0:0-”-0-0-0-0-0-0-0.0-0.0.0-0-().()-l-0-0.0.H-0-0.0.0-0-.:. You‘ll lmve'success wit h FLEMING'S Es TONIC, BRAVE l’ownhks :18 a cure for “eaves or as a builuingmp tunic. tTUAltANTEED. Years ofsucuess. Money back iftlwy fail. 31.00 who}; Postpaid or at your dealers. Ask for our l’ur‘aeh Veterinary Adviser. Freed Tells anabout llama-s. .. FLEMING BROS. 426 WELLINGTON W. TORONTO MULLEY‘ EVERY (ALF FOUR GRIMSBY Stable Brooms (Jeweler and Optometrist) The Store of "Gifts That Latt" PHONE 326 GRIMSBY te-ttHI Aluminum Percola tors .... .... . Potato Pots Mantle Clocks Bedroom Clocks Men's Pocket Watches ._. . . . . . . . Ai2.00 to $40.00 Stainless Steel Faring Knives--- something new 35c ALL KINDS OF HOUSE- CLEANING HELPS Alarm Clocks The Hardie Sprayer is undoubtedly the best. Not to see this machine before making your choice, is to do yourself an injustice. Even a good machine is useless without service. When repairs are needed we can give service, for we keep a full stock of Hardie and general spray pump repairs. Call in and get particulars. 1 adies' Wrist Watch . . .. . . . . . .$10.00 to $25.00 WRAY’S HARDWARE Vernon Tuck, _ See our Window , Only a Limited Number Available Come in and take advantaie of the best razor over offered to the public att is exceptional prico. THIS RAZOR IS ON SALE NOW AT JAS. WRAY'S HARDWARE . m ONE DOLLAR TRAVEL FREE-SAVE THE COUPONS, THEY MEAN MONEY _ PARING KNIVES BANK OF HAMILTON 30mplete with Razor, Strap, and 3 Blades for PERCOLATORS POTATO POTS S' _ ir' , Y “I THE HARDIE SPRAYER 85c to $1.35 J. A. CIVMPBELL, MANAGER GRIMSBY BRANCH BROOMS STOP stops horns. One applt does it, Apply to calves 3 to 1 old. Coe. a tube Postpaid or n dea1ypy FLEMING BRO: lerT,'" -- 'rLeMmt: BROS." 426 Wellington w. Toronto -.-i---. $1.68 fé'rAausnnn 1913‘ n-0-u-o-m $2.00 $3.00 $7.50 95c PHONE 130 FL ll (b G ' . Valet ' Auto-Strop Str' , Razor ALi GOOD business paper is dis- counted by the Bank of Ham- ilton at reasonable rates. It is also accepted as collateral se- curity for loans. We are ready to assist your business in any way compatible with good banking procedure. up up up ti Moccasin or rubber dance at the Arena, tomorrow night, with Nor- ton's orchestra supplying the jazz. Miss Lillian St. John is spending a month with her brother, Fred E. St John, At Chapleau. Lost-r-On way to Radiant Electric fire, Tuesday morning-a heavy driv- ing gauntlet of imitation fur, from the fire truck. Finder will please re- turn to Town Clerk's Office. iigggigggggggigllllilligii==X= hoeal Items of Interest Remember the Lasserre Concert inl, Moore's theatre, Friday, March 9th.l Tickets on sale at Farrell's Drug} store. . - l Hersh's bankrupt ‘stock bought by Tobey at a low rate on the dollar. Everything at half price for Saturday. Watch for bills and advertisement next week, offering unheard of bar- gains.-H. Tobey. fi The W. M. F.. of the Methodist Church, will meet at the home of Mrs. Luno, Main street, on Thursday after- noon, March 8th, at 3 o'clock. T Master Stuart Simpson, of Hamil- ton, has returned home after spending the past two months with his aunt, Mrs. John A. Black. The W. M. S. of St. Johns' church will hold its regular monthly meeting at the Manse, on Thursday, (tomor- row) afternoon, at three o'clock; a, social half hour at the close. Brown Betty Tea Pots-- Galvanized Wash Tubs, selling upwards from 9Stt L223: 1 'i.".ic1.".1"1'.'.t'"isi1i'iiir e t es I o A . . . . I n . u a I c . opper Boilers 45c.55c.65c WASH TUBS TEA POTS BOILERS KETTLES ammmozo This .. $3.75 ONTARIO I His address in the evening was a (challenge to young people to achieve the highest lite---a life of service. The I,rti1iss1i1ci for the day was excellent," and the financial results, when all l amounts are in, will reach well up to the total requested. I will also be pleased to see any old friends at the new business in the Culp Block. ,A,,__‘ I wish to thank my many past cus- tomers for the moat consistent sup- port given me since locating in Grims- by about three years ago, and bespeak tor my successor, C. J. Love, the same patronage. ' While the varieties listed below are recommended for the Niagara Penin- sula, by the Vineland authorities, by consulting the most recent bulletins on the subject issued by the Ontario In the Niagara Peninsula, according to the Horticultural Experimental Sta- tion at Vineland, few new plantations of cherries or plums should be set out at present. Japanese plums should be reduced in acreage if possible. The Champion grape is condemned. ’The acreage of other varieties isr'probab1y sufficient to take care ot all demands. Varieties ot self-sterile fruits should be interplanted with others. This ad- vice, it might be noted, is applicable, generally speaking, to the whole of the Province. , The heating. plant in, the fire hall and council chamber has,been com- pleted and the unsightly stoves moved out. A fire in the Canadian Radiant Elec- tric plant, about 8.15, on Tuesday morning, gave the firemen a run. Little damage was done. Far too many varieties of fruit are grown in Ontario at the present time, according to the begt authorities. From a commercial standpoint it is desirable to limit production to a few good standard varieties, so that suf- ficient quantities of these mar-be on hand to fill any demand. Where many kinds are grown the consumer be- comes confused. Get something he is not familiar with, and the market in consequence suffers. On Thursday, March 8th, 1923, the regular meeting of Court Prince Ed- ward, 9319. Important business. Refreshments. " HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY _ The next meeting pf the ,Grilnsby Horticultural Society will. befheliiin the Orange hall on Tuesday next, March 13, at 8 o'elock. A special ad- dress will bekgiven by a lecturer from the Ontario Agricultural Agsoeiation. Members who may have house plants in bloom are invited to bring .them for exhibition. Members annual sub- scriptions tor 1923 are now due, and may be paid to the secretary, at. Wray's Hardware, Main street, Grimsby. Gladioli bulbs (special varieties) have beep selected for the spring premiums. New members join- ing now will share in the distribution. Mr. Leeonard Lawson, of the moun- tain top, is the proud possessor of a pair of matched Belgian horses, shipped from Millbrook, purchased through J. H. Earle. These are prize winners wherever shown. SOME VARIETIES' TO BE GROWN On Saturday, a boy in f?ont of the Bank of Hamilton, knocked a stone with a hockey stick. The stone flew across the road and broke one of the plate glass windows of the White Cross Drug store. The big derrick and other equip- ment that has been in use in the now abondoned county quarry, at Beamer's Falls, has been removed to the coun- ty store yards, at Beamsville. Fore- man Frank Hilts doing the work. The anniversary of the Methodist church was observed on Sunday last. Despite threatening weather and pre- vailing sickness the church was till- ed morning and evening. Rev. Chas. W. Bishop, B.A., ot Toronto, gave two excellent sermons. In the morning he defined the essential nature of a church. Taking the group of de- sciples that experienced Pentecost, as the first church and qualified as such, he showed that they were at the time without creed, organization, new tes- tament and many other things that ordinarily are considered to consti- tute a church. But as a group of people gathered about the Spirit of Jesus desiring to know and to pro- mote its realization they were real and a marvellously effective church. Such an attitude, he held, always leads to unity, discovery and effect- iveness. Hersh's bankrupt stock bought by Tobey at a low rate on the dollar. Everything at half price for Saturday. Watch for bills and advertisement next week, offering unheard of bar- gains.--H. Tobey. Mrs. Alice LePage wishes to cor- rect an error that was made in The Independent of January 10, which stated that Mr. LePage died of pneu- monia, while the real cause ot his death was endocarditis. _ METHODIST ANNIVERSARY Thanking You WILL BE QUEEN OF THE FRUIT BELT?" " THE. INDEPENDENT, i,i'ijllllllrt,tiB1r, ONTARIO A. J. ESSER 'i',:,' Fruits Lunches 'ii'?, 'rimnnnunnmnsmomummtumtoi'i', Radio.;.. .... .. .... ....'r Radio Broadcasting Program (weekly) r... .... .. ... Canadian Motor Boat . . . f. . Canadian Ford Owner . . . . . . Caradiahlfotov Boat ...f... ......$1.50 Canadian Ford Owner ....... ......$1.50 PENTON PUBLICATIONS, TORONTO pears-Gift , 1lpioos (blights bad- ly), Bartletit,‘ BQsc (blights badly), Howell, AnJo _ Euchess, Keiffer. SHOP 320 _Peact1es---0eephboro, Arp Beauty (limited pIar1ryrts)., Yellow Swan (lim- ited planting);1 ESQ John, Fitzgerald, Garfield, EPt?tif,., (limited planting), J. H, Hale 1stltjiifterile), Lemon Free, Beer's Sm09k4f 1,i,ri,io"', ' mums-Irie/t Zearly blue), Brad- Shaw, Impe1‘1}3;ge, Reine Claude (limited plan} 'tgit/r Shropshire Dam- son (limited Mtg), Italian Prune, Monarch, Gravv“ ke. GENERAL TINSMITHING, HOT AIR HEATING, EAVETROUGHING, ALL KINDS SHEET METAL WORK. Department of vAgriculture, the lift may be used ‘35.,3 general guide any- where in trt11irAtstricts ot the Prov- ince. The vaHiytieti recommended for present plangipg;,are as follows: A cherrfessr-e)tit -- Richmond, Mont- morency (botll In limited plantings). "Not torgeitiiig the assemlmngf): yourselves-r-ali/Ee manner ot smug-1b . --Remember the. Mid-week . meeting Wednesday atrlirp.m. The increased interest and a'ti'eridance. last lye.dnes- day was marked. Come and bring a friend. ', ,' _ wednesdy,rlEt.nic---Prayer Meeting and Bible CottEtitmee. "siweed---N1yg.yt1t.iittt, (White): Tartailida, Schmidtz, lir11iptitii, Windsor. Grapes-order/tis Early, Campbell (deep rich soil):,', Worden; Concord, Wilder, (se1tyetrle'), Niagara (white), Agwam (redf)_3(dQ§1_) rich soil). The East 1ii(iirty1re1e of the Ladies' Aid deserves the thanks of the com- munity tor bringing the Lasserre Con- cert vompan/jtitain to Grimsby. Keep Friday nightriitten and secure your seat at Ferreiitir:iiDrug Store. Sandal; March 11th. 11 a.m.--r'Tl8ltlpleshio." 2.30 p.rp.c--pggis School. 7 p.m.----"itliRliais. Fear.” .. The Lord'rtirttiter will be observed at the closeiiiEiith1s morning service. Monday, 8 tatF; B.Y.P.U. . Tuesday, ?,i'4iltirj,,rmi.---Mission Circle at home of MiigiliLN.: P. Horton, \ C:'di' Young Mrs. Lune fill sp'eak at the . . . People's Leagit‘on Thursday night; meeting at.8 oe'r'iitypck. __ -- . During ttte,)it')iree remaining Sun- days of the rkisien season Dr. Irwin wilk discuss titie,tht morning "Some Aspects of th 1srttrqsss." T Sunday, [ch 11th, 1928 10 a.m.----At '“ejzic Bible Class. 11 a.m.--Ptflitip" Worship. Sermon subject, "Why Hie Jews Killed Jesus." 2.30--sundasri;iirt9ehoo1. 7 p.m.--Putit'hi Worship. Sermon subject, "Is a Mural Man a Christian 'Y' tiyimMllrtmn PAPERS 'Tu-ttit-r-so-e-tm--" of every grade of high-class Confectionery cannot be sur- passed or equalled in the district. And it Subscription] prices by the yea1 OUR ASSORTMENT THE METHODIST CHUMH Week-day Notes IS FRESH ALWAYS "Say It With Candies". We Specialize in in bulk and brick "Take a Brick Home." _ DAVID _ CLOUGHLEY Churches A. J. ESSER Neilson's Ice Cream ---B.--t+--tu BAPTIST CHUR CH Jon,“ Dt GRIMSBY PHONES: Ithe assembling ot HOUSE 252W [ttmr-ttttr-. $1 00 50 30 Wed., March 7th--'tools First." a Marshall Neilan production; and "Treasure Bound," a Mer- maid comedy. Friday, March 9th---Concert, by Las- erre Concert Company, under . auspices of East End Circle of Ladies Aid, M. E. church. Me, reserved seats, Me, . Bat., March 10th---George Arliss in "DiBraeli"; Ont. Govt' reel and Aesop's Fable. Mom, March 12th--"Two Kinds of 'Women,” with Pauline Fred- erick; A Cameo comedy and a Hodge Podge. Wed., March 14th---."One Clear Can"; A Christie comedy. Smallest feet (over 18, in costume) --uMrs. Walker. In the belief of the Russian peas- antry a Christmas Eve dream is sure to come true. Best Character Costume-Ast, Ber- tha Baxter, "Gipsy"; 2nd, Olive Fish, "San Toy"; 3rd, Ewart Cross, “Ind- inn.” Tallest Man in Cogtume---Mr. R. G Lees, 6 ft.. 4% in. Best National Costume-Ast, Miss Annie Kelson, "Scotch Lass"; 2nd, H. Lazenby, "Uncle Sam"; 3rd, Betty Farrell, "Dutch Girl." _ Best Fancy Costume-Ist, Isabelle Walker, "Mystery"; 2nd, Miss Cline, "Milkmaid"; 3rd, Frances Burgoyne. "Haiaiian." Largest 1ramily--Miss Baxter and the Mr. Baarters---one sister and two brothers. Best Representative Costume-lst, Margaret Handson, "Shamrock"; 2nd, Yvonne Servais, "Jap." 3rd, Olive Hunt, "Nurse." Best Dressed Married Couple, lst Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Thompson. About 150 skaters and 350 spectat- ors enjoyed a real evening's sport at the Arena Friday night at the Mas- querade Carnival. The costumes were particularly orood and showed much originality and work. The judges, Messrs. Cosby, Puddicombe and Payne, had a hard, job trying to sort out the winners', but finally did so to the sat- isfaction of everyone. Chuck Walker acted as master of ceremonies and handled his job nicely. "Steve" Brad- Iey's artists supplied the music, which was greatly enjoyed. Owing to the great number of counter attractions another bigger carnival will be staged before the Arena closes. Following were the awards: Best Negro Costume-lst, Miss Ross; 2nd, Jack Atkins; 3rd, Geo. Tel- fer. In loving memory of Faerest Wedge who died March 10, 1918. Inyour hearts your memory lingers Sweetly tender, fond and true; There is not a day, dear Faerest, That we do not think of you. --Father, Mother and Sister GOOD CROWD AT THE CARNIVAL MRS. JANE DANIELS The third death in the house within six days occurred on Sunday morning, March 4, 1923, when Mrs. Jane (Jen- nie) Aitchison Daniels passed away at her home on Oak street. The late Mrs. Daniels was born at Princeton, Oxford county, seventy-three years ago, and was married at Drumbo, afterwards living in Paris and Brantford before coming to Grimsby about a year and a half ago. Some years ago she, had an accident which had made her an invalid since, necessitating a house- keeper, who died on Thursday, and Mr. Daniels had died on the previous Mon., day. The funeral took place on Mon- day, Feb, 5, from her late home to Queens Lawn cemetery, the Rev. Dr. Irwin officiating. _ A. BIRTHS ,‘2 CARPENTER - At Haghrstown, Maryland, on March 4, 1923, to Mr. and Mrs. Lond Carpenter, a son. MRS. JOHN W. KONKLE . The death occurred in St. Joseph's Hospital, Hamilton, on Monday, March 5, 1923, of Harriet Selina Wood Kent, wife of John W. Konkle, in her sixty- seventh lear, after a short illness. Mrs. Konkle was born at Croydon, Surrey, England, August 16, 1856, and as a young girl came to Canada with her parents, her father, Henry Kent, settling at Winona. They afterward came to Grimsby, where she married, residing here and in Hamilton ever since. On Thursday last she sutter- ed a paralytic stroke and was taken to St. Joseph's. Surviving are her husband, four sons and two daught- ALICE KILMAN The death occurred at the residence of rMs. Chrilstopher Daniels, Oak street, Grimsby, on Thurs., March 1, 1923, of Miss Alice Kilman, in her 72nd year,from influenza. Miss Kilman was a native of North Pelham and had been keeping house for and attending to Mrs. Daniels, an invalid, for several years. She is survived by a brother in British Columbia. The funeral took place from the parlors of G. Arthur Payne & Soi on Friday, March 2, to Queens Lawn cemetery, the Rev. Dr. J. A. Irwin oftieiating. ers, William H., Frederick A., Oscar Edgar and Roy C., all of Hamilton; Mrs. Fred Volterman of Hamilton, and Mrs. Robert Gordon, of! Grimsby; and three sisters, Mrs. Fred. Wheeler, of Toronto, Mrs. J. Boyd, of Brantford, and Mrs. Charles Roantree of Detroit. Funeral services will be held at 32 Emerald street south, Hamilton, at 2 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 8, by the Rev. F. W. Hollinrake, thence "by motor to Queens Lawn cemetery, Grimsby, tor interment. The pallbearers will be the tour sons and Robert Gordon and John McQueen. . MOOPE’S THEATRE ATTRACTIONS OBITUARY ”If IN MEMORIAM 'ii':?:!. Catalogues and information cheerfully supplied. ill" ii,':,' _ . PHONE 21 iii' filll"I.“HI“NH“I"IIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIINIH"I“!“Inn-III”"II"“II"IIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIHHIfi 1iuittttttttiutttiMtiitmttutmitttittttttttttMttttuttuttMtttMttMimtMttttttttMtttm1 .oota-o-o-o-o-1""'""'".' 0:0-()-O-U-()-000“0-0-0-0-0-1)-()-0-0.0-0-0.0-0-‘ _ Grimsby Flour & Feed Company PHONE 157 - GRIMSBY, ONT and also can make arrangements for Hatching l Our Incubators. MARCH 1st--Time to be thinking Don't wait till the last of the season to this year's chicks. Plan now. Let us have added to our large stock of Poultry iihruii: A. F,, Fti,AhlillKlE co. Wonderful values in Curtain Materials on the Second Floor. Cream and white floral affects, from. . . . . . . . . . . .39c up This week we offer balanceof our and Living-room papers, 22 Richardsons’ Hardware SAVE, Nice soft quality Draped crowns, bows and streamers are very popular with the becoming poked hats. Some of these are beautifully finished with appliqued bands and silk flowers. Others are of faille silk and mohair combinations with smart flbral trim- mines iriteautiful shades. _ E Smart new Milan and Tagle Hats, comprising large all... black sailors, medium size, black and white sailors, and num- erous other styles. Ladies We are Agents for the following lines: ' INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY. jOHN DEERE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, LTD "r. E. BISSELL CO., LIMITED. f PETER HAMILTON CO., LIMITED. HALL-ZRYD FOUNDRY CO., LIMITED WILKINSON & BATES PLOW CO, LIMITED. Sm MlLLlhlliiRY OPENING Small Check Ginghams at......... . ........25c Anderson's 36-inch Ginghams; all newest shades Pongee Silks, heavy natural raw silk. Reg. $1.50. . . .$1.19 yd OUR MILLINERY ROOM IS NOW OPEN FOR THE SEAsON--AbL THE LATEST SPRING STYLES AND COLORINGS I. FLEURY & SON CO.--H?LOWS. THE SPRAMOTOR COMPANY-POW)) SPRAY OUTFITS. . Ill-wool Serge FARM IhTLllilhlliN'rs LET US SUPPLY YOUR "NEEDS art INCUBATORS, BROODERS, HATCHING EGGS, _ DAY-OLD-CHICKS . A SPLENDID SHOWING IN GIRLS' SPRING HATS F rlil. MONEY RY COMING HERE FOR YOUR WALL- PAPERS NOW, AS WE ARE DISCONTINUING THIS LINE . rt new wool Pullovers, made in all wool crochet knit, round neck and long sleeves; newest shades, $3.25 to $5.89 Ml orders and inquiries promptly attended to , All-W001 Vests, light weight. Reg. $2.00, for LADIES' PULLOVER SWEATERS LADIES' ALL-WOOL, VESTS CURTAIN MATERIALS WALLPAPER STOCK ALL-WOOL SERGES BATH TOWELS PONGEE SILKS GINGHAMS to your laying hens-it promotes egg production and strengthens the vigor and fertility of the hatching A little extra care and attention to your poultry now will assure you strong, healthy chicks for this spring. We advise feeding DOCK! Pratt's Poultry Regulator ft" Wallpaper stock-jet/om 22 inches wide, half-price ---_ _..'. ......12%c and 15c if "r-o-ro-o-o-o-o-o-r-o-ia'. C-mr-r--..- -r.--l TA? Wednesday, March: 7 make your plans for help you plan. We Supplies: , yt BABY CHICKS v-----------"--. 5c, 29c and 35c es, at. . J. . .50c $1.45 per yard OUT 37Ac to 75c 'tte--"----" mrs m 1 7, 1923 ‘Qo-po-ggo $1.25

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