Grimsby Independent, 17 Jan 1923, p. 7

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v " -U-OCOCO-4 .:.).0.0.U-1)-()-0-()-()-0-()-()-()-0.’0-0-1)-l)“()-l)-1)-x)-0-U-\)-0.... . Penticton, B.C., Jan. S.-Another change of plans has been made by British Columbia fruit growers in con- nection with their efforts to bring about stabilization and improvement of the markets for 1923. The pro- posed Board of Control, as outlined in this correspondence in early De- cember has been abandoned, and the growers' committee of seven repre- sentative members is now seeking to evolve a working marketing scheme based upon the recommendations of many ot the local associations in tav- or of the establishment of a central selling agency. Should they succeed it will be'the creation of "One Big Union" that will probably control the distribution and sale of at least 90 per cent. of the fruit grown in Brit- ish Columbia next summer, and, per- haps, a considerable percentage of the Dr. Macklin, who has been mak- ing a tour of California and other co- operative centres for purposes of in- vestigation, happened to drop into the Okanagan alley just as the growers' committee commenced consideration of the details of the organization ot a Board ot Control. Dr. Macklin was asked to "sit in" with the committee. He did so, and after some considera- tion had, been given to the proposal was most emphatic in his declaration that a Board of Control would not achieve the object aimed at, for the simple reason that it would constitute an attempt to mix co-operation with selling of produce for the sole purpose of profit. In other words, he declared that it was quite-as impossible to make the co-operative ideals travel hand-in-hand with independent com- panies, whose reason tor existence is private gain, as it would be to make oil and water intermingle. Would Invite Failure The arguments advanced by Dr. Macklin were so convincing that the committee at once realized that to proceed with the creation of a Board of Control project would but be to invite failure at the start. Dr. Mack- lin commended the Central Selling Agency plan just as emphatically as he had condemned the Board of Con- trol, pointing out that such an organ- ization, backed by tive-year contracts with the grower, would probably suc- ceed because it would have as its basis true co-operation principles. He ex- pressed the opinion that British Co- lumbia growers having had two seas- ons of low prices should be just about in the proper frame of mind to give better support to co-operative move- ment than they have ever done up to the present time. vegetables. Abandonment of the Board of Con- trol plan was due entirely to advice given the growers' committee by one man----Dr. Macklin, professor of agri- cultural economics at the University of Wisconsinc-and a recognized auth- ority on matters pertaining to co-op- erative marketing of farm products. Wednesday, January 17, 1922, British Columbia Growers Favor Central Marketing Ojlllllfc1lllf2 Convinced by U.S. Authority The Sale, Price 1.0 Do Not Lose Interest THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Grimsby Branch. as well Gil CirVIC, f“ Capital Paid up $15,000,000 V Beserve Fund $15,000,000 -----u-by delaying to deposit your savings. IF you cannot visit us personally, send your deposits by mail, Have the satisfaction of knowing that your money is safely protected and is earning interest regularly. as. r-()-()-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-{ r-o-o-o-o-o-tr-ir-to In that opinion he is probably right. Another important factor in the situa- tion is that the independent companies have made little or no money since 1920, and some ot them at least are willing to sell their packing houses at reasonable prices. It the "One Big Union" plan works out as successful- ly it is not unlikely that the growers will next season operate a majority of the packing houses in British Co- lumbia. It is planned to organize with considerable capitalization, and this, together with a five-year con- tract, should make the financing of sale of the crop a much easier matter than it is at the present. time. Pres- ent difficulties in this respect are due almost wholly to the short-term con- tracts and lack of capitalization, the borrowing bower of the co-operatives being almost Itil. F WNW Il.----)"" provinée has the largest rural population? . . LE PAS (l.-jhere is Le Past . A.---/I?he Pas, or Le Pas, is a town in northern Manitoba which is now the gateway to a. seemingly rich min- ing district to the north.. The name is from an Indian word, it is said, pronounced Pahes, from the Pas riv- er. Another suggestion that the word "Pasquia" while French, is based on a Cree word meaning "narrows be- tween woods." A.--The Massey-Harris Co. are the largest manufacturers ot agricultural implements in the British Empire? A.-Ontario has the largest rural population of any province, viz.: 1,- 226,292 as against 1,707,370 urban. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT MAKERS G-Which are the largest manufac- utrers in the British Empire of agri- cultural implements? Ac-VNS-ra was first known as Newark and as the first capital of Ontario. NEWARK 0.---M'hat Canadian town was first known as Newark? A. c. Turner, Manager. |-().0.0-0-0-D-l)-O-U-0-0-(O:O OUR CANADIAN QUIZ COLUMN The Dominion in a nut- shell, in question and an- swer form. Compiled for The Indepen- dent by the Canadian Facts Publishing Co. "Independents" Will Sell Out and some ot t] g lo sell their isonable prices. d' plan works 0 is not unlikely next season OPI e packing houst a. It is plan: considerable cs together with I should make Watch For It Weekly RURAL POPULATIONS on he is prob tant factor in ', independent a he is probably right. .nt factor in the situa- ndependent companies e or no money since of them at least are their packing houses 'ices. It the "One Big rks out as successful- kely that the growers n operate a majority houses in British Co- planned to organize ANOTHER king houses he "One Big 1 successful- the growers a majority British Co- to organize ht i Mr. A. B. See is not alone in his views, however, B. V. Dee, the noted coal pocket designer and., builder, of A.B. See, famous elevator builder and distinguished man of letters, says that women's colleges are the worst things that can come into a young woman's life, and insists that 'if he had his "way (and the elevator busi- ness didn't take up so much of his time) he'd burn all such institutions. This puts him on the same ticket with Thomas A. Edison, who declares men's colleges are bad for boys. T. A. E. and A. B. S. thereby become two P's in the same alphabetical pod. Dumm and Dummer are highly elated over the stand of each man. They left this morning to get major positions in the Edison works. Their two nieces (both blanks), Ima Dode and Watta Dudd, will abandon plans to go to Mineralava University and will apply for Work at the elevator shops. Adelphi College asked Mr. See for a subscription. He came across with a can of kerosene and a match. College women smoke too much,, says A. B., but women's colleges don't smoke half enough. Smoke rising from college women makes him skip on five cylinders, but smoke ris- ing from wonien's'; colleges is like oil in the crank base. There is great indignation among university women, and some talk of petitioning the government itpmed- iately withdraw its attitude on the Freedom of the Sees. :%'¥'¥%*‘¥W*M*Mi‘*4‘%°¥%°¥W¢W034°W°FMMW°§4~ ii', By T I. Philips _ E Mflmomwmi-MWi-fi'N-d-MMMMiomm-Z-Moio-I-ioddod-éa: The modern college girls dress in- decently, charges Mr. See. This is the reason so many business men walk into open elevator shafts in big office buildings while thinking they're backing into their own offices. iii,,': The Once Over "Going up "Other car, please!" "Lemme out!" "Seventeenth floor, please!" "Express only What floor, please Y' f Here’s a real "League of Nations" family in St. Paul, Minn., consisting of all girls (sisters) and two guardians. The Reiff sis- ters, Misses' Minna and Henrietta, find adopting foreign orphans such an interesting experiment that their little family represents germany, France, Scotland, Finland, Bohemia, Canada, and, of course, the United States. In the top row, left to right: Emma and Muriel of Scotland, Dorothea of Germany, Aby of Scotland. Second row--Ernesta of Bohemia, Margaret of France, Miss Herr. rietta Reiif, Amelia of Canada, Miss Minna Reiff, Elizabeth of France and Martha of Finland. n) MOStUNI0UErFAMfLY IN THE WORLD P' THE INDEPENDENT, GRIMSBY,_ ONTARIO, 3 BIC SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY (Ilkley/fl' SACRIFICE Shll0llli, steam shovels, is entirely in accord with him, as is F. o. Bee, the illus- trious Detroit manufacturer of per- manentrattles, and PI D. Queu, the inventor of the revolving stairway. They are all eminent authorities on education. , "I am unequivocally against the educating of women," declared Mr. B. V. Dee. "I like 'em best when dumb. Them as wishes the university lady with the Greek vocab-can have 'em, but give me the girl with the. blank stare, the unoccupied noodle, and a good.broom in both hands. That's efficiency in the home as I A. B. See it. What we need today is wives what can bring up less argument and more coal. "Ycars ago women used to com- mand great respect from a man. He would lay in bed mornings and never quarrel with her when she got up and build a fresh firein the furnace. Woman's place was in the cellar. He knew she had certain rights, and he never put any obstacles in her way unless a coal shovel or a basketful of wash or something like that. "When I was first married things were very different from what they are today. No woman painted her face. If she wanted to do any paint- ing her husband gave her a ladder andlet her paint the house and barn. "And they didn't wear the silly high-heeled shoes. For the first fif- teen years of my married life my wife was lucky if she wore any shoes at all, unless in a periodical fit of gener- osity I tossed her a pair of my dd ones. "What do colleges do for women today? -When she comes out she can't even write a good letter. In the good old days the girls could write letters that were the cobra's hips. And, what irmore,.they had enough sense to burn the ones a fel- ler wrote in replr" ' "It's very simple," he replied, draw- ing himself up to hisffun height-and leaning on the bottqm round of his chair. "Take all tire extinguishers out of the colleges? "What is your solution, Mr. B. V. Dee," we asked, "to the problem of female education?" 'Kindly move back in the car!" ON THE CORNER OPP. VILLAGE INN "p Pf??? fir??? .. $1 .50 i 1"soutid,o'st,'eceie.s.s $5.50 I '"1,:i,tc.a1fsflradndYt:1,r $4.5! Sale Ends Saturday, January 27th, at 10 PM. BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES" q ' 0“”- .z.)-0.()-0-0-0-~1-0-t - {0-0-0-0-‘ WHO SAID THE e GAME WAS TIE by g had side When the Grimsby special picked up "Fat" and "Slim," the Burlington "bankers," they Vere informed that some real honest-to-goodness Oakville kale was going to be transplanted to Burlington. At the end of the first period the score was 2-1 against Grimsby and at the end of the second frame it was 3-2 against the Peach Kings/ but 'tat" and "Slim" never lost heart and offered to take all the Oak- ville money they could get and offered to bet 5 to 3 that Grimsby would win. The boys got up some dough and came home a winner. When the third period started four ot Grimsby's most illustrious fans were suffering with palpatation of the pericardium and did not go out into the rink but huddled around the stove in the dressing room. The quar- tette was composed of a well known real esta'ter, a merical man, a hockey coach and a newspaper reporter. In the middle of the period the news gatherer wandered upstairs to look at the game. We witnessed the wonder- ful Urquhart-Bricker-den rush that scored the winning goal and heard the time-gong ring. "Zowie!" he yelled, "the game is tie!" and down stairs in- to the dressing room he rushed holler- ing, "The game is a tie!" In the dressing room the heart sufferers were dancing around in a ring, tickled to death that the game was a tie. Fin- The y Edward Fitzgerald, Duke-ot Leinster and Earl of Kildare, here to take part in a ketch race across the Atlantic, with William Wash- burn Nutting as his opponent. admits "Americans can lick the British," but nevertheless hopes to prove the British supremacy of the seas. ame its f HOPES TO BEAT AMERICAN IN RACE ACROSS ATLANTIC. heart a In Ut funny ,-breaking Oakville ( 1)-"-U-O-O-l side "News and iViews of BOYS' SUITS I lot Boys' Dress $1 Suits, special. . , as 1 Saturday well as its Oakville rille-Grims- 1rday night as its dark HERSH’S I.>l\-0-0-(\-Uml ‘”()-(‘ 6.0~()-n¢0-0-0-I.:‘ " “if ..' ' . " WT . t Mit A; t E - . e . _ _ - , . " ' , > L. , tg ' , '* I ‘ ' . ' " ih' f MI, I - V r» - The goal that tied the game was scored two minutes after play started in the third period, but the quartette in“the dressing room knew nothing about it and when theuwinning goal was tallied they naturally thought the gaine was a tie. ally some of the fans who' had wit- nessed all the play assisted the hockey players in holding the four sick men down to earth and explained to them that Grimsby had won the game and there was no tie about it. Dr. Vance R. Farrell, secretary of the Grimsby club, had all the certificates made out last year and there will be no question of cards for last year's players, who are all available again this year, and there will be several new ones added for whom certificates are obtainable. All players must be bonitide residents from Jan. 1. There is to be a meeting of the Niagara dis- trict league at St. Catharines on March 1, and it is then that cards must be presented. WANT GRIMSBY IN NIAGARA DISTRICT LEAGUE That Grimsby is still on the base- ball map is authenticated by the re- ceipt a few days ago fr0m A. T. Smith, St. Catharines, secretary of the Niagara district baseball league, of a notice to the effect-that the Grimsby club would be admitted to the league and to the Ontario baseball association on the production of registration cards of the members. More than a dozen good deck hands will be on the roster from which a captain can choose a good crew: At- well, Boinski, three. Fishers, half a dozen Farrells, Hand, McBride, Mor- rison, Schwab, two Strongs, Went- worth and Wheeler, not to mention It was a good joke, anyway MEN'S DRESS SHOES material that may develop when the season opens. I A meeting to form an athletic as-' sociation is called tor Thursday night, Jan. 18, in the council chamber, and the baseball club will probably be there itf force. The Peach Buds tackle the Hamil- ton St. Mary’s outfit right in their.own back yard tonight. ' If the local kids win (and there's little doubt but what they will) they will-be sitting right on top of the earth so tar as this group is concerned. The game starts at 8 o’clock sharp. Let's go. ' The "No Smoking" rule at our own ice palace was never appreciated until Saturday night at Oakville. The smoke hung over the ice there like a blanket, seriously interfered with the players' vision and wind supply, and made close following of the play from the boards impossible. The O.H.A. Buffalo newspapers on Friday last carried the news that Grimsby juniors were playing against a Buffalo team that night. "Dad" Mabey read the item and hastily gathered a bunch of old Grimsbyites together and rushed out to the rink only to find that it was St. Catharines that was playing. It is expected that the Peach Buds will play in Butralo this coming Saturday night, providing the O.H.A. grants the necessary permission. ?,roteombination is badly needed by both teams. This goal getting _ busi- ness is all right, but more goals can be obtained from passes than by indi- vidual rushes. Saturday night's Ur- quhart to Brickenden pass turned the triclgén Oakville and it can be done a hundred times every game if the tel- lows only get interested in the num- ber ot goals scored and not in who scores them. would be well advised to adopt the "No Smoking" rule in all rinks in which league games are played. Saturday night's game at Oakville produced some funny incidents. Some of our fans missed our first tally in the third period and did a war dance when "Brick" got the winning one, figuring that it was only the tieing one and that the Peach Kings still had a chance. _ l larg‘e contingent of Burlington fans were on hand and went home tickled to death. Not only were they pléasedeto see Oakville loose the game but the way it happened made their happiness complete. Those two good pals "Slim" and "Fat" were on the job and rumor has it that they arrived in Burlington with a lot of good Oak- ville ja'ck in their pockets. SIRHAIG . ”Cigar At all Stores INDEPENDENT ADS PAY .0-(1 -()-0-0-0-0-U-0-0- TONIGHT PORTY = PORTLETS By U-TelIum -()-D-l)-0-O. SEVEN

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