Judy PA 45e l ja fe jw lual oo 1 8 33 ay$ LOTS OF CANDIDATES ,);;" GRIMSBY goes far in the D! & hockey race this season or mains to be seen, but there is as ing certain and that is that the go of the junior and intermedâ€" m ams will not be short of materâ€" er sandidates for positions on the te are as thick as bees and it will cc lot of deciding to pick the best ‘he y the time registration day round and then the best men re t be picked, because they will asg '/'5" had time and practice th ‘to show their real value. . A di y be slow in developing and it aiddle of January may be. a le @an in every way than some of en registered, but the best e; ers can do is register the p show up the best by Decemâ€" 5; ‘ Each team is allowed to };} so many men and they must stered by December 22nd, afâ€" a t date no registrations can be no matter how good a nonâ€"regâ€" \:4- e IELELETEE . Gxs! CA . CC ATRA NN CC this winter. There is no what the Tigers will be afâ€" ;-_pand it is a. cinch that will make a bid for him. e "Pud‘" has kept silent and ‘of any kind has come out of itn village as to where ho _ Under 0. H. A. rules . he to the GRIMSBY team. but ) local management has left ';;,,4 tirely in his own hands. e interviewed this week by ‘d,i.then we will know â€" for ither he will sport the red 't'lfGRIMS_BY or not. ors Look Good Q 1, manager of the junior s been drilling his flock . of 'plroads and in the "gym" ast three weeks and ‘the boys be in the pink of condition. @ FRED E. CARLEY boy â€" from e when the hockey oys wWill ~" get on the ice by November s ruling Will not affect ‘the the teams much, but this y will be handicapped to a exten; on account of the not being finished. uck after much persuasion has d the management of the inâ€" te team and he Swill start tk with the candidates for this is week. He has a great Tin‘e up jal to pick from with Burdette, irrell,: Meliough," ‘the â€" Lawson algleish, Allan, Resie, Dr. f{_ell-and several other likeâ€" ‘& from. For the goal ‘ he. has Cross, TLeahman. isher, Wally Fisher and a he name of Gibson to choose Wednesday Ee no m red mal FEATURINGâ€"STANLEY NORTON, THE "WHISTLING $t WIZARD ï¬ALLs STEAM HEATED. LADIES‘ AND GENTS‘ CLOAK ROOMS. CAFETERIA LUNCH COUNTER _or appliance until wantâ€" d? wiring and repairâ€" all kinds and do it right. ; where is there a betâ€" to buy Electrical Goods Phone 200 iey are backed by men ake a study of them? make this an hy * RICAL CHRISTMAS? EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT c o 00000000000 000000 After All is Said m THE BIGGEST AND BEST FLOOR IN THE FRUIT BELT TO EXHILARATING MUSIC DANCING small deposit will hold any ELECTRICAL STORE NORTONS 5 PIECE ORCHESTRA been n INDEPENDENT HALLS RIMSBY goes far in the ey race this season or to be seen, but there is rtain and that is that the the junior and intermedâ€" FOR HOCKEY PLACES , November 23, 1921. Electrician _ Main St. Grimsby star centre man of s for the past few causing the fans to do uring as to where he vinter. There is no tha Tisars will be afâ€" 1CC . U Y OO ill not af is much, handicappe velop )ckey e â€" by 0066060000006 20 igers will be afâ€" s a. cinch that a bid for him. _kept silent and has come out of s to ‘where he H. A. rules . he SBY team, but eement has left GENTLEMEN, $1.00 In . years boys will be November affect ‘the ; "but :this nvued to a IN THE NEW Y Town leag 1 ready to . org: 1 again and fr ¢ this section â€" A ductive of fa d it did last y @ least six teal @© (©) (©) (C places on the team so Bell has no thing to worry about eycept the go> job. He has had a line on severa net guardians but they are all ove the age limitâ€"and up to date he ha failed to secure a permanent man fo this job. â€" Young "Happy"â€" Hillie showed a lot of class for a kid. las winter in this position but it is hard ly to be expected that a lad as youn; as he will come un to 0. H. A. cali bre In~ any event GRIMSBY »can _rest assured that they are going to see gsome real hockey this winter and any man who thinks that he is fast enough ‘to catch a. place on either team has got to turn out and get in condition and then show his wares or he will be left in the discard. â€" Town league boosters are getting ready to organize ‘the town league again and from here it looks .as if Bell has the nucleus of a crackerjack team in Marsh, "Bo" Farrell, Wentâ€" worth, Hayhoe and Scarlett if he reâ€" turns to Lake Lodge. There are seyâ€" eral other likely lads trying for places on the team so Bell has noâ€" thing to worry about eycept the gorl job. He has had a line on several net guardians but they are all over the age limit and up to date he has In Nova Scotia there are : panies engaged in coal minin ing the 12 months endedâ€" S 30 last these 12 companies output of 5,0004,758 tons Their sales amounted to tons. again and from here it 100KS8S ,as IL this section of the sport will be proâ€" ductive of far‘ more excitement than it did last year.. There will be at least six teams in the senior division of this league as Smithville war}ts to enter a team this season along with Beamsville and Winona, and it is a surety that at least three teams from the town will be entered. Taking it by and large it looks like a great winter for hockey fans. O. K. B. Papers are best quality I THE WINTER SPORTS in Grimsby had been at a standstill for several years until last winter when some young men got together, and at considerable expense and worry, tried to provide the community with skating and hockey. The attempt however was a failure, due to weather conditions. Then a movement was started to provide a permanent rink for Grimsby, and considerable work was put in on the proposition. 0 .organize T ind from herke ction of the s An ice making machine was on the market cheapâ€"a comâ€" pany was being formed to take over the government cold storâ€" age with the idea of using artificial refrigeration. . A hurry up trip was made to Toronto and an option was secured on the machine. â€" Then two conferences were heldâ€"the first with the gentlemen behind the cold storage plant, offering them the opportunity of securing the machine at cost, providing they would guarantee to supply an Arena with refrigeration at cost which offered was accepted ; the second with a representative gathering of men interested in sport, telling them what had been done and asking their financial and moral support in putting the Arena over. A company known as Grimsby Arena Limited was formed on the spotâ€"J. H. Gibson, C. T. Farrel, O. Ofield, C. M. Bonham and L. J. Farrell were appointed diâ€" rectors. . Then an option was secured on the Muir farm, which ut eyscept the gorl a line on several they are all over up to date he has permanent man for "Happy"â€" Hillier iss for a kid last tion but it is hardâ€" STORY OF GRIMSBY‘S ARENA THEN OPPORTUNITY KNOCKED AT THE DOOR ing. Dutâ€" September had . an of coal. .459 .548 on ntâ€" taken up at another time. Now is the reâ€" time to eliminate the winter dangers evâ€" of our children losing their lives, so for let‘s all go to the polls on Thursday, ioâ€" December $th and poll a VOTE . FOR o1 THE BYLAW if for no other reason ral than for the Sifety and surety of the ver children of our town and district. FRESHâ€" FISH,° ALL ALIVEâ€" SEVEXN DEAD OUT OF FIVE Again is GRIMSBY coming into her own. This time it is Lake Ontario White Fish and Herring. (Ciscoes). Some years ago it was possible to get fish fresh from Lake Ontario deliverâ€" ed to your door. That ended, and for means of Club§ WM. STEWART DRUG CO T LIVES OF OUR CHILDREN There is "smoke‘‘ comfort in There is comfort in buying the right g0ods at the right price. There is comfort in trading where service to‘ customers comes first. Our effort is to pleass you (Continued from page 1) TUCKETTS CIGARS THE INDEPENDENT, GRIMSBY, ONTARIO H. GIBSON, President pecial sht soods + wl m m im P PAID UP LIST / R. Moxley, Grimsby Nov. 1 D. B. Birrell, Grimsby Oct. 30 John Bull, Beamsville Dec. 31 H. L. Gibson, Grimsby Dec. 31 Fred Henry, Beeville, Texas May 16 L, M. Wilcox, Grimsby Dec. 31 J. K. Harrison, Grimsby _ Dec. 31 S. Fisher, Grimsby Oct. 13 a long time residents had no Lake Ontario fish. But a wagon is being started that will meet a néed: Good fish under cleanly conditions deliverâ€" ed twice a week. J. F. (Joe) Hand is starting this week and will make two deliveries every week. For this week he will have white fish and herring and will cover one part of the down on Thursday and the balâ€" ance on Friday morning. He is also preparing to furnish the ciscoes by the hundred pounds either smoked, or fresh for those who wish to smoke them in their own smokehouses, Or salt them down. The local rig will be handled by Herbert (Slivers) Corman. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1â€"2 DRAMA <ems o @ito c ns 0 <meâ€" <un 0 <ma> o <am o <anâ€" 0 â€"s0m o â€"<omâ€" 0 <meâ€" 0) <005â€"0â€"<alp 0 <upâ€" 0 <ap ()â€"<ra> c alm> 0 â€"amm THE BEST LOCAL TALENT MRS. W. E. JOHNSON CONTRALTO SELECTED SONGS BOY SCOUTS CONCERT SPECIAL SCENERY, STAGE AND LIGHTING ‘EFFECTS EACH ACT A STAR TURN MUSICAL NORTONS ORIGINAL MUSICAL GORDON L. EATON 2 Nickts | MOORE‘S THEATRE | 2 NIGHTS | g 3 HOURS OF GOOD CLEAN FUN AND AMUSEMENT BOOK YOUR SEAT IN ADVANCE in CHARACTER IMPERSONATIONS <a» 0 <me 0 smm( <me.c) > 0 «e 0 «mm ( ) <mm o <me 0 â€"< 0 <o0â€" 0 <m> 0 <m> 0 â€"<m> 0 u> 0 ue( > 0 <ue 0 â€"ons 0 â€"<ue 0 â€"<zeâ€") m 0 <meâ€" 0 â€"<m> 0 â€"<me 0 â€"<mâ€" 0â€"<om 0 â€"<u>â€" 0 <e 0 â€"<u> 0 â€"<m> 0â€"<m> 0 40 «m ( n an BIGGER AND BETTER THAN BEFOREâ€"DON‘T MISS IT THIS TIME! ADMISSIONâ€"ADULTS, 50¢ XLL SEATS RESERVED A ( was the only available place for the Arena. Stock was sold by. the directors without commission, and the property was paid for. Since then (eight months ago) $13,000.00 of stock has been ta}kén up and another $4,000.00 is now in view. Plans of buildings were looked over and finally one was selected by the company as being most suitable. Construction has beâ€" gunâ€"the concrete piers for the steel are complete and the steel trusses are now going up. . The general contractors, D. Marsh & Sons, are commencing work at once. â€" Grimsby‘s Arena will seat 1,400 péople; will give standing room for anâ€" other 600 people; will have an ice surface 70 x 175; will have steam heated, comfy dressing rooms ; will have a refreshment room and check room ; will be stucco finish in frontâ€"in short, an ideal buildingâ€"a credit and a benefit to the community. 31 16 31 31 13 22 22 22 22 22 99 21 DIRECTORâ€"MARK R. SUMMERS COMMENCING AT 8 O‘°CLOCK ind npdoiiiipiiinnNpMpMMMMMMMA L. J. FARRELL, Secy.â€"Treas JACKIE COOGAN MOORE‘S THEATRE WED. THURS., NOV. 23 â€"24 EDWARD McGARRITY <am o <me 0 «50 â€"<20> 0 <u> 0 <u> 0 <am 0 â€"<a> ) <u> 0 â€"<asâ€" 0 <m5 0 â€"<me c â€"ame 0 «> ( ) <m»â€" o <z». ) u> 0 <m> 0 â€"<m> 0â€"<np 0 <me o <a> o «> 0 «m COME . K. Bond Printing. The Inde® pendent. YOU HAVE READ THE BOOK AND LAUGHED NOW SEE THE PICTURE AND LAUGH MORE in a SEVENâ€"ACT MUTT AND JEFF MILDRED PAGE ELOCUTIONIST "DFCKS BAD BOY‘" COMEDY IRISHâ€"TENOR, Of New York City RJ CHILDREN, 25¢ (INCLUDING WAR TAX). PLAN AT STEWART‘S DRUG STORE. XL â€"FAVORITE COMED Y REGULAR PRICES FEATURING WONDERFUL SHOW MILES OF SMILES A in PYRAMID . BUILDING M. LASSERRE in ELLO SELECTIONS BOY SCoOUTS HILDA RAY SOPRANO POPULAR SONGS SONG SEV EN