C k V Ire ' _ - fr,' O©OO©OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Fp, W. ii' l' . “9"-0-U.0.().().().(DOD)- '/t, in all I; [I SIX . CiYtaaaatg)agtiyixe.XeX.X.XNX9DC9N99e) t ti) Day Phone MB. If you are in the market for a closed car now is the time to buy as the cold days of fall and winter are getting near. They are very comfortable to ride in either winter of summer. Terms arranged if desired. . FORD SALES & SERVICE SUCCESSOR TO JAS. FISHER UNIVERSAL GARAGE - GRE EXIDE BATTERY SERVICE-BATTERY CHARGING A SPECIALTY LB , BIRRELLS TEA ROOMS G THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Our policy is to assist farmers 9 1n- creating their live stock holdings, and to secure a IMPROVE YOUR HERD R.- W. DOUGLAS Try our HOME MADE CANDY Cream Butter Scotch. . . . . . Butter Taffy.... .... ... Maple and Chocolate Fudge Peanut Brittle. . .. .... ... CocoanutSpecial.... .... .... ... ....4 Lady Caramels.... .... .... .... ....5 Chocolates of all Flavors. Fresh ' Every Day 00000 0. 0 00000000000000000 BIRRELLS TEA ROOMS titCrg:igstasutf:is:g:is:ttf:tMif5fy99fgiirs9999999fUUU69CrsE 0 Grimsby Branch: Better Grade of Stock Call and talk the matter over. Don't Forget to Get a Box of Chocolates! From 2 5c up to $5.00 1apital Paid up $15,000,000 Reserve Fund $15,000,000 CHOCOLATE GENUINE FORD PARTS Meals Served at All Hours . "iCuSififtitfififif5fUiUUUUU= . OO O PHONE 342 Baaaa@@@@(i)@@@0X9X9X9X?J . White, Manager 'i99tfisifg:gifif599999Shf63yset, Night Phone 74 R..2 ....5oclb ....3oc lb .. ..5oclb ....4oc lb ....4oclb ....5oclb GRIMSBY, ONT. (i) attraction, at the coming Boy Semi?" concert to be held in Moore's Theatii'd Thursday and Friday, December (ila and 2nd. Mr. McGarrity possess iliill voice of womitrtul quality and iiiii, surpassing by tar that of the '5" age tenor and his efforts in cone work have been one ot con'timtiil8 success. He is very well and farm Through the energetic intereliia influence of Mildred Page, elocti gig; ist; Edward McGarrity. Irish terriji,.tll New York city will be the head v-itil attraction, at the coming Boy ssia ably known in New York and ot 'd-if" cities, his latest engagements Mit 'lb'; at the' Regent, Toronto where he mu, given a very enthusiastic reeeptti fr, The management ot this'concert at I fortunate in obtaining the servicetsrt ', so great a singer and the public..- 7 strongly advised not to miss an ' ttii portunity which may not occur agiii tor many years. _ "f,',', To the people of this town and" t "m To the people of this town and dir.; trict Mildred Page as an emcutiontiit needs to introduction. She is a; popular favorite and her work which? is of the highest class is always‘izzii hit. She knows just what ymrwitht and that's what you get, and i'hqr‘ name on a programme is always t guarantee of satisfaction. (rordoii L. Eaton in character impersonations is a scream from start to finish. H9 is very well known and carries :a, pedigree ot tun which you will re- member tor weeks. You will sit back in your chair and laugh till the te-rs roll down your cheeks as you listen to his funny stories and see his impersonations. From laughter; you will change to surprise and] amazement as you gaze in bewilder-j ment at the Scouts building pyrit- mids. It is just a small part of their, instruction as Scouts and after seeintt them work one and all will agree that it's mighty nice for boys to .-be able to do such clever stunts. It is ti. wonderful exhibition and has a strong physical effect ' in making better', boys. . T The . musical Nortons in their original act fe'ituring "Speck", thtl whistling wonder are a knock out; Music is music and jazz is jazz, but , this pct you get some of both and when" they are through you will yell’ tor more. _ ' Mrs. W. K. Johnson, contralto, in selected songs is in itself one of the best turns on the programme. She possesses a .voice ot clear tone and quality ond her catchy little songs are always a hit. To the children and grown ups Mutt and Jeff are always big source of laughter, but in this seven act comedy entiled "Not Wanted" composed entirely by Mr. M. R. Summers they excel them- selves. You will laugh from the raise to the drop of the curtain at their clever yet simple foolishness}: Each act is different and the furthgt into the comedy/ you get the 'iiGki1il, you laugh. Oh boy, it's a pip. _ It," _ saw them last time, ttoet"atftgg" ' this. I ' _ T l". M. Lasserre js a wonderful teeiio player and a surprise and so till you hear him we will leave him that way, but you will agree that never ibetore have you heard such sweet andflinger- mg mus1c. ' And then we find Hilda Rey, BD- prano in popular songs. Ybu all know her, or you should know her, tor she sang at the last Scouts con- cert and wars very well reqeived. And so she is coming back to do her 'part to help the boys. She is very well known in Toronto and other cities and has a lovely voice as clear and true as a bell. true as a bell. The last concert given by the Scouts was good, but this is bigger and better than ever and the price of admission is very small in eompari- son to the evening of tim and enter- tainment yon will have. Look over the programme, look at the advertige- ment, then go and get your seat right away, because this time there is going to be some rush, so dop't get left behind. The plan is at Stewart's Drug Store. Go there now. We print below a clipping from the Spencer (Mass.) Post which we be- lieve will interest our readers, as it deals with the success .attained by an old GRIMSBY boy, Mr. Wm. Hun- ter and his wonderful h.erd of Ayr- shire cattle: Spencer, Nov ceived at Alta the final viettN Spencer, Nov. 12.-A telegram ie, ceived at Alta Crest Farm announces the final victories of the prize win. ning Ayrshire hem owned by Messrs Stvgendorph and Hunter at the Pacific Internationl .Exposition in Portland Ore. The herd won every champion- out a parallel in modern livestock history. Exhibiting at the seven lead- ing livestock shows from the Atlan- tic to the Pacific this herd has won every grand championship, every sen- every grand Ct1amp10nsi11p, every sen- ior championship. 10 junior cham- pionships. every premier exhibitor and premier breeder awards and 113 first prizes, or more than all the oth- er contending exhibitors combined. Bargenoih Masterstroke won the male grand championship at the Portland, Oregon fair, according to word Just received by Mr. Sagendorph and also had the same record at the western royal livestock show in Spo- kane. Duchae Brandu, the winner at the previous shows, was returned to Spencer following the nnational dairy show .at St. Paul. To this latter show mentioned besides the herd winning both grand ch 1mpiopships they also won $1137 in prize mon y. Red Hill's Bright Lass won tie grand championships at a number'of dairy shows. The herd starts for home to- morrow and will have completed . a 7000-mi1e journey when they reach here. They are expected to arrive in Spencer about Dec. lst. Ore. The herd won every champion- ship, and every possible first prize. This closes their triumphant 1921 show season, which has been a series of notable victories all the Way with- out a parallel in modern livestock history. Exhibiting at the seven lead- ALTA CREST AYRSHIRES MAKE CLEANUP BUY (MMS lllil flllliiliillt Just think of it! About March some one signing himself "Pan" will write to the sporting editor to know who played the 1921 world series. THE INDEPENDENT; _ Us}; 'dvors iilllii?'0'illl3]llii,,iili1) (llllllllllijlllliifilllll'llllllltlt ‘TOWN HALL, BEAMtWllLLE MONDAY EVENING, NOV. 28th. moon's THEATRE, GRIMSBY TUESDAY EVENING, NOV. 29th. TOWN HALL, CAISTOR CENTRE THURSDAY EVENING NOV. 24 EVERYBODY-e-ESPECIALLY LAD- IM WELCOME u. F. o. HALL SMllllTTilVlllLLE FRIDAY EVENING, NOV. 25th. GOD SAVE) THE) ICING and other prominent speakers. will address the meetings ' The Government Candidate For Lincoln THE NATIONAL LIBERAL AND _ CONSERVATIVE PARTY ONTARIO Mr. I. D,, CHAPllLlllllhll WILL BE HELD IN THE IN THE INTEREST OF AT EIGHT O'CLOCK AT EIGHT O'CLOCK AT EIGHT O'CLOCK EIGHT O’CLOCK Wednesday, November 23, 1921 M