Grimsby Independent, 23 Nov 1921, p. 2

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Foolish Fllosophy of Farmer Candi. datay-- . Mr. Craise, the candidate of the Progressive party, in the fast ap- proaching federal elections, tor the County of Lincoln holds some peculiar ideas. Whether he is promulgating these ideas tor the purpose of deceiving the people, or whether he actually be- lieves in them, is a question in my mind, yet. The first idea, advanced by Mr. Craise, which I will refer to is the one in which he announces that it you decrease the consuming popula- tion and increase the producing popu- lation, you will make the producers more prosperous. Or, in other words, if you take the people out of the city who are now consuming the farm products and place them on farms to produce still further farm products, that the price of farm products will advance. _ Somebody must have told Mr. Craise this, for I do not think any normal brain would ever evolve such a fool idea-and Mr. Craise is appar- ently of normal brain power. 'Mr. Craise holds the foolish notion that by increasing the imports we will benefit the nations, whereas it is a well known and established fact that the increase in importation of goods is bad for a country-in fact it is demoralizing to the trade) ot a We will admit that it we lower the tariff sufficently to cause more than double the present importations, the aggregate amount of duty col- lected would be larger than it is. at present-but what about the produc- Another one of Mr. Craise's new ideas is that if the tariff is reduced, a greater amount! of goods. will be imported which will have the effect of giving us a greater aggregate re- venue than we now receive; and this will be beneficial to Canada inasmuch as it will help to pay off our indebt- edness. , THE PEOPLE'S PAPER ESTABLISHED 1885 JAS. A. LIVINGSTON & SONS, Owners and Publishers. Issued every Wednesday from the Office ot Publishers, Main and Oak Streets. Grimsby. TELEPHONES-Busmess Office 36; Editorial Office 23 Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association. Member Selected Town Weeklies of Ontario. Can you guess who will be the representative of Lincoln County in the next Dominion Parliament? _ The Independent will give a prize of ten dollars to the person naming the candidate who is elected on Dec. 6, with his majority.. The majority, of course, means the totat majority over the two defeated candidates. The guess must include the name of the candidate AND his -maioritv. ' Every person who sends in a guess must be a iiaid-in-ad- vance subscriber to The Independent. All vou have to do is to put a cross opposite the name of neart the candidate you think will be elected, write in tl you think he will have over his two opponents, at coupon to The Independent Office. If your subscription is not paid in advance, se remittance with your coupon. . _ The contest closes Dec. , and the result will b! in The Independent on Dec. 14. . Fill in your coupon and post or bring it in to pendent Office If no one jority, the tel of these goods THE INDEPENDENT' ELECT- TION CONTEST TH E INDEPENDENT If You can JAS. A. LIVINGSTON, Generals Manager J. A. M. LIVINGSTON, Business Manager J. ORLON LIVINGSTON, Editor fr Contest Editor, . _ h The Independent; I think the following candidate will be elected, and that his majority over his two opponents will be as marked: _ 1 am a Indepe'ndent uess ten Member, trrinisby Chamber ot Commerce rger abo ' in t uesses the correc VOU can wm Chaplin ll Lovelace Mv name is of duty col than'it is. a It the Produc Janada? andidate ralse M v addre will be paid-in-advance subscriber to not paid in advance, send in your put PI IVE country-because it is not the impor- tation of goods that benefits a coun- try but the actual production and sale of them within the country. Another foolish notion that Mr. Craise has gotten into his head is that a low tariff, or no tariff, policy would be a good one on a great many ot our manufactured artie1s--but that a higher tariff would be a good thing on the fruit that Mr. Cruise grows on his tirm. In other words, Mr. Craise is migh- ty willing that a high duty be placed on peaches, and other fruits, coming into Canada; but is equally willing to reduce the duty on manufactured goods made by some other man than himself. Mr. Cralse puts me in mind of the man who was quite willing to sacri- tice all his wife's relations in the war ----but refrained from going to war, himself. ' ' Mr. Craise would like to see the duty lower on everything that the manufacturers in the cities make-- but his cry is 'tor God's sake do not lower the duty, but increase it, on the fruit which I raise on my own I have repeatedly stated, on the public platform, and in these col- umng, that certain people will believe and support any kind ot a fool propo- sition that is put before them-but I doubt it there are many people in the County of Lincoln, who will support Mr. Craise because of his. enunciation of these foolish ideas., A, There will} be quite a people in the County of fact a great.number of I County of Lincoln. who Mr. -Craise,and vote tor will not be because the: the soundness and stah foolish ideas which he 11 ward in his campaign. The votes polled for Mr. Craise will be 'class v,otes'---pure and simplé---he will receive the votes ot a great many people because he claims their l I' m member-elect AND his m n DOLLARS SS opposite the name ol 1, write in the majority pponents, and senfthe result will be published Majority IS which he has s campaign. person making the they b stability The Inde e to see the ling that the cities make-- P will him number Lincoln 'ple in believe N ot nut D The in tt suppo but fot tlv or it in I} l Mr. Meighen pointed out that whitil "the Federal Government's increase is expenditure had only been Twentrti one per-cent; the increase in the ext penditdre pt the Drury Government *had been One Hundred and Nineteen}: Iper cent. i'. .1 The principles in his 1 amount to nothing-they are talk without any foundation or any basic value in politic omy. Drury Government Smashes MI Beefy; ords- . I, Mr. Meighen, speaking at a penal? cal meeting in the west, the other: night, gave the Drury GoverpriG'it credit for being champions-An tart he stated that the Dr_ury Government; held 'all belts, medals and records tor] increasing expenditure during the year.' ' i. votes as a farmer I have known Drury almost smog the day ot his birth; and I knew hid father before him;---and the amouni; of money that either one ot then} would not spend, in a personal war; would fill a big bank-but when R, comes to spending the other felldwfs money, Drury is a reeord-hrealrer. . A For a smug-faced, thrifty, near-beer? going tightwad farmer Drury ismomi; little boy as a spender-ot other) pace; ple’s money. 's:', Thousands upon thousands 013d} lars ot the Provincial Governm‘rv money has been wasted in keeping V} an enormous band of lazy, good (tttt nothing, perjuring whisky-detective rum-running-detectives, blind-pig-dig tectives, illicit-still-detectives; ax”. every dollar paid to these people Nil been wasted. "N As I have repeatedly gated, these columns, I would not blame Drury, so much, tor spending sums of money for the benefit of Province, if the money was. q spent-but seventy-tive . per-cent' the money spent by ,the Drury ( ernment has been wasted. Because-the Drury 'Governm-_ kept the people fed up with whis=7 out of their own shops and thus Iii-K the appetite going to the benefit a the blind-pig-keepers, and rum-mall ners. - ,' .» And the rum-running industry, 'tall boot-leggers and the b11nd-pig-lte a: ers kept the game going for the belf fit of the lazy, loafing, perjuring b , of whiskey-detectives. g} Seventy-five spent on roads Ontario, by the since it took '" has been waste it had been th] Under the administration of ustice, by the Drury Government, the coun- try has been over-run by ba ds of thieves and robbers, and only in rare and very glaring cases is anyone brought to book and punished. In fact, 'spventy-'tlv'e per-cent _ th pieces of road Worked over b th Drury Government are in war cor dition today than they were 01 Octt her Twentieth, 1919, when th Drur Government was brought into DOWe It is almost impossible to hold pro- perty of any kind under the present administration of Justice in 'Ontario, and keep_it safe from the marauding individual and collective thieves. In every Departtr might have expected proper administratitc Drury Government h I suppose that, within the past year, Ten Thousand Dollars would not. pay tor the chickens and other kinds ot poultry have been stolen in the two counties ot Lincoln and Went- worth-ttnd the punishment of a chicken thief, by the officials ot the Drury Government, is about as scarce and scattering as hens' teeth. , Automobile thieves are almost as numerous as automobile owners-and the Drurf Government officials are so stupid. and the higher-up ones are so careless about protecting the people, that automobiles can be stolen right under their noses-ond sold rn'd bar- tered and traded, within gunshot of the Parliament Buildings, and within gunshot of the county crown at- torneys all over the Province. And farmers who are now as mute as mice, enunciated against a policy of building provincial highways a few miles long. and they vowetrthat the farmers would have none off it. Now we have gangs of men on every road in the entire Province. wasting money just as fast as they can waste It-omits? the supervision of a Farmers' Government: and those very farmers whtrbawled the loudest in the United Farmers of Ontario meetings, against road building, never operrtheir mouths-showing that it did not take long for politics. to COP- rupt the Farmers. There hat been no organized Wort, under the Drury regime, to stop crime of any kind-ite whole ener- gies of the Government have been thrown into two waste-pots; one, the whiskey game. and the other the road game. and both games are as crooked I sat in a United Farmers ot On- tario meeting. within the past three years and heard lending farmers in that meeting, denounce the road Poli- cy that was being proposed by the late Hearst Government. as a dog's hind leg O. K. B.Papers are best quality And ten chances to one none of _---------------------- them has spent seven minutes in looking at it from the different an- INDEPENDENT ADS PAY .gles. There is really no one place Seventy-five per-cent ot the motut, em on roads in the Province _':), ltario. by the Drury GoIer"aPf)ll, nee it took pver ccntrol of the may LS been wasted. as absolutely yrgrt had been thrown into Lakeué' No.. C ' -F" .. ",_i.. T _ Jr Mlti THE INDEPENDENT. ’QIMSBY. artment, wh re We cted justice' and 2 atiton of jus ce, the trl over b the Ire in Ivor con- .ey were 01 Octtr as fallen ldown in ll platform merely econ- Gov- Mr. vast the well of 210 the in 'Ps he sordiness ot trade; the morbid- as of the average human; the lack . appreciation of those things which ould appeal to l a clean, healthy Emu/all and more have 'been bisect- _ pro and con, vivisected, ham- B. ung, hung and quartered and torn -under as Diana's hounds would pfe done the fob. This has occurred IP over the eworld since Noah beat ' _e shipping board to it. tlpt course (lRIMJlrBY has to be in it. hich is good. But how to get out t it with clean-What will I say? ‘h! They will not come clean! It , like Hercules trying to clean the ' Kean stables w.hile the rest of the {Immunity endeavors to block the ver. all frame up Wuat " is Lu oe auu then pull that way. Old Obediah said to Young Obediah; "Obediah! Obediah! You’re on fire!” But Young Obediah said to Old Obediah "You're a liar!" Once upon a time---That's the pro- per start isn’t it? 'Well, anyway a friend of Raney’s, (we'll call him Bac- chus) started a hotel in partnership with his friend. They got the build- ing and the bar and a barrel of that ancient refreshment that Brian Boru called Usquebaugh. But when they had gotten thus far Bacchus had but five cents left, (whiskey was six for two York shillin’s them _there days), and Friend had a thirst. In order to get the necessary with which to purchase a thirst quencher he went to work-lending bar for the firm. Bacchus thought he would start trade going so he laid the Queen's head on the bar and opined that he would irrigate. The Alimentary canal had been opened some years previous and Baccy thought it needed polish, so he invested, Bacchus offered a few prognostications which went over now """-’ BY is t6 1 the distrit so he invested, Bacchus offered a few prognostications which went over Friends head. He had not yet had a drink. Baccy meondered to the front door bench and fought flies for a while, while Friend ruminated. Friend's ruminations resulted in a real effort on his part to stimulate trade, At some long past date he had acquired a quill toothpick on a Mackenzie & Mann dining car and treasured it as a memento of a fifty- mmt meal for a dollar and two bits had acquired a quil Mackenzie & Mann treasured it as a m cent meal for a do (two-bit tip not int not get a chance to a souvenir). In th heavy thinking his finger had unearth, not get a chance to swipe a spoon [or a souvenir). In the course of his heavy thinking his thumb and fore- finger had'unearthed--or unpocketed --this prized toothpick. Mechanical- lv he started to extract some Lake Superior White Fish but dug a little too deep. But in that dig he got the inspiration. He had that small but all-powerful five-cent piece; his part- ner was idle; there was a whole bar- rel] of pain killer: and he had a pain. To show his _wi1lingness to boost business' Bacchus hustled behind the bar and proceeded to wait on the only available customer. And then Baccy had the coin andFriend was out of a job. And they switched places again. And so on ad inf. When they wound up. they still had the shiny five-cent piece. Which brings us back to earth again. GRIMSBY. Ontario. Can- ada. North America. The whole earth is chock full ot Baccy and Friend. They are damned anxious to stimulate trade but they can not see over their noses to get it. Thomas says: 'Let us get the factories here] by all means and put them wherever, they can find space." Richard Barr. "Let us get manufactories but have a manufacturing centre and keep the rest of the town free of the sordid end.' Henry says: "We do not need factories. Let us keep it a residen- tial eentre." What God says is news. It's always news, more important news than the sayings of any man however great. And it's good news, however bad it mg)! seem to sound. When God tells a man he's all wrong,--Ahat's goo news, because if God says so it must be so, and if it is so then how good to realize it, and there's a remedy in the very next word, or else God would not have taken the trouble to tell him what a wretch he is. And it's good news from a far country, for Heaven doesn't lie all around the feet of the man who is a wanderer trom God,--it certainly does not. So, it you’re thirsty, take God's book as you would a cup and drink God's good news tor you. t 41mm $05 gags Jiat- NEWS q----" nets of each and 'an sleep with the "As cold water to a thirsty soul so is good news from a far country."" out on my ON Thts to the spot in the heart of why not kinda, sorta like, 1p what it is to be and that way. Old Obediah trig Obediah; "Obediah! You’re on fire!” But iah said to Old Obediah I the prairie with m sometimes tur- disturb the peace at anything I say e. In other words whaops‘ ‘iu Tophet its But ‘if GRIMS- ARIO " ot a titty- two bits nd he did spoon for a ot his win- linst with tur- C LiittiiuitiiitttttttiuittttimttmttmIrimmmTmmmtimmmmtmtulmtmttmmttt1 1Tmuimtitiiiuiuiiutuuitiuoiiiutiuiiimiiiiiuuiiiiimtmuiitiriiimiuiitiumiii"'rt' rso// U 35l',,,,,,,,,.l W. M. Stewart Drug Co. Limited Overlooking Lake Ontario. Ideal for summer or .per- manent homes. Water, electricity, telephone. Lots GO feet by 116 to 280 feet in depth; fruited with peaches, pears, plums, cherries and grapes. Building restric- tions to insure attractive houses that will add value and beauty to the survey. Select your lot at opening prices and share in the profits. Terms arranged. Prices advance January 1st, 1922, on all unsold lots. New Bungalow INVEST TO-DAY 32 MAIN STREET EAST, HAMILTON GRIMSBY'S FINEST SUBDIVISION LAKEVIEW GARDENS SELECT YOUR LOT TO-DAY Grimsby OMPLETE dennlineu is you: beam against C toothtrouttks. There ianodentihie-ettdevio to give sup-ant cleanliness " Demo. The my, quickly soluble Uther Whit” the teeth Matthew.“ brig-toth-ttttttts-rt,. cm.x1euo new. Step in today and get a tube. Just completed, up-to-date in ewery particular, contains large living room with open fireplace, dining room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms with closets, and three-piece bathroom, attic floored, fur. nace and hot water boiler complete, electric fixtures throughout, well built garage. with side drive. Lot 60 x 147 (more land if de. sired). Price $4,200. Terms arranged. If you wish to get in on the ground floor. Our terms make it easy for you to become owners of Real Estate-the best investment on earth. Nee Mr. Newman, on the survey. for plans and prices and further particulars G. E. ARMSTRONG a»? WI } IEsNhNrNhtEfltmir,aNllriMEaNaNlltallil8llltil Wednesday, November 23, 1921 the advocates of the different ideas would admit that he was not open to reason ,yet he is quite sure that his idea is the only proper one. Just now there is a lot of talk on, the subject. Would it not be appro- priate it the new Chamber bt, Com- merce got some of the different tae.. tions together and have the question ended, not leaving it Open to constant bickering? They are all willing to boost trade. But like Obediah, Baccy and Friend each wants it done in his own peculiar way. W. M. STEWART DRUG CO., LIMITED Mrs. W. E. Johnson, pupil of the late John-Kennedy, and other London masters ot voice production, is now giving singing lessons, employing' up- to-date approved methods as recently studied. ' ideas on child mental culture. For terms, hours of lessons, and other details, write P. 0. Box 157, OI call between 7 and 8 gm. Address, Livingston Avenue, Gr msby. MUSIC Pianoforte also taught-children a special feature, according to modern ideas on child mental culture. For terms, hours of lessons, and I MO " L! to "Night and Mornings“ Keep your Eyes Clean, Clear and Healthy. Write for Free Ere Care Book. "was In Remedy Cons lint om Stunt. this". [IR/NE You Cannot Buy j.ipfgii/lisi,?,: PM gfggifgm . . - a Ei) 're,, But you can Promote I " $M2iii Glenn. Healthy Condition . R ed gun EYESUefixgg‘xdfixzmsn'z---' DENTAL CREME Ontario

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