Grimsby Independent, 28 Sep 1921, p. 7

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Wednesday, September 28, 1921. - ADVERTISE - SUCCESSOR TO JAS. FISHER UNIVERSAL GARAGE -... GRE '.u’~.~ln Hi: Clean out your crank-case every thousand miles or less. Imperial Oil dealers displaying the sign shown on the right, will flush your crank-case with Imperial Flush-, ing Oil, th speciallyprepared cleansing agent for crank-case cleaning purposes. You save money in longer life and more efficient service from your motor by using this service. Standardize on the correct grade of Imperial Polarine Motor Oils. Consult our Chart of Recommendations at your dealer's or write to 56 Church Street, Toronto, for our inter- esting booklets "Automotive Lubrication." TRUCK .... ...., .... .... .... .... TRUCK, Without Starter.... .... .... SPECIAL .... .... .... .... .... ..'., SPEED TRUCK, Canopy Top.... ... you can 0 more tha using Im; For a Clean, Efficient Motor IMPERIAL Polarine Motor Oils save many thousands of dollars every year for Canadian motorists because of reduced operating expenses. SEDAN.... .. TOURING .... .... .... .... TOURING, Without Starter . . . . RUNABOUT.... .... .... ..., RUNABOUT, Without Starter . . COUPE.... .... .... .... ..... NEW FORD PRICES udge atior mpe on N'g-I J, '.'"', r C. ' c' _'"' ..3- r v, . T .?is:v. _ ', 4'" 7"d'.'i's'.cTiTs7. J J P. _ 1“ ",e. -'-.-- '.v~ _ v- il d d by quality-gauged bractual miles of perfect lubri- each gallon will give, and by real motoring satisfaction, ial Polarine it the least expensive motor lubricant that m obtain. The more carefully you check' up costs, the thoroughly convinced you will be of the.advantages of Imperial Polarine Motor Oils exclusively. I ' These Prices Include Freight and War Tax IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED Ford Sales and Service Branches in all Cities . DOUGLAS Q u a I i t y maintains economy. No matter how much you pay "per gallon” for other lubrica- ting oils you get more lubrica- tion "perdoMar" when you buy Imperial Polarine Motor Oils. GRIMSBY, ONT. 1,035.00 1,060.00 945-00 860.00 775.00 645.00 960.00 560.00 695.00 610.00 Perhaps I am a little previous in these remarks which may puzzle some readers, but if they have pa- (tience enough to follow what I have yet tohgay on this subject, they will have a clearer understanding ot Iwhat I mean. l) To ensure the. plates are not touch- ing, "separators," made usually of strips of prepared wood or of rubber, are placed between the plates. Pure sulphuric' acid and distilled water, mixed to a definite specific gravity (of 1.21) carefully prepared by slow- ly adding the acid to the water-- never the water to the acid, which would cause a dangerous explosion--- is then poured into the glass or other cell to be used as a container, in which the prepared plates have pre- viously been hung, with an inch or two of clearance between the bot- tom ot the jar, until the tops of the plates are well Covered with the liquid. The space between the bot- tom of the plates and of the jar Is to ensure that any sediment from disin- tegration of the plates will not come in contact with them which would cause a short circuit. The Completed Battery Upon a suitable current being sent in the right direction, viz.; from lith- arge plates to red lead plates, "charging" will begin, the red lead plates slowly darkening to a choeo- late brown color, whilst the litharge plates will gradually become grey. The red lead is changed slowly to what I mean. Most isolated house lighting plants in Canada use lanaq taking 32 volts pressure to properly light them. (In England they use a standard voltage ot 25). Now to obtain 32 volts from a storage battery calls tor 16 cells, since the average voltage of each cell is 2 volts, and the battery cells are all coupled up in series, i..e., one be- hind the other. . An ordinary primary battery, of which the dry cell is an example, produces an electric current by the consumption, ot its zinc through chemical action and the quantity (flow in amperes) of the current is directly in proportion to the rote at which the zinc is composed. At the same time the composition round the carbon pole gets rid of the gas (hy- drogen) that would pull down the voltage (pressure) were it not remov- ed. Once thexine is consumed the battery is dead.. But it it were pos- sible (it is not) to renovate this ha... tery and restore it to its condition when new by sending a current ot electricity through the cell in the re- verse d rection to the current it orig- inally gave, we should have a form of so-called "storage battery." So charging a battery is not bot- tling up so much electricity in it, tut rather causing chemical changes in it by the current' sent through it, which changes produce a current when running down (like a dry cell) through chemical action. If we send a current through a cell cons sting of two lead plates (not. touching one another) immersed in dilute sulphuric acid, certain chemi- cal changes take place, converting this cell into a primary battery, gen- erating a current by chemical chang- es. in the cell when it is called upon to yield a current. A storage baba tem, then, is made of a number of lead plates, or rather of lead grids, the spaces between the grids or squares being filled With compressed red lead for. the positive, and com- pressed litharge tor the negative plates. All the positive plates are joined together by a bar ot lead (so placed as to be well clear of the liquid in the cell) and all the nega- tives by another such bar: The post- tive plates are then interleaved with the negative plates ,the greatest care being taken that they do not touch one another, which would be. fatal. Incorrectly Named A storage b_attery, by the way, is wrongly so called. tor. it does not store electricity at all, but merely changes it into chemical energy of such a nature that it will give., out electric energy again when called upon. vibration of a high engine running close down of the grid, is sooner than if the firm foundation and jar. as, in an electric Jar, tion Any storage battery intellige treated should last, with storage pacity over slowly increasing slower the better) until the (which forms the framework or s ton ot the plate) becomes so weal ed as. to tall to pieces. This w ening is caused by the grid b gradually converted into active terial, which has bat little cohe terial, power Perhaps even with the best treat- ment it will be found impossible to ensure long lite in storage batteries' used in up-to-date automobiles where lighting and starting units are instal- led, since they are called upon to do strenuous work out ot proportion to their size, as compared with' batter- ies of the stationary type such as those used tor house lighting. Nearly everybody uses storage hat- teries nowadays, though but few of them, through lack of knowledge of their construction and treatment. get anything like the length of service their batteries are capable of giving. " Electrical Engineer Explains Making of Storage Batteries in Every-day Language - Warns Owners t o Avoid Advice of Amateurs Needing Practice on Your ouifit--Don't Let Anybody Experiment With It. POINTERIS ON YOUR STORAGE BATTERY Wear and Tear is Hes lmrly then, it the batery jarred "over rough roads being subjected to the ration of a high speed EMI DIGEST THE INDEPENDENT, GRIMSBY, ONTARIO Description Is heavy batery is jolted t roads, as well the constant speed gasoline by it, a break sure to occur battery had a freedom from light installa- m It by the through quantity urrent is he rote at k or skele 0 weaken- 1is weak- rid being cohesive (the mid ntly m a- start, to about 2% volts per cell, but quickly falling to 2 volts, at or near which it stays, until the battery is nearly run down, when it begins to drop more quickly, and the lamps give loss light. " The voltage should never be allow- ed to.drop lower than 1.8 volts per cell, or 28.8volts tor the 16 cells, else there is great danger of spoiling, or, at any rate, injuring the battery, since there is a tendency for the so- lution, weaker in sulphuric acid, ow- ing to the amount absorbed in form- ing soluble lead sulphate, to form an insoluble lead sulphate, wasting some of the substance of the plate, and even buckling the plate even- tually it enough ofit is formed. It is Well always to recharge the bat- tery once it falls to 30 volts (for the 16 cells) as indicated by the volt- meter supplied with the plant. . Testing the Battery The very best way to test a battery is by testing the acid with a hydrometer. The usual form of these, sent out with the plant, con- sists of a float in a tube, and full in- structions are given which should be strictly followed, as every word in them has a meaning, the neglect of which may cost money. An ocea- sional overcharge ot the battery is good, but if too often repeated will wear out the battery by eating away the lead in the grids. Instructions regarding this ate sent with any elec-. tric lighting plant. Sometimes a flake of lead oxide may dro pthe plate, and bridge across te gap between two plates. If this happens it should promptly be remov- ed,using a thin strip ot wood to dis- place it ,else it will short circuit the cell and soon spoil it. \Glass cells are the best for :‘1ationary use, as the plates can be easily inspected, and anything wrong be quickly detected. If the voltage of the battery when fully charged is lower than usual, each cell, should be separately tested try a pocket voltmeter, and.any cell not up to proper voltage carefully examined. (Do not use a pocket am- meter by mistake, or the cell will not up to proper voltage carefully examined. (Do not use a pocket am- meter by mistake, or the cell will surely be spoiled). ' T If the voltage of any cell is too low and the cause cannot be located, call in a neally qualified electrician at once. This will rarely happenif pro per care be used. A sediment forms at the bottom of each cell. If this reaches the plates it will injure them. The level of the acid in the cells is lowered by every charge, and also by evaporation. When this occurs, add distilled water only, not acid and water. If, as it will in time, the hy- drometer does not register the same strength of acid it did at first, get a competent man to advise you. Do not trust an amateur. who may do a lot of harm. " Inspect your cells periodically. At or near their full charge 'the cells give off gas freely. If any cells are not gassing when the others are, ex- amine them as most. likely some- thing is wrong and muse be seen to at once. First, last and all the time follow implicity the instructions sent with the outfit. In buying a plant, it you can (and you can) get as good a Canadian outfit as a fore- ign made one. PAID UP LIST Mrs. B. J. Lawlor, Grimsby Sept. J D. Bennett, Beamsville July E. H. Thomas, Grimsby July E. H. Lancaster, St. Catharines June P S. Benn, Grimsby July charged. It is in this cor out trom the fact ten the solution i added when the b When lights art battery being dui sulphuric acid in both the lead pert lead, epnvertipg t ble lead sulphate, generating a curr start, to about 2y, quickly falling to lead, peroxide, deep cm or, and the lithange into metallic lead, by the pa: current. When this cha plete, the battery is full Positively stops than trouble. I Sneezing, weczing, coughing, weeping eyu aren't g"CetMMhrP- unless you like Ewing tls" way: RAZ - MAH -iT.iiii "sihrsr hq,tft,t',t or shite Templetons, Toronto, or a free trial. Hay - Fever SUMMER COLDS, ASTHMA. spoil may a holiday. " 'Grey Sox" Tubes R. W. DOUGLAS perox IR th . V r _ T _ ,» ‘x'v, _ . ., T v. V . 1'E or tn ttery tt tion th Int turned on (the connected) the le cells attacks ie and the spongy n both into solu- ad, by so doing, t, equal, at the age carefully I, a pocket am- the cell will hocol PHONE 193 SE ot th ot ll tt po com 1l22 "' Il22 I the but ot- 1nd tt 22 22 22 Miss Jones' Private School for girls and boys, top of Mountain street, GRIMSBY, morning and afternoon classes. Class for very young chil- dren, mornings only; all the usual subjects taught, including French. For further particulars, apply to Miss Jones, GRIMSBY. On real estate security. Both private and company funds. Valuator tor the Hamilton Provident and Loan Society. Insurance and Real Estate. offteo--hrain Street, Grimeby. Phone No.7 w. B. CALDER Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public " Federal Life Building Hamilton Business Directory DR. VANCE R. FARRELL DENTIST . Extraction with gas 'Phone 92 for appointment Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Money to loan at current rates Otfieesr--Grimisby and Beamsville Jordan Station Office HENRY CARPENTER ADVERTISING PAYS MONEY TO LOAN G. B. McCONACHIE For Sale By 'PILOT' FURNACES PRIVATE SCHOOL THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE vvc wux casu your Vlctory Loan Coupons or place them to your credit in our Savings Bank where they will draw interest at 32 per annum. m We will cash your Victorv Cleaning Up Adjustments Grimsby Branch: H. J. White, Manager Capital Paid up $15,000,000 Reserve Fund $15,000,000 LEGAL ---they are annoying-too, and take tilâ€"1;; Except in the case of Ames Holden t 'Auto-Shoes" Should the necessity for an adjustment arise on any Ames Holden "Auto-Shoe", an obviously honest effort will be made to meet you-frankly and fairly, without quibble or red tape. Adjustments on faulty tires rarely satisfy Cord and Fabric Tires in all Standard Sizes Farrell Block VICTORY LOAN COUPONS AMES HOLDEN "AUTO-SHOES" W. H. BRAND AGENT CHAS. LAING F. HANSEL ' Dentist Office and residence, " Sherman aw enue south, between King and Main streets, and five doors north of the H., G. & B. railway line. Dentist ottiee---Corner Main and Mountain Streets, over Canadian Bank of Commerce Office hours-a to 12, 1.30 a, 6.80 Phone 127 Grlmsby, Ontario LAND SURVEYGB MacKAY, MacKAY & PERRIE Land Surveyors, Civil Engineers James J. MacKay, Ernest G. MacKay. William W. Perrie Phone Regent 4766 72 James M. IL Home Bank Building Hamilton " . " " Ontario Hamilton Dominion Land Surveyors, AOntarlo Hamilton IBVIN & MACFARLANE A postcard or 'phone message to us will bring you full information re- thoroughly, _ on leas1 amount ot fuel and to last Samples now in use all over the district and every owner a booster. I am sole agent for them in your Io-. garding Why I perior and Pilot; cality. Orders filled in ro- tation. Get yours in early and make it possible for us to have your furnace, installed ready tor use when you want heat. with Funeral Directors. Phone 72, Night or Dar Motor Equipment. DR. D. CLARK PHONE 307 Phone 23-r-l l Grimsby, Ont. "Red Sox" Tubes DENTAL Why Pilot Su- 514 SEVEN Ontario

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