OOOOOOOOO00000OOOOOOO0000000000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO00 Store 'Phone 320 -.. House 'Phone 252W BIRDS STORE - - GRIMSBY "-o-6000000060000000000600060600000606.00000 WW 2,000000000-""000" e Wednesday, September 28, 1921. mm iiiiii=iiiiiriiri7t 'i"iiii'iiiii'? li, e/g" ST. CATHARIINES occasion. Come and see for yourself Donlt forget to Fare Statiohs, 34 St. HALF FARE WEEK .os1N,,,,,,, "h DOLLAR SAVED IS" A DOLLAR EARNED†BRING THE FAMILY TO ' YOU will soon need them The various merchants are offering big values for this Get your furn . M. Stewart Drug Co. Limited OCTOBER 3 TO ti? Amsnice YOUR FURNACE DAVID CLOUGHLEY ADVERTISE IN THE INDEPENDENT. Grimsby ace get‘your half-fare refunded at the Half.. Paul Street and 202 St. Paul Street. 1nd stoves in shape for winter u Inf Price right hamber of Commerce Ontario Prompt attention gs, neither time to help at the kitchen, nor material ot her own to can, she may still buy her winter's suppTY of canned vegetables, fruit, marmahides and jams, all ot the veriest homemade quality, at a price considerably be- low what it' would cost her F any- Many good things developed out of the war, especially in the way of wo- men's work and interests, few of them appear to have cogne 'to stay. There is the community canning kitchen at Parkhill. The canning kitchen was opened in 1917, when the war gardens and can- ning campaign swept the country. The Department of Agriculture of Ontario offered to equip a few can- ning kitchens, miniature canning tae.. tories they proved to be, to take care of the surplus garden products, it the women of the locality would do the work. The Red Cross Society otter- ed to supply cans and sugar formany- thing the women would can for Gina.. dian soldiers in hospitals. The Wo- men's Institutes in five centres took it up. It was such an appealing combination work of conservation and mercy that they spared neither time nor pains nor labor-to make the most ot it, and the quantities ot canned fruit and vegetables and soup and chicken and jam and jelly and plum puddings sent out ot these kitch- es through the voluntary work of the women's own hands will be remem- it quality, at a price considerably be- low what it' would cost her I any- where else; for the Institute buys wholesale and the scheme is purely co-operativ.e spection and new the clinic in Ontario, Tho "story hour" in the lib dren and blazed the p: another line of Institut was not surprising tha develop in the canning thing that would become community benefit. They have a detailed system of bookkeeping and some idea of the amount ot business done is gathered from the fact that at the beginning ot the season they assumed an in- debtness of fifteen hundred dollars and that they have already paid it off. This year thet", bought one man's whole crop ot "cherries. an- other entire crop of raspberries, and another of tomatoes. They, got a farmer to put in an acre of sweet corn for them and they will try to buy whatever extra corn they need according to the demand there may be for it. When the green peas were in season a number of women took shares in a halt-acre patch and went out and picked themselves. When canned the peas cost them twelve cents a can instead of the regular price ot twenty-five cents. The canning kitchen is also a cen- tre of thrift .education. At the be- ginning of the jam season, when the first plums and apples began to.come in. they had a government demonstra- tor, Mrs. Greer, come and do some experimental work in reducing the quantity ot sugar used in making jam. Mrs. Greer has been specializ- ing in this for some time, and one of her demonstrations was to make a jam from fourteen pounds of apple pulp, eleven pounds of raspberries and twelve pounds of sugar. It was tar more delicious, too,4than the old standard "pound for pound" product. It was also rather difficult at first to convert the average housekeeper to the idea of canning fruit in tin ems. She was afraid 'acid in tin, howwer well it might be treated, could never be wholesome. The excellent 30n- dition of fruit canned in tin last year and opened at the kitchen this season overcame this prejudice pretty Well. Tttim they-had a public demonstration one afternoon, comparing the calming in glass and in tin cans, and how- ing how much less time and wtrk it took to fill the tin cans and sealthem with the soldering machine, tlan to ing how much less took to fill the tin ( with the soldering Kill them all, am the germs too. 10e a pahet at Druggists, Gmcers and General Stems. mned fruit and vegeta nd chicken and jam lum puddings sent out 5 through the voluntal 'omen’s own hands w ered as one of the 1 11 MAINLY FOR . WOMEN Institut vork i1 n MIME ar wo ot the the w them THE INDEPENDENT, GRIMSBY, ONTARIO and in 1d or m en It )n he TY BANN a work. It they should itchen some- a permanent The Park- utation for Dect My :ialiy little chi hool t1 mr It le lthe wnme county. one tarmer's ijfc drove in a distance ot ten miles Iwith her green peas. She made two lor three trips as the peas were ready to tick and she has ninety-six cans of them in her cellar as a result. Neither is the Institute content [with making their kitchen merely ‘a manning centre. They are still Ikeeping up their connection with the Red Cross by doing some canning tor military hospitals through the Sol- diets' Civil Re-establishment Depart- ment. They know they can give the soldiers in the hospitals something better than any possible commercial product and they also need funds to go on with some ot their other plans. It is more than likely that the next Year or two will see a co-operative laundry opened on the premises-- thd first co-operative laundry in On- ta o unless someone else hurries lab ut it. In the meantime, the build.. F in , which by the way, has a returned so iers' club room in connection--- is becoming a social and general co munity welfare centre tor the ne hborhood. The Institute is hold- in a school clinic there this tall, lth e is a tennis-court and skating l! on the grounds, and they are al- ie y planning to use the big kitchen ifo. a Christmas tree entertainment 'ifo the "Story-hour" children. In lfa. , the'whole scheme seems to be lth biggest thing in the way ot com- im ity enterprise yet developedd in :ru 1 Canada. IT n n fi tit NATE AND WHITE SPORT SUIT Flannel is a yre1l-liked trimming on many of the smartest suits for outing wear. It is also chosen tor the devel- opment of both coats and skirts, and navy blue Poiret twill interestingly bound with white flannel. The sleeves are finished like those of a mall’s shirt and the generous-sized poc ets are outlined with the flannel. The blue and white striped skirt is box-pleated. The soft felt hat is a bright red, and through the upturned brim two dark quills are pierced. opment of both coats and skirts, and it may be had, in many lovely shades. This suit is designed 'with a Jacket of llil g: fill) Chen Ir moent 1 mer ht time t are may send out cars and wo- n to pick them. The 1ntstitute s, not run the kitchen just tot rthill,mor even for its. immediate ghborhoodr it is for the use of y whole county. One farmer's 'o drove in a distance of ten miles e kitchen is also developing a type of co-operation between the en of the town and the country. farm woman is busy-and she is My exceptionally busy with other m at the time the fruit and vege- s come in-the town woman can time to do her canning for her she pays about half what it d cost her otherwise. The en may even be able to take In lent the surplus ot her crop. It a er has a windfall ot apples and me to gather them, the canning 'e may send out cars and wo- ar 0t 1t f) 'l/ / l C t l I l _ ': j ' t ' l -I j _ jr i ' l a,†5'7" li c":a'iiii,i " 'o ' (r I ( . :j'r:')jij.'ir:iic." 1nntn no aver lout IS toE3C3C3C3C3EBCBC2EBEBinrSet C9E9E90t9tMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM1 Ft., PHONE 239 - - - - - GRIMSBY, ONT. ii: 'iuummummimmmmumuuniuummumumummmnmrmmumuummri (i) Co) 8 (i) t , i) , b ‘3? Ei Et Hi i BIG CLEARANCE SALE 0000 t (E Co) C.) ti) ii) 9 6) ti) To) " That's where you want the paper-hanger and the right Wall Paper and Paints after you have torn up your rooms to have them papered. " We will let you look.. up a paper-hanger, but for the newest just come around and see us. We have them all ready for you. Let us know your selections and we will deliver them at once. Good Shoes For Over Sixty Years" WALL PAPER AND THE RIGHT PAINTS (9% BIRRELLS TEA ROOMS cfg,kC4r4kCeRgCRNCe2iRCe2Cq" q 'J@Co0eX%DCoDCoXoXqXoXiXM)aCi, . Be sure and try one of our Fancy Dishes of Ice Cream, or a pound of our home made Candies. They are swell. We have the finest Ice Cream sold in Grimsby. TAKE A BRICK HOME. 00000 . 0 LqXq0C9X.Xi2CoXo0eCo0C.D@CoDCoXo0@ri. BIRRELLS TEA ROOMS Kiti)ee6XE)e6Da6XeoXei o . 0000000 J4t9teCtCiekCdYétCRétCR>kétéYikCekp2étpCtp2p2ékpRpCtpCYé' . 'XfX90CoXoXoD@@@eCoX.DCoD@C.DCiD@C.XqDCoX.9DaaatiX'i, Wm. FARROW O C.XoDCoDCoDee@@oX.0@C.XhXo0CqDCoDCeDCE q 000000000 . Meals Served at All Hours Phone 342 "Billy the Class Man" Says:- ' q cECoX.DC.DCoDCoDC.DeCECqDCoXE q RIGHT ON-THE JOB (9Lrb,EfEOaTy El El Ed '8' E1 E45353 53 CiEd TH RE] O O O LE O O O O CE LE CE 00000000