Grimsby Independent, 24 Mar 1920, p. 5

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(tri,)),.',' l a}. E432 “if! 33‘me W . ROB SALE--An tir,iii,'it,; good "Metric light, toWn w eral good building lot GRIMSBY. PRIVATE SALE OF FURNITURE ---1rour bed-room suites; 1 marble tap suite and table; living room‘fur- niture; 1 Solid Mahogany Parlor 'suite; dining room suite; lage side- board, antique beveled glass; sewing machine; 2 pianos, one square and, one upright; piano case organ; l lib- rary table; airtight heater; 's large, plate glass mirrors; 1 wardrobe; three-burner coal oil stove; dishes; stands; tables; Morris chair; Rockers and other articles. Apply Mrs. Chas. Leggett, 'phone 126, Winona. $17,000 Fruit Farm on lake front lbetween village and GRIMSBY Beach Park. This farm is highly developed and particularly desirable because ot its locatoin; there being 700 ft. of beach and is bound to be more valu- able in future. It comprises twelve acres, has a good eight- room house ", FOR, SALE-Indian motor cycle, just been painted and overhauled; no raseopanle offer refused. G. Lipsitt, GRI'MSBY, 'phono 132. _ FOR sAuil-a'rest1 milch cow eight years old, with calf by side 430111011 Hilts, 'phone 74 ring 21 GRIMSBY. F FOR SALE-one-horse mower and disc harrow, nearly new. Apply to Mrm. Braund, Smithville, R. R. No. 1 or telephone 20 ring 22, Smithville. FOR SALE-Privately/ and must be disposed of this week-A s'olid mahogany parlor suite; walnut book- case; three bed-room iuitehs; kitchen chairs; centre table; sewing ma- chine; 'Quebec' heater; hall-table; walnut stands: ' piano-case organ; wardrobe; piano; hallseat and. mir- ror; extension table; fruit jars; 19th Century washer; lawn mower; cro- Quet set; rugs; lamps; and a quanti- ty of other small articles. Mrs. Charles Leggett, 'phone 126, Winona. a LETTUCE FOR SALE --In any quantitp. Fresh cut as you want it. ft."- Smith, Robinson street, 'phone i 19. I T FOR SALE-Chatham, cubator and a brooder. Monaghan, 'phone 97 ring sies. FOR SAjLE---Eig, on Mountain street; perfectly dry cellar tion. _Easy terms GRIMSBY. Wood. and barn. There are 1750 fruit trees in' all; about 1100 peach trees, 350 vplums, 275 cherries about 50 of the! large sweet cherries, 50 pear, 400 currants, 1% acres raspberries. A good {horse and fruit farm equipment will go with the.tarm. W. W. Hiltz & Co., 739 Broadview Ave., Toronto. tables, 75c each; 1 cellar cupboard; Iiietures; big iron kettle, $5; 1 rug, size 3% x 4%, $18; $ stone crooks, 16e each; 5 one and t 0 gallon jugs; kitchen utensils. These goods can't be seen till Friday and Saturday. Apply W. Kelterborn, Main St. FOR tyAIa1--valuable building lot on Robinson Street, GRIMSBY. Ap- ply to Box 5, Milton, Ont. FOR SALE-About five tonsrv irood,ptixed hay in barn. Apply Du can \Wilcox, ly, miles North ( Smithville on Thirty Mountain road ' FOR SALE-six Oak chairs,; Oak Sideboard, extension table, Oak cup- board, 42 gallon steel oil barrel. Ap- ply Mrs. R. D. Johnson, Paton St. sprix Sing / NR f9AIdi1---Bay mare, 6 yrs. old; tf purybred Yorkshire sows. Apply farm of Major H. L. Roberts, GRIMS BY. ho EGGS FOR HATCHING pound Barred Rock pu'. winter layers, select stock dozen. F. .T_IManlz11'n mm sing fruit heav 'FOR SALE-one Buckeye incir. bator, 175-egg capacity and brtrdder. L., L. Hagar, Paton Street, 'phone 281. 'FOR/SALE-Nine beautiful Pure-. bred White Leghorn May pallets. Jas. A. Livingston, GRIMSBY. W*W%%+%%WWW . FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SALE-A National steam o--------------""-"'"- canning outfit, capacity 1500 to 3500 .3103 tyAIa1--valuable building lot 03,113 Per day. Apply E. L. Skelly, _ Wm-VS--.--. oh“. nunmnv A., Winona. W*M%WW*WM*M*M%€O%M**$Mink-101.1% Jnt Wednesday, March 24th, 1920 PO FOI North, GRIMSBYQ Advertise Your Wants Blllhrkti1,'ri good cellar, furnace? _ 'g‘ht; toWn water. Also sev- good building lots. J. A. NTargh tt sewm 1nd ‘0 II both 1 dot 11 Dhc l Rock pullets , select stock; $1 Macklin, 'phone 1d 1 Buggy each; 1 machine -Two thorough B; one a the ot bout five town of in barn. Apply Dun l miles North ot #t-roomed house all conveniences, ', splendid loca- . A. Terryber'ry, oth mattre eig tive-year-old 7)" broken L low down her a tall. ght-rotomed [20-1 Mrs s. Marsh owslttugh 21, 'Mrin, rom good 00 per 3 ring cellar , In- John 1ratr. bed Q‘FOR SALE-one gramap_hone records; one wooden bedstead springs; one child’s crib bed; one carpet; one cocoa matting rug. ply to Post Office Box 425. FOR SALE-one 8-year-old horse, about thirteen hundred; one 12-year- old horse, about thirteen hundred; a first class wind-mill and tower, thirty feet and a.75 barren tank, in good condition. Apply to J. E. Law- son, North GRIMSB-Y. GRIMBY. MAN WANTED-TO work my fruit and grain fy'rn; good wages paid, house free, also wood, fruit and vegetables. Apply T. Liddle, 'phone 47, .GRIMSBY. ' 1i'oR'sALJir-'--A couch; desk and bookcase cdmbined; quarter cut oak sideboard; organ; quantity of car- pet. Mrs. J. S. Secord, Elm street, 'phone 369. GIRL WANTED-TO work in store, must be good worker; light and pleas- ant work. Good wages. Apply Wil- liam Farrow, GRIMSBY, 'phone 239. FOR SALE-Riggs for Rose Comb Rhoae Island Togo strain Barred Rocks a position to supply a lin her at $1.50 for 15 or $8/ G. E. Blair, 'phone 37 IRISH COBB-ELR SEED POTA- ToW9-Goverriment inspected, 0n- tario grown,. Cobbler seed potatoes. Price F'. O. B. Hamilton, $4.75 per bag, bags included. Limited quanti- ty only. For shipment this week. 'Phone Vinemount Orchard Co., Winona 26 ring 12. RENT-Three or four nice large un- furnished rooms available for desir- able tenants. Also a Baby Grand Williams piano tor sale very cheap; in first class condition; good reason for selling. Phone 262; Post Office box 616. WANTED-TO rent, about the mid- dle of April, six rooms, conveniently situated and comfortable. o. T. Pet- tit, 4fidd Avenue or Box 355, Post Office, GRIMSBY. FARMS WANTED--, If you wish to sell your farm communicate with us ---we have buyers now. It will cost you nothing unless we make a sale. Bell’s Limited, GRIMSBY, 'ph ne 405 or 261. WANTED-ln or near GRIMSBY, cottage or house, six. or seven rooms, to rent from April or May till Oct.; careful teanants; good references. H. B. Ohrt, 120 Adelaide street, E., Have you a s five or six acre planted with g] small, with ele veniences? Ms close to Provit $10,000? Good WANTED-A grape-hoe; must be in good condition. Answer stating price, to The "LNDEPENDENT"-GRIMSBt Toronto , WANTED-TO hire, a Airst class man to work on fruit farm for seven months; must 'be thoroughly ex- peienced in the work and good with horses; no other need apply. Good wages to the right man, start April 1st. Apply to J. Brooks, GRIMSBY, 'phone 6. LOST-An Overland autmobile crank, between my place and GRIMGBY. Finder will be rewarded A. E. Cole, hone 328, GRIMSBY. Wanted-Painter and decorator. Must be a good workman and know his business. Steady work and good wages to the right man. Apply to C. E. O’Drane, Adelaide street, GRIMS- FOUND-Bunch of keys. Owner may have same h yapplying to INDE- may have same by applying to INDE advertisement. LpsT-on Dollar Day, in GRIMSBY an Electric 'bl'ue pendant off string of beads. Finder please notify M, Rowe, Beamsvi1le and receive reward. I hav Hush WANTED-I want a boy about 161 years of age who is anxious to learn‘ a trade, one who will be willing to) sign an agreement for 8 years. A Pan. without a trade is like a man going to war without a gun.. I will make a, very interesting propositlon to the right boy to learn Plumbing or Tin. smithing, Apply at Wray’s Hardware. LOST betweer Finder DENT PIANO FOR SALE-ROOMS TO LOST AND FOUND '---strin 1 iOntar please Office, HELP WANTED Good waitin :rtram WANTED g of io St retur? tt GRID SBI mall cial hou ape or It " 1i lease notify M rd receive reward black jet beads and Murray St I to INDEPEN. Duh or l Him for hatching, nd Reds and cks. I am in limited num- $8.00 per 100. 37 ring 14. rm h .vay o " K ll " erably house CO If and and 1rag Ap- 14, Horseowners who are, interested in the care of their horses' feet and in good shoeing bring your horses to the Stone, Blacksmnth Shop, Main St., GRIMSBY; Geo. C. Telfer, practical Horseshoer and General Blacksmith. Toronto, March 22.--The policy of the Dominion Canners, Limited, tor 1920, is such, according to fruit grow ers ot the Niagara Peninsula who at- tended a meeting in the offices ot the U. F. O. Co-Operative Company, that without relief trom some source fruit production in the peninsula this season will be seriously curtail- ed. The situation was thoroughly, discussed with officials of the co- operative compan , who decided to come to the assijtance of the fruit growers by competition in the term of a canning plant. NOTICE TO VEGETABLE GROW- ERS-we have still a small acreage left for the growing of tomatoes and green beans. Anyone having the idea in view of growing these pro- ducts should.communicate with us at once. Dominion Canners Co., 'phone 38. GRIMSBY. Ed. Todd, "The U.F.O. Co-operative Company dedided to, come to the assistance of the fruit'growers in a definite man- ner 'by opening canning plants,” said Mr. L. Hall, who attended the meet- ing. "The situation in the peninsula is critical in several sections, and may cause a serious curtailment in production. The Dominion Canners, Limited, has decided that present contracts will be limited to two- thirds of! the original amount, and that the grower must provide his own containers. Limitation of the amount of fruit delivered to the can- ners and the increasing cost of pro- duction mean an increase in the cost ot living and a hardship to fruit pro- ducers." It is easy wasting money' buying Fertilizer. You require to know what to use. The reason Peter Ber- tram sells so much is that he can give you the right kind to suit your wants. _ MARRIED I MONSINGE‘R - McCALLUM - In Grimsby, March 18th by Rev. Dr. Currie of Beaverton, Hazel Agnes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Neil McCal- lum to Leo Grant Monsinger, only son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Monsinger. Both of GRIMSBY. , '. CEDAR POSTS-A can of extra tine cedar posts for grape-trostp; and one of the same quality for fence-posts, just arrived. First come, first' served. D. Marsh, Planing Mills, Grimsby. their meni DIED CHRISTIE---At his home in Thorold on ' March 21, 1920. William Alfred, (Billy), beloved eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Christie; and grandson of Mr. W A. Christie of GRIMSBY, aged tour years and eleven months. The Funer- al took place in Grimsby, on Tuesday, March 23, 1920, to St. Andrews Church Cemetery. A prominent GRIMSBY fruit grow- er, when asked about the above des- patch stated that he was at a loss to know where this canning factory was liable to be built but he was inclined to think it would: be in Louth Town- ship. Another report from Niagara falls states it wil be built in Stan- ford Township. ’ 'phone Manag GAISER---In Denver, Col., on Wed-1 nesday, March 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. George F. Gaiser, (nee Miss Winni- tred Culp) a daughter, (Kathleen Dor- is) In sad but loving remembrance ot my dear mother, Mrs. Benjamin Gs well, who died, October 8th, 1918. . Oft and oft my heart doth wander, , L F. ll, TALK (lf BUILDING ' (llillllllill Flll0lll It is easy to color your last year straw hat with Page’s Straw H Dye. It goes on eve y; dries quid ly and will not wash ottfn the rai Made in all fashionable shades. or, bottle is enough for a large hat. 3, per bottle with brush at Parke Parke Limited Market Square Hami ORDERS TAKEN-tor Tomato, Cab- bage and Cauliflower plants, at the green-2house on the John Hewitt Es- tate. Jay D. Book, 'phone ,14-rr-2, GRIMSBY EAST. To the grave so far away, F Where they laid my darling mother In her cold and silent grave. It I had seen you at the last And held your dying hand, . And heard the last sign from your heart, ' I I would not feel so bad. Sadly missed by "your daughter. Sara TOMATO PLANTF-T am ready to take orders for all varieties' of: Tomato Cabbage and Cauliflower plants. D: Robertson, 'phone 58, Beamsville. u n M Births, Deaths and Marriages er Int MISCELLANEOUS n W pa n THE INDEPENDENT, GRIMSBY, ONTARIO It IRD 0F THANK Mr sh IN MEMORIUM it BIRTH Zt h tt buying know :er Ber- he can and A fine of $500 and costs was im- ses to posed on Charles J. Crooks by Magis- n St., trate Rigging ot Beamsville when he ctical made public his decision on Satur- smith. day. Crooks was fined under, Sec. "r'"-" 181 of the Inland. Revenue act for ROW- keeping a still without a license. He reage was previously fined under Sec. 180 s and on having an illicit still inhis pos- , the session by Justice ot the Peace Liv- pro- 'in'gston of GRIM'SBY. The fine in h us that instance was $300. Co., Crooks issued a warrant tor the Todd, arrest of Inland Revenue Inspector W. A. D. Baby, charging him with the theft of some pipes, a plumbers' die and other things, all ot which were used in connection- with the still. The inspector answered the warrant and was honorably discharg ed two weeks later. It was after this that the second charge was brought :5 against Crooks. At the time that Crooks was fined l$300 by Justices ot the Peace Living: ' ston and Anderson, Chief Inland In- spector Baby, who was prosecuting ,Wed..l the case waived prosecution under 1 Mrs. section 181, and Crooks was fined Winni- under section 180. At the trial in 1 Dor- Beamsville both Mr. Livingston and Mr. G. B. McConachie, "swore that - Baby waived prosecution at the GRIMSBY trial but in. spite at this 10rold evidence Crooks has been fined mired, again. He has appealed the case. nah n Ir d (C/Phe farmer coming the longest dis- tiiiiee to shop was George Smye who lites South and West of Vinemount. Bti came a distance of about sixteen tiiiies and wins the "costtpner" or hat and coat rack donated by the GRIMSBY Steel Furniture Co. M.M. Secon- ot Wausau, Wis. happened in- tit town and registered as having come over eight hundred miles. We View pleased to see "Mim" here on our first Dollar Day. In the Assize Non-Jury Court in Toronto, South GRIMSBY Township sued Lincoln County and North GRIMSBY Township tor a declara- tion that the plaintiffs are not liable tor any of! the levy made against them tor the Queenston and GRIMS- BY stone road and for a further de- claration that North GRIMSBY Town ship Js liable. Plaintiffs also claim- ed an injunction restraining the count): Council from collecting from plaintiffs who allege when GRIMSBY Township was divided into two sec- tions, North GRIMSBY assumed the responsibility for the maintenance of theroad, which in 1917 was incorpor- ated into the Provincial highway sys- tem. Judgment was reserved. . pose trate mad, day: 181 I (iirs. Laura Blanche Zoelloner of if IMSBY Centre; second- Ella Mime Beamer of North 'IRIMS'BY. 1litn class 'tio---'mi11ie" Gilmartin . ried off the honors with Miss An- 95; Louise Huggins of Beamsville . and. The second prizes in each 8s were a 'beautiful silver napkin p" nd. The second prizes in each . "as were a 'beautiful silver napkin _, donated by Vernon Tuck the gel-1 known GRIMSBY jeweler. @Well! it is all over and every- Wdy is pleased except those who more unfortunate enough to be kept t' home by the had roads but they V n make up for it in October next when the Fall Dollar Day will l) mm and let us tell you right here that our next dollar day is going to be , one hundred per cent bigger and bet-, thr than Satuday was. . ana gt the bit by the All day long the shops were throng ed with eager buyers and when the stores were closed at night it was a tired and weary lot of merchants and "sas tttatrwended their way home- tEveit before sd: e of the stores were Open in the morning shoppers were waiting at the doors and from then until midnight it was ohe grand rush. Owing to the terrible condition ot the roads hundreds ot farmers from over the mountain were unable fo get down to share in bargain feast bit even without their business the merchants are all tickled to bits over the big business that they done and the shoppers who did share in the mast are all delerious with joy over the money they saved. ttidged and t1 gave Randal . . Howe and tiUk to decide Biiiid am the after 'bs pagked to "drte audience Nut show that tib popular p “Hg day. i, The bean guessing contest at Ho- 'ha0&Burgoyne's had everybody"s goat. Thousands of answers were received. There were 7099 beans in the jar and the winners were Roy and Evelyn Montgomery (who were tie) ot North GRIMSBY. JUDGEMENE RESERVED IN TlllllliSlll? CASE " The Nail guessing contest at Wray’s Hardware Store caused some excitement altogether 2do contest- ants enteed; their guesses ranging from 250 to 15000. The total num- ber of nails in the bottle was 1391. The first prize value $3.00 was won by Del Durham With a guess of! 1346; the second' prize; value"$2.00 was taken by Bob Hillier who registered 1340. The onerous task of counting the nails was kindly undertaken by llllttllfl.illlll llll&lilllllli ', ! SUBEEES IN EVERY WAY: the Mr. shears terials W In class At Dollar Day 1n GRIMSBY has come d gone and it was without a doubt e biggest day's business ever done the merchants ot this thriving 1lllllilG Mill $lillll VOUI hor abl ml: " Al em " n p BN Juncillt " bi 11 D heavy ma- Driz now in 1t " tr cCl'eetRCRi'kRiYihitykitr2g2gty7 ti) Ct (i) Phone PHONE 157 Our spring lines of Canadian and English wall papers offer unusual inducements. Wall papering time is at hand. We advise making sis. lections 'while our stock is fresh and paperhangers are more plentiful. _ , “ Ndwhere in Lincoln County will you find better values or a more complete stock of distinctive papers-and the experience of our trained staff of 'salesmen is always at your disposal. ’ WM. F ARROW WALL PAPEllMhlG TIME ' wow ®@®@@I@ZTIZ@@E@ERW FIVE ,

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