“fï¬iEN’S TOGGERY SHOP We do all inds of work t‘ _ for Ki _ The Collector will be Council Chambers, 9 to daily. Saturday 9 to 12. ‘z',i'AIl those in arrears Wilhn loa®o ®" riven notice that they must be paid Qmodiotely, otherwise . proceedings will be taken WITHOUT FAIL. Taxes! Taxes! Taxes! I‘‘‘ NOTICE \«Give “DNESDAY? 2N EV.HOFFMAN A FEW 1917 _ _ SPECIALS en‘s Sweater Coats. ... . .$1.49 fen‘s work shirts 75¢c 85¢, $1.00 en‘s CaPps with fur bands, 75¢ $§1.00. .. 0 }>>n 5ces / *A «+@Lad en‘s raincoats, $9.99, $12.00, @15 00 o EXMUAX ® *.0, °> > N fen‘s raincoats, $9.99, $12.00, k. e n es . . . .$15.00 ten‘s Overcoats, $14.50, $18.00, ‘fr"‘o‘-r-‘ lelala‘s a 0 % xi* * -.-.-$20.00 Meece lined underwear at. .49¢ fen‘s Gauntlet gloves at. .. 98c \;.n ‘s Tweed pants $2.25 to i n t" .. ~..00.f(0 JEWELER, â€" GRIMSBY Diamonds Phone 326 Watches Natural W earment VERNON TUCK tes furnished on all kinds _\ of jobs. rders promptly attended > to. Jn W.A. Patterson Repairs of all | Our diar I on ten The Photographer DIAMOND KNOWLEDGE Phone 392 Grimsb: W. A. P Nt ancmearity omm scmo Wt en B8# _-__._..â€"oaâ€"â€"llâ€" Cleaning A mateurs Livingston, n CONTRACTOR AND n« ilu« Caldwell â€"-__-__..__..._u.â€"-aoâ€"-u LETTERS FROM THE FRONT diamo excha wool underwear, pCI l s ¢ sn >css . ;. .. WMad sonab h BUILDER tC Grimsby Somewhere in France, Dec. 31, 1916 good st is your d knowledg« irs experien« ewelery sto" and Pressing. nnect st di: nt JANUARY 24, 1917 H. BROMLEY, Clerk stt ns i ce A B ces K e J Bm 68 done at it with taxes are rot mol hC in the office, 12 and 2 to 5 V € to request One can scarcely realize that a war is on. During the morning: you can see several sausages »or observation balloons slowly drift upward and sway back and forth over its â€" long cable attachment&o sink slowly _ to earth again at sunséet. Then if it is a clear day a German plane high up will shoot over our lines. The antiâ€" aircraft guns pop away at it and spot the sky with puffs of bursting shrapâ€" nel which,; however, never seem _ to get near the target. Then several of our own planes will shoot out _ and try to cut off the return of the enemy. I saw one German plane go down the other day, but even then you could scarcely conceive it as a death duel.. It strangely reminded one of a wingâ€" ed duck or an acrobatic performance at Toronto Fair. Just a line and a pnoto to let you know what I look like and feel like, and I will send you another photo following this. Dad, take notice of that post card on the wall. That is the photo of Mrs. Fleming‘s place. That is the one they sent me in the box they sent me. Take notice of my Canâ€" adian flag on my hat. I am going to send one to Mrs. Fleming as well. Well I must say good bye to all for this time and may God bless you all and keep you all until we meet again. My Dear Dad: Well, my dear dad, I must say good bye for this time and with the best wishes and a happy New Year to you all. God bless you and keep you all ur}til we meet again. I remain, f & Yours truly, ANDY. This is my address: Reg. No. 211087, Ward 9, Pte. D. A. Lickers, First London General Hospital, St. Gabriel College, Camberwell. Well Mother,; there isn‘t much news for me to tell you, only that L am still useless on my left side and my eyes are getting worse all the time. Here is a photo of the ward I am in and the boys and one of the sisters and nurses taken on Xmas Day. Well Mother I only hope that you had a good time on Xmas and all I can do is to wish you a happy New Year. I haven‘t received your Christmas box yet, but I guess I will get it in time, but I would like to get it. . I know that there will be nice things in it. s snoring) dies away, that a new sense begins to take up the tale. A musician could well imagine some gigantic hymn of destruction (or should I say creation) being played by the ponderâ€" ous fingers of some wild unconvenâ€" tional pagan god. At nearly regular intervails the bigoguns boom out their deep bass notes. The song itself weaves in and out throught the quick staccato notes of the various field guns interspersed here and there by a higsh soprano run on rattling maâ€" My dear Mother: I®am taking the greate in dropping these few lines know that I am getting 0o hoping that these few lin« vyou all the same.~ At night the war aspect becomes more realistic. Over a wide semicircle the star shells peer up over the horiâ€" zon, glow for a minute like inquisitiv/e electric light, then sink back into the darkness. Here and there the sky is splashed with a momentary red glow as the guns are fired. But is when one is tucked away in his blankets .and the bunk house noise _ (except the snoring) dies away, that a new sense A LETTH at Toronto At night more realis the star sh zon, glow f before sleeping time. Gr. H. E. Amoss No 39th. aBttery, 10th 3rd. Division, C For the past weex I have been working on some stables and bunk houses which the brigade is building and â€" am getting to be a real "old soldier." Some of the H. S. pupils would certainly smile coulld they see Amoss plodding slowly along carryâ€" ing a single board as if he were Atlas with the World on nis shoulders. I sometimes wonder whether .A shall ever again pace up and down the aisles with the old speed when I reâ€" turn. But I should worry. We are living in a large and very comfortably outfitted bunk house at the horse lines. A short distance back from the guns. Being a new man _ I have been placed on fatigue before be ing sent up tothe guns. A After much tramping _ back _ and forth from one headquarters to anâ€" other, we were finally located in our respective batteries, being again split up and separated. I and another chap were sent to the 39th. battery 10th brigade, 3rd. division, a Lethbridge outfit, 18 pounder battery. The next evening we returned to Harve by the mountain road which enters the city down a long flight of steps.. The lights of the city viewed from the top of the stairs, strikingly resembles the view of Hamilton from the mountain and‘looked cheerful inâ€" deed after living in darkened Engâ€" land. We journeyed three days and two nights per box car route to our destination. Though we were 33 in a car smaller than a G.T.R. box it was not half bad. We stopped once at Rouen at a rest station on the banks of the Sceine. The river here is heayâ€" ily burdened with barge traffic, in fact many families seem to live on moored barges as one reads of the river people in China. Pt. Rowan H. S., my successor. Mr. Crearer in the principalship â€" there and the former principal of the pubâ€" lic school, all privates going as inâ€" fantry reinforcements. LET O I FROM ROM JOSEPIH LICKERS IIS MOTHER alon little No: 342817 rmy SU to 9.30, lights out, will hunting to do ess: Reg. No . D. A. Lickers al Hospital, St mberwell. on inuary rigad« 1‘Oj on P 2s. to 16 on fin« LICKERS S W pleasure ) let you ine, and will find Office, Ingland 1917 1| BUT NoOW WE WILL SELL YoU BIG BUNDLES oF oUR GooDS FOR LESS MoNEYâ€"â€"BECAUSE WwE WANT To GET OUR WINTER GooDS oUT OoF OoUR STORE.: IT PAYS TO BUY PROM US AT ALL TIMES, BECAUSE WE ALWAYS SELL G@ooD STVFF AND CHARGE YOUJUST WHAT IT 1S WOR TH â€"â€"NO MORE AT ANY TIME. & YoU YET HAVE ALoONG TIME To USE AND ENJOY OUR SPLENDID THINGS To WEAR. CoME IN NoW WHILE YoUR MoNEY HAS A LONG REACH AND RlG oUT THE WHoLE PAMILY. y 4 3 T PAYS TO y THE INDEPENDENT, GBlk~gÂ¥, ONTARIO The well known eyesight specialist will be at my store, giving FREE examinations with his] advanced system. Come early as the last few days are usually busy. Hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily Evenings by appointment. Jeweller W eak muscles strengthened, headaches cured and‘cross eye in many cases straightened when glasses are worn which are fitted by this advanced method. This is truly a great opportunity to consult a specialist, whose reputation and ability are so widely recognized and no doubt hundreds will take advantage of Mr. Graham‘s visit to Grimsby during the next few days. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Thursday February ~ Ast From To spend 10 days in Grimsby MR. F. A. GRAHAM, of Montreal _ ¢ i Cagean oi 0e ... alte y 4 2N =rseAnrtre C eâ€" ns hy / ":" ' . ~<red '~;,_-'t’r'1.ég;§_ ."";:?:.f},-,-:_’:\;».é_ 7 / l l{l * “‘, E..‘v'f‘f.if.f-:ijd:ï¬%i Jz{flï¬. oo 4 VVMBP 4 Nienest oo Paa C NVW °* WIWADWHOGanmemcmmememenmnmunnnts Beware of canvassing impersonators as Mr. Graham does business ONLY at TUCK‘S JEWELRY STORE wrvin die wormmncconepmesien & M VERNON TUCK . C s K6 +s i6 CÂ¥ EMINENT "He looks into the Eve" GRIMSBY Mn‘ _ LCl 00000000 Becarve sns ar cms rec on sapetrerremerte acirecrumone omm ons e fggecnve wers e e amce ce 0 e Ee eE EY y P mewens P h 49 prag . . pgâ€"ag) W Men‘s Heavy grey ulsters, reversible collars. Regular $17.50. SALE 8 PRICE-..-..... a a e s e# a s e a e e e e a s a e 8 s e % ........o....-.slws Men‘s Chin_chilla overcoats, knee length, in navy. Regular $18.00. SALE PRICBK...:....:" i.i«.1«@<g«« slaruris‘s css¢r5kass«siss@lMnd® Hobberlin Chinchilla ulsters, grey, navy and brown. Regular $25.00 SALM~PRICH. .1 ... ; %%422.sea«r. an1%" a*©aor«sra«‘ss iss . s sIAdsOU SALMY~PRIOBR, :/. . .« 1i +i xÂ¥ star) zin sns n ans‘s s s sonce 6n Tweed ulsters. Regular $12.00. SALE PRICE........ Black and brown curl cloth coats, heavy with quilted lining, reguâ€" lar $17.50. SALE PRICBH....¢.:.:.e.Â¥rk.rthane. <ra@.rss.â€"$ld.P8 Fancy tweed coats, excellent $15.00 and $16.00 values, SALE Ten only assorted‘ coats, regular $12.00 values, SALE PRICE $7.98 Children‘s coats, sizes 3 to 6 years. Clearing @..............$1.69 Velvet coats, 6, 8 and 10 years. Upâ€"toâ€"date in every respect. Reguâ€" lar $7.00 and $7.50 values. SALE PRICE................$5.70 ANnQU: s varict! «rarurertrce. vavauea‘rs‘s oX k nn‘r s s> 6 0 6w Mink Marmot Collarettes. Regular $12,50. SALE PRICE. Black"Dakota Wolf Muff. Regular $13.50. SALE PRICE.. Black Dakota Stole. Regular $13.50. SALE PRICE....... Black Persian Lamb Muff. Regular $15.00. SALE PRICE Black Persian Lamb Stole. Regular $8.75. SALE PRICE. 25 Youths’z and boys‘ overcoats and ulsters. Regular $8.50 to $12.00. Clearing at the SALE PRICE of........................$5.00 Youths‘ Raglan overcoats in grey and mixed colors. Regular $12.00 SALE PRICR...:¢.:!!. 2 ....2..¢ll;1s.s x s chassessa s cacnded® Boys‘ overcoats, sizes 4 to 9 years.: Clearing @ $3.25 and.....$3.98 Natural Coon Muff, beautiful fur. Regular price $17.50. SALE c PRICH: :a N1 ?r. Tece c thgerrs n can‘s s ia."r sn rink ie s aras‘s s ns i dad Natural Coon Stole. Regular $12.50. SALE PRICE...........$9.98 Mink Marmot Mufis. Regularâ€"$12.50 and $10.00. SALE PRICE $9.98 rameet hi To Stole. Regular $12.50. SALE PRICE...........99.098 Muffs. Regularâ€"$12.50 and $10.00. SALE PRICE 39.98 Men‘s Overcoats Boys‘ Overcoats Ladies‘ Coats i aomacl FURS __ until Szuiï¬tday February 10th Optician x <*‘+%**+>4@veqd To in ha Nnenpaies ie eavas newsrormees ow creammnce .$7.98 $10,50 $10.50 $10.98 .$6.50 1 a § &