Postmaster Allan khas rcturned | to his duties after his illness with La €irippe. Alderman H. H. Marsh hag been confined to his room with La Grippe since Suuoay. Owing to ill healt} accompanied by, Mi visit relatives in several wmonths Hair combin Mrs. 1 GRIMSB Y For Saleâ€"â€"Cord wnood and stove wood, delivered in GRIMSBY at reaâ€" sonable prices, Write or ‘T‘hone to A, Wynne, ‘Phone 195 ring 23, GRIMSRY. Owing to ill health, Mrs, LePatourel accompanied by, Miss Dorothy will visit relatives in California â€" for TO.MORROW IS ELECTION DAY. CcOME OUT AND YOTE FOR THE BYâ€"LAW AND GREATER PROSPERI TY IN GRIMSBY. For Sale.â€"Fré years old, calf b C. E. Southward Smithville, Ont. Wantediâ€"A quantity barn. Will draw it my Andrew Yeager. ‘Pho Trimmed hats purchasea now wiil serve for the balance of this winter and next fall. Beautiful creations at half price and less. K. M. Stephen. For Saleâ€"Fresh cider and No. 1 apple butter. ‘Phone 106 r 4, or No. 4 O‘Neils Store. C. J. Crooks, Beamsâ€" ville. Lost.â€"â€"On Masonic pin Reward. Mr Pte. Tim Farrell writing from Bagâ€" land desire to thank the ladies of GRIMSBY for the parcel sent him for Christmas. He received it O. K. and Don‘t forget to ask for our cream Loaf Bread, also Chocolate Eclares, Cream Puffs and Rolls and a special variety of cakes of all kinds. S. Piott & Son, Grimsby Bakery. kA YOTE FOR â€" THE _ BYâ€"LAW MEANS THE KEEPING 0OF GRIMSâ€" BY AT THE TOP OF THE HEAP AS THE BIGGEST TOWN INX LINCOLN coUNTY. Mr. and Mrs. Ruttan returned home»e on the i6th., after spending two months with friends at Picton anu Peterborough, where they had a most enjoyable time. was Wood Sawingâ€"I am prepared to take jobs of wood sawing, of cutting feed, rates reasonable, Apply H. C. Beamer, ‘phone 238, GRIMSBY. Wanted:â€"A ‘sm years of age, w school education ing business. Wa start, Apply at Oflice, <iRIMSB Y Capt. Kent, of the 98th., writing tc the Welland Telegraph states that h and Capt. Robert Moxlsey, of GRIMSâ€" BY, have offered to revert to :2 or deliver it personally Cross sewing rooms an * The {GGirimsby Mountain Social Club have decided to hold their next mseetâ€" ing at Mr. I Southward‘s, on Jan. 20th, The ladies who have been sewing for the Red Cross, can bring their sewinz Electric light, bell and power wirâ€" ing,. Let me give you an estimate on your electrical work. We make a specialty of â€"wiring houses already constructed without wrecking them. E. E. Farewell, GRIMSBY,. ‘vhone 311 Wantedâ€"A good smart teen or fifteen years of a Lieutenant France. Sergt. .. Orlon Livingston, left last night for Ottawa, where he wily join Lieut, David Hunter for recruiting work in thke interests of the 236th Mcâ€" Lean Highlanders Battalion, at the Winter Fair now in progress in that city. After the Fair they will make a tour through GMengarry County and back into Ottawa for the ice races Lieut. Hunter will have charge of the party and Sergt. Livingston, will do the "spouting." C LEen or fifteen yeéars of age. with a good public school education, to learn the printing and newspaper business Wages right from the start. Apply a The INDEPENDENT Office, GRIMSâ€" BY. LOG AL ITEMS ims deligated with its contents of Interest in and Hround GRIMSBY inklin le. Out 11â€"A smart girl abou! age, with a good lucation, to learn the )n H witcneé â€"EFresh alf by h« in ordé itisfaction we ... CAoniiiaies valued as an heirloom Fell, Box 308, GRIMSâ€" ts ow e k \»:_',Jiv' 2 1¢ 0n ©"2 C 1 iyself NC tr rd¢ ilch side rl about sixtgeen _ good public arn the printâ€" cight from the INDEPENDEN‘ O v_ at the Main St. da h d I‘( 1y CO W VNl tarant mes y in Apply . Ting ., 16LIt Tast wilp join recruiting 2236th Mcâ€" LDppi‘y ring n )ver â€"to n t tn€ LO LT at O Sunday, January 21st, 11 a m.â€"‘in Christ Glorified."â€"Cor. 2.30 p. m., Bible Schoolâ€""First Disiples of the Lora Jesus." 7 p. m.â€""Christ indwelling the Beâ€" liever." Monday, 8 p. m.â€"â€" Wednesday, 8 p. Prayer meeting. Mr. and Mrs. ‘Lome on the 1l1t Colborne, Wicklc manville. They & mas with old tin and a most ple: New Year‘s Da Selina, on the C miles from Oshs Golden Text.â€"â€""J him, Follow Me." mont ofC M Cross. 4200( including " "tin whistle play it. E: be provided invited. ed in last weeks INDEPISNL listed just twelve months age 203rd. Battalion of Victoria Columbia, The Regiment we seas in July last and in © the deceased who had develo a â€"fine marksman . was to get into the firing line, as shooter and was killeq on t NDecember last. ed in la listed jn 203rd. E Columbi In Mr. Jacob Walters of GRIMSBY East, has just received a ietter from his son, ‘Pte. R. C. Walters, who has been at the front in France for some time. Pte. Walters is not in very good health. H# caught cold and has had a relapse, which develolped into a bad case of tonsilitis, He is also troubled with rheumatism and was sent back from the trenches to the base and final 1y sent to England. The season has @rrived . wLiou many people are looking for bargains in clothing. We are prepared to satâ€" isfy the utmost demands of the keenâ€" est bargain hunters. The more they know about clothing, the surer _ We are to satisfy them. We wish the law compelled every retailer to have an official ticket on every garme‘nt,stag- FARRELL.â€"At the parents, South Grimsby day, January 10th, 1917, age § years. 4 months, of J. H. and Mrs. F took place on <F‘ri cemetery, Fulton. R conducted the servic and grave. RYAN.â€" January v, Wilfrid RyY If there‘is one thing any more than another in the manufacturing . line that is badly needed. in GRIMSBY it is a moulding shop and to fill this vacancy in our industrial institutions the councill has arranged with the Metal Craft Company, provided the Byâ€"law carries, to build a moulding shop and add that department to their other business. R At the present time there is no shop and add that department to their other business. At the present time there is no moulding shop in GRIMSBY and the Radiant â€" Electric . Company, Bells Limited, and the Metal Craft Comâ€" pany, feel the need of one very badly. The Radiant Electric Company has large orders for irons and other elecâ€" tric appliances and cannot fill the orâ€" ders because they cannot get the cast ings as there is such a demand for castings all over the country. Bells Limited have an order for munitions and they have had great difficulty in getting the necessary castings. o Formerly the Specialty Manufactur ing Company supplied the necessary castings for the other manufacturers in GRIMSBY but since the moulding shop of that business has been closed Oh come all ye Snet THE CHURCHES 18 t MOULDING SHOP BADLY NEEDED , )od mus Excellent rr, Wn [N 100 O RIMSB Y ey spent a merry Christâ€" time friends at Wicklow pleasing and enjoyable Day with relatives i e m N R.:‘about "nink n 91 s. ~Greenwood â€" returne l1ith., from their trip t klow, Selina and Boyw BAPTIST nmy 1. Y4u and beliey 2 V BORX Nort) lall, in DIED to â€" Mr. daughtc Jesu mgs usby, on Wednesâ€" 1917, Rdanua Dorothy ths, third daughter Farrell. Interment riday at the Union Rer. Mr. Tompson icos at (the house id in September I developed into _ was selected line, as a sharpâ€" 1 on the 20th of m ve us, hne can freshments will ies Fveryvybody M pr repol 1] the %} rrived â€" when mome of Praise and O soeith unto MSB Y and in€ 1e with the British n norl O ni 0 My: en 11 le t pVCILLOOC. People interested in the success _of GRIMSBY manufacturing industries should vote for the Byâ€"law if it was only to secure a good moulding shop here for the benefit of all the indusâ€" trial institutions. g up the GRIMSBY manutactul had to buy their castings a points. es $2225.00 /A An article appeared in the INDEâ€" PENDENT a week or two ago which gave the present assessment of the Geo. S. VanDyke‘ property, . upo® which the Metal Craft Company proâ€" pose to build their new factory, â€" 45 two thousand dollars,. This wWaS mistake. The present assessment . Of the VanDyke property is ning hundâ€" red dollars. < A o f.. Hazel Dawn. the yvers Theatre on Saturday night "The Feud Girl." AN INCREASE Out in the cold and the rain, DOY® Out in a ghastly trench, _ Fighting for Britain‘s honour, Beside your brothers the French Over at home we know, boys, They try to make Christmas cheer But it‘s hard for them to be gay and bright ' When we are fighting out here. A. Wilkin, Grimsby Frank Tremblay, S Out in the cold and the rain, boys, wWe‘re bravely doing our bit; And our hearts go back to the onti at home Who are full‘ of the selfâ€"same grit Chasing ‘the vile foe down, boys, Through the smoke and the mist; Here‘s a game for the Christmasâ€"tid We wouldn‘t have willingly misge« John Hilts, Grimsby, William 3. Book, Grim Frank B. Johnson, Bea T WALL PAPER This means a BIG SAVING if you intend to. do any fixing up this year, it will pay you to Terms cash. No returns, no »>xchanges during this SALE. January Clearing Sale Greatly Reduced Price West King S You may pick any pattern in our CHRISTMAS THOUTGH] Big Stock Cloke & Son BUY NOW THE INDEPENDENT PAIL I ; IN ASSESSMENT OF OF AT n thvill LIST Ham satile young actress, W‘ t in that Dramatie Rom: nC€ in, boys Ded e new 144 a dollars. 1 be a bus _ Ared and Dec Dce Me. Dec red and thousand, e dollars ssment. )ec s have outside s QR[MSBY. proâ€"| BANDSMAN ALBERT BEEREâ€" as | Phe casualty listsg on Monday mornâ€" _aling contained the name of Bandsman . Of | Albert Beere, for many years a resiâ€" ‘“ndz mt of IRIMSBY. sandsmar Beere _}left for overseas as cornel . playetr ï¬ C| With the 98th. Battalion Band, but it § .“‘ not knovn here what battalion hne anaf{ "" sferred to in England in order to h,l .o to the front as a private. ~ anC Albert Beere was a high type _ of sang,| NSlishman, a carpenter . by trade Hlar: d a hard working, clean living pt _ |@tizen. He came hete about ten years sessâ€"| @80 and purchased a lot on Paton St., n of NOtth and erected a home on it, 1atet that §€]ling it. He built several houses in PE _ BCY LobAh : OS t d IL bide. ; 98th. 18 18 \A Business with No | Bad Accounts Euusmm ALBERT BEERE / KILLED IN ACTION t here as Cornet Player in th Band, after transferring rom 86thâ€"Pte. Charles _ Fisher Wounded. k Beere was about thirtyâ€" £wo or PC &?ree years of age and leaves w and three small children. M Beere and children went home to E) land on a visit last fall. B&ndsman Beere was a meli@ber the 44th Regt. Band and wWas y liked by his fellow bandsmen. He listed with Bandsmen Seaman in $6th Machine Gun Battalion, but tr: ferred to the 98th. upon its formati Seaman staying with the 8s6th. He was a member of Court GRIM BY I. 0. 0. F. and his death was ported on the very day that the stallation of officers for tue year § taking place in ‘his home iodge. 1 take a ty to hear and ncsig l gave their sympathy ‘the time « my little « PTE. â€" CHESTER David Fisher of Bea fied on Monday, that 98th,. battalion, had Any business which assures its owner that there will be no bad acâ€" counts is a business greatly to be deâ€" sired. From five to fifteen per cent. of the prolts of nearly every business is eaten up with bad accounts. In this connection we desire to point out that the business of the Metal Craft Comâ€" pany of Grimsby is one that has prac tically no bad accounts. Dealing entirely with hospitals and | institutions of that kind, the Metal] Craft Company have no bad accounts.! JOHN All accounts are paid and genera.llyi paid promptly. This is a point should| not be forgotten by voters when they| GAI go to mark their ballot on Thursday. The more that the â€"element of risk can be removed from any business| ‘ the greater are the cnances of success of that business, anag with the removâ€"| In al of bad accounts from the business of the Metal Craft Company, its| UupW? chances of success are greatly inâ€"! are y creased. s A d 101 ress. who illiam n ONTARIO take advantage of this : o heartily thank my mai nsighbors, who so their assistance an exte pathy for myself and time of the death anda‘f little daughter. 1 ailso th Jackson and Edna‘s so the flowers. * 0 CARD OF THANKS ained PAID UP L W. Neal. trim il i] remain Your appears SCOt t Wooistock ) € s at Moore‘s the â€"Mountain 1 H 11 )pportuni y friend ckheerfull nded thei oimat (Â¥ ril n . Grimsby Branch THE CANADIAN BANK _ _OF COMMERCE GEORGE BURWELL WILL HO ANX AUCTION SALE Interest at the current rate is allowed on all: deposits upwards. _ Careful attention is given to every account. Sm: are welcomed. Accounts may be opened and operated by m Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more pet drawalis to be made by any one of them or by the survivor, CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000 A topic which is just now a matter of interest in local circles, is the Metal Craft Company Byâ€"law, over which, more or less discussion is taking place, and to those who have the responsibility of deciding whether or no it is in the interests of a Greater Grimsby that the Company should remain here, the following facts may be of assistâ€" ance in fulfilling their responsibility to the Community. Headqu change but wh. view w made a which i the ma The Metal Craft Company commenced business in March 1915, and since then has made very satisfactory progress, so much so, that it was recently deemed advisable to reâ€"organize the Company in order to take care more effectually of the business that was being offered;, It was therefore decided to incorporate the Company, and at the presâ€"< ent moment the application for Charter is in the Hands of His Honâ€" our, The Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Ontario. / The Village is entirely protected as to the amount of the proposed mortgage loan, namely $6,000. When the proposed factory: is completâ€" ed, the value of the property and building alone will be worth more than the amount of the Loan, and when the machinery is installed the next day, no loss to the Village would occur. The Company have already arranged for three of the Chief Facâ€" tors necessary in the organization of a successful business, namely, the General and Financial Management, the Sales Management, and the Mechanical Superintendent, all of which departments are under capable hands. A To the V oters of the Villâ€" age of Grimsby Mi â€"The Metal Craft Company is the only company making a full line of hospital equipment in Canada, and there is a protective tariff of 42% per cent. on these goods coming into Canada from the United States. * £ The Community needs every reliable manufacturing industry it can secure; if it were not for the few industries we have in our midst with a weekly pay roll of over $2,500, do you not think that Grimsby would be a pretty dull place? o A few samples of the Company‘s products may be seen in the show windows of Mr. J. C. Marlatt, Main Street, together with a plan of the factory they intend to build in Grimsby, should the Voters conâ€" sider this undertaking as one of the stepping stones towards a Greater Grimsby, and show their confidence in same by carrying the BYâ€"LAW on the 18th. ipst. > (Advertisement) 1i m SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNTS SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O., LL.D. D.C.L., President f AIRD, General Manager. H. V. F. JONES, Ass‘t General Manager n W 0j n Burw Kemu \/T 0) on (Mr.) G. Caistorville, Ont QUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST n;q-mm | MCNEY TO WEDNESDAY, JANUARY io i}» SecGerSenQe n n slanQeafergeaiec§ecip® is the time to have your teeth extracted painlessly M One of our many satisfied patients writes as follows: My dear Dr. Cobb:â€" On May 24th last my wife and T had 8 or 10 teeth exâ€" an tr: we never had ~tecth taken out so easily.= Your offices are wonderfully â€" equipped and your description of them is not exaggerated in the least. What impressed most was the corrtesy and kindâ€" ness shown us by all your dentists and assistants. Your refreshments served without charge in your Japâ€" anese tea room were appreâ€" ciated. Yours truly. W act int, to _® > ~â€" nevel it NOW Waugh. Managel it ay GrIMmS8 n or 10 teeth exâ€" your offices. T right now that Cecfoop Fe+ 1C H its of $1 and ‘mall accounts mail. persons, withâ€" in Werner lars aAPP V aluators til fefe * LOAN 1%, Atl | Mae 00 up 00 up vfefedeipe ds 1917 U 9 loan old