Save your paper for the Red Cross eollectors. ‘ Wall case for sale, cheap. Vernon Fuck, GRIMSBY. Men and more men are wanted. Join the Mounted Rifles or the Mcâ€" Lean Highlanders at once. Come out on the 18th. and vote for the Byâ€"Law to loan the: Metal Craft Co. $6,000. retu iting Reeveâ€"elect A. D. Middaugh of Ssouth GRIMSBY, was a visitor in town on Saturday. For Saleâ€"A good violin. sell cheap. Apply to Fred Mogg the GRIMSBY Post Office. one | Vanl Falls AT h comil R. A aGRIM For Saleâ€"One White Wyandoite ©ockerel and pullet, Also guinea fowl for sale. Apply to H. Sreuer, ‘Phone 191 ring 13, Beamsville. weel The death occurred in delphia, Ohio, on Sund Sarah McCoy, mother. of McCoy of GRIMSBY, at t DY .Sergt. Hugh Whyte, returned on Tuesday from Winnipeg, where he spent the holidays with l‘is mother and sister. For Sale.â€"Fresh cider and No. â€" 1 apple butter. ‘Phone 106 r 4, or No. 4 O‘Neils Store. C. J. Crooks, Beamsâ€" wille. Mr. C. McCoy was suddenly called to New Philadelphia, Ohio, on Thursâ€" day of last week, on account of the serious illness of his mother. Wood Sawingâ€"I am prepared to take jobs of wood sawing, of cutting feed, rates reasonable, Apply ~H. C. Beamer, ‘phone 238, GRIMSBY. Wanteaâ€"Man for fruit farm. Must thoroughly understand handling korses. Apply to Mrs. M. Pettit, Winâ€" ona. The manufacturers who struck off the medals for the soldiers for the Town of GRIMSBY, also struck off six medals of the »same design, but with different inscription which they presented to the different members of the 1916 council. The Coat of Arms of the town is on one side and on the other the following is engraved. GRIMSBY Council, 1916â€"Reeve W. F. Randallâ€"Council, A. B. Bourne, H. H. Marsth,; CG. T. Farrell. and4. H. D. Walkerâ€"Clerk, C. H. Bromley. LOG ALk1IIEMS $p< 1.0.0 next atalls O In a@a recent issue of the INDEPENâ€" DENT, we reported Pte. Fred Bates, as kiled in action on Dec. 2nd. Mr. A. Crooks, of Beamsville, informs us that he has pust recently received a letter from Pte. Bates, dated in France on Dec. 12th. considering .O O su tic spel Hur The UI D w How do you like the snow storm ? Mr M Want U of Interest in and Hround GRIOSBY Mot wWno Notice P t m O1 eâ€"All members of the quested to be present vening,. Jan. 15th. Inâ€" VV D get ns a 00 0 b Dipper of Niagara . visitor in town last L1 epnon n wounded in France ting on fairly welli ture of his injuries O1 hundred ~A12 St. 1 n Lr1I OV of the INDEPENâ€" ks v;vith Mr. Jas. unded in France. # on fairly well n 197 day of Mrs. f Mr. Clinton the agoe of 69. )D€ mill Nev n 1V 1, 1otH bangus tary. LOn LT T‘ll ggach‘? t 0O D foT 1( O tr LvouT Will have after OI 11 12 ] n Mr. "Lev‘ Snyder while at work on a planer in Marsh‘s Mills on Thursâ€" day of last week, had the misfortune to get his right hand caught in the machinery with the result that he lost the half of the first finger on his hand and the top off his thumb. For Sale or Rent.â€"Fourteen acre fruit farm, all« sand; ten acres in bearing fruits, good buildings, close to school and street car, near Port Weller, For particulars apply to J. A. Johnson, R. R. 2, St. Catharines, ‘Phone $84 ring 4. * Underwear. â€" This has been scarce and difficult to procure but we now have all sizes in the different lines of ladies‘ and children‘s goods which we carry. Best values also in gentleâ€" men‘s combinations and other styles. K. M. Stephen. |Jas. A,. Watt, Vinemou: For Saleâ€"A rubberâ€"tired McLaughâ€" lin top buggy in perfect order, or will exchange for young cow milking. Also one general purpose filly, four years old, suitable for. fruit farm, and one goodâ€"work mare. _ Apply to L. L. Hagar, Paton St., GRIMSBY. tOO} of ( on | Cou . POTTINGER. MANAGER will be at GRIMSBY Station the first of February. Any person wanting to put in their order, call up two ring three, GRIMSBY. Price right. Also a twoâ€"yearâ€"old â€"heifer, due to calf in about two weeks, the making of . a nice young cow. Andrew Sturch. Reeve Fleming and Councillor Ran dall went to Toronto on Monday to attend the gathering of different mun icipal heads, who met the "Bonne Entente‘" party from Montreal at that point. On Tuesday the whole party visited Hamilton and toâ€"day they are at points in the Niagara District. Crying babies are the worst nusiâ€" ance in the world to a public speaker. Why mothers persist in taking little babies to public meetings and conâ€" certs is beyond our comprehension. At the recruiting meeting in Moore‘s Theatre on Friday night last there were times when the speaker of the evening could not be heard at the back of the theatre for the crying and squalling of tired, wornâ€"out babies who should have been home in their trundle beds. s Auction Saleâ€"Mr. Jas. A. Livingâ€" ston has received instructions from the landlord to sell by publicauction, on Friday, Jan. 19, 1917, two firstâ€" class meat blocks, one sausage maâ€" chine, one set of scales, one set of single harness, and other fixtures and furniture necessary to _A butcher shop. These goods are nelld for rent and will be sold without reserve in the Burland Block, GRIMSBY. Sale | at three o‘clock p.m. sharp. Termsi o at" Aaun"Ta« _ A: "Livingston, aucâ€" | AATENESTâ€" nbaie Mn m nc uen /20 1e ol ho T "Dec. 31,‘17 D. McIntosh, Vineland, TDiec. 31,‘16 Miss Winnie Sharpe, St. Catharines, * Dec. 31,/147 Carpenter R. G. Oln Mrs. A. C W. IL,. Woolverton, Thos Lucy B. Harlow, Ashcroft, compelled .every retailer to have an official ticket on every garment statâ€" ing exactly the proportion of . wool, etc., the garment contained. We bought very heavily of picce goods before the advance, and we are in @ position to sell you suits and Overâ€" coats at prices which our competitors cannot touch. All our goods we manâ€" ufacture in Hamilton, and we posiâ€" tively guarantee to save yox money. We are famous for Black and Blue suits. Ready made, or made to order. We give premium tickets. â€" Farrar Clothing â€" Manufacturer, 5 Market Square, Hamilton. % GRIMSB Electric li ind 1 ul 1 € PAID UP LIST N iter Bros., Fruitlanid, Nov. 10, Olmstead, Grimshy, Jan. 2, __C. Palmer, Beamsville, Pss Dec Chaadwick, Beamsvilie, BY Councill met‘ in the! Chamber at eleven o‘clock on morning. The Councillors Declaration of Qualilfication and then adjourned to meet ir session on Thursday night 0 C10C TSHO N W l O car of n NO € of North West oats Y Station the first person wanting to Grimgby )} Adl The w T C 11 int t1 10 rrIve x for 10OOT of t Dec. 31,17% Dec. 31,18 n Deb. 31n’ mol ul tO TO Dar I to ill J1, 174 when sains eenâ€" they we 16 18 17 Sunday, â€"January Christ Glorified." 2.30p. m., Bible S Baptist and Jesus. 7 pm.â€""Christ i Monday, 8 p.m., Wednesday, 8 John Young <and Geo, W. Nicholls spent Saturday and Sunday with D. H. Moyer, of Campden. 4 Special services are being held in the Baptist church during the week. Rev. Mr. Downs, of SmitLville, will occupy ths Methodist pripit on Sunâ€" Rev. Mr. Down occupy ths Metho day. The annual meet Agr. Society, will on Welnesday, Januatry 1i{, The Women‘s Institute ° a Social evening at Mr. Chas. Bartlet‘s on Wednes ing of this week, especia member is invited to attend B. Marshall of ritisn is spending a few months Golden Text: "Behnold the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the world." John 1:29. world." John 1:29. The public are cordially invited to join us in worshipping God at any or all of these meetings. Wind Storm Insurance Co., Toronto, reports a very successful years busiâ€" ness. William and Mrs. Martin, â€"Orlan and Mrs. Martin and family, spent New Year‘s eve with the formetr‘s daughter, Mrs. H. J. Nicholls, Sunny side Farm, Caistor. A Successful School Entertainment On Wednesday of last week the postponed school entertainment of Section No. 5 Caistor, was held in the School room and was largely attendâ€" ed by the ratepayers of the section. Much praise is due to the teacher, Miss Meagher, in training the scholâ€" ars and especially the stocking drill, by six little boys; also the flower drill by six little girls and the Caisâ€" tor Scouts under Captain Truesdaye. D. W. Nicholls filled the chair in his usual humourous way with the following programme:â€"â€" Chairman‘s address. Opening addressâ€"Morley Truesdaye. Chorus by the school. Recitationâ€"Lorne Marsnall. . Recitationâ€"Glenn Packham. P. J. Sutton, Grimsby, Louis Larsen, Grimsby, Mrs. Jas. York, Grimsby Harry Arnold, Grimsby, Oscar {jieamer, Grimsby, Jay D. Book, Grimshy Ea W. Webb, Beamsville, Recitationâ€"Leona Lusse. Addressâ€"Mr. J. Young.‘ Recitationâ€"Annie Daw. Recitationâ€"Lorne Snyder. Stocking Drillâ€"By six boys. Recitationâ€"Margaret Young Recitationâ€"Laura Lowden. Addressâ€"Geo. W. Nicholls. Flower Drillâ€"By six girls. Selectionâ€"By H. Asher. Recitationâ€"Joyce Packham. Recitationâ€"George Asher. Recitationâ€"Ross Snyder. _ Major J House of Commons Murrap A visit from beautiful Year‘s tree.. ua TIHE CHURCHAEIS d WALL PAPER This means a BIG SAVING if you intend to do any fixing up this year, it will pay you to Terms cash. No returns, no exchanges during this SALE. 11 16 West King St., 1 L Ww January Clearing Sale ID Greatly Reduced Price You may pick any pattern in our Big Stock )1 BUY NOW Cloke & Son God Save Bush, Cais Central Mutual . Walkerton â€" and m Insurance Co very successftual 11 three Murras 1 roof THE INDEPENDENT, GRIMSBY, ONTARIO Bible School 1011 meetingy of the Abingdon Ross Snydet want a lit ?AID UP LIST Hamilton, Rrar BAPTIST M LV ABINGDON al n s1 inta an Law Coon local OFâ€"â€" AT In ) p. W rl u t Mr. and Wednesday ¢ especially 0 14 )6 Otd h. {nam al Fi ind th little love from Sast, Kin U 11 Ccoutré Dec intford nloading the loaded â€" New in the John the pt a ton vill hold m n LO ~ i MEDALS PRESENTED 10 REâ€")[ 77 ifl\M TURNED SQLDIERS ‘FI Hall Mrs. venâ€" very uCc In 3] Patriotic Entertainment put on by McLean Highlanders was a Big Success in Every f W ay â€"~Moore‘s Theatre was patked to the doors on Friday night last, when the presentation of medals to Grimsby and North GRIMSBY‘S returned heroes took place, and the McLean Highâ€" landers held a patriotic concert and Recruiting meeting, The only thing that occurred to ma» the meceting was the nonâ€"appearance of agny recruits for either the Highlanders o r the Mounted Rifles. Ree acted Town a medals â€" Carter. who hal rounded medals and the: well as The speaker of the evening Y Rev. Mr. McLean, Chaplin cor the 23 and he gave the large audience cracking address on differeut subjs pertaining to the war. Mrs. David Hunte;y rendered two eX cellent solos in her usually fine style and received much applause for her renidition of Mr. W. E. Cullingford‘s new song "The Boys of tht Emprie." Mrs. D. Ramsey Sime vresided at the piano. 10 loud appl suita D1] Parker number The following boys are to receive medals:â€" Lieut. Hunter will hbe in this district for another week working in the inâ€" terests of the McLeans and all young Scotchmer should join up with him. Lieut. &. Johnson. _ Lieut, J A.â€"M. Livi Sergt. Chas. Macii Sergt. Thomas Th Sergt. iTugh Whyts Bugler, Thos. Clatrk Bugler "Ty" Summ Bugler Harry Wart Pte. Fred Pressy. Pte. Jose Filce. PTE. PERCY BARR.â€"Mr. C. E. Barr received word on Wednesday forenoon that his nephew, Percy Barr, formerly of North GRIMSBY, was killed at the front on Dec. 20, 1916. Percy enlisted at Victoria, B.C. He was about cighteen years of age. An elder brother Willis Barr is also at the front. PTE. CHARLES WILCOX, DEAD. â€"The sadâ€"message ot fhe death of Pte. Chas. Wilcox was received by the family at Beamsville Wednesday morning. The message states that he died in France at Clearing. Station and the cause of his death is given as bronchial pneumonia. He was 22 years of age. No further particulars were given. Pte. Wilcox enlisted with wound wWhich a s back to duty. On | cially reported boot." He went ay B. Co. 98th battalion and was stationâ€" ed in Beamsville with the Beamsville Detachment last winter. TROOPER G. H. HILLIER, of the Fourth Canadian Mounted Rifles, who some time ago was reported missing, and who later was announced to be a prisoner of war, is now listed "Still missing", a mistake having been n made at Ottawa. Hillier was a Beams ville boy and enlisted with "B" Squad ron, 2nd Dragoons in November, 1914. remé GRIMSBY W. C. T. U. met at the home of Mrs. B. Cooke on Tuesday 2nd inst. Mrs. B. Smith was in the chair. The programme was devotional Mrs. Brownlee gave a Bible reading n Lieut. Robson Liddle. Lieut. G. A. Russe!ll Ross., Lieut, A. E. Rimmer. Cabt. Robert Mansfie‘:d. Bandsman Wm. Blamey. Pte. G. A. Barrett. Pte. Wm. Banwell, Pte. George Gregory Pte. Wm Lickers. Pte. Robert Robson. Pte. A. Slinn. Pte. Wwu. Michacl FMurley Pte. Wm. Chris. Kewley. Pte D 0 A A b bl PJ reco ning to the war. ve Fleming of North GRIMSBY ind O. is LTf David Hu O1 rees belo he surface t) uU tand NORM A ch d alrman. indall â€" «C Townsh Ptes. Ha: itts the ‘ACIIA} the low W. . :C. U. 1ITl be 1€ rtC T Tl n tely immerfield 1p wa 4 10 on â€" beha in pres« altiti 11 111 vingston zie. 10mas. ner I n<emento from a in thisg district. rendered two ex sually fine style Ot n t through 1 with the 98th rmed ct talian 1 HI cording ted wa nd gonc 4o mMLCS perature ve miles was tCc ind 0 take inâ€" 1¢ EOE EOe iinn = The Largest Dental in Buffalo. Five Lady Assistants. 2 commmmnommmnmmmmmomnuonmonmeemmmennmmenemeomtmtnttnn Grimsby Branch THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE JOHN AIRD, General Manager. On Morn( Methodist Rev. W. K lames. of The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Farmers every facility for the transaction of their banking business, including the discount and collection of sales notes. Blank sales notes are supplied free of charge on application. S54 CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000 To the V oters of the V illâ€" age of Grimsby A topic which is just now a matter of interest in local circles, is the Metal Craft Company Byâ€"law, over which, more or less discussion is taking place, and to those who have the responsibility of deciding whether or no it is in the interests of a Greater Grimsby that the Company should remain here, the following facts may be of assistâ€" ance in fulfilling their responsibility to the Community. The Metal Craft Company commenced business in March 1915, and since then has made very satisfactory progress, so much so, that it was recently deemed advisable to reâ€"organize the Company in order to take care more effectually of the business that was being offered. It was therefore decided to incorporate the Company, and at the presâ€" ent moment the application for Charter is in the Hands of His Honâ€" our, The Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Ontario. The New Company is being capitalized at. $40,000, the shares beâ€" ing $100 each, of which over $16,000 has already been subscribed for. This means that the Company has a sufficiency of capital to carry out its programme of expansion. â€" 4 ; ng qivV Cacn, oOr wWhicnh This means that the Cor its programme of expan For various reason Headquarters of the Co change in the ordinary but when this was lea n mortgage loan, nameiy $6,000, When the propoSsea I@aclOrPY I5 CUINPICLâ€" ed, the value of the property and building alone will be worth more than the amount of the Loan, and when the machinery is installed the next day, no loss to the Village would occur. The Company have already arranged for three of the Chief Facâ€" tors necessary in the organization of a successful business, namely, the General and Financial Management, the Sales Management, and the Mechanical Superintendent, all of which departments are under capable hands. , s The Metal Craft Company is the only company making a full line of hospital equipment in Canada, and there is a protective tariff of 42%, per cent. on these goods coming into Canada from the United States. The Community needs every reliable manufacturing industry »it can secure; if it were not for the few industries we have in our midst with a weekly pay roll of over $2,500, do you not think that Grimsby would be a pretty dull place? _A few samples of the Company‘s products may be seen in the show windows of Mr. J. C. Marlatt, Main Street, together with a plan of the factory they intend to build in Grimsby, should the Voters conâ€" sider this undertaking as one of the stepping stones towards a Greater Grimsby, and show their confidence in same by carrying the BYâ€"LAW on the 18th. inst. (Advertisement) i] Dr. Arthur B. Cobb, 368 Main St. here to stay. It will pay you to call dental office in this part of at N â€"_â€" MARRIED Morday, Dec, 18th, at dist C:urch, Winnipe W.Knowles, D. D., 3, of HBfiam, Sask., to es, of Kenora, Out. Annie Sturch o# GRJ d work AJ tt D FARMERS‘ BUSINESS Do SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O., LL.D., D.C.L., President ort tiis was those i1 onosition 11 Best Crown and Bridge Work, $5.00 Per Tooth,. AÂ¥ W i. in D intel n1 Instrumer t1 1y WHITE DENTAL OFFICES y course, woui( irned. the Reer ) call, as we NA irt of the Stat« 111 n 1y 131 1t 00 w n v ad y W t, VUur I d, and ilo that W WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1917 om isidered advisable to change the i Grimsby to Hamilton, which 1d have taken place on Jan. 1, last »ve and Councillors, in an interâ€" formation of the New Company, he lines of the proposed Byâ€"law, tion. Having carefully considered Company decided to accept the C. P. Hawkey, North Grimsby, A Dec. \. E. McLeod, North Grimsby, J. A. Mismer, North Grimsby, Junre H. V. F. JONES, Ass‘t General Manager putat10 uring t e the largest and best equipped ten skilled operators constantly nk Flood, Windsc Pewster, Grassies,, O O Eliiott, Toronto, . L. Waugh. Manager 1CC Ou1 acti ie amount of the proposed posed factory is completâ€" alone will be worth more machinery is installed the No Pain on for nonesty & the past 20 year ep our promise Vote nita Jinner Y numerou way of painless exâ€" i does away entircly ie oldâ€"fashioned meth pulling, jerking and css breaking the teeth. svystem the gums are or The Byâ€"Law W l ith ODONTUNDER, tooth is gently loosâ€" laid out, absolutely ain. ODONTUNDER s. You can have your nainlessly and new omnmI W C 1( runity G I¢ U 1t im Cu sor, O1 oD in 0 In n Dec Dec Dec W woOu 0 uU ttin onâ€" the ich > BI BA * BJ *91L 31 30,‘17 ‘18 17 17 17 17