Apr. 10 Jan. 10 FTeb. 1 Mar. 11 May 27 W. A. Patterson, Collector, balance of salary and post J O Konkle, constablo fee.... ..:.....l...r0......%}.. ayni. H. VanDuzer,; Fence Viewer....... ............. © Tolhn H. Walker, Foeonce Viewer...:.. ;........%..... morne Book, Fence VIieWEOr...... ......%.... AllXk..s ; H. C. Kelson, Assessor, salary and postage........... . Members of Council and Committee fees............. July 8 Clerk, fees Anderson drain.... ..........) ........... i Clerk, second quarter s â€"salatry...}.....,.4.%. i./% 2o + % Members of Councilt and Committee fees......"..... Aug. 5 Members of Council and Commiltee fees....,......... Sept. 9 J.:0. Konkle, constable ‘fee‘ ..........%...%...Â¥yg.s. f Members of Council and Committee fees...... ....... Oct;;: 11 Selectors of: Juror®s.......", ... WVR MA I Y Hika se o 14 J.; 0. Konkle, telephone and constabe fee............. Members of Council and comimittee foees......\ ..... ' @lerk, third quarteris.salary...}... ;};.... ..l.k../..... 258 T. W. Allan; postage and British Red Cross......... .. Reeve and Clerk, expenses to Toronto re drainage byâ€" Council and: Committeo fees....:.y,.:.4k.?....}. ‘k4isid.l. Nov.; 13 Collector. ... Interest, half Dec. 15} Collector.... Coltector.:;;.. No Dec Nov. 18 No Dec. 15 No {} The People‘s Paper Au Oc M : Jut Financial Statement C North Grimsby f« | fyf : TERMSâ€"Subscribers in Canada $1.50 per year if not paid in advance. In United States Advertising rates n arpgpli}camion. ‘ Telephone 36 10 30 18 THE INDEPENDENT Legislature Grant Public Schools... Legislature Grant Public Schools. Mrs. R. I. Cox,; taxes 10915....;~.... Note discounted> Bank of Hamilton Note discounted Bank of Hamilton Note discounted Bank of Hamilton Note discounted Bank of Hamilton. Grimsby Village share of school de Section No..5,,1915......, ...... ./. Grimsby Village School money S. S. No County: Treasurer, arrears of taxesi.... Government rebate Scale and Yellows J. 0. Konkle, telephone and constabe fee.......... Members of Council and committee fees......\ .. @lerk, third quarteris.salary...}... :};.... ..!l....}. T. W. Allan, postage and British Red Cross........ Reeve and Clerk, expenses to Toronto re drainage Councit and: Committe@ fees.....}...%.}".:.....l..... CGleck revising Voters@ Lists....;:......".%...... .. Méembers of Council and Committee fees.......... W. A. Patterson, Collector on account of salary .. Reeve, expenses to Toronto, Hydro Convention .. Dr.. A.. D. Mrs. M. W w.. B. Rus Sale of Dr Collector, ba Interest half Government Legislature C Legislature â€" Mrs. E; "I; C NORTH GRIMSBY 1iGHTER DAY Total. Just a glance as you go about your work tells how well things are going in your Lighter Day Coal P ange. White Porcelain Enamel and Nickel Finish. Booklet, fully illustrated, on request. the Handyâ€"height Oven. o No opening the Clearview Oven Doorâ€" and jarring the good things before the are done. JUST A GLANCE JAS. A. LIVINGSTON, Owner and I. ORLON LIVINGSTON, Editor. For Sale by JAS. A. WRAY, Grimsby, Ont . . Wagg, taxes 1915,. . W. Weaver, taxes 191 iss." 1 _IrCC. . .....""""%% .. alna MAIN STREE Railway frant Pu Som &A iwblished every Wednesiay \ & 2eal Salaries and Allowances COAL RANGE debs EXPENDITURES HEN you can see things wWoOr No bending to look into b a ] "lare Bro:s NC a urk O 1 1 L.'Iarblelnibl.l- .0.0......0.'.0.$ mmittec fees.}.............. 5-..... e e e ce e e e e e a 0 4 e e * + e a e o ommittes: fees.....w2...%.%‘% . 4 e...... l....'....l.. 6 e e e e a e e er........ € e ce e e e e e e e e cb e e e e e a ommitteaco : fees..;.......24a.lr... ommittee fees::;............., 18 gone. far the hool debentut emeL..sil‘s . [.2 .. csvaid sn d(« sw Ver...'O. C.O.".OO\'.ICO..'. y and postage...........f.,. Amittee fses.......:.l!......%. [‘y.o-i__'i_--“’..uqbg-ooo_of‘lluo;..' mmlttee fees... * *«‘ ’,o_.-oâ€ootbA nmittée fees....;.........,..,. imittee fees,..... ....2%l.... constabe foge...,;:..:...l.;.l.. mmittée foes......>} ....1... ish Red Cross............., Toronto re drainage byâ€"law nmittcee fees............‘.... n account of salary......;.. S~HMHyAro" Conyention . ; .;.... imilt, war GRIMSBY, ONT. P § & Co. Limited, Preston O wh y llows Inspection 1ew 6 m n alf the a Y N0 V edl Manager Established 1885 Township of 10 1915 £ AdLV Al YeEaT agCo ‘i~‘.$44238 2. $2.00 per n advance. 1003 28 500 00 30 :70 16000 00 3789 00 1000 1000 1000 1000 1900 1709 2000 1000 ) U 044 119 140 589 ~{0() 11 16 18 68 57 16 68 24 21 16 6) 99 68 6 6 00 10 00 16 30 00 90 00 + 6y 5 00 0 67 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 e> 00 36 | , Chazity 001 Jan. 10 R. Asquith, srocéeries, T. Wilco®...... .. 001 J H. Gibson, coal, T. WilcoX..‘........ 00 | ~â€" Grant Sick Children‘s Hospital.....;.. 00 13 Mrs. Wm. Betts, grant loss of Pig........ 00| Feb. 12 R. Asquith, groceries, T. Wilcox family 00 | H. Rayner, 50 lbs flour, Mrs. Betts...... 00 | Dr. Millyard, half attendance zm Wilcox. . 75| 12 â€"F. E. Russ, wood, Mrs. D. Bubmham..... 00 Dr. Gesner, attendance L. Wilcox....... 00| Mar. 11‘ J. H. Gibson, coal, T: Wilcox}........... 60 | J. H. Gibson, coal, Mrs. Bak....:"...: 05 64 00 00 00 09 00 00 00 66 00 00 00 y € 1 € ) | | _ Municipal World, 6 copies..... ...... l_Feb. 12 Municipal World, election supplies.. â€" i Apr. 16 Municipal World, suppliecs.... ;...... May 27 Municipal World, supplies... ....... Sept. 9 J. A. Livingston, on printing contract J. A. Livingston, printing notices.... . Oct. 14 ‘Municipal World, suppliecs..../........ 28 J. A. Livingston, printing British Red Nov. 18 Municipal World, supplies.... ...... Dec. 15 J. A. Livingston, balance on contract a Loans and Notes Paid Dec. 15 To retire notes, Bank of Hamilton. ... . Jan. 24 Members of Board:.....~...0..:../4...., Apr. 10 A. 0. Bowslaugh, Sanitary Inspector..... Toxin in Cyringe form....l....};..,..2l .. Members of Board, two meetings.... flce . May 15 A. O. Bowslaugh, Sanitary Inspector... July 8 ‘A. 0. Bowslaugh, posting notices........ Dr. Alexander, attendance at convention A. O0. Bowslaugh, Sanitary ‘Inspector... Sept. 14 Members of Boatrd.... ....s..}y.s.2.e2 .. A. 0. Bowslaugh, Sanitary Inspector.... Nov. 23 A. O. Bowslaugh, Sanitary Ingspector.... lléc. 11 Members of Board....:.. YR i...... 2... A. 0. Bowslaugh, Sanitary Inspector..... 15 Dr. Alexander, salary, M. H. Officer...:.. Aug. Sept. Dec Dec; 15 sept Dec. : 15 Nov Oct. Feb. Apr. May O Jan. 10 Jul y Jan.: 10 Jan. 13 $5000 Note discounted due Dec. 1 $1000 Note discounted due Dec. Sept. 20 $1000 Note discounted due Dec. 30 $1000 Note discounted due Dec. 1 Oct. 18 $1000 Note discounted due Dec. 23 $1000 Note discounted due Dec. Jan.: Dec. Jan. 10 Ma A u2 M a y DI D #9 14 18 15 â€" R. 10 A; 2 1 ) & 0 11 #Q Canada‘ Crushed Stone Co., 52 tons 44 inch s D. B. Ducker, 25 cords stonce, $2.25.......... Frank Hurst, Eastern Road div............. Stewart Walker, Western Road div.......... Oscar Beamer, 144 rod snow fence...... .... Mrs. Garr, 45 cord stonce at 50 cents per cord Oil Park Road, County ‘Treasgurer......,..... Brantford and Hamilton E. Ry. Co., 32 yards Hugh Kelson, cement tile....../....... .... wWwentworth Quarty Co., accoumt.......â€"...,.. T. Jd: Fatrell, drawing gravel.........,;",;... Douglas. Bros., 200 rod snow fence.. Grimsby Beach Co., hauling gravel.. Brantford and Hamilton Ry Co., 32 y Stewart Walker, Western Road div A. Blanchard, 70 rod snow fence.. John Monaghan, 122 snow fence.... . Corwin, 89 snow. fence.... ...... Exeter Manuf. Co., 1 culvert.:.....;. Frank Hurst, Hastern Road div..... Stewart Walker, Western Road div. Frank Hurst, Eastern Road div..... Harvey Hurst, Hastern Road div.... ‘w. B. Russ, olling Park road../%..,. .. Stewart Walker, Western Road div. . Frank Hurst, ERastern Road div.... . Mrs. Geo. Garr, 22.2 cords stone, $2 Stewart Walker, Western Road div. Wentworth Quarry Co..... :...y... Hamilton Bridge Co., steel Smith B1 Hugh Kelson, on account Smith B Frank Hurst, Eastern Road div..... Hugh Kelson, balance on Smith Brid Hught Kelson, file.....: .:...sMs... Stewart Walker, Western Road div.. . Clerk, war stamps.... .l.l..... W.ki«s . Clerk, fourth quarter‘s salary.,.. ..... Members of Council and Committee fees Charles Book, A. W ; McetcalH Schools E. G. McCallum, Treasurer S. 8. No. 1, Leg. Grant David Allan, Treasurer S. 8. No. 3, Leg. Grant.... W. H. VanDuzer, Treasurer No. 4, Leg. Grant.... A. W. Metcalfe, Treasurer S. 8. No. 13, Leg Grant.. Walter Hopkins, Treasurer S. S. No. 5, Leg. Grant William Kemp, Treasurer 8. S. No. 6, Leg. Grant.. Grimsby Village‘ 8. S. Noik2i..... S.wWill.skssl...... School Section No. 5, debe Billington Drain debenture School Section No. 83, debe School Section No. 1 deber Treasurer South Grimsby Henry Hillier, supplic Municipal World, 6 cc Municipal World, elef Municipal World, sup Municipal World, su Frank Hurst, FHastern Road Division.... Grand Trunk, freight on car of stone. ... Geo. Crain, tfile for Park® road........... Frank Hurst, 1 Count} Canada Ingot Provincial Treasurer. . Fran k D. 1j K. uiT TK Al T. Hunter, Scale Inspector. ... H. Kemp, Scale Inspection ... .. T. Hunter, Scale Inspection . .. H. Kemp, Scale Inspection. ... T. Hunter, Scale Inspection , ... 1HALUFPSL, Ducker, Wilcox McConachi Treasurer, County. Hates Inspector Sastecrn Road divy.. ... County Rates Iron Stationery and Printing egal advicé...... Roads and Bridges ern_ Road divs. ... rd stone at $2.25 J ie running crusher In Road div.::.... ‘estern Road divy.. Scale and Yellows Board of debentu: debenturd fees, Drainage Debentures debenture & Law Costs W 1) Interest aJ on contract and notic now YX culverts AX Ience . ence.. fence d div. Health No Red Cross 1915 . rds ston per corgq CS $ "LliIL 88 139 93 §$2& 0 $5065 70 $1518 47 $9388 0,;:000 00 $031 62 $136 78 115 $1: $130 116 $366 553 00 553 00 105 00 542 40 44 79 415 20 $59 00 367 289 186 § 95 28 80 54 93 .49 20 00 486 48 56 265 518 S( 267 10 00 68 75| 30 00 20â€" 00 | 60 90 56 64 23 10 00 14 80 20 10 18 16 88 86 81 16 1 14 10 19 ) € 14 €9 t» t €) 0 60 00 02 09 «D c 00 60 80 L3 B »a 57 47 00 00 00 «) 00 €) 26 79 14 00 00 50 (} 00 50 00 88 97 3 00 O( (6 00 00 00 20 0 4 00 00 80 08 00 05 00 04 10 96 60 80 00 90 60 80 70 «3 MJ a) Office over Phone 215 GRIMSE + ’LAZIER & â€" LAZIER, BAKRRISTERS, f Soliciters, Notaries, etec. Money to loan at lowest rates, O ffice, "Spectator iBuiIding,†Hamilton. E. F. Lazier. H. L. Lazier. July 5 ~A. T. Hunter, Scale Inspection...... Aug.. 5 R, H. Kemp, Scale Inspection..... A. T. Hunter, Yellows Inspection.. ;Sept. 9 A. T. Hunter, Yellows Inspection.. R. H. Kemp, Yellows Inspection.. ‘Oct. 14 R. H. Kemp, Yellows Inspection.. Nov. 18 R.â€"H. Kemp, Yellows Inspection.. | A. T. Hunter, Yellows Inspection .. Jan. 10 Hamilton Cataract Power, Light ant Feb. 12 t sys T5 â€" Ad $ ApI‘.‘ 15 J C s 66 66 66 May 27 66 66 43 € July- 8 ¢ 6 § 66 66 6 Aug' 5 66 66 6 € A € Sept. 9 66 46 66 6 Oct. 14 ~Hamilton Cataract Power, Light a1 - and sSeptember.... ......;.}... Nov. 18 Hamilton Cataract Power Light and Dec' 15 66 66 66 66 lJan. 10 {Feb,; 12 v@ *A i':l-j gmamuereapey. E. H. Lancaster Noteâ€"One of the firm will be at the Hotel Grimsby, Grimsby, every Wednesâ€" day from 1.30 te 6 p. m. Salaries and Allowan Stationery and Printi Ww COstS.... ...... County Rate 1915.. . KRKoads and Bridges.. Chafity..":~ 2. i.«‘ ... interest..":.. ‘., ... Debenturés..:.. .. }.. mehnools..; ... .. .. .. Board of Health.. .. Scale and Yellows. . .. iightingi.: .. ... ... ‘wJang and Notes Paid iscellancous.. .. .. raingger.. .. ;.;... .: Apr. 15 May 27 OFFICE HOURS Ofmed M PDcec.: 15 De Room 40 Federal Life Building, Main and James Sts., Hamilton, Ont. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Barristers, Sol 25 Ontario St. _A Lancaster, Ofhcesâ€" Money tc L. F. HAN Henry Carpenter DR. W.A. BROWNLEE _ GEI.TIS 1 OFFICGCEâ€"STEPHEN BLOCK Lc e en o00o0reine veronrantromrnoenrnrnnemepnnn on e avenemrrerpoenrremsareg etemmromparmaeencreminronremmammernntirstrenn 7 Kat â€" Aas â€" + der: 11 y Rate I913.. ....%. Aand Bridges.. ..... EUurfes.."‘;. ~1/1."¢... of Health.. .. ;.... anid Yellows.: . .. .... na;} 0 .s s $s *Cie m aisal s‘ s ione 'ax. *# M BC GRIMSBY, ONT Grimsby Villag .‘ I". VanDvVkt L1 BUSINESS G4LRDS 2 I 11 () AER, Reoy Gil¢:tol DENTAL 121 * t M.MQ Aa I V LEGA L ASSETGS Coction No ruIt . F arm nd DTC A & &ndad â€"bpeams urrent rates. IT@IiS i}ldin MPBELL . & LA N mcal O t &*"J MIES m * & ( UI otal Notary | BReamsvil IT CCCN Â¥* €7 ander ari€s, etfc. )ATHARINES H. Campbell, rent of Hall Division Court. epalts toâ€"crusher....,......, tist. H $41431 Limited, Drainage. l1ipment 10000 0 2881 4 £* ‘‘~ FKebd. & Matr C 64 . 56 ApIIl... 66 66 66 ; MaY. s s ary * f JUne :. . 66 66 66 July- aag wer, Light and Traction Co., Aug. wer Light and Traction Co., October AH Q 130 2566 98L 7 318 4 248 8123 O O ( t} £d ONT Miscellaneous 190 1 € NDlle 1i(TC t Drainage Lighting j f : TAght and Traction Co., Dec...$ £* & ts January . i £* "~ Feb.: & Mar 5 668. £f April ... 66 66 66 MaY. y goe & g/ June ... 66 66 66 July. s ; v & 70 04 ty 09 6 3Q 4 0) U Civil and Mining Engineers YTLand Surveyors, Officeâ€"7 Hughsor St. South, Hamilto® Telephone 1095 James J. McMay McKay, McKay & Webster Telephone 4766 607 Bank of Hamilton Ghambers â€"â€"_W. B. CALDER Valuator for The Hamilton â€" Provident and Loan Society Insurance and Real Estate i 1+ Marriage License Issued County Rate.. ..".. .. Collector balance galaty.:"..;.. ...% Assets 0ver Liabilities. Bellg‘ Fruit Farms Limited yro Byâ€"law.. .;...; ...; Ssouth Grimsby‘s share School Section No. : 5 Debenture.. ..~.}. ... Taxes Uncollected.... .... Receipts and Expenditures 43 TLIORAIL . ..A . . 604 Interest on Above.. . Arrears of Taxes, 191 10916¢;"* @3 â€" io ‘l" J. W. TYRRELL & CO. Jn JAS. A. LIVINGSTON, Auctioneer and Valuator § MGNEY TO LOAN OHN B. BRANT DOMINION LAND SURVEYORS ONTARIO LAND SURVEYORS CIVIL ENGINEERS â€" TlV AUCTIONEER real ICIat CGuG Traction Co., October tt November mink! ‘[ 6 $11665 37 THOS. W; ALLAN, Treasurer. LAND SURVEYOR MISCELLANEOUS {} Smithville. Ont. William G. Webster rimsby, Ontario. estate security. Both and Company funds and V aluator. Loan LIABILITIERKS nmnveyvanCcer, ASsSI@AECE HAMILTON, ONT oremmins miesinc ante un ce en meng s F . x ETN B9 o TR EOOE Ernest G. McKay urrent TCO of $11665 $1320 93 SD3N 1196 $981 2802 $490 $813 36 30 25 00 80 00 24 15 23 18 100 00 50 00 25 00 536 100 00 458 4 00 100 00 2 00 9 QC 1 00 1 00 200 00 11 25 L1 16 18 16 80 18 20 71 40 72 90 44 40 9 60 35 35 4 00 50 00 35 08 29 43 Arc» 68 50 00 9 Q 68 68 26 68 68 1e 68 68 10 69 €p 40 00 40 6y *» 10 00 17 50 24 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 % â€"O00 ates J 00 710 00 08 3 ( 099 €) (» 34 50 00 50 6) *» S