Grimsby Independent, 18 Aug 1915, p. 7

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LE th Main St. West Telephone 77), HAMILTON We have the experience to dis- cuvc'vr the extent oi ayestrain and the ability to make glasses to cor- rect, It. Any or all of these disagreeable symptoms may be corrected by use of glasses, geientifieallv n ade and fitted. Little défecte grow into big defecter. Neglect is sure to cause regret later. All other Contractors' Supplies work _ Frowning, seeing double SYMPTIOMS OF EYESTRAIN Headache Smarting, burning,watering eyes Dininess Type blurs when reading .r Squinting in bright light nervousness when doing close £1.82 J. Ihn Contractor': Supplies Lime for Spraying Phonu,---3r3 r DON'T RUB YOUR EYES Pumps, Oxfords, Sandels, Lacrosse Shoes and Polish of all kinds Going fast at Popular Prices. It will pay every Ihrifty man or women to give me a call. Chiropractor MOUNTRIN ST. - GI For Men, Women and Children 12$:ng St. W., HAMILTON fii supvvovvvvwt,vvvvt,vvunuvvvvvvvii' llflHlllls, E. N'llfil3lllil Fuuvtir'b%tlr'tVb'li'lptvtir'tNtttr'ipvlpMtpr.t We have a tirst-elagt, power spraying outfit. Give us a chance to show you how quickly and cheaply we can do your Spraying. . _ We are prepared to do any concrete job, small or large, on shortest notice and ata very reasonable price. Get tlt to give you a pace. F. E. Russ Phone 288 A. Arnfield Ile rt. BULL Chronic Nervous and Female Troubles a Specialty There's Something Needed Besides a Rub WEDNESDAY, AUGUST L8,i816 The Season's Best 2:30 to s 6 to 8 Other Hours by Appointment Consultation Free Weddings, Receptions, At Homes and Entertainments Supplied Next door to new Post office Manufacturer of Wedding Cakes, Ice Cream and Fine Candy Stylish Shoes J as. Crawford MOST PROBABLY EYESTRAIN Lime, Portland Cement Plaster Paris, etc. Plastering Hair Mortar Color A Lath BOOT REPAIRING A Specialty. Concrete Contractors Lunch Counters Caterers Km Office Hours SPRAYING Confectioner R. R. No. I. GRIMSBV mm m: . , Hamilton " m: sat De not GRIMSBY A 'lu Iptv Miss L. Monsinger. .. ’Miss Gurney. . .. .... l: Van.Dyke.... -o.. JMiss Florence Taylor Miss M. L. Henry. . . . Mrs. G. F. Ross ,.... Mrs. Thos Walker... Mrs. M. Davis.. . .. Edgar Farewell.... ' J. G. TenEyck..... . Thos. Smith.... .... S. E. Elvins ...... C. Burland ......., C. H. Walker ....., Doris Bromley ..., Mrs. Glass ........ W. S. Softley ...., D. Henry .....qq.e Harvey Cook......, Mrs: Hill .q.......a Mrs. David Crow . .. Miss Irene Crow . . . TE. E. Jenner . . . . . . Mrs. Burgess. . . . ., ‘E. Lorge.... .r.. 3Henry Ji'lood.... .. Mr. and Mrs. Rutan Mrs. W. W. Hiltt.. ‘R, Wilcox ... .. Mrs. Usher.... .... Mrs. Eater ... ..". Mrs. Wm. S. Barnes Mrs Mrs Mrs B. J. Croft .........'. H. Walker....., Two. Men '..'.....'.. W. R. Dickson ....... Mrs. Wallace Bromley Miss Hand "d""'. . Mrs. T. B. Jenkinson' . ‘E. ‘D. Cowell .:....... Geo. Sellers ......... Mr. Wm. Bolton . . . . . Mrs. B. Smith....... Mrs. Nettie Whittaker Two Friends ........ Mrs. P. Farrell . . . . . R. H. Fleming ..q.... Robert Gordon . . . . . . P. J. Sutton .w....... W. L. Tenny ........ James Wheeler ......, J. C. Tillotson ....... Mrs. A. R. Fisher . . . ' M. E. Forman .....q, J. H. Formal), Jr.. . . . Annie Brook. . .. . . . Mrs. Oekenden. ' . . .. Ir“ P. A. Dickson .... Mrs. Pottfrreer .... Ronald Lewis Bull C. W. Holcombe . Friend .'........ Ed. Farrell .... .. Mrs. Thos. Flood . [E H. Culp................., J. C. Marlatt '..'........... Ransom Hagar...........:. F.E.Patterson ............a M.Fi_tch .................... Mrs. J. Harris ............. Miss Dorace Farrell ........ Miss Donahue.... .......... Mr and Mrs. A. B. Butchardt MissrA.E.Chambers ........ Harry Anderson............ I. Monsinger .'............, Friend........ .'.......... Chas. Phillips 'o............ Mrs.H.Johnson 'o.......... Mrs. Wright "".".r.....o.. L. Ockenden 'o'............ Mrs. Geo. Neal '..o......... Mr. Waugh "m.......:....... Girls, Bell Telephone ....... h i Lame 10 g St. &rthapihes il,,, Aug. 20-21 and Miss Thomas . and Miss Thomas Ottaway. . . . - _ _ Friday CRIMSBY LADIES (Continued from page I) Promoted by the Advertising Department St. Catharines Standard AND 50 i 0 50 50 50 50 50 Saturday 50 50 30 M) 50 50 50 50 50 00 A) 50 50 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 ,00 1 00 l 00 l 00 l oo, t 00] l 00 l 00% L tirl " 00 L 00 . 00 . 00 . 00 _ 00 . 00 00 00 00 00 00 I 00 l 00 i 00 ( 00 00 00 00 g 00 1 00 j 00 l 00 " 00 l 00 1 00 l 00 .',, 00 j 00 J 00 J 00 J 00 , 00 I 00 I u) 0 A friend.. ... A friend.... . Mrs. F. James Mrs. A...... Friepd.... ........ Mrs. Fisher.. .... Mrs. Elmer Book., Mrs. Moatz.... .... Mrs. M. Farewell... Mrs. E. J. Machian Mrs. Hagan... ".. Miss V. Teaer . . A. D. Mackay.... . Friend.... .... .. Miss E. Gilmore... S. J. Cocks.. .. .. Mrs. E. H. Norton. Friend.... ..... . Friend.... ....... Mrs. C. Walker... Mrs. Plank.... ... Mrs. Smye...... .. Friend. . . . . . Friend. . .. .. Mrs. Kennedy Mrs. Meggs. . Mrs. Seaman. Friend... ... E. T. Zimmerman Mrs. Sutmerfield., Mrs. S. Stewart. . .. ... .". Mr. Tucker.... .. ‘. .... Mrs. Wilkin.) .. z . . . .. .. A friend..... ......... .. Dorothy Smith. . . . . . . . . Mr, and Mrs. Johnston. . . Mr. and Mrs. R. Johnston Mr. and Mrs. C. Tufford. . A friend.... ...s ...'... Mrs. F. C. Hi1tz.. . . ..... Mr. W. Soutlrwe1l. . .. . . . . Mrs. Burwerr. ' . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Copping...... ..'. . W. R. Gosling..., .m.. A friend.... 'or..... . Atriend.. . .s... .... Lee John.... .'.... .., Mrs. Soule.... .... .. E. Marlow..... ....... A friend.... ..r.... ... 'IH. Messett ... ..... . ‘R. Shannon.... ....... A friend.. ..... ..._. o. Dennis.. .... q.. " Mrs. Ferguson.. ..q. . P. Graham.... .... .. Muriel Page.... .'... . Miss Oakes.... .e.. .. Mrs. Theron Woorvertcn John P. SWeét. __... ~. Mrs. Vernon... I'.. .. Mrs. Vernon..,.' ..... A friend].... '.... .... George Denison.. ... .. Edward Denison...-. ___ A friend... q Miss Wilcox. Martha Rutta Friend. . . . . . Mrs. Shepherd (Mrs. Christie. . . . (H. Pooley. . .. , .. ILillian Copley. . . Mrs. Hamilton, . _ M. Durham... . .. Friend.... ..... Friend.. .... ..- Mrs. Dodge. . .. .. The Kelson Twin J. Stanizewski. . . . Mrs. Greenfield. . . Mrs. Gray.... ... Mrs. H. W. Sharp Mrs A. Swayzie an Phillips THE INDEPENDENT, GREESBY, (magma TNinilhl DOLLAR DAYS I .oe'r6eoooooooooeoooooooeooooooooooooooooeooooooooooo,t "eooooooo'eoooooooooooooooooooooi 25 25 9 O 25 95 9.5 25 i.40 25 25 30 30 W*WWWWWmeW IO M sol Anniversary services of the Methe- dist church will be held on Sunday, Aug. 15. Two very interesting games of soft ball were played on the grounds on Thursday night between Abingdon and Fulton. Fulton won; and on Friday night between Abingdon and Wood- burn, in favor of home team. Steamed Corn Breach-1 cup mo- lasses, 2 cups sour milk, 2 cups corn meal, 2 cups flour, 1 teaspoon salt, 2 teaspons soda. Steam 2 hours The Twin Dollar Day Merchants of St. Catharines invite you to St. Catharines on these days. We are preparing liberal showers of bargains for Twin Dollar Day Shoppers. . Summer goods in all lines will be cleared at Dollar Day Economy Prices. , ABINGDON l (Too late for last week) "‘ l..on Friday evening last, the officers fof the fall fair met in the hall and after some routine work, it was decid- ed to hold a Patriotic Pair, when all contributions and profits above ex- penses will be donated to the Patrio- tic Fund. They also decided to start a general campaign to raise a ma- chine gun, by holding a grand Patri- otic garden party, in the near future, when a number of prominent patri- otic speakers will be present with a first class comedian entertainer, and good music. Watch for further notice Let everybody take oft their coats and help in the good work. Mr. and Mrs. A. Snydéf'Ev'iEit‘eH'in GRIMSBY over the week end. Sent: yqar gddress and amatt Red Batt anu 1v1rs. Wm. Houser. Mrs. Jacob Upper and Mrs. Wm Houser went to Hamilton Saturday. Mrs. Mitchell and children left for their home in Toronto on Monday at- ter spending their holidays with 'Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Houser. Mrs. Roland Hill and children visit- ed relatives 'mfmitl1vtr11e on Thursday . ad: Mark from in: or up end of- carton and We will mail yr: he]: of so assorted Fruit Jar Lat, ~printed and gunned ready to put V the jars. Miss Belle Kennedy has returned to Hamilton- after spending a couple of days with relatives in this place. Mrs. Robert Warrander of Hamilton visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Ross, on Friday. Miss Hazel Wismer of Vineland spent the week end at Mr. M. Bradt's. The ladies of Smithville are request- ed to meet at the home ot Mrs. C. H. Snider on Friday afternoon at 2.30, to sew for the Red Cross Society. Miss Annie Schnick has; returned from Lynndock after a month's visit with relatives. Mrs. C. H. Snider and children are visiting relatives at Toronto. Misses B. and i. turned home after a at Burlington Beach Mr. T. Martin and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Martin motored to Caledon on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. R. Wade and family of Weston have returned home. Mrs. W. W. Camp of Stratford, is visiting at Mr. E. Oill’s. Miss Nora McPherson of Hamilton is visiting her parents here. Messrs Schnick GirTrimns, have gone to New York for two weeks' holi- days. _ Smaller amounts Fred Grim Nligs Has; Miss Adair Mrs, Berrt'es Tota S‘by Beach total Helene . Hon. Sec ll SMITH VILLE and I. Morgan-have re- ST. ANN S nm Him Shy Ede two weeks' visit Hospital plies Glut " 64 10 Orange Frosting.--1 lb. frosting sugar, juice of 1 lemon, Juice and granted rind of an orange. _ Banana Ftl1ing.----Chop 2 bananas with a little pulverized sugar and lemon. Juice. Raisin Filling.--1 teacup sugar and a little water, boiled together until brittle when dropped intp cold water. Remove from stove, and stir acickly into the well-beaten white of one egg. Add to this 1 cup of ston ed raisins chopped fine, or dates, figscor nuts. Caramel "sci).---? cup sugar and 1-3 cup milk, boned together until it hairs, add 1 teaspoon butter. Flavor and stir until thick enough to spread on coke. _ tine 1 pound of the _whites of 7 sugar. Mix well paper. Sift su quick”. Pancakes-l clrp flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1 egg, 1 cup of milk. A pancake should not be very thick, but perhaps itlmay require a little more tiour. Fry in butter, in a hot frping pan. 3 eggs. Dark part same as white part, use yolks of eggs and , whole egg, 1 tablespoon each of cmnamon and cloves. _ Marble Coke----! cup butter, 2 cups sugar, 1 cup milk, 3 cups fiour', 1% teaspoons baking pawder, white ot 1, 2, 3, 4 Cake.--,., cup butter, 2 cups sugar, 3 cups flour, 4 eggs, 1 cup milk, 3 teaspoons baking pow- der. This 's a most useful cake aslt can be varied in so many ways, at one time Caraway seeds may be add ed, at another a cup..of currants or raisins or some Citron peel, or some melted chocolate. Date C.ake.--u2ream together 1 cup brown sugar, % cup butter, 2 eggs, % cup warm water, 1% CUTS flour, with 1 teaspoon soda in flour, 1 lb. chopped dates, Ye cup English walnuts (chopped), 1 teaspoon vanil- la. '. V Spice Cake-l cup butter, 1 cup Mixture.-; lb. dates, 1 cup brown sugar, 1 cup hot water, cook well and put between cookies. %, cup butter, % cup lard, % cup lard, % cup milk, 1 teaspoon baking' powder, Roll, bake, and put mixture between. Date Cookies.---: cups rolled oats, Hd cupg flour, l cup brown sugar, 2 teaspoons baking powder. 'Pi1lirsg.r--1 pint milk,' 1 egg, piece of butter, 1 dessertpoon cornstarch, 1 teaspoon vanila, 11/; teaspoons sugar Macaroons.---BIanch and Credm Cake-l cup sugar, 3 des- sertspoons melted butter, 3 eggs beaten light, 4 desserzipoons boiling water (last), 1 cup flour sifted twice lea Ualre---% cup butter, 3 cups fiour, 3 eggs, 1 cup Currants, % cup sugar, 3 teaspoons baking powder, h"cap milk. Bake in a long pan. Split and butter. Cut into squares. 'o0ns.---tilanct1 and pound wound of sweet almonds. Whip s of 7 eggs. Add 1 pound ix well. Drop on buttered Sift sugar over and bake HINTS AND HELPS fllll MINES . Biscuits.---) quart f'rour, a little salt, 2 heaping teaspoons of baking Powder, butter a little less than the size of an egg. Mix well together, and add enough sweet milk to make the buscuit. Do not Toll out, but. drop into ‘hot buttered tins, bake in a hot oven. 0f a walnut, mix or stir , in 1 kitchen after mixing Bread-Nix 2 tablespoons sugar and 2 tablespoons of fiour in a cup of water with chill off'. Crumble up 1 yeast cake in it, and put in a warm place, Pour 1 pint boiling water on 1 pint milk. add tmtoe gm cup granulated sugar, 1 cup butter (scant). Bring these to a boil and cook five minute", when cold add two cups flour, 14- teaspoon salt, 9%; teaspoon soda in flour, lil teaspoon ginger, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, IA tea- spopn cloves, tiasor with vanilla. Bake in slow oven one hour and a quarter. Shrewsbury Cake.---; cup butter, 3 cups sugar, 1% pints' flour, 3 eggs, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1 cup milk, 1 teaspoon rose tfavoring. Cream butter and sugar, add eggs one at a time, beating five minutes after each, add ttour and baking pow der sifted, Bake 40 minutes. Silver Cake.-iu"tes of 6 eggs, 1 cup milk, 2 cups sugar, f-3 cup but- ter, 4 cups flour, It tcaspoon salt, 2 teaspoonsrakipg powder, 1 teaspoon almond extract. Cream butter and sugar and add atlernately the milk and fiour mixed with .salt and bak- ing powder, then the extract, and stiffly beaten whites. Beat well and bake in loaf pan in moderate oven. _ Hot Water Sponge Cake.---? egg yolks, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup fiour, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 2 teaspoons hot water, 3 egg whites, 1/; teaspoon salt Beat the yolks until lemon-col- ored and thick, add sugar and con- tinue beating, add flour mixed and sifted with baking powder and ‘salt, add hot water and whitey'of eggs "stiffiy beaten, and lemon juice. Bake 40 minutes. WW, 3 teaspoons baking powder, 5,4 cup milk, 2 cups seeded raisins. 11,5 cirps eurrartts, 1 cup Citron, % cup candied orange peel, 14 cup brandy, 3 egg whites, If., teaspoon salt. Mix as batter cake, adding fruit last, bake in buttered and papered tins for one hour in moderate oven. Imperial Cake cups sugar, 3 e firor, 3 teasnoor Boiled Cake.---) brown sugar, 1 pint flour, 2. tea- spoons baking powder, 1 nteaspoo eahc ot caraway and corrriander seeds, 1 teaspoon each extract nut- meg, cinnamon and ginger, 1 cup milk, sift flour, sugar and baking powder together, rub in butter, add milk, seeds and extracts. Mix smooth into. a batter, bake in patty tins tor ten or twelve minutes. a'.+Ft4eoaseo6eeq+reeeeotr"i cup currants cup butter, 1% yolks, 2% cups

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